Cezanne (DK Art Ebook) PDF
Cezanne (DK Art Ebook) PDF
Cezanne (DK Art Ebook) PDF
The artists'
artist - his life
in paintings
i #
AM Cezanne
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How to use
this book
are divided into three areas Childhood and beyond, Cezanne is a dauber'
identifiable by side bands: the formative years
yellow for the pages 8 Growing up in 42 Meeting with
devoted to the life and Aix-en-Provence Hortense Fiquet
works of the artist, light
10 Interior with Two 44 1870: the outbreak of
'q blue for the historical and Women and a Child the Franco-Prussian war
cultural background, and 12 Napoleon III 46 House of the Hanged Man
pink for the analysis of
crowned emperor 48 and the war
major works. Each spread 14 The dream of painting 50 Meeting with
focuses on a specific theme, 16 Portrait of Louis- Pissarro at
with an introductory text Auguste Cezanne Auvers-sur-Oise
and several annotated 18 Friendship with 52 The Third Republic
illustrations. The index Emile Zola and the Commune
section is also illustrated
20 Official culture: 54 L'Estaque
and gives background the academies and 56 Three Bathers
information on key figures
the Salons 58 1874: "The
and the location of the
22 1861:Cezanne in Paris first impression"
artist's works.
24 The Orgy 60 Portrait of
26 1863: the Salon Victor Chocquet
des Refuses 62 The cafes and
28 AchilleEmperaire modern life
Childhood and beyond,
the formative years
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Growing up in
1 aul Cezanne was born on January 1 9, 1 839 Before the war, Aix-
Aix-en-Provence, a small town in the south of France. His en-Provence was still a
small southern town on
father's family was almost certainly of Italian origin, in France to
the margins of progress.
seek their fortune. His father was perhaps from a Piedmontese Time had stood still for
village or perhaps, as Ambroise Vollard, his collector and many years and life was
biographer, has suggested, from the small town of Cesena in calm and untroubled.
The seasons came
Romagna. At all events, by the early 1800s the Cezannes were
round in their regular
settled in Aix. Paul's father Louis-Auguste became a hat trader;
rhythm with the
the felt industry was, at this time, flourishing in Aix and he made same patterns.
Photograph of
Louis-Auguste Cezanne.
His modest origins,
his marriage to a
painted by Granet in
spontaneous style.
Cezanne, Chestnuts
and Farm at the Jas de
Bouffan, c.1884, Norton
Simon Art Foundation,
Pasadena (California). In
839- 1870
Large, round brushes The use of color K
are used to superimpose seems to be limited s.
in terms of volumes,
which simplifies
the design.
This painting shows
Napoleon III Napoleon on the battlefield
at Sedan on November 7,
This illustration
depicts a scene from
the Franco-Prussian
war. In foreign policy
Napoleon III set himself
national state in
Giuseppe de Nittis,
Boulevard Haussmann,
Private Collection, Milan.
industry, responding
to political demands
and the rise of an
increasingly wealthy
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French a sense of
pride in belonging
to a great power.
1839-1870 / • /
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t courses
of nature,
in academic drawing. The only subject
not taught at the Aix school was the study
even though
museum had acquired a superb collection of
canvases painted from nature and donated
in 1849 the city
;,. /•.-.«-/.
1839- 1870
Cezanne, Spring,
1860-62, Musee du
Petit Palais, Pans. The
panels depicting the
Seasons were placed in
at the Faculty of
Jurisprudence, in about
1859. On December 7,
From the legs and Cezanne, Sugar
the large shoes, the Bowl, Pears, and
planes of the painting Blue Cup, 1866, Musee
push upwards culmin- Granet, Arx-en-Provence.
ating in the small still Using a palette knife to
life on the right, partially spread color, Cezanne
hidden by the father's juxtaposes thick, irreg-
"throne". This detail, ular dabs to create the
The figure of
Louis-Auguste is
completely immersed
in the brightness of the
flowered material and
the contrast with the
black of the hat and
coat confirm Cezanne's
own saying: "Contrasts
Cezanne, Portrait
ofAchille Emperaire,
1869-70, Musee
d'Orsay, Pans. In
order to create a
certain monumentality
around the subject of
the portrait, Cezanne
used the motif of the
armchair once more.
