Bangladesh Power Sector Overview-2017 PDF
Bangladesh Power Sector Overview-2017 PDF
Bangladesh Power Sector Overview-2017 PDF
Present Scenario
111 15,821 433 80%
No. of Power Plants Grid Capacity (MW) Per Capita Generation (KWh) Access to Electricity (%)
F.Oil 0.0%
Hydro 1.7%
Coal 1.8%
De-Rated Capacity
*Without Captive
Gas 62.6% 9,507 MW
Installed Capacity
HSD 8.5% BPDB Power Plants
Maximum Generation
*as on 18 Oct 2017
HFO 20.5%
Forecast 60,000
Incessant supply of power and energy is the prerequisite Apex Institution: Power Division, Ministry of Power,
for the progress of an economy. The importance of Energy & Mineral Resources (MPEMR)
energy is even more supplementary in the context of Regulator: Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission
Bangladesh, an emerging economy that has been (BERC)
experiencing rapid economic growth but also has been
experiencing prolonged period of energy crisis. Electricity Generation:
is the main form of energy that is tapped on both private Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)
and commercial scales in Bangladesh. However, the Ashuganj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL)
country is still at a very low level of electrification. Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh
The government of Bangladesh (GOB) recognizes that the (EGCB)
pace of power development has to be accelerated in North West Power Generation Company Ltd.
order to achieve overall economic development targets (NWPGCL)
of the country and avoid looming power shortages. To Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
meet the increasing demand for Power, the government Transmission:
of Bangladesh has undertaken massive steps towards
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB)
increasing the power supply in the short span of time by
encouraging private sector power production as well as Distribution
import of power from native countries. The government Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)
of Bangladesh has set a target to bring the whole country Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)
under electricity coverage by 2021. Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd (DESCO)
The report contains major highlight on ongoing state of West Zone Power Distribution Company (WZPDC)
power supply in Bangladesh, major steps and new North-West Zone Power Distribution Co. (NWZPDC)
approvals of power supply as well as financial highlights Rural Electrification Board (REB) through Rural Co-
of some listed power producing companies. operatives
Present Structure of Power Sector in Bangladesh:
Present Scenario of Power Generation in Bangladesh:
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
Power Generation Situation in Bangladesh
Installed Capacity (Excluding Captive) 13,621 MW
Energy & Mineral Power Division De-Rated Capacity 12,922 MW
Resources Division BERC
Maintenance and Shut Down 415 MW
Power Cell Gas Shortage 1,415 MW
Low Water Level in Kaptai 0 MW
CEI BPDB REB DPDC DESCO Net Generation Capacity 11,092 MW
Captive Power Generation Capacity 2,200 MW
Maximum Generation (18 Oct 2017) 9,507 MW
PGCB APSCL EGCB NWPGCL WZPDCL Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) website
Coal Fired
Furnace Oil, HFO and Diesel based plants are the best
available alternatives for producing electricity. However,
Oil based power plants are highly expensive compared to
Gas based plants. So, Oil based plants are only short term
Source: BPDB & EBLSL research (as on 30 September, 2017) solution to mitigate the supply shortage of power within
Since the country’s overall economic progress relies the shortest period of time.
significantly on uninterrupted supply of power, the Coal is next available alternative. It can be a near term
sectors has always received special attention from the option and can be indigenous or imported. However,
government. However, the country’s power capacity Coal based power projects are highly debated as they
increased significantly since the present ruling party took might be harmful for environment. The government is
charge of the government in 2009 and last nine years’ encouraging coal based projects for mitigating looming
CAGR of the power sector capacity was 10.6% (excluding electricity shortage and to reduce dependency on gas
captive power capacity). based expensive fuel oil based plants.
Power Generation Capacity (Year-wise) Nuclear power is the safe technology; no pollution;
14,000 expected to be future Base Load option (power stations
12,000 which can economically generate the electrical power
10,000 needed to satisfy this minimum demand) but no
significant improvement has been observed to generate
4,000 nuclear based power in Bangladesh.
