Dhimanand Dhiman
Dhimanand Dhiman
Dhimanand Dhiman
including that of farm mechanization in India the largest manufacturer of tractors in the
brought about revolutionary enhancement in world, accounting for one-third of world
agricultural production. From a net importing production (Ravi, 2013), the average power
country, India is nowproducing more than 264 availability in the country is lower than many
million tons (mt) of food grains. For meeting countries (Korea, Japan, US).
the food security needs of the country, The migration of people to urban areas and
agricultural productivity and its growth needs availability of credit and money arealso main
to be sustained and further improved. factors in mechanization. The movement of
Farm Mechanization provides the labour away from agriculture has gained
technology to facilitate agricultural growth momentum in recent years, although the share
through efficient use of inputs. It can have a of workers living off the land still remains at
great role to play in the development of 54.6% of the work force (Ravi, 2013). The farmer
agriculture. Mechanization is important from population has shrunk by 9 million between
tillage and seed-bed preparation, sowing/ 2001 and 2011. In view of the efforts being
planting, inter-culture, fertilizer application, made to modernize Indian agriculture,
irrigation, harvesting, to post harvest mechanization in an important element (Vatsa,
operations. With newer technologies like zero- 2013). The farm mechanization has been well
tillage, raised bed planting, residue received world over as one of the central
management, precision agriculture, micro- elements of modernization of agriculture.
irrigation, mulching, etc., for farming the There has been a substantial progress of
dependence on farm mechanization has mechanization in agriculture, however, its
increased. Adoption of mechanization ensures spread has been in the most uneven manner.
timeliness of agricultural operations reduces Further, efforts to identify specific farm
cost of production as well as reduces drudgery equipments, implements and machines, for
in carrying out various farm operations. different agro climatic zones, as well as their
Equipment and implements for various promotion in the respective zones has been
operations like tillage, sowing, irrigation, plant lacking. Looking at farm implements used per
protection and threshing, etc. are generally 1000 ha of net sown area in the country, the
being used by farmers. tractor operated machinery is commonly used
India is in the early stage of development (Table 1). The Ministry of Agriculture,
as far as mechanization infusion is concerned. Government of India is giving a focus to
A big leap toward mechanization is expected agricultural mechanization including R&D,
infuturedue tolabour shortage owing to rural custom hiring and better technology infusion,
employment guarantee scheme and prevailing through its various schemes. The focus is on
pressure to boost productivity (Balachandar, increasing the reach of mechanization to the
2014 and Srivastava, 1999). Although, India is unreached regions and farmers.
Table 1: Number of farm machines per 1000ha net sown area in India
Machine Number Machine Number
Manual seed drill/seed drill-cum- fertilizer drill 153.2 Power operated horticultural tools 8.9
Animal drawn leveler 84.8 Drip and sprinkler equipment 8.3
Animal drawn seed-cum-fertilizer drill 36.1 tractor drawn seed-cum-fertilizer drill 7.2
Manually operated plant protection equipment 28.5 Tractor operated disc harrow 6.6
Straw reaper 18.8 Tractor operated levlers 6.2
Forage harvester 18.2 Power operated plant protection equipment 4.3
Tractors 16.7 Potato digger 2.1
Tractor operator cultivator 12.5 Tractor operated rotavator 0.9
Source: Ministry of Agriculture (2012)
Punjab, the agriculturally progressive state, percent of total area) and sowing (21.3 percent
has achieved tremendousgrowth in rice and of total area) and is also used for running other
wheat system where 3.5 million hectares which equipments like laser land leveler. The share
form 80 percent of total cultivated area is under of farm workers and draught animals has come
wheat and 2.8 m ha (68 percent) is under rice. down from 63.5 percent in 1971-72 to 13.6
Cropping intensity of the state is 191 percent. percent in 2009-10, whereas the share of
This unparalleled achievement has been only tractors, power tillers, and motors has gone
possible through mechanization of crop up from 36.5 to 86.3 percent during the same
production system. This paper appraises the period (Ravi, 2013). The contribution of tractors
findings of various researchers on the progress has increased from 7.5 percent in 1971 to over
and impact of the infusion of farm 51 percent in 2010-11(Singhaet al., 2012). The
mechanization technologies on agriculture. increasing cost of labour and upkeep of
The sale of tractors and power tillers in India draught animals also led to more adoption of
has shown exponential increase over the years tractors for farm operations.