"With the air of the
pope on the throne"
attributed to Emperaire
1839- 1870
( fczanne, Paul Alexis
Reading a Manuscript
to Zola, 1869 70,
Private Collection,
Switzerland. Left
unfinished by the artist,
de Medan, inspired
by meetings between
the intellectuals and
artists of the age.
Edouard Manet,
Portrait of Zola,
and to whom he
dedicated many of
Official culture
the academies
and the Salons
Jean-Leon Gerome,
Phryne before the Areo-
pagus, 1861, Kunsthalle,
Hamburg. Not a single
detail is neglected,
the smooth pictorial
surfaces guiding a taste
for art that does not
want to be challenged.
Alexandre Cabanel,
Birth of Venus, 1862,
who was probably unconvinced that his son had talent, Paul
moved to Paris. Zola had been entreating him to come to the big
city and was eagerly awaiting him. However, despite the walks, the
visits to the Louvre (where he could admire, among others,
Caravaggio, Velazquez, and Veronese), to the Salons, and time
spent with his friend, Cezanne became bored. Rejected by the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, his father's preferred school, he attended
the Academie Suisse, a liberal atelier where models of both sexes
would pose for the artists for a modest sum. Work was neither
checked nor corrected. In a letter to Numa Coste, his companion
at the drawing academy at Aix, he wrote: "I work calmly, I eat,
and I sleep". The Paris trip was important for the young artist,
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Cezanne, The
Abduction, 1867,
Fitzwilliam Museum,
Cambridge. This canvas
is strongly characterized
by the romantic
influence of Delacroix.
'~~4r^m$x ^2^^^hV9 Before it passed into
the hands of collectors,
belonged to Emile
aH P^^ES^ mint a- w
Cezanne, Medea, Cezanne, Portrait of dedicating to him an
after Delacroix, 1880-85, Delacroix, 1870-71, Apotheosis of Delacroix, m
Kunsthaus, Zurich. This Mus£e Calvet, Avignon. the artist ascending to >-
work was inspired by a Since the early 1860s the heaven of the great O
celebrated painting by Cezanne had harboured masters watched by his =
Delacroix where a real passion for faithful followers. The TO
Medea, rejected by Eugene Delacroix, project was not however
Jason, takes her revenge constantly quoting him destined to go beyond
by killing their two sons. and copying him, even the sketch stage.
Cezanne's relationship
with Paris was always to »A
remain difficult and in
many circumstances it
Academie Suisse. He
is shown here leaning
or fatigue. Pissarro
praised the painting as
a "masterpiece of art".
The Orgy
This work was executed between 1867 and 1872,
a period when, Zola noted, Cezanne "was dreaming
up immense pictures". It was originally entitled The
Feast by Cezanne, but was rechristened The Orgy
by the critics. It is now in a private collection.
The statue at the
top on the left and
the columns, used by
Veronese as theatrical
wave of color.
The grouping of
on to the imaginary
Marcantonio Edouard Manet >
Raimondi, Olympia, 1865, Musee
Raphael, Judgment of d'Orsay, Paris. Inspired
Paris, The Metropolitan by Titian's Venus of o
Museum of Art, New Urbmo, this painting
Manet's Olympia in
a caricature by Cham,
which appeared in "Le
Charivari" in May 1865.
James McNeill
Whistler, The White Girl,
Achille Emperaire
This canvas, painted between 1869 and 1870, is a
portrait of Achille Emperaire, a native of Aix,
Cezanne's senior, and, like him, a painter. It is
( f'vrinrif makes
the out-of-proportion
body of the dwarf into
a monumental figure,
This caricature by
Album Stock, represents
tapering hands.
1 lapoleon III decided to stimulate the
French economy in order to satisfy the growing needs of the
haute bourgeoisie as well as to improve the living conditions of
the working class. The process of industrialization involved the
whole of France: ports were built, as well as canals and railways,
new mines were opened up and the building trade expanded. The
expansion resulted in giving the French bourgeoisie an absolutely
pre-eminent role in the economy, and the mass of the proletariat
began to demand their rights. The worker's right to strike was
granted in 1864 and there was an increasing call to form workers'
associations founded on self government and individual liberty.
