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Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

The Keynote Speech at the 2006 ASLA Annual Meeting and 43rd IFLA World Congress, Minneapolis,
Http:// USA, October 7, 2006. Reprinted ( with extensive editing) from Conference Speaker Summaries.
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Position Landscape Architecture

The Art of Survival

Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

Abstract .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7

1. The Land of Peach Blossoms and the Origin of Landscape Architecture as an Art of Survival ......................................... 8

2.The Loss of Land of Peach Blossoms: The Challenges and Opportunities for Landscape Architecture. ......................... 12

2.1 The First challenge: Can we be sustainable? .............................................................................................................. 16

2.2 Who Are We? The Challenge of Cultural Identity ......................................................................................................... 18

2.3 Why We are Living: The Death of Gods ....................................................................................................................... 20

3. Recreating the Land of Peach Blossoms In A New Era: The Mission of Contemporary Landscape Architecture ........... 22

3.1 Why Landscape Architecture? ..................................................................................................................................... 22

3.2 How and Where: Strategies and Approaches .............................................................................................................. 24

3.2.1. Recover Landscape Architecture as the Art of Survival ..................................................................................... 24

3.2.2 Value the Vernacular: Back to the Authentic Relationship of Land and People .................................................. 28

3.2.3 Landscape Leads the Way: The Negative Approach — Landscape as Infrastructures for Urban Development30

4. The Art of Survival in Practice: Contemporary Landscape Architecture Meeting the Challenges ............................. 32
4.1 Urban Growth Pattern Based on Landscape Infrastructure: The Taizhou Case .................................................... 32

4.2 The Floating Gardens of Yongning River Park: A Landscape Responding to Floods ........................................ 34

4.3 Value the Neglected Common Culture and the Beauty of Weeds; Zhongshan Shipyard Park ................................... 38

4.4 The Productive Landscape: the Rice Campus of Shengyang Jianzhu University ...................................................... 42

Summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 46

References .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival


Figure 01 There were, and still are, numerous rural Chinese villages that can be
described today as Land of Peach Blossoms. They are the product of thousands of
years of trial and error from our agricultural ancestors. They were described by the
Kongjian Yu, ASLA westerners as poetic and picturesque, places where people and spirits are in harmony.
(Photo,Yu, K.J.)


China is now at an age of reshaping the rural and urban landscape.

Urbanization, globalization and the spread of materialism have provided
the opportunity for landscape architecture as a profession to address the
following three major challenges and opportunities in the coming decades:
1) Finding solutions to the energy and environmental crises; 2) regaining
Abstract cultural identity and; 3) enhancing our spiritual connection to the earth.
The significance of landscape architecture as a profession in dealing with
In a new era of multiple unprecedented challenges imposed
these worldwide challenges is comprehensive in its scope, examining the
by the processes of industrialization and urbanization,
complexity of natural and biological processes, cultural and historical
landscape architecture is now on the verge of change in the
influences, and spiritual components.
world and especially in China. It is time for this profession to
take the great opportunity to position itself to play the key “Landscape architect is the profession of the future”, to quote IFLA president
role in rebuilding a new Land of Peach Blossoms for a new Martha Fajardo’s comment in 2005. The future of the profession is hopeful
society of urbanized, globalized and inter-connected people. and it is in a unique position to deal with the landscape as an agent for
In order to position itself for this sacred role, landscape positive change. This future will be ours only if we are prepared.
architecture must define itself in terms of the art of survival,
To address this challenge, this paper will focus on answering several basic
not as a descendent of gardening. The profession must re-
questions of where landscape architecture is headed today. These questions
value the vernacular of the land and the people, and lead
include: What is the current era and what are the challenges and
the way in urban development by planning and designing
opportunities that landscape architecture currently face? What is the mission
an infrastructure of landscape and ecology, through which
of contemporary landscape architecture and what is its goal? How can
landscape can be created and preserved as a medium, and
landscape architecture take the leading role in addressing the major
as the connecting link between the land, people and our
challenges of our time? What are the strategies and adjustments landscape
architecture should take to meet these challenges? And what are the
strategies that landscape architects can utilize to fulfill this mission?
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

03 04


Figure 04 A Feng Shui master was on hand to select suit-

Figure 03 Da Yu was able to make friends with floods and made wise use able sites for buildings. In any sense Feng Shui was the
Figure 02 4, 000 years ago, in the Yellow River Valley, one of the thousands of
of the land to build a city and make fields for crops. Because of his art of survival and might be described as pre-scientific
natural disasters? a flood and a land slide - took place, and buried a whole
achievement, Da Yu was made the first King of feudalist China. The art of “landscape architecture”.(Drawing,unknown)
village and its inhabitants. At the very moment when she was being buried in
survival was the king’s art of land planning, design and stewardship, and
the mud, a young mother protected her baby child, and raised her head, reach-
the origin of landscape architecture.(Drawing,unknown)
ing toward the sky, calling on the Gods for help. (Photo: Xia Z.K.)

1. The Land of Peach Blossoms and the Origin of Landscape described in the 1933 novel, Lost Horizon, by British writer place, and buried a village completely, taking all of its
Architecture as an Ar
chitecture Artt of Survival James Hilton. inhabitants. When a mother was being buried in the mud,
she protected her baby child, raised her head, stretched
There is an ancient Chinese story about the Land of Peach Since we have experienced such harmonious landscapes,
her arms, and was calling the gods for help(Figure 02). This
Blossoms, told by poet Tao Yuanming (365-427A.D). According we believe that there were and still are numerous rural
god Da Yu, a deity who was able to make friends with floods,
to the story, the land was discovered by chance by a fisherman Chinese villages that can be described today as Land of
began to use rules and measures, and made wise use of
who was traveling with a boat along a stream framed at both Peach Blossoms. They are the products of thousands of
the land to select a safe place for his people to build a city.
sides by blossoming peach trees. At the source of the stream years of trials and errors of our agricultural ancestors. Natural
Da Yu became China’s first King (Figure 03).
and behind a hill hid the Land of Peach of Blossoms. This land disasters, including floods, droughts, earthquakes, land
was a well-cultivated basin with paths and ditches, surround by slides, soil erosion, as well as the experience of field making, This was the origins of landscape architecture, combining
lush forested hills and connected by a single narrow cave. In irrigation and food production, has taught our ancestors to the art of survival and the leadership of the king.
this isolated utopian landscape, a community lived happily as a be able to create and maintain the Land of Peach Blossoms.
It was this king’s art of survival and land stewardship, which
family, where the elderly are healthy and the young are lively. It was the skill and art of survival that has rendered our
evolved through thousands of year of trials and errors, that
The strange intruder was treated with great hospitality as their landscape productive, safe, beautiful and meaningful (Figure
helped the disaster -torched Chinese people, select the safe
own brother and was entertained with wine and bountiful food. 01).
places for their settlements, making fields that keeping soil
This land was never to be found again when the fisherman went
4,000 years ago in China’s Yellow River Valley, one of several without being eroded, divert water for irrigation, and select
out of the hills and returned to the city. This is, in essence, the
thousand natural disasters of floods and land slides took right plants for food production (Figure 04).
original story of “Shangri-La” a mystical, harmonious valley
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

0 5 a 05b 06a 06b

1860 Figure 06a,b The art of foot binding, a celebrated practice to make
1600 937-978 women more desirable. The practice lasted more than one thousand
years. It was said to be have been started by the last emperor of Nan
Tang Dynasty (937-978 A.D), because his favored concubine had tiny
feet, and all other concubines and daughters of high rank officials and
1911 nobles were encouraged to bind theirs as a kind of primitive cosmetic
Figure 05b The Grand View Garden, The fake “Land of Peach
Blossoms”, was the first target burnt down by the invading west- surgery. This art then flourished until the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in
Figure 05a The “Land of Peach Blossoms” by an artist depicting the Grand ern armies in 1860. It symbolizes the slow decay of feudalistic 1911. The art was seen as a twinned with Chinese gardening and was
View Garden built in the 1600s in China’s last feudalist dynasty, the Qin. It China, a period which ended in 1911 when the last emperor was equally enjoyed and celebrated among the intellectual classes. Natural
was also named “Garden of a Thousand Gardens”. The basic model for forced to abdicate. (Photo, Yu, K.J.) “big feet” were considered inferior and marked a woman as belonging to
each of the individual gardens was “Land of Peach Blossoms”, which con- the peasant class.(Source,Xin Hua)
tained villas, pavilions, streams and bridges, exotic flowers, strangely
formed rockery, and was surrounded by manmade hills. What was miss-
ing in this phony Land of Peach Blossoms was authentic productive fields
and natural processes.(Courteay Yuan Ming Yuan)

Unfortunately, we did not appreciate the real

vernacular landscapes of Land of Peach Blossoms,
because it is belong to the lower culture, the common
landscape of surviving and food production, and is
associated with hardworking and inferior.

Instead, for two thousands years, the elite class of

nobles and emperors recreated the fake Land of
Peach Blossoms for pleasure making using
ornaments, false rockery, which has been honored
as a high art of “gardening.”

Ironically, this art is nothing more than accelerating

the decline of the feudalist Chinese empire. In this 06b

sense, the art of gardening is no more than the art of

07 Figure 07 The false rockery in Liu Yuan, a typical Chinese garden in
foot binding which was so much appreciated by the Suzhou, listed as a world heritage site: a highly abstract and fake Land
emperors and nobles (Figure 05a-07). of Peach Blossoms in a “bottle gourd”, enjoyed by Chinese intellectual
nobles.(Photo,Yu, K.J.)
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

Figure 08a,b The art of civic decoration is now

flourishing but is an extension inherited from the
decaying art of Chinese ornamental gardening.
This is often combined with its Roman and Ba-
08a 08b roque counterparts.(Photos, Yu, K.J.)

Figure 10a The rendering of Beijing’s CBD: the grandeur of tomorrow’s
city. (Source,Beijing Planning Burean)

This decaying art of gardening was recognized as our

glorious tradition and our national identity, and highly
regarded by current western and Chinese scholars alike.
It is also seen flourishing, and mixed the ruins of Roman
art, in the national wide movement of city beautiful, and
“garden city ’’campaign (Figure 08a,b).

On the other hand, when we try to build our city or

“tomorrow’s city”, by takeing mature trees from the
villages, diverting streams from farms. When we build
new skylines, we are destroying the actual Land of Peach
Blossoms (Figure 09a-10b). 10b

2.The Loss of Land of Peach Blossoms: The Challenges CBD

Figure 10b The actual CBD of Shanghai: A dentist’s tool
and Oppor tunities for Landscape Ar
Opportunities chitectur
Architectur e.
box (Photo, Yu, K.J. )

The role of agriculture has declined in China’s urban-

centered economy, along with the skills and the art of
agricultural cultivation and stewardship. This process
began with the classical scholar garden art from Figure 09a-c Sacred Feng Shui trees in the formerly productive and pictur-
thousands of years ago, and has now spread to civic art esque countryside were dug out and transplanted to beautify the city. (Photos, Yu,
K.J. )
and landscape design. Land design, once the king’s art,
has descended into the realm of the trivial. We see
flowers. The grave yards of our ancestors have been leveled precipice: there exists the danger of losing ecological
thousands of landscape architects compete for a tiny
and their remains abandoned or removed to the planned integrity, cultural identity and historical heritage, while
piece of land in the city. Simultaneously, our mother rivers
cemetery. Ponds in font of the former villages have been filled, there also exists the great opportunity to create a new
run dry and polluted, underground water continues to
and whole villages have been wiped out and replaced with relationship between the land and the people in the current
drop every day, and in the north, sand storms are
glorious exotic stylish walled community. The meandering era.
affecting the area’s arable land.
country roads are being replaced with six-lane motor ways
Along with the processes of urbanization, we are currently
Each year, the processes of urbanization and and a Baroque axis (Yu and Li, 2003, 2005).
seeing the disappearance of the Land of Peach Blossoms.
materialization lure 1 percent (approximately 13 million
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Chinese began to work The present era marks one of globalization and the spread
people) of the Chinese population to abandon their Land
toward city beautification campaigns, in line with the “new of materialism. This has brought three major challenges
of Peach Blossoms and rush into the city. This process
socialist countryside” campaign launched by the central and opportunities to the profession of landscape
has expanded urban boundaries and encroached on
Chinese government. This has placed Chinese landscape architecture in China:
agricultural land (Figure 11a,b). The sacred Feng-shui
forests have been cut and replaced with ornamental planning and design again at the forefront of an important
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

12a 14

11a Beijing 1984 11b Beijing 2004 ?

20 1984-2004 Figure 14 The predicted urban population in the next few years.
Figure 12a How can we sustain this?: China seen from the satellite. A “brown
Figure 11a,b The sprawl of Beijing over twenty years (1984-2004).
field” with little green, a land being torched by numerous natural and man-
made disasters.

2.1 The First challenge: Can we be sustainable?

The first challenge is China’s deteriorating environment and

ecology. At the heart of this matter is Chinese survival and
sustainability on the earth (Figure 12a,b).

65 percent of China’s 1.3 billion population will live in cities

in the coming twenty years (the present rate is 40 percent).
Two thirds of the 662 cities lack sufficient water, and not a
single river in the urban and suburban areas runs unpolluted.
Thousands of dams criss-cross nearly all rivers in this
12b 15a
country. More than ever, the broader population is exposed
to disastrous natural forces, as demonstrated by China’s
Figure 12b The land in China is just like an over laden horse (Drawing: Liu, Y.) Figure 15a The material and energy consumption in China in terms of
numerous floods and droughts each year. In the north,
percentage of the total consumption worldwide.( Source: World Statis-
desertification is in a crisis situation. Each year 3436 square tic Review of World Energy, 2005, BP, etc.)

kilometers of land is being turned into desert, and this figure

is increasing each year. At present, the total area of
desertification accounts for about 20 percent of the whole
country, and each year there are about 5 billion tons of soil
erodes into the ocean.(Jiang and Liu , 2004; Zhao, Huang
, Yang and Guo , 2004). Statistics shows that in the past 50
years in China, 50 percent of the nation’s wetlands have
disappeared, and 40 percent of the surviving wetlands have
been polluted (Chen, Lu and Yong, 2004). The under ground
water level drops every day. In Beijing for example, the
underground water over use is 110 percent, and each year
Figure 13 The chaotic land and misused landscape: The outskirts of
the underground water level drops by one meter (Figure
Hangzhou, once known as the most beautiful city in China and a para-
12a-20b). 13 dise on the earth. (Photo: Yu, K.J.)
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival


Figure 17a-c Sand storm in Beijing and across

17a 17b northern China.(Source, Xin Hua)

15b 15c 15d

Figure 18 New developments take over pro-

17c 18 ductive land.(Photo, Yu, K.J.)

15e 15f

b 70 CCTV Figure 15b-f Where does the steel and cement go? (b) The CCTV tower with
250 12 its 70 meters of overhang, is expected to consume 120 thousand tons of
steel which is about 250 kilograms per square meter. This will cost almost 10
10 c 2008
times as much as an ordinary office building in China;
5 500
(c) The Beijing 2008 stadium, the “Bird’s Nest”, is expected to consume a
17 total of 50 thousand tons of steel, about 500 kilograms per square meter,
d which is 17 times as much as that used in building the Sydney Olympic sta-
e-f dium which was considered outrageously expensive at the time;
1600 (d) Square paving, one of the typical out-of-scale urban squares being built
in almost every Chinese city;
(e, f) River channelizing and damming: few of the rivers across China have Figure 19a,b The Dragon King (the symbol of
not been channelized with concrete and dammed. The Three Gorges alone floods) tamed: trying to control the floods and
consumed 16 million cubic meters of concrete. (Photos, Yu, K.J.) tides using concrete and heavy engineering
projects is an ugly folly. Even Hainan Island,
China’s paradise, is surrounded with a high con-
19a 19b crete dike.(Photos, Yu, K.J.)

a: b:

Figure 16 a,b Cars in the water and boats on the ground:

a waterlogged street in Beijing after a storm, while at the Figure 20 a,b Cities are decorated with expen-
same time, the former wetland in the Grand View Garden sive and intensively maintained exotic ornamen-
lay dry. All of the storm water was drained through pipes tal plants, and the native vegetation is com-
to the ocean while Beijing used all of its allotted under- pletely wiped out because it is ordinary looking
ground water, and more (110%). This caused natural wet- and not seen as exotic. (Photo, Yu,K.J.)
20a 20b
land to dry up and is making the land sink by one meter
16a 16b each year.(a:Source, Xin Hua; b:Photo,Yu, K.J.)
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

There are economic costs to this environmental destruction. China’s rapid and often chaotic socio-cultural transformation
While the GDP growth rate in the past twenty years is that started in the 1980s is causing a crisis of national and
impressive in most of Chinese cities, the annual loss caused cultural identity. Traditionally, Chinese national identity was
by the environmental and ecological degradation is now based on the feudalistic social and political order of the
between seven and twenty percent of the GDP. This equal dynasties. In fact, when we look at the architectural hallmarks
to, or even higher than, annual GDP growth (Guo 2004). of China even in 2006, most items listed as national and
world heritages are products of feudalism, the imperial era,
These are all by products of China’s double-digit GDP
and the scholar-official culture. While we do not deny past
growth rate and the nation’s speedy process of urbanization.
achievements, we do need to ask ourselves whether this
One can only ask: Is this sustainable? Can we survive the
style represents our national cultural identity today(Figure
speedy deterioration of the environment and ecology? What
will this mean to the profession of landscape architecture,
and how can landscape architecture position itself to play
a role to meet these unprecedented challenges? This big
picture leads us to argue that landscape architecture should
be recovered as an art of survival, the king’s art of land
design and stewardship.

2.2 Who AreW

Are e? The Challenge of Cultural Identity


Figure 21 The dilemma of identity: torn between its own imperial

past and today’s Westernization, what is China’s identity?


Figure 22 In feudal China, identity was not a problem (Drawing by Allom, T.)



Figure 25a Beijing’s so called “modern” flavored CCTV tower designed

by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas.(Drawing,unkwon)
Figure 24 Emperor Qin ,s monumental army of clay warriors.(Drawing,
23a 23b
Figure 25b The National Grand Opera House designed by the French
Figure 23a,b Chinese cities now feature European baroque landscapes with architect Paul Andreu .(Drawing,unkwon)
Roman arches.(Photos, Yu,K.J.)
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

This identity crisis is particularly obvious in the area of urban

design. When a French designer places his own masterpiece
(the National Grand Opera House) into the center of China’s
capital to realize his own dream, or when the majestic but
‘dysfunctional’ Central TV Tower is built only for the “power to
bewitch” (Daniel Burnham), we must, as designers, ask
ourselves what are we trying to show the rest of the world? Torn
between its own imperial past and today’s Westernization, what
is China’s identity? These are important broader questions for
China’s landscape architects to consider.
27a 27b

2.3 Why We ar
We e Living: The Death of Gods
are Figure 27a,b “Where is my home?” Farmers lose their homes, their houses
torn down for urban development, their fields reclaimed. Now they flood
the cities looking for jobs and shelter.(Photo, Yu,K.J.)
The third challenge is the loss of our spiritual homeland, where
our soul rests and our life is devoted to making our lives

My grandmother once told me that when a tree grows old, it

becomes a spirit, and some spirits will inhabit the old tree. The
same is true of the fish, a snake and a bird and other animals.
When a rock sits aside our village long time, it becomes a spirit.
The same is true of streams, ponds, hills and the land itself.
Our grandfathers built temples to shelter and worship our
ancestors, the wise men of the past and the religious spirits for
our own welfare. We used to believe these spirits protected our
earthly life, and our future living would depend on their judgment.
Life was meaningful because of these spirits (Figure 26a,b)

40 million farmers have lost their land in the past few years, and 27c

at an annual increase of 2 million. Where do they belong and

where is their spiritual homeland? The bankruptcy of the former
state owned factories have left more than 21 million workers
jobless. How much will they have to suffer spiritually for those
who were educated to “regard their factory as their homes.”
(Figure 27a-28b)

27d 28b

26a 26b

Figure 27c,d “I want go home”: A young country girl finds a job in the city Figure 28a,b “Where is my home?” The bankruptcy of former state owned
but misses her country home(Photo, Li, J.K.), just like an old tree uprooted factories leads to massive redundancies. (Photos, Yu,K.J.)
Figure 26a A family meeting in an ancestral worship hall: this used to Figure 26b A family gathering in front of an ancestral graveyard to pay trib- and transplanted to an unfamiliar place.(Photos, Yu,K.J.)
be spiritual place for Chinese people.(Photo, Yu,K.J.) ute to their ancestors: a spiritual link to the family and the land.(Photo, Yu,K.
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

The trend toward materialism is taking over China at a rapid rate, species and races.” (Wilson 1992, p.317)

just as in other regions in the world. Every piece of land, and all Landscape refers here not only to the issue of
elements in the landscape are inhabited by various spirits, where environment and ecology but also to the mood of
our ancestors were buried. These plans have been taken over by the entire nation, to its sense of identity and cultural
real estate development. The Dragon Hills (sacred hills) that secured bearings (Girot, 1999). Landscape provide a basis
numerous villages in rural China have been bulldozed. Meaningful for rootedness and connection, for home and
and sacred streams and ponds in front of the villages have been belonging (Corner, 1999). Landscape architecture
filled or channeled in the name of flood control. The old camphor is possibly the most legitimate profession among
tree that has tree spirits, have been pruned and sold for the those dealing with our physical environment to work
beautification of a city boulevard. Landscapes have become toward recovering our cultural identity and
commercialized. Gradually, we have lost our spiritual connection to rebuilding the spiritual connection between the
our land and to the world beyond this earthly one (Figure 29a-c). people and their land. The strength of landscape

It is certainly a nostalgic attitude to believe that the ideal agricultural architecture lies in its intrinsic association with the

landscape shall be the model for modern everyday living, and it is natural systems and in its root of agricultural tradition

simply naive to believe we may regain and keep the Land of Peach matching local systems and variegated through

Blossoms in our industrialized, motorized and globally connected thousands years of evolution.

society. A new type Land of Peach Blossoms needs to be explored We believe that sustainability of the world can be
and created, and it is to this mission that the profession of landscape achieved through the motto “think globally and act
architecture fits at the right time and at the right place. But how? locally”, and landscape is the most workable scale
How can landscape architecture assume the role to protect and for “act locally ”. Therefore, it is legitimate to argue
rebuild such material and spiritual connections through the design that landscape architecture is the most promising
of our physical environment? This is perhaps the most challenging profession, and in China it is the right time to take
question of all. on the mission of recreating The Land of Peach

3. Recr eating the Land of Peach Blossoms In A New Era: The

Recreating Blossoms. It is certainly the “right time for one to

Mission of Contemporar
Contemporaryy Landscape Architectur
chitecture become a landscape architect” to quote Patric A.
Miller’s call at 2005’s ASLA conference.
In facing environmental and ecological degradation, loss of cultural
identity and the erosion of our spiritual connection to our land, the
mission of contemporary landscape architecture is to bring nature,
man and the spirits together again, to create a new Land of Peach
Blossoms in an urbanized, globalized and industrialized era.

3.1 Why Landscape Architectur

Architectur e?

Why can landscape architecture play a major role to operate this

mission of rebuilding the Land of Peach Blossoms? The simple
argument is that landscape is a medium upon which various natural,
cultural and spiritual processes interact. This creates a workable
link to gather and harmonize nature, man and spiritual processes.
The prominent naturalist and biologist Edward Wilson once
commented, “In the expanding enterprise, landscape design will
Figure 29a~c Materialism prevails: Buddha was worshiped
play a decisive role. Where environments have been mostly
for his power to offer wealth. Images of luxury items and humanized, biological diversity can still be sustained at high levels
swanky villas are omnipresent. Is this the new “Chinese
by the ingenious placement of woodlots, hedgerows, watersheds,
dream”? (Photos, Yu,K.J;Source,Real Estate Review,2005.)
reservoirs, and artificial ponds and lakes. Master plans will meld not
just economic efficiency and beauty but also the preservation of
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

3.2 How and Where: Strategies and Appr

Where: oaches
Approaches its origins. We must recover its root as the king’s art of
survival, land design and land stewardship, and not as an
How should landscape architecture as a profession respond
art of entertaining and gardening. To quote McHarg’s call,
to these challenges and what principles should landscape
“We told you so; you’ve got to listen to us because we’re
architecture adopt to qualify us for the leading role to bring
landscape architects. We’re going to tell you thereafter
land, people and spirits together.
where to live and how to live there. Where a to live and
The obvious overall principles are: landscape design should where not to live. That’s what Landscape Architecture and
be in harmony with nature, its processes and patterns and regional planning is all about. Don’t ask us about your
the sustainable welfare of humanity. Landscape design garden. Don’t ask us about your bloody flowers. Don’t ask

should be executed with people in mind, bearing in mind us about your dying trees. You can do something quite
human culture and identity. Landscape architecture should vulgar with all of them. We are going to talk to you about
also be designed with spirits in minds, connecting the land survival.” (Miller and Pardal, 1992)
and the people as individuals, as well as in terms of family
More than half a century ago, educator and landscape
and social group. These three principles of land, people and
architect, Hideo Sasaki commented: “The profession of
spirits require landscape architecture to adjust its own
landscape architecture stands at a critical fork in the road.
position and value.
One fork leads to a significant field of endeavor contributing
What we are and where do we come from, which determine to the betterment of human environment, while the other
30b what we will become in the future? What should we value, points to a subordinate field of superficial embellishment.”
that determines where and what kinds of landscape we are Unfortunately, except for some rare cases, landscape
preserving and creating? For these questions, I would like to architecture in the past decades has been biased toward
address three points: “a subordinate field of superficial embellishment”. We could
have taken a more important role in some of the most
3.2.1. Recover Landscape Architecture as the Art of Survival
pressing environmental issues including flood control and

First and foremost, if landscape architecture is to establish water management, the protection of biodiversity and

itself as a profession that safeguards humanity and brings cultural heritage, urbanization and land resources

the land, the people and the spirit together, is to reconsider management (Figure 30a-34b).

30c 30d


Figure 30a-d Natural disasters are closing in on the massive populations

of our modern societies (the South East Asia tsunami in 2004 and the Katrina
disaster in New Orleans in 2005).(Source,Xin Hua)

31a 31b


Figure 31a The art of survival: Lin Qu in China. A weir was built more than 2, Figure 31b The art of survival getting lost in the engineering of fighting
000 years ago and is still in use. It makes friends with natural forces and against nature: The Three Gorges dam cuts across the biggest river in
make it possible to harness the powerful force of nature. (Photo,Unknown) China.(Source,Xin Hua)
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival



Figure 32a The art of survival getting lost: the landscape changes at Heze
city located in the waterlogged lower land of the Yellow River Valley.
Historically, lot ponds were designed and preserved in the city to contain Figure 32b The lost of the art of survival: the art of urban design for living
storm water so that waterlogging could be avoided. The urbanization pro- became the art of decoration: Shenzhen city in south China. (Photo, Yu,K.J.)
cess in recent decades totally ignored this art of survival and city design
and the ponds in the city were filled and built on, which caused serious
waterlogging. (Source,Graduate School of Landscape Archtecture,Peking

One of the most important reasons for landscape

Figure 33a The art of survival:a settlement carefully sits on the bank of a meandering stream.(Photo,Yu,K.J.) architecture’s weakness in addressing major environmental
issues is that landscape architecture, as a profession, is
still associated with the ancient tradition of gardening. The
rich heritage and overwhelming literatures about gardening
and garden art did not help landscape architecture to
emerge as a modern discipline. It is time to declare that
landscape architecture is not a direct decedent of garden
art, but a descendent of the survival skills of our ancestors
who had to endure a changeable environment, ensuring a
safe place away from floods and enemies, while surviving
by leveling the land, planting and irrigating crops, and saving
water and other resources for sustaining the family and the
33b people. Landscape architecture works on a larger and more
significant scale than the field of garden arts.

, Landscape needs to be recovered (See Corner, 1999), and

the profession of landscape architecture needs to be
Figure 33b The lost of the art of survival: a living stream was channelized
for flood control but completely its life was killed. (Photo, Yu,K.J.) recovered. This suggest that more international efforts are
required to give landscape architecture more publicity
through illustrative cases and to demonstrate how landscape
architecture played the leading role in dealing with the big
environmental and survival issues.

Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

3.2.2 Value the Vernacular: Back to the Authentic Relationship of of “chaotic vernacular landscape.”
Land and People
The overwhelming “city beautiful movement” in China, as
By vernacular, I mean the common and everyday, as opposed to inherited from that of the United States, also has its own “city
the grand and exotic. Cultural identity and spiritual connection gardening” origin, but is an extension of this decorative cosmetic
can be regained only if we value the culture of the common people, and exotic search. For a long time, indeed more than two
their life and their daily needs, as well as value the common things thousands of years, the art of landscaping has lost its way in
that are authentic to the land underfoot . searching for senseless style, meaningless form and exotic
grandeur. Landscape gardening has for a long time been limited
Since the appearance of the first imperial and intellectual gardens
to the elite class, including the city dwellers, who do not care
in China, as well as in other countries, landscaping and gardening
about the survival of the common people struggling with floods
had become indulgent into the art of creating the exotic and the
and draughts year after year.
grand, and being different from the common landscape and living
environment. This can be well illustrated by the Chinese Imperial In China, only recently have we found that it is the elite class
Garden of Shanglin Yuan of more than two thousands years ago, themselves who are now suffering, perhaps no less than the
which features exotic plants and animal species. Another example farmers, from the nation’s deteriorating environment. It is the skills
is the intellectual gardens of South China’s Suzhou, which of survival that reflect the authentic relationship between land
represented spectacular and exotic scenic spots using rocks and and people, and it is this authentic relationship that give the
water, and the imperial Grand View Gardens of the17 century, culture and the people its identity. It is therefore critical for
was a collecting of gardens from south China. In this sense, landscape architecture to go back to the land, go back to the
there is virtually no difference in the western Culture, as reflected vernacular relationship, to recover the survival skills in dealing
in the English gardens that collect exotic ornamental species from with floods, droughts, soil erosion, field making, and food
China, and Versailles that were created as a paradise in the sea production and to more broadly regain the cultural identity.

Figure 34a,b The vernacular landscape and ordinary landscape for survival.(Photo, Yu,K.J.)

34a 34b
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

and wedge dreams have failed. Some of the major reasons incompatibility is that the conventional urban growth is often
that the greenbelt and green wedge have failed to prevent a horizontal process, while the ecological suitability analysis
urban sprawl include: is essentially a vertical process. The green space based on
the layering model can not only protect the horizontal
(1) They are usually planned artificially and arbitrary and
ecological processes, such as species movement in the
lack the intrinsic relationship between the green elements
system, it may actually become attractor for intensive urban
and the living earth system;
development due to the higher economic value surrounding
(2) A lack of usage by the residents, due to their this green, which may eventually been encroached upon
accessibility and lack of connectivity between green space by development.
and housing projects, etc;
The development of landscape ecology, which focuses on
(3) They usually function only as barriers to stop the urban landscape patterns, horizontal processes and change,
sprawl processes, and pose a lack of integration of various provides us fundamentals in developing green infrastructure
functions,such as flood control, creational use, heritage that can be used to integrate the horizontal processes of
protection, and habitat protections; urban development with ecological protection. This is a new
ecological planning model in which.
(4) They quickly become development opportunities when
peripheral pressures increase; Time can be visualized as a multi-scaled ecological
infrastructure, or landscape security pattern (Yu, 1996), that
(5)They are impossible to administer and safeguard in a safeguards the various ecological, cultural and spiritual
metropolitan region that is fragmented into myriad local processes across the landscape and provides ecosystems
gove rnements, cutting across greenbelt and wedge services for the sustainability of a region and a city such as
jurisdictions. water and flood processes, biodiversity protection and

The search is on for a more differentiated, fine-grain species flow, heritage corridors and recreation.

ecological integration model that can be envisioned, At the large scale, the ecological infrastructure is
implemented and managed at all scales. As a represented as permanent regional landscape of flood
consequence the ecological planning approach has risen prevention, ecological networks, heritage corridors and
to prominence again typically under the flag of the
recreational corridors, which are to be planned for protection
McHarg’s Layer model, which tries to provide land use and used to define the urban growth pattern and city form.
planning a sound ecological basis.
At the intermediate scale, the regional ecological
Under this framework, time is visualized as a string that infrastructure is to be integrated into the interior urban
links, and as a tool that enables understanding, and structure, and become the urban green space system that
integrates, vertically different layers of physical natural and integrates various functions such as commuting, cycling,
cultural processes. These include the earliest geological
heritage protection and recreational activities.
3.2.3 Landscape Leads the Way: The Negative Approach processes, soil processes, vegetation processes, and
— Landscape as Infrastructures for Urban Development finally what’s “on top”, the most recent layer of the cultural At the small scale, the ecological infrastructure is to be used
processes. It is a vision of progress of natural evolution as the defining structure for urban land development, and
How landscape changes is related to the issue of time. As us our cultural identity and feed our spiritual needs. to be used to guide the site-specific design.
based on the intrinsic values of a specific site on the earth.
the urbanization and globalization processes are fast and
The core for this model of ecological planning is that fitting
overwhelming, a “negative approach” should be taken Time in the conventional model of urbanization, is visualized This landscape infrastructure becomes an integrated
can best plan urban development. With the maximum
against the conventional development planning approach. in the concentric annual-ring sprawl. For a long time, medium of various processes, bringing nature, man and
fitting of the land use pattern to the intrinsic values on the
By “negative”, I mean landscape architects and planners greenbelts and green wedges were seen as landscape spirits together. It is the efficient landscape security pattern
earth, the best development pattern can be achieved.
should lead the way of urban development by identifying structures to stop and prevent this everlasting sprawl, and to safeguard ecological and environment integrity, cultural
and designing, before the development plan evolves, a they were pre-designed in the comprehensive master plan. These two models, namely the conventional urban growth identity and to provide for people’s spiritual needs.
landscape infrastructure that is critical in safeguarding the Current evidence, based on US (the Washington DC region), model and the ecological planning model, are
4. The Ar
Artt of Survival in Practice: Contemporar
ecological processes, and the cultural heritages that give as well as Chinese examples, show that these greenbelt incompatible. One of the obvious reasons for this
Landscape Architectur
Architecture Meeting the Challenges
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

To illustrate the above theoretical discussion, four destroyed and polluted, native habitats and biodiversity are
landscape planning and design projects are presented being lost, the hazards of flood, drought and diseases are Like the urban infrastructure that provides social and

to explain how landscape architecture meet the three increasing, the cultural identity of the landscape is eroding, economic services (such as transportation, gas, sewage,

major challenges in China. while the vernacular spiritual landscape which are critical etc.) in support of potential urban growth, the EI safeguards
ecological services, protecting cultural heritages and
for the grassroots believe system are being destroyed.
4.1 Urban Gr owth Patter
Growth Patternn Based on Landscape ensuring the spiritual connectivity between the local people
Infrastructure: The T
Infrastructure: aizhou Case
Taizhou In address the above situation, the planners take land as a and the land (Source,The Graduate School of Landscape
living system, and develop an ecological infrastructure (EI Architecture, Peking Universit.(2005 ASLA Honor Award)
Taizhou is located at the South East coast of China, with a
or green infrastructure), to guide and frame the urban sprawl.
total area of 9411 square kilometers, and has a population
The EI is defined as the structural landscape network that is
of 5.5 million. It is one of the fastest growing areas in China
composed of the critical landscape elements and spatial
due to its booming small private industries. In this process,
patterns that are of strategic significance in safeguarding
land is overtaken indiscriminately for infrastructure
the integrity and identity of the natural and cultural
construction and urban development. As a result, the
landscapes and securing sustainable ecosystem services,
wetlands and water system on the land have been
protecting cultural heritages and spiritual experience.

35 ,
, 2005

The regional EI was planned, through the

identification of critical landscape patterns
An ecological infrastructure (EI) is (security patterns) for the following processes:(1)
designed to safeguard the natural Abiotic processes: flood control and storm water
and cultural processes which are management. (2) Biotic processes: biodiversity
critical to secure the integrity and conservation;(3) Cultural processes:cultural
identity of the landscape, and heritage protection and recreation.Alternatives of
provide sustainable ecosystem EI are developed at various Medium scale:
services to the residents.The EI is Guidelines were developed for green corridors
constructed, and its ecological that function as critical EI elements in water
services are delivered at three management and biodiversity conservation,
scales: large, medium and small. recreation, heritage protection and recreation.
security levels: high, medium and low. They are
used as structural framework in guiding and
framing urban development patterns.

Guidelines were
developed for green
corridors that function as
critical EI elements in
water management and
biodiversity conservation,
re c reation, heritage
protection and recreation.

AT a s e l e c t e d s i t e ,
alternative urban
development models are
designed to test the
possibility of building an
EI based city, in which
ecosystem services
safeguarded by EI are
delivered into the urban

Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

4.2 The Floating Gardens of Y

Gardens ongning River Park: A
Landscape Responding to Floods

This project demonstrates that landscape architecture is an

The result was the Floating Gardens. The design draws on
art of survival, and that very simple skills and very common
the following aspects:
native plants can be used to solve big issues. It is also related
to the building of green infrastructure at the small scale. (1) A regional and drainage approach: a storm water process
analysis showed the flood security patterns at every 5, 20
The landscape architect to design a 21-hectare park along
and 50 years’ level. These analyses become the basis for
the Yongning River, the mother river of the historical city
the site design of the park.
Huangyan at the east coast of China. At that time, most of
the park site along the riverside was already embanked with (2) An alternative flood control solution: a wetland system,
concrete, part of the local flood control policy. In meeting based on the regional flood security pattern analysis enabled
the needs of designing this park, the landscape architect flood control and water management to become an integral
had to provide a concept that would be accessible to both part of the park design. The whole site along the river
tourists and locals, while also provide an alternative flood becomes a multi-functional project under the leadership of
control and storm water management solution to be used the landscape architect.
as a model for the entire river valley.



36a-f ,
2006 36c
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

(3) The matrix layer for the natural processes: composed (5) The upper layer for the humanity which “floats” above
of a restored riparian wetland along the flood plain and an the seasonally flooded natural matrix, is composed of groves
outer wetland (lake) outside of the river bank that runs parallel of native trees, a network of paths extends from the urban
to the river, the entirety of the park is covered with native fabric downwards the park, while a matrix of story boxes
communities. During the monsoon season, both the riparian which allude to the culture and history of the native land
wetland and the outside wetland are flooded. During the and people punctuate the landscape at strategically placed
dry season, the outer wetland will still be submerged from points. The use of boxes is a design approach to frame a
both the retained water and fresh water from the inlet located human scale scene for a special theme within a large
in the upper reach of the river. Year round, water is landscape background.
accessible to park users.
This project demonstrates an ecological approach to flood
(4) Native wetland plants, trees and bamboos are massed control and storm water management, while also educating
along the riverbank and throughout the design not only to people about other solutions to flood control beyond
ensure successful establishment of the vegetation, but also engineering. It demonstrates how landscape architecture
to promote continuity of the design with the surrounding can bring nature, people and spirits together in the way
ecosystem. other than conventional engineering approaches (Source,
Turenscape, 2006 ASLA Honor Award).



36e 36f
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

The design addressed a number of challenges of the site,

including fluctuating water levels, balancing river width
regulations for flood control while protecting old ficus trees
along the riverbank. It helped to reuse and recycle the
remnants rust docks and machinery –though nothing as
gigantic or unusual as a gas works or steel factory.

The principle of reducing, reutilizing and recycling natural

and man-made materials is well followed in this project.
Original vegetation, soil and natural habitats were preserved,
just as only native plants were used throughout the park.
Machines, docks and other industrial structures were
reutilized for educational, aesthetic and functional purposes.

This park demonstrated how landscape architects can

create a public place that is environmentally friendly,
educational, and full of cultural and historical meanings. It
calls people to pay attention to culture and history that has
not yet been designated as formal or “traditional.” It is about
37a the common people, as well as an environment ethic that
states, “Weeds are beautiful.”(Source,Turenscape, 2002
ASLA Honor Award).


4.3 Value the Neglected Common Cultur

Value e and the Beauty
of Weeds; Zhongshan Shipyar
Weeds; d Park

Zhongshan Shipyard Park, 11 hectares, located in the City

of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China (Pudua£¬2003).
This is a park built on the site of a deserted shipyard,
originally built in the 1950s and went bankrupt in 1999. A
small shipyard with only 50 years history was by any means
significant in comparison to the thousands years of Chinese
history, and is more likely to be eliminated totally in order to
give space for urban development. But the landscape
architect valued the rusted and common industrial heritage.
Though small in scale, it reflects the remarkable 50-year
history of socialist China, including the Cultural Revolution
of the 1960s and 70s, and recorded the very remarkable
experience of the common people. The designer valued
the rusted and common machinery, and used the native 37b

materials to turn this deserted brown field into a remonum

berable place for the local people, built an spiritual
, 2002
connection between the common people and their land.

Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

37g 37h

37f 37i
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

4.4 The Pr oductive Landscape: the Rice Campus of

Shengyang Jianzhu University

This project demonstrates that how agricultural landscape also demonstrated that the inexpensive and productive
can become part of the urbanized environment, and how agricultural landscape could become, through careful
cultural identity can be created through the very common, design and management, pleasant and usable space as
even productive landscape. well.

The overwhelming urbanization process in China is inevitably Student participation becomes one part of the productive
encroaching upon a great amount of arable land. With a landscape. The farming processes become an attraction to
population of 1.3 billion people and limited arable land the students of this university and students from middle
resources, food production and sustainable land use is the school from the city as well. The rice produced on the
biggest issue in China. This is an issue of survival, which campus are specifically packed as Golden Rice, which are
the profession of landscape architecture should address. an additional supply for the university canteen, or presented
as a souvenir to visitors. Now the Golden Rice has become
This campus uses rice and other native crops and keeps
a marker of identity to the university, and a well-known story
the land as productive as it once was while fulfilling the need
across the nation(Source,Turenscape, 2005 ASLA
for new functions. It is designed to arise the awareness of
the land and farming in among the college students who
are leaving the land and becoming city dwellers. This project

38a-i ,

38a 38c
Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

38d 38g

38e 38f 38h 38i

Position Landscape Architecture:The Art of Survival

Summaryy References

For thousands of years, people struggled with natural forces

to survive, and as a result created the landscape that
reflected the balanced relationship between man and nature,
and that recorded people’s hardship and happiness. The
knowledge and skills associated with this authentic
relationship sustain people for generations after generations,
and give people their identity and make their living
meaningful. These knowledge and skills make up the
essence of the profession we call landscape architecture.
This art of survival however has been buried and submerged
in the high art of gardening, which only reflects the fake
relationship between the land and people.

At the new era, the balance between man and nature has
been broken again, and the survival of humanity become
again a crisis, a new harmonious relationship must be built.
This is the opportunity for landscape architecture to recover
it role as an art of survival, and take the position to recreate
a new type of Land of Peach Blossoms, that sustain
humanity, give people identity and make their living
meaningful. In order to do that, landscape architecture shall
break with the art of gardening, and go back to the
vernacular land and people, and shall lead the process of
urban development by preserving and integrating cultural
and ecological landscapes into an infrastructure.

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