(Table 2). Tractors are available from 18 to 70 HP
range. The market has been moving toward
Table 2: Sale of tractors and power tillers
bigger tractors during the past few years. In
in India
2005, 4-5 percent of the total industry was of
Year Tractors (lakh) Power tillers (000')
2004-05 2.47 17.48 higher HP tractors (48HP). In 2013-14, however,
2005-06 2.96 22.3 the domestic tractor industry volumewas in
2006-07 3.53 24.79 the tune of 6.35 lakh of which 48HP tractors
2007-08 3.46 26.13 accounted for16 percent (Balachandar, 2014).
2008-09 3.43 35.29 In view of shortage of labour, the need for
2009-10 3.94 38.79
2010-11 5.45 55.00
tractor mechanization arises. According to
2011-12 6.07 60.00 Sharma (1998) the projected demand for
tractors in India is 22.58 lakh in 2024-25. Singh
INFUSION OF TECHNOLOGIES and Jain (1981) estimated that agricultural
Tractors productivity and labour force were important
In the mechanization process tractor the econometric variables determining the demand
common farm vehicle has played a pivotal role of tractors in Punjab. Chatha and Grewal (1991)
and at present there are about 4.50 lakh tractors revealed that demand for tractors in Punjab
in the state. The use of tractors and tillers has would be 5.60 lakh in 2030-31 and indicated
increased five-fold in the last 40 years (Ravi, that by 2010-11 there will be saturation point
2013). On an average, there is almost one tractor as far as the number of tractors is concerned
for every 25 acres of land. Now the tractor is and that further demand of 25-32 thousand
available with several features such as air tractors will be due to replacement reasons.
conditioned cabins, ergonomically designed With the recommendation of rotavator, the
pedals and levers. Tractor performs several higher HP tractors will play a vital role.
functions. All tillage operations are mechanized Thetractors with advanced features but with
through tractors. These are also used for the affordable price range are needed. The
operation of wheat thresher and pumping normative demand of tractors in Punjab is
water through generator in the absence of higher than the prevailing tractor use. In
electricity power supply. Average HP in the Punjab, the farmers are buying tractor as their
state is almost 3.7 KW per ha. status symbol though its field use (264 h) is
In India, tractor have been used for far below the normal annual requirement (1000
performing operations using tillage equipment h).
like rotavator and spading machines (22.78 The big manufacturers of tractors and
pumpsets have their dealers in big towns in sowing of wheat crop and increase in yield.
the country. Almost in every town there are a Further, in zero-till ferti seed drill system, the
few manufacturers making different types of average cost of irrigation was `2592 per ha
machines and implements. There aretractor which was `667.5 per ha lesser in comparison
manufactures in the Punjab with annual to conventional system and gives 21 percent
production capacity of one lakh tractors. In saving. The zero tillage sowing was more
spite of good manufacturing base for economical (79 percent) in comparison to
production of different types of farm conventional methods of sowing. It was
machinery, their availability in many places is observed that zero-till ferti seed-drill system
not very satisfactory. Subsidies on different was found an acceptable machine by the
types of farm machines are available for farmers of district Ambedkar Nagar (UP)
different categories of farmers under the micro- because the zero-till ferti seed-drill system gave
management schemes of the state highest benefit cost ratio (1.76) in comparison
governments. to conventional system. The machine has been
Seed-cum-fertilizer drills discussed from various angles (Chauhan and
Several types of tractor-operated drills and Kumar, 1992).
seed planters with fertilizer attachments have The Indian drills and planters place fertilizer
been developed and introduced in India in the in a band usually on one side of the seed at
late sixties. Animal and tractor operated seed the same depth or deeper. Agronomic research
planters were developed and made availableto shows fertilizer placement in a band about 2.5
farmers. During the seventies R&D work was cm to the side and about 2.5 cm deeper than
devoted to evolving new models, fine tuning the seed leads to about 8 to 10 percent increase
the seed metering mechanisms, power in yield of cereal crops. Indian Standards
transmission systems, frame designs, and Institution (ISI) formulated several standards
developing suitable types of furrow relevant to the seeding equipment. The
openers.The Punjab Government gave a manufacturers of the state considerably
subsidy of 33 percent to all farmers buying improved equipment quality and started using
drills. Evaluation and testing of various types jigs and fixtures for making its components
of drills and planters under varying soil and (Guruswamy, 1985).