To marginalize possible social conflict, Napoleon III decided he
The Champs-Elysees
needed to establish the basis for a great French colonial empire.
in the mid-19th century
So during his reign France consolidated rule over Algeria,
in an engraving by
conquered new bases in Senegal and Somalia, and started Champin, Pushkin
the colonization of Indochina. This ambitious foreign policy Museum, Moscow.
had the primary object of regaining supremacy for France in The long boulevards
criss-crossed in star-
Europe. However, when expansion was confronted by strong,
shaped ronde-points
compact national states, the strategy weakened rather than creating charming
strengthened the personal power of Napoleon III. perspective views.
Camille Pissarro,
Avenue de I'Opero,
painting. Cezanne,
however, never really
succeeded in putting
a modest apartment at
Haussmann was seen 45 rue Jussieu. The Paris
as the "artist-demolisher", he saw and experienced
the first to carve out the was not the Paris of
ancient past from the his artist friends, who
center of a big city and painted picturesque
design new quarters views of the city center
for the future. thronging with people.
and literary climate in spirit and keen observation. In 1854, he opened a studio at 113
Paris in mind, Nadar rue Saint-Lazare, Paris, dedicating himself in the main to the type
was initially drawn to
of portrait produced by making the most of the light conditions
photography as a way of
in his studio. Using a radiant light source, facial expressions
producing a lithograph
in which he could bring were modelled by shadow, an effect highlighted by the complete
together the faces of absence of any painted background. Nadar also took several
270 famous personalities.
aerial pictures, photographing parts of Paris from a hot-air
To create this work he
balloon. Artists were able to discern asymmetries, oblique lines,
produced countless
portraits, drawings,
and partial views in the aerial images, a new way of seeing
Overture to Tannhauser
This canvas, painted in about 1869 and inspired
by Wagner's music, was given to his sister Rose,
who may have posed for the painting. It stayed
with her until it was sold to Ambroise Vollard
and is now in the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
The subject of
Tannhauser comes
from the legends of
Christian Germany
and takes the theme
of redemption through
love. Tannhauser,
cavalier and poet, is
Cezanne shows us a
and caricature
condemnation, which would contribute to its closure. The challenge a virtue in asses.
Honore Daumier,
Nadar elevates
Photography to
combinations of color.
in painting (especially in his early work), Flaubert tended to with large prominent
eyes, full eyelids,
repress the "romantic" tendencies in his temperament, trying in
plump cheeks, coarse,
his novels to combine, the realistic and the imaginative. Similarly,
drooping moustaches,
Cezanne was inspired by orgiastic themes (The Orgy), images of and lively coloring".
839- 1870
Ce/anne, The
Strangled Woman,
( 1872, Musee d'Orsay,
Paris. This may be a
depiction of a terrifying
real event. It appears
that Cezanne wanted
to punish a certain type
of woman different
Cezanne, Old
Woman with a Rosary,
1895-96, National
Gallery, London.
Cezanne wrote in a
Cezanne is a dauber"
Meeting with
Hortense Fiquet
Hortense was, in Cezanne's own words, frivolous and a little Among the numerous
portraits Cezanne made
superficial, she "only loved Paris and lemonade". She was,
of his son, few are as
however, an available and patient model, frequently pictured in a
touching and revealing
wide variety of poses, increasingly abstract and remote, with of the joy the child
870- 1880
Cezanne, Portrait
of the Artist's Son,
1883-85, Musee
National de I'Orangene,
Paris. Until 1880
Cezanne only drew
pencil sketches of his
Cezanne, Madame
Cezanne in the
Conservatory, 1891-92,
The Metropolitan
Museum of Art,
New York. Hortense
sat regularly for her
husband. Twenty-four
painted portraits are
known of her (mainly
three-quarter length)
and dozens of drawings
Hortense. Background
and foreground are
unified by the curve
of the trunk and the
arms. The painting,
which was never
finished, expresses
lifter the failure of the liberal and A descendant of an
her eastern border. On his side, Bismarck regarded war with the defeat at Sedan. The
illustration shows the
France as inevitable but sought to make France appear as the
crowd invading the
aggressor, even introducing conscription in the name of German Chamber, calling foi
nationalism and obtaining the necessary internal consent. In the proclamation
1870, Napoleon III fell into the trap - in an atmosphere of high of a Republic.
1870- 1880
Pierre Puvis
de Chavannes, The
Balloon, 1871, Musee
d'Orsay, Paris.
