CMP - Multiple Plots - Sub Requirements PDF
CMP - Multiple Plots - Sub Requirements PDF
CMP - Multiple Plots - Sub Requirements PDF
C1.1.2) Site Assessment/Urban Systems Assessment: Demonstrate an Urban Systems Assessment has been carried out at a local scale
(refer to PCRS credit LC-R2). Incorporate key findings from the Naturals Systems Assessment (if any) such as habitats /trees
to be protected.
C1.1.3) Site Plan: Illustrate at-grade streets, pedestrian and cycle facilities, building footprints, land use, parks and open spaces within
the project boundary and the surroundings area. Indicate proposed uses and activities at the pedestrian level including access
by all travel modes, and site landscaping.
Note: for waterfront developments, illustrate and provide measurements of the existing and proposed shoreline conditions,
including any dredged or reclaimed areas estimated in (m2) and (m3) that may affect existing water circulation, direction and
C1.1.4) Spatial Data: Using the format required in the Mandatory Submission Requirements, submit spatial data in (GIS/CAD) format
according to UPC Spatial Data Submission Specification, including road center line, building outline and plot boundaries.
C2.1.2) Site Sections: Illustrate the proposed development in the context of proposed and existing building(s) within the immediate
site surroundings. Heights and levels to be illustrated.
Note: for waterfront developments provide the following: Site cross-sections coordinated with the Site Plan and Land Use Plan
illustrating the intended land-water shoreline interface concept. Waterfront sections should illustrate the proposed floor level
elevations and setbacks of the waterfront uses and activities such as beaches, promenades and building ground floor levels in
relation to existing grade, Mean Sea level (MSL), Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT), Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) based on
the available survey information. Proposed dredged and/or reclaimed areas to be clearly shown in section. The proposed plots
and building setbacks should be measured from the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT).
C2.1.3) Axonometric Drawings: A minimum of four (4) views from four compass directions showing the project height, massing and
scale within the context of the surroundings (including existing or proposed buildings). Floor levels should be indicated.
C2.1.4) Rendered Perspectives: Indicative streetscape sketch perspectives from eye level showing new development in context
including existing buildings, impact on views and, if applicable, impact on adjacent landmarks.
C2.2 Land Use and Development Summary: Indicates the intended land uses and development statistics.
C2.2.1) Land Use Plan: Plan showing all land uses across the site that are directly cross-referenced to the Development Statistics
Summary in C2.2.2.
Note: for waterfront developments, illustrate the proposed configurations and layout of all passive and active maritime uses
and activities such as beaches, swimming areas, kayaking, marinas and boat launching ramps.
Note: Refer to ‘New Land Allocation Classification Information Bulletin #UDE/02/2016’ on the UPC website.
C2.2.2) Development Statistics Summary: Using UPC Template provide development statistics for all land use types (cross-referenced
to the Land Use Plan C2.2.1).
Note: land uses should be aligned with relevant governing land use classifications as outlined within the Mandatory Submission
Requirements. Where marinas are proposed, provide the proposed number and capacity of wet berths and any dry boat storage.
Note: Refer to UPC website for latest version template of the DSS.
C3.Development Delivery
C3.1 Development Phasing: Indicates the phasing of the development across the entire site.
C3.1.1) Ownership Plan: Site plan and supporting narrative (as required) for the entire site indicating the breakdown between public
and private ownership of all land uses including Right-of-Ways (ROWs), Community Facilities, Utility plots and public open
space. (Publically Accessible, Semi Public and Private).
C3.1.2) Development Phasing Plan: Site Plan, which indicates the proposed phasing of the development over the Master Plan life.
C3.1.3) Development Phasing Summary: Using UPC template and cross-referenced with the Phasing Plan (C3.1.2), provide expected
commencement and final completion dates for the development (broken into phases where necessary).
Note: Where phases are proposed each phase should include buildings, public open space and community facilities,
transportation and utility infrastructure to be provided (where applicable).
Note: Each phase should include buildings, public spaces, community facilities, transportation & utility infrastructure to be
C3.2 Development Management: Describes how the development will be managed during and post-
construction, including the roles and responsibilities for the management of all assets (if applicable).