field conditions also intensified during the Threshers
seventies. A need-based target for introducing An indigenous thresher called ‘Ludhiana
about 50,000 improved drills was set in 1968- Thresher’ was developed during the mid-l950s,
69. At present about 1.8 lakhs of seed-cum- by Mr S.K. Paul (farm engineer) and Mr .
fertilizer drills are being used by the Punjab Sunder Singh (an innovative small-scale
farmers. Drills in size rangeof 7 to 15 rows for manufacturer of Ludhiana), which was the first
tractors are available. The most common seed- indigenous power thresher to be
metering device in drills is the external fluted- commercialized and acknowledged., Indian
feed roller and that on planters is the inclined Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
or vertical plate with cells. recognized the inventors of the Ludhiana
Although this method of wheat seeding thresherin 1957. It was capable of threshing
using zero-till seed-cum -ferti drill is becoming and cleaning besides facilitating bagging.This
very popular in Haryana and Punjab states but followed suit as it was followed by the low-
it not popular in U. P. particularly in central cost drummythreshers, better-designed Naini
parts (Singh et al., 2014). According to Singh or Sherpur threshers, and low power
et al. (2014) wheat crop can be sown 10-15 Syndicator/Toka threshers capable of handling
days earlier as compared to conventional even moist wheat.
method of sowing. This will result in timely Recently, bulk automatic feeding with auto-
reverse, and multi-crop threshers have come. rice, wheat, maize, green gram, soybean, etc.
Punjab State has reached acompletely are available. Tractor mounted, tractor driven,
mechanized wheat threshing level. The self-propelled combines with 8-14feet headers
engineers are now focusing on precise aspects have been manufactured.
like reducing energy consumption, safety, In Punjab, 91 and 82 percent area under
quality control, and standardization. The paddy and wheat is harvested with combine
threshers are being manufactured on a small harvesters.Currently, there are nearly 15,000
scale industry level. Ancillary units produce harvesters available in the state. About 90-95
components required by thresher percent combine harvesters are operated on
manufacturers. The PAU designed and custom hiring basis, which considerably
developed multi crop thresherbased on reduce the cost and availability of these costly
conventional rasp-bar design. It can thresh machines, which cannot be otherwise afforded
several crops except groundnut. However, especially by the small farmers. The major
peoplerequire bruised straw for feeding to international companies like CLAAS and John
cattle. Thus, a new design used a tractor- Deere haveset-up their manufacturing base in
operated rasp-bar thresher to yield better the state. Punjab is considered to be hub of
bruised straw. At present about 8 lakh threshers manufactures of combine harvesters and
are being used by the farmers of the state. The supplies this machinery to the rest of the
infusion of this technology has helped farmers country. the limitation is that the combine
to market their wheat produce timely. harvesters do not handle crop residue and
Threshers have been designed for different create management problem. Track type small
crops such as wheat, maize, groundnut, harvesters are also manufactured, which can
cowpea, mungbean, etc. Threshers often lead be operating in water logged and wet lands.
to some accidents causing varying level of Laser land leveler
injuries. It is estimated that every year in The laser land levelling technology is used
Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh alone there to level bigger fields. Land leveling is an
may be 5000 to 10,000 deaths 15,000 to 20,000 important operation for good agronomic, soil
amputations and 1.5 to 2.0 lakh serious injuries and crop management practices (Anurajaet al.,
due to farm activities (Mohan and Patel, 1992). 2013). Cook and Peikert (1960) reported that a
Among these, threshing machines are significant (20-25 percent) quantity of irrigation
responsible for a significant number of serious water was lost during its application due to
injuries. Kumar et al. (2002) suggested a cost poor farm designing and unevenness of the
effective, improved design for safe operation fields. The levelled fields have better water use
ofthreshers based on ergonomic principles. efficiency. Aggarwal et al. (2010) assessed
Threshers have been designed to suit the water saving in different crops (maize, wheat,
needs of small farmers(Azouma et al., 2009). cotton, paddy, berseem, pea, potato) through
Combine harvesters precision land leveling and reported a water
The combine harvester, or simply combine, saving in the range of 22-33 percent (average
is a machine that harvests cereal crops. The 26. 64 percent). Reporting that 10, 25, 50, 75
name is due to its combining three operations and 100 percent adoption of laser land leveller
(reaping, threshing, and winnowing) of can result in saving of 1.46, 3.66, 7.33, 10.99
harvesting into a single one (Quick and and 14.65 lakh haM of water, they
Wesley,1978). Combining is found to be the recommended the use of laser land leveller to
cheapest method of harvesting and threshing save water in Punjab where water table is
paddy and wheat (Alam, 2005). There are about depletion is a cause of concern.
