Types of Specs
Types of Specs
Types of Specs
Prescriptive specs put a greater burden on the architect (as opposed to the general contractor) to
ensure proper installation.
3. Proprietary Specifications demand that only one specific product be used for a given
installation. It is commonly utilized if the portion of a project requires a certain performance that
only one product can achieve. This could ultimately drive up project costs.
Along with these three types of construction specifications, specs can also be classified as “open”
or “closed,” a division often determined by the project’s stage in design development.
An open specification is when an architect does not name a specific supplier or product and allows
for substitutions to be made by the contractor. It does not limit competition, but rather is dictated
by a set of standards that more than one manufacturer can meet, allowing for many alternatives to
be submitted for approval. Performance specifications are often considered to be open.