^ with a profound
sense of sadness
and loneliness.
in the background.
Three parallel planes
mark the foreground,
middle ground, and
background, the planes
unified by the even
distribution of light.
rhe wall on the left s
holds the gaze of the
viewer, unlike most m
Impressionist paintings -a
where the sped tn
eye is drawn to the m /
background through
the use of perspective.
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Camille Pissarro,
The Hermitage road at
Pontoise, 1874, Private
Collection. Pissarro
the background.
1870- 1880
Claude Monet, Prussian forces arrived, then escaped to England, as did Monet.
Care Saint-Lazare, Cezanne left Paris and after a brief period spent in Aix-en-
1877, National Gallery,
Provence, he moved to I'Estaque near Marseille with Hortense
London. This painting
may have been
and his young son Paul. On January 5, 1871, the Prussians began
influenced by a Turner bombarding Paris. The atmosphere in the capital became tense:
painting, Rain, Steam food reserves were running out and hunger and epidemics were
and Speed. The Great Manet wrote that in the absence
taking hold. In a letter to his wife,
Western Railway, which
of food theywere eating cats, mice, and dogs and only a few
Monet had seen during
his exile in London. fortunates were able to get hold of horse meat. In London
meanwhile, Monet and Pissarro met up frequently and the
experience was to be fruitful to both.
English painting, especially the work of
J.M.W. Turner and John Constable, was to
Camille Pissarro,
Field at Hampton
Court, 1891, National
Gallery of Art,
Washington. Pissarro
said: "Monet and I were
full of enthusiasm. We
worked from nature...
but also went to
the museums".
Meeting Pissarro
Camille Pissarro,
Portrait of the Artist,
affectionate esteem
for Pissarro.
1870- 1880
Camille Pissarro, solely en plan air"
Cezanne, View of
Auvers-sur-Oise, 1873,
The Art Institute of
et d'Histoire, Saint-
Empire spurred the population of Paris into extreme
Denis. The destruction
revolutionary fervour. Their aim, promoted by Blanqui and of the column had
Proudhon, was to substitute a centralized state with a federation symbolic significance.
Edouard Manet,
Civil War, 1871, The
Art Institute of Chicago.
organization of
working men to
attempt to destroy
the bourgeois state.
of Marseille
and Cezanne stayed there
is a fishing village in the bay
at various times in his life.
* v
In September 1870, during the Franco-Prussian war, Cezanne took
refuge there with Hortense and his son Paul. "During the war I
Georges Braque,
Viaduct at l'Estaque,
c.1908, The Minneapolis
Art Museum. Cezanne's
example of simplification
1870- 1880
Cezanne, Roof',
at I'Estaque, 1878-82,
Museum Boymans-van
Beumngen, Rotterdam.
This delicate watercolor,
with its harmonious
colors, looks over a
permitting a glimpse
in the background,
opposite the bay, of the
mountain chain which
rises south of Marseille.
Watercolor is the
medium that most
faithfully translates
the emotion of
the moment.
1915, Kunstmuseum,
Bern. Klee makes use
of a Cezanne-style motif
in this composition,
making the foreground
and the Bernese
mountain geometric.
Three Bathers
This painting dates from about 1875. For many
years prior to being placed in a private collection,
870- 1880
Henry Moore,
the monumentality
of the bigger ones of
Cezanne.... Perhaps
another reason why I
of woman he portrays is
studio in
Q n April 15, 1874, in
the modest sum of 425 studied at Pontoise. The definition was simple: Societe anonyme
francs, vital however des artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs. At the 1874 exhibition,
because Pierre-Auguste the group was nicknamed "Impressionists", a term they rejected
desperately needed to
however, because it was coined by the art critic Leroy, who used
pay the rent. His brother
posed for the picture
it intending to ridicule their new, disturbing pictorial language.
with a new model, Nini. The exhibition lasted a month and in Paris the joke went around
that the painting method consisted of
loading up a gun with various tubes of
paint, and then shooting at the canvas,
1870- 1880
Claude Monet,
Impression: Sunrise,
1872, Musee Marmottan,
Paris. Monet wanted
to give the name
Impression to this view
of Le Havre, with the
in the foreground.