30 manufacturers fabricating combines. Several researchers have conducted field
Combine harvester machines for harvesting of experiments to evaluate the performance of
laser landleveler for land leveling and grading present. It has levelled around 15,000 ha area
operations to determine its effect on water in Punjab (Table 3). Cooperative Societies are
requirements and yield of selected crops. In also helping farmers to avail laser land levler.
the case of paddy crop, land leveling by laser About 32 percent of the cropped area has
guided land leveler resulted in much lesser been laser levelled in the state. Besides leading
variations in height of standing water as a to water saving, the laser levelling technique
result of which 16.67 percent water saving was is beneficial in many ways. Nearly 20-25% of
observed per irrigation. Crop yields were irrigation water is lost due to unevenness of
higher in case of fields laser leveled and graded the fields leading to non-uniformity in
fields. However, differences were significant germination, poor crop stand, more weeds and
in the case of paddy and pigeon pea crop only uneven crop maturity affecting yield and
(Chaudhuri et al., 2007). quality of produce. Proper land levelling is
In another report (Aryalet al., 2011) laser needed for optimum water and nutrient use
leveling in rice fields reduced irrigation time efficiency, better crop establishment, saving
by 47-69 h per ha per season and improved in time for applying irrigation and ultimately
yield by approximately 7 percent compared with more productivity. Number of manufacturers
traditionally leveled fields. In wheat, irrigation in the state are producing and selling the
time was reduced by 10-12 h per ha per season machines in Punjab and also in adjoining
and yield increased by 6.7 percent in Haryana states.
and 8.8% in Punjab by adopting laser leveling. Tools and techniques for precision farming
The monetary benefits of laser leveller in terms Rapid socio-economic changes in some
of increased yields of paddy and wheat was developing countries, including India, are
equivalent to USD 138 per ha per year. This creating new scopes for application of
shows that the use of laser leveler has become precision agriculture (Mondal and Basu, 2009).
economically accessible, even to small holders As far as precision farming technology
and resource-poor farmers. The technology development and infusion is concerned, India
was recommended in 2006 as it ensures better is yet to catch up with the developments made
water distribution efficiency, provides option in advanced countries (Mondal and Tewari,
for providing slope, ensures better crop stand/ 2007). Some work on this front has been
yield. The infusion of this scale neutral initiated. Various precision agriculture tools
technology (not biased towards large farmers) like ‘grain yield monitor’ and ‘moisture
has recently been picking up as the number of sensor’fitted on indigenous combine
laser levelers has been increasing harvesters are being evaluatedthrough online
exponentially in the Punjab starting with data collection. Efforts are underway to modify
merely three in 2006 to more than 7200 at ‘tractor mounted soil sensor’ to
appraiseelectrical conductivity (EC) and
Table 3: Area levelled using laser land compaction of soil at the same time. The CSIO,
levelers in Punjab Chandigarh has developed tractor mounted
Year Area laser levelled (ha)
2005 8
soil EC mapper.Tractor operated pH
2006 150 monitoring system has been developed.The
2007 550 tractor fitted GPS Navigator is being evaluated
2008 1000 to guide the tractor and to analyze the effect
2009 2000 on missing and overlapping during different
2010 4100
tractor operations. A ground-based integrated
2011 6250
2012 9370 system was to measure real-time crop
2013 11580 conditions including Normalized Difference
2014 15000 Vegetation Index (NDVI), real time images,
biomass, etc. has been developed.The made in mid 1960’s when Agro-Industries
prototype of variable rate applicator for Corporations (AIC) were established in the
fertilizershas been developed to reduce the states. The AICs acted as facilitators of farm
common problems of over and under fertilizer mechanization. The AICs in most states setup
application. High resolution multi spectral Agricultural Machinery Service Centers
satellite data of different sensors i.e World View (AMSCs) to provide custom hiring and
(WV-02), Quickbird (QB02), Geoeye and servicing facilities to farmers. These centres
IKONOS-02 is being used to establish were run on no profit no loss basis. From 1967
relationships with soil and crop parameters for these centers also supplied other machines like
selected sites of Punjab and Harayana. Soil pump sets, tractors, power threshers and power
texture analysis and spatial variability maps tiller on hire purchase basis rather than on
generated in terms of sand, silt and clay custom hiring. The custom hiring system is
percentage by using satellite data are useful. better for the smaller farmers for availing non-
Such precision farming technologies using farm employment opportunities.The
interdisciplinary efforts and involving ICT will government has also developed the Primary
help rationalize the use of inputs. Agricultural Cooperative Societies as Agro-
Infusion of farm mechanization technologies Service Centres for such services. This would
through Custom hiring particularly be beneficial to the small farmers
Indian agriculture, for that matter Punjab to cut down their cost of production, enhance
agriculture, is largely dominated by small productivity and increase their net farm
holdings (Singh et al., 2013).Small holdings income.