Capacity of BPDB Power Plants as on September 2017
c. Peak Time 9.57
7 Category G-2: Extra High Voltage General Purpose (132
a. Flat Rate 7.35
b. Off-Peak Time 6.74
c. Peak Time 9.47
8 Category H: High Voltage, General purpose (33 KV)
a. Flat Rate 7.49 Source: Power System Master Plan 2010
b. Off-Peak Time 6.82
The gap between actual demand served and the
c. Peak Time 9.52
projected demand remained huge due to lack of supply
9 Category J:Streel light & Water Pump 7.17
of electricity, which resulted from failure to implement
the planned construction of power generation facilities.
Some key terminologies of the private power
Forcast Vs Actual Demand Served (MW)
generation sector are:
Independent Power Producer (IPP) 8,349
• An Independent Power Producer (IPP) is an entity, 6,454 6,765
which is not a public utility, but which owns facilities 7356 7817
to generate electric power for sale to utilities and 6066 6434
4606 4890
end users.
• Implementation agreement is guaranteed by the
government. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
PSMP 2010 Planned Actual
Rental & Quick Rental Power Plants (RPP or QRPP): Source: Power System Master Plan 2016
• Rental & Quick Rental power plants are set up to The chart depicts the scenario of gradual increase in the
meet short-term and emergency requirements of a electricity demand each year. However, the gap between
country and are typically commissioned within 4-6 demand and supply remains that necessitates more
months based on available technology. power projects to implement.
• Rental periods are normally 5 years (for QRPP) to 15
years (for RPP depending on the country’s need. Demand & Generation Gap
14, 000 39% 39% 38% 45. 00%
Generally, the power producing equipment are 12, 000 32% 33% 40. 00%
27% 29%
easily moveable and quickly installable.
35. 00%
10, 000
25% 30. 00%
20. 00%
6,0 00
15. 00%
4,0 00
10. 00%
5.0 0%
First Track Project of the Ministry of Power and Energy: months (before May 9, 2018) and the diesel-based power
The Power Division awarded contracts for the generation plants will have to start generation within six months
of 1,968 MW of fuel-based power to 12 unsolicited (February 16, 2018) from the date of receiving Letter of
power projects to meet the country’s electricity demands Intent (LOI). However, according to a report of local daily,
next summer. The projects include the production of most of the First Track Projects are not progressing
800MW of diesel-based electricity at a high cost. satisfactorily to generate power before stipulated
As per the government’s condition, the furnace-oil based timeframe and the worst scenario is with the
IPPs would have to commence generation with nine international companies.
Source: News extracted from the Independent (BD) on 26 October 2017 and graphical representation by EBLSL Research Team
Intermediate & Long Term Projects: be a total of 2,651 MW of electricity generation from the
Renewable Energy: Presently Bangladesh generates expansion into renewable energy.
233MW of electricity from Renewable energy sources. Planned Electricity Generation for Renewable Energy
The government plans to meet 10% of the total electricity Source 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
generation from Renewable Energy sources by 2020. For Solar 421 237 195 203 208 1,264
instance, some of the solar projects include a 500 MW Wind 250 350 350 200 200 1,350
Solar Power energy project in Feni, 100MW Solar Photo Biomass 6 6 6 6 6 30
Voltaic based Grid-Connected Power Generation Plant Biogas 1 1 1 1 1 5
which is also in Feni, 200 MW Solar Park in Tekhnaf, Hydro 2 0 0 0 0 2
200MW Grid-tied Solar PV Power Plant in Latshal, 60MW Total 680 594 552 410 415 2,651
and 30MW windmill energy project in Cox’s Bazar and a
1 MW garbage based power plant in Keraniganj and other Coal Based Mega Projects: The coal has been considered
areas. as the prime source of power generation for the long
Currently, there are several other renewable energy term option in PSMP. As a way of low-cost sustainable
development projects running in Bangladesh. If all the power generation option, the government is planning to
projects progress in accordance with their plan, there will increase Coal fired power projects in coming years.