Claude Monet,
Boulevard des
Capucines, 1873,
William Rockhill Nelson
Gallery of Art, Kansas
Joseph Vincent, 1
artist and
Academy professor,
commented: "So I
and damnation!"
1870- 1880
Chocquet had the
spirh of the authentic
discoveries, guided
his works.
Cezanne, like Pissarro, went there intermittently when visiting Cafe de la Nouvelle-
Edgar Degas,
Le cafe-concert Les
Ambassadeurs, 1875-77,
Musee des Beaux-Arts,
Lyon. Degas often went
to the cafe-concerts of
numerous paintings.
1870- 1880
A drawing of the
in the area.
Edouard Manet,
At the Cafe. Manet was
the intellectual leader of
the group. At meetings
Cezanne liked to show
off his rough ways,
almost as though
challenging the elegant
manners of the others.
Henri de Toulouse-
Lautrec, L'Almee,
the surroundings.
1870- 1880
Hortense is shown Pablo Picasso, Seated s
here with a thoughtful Woman, 1909, Private C/9
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Using the horizontal
lines of the dress, which
contrast with the green
whom one of the best rooms had been reserved, showed 17,
among them a portrait of Victor Chocquet. More people were
interested than at the previous exhibition and initially the
reception seemed less mocking. The art critic Georges Riviere
published a journal in defence of the painters for the duration of
Pierre-Auguste Renoir,
The Swing, 1876, Musee
d'Orsay, Paris. This pretty
scene is a free exercise
in placing a figure in
a landscape.
1870- 1880
£ ,J
9 '-'1* Cezanne, The Sea
at I'Estaque, 1876, Rau
Foundation for the Third >
World, Zurich. Even this
"strange". However,
Riviere, Cezanne's
staunch defender,
underlined the
eccentricity at the
heart of Impressionist
production: "It is of
extraordinary greatness
and inaudible calm;
this scene goes past,
it would seem, in
Cezanne, Portrait
of Victor Chocquet,
1876-77, Private
Collection, New
York. Of all the works
presented by Cezanne
(oils and watercolors,
for the most part '
madman made by
a madman". But the
sarcasm does not >
overshadow the
passion of this portrait,
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Joris-Karl Huysmans
il revelatory colorist... an
perceptions, discovered the first signs of a new art; so might we Joris-Karl Huysmans.
The interest of
sum up this too-neglected painter, Cezanne". This is how the art
intellectuals and critics
critic and author Huysmans defined Cezanne, whom he met for
in art corresponded
the first time in Zola's house at Medan. Cezanne spent the to the new shape of
summer there along with Paul Alexis, Numa Coste, and other the market, no longer
This photograph is
of Charles Baudelaire,
Cezanne, Chateau
Medan, 1879-81,
Kunsthaus, Zurich. Later
Huysmans began to
or delicacy of hand".
Still life
tobecome redder and rounder and greener and heavier ... The discipline with language,
Kunstmuseum, Zurich.
To the new generation
of painters, especially
Cezanne, Still
watercolor, which
were exceptional
for their size and
luminosity. This is
Cezanne, Still
of "local" tone.
1870- 1880
The wallpaper with its
olive-yellow background is
is used by Cezanne to
give force and incisiveness
to the composition.
Cezanne, Still
subjects, belonged
a time to the painter
y!L .
be the "protagonist"
of a picture by Maurice
(^^^^ M s.
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Cezanne, Apples,
1877-78, Fitzwilliam
Museum, Cambridge.
Apples make their first
on they become a
thumb" characterized
by "furious impasto
of vermilion, yellow,
Andre Disderi,
cartes-de-visite of
people dressed in
1870- 1880
Carte-de-visite Cezanne, Portrait of
photograph of the Artist, 1895, Private
Edgar Degas, c.1862. Collection. Cezanne
Compared with Degas' also made great use
photography was
an enormous help to
caricaturists like Nadar
and Gustave Dore, who
used both camera and
pencil together. The
results were often closer
to photography than
traditional forms
of caricature. A love-hate relationship urbane Parisian society. Between
between Degas and Cezanne the two a polite contempt soon
emerged, which led to each
Edgar Degas, Foyer
de Danse a I'Opera,
Unlike Paul Cezanne, Degas, ignoring the work of the other.
Paris. Degas loved Breton family, was a man of the Degas "discovered" Cezanne, the
analyzing the bodies of world, actively involved with the occasion was a one-man show
the girls in balletic poses. Impressionists, and a member of organized by Ambroise Vollard.