have their intrinsic problems. The ownership The establishment of Agro Machinery
of machinery is mostly determined by the Service Centres (AMSCs) at various Primary
economic viability. The custom-hiring system Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACSs)
can be greatly helpful (Dhillon and Sidhu,1987 was initiated during the early-2000s in Punjab.
and Pandey, 2000). Custom hiring service of These AMSCs purchased heavy farm
farm machinery was first introduced in pre- machinery such as tractors, trolleys, laser
partition Indian agriculture in 1912 when a 30- levellers, etc. out of their own savings,
inch (diameter) steam thresher was used for institutional loans and subsidy support from
custom hiring in Layallpur district. These the government to provide timely services to
machines were taken to about 10 different the farmers, especially small and marginal
places working for 2 or 3 days at each place. farmers, at reasonable rates. These AMSCs
The users were charged half rate only i.e. 2 have successfully catered to the farmers’
anna a maund. The output of this thresher was needs, thereby reducing their investment
about17 kg per h. Organizedefforts to promote burdens, and costs of farm operations with
multi farm use of agricultural machinery was subsequent improving of economic viability
of these farms.
Table 4: Number of operational holdings by size group
Farm category 1990-91 2004-05
India Punjab India Punjab India Punjab India Punjab
Marginal 63389 59.44 297 26.48 83694 64.77 135 13.45
Small 20092 18.84 204 18.25 23929 18.52 184 18.33
Semi- Medium 13923 13.06 288 25.85 14127 10.93 319 31.77
Medium 7580 7.11 261 23.41 6375 4.93 295 29.38
Large 1654 1.55 67 6.01 1095 0.85 71 7.07
All Holdings 106637 100 1117 100 129222 100 1004 100
Source: Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Agricultural Census Division ( c.f. Singh et al., 2013)
Impact of mechanization Uttar Pradesh, short window of time available
A number of studies have been attempted between harvesting of a crop and sowing of
in different parts of the country to assess the the next, as well as well as labour shortage, the
impact of farm mechanization. The impact has farm mechanization is critically important.
been viewed in relation to agricultural There are estimates that farm mechanization in
production and productivity, enhancement of India is set to enter a new phase to meet the
cropping intensity, employment generation, growing demand for food grains and other food
conservation of natural resources, etc. and non-food commodities(Goyal et al., 2014)
Availability of mechanical power and and the process needs to be re-looked and re-
improved tools and equipment has enabled the engineered so as to effectively include small
food bowl states of Punjab, Haryana and and marginal farmers (Aggarwal,1983).
western Uttar Pradesh to achieve high level of According to Bakshi (2013), Indian agriculture
land productivity (Goyal et al., 2014) and the is undergoing a heavy stress as average land
same should happen to other states. A positive holdings is decreasing day by day. The
relationship exists between farm power acreage has remained at 140 million hectares
availability and agricultural productivity since 40 years but the number of farmers has
(Singh, 2001).According to Gajri et al. (2002), increased from 7 crore to 14 crore. We are
farm mechanization has enhanced the area adding one crore farmers every five years. With
under crop cultivation and thereby contributed smaller land at disposal, there is a decrease in
toward increased productivity mainly because farmers’ capacity to invest in land.
of the precision with which crop agronomical For making farmers globally competitive
operations can be accomplished. and checking damage to natural resources (soil
Mechanization of farm operations has and water), a major shift in farm mechanization
greatly helped in reducing the labour is required to realize the goal of eco-friendly
requirement, drudgery and cost of cultivation sustainable agriculture with low cost of
and saving farmers from vagaries of weather. production and high quality produce.