Government plans to set up 25 coal-fired power plants by
2022, to generate 23,692 MW, in order to meet rising
Nuclear Energy Projects: As a part of the long term to electricity to its citizens by 2021. The government has
energy generation plan, the government plans to also made large financing deal with Indian and Chinese
generate 4,000 MW electricity from Nuclear Energy government for financing big power projects of the
Source. country.
Financing & Investment in Power Projects: Besides, along with the loan and borrowing from local
To achieve the government’s target to cover the whole banks private sector power plant promoters are also
country under electricity by 2021, the country requires pursuing for concessional rate loans from various foreign
multibillion dollar investments in the power sector. As a banks and other foreign sources.
result, the government is increasingly diversifying the Planned Investment in Power Pjoects (USD billion)
sources of investment. Public Private
Small power projects are attracting private sector (Actual) 3.1
investment while the government is seeking innovative
financing through joint venture and the ECA (Export 2017-21
8.2 7.3
Credit Agency) backed financing for large power projects. (Planned)
Summary of the Forthcoming Power plants approved for companies listed in Bangladesh Capital Market
TICKER Upcoming Project Details
1. SUMITPOWER 2 (Two) new power plants having installed capacity of 149MW and 300 MW HFO fired power plants are being
constructed where the company has 64% and 20% ownership respectively. Tariff rate for the plants are BDT7.5
and BDT8.3379 per unit and will be operational by the middle of 2018.
2. SPCL SPCL’s 49% owned associate, Midland Power Company Limited is setting up a 150 MW HFO/ Diesel fired IPP
plant at a tariff rate of 8.2593. Besides, Midland Power will also subscribe 20% equity of the proposed 200 MW
Grid Tied Solar Park Project by Southern Solar Power Limited.
3. BARKAPOWER Karnaphuli Power Limited has received LOI for implementation of an 110MW HFO fired power plant where the
company will have 51% ownership. Moreover, the group is also approaching for more power plants but no
further approval from the government has been received yet.
4. CONFIDCEM Three new power plants having 113 MW capacity each are being constructed by the group. Confidence cement
shall have 51% ownership in two 113 MW power plants and its 25% owned associate Confidence Power Ltd. is
setting up another 113MW power plant under the government’s fast track project.
5. DOREENPWR A new 115MW HFO fired power plant is being constructed on which the company shall have 60% ownership.
6. PTL The company has decided to participate in the unsolicited tender under the government’s First Track Project
to develop HSD Based 2X100 MW IPP/Rental Power Plant. However, no approval from the government has
been received yet.
7. ORIONPHARM The company’s 95% owned subsidiary Orion Power Meghna Ghat Ltd. has equity shares in the under-
construction fast tract project of 105MW HFO fired power plant of Orion Power Rupsha Ltd. Detail shareholding
information of the Orion Power Meghna Ghat Ltd. on the said power plant is not available yet.
8. BSRMSTEEL Chittagong Power Company Limited (CPCL), a sister concern of the steelmaker BSRM, will build and operate a
150-megawatt (MW) coal-fired merchant power plant at Mirersarai. However, the company is yet to get
required land allocation from BEBZA for the plant. Both BSRMSTEEL and BSRMLTD shall have ownership in the
9 SHASHADNIM The company’s subsidiary Energis Power Corporation Ltd. participated in tender for power plant setup. But till
date the company didn't receive any formal information/ approval from the BPDB
Concluding Remark:
Power is the prime mover of any economy. Any big push based on rental and quick rental power project need to
of the economy would need uninterrupted power supply. change and the government need to look for low cost
The provision of adequate and reliable supply of sustainable projects for generation of power. Moreover,
electricity at a reasonable cost is a pre-requisite to attain uncertainly regarding extension of power supply
the goal of being a middle income country by 2021. The agreements remains a key concern for all the rental and
government is working relentlessly to increase the quick rental power projects to continue as a going
country’s capacity to generate required power. However, concern.
the focus of short term highly expensive power supply
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