Concept Master Plan – Multiple Plots Version: Apr 2017
C3.2.1) Development Management Table: Using UPC template, indicate responsibilities for each asset type over the life-cycle of the
project including master vs. sub-developer roles, approach to provision, management and maintenance for all community
facilities and services, public realm and infrastructure (e.g. municipalities, private company, developer provision).
C4. Estidama
C4.1 Estidama Intent: Confirms that Estidama requirements will be incorporated into the Master Plan.
C4.1.1) Provide a completed Estidama Pearl Rating System (PRS) Project Registration Form with all supporting attachments. .
C4.1.2) PCRS Strategy: Provide a Pearl Rating System strategy that includes a detailed project specific narrative for each credit targeted.
The narrative should be developed as the project progresses through the UPC planning process and submitted as part of the
PCRS submission.
C4.1.3) IDP Implementation Strategy, Process Chart and Team Structure: Demonstrate the transition between project stages and
describe how the PQP will manage the contribution from all disciplines when implementing sustainability into the design.
Provide a Process Chart including the approval processes and hand-over to future stages with a Team Structure diagram that
identifies all appropriate professionals.
C4.1.4) Community Water Strategy: Narrative outlining the projects strategy to achieve community water savings, including proposed
water conservation strategies and draft a Water Calculator. Refer to PCRS PW- R1 and Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM)
requirements (as applicable).
C4.1.5) Community Energy Strategy: Narrative and illustrations describing community energy efficiency, including the relationship
between prevailing winds and the sun pathway with the street orientation, building orientation, massing and layout. Where
applicable, provide schematic diagrams of district energy and renewable energy systems to meet requirements of PCRS RE-
C4.2 Environmental Compliance: Ensures that projects comply with necessary environmental requirements.
C4.2.1) Natural Systems Assessment (NSA) by a suitably qualified environmental professional: NSA Report meeting the requirements
of PCRS credit NS-R1 and including: narrative, maps and site photos, describing the habitats, flora and fauna at the site and
identifying valuable and /or significant natural assets on and surrounding the site. Where valuable and / or significant assets
are identified, document the engagement undertaken with the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), including any EAD-
required studies. Provide UPC with EAD Permit Application number.
C5.1.2) Public Realm Plan: Plan illustrating the public realm hierarchy, catchment areas and level of service for all parks and public
realm areas in accordance with the Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM).
C5.1.3) Public Realm Perspectives and Sections: Perspectives, key sections and elevations indicating proposed design and treatments
for all public realm assets including: parks, streetscapes, waterfronts and public places (as applicable).
C5.1.4) Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Demonstrate an Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy has been employed in accordance with PCRS
C6.1.2) Community Facilities Plan: Plan showing the location of any existing Community Facilities within the catchment area together
with all new Community Facilities proposed as part of the development. The plan should be cross-referenced with the
Development Statistics Summary (C2.2.2).
6.1.3) Mosques: In accordance with Abu Dhabi Mosque Regulations, prepare a plan illustrating boundaries and land area, determine
settlement context and mosque planning unit, determine number and mosque types, determine worshipper capacity, calculate
plot area and GFA and if required calculate Musalla provision.
C7.1.2) Multi-Modal Transportation Plans: The following plans shall be in accordance with the Urban Street Design Manual (USDM) and
provided at a legible scale: (Note: Some of the plans below can be combined as applicable).
a) Vehicle circulation and access plan showing proposed access and thoroughfares to serve the development including service
vehicles (e.g. delivery trucks, refuse and recycling collection) and emergency service vehicles.
b) Existing and proposed public transport network (including rail, metro, LRT, bus and water transport as applicable) to serve
the development; also show 350 meter radii from transit stops/stations and all safeguarded corridors.
c) Pedestrian network to identify main pedestrian destinations, determine which routes will be the safest, most convenient
and comfortable for pedestrians and identify the location of pedestrian crossing facilities.
d) Bicycle network to identify existing and proposed location and type of cycle facilities (cycle tracks, cycle lanes, shared
lanes, cycle parking) and integration with the external network.
e) For waterfront developments, provide an Integrated Land and Water Access Plan to include the following elements as
applicable and coordinated with the Site Plan, Site Sections and Land Use Plan:
i. Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access to the waterfront and linkages into the adjoining
developments. Indicate any areas of restricted public access.