It has also led to an enhancement in cropping Appropriate and selective mechanization is
intensity. The tractorization, which is needed for production agriculture, post harvest
considered as back bone of mechanization, has handling, and value addition using a proper
played a key role in making the Green combine of conventional and renewable energy
Revolution a grand success in India (Bectoret sources. To devise long term strategies for
al., 2008). Despite some divergence that the farm mechanization, it is vital to visualize the
tractorization displaces bullock, labour and needs in view of the prevailing challenges
retrenchment of manpower in the labour (Goyal et al., 2014). The following points are
intensive country like ours, the farm relevant in this regard:
mechanization or use of tractors (4.5 lakh in Power farming should be adequately
Punjab) has contributed significantly to the adopted fortimeliness and precision of
growth of Indian agriculture (Singha et al., field operations, maximizing use
2012) it enhances the agricultural GDP both in efficiencies of agrochemical
the long and short run. According to Verma inputs(fertilizers, seeds, etc.),for natural
(2005) tractor farms yield more than the non- resource (water and soil) conservation
tractor farms in India, especially of the and environment (Joshi, 1998, Srivastava,
commercial crops like sugarcane and potato. 2002 and Rijk, 1989).
Prioritization and future outlook for Due focus should be given to precision
mechanization equipment for proper placement of inputs
In view of the intensive agriculture (Gajri et al., 2002) for precision farming.
especially in Punjab, Haryana, and western Tractor mounted sensor based nutrient
application and yield monitoring for increasing demand for irrigation water,
combine harvester need to be developed efforts are needed for strengthening
for precision agriculture. research on drip, sprinkler and micro-
· Sub-soilers and equipment for deep tillage sprinkler systems to economize water use
for breaking hard pan and managing with and improving its use efficiency.
perennial weeds should be introduced. Electronic procedures/devices for
Conservation tillage technologies (zero till identifying gaps and counting seeds/
drills, strip till drills, roto drills, tillage seedlings in planters/transplanters need
machines, spading machines, raised bed to be introduced (Singh and Bhardwaj,
planters, ridger seeder, etc.) should be 1985).
promoted priority (Peter, 1993). Use of information and communication
Low cost multi-task and multi-crop farm technology(ICT) and computer concepts
machinery needs to be developed and for the designing, manufacturing and
promoted among marginal and small management of farm machinery.
farmers. The public-private partnership (PPP)
Mechanization of sowing and harvesting needs to be encouraged to give a boost
of major crops, collection and management to farm mechanization
of residue of paddy and other crops and The present trend in agricultural
mulching should receive priority. mechanization is for high capacity
There is need to develop and promote machines to be used on custom hiring and
machines/equipment for sugarcane for contractual field operations.
harvesting, cotton picking and vegetable The future mechanization strategy may
harvesting. Mechanization solutions for have to be based on agro-ecological
paddy, sugarcane, cotton, potato, diversity and economic disparity of the
horticultural crops, and green house farmers. Combine harvesters
protected cultivation, etc. needs attention incorporating straw/crop residue
of engineers and industries for their management options need to be
development, production and marketing. developed.
For mechanization of horticultural crops, CONCLUSIONS
machines like pit makers, sapling planters, For meeting the food security needs of the
mulch layers, orchard sprayers, fruit country, agricultural productivity and its
harvesters, vegetable grafting machine, growth need to be further improved. This
etc. need to be identified, designed/ requires among other efforts, strengthening
introduced and popularized. of farm mechanization. Viewed over the years,
Design, import, evaluation and promotion there has been a substantial progress;
of pneumatic planters and sprayers however, its spread has been uneven. Further,
should receive focus. efforts to identify specific farm equipment,
Design of green house with implements and machines, for different agro
environmental control mechanized climatic zones, as well as their promotion has
cultivation and product-handling been lacking. The tractor operated machinery
technology package will assume greater is commonly used. The sale of tractors and
importance. power tillers in India has shown exponential
Mechanization in hill agriculture, where increase over the years. All tillage operations,
there is tremendous potential of growing running of wheat thresher and water pumps
horticultural crops, flowers etc. exist, (in the absence of electricity power) are
needs to be focused. mechanized through tractors. With the
In view of depleting water resource and recommendation of rotavator, the higher HP
tractors will play a role. Sowing drills and in view of the prevailing challenges. Subsidies
machines capable of threshing and cleaning on different types of farm machines are
different crop produce besides facilitating available for different categories of farmers
bagging are in practice. Combine harvester under the micro-management schemes of the
machines for harvesting of rice, wheat, maize, state governments. The Government of India
green gram, soybean, etc. are available. Tractor is giving a thrust to agricultural mechanization
mounted, tractor driven, self-propelled including R&D, custom hiring and better
combines with 8-14feet headers have been technology infusion, through its various
manufactured. Land leveling technology schemes. The focus is on increasing the reach
ensures better water distribution efficiency, of mechanization to the unreached regions and
provides option for providing slope, and farmers.
ensures better crop stand/yield. The infusion REFERENCES
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