Artistic maturity
m *'
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New sensations
the same
subjects: portraits,
hy did Cezanne continually return to
still lifes, landscapes? Perhaps
these subjects in particular were not at the heart of it, but rather, Odilon Redon,
he wanted to get away from simple imitation of nature. The With Closed Eyes, 1890,
Musee d'Orsay, Paris.
figurative results may seem incongruous, but his was a mental
For a long time Redon,
vision, It was thanks to Cezanne, in a number of
"pure" painting.
who was more or less
ways, that art graduallybecame more conceptual. It was probably contemporary with
no accident that in the early 1880s a writer like Huysmans should the Impressionists,
start work on his new novel A Rebours {Against Nature), a remained in complete
isolation as a result
treasure trove of dreams and allusions. The poet Charles
of his mysterious
Baudelaire, attempting to aim at pure poetry, described the and unsettling art,
state-sanctioned art.
dimensions, travelling in search of realities distanced from their
own time and space. In these closing decades of the century, the
artist concentrated increasingly on the language of painting
which, through relationships between colors, volumes, and the
various parts of the composition, sought to achieve a solid,
unchanging order, free from the deception of optical vision.
Road at Gennevilliers,
formed to suppress
freely on show.
1880- 1890
Paul Signac, The
Seine at Herblay, 1889,
Musee d'Orsay, Paris.
Between Seurat and
Signac a firm friendship
sprang up. Both shared
Chevreul's ideas on the
behavior of color in
Georges Seurat,
Sunday at the Crande-
Massimo Campigli,
Homage to Seurat.
#*.* *r.
Difficulties with his father
and marriage to Hortense
lifter Paris, when Cezanne decided to
longer tolerate Paul's denial, even when confronted with Cezanne's last letters to
promised to help him out for as long as was necessary. It was support to him in the
stages of his
only after the continued insistence of his mother, who took her last life.
Cezanne, Madame
Cezanne, 1888-90,
Musee d'Orsay, Paris. It
Cezanne, Gardanne, c;
1885-86, The Brooklyn
Museum, New York. >
Situated 15 kilometers o
(9 miles) from Aix, ==
and shunned by
his elderly father
Cezanne, Boy
Resting, c.1890, Armand
Hammer Museum of Art
mother, he patiently
posed for his father
In a letter to Zola
in 1878 Cezanne said
of his father: "He has
heard from several
people that I have a
child and tries to take
me by surprise in
appearances deceive,
you may take me
at my word".
evanescent, in filigree"
--^ -
The geometry of the
buildings of the Jasde
Bouffan is seen through
"the side wings" of the
trees which, following
the farmhouse in
the background.
lacking creative power, was unable to realize his dreams and supplied a physical
description of the Emile
ambitions, was reduced to bankruptcy and then to suicide,
Zola, pictured below, as
subjugated by the chaos of genius and madness that had taken hold short, robust in body,
of his mind. This is the plot of the novel that Emile Zola published and very energetic.
Cezanne, Paul
Alexis Reading to
expressed his
opinion of his friend:
a talented individual
without willpower.
Cezanne, The Black
Clock, c.1870, Private
Zola as art critic principles, and the official artists, Cezanne, House
champions of an art which was with Red Roof, 1887-90,
Emile Zola worked for the pub- merely "an amputated corpse". He Private Collection. For
lishers Hachette, where he met followed the Impressionists in some years Cezanne
In about 1888, Cezanne, having concentrated on
still lifes, landscapes, and portraits for more
than 20 years, returned to painting figures in
Cezanne, Mardi Gras, r:
1888, Pushkin Museum,
Moscow. Cezanne was m
fascinated by figures T3
from the Commedia m
dell'Arte. Here he en
depicts his son Paul
in Harlequin costume
and his friend Louis
Guillaume as Pierrot.
Cezanne, Harlequin,
c.1888, The Art Institute
of Chicago. This is
one of Cezanne's
puppet or a mannequin.
Symbolist painters
'tiring the 1880s and 1890s,
Impressionist naturalism reached a crisis point. Artists and
public alike felt the need to react to growing positivist
materialism with a formal expression that tried to recover the
romantic leanings of the early 19th century. Symbolism