ii. Visual access to the water, including key view corridors and vistas to be preserved.
iii. Public water transport terminal locations, water taxi stops.
iv. Motorized and non-motorized vessels including marinas illustrating the proposed number and
capacity of wet berths and any dry boat storage as reflected in the Development Statistics Summary.
v. Public and private wharves and boat launching ramps.
vi. Marine refueling.
vii. Non-navigable or navigable canals (including dimensions).
viii. Bridge(s) (including dimensional clearances -air drafts and water depths).
f) Universal Access Plan: Plan(s) with supporting illustrations demonstrating how universal access will be incorporated within
and immediately surrounding the site. Consideration should also be given to land-use /water interface when applicable.
C7.2 Utilities Summary: Describes at a concept level the utility demands of the development including
anticipated distribution networks.
C7.2.1) Utility Demand Calculations: Using the UPC template, and in alignment with the Development Statistics Sheet (DSS), provide
estimations on the proposed utility demands based on established service providers regulations and guidelines.
(Note: the submission must also show water balance between wastewater production and Treated Sewage Effluent required
for irrigation and cooling make-up.)
C7.2.2) Utility Plan(s): Provide separate concept layout plan for each type of the following utilities showing existing and proposed
utility lines in color code that is consistent with the Utility Corridor Design Manual (UCDM) color code. The plans must be
include a clear legend as well as identify the location of proposed utility plots and tie-in points to existing utility network. A
narrative for each type of utility shall be included on each plan demonstrating how the development will be supplied by
existing/planned utilities and including utility demand criteria. If applicable, the applicant may be requested to develop an
Infrastructure Concept Master Plan.
Concept Master Plan – Multiple Plots Version: Apr 2017
a) Potable Water & Fire Fighting d) Storm water drainage/subsurface drainage g) District Cooling (if Applicable)
b) High/Med/Low Voltage Electrical e) Irrigation/Recycled water h) Gas (if Applicable)
c) Sewerage f) Telecommunications
C7.2.3) Utility Plot Plan: Showing type, size, dimensions, georeferenced coordinates and proposed ownership for each utility plot.
Note: Utility plot size and dimension shall meet the service providers’ requirements.
C7.3.2) Rights of Way and Utility Corridor Cross-Sections: Cross Sections for all proposed thoroughfares using the mandatory Abu Dhabi
Urban Street and Utility Design Tool ( Sections shall illustrate plot-to-plot and include utility
corridors according to the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual and Utility Corridor Design Manual. All cross-sections should be
identified on the relevant Right of Ways and Utility Corridors Plan (C7.3.1).
D8.1.1) If a Master Plan is Low Priority: the planning submission shall demonstrate:
1. Compliance with the Abu Dhabi Safety & Security Planning Manual.
2. Implementation of the SSPM principles, where applicable, within the master plan.
D8.1.2) If a Master Plan is High Priority specific safety & security deliverables shall be included in the Concept Master Plan. These deliverables
shall be prepared by safety & security specialists. The Concept Master Plan shall demonstrate:
1. Compliance with the Abu Dhabi Safety & Security Planning Manual.
2. Implementation of the SSPM principles, where applicable, within the master plan.
3. Identification of potential High Priority and Crowded Places land uses within the Master Plan.
C9. Other
C9.1 Comments and Issues Tracking: Ensure recommendations and comments made during meetings and
workshops with the UPC are being suitably tracked and managed and incorporated into submissions.
C9.1.1) Comments and Issues Tracking Sheet: Using the UPC template indicate:
a) Summary of all requirements (including outcomes from workshops) and any other recommendations or issues raised to date
by the UPC and other review agencies.
b) Applicant’s corresponding response or action.
c) Next steps and further actions (where applicable).
C9.1.2) Other specific items: Further information may be requested by UPC where additional supporting details are required (for example):
1. Market research
2. Hydrodynamic modelling
3. Supporting Preliminary Studies and Options
4. Site Surveys (Topographical, geotechnical, geophysical)
5. Proposed Grading Plans
6. Noise Impact Survey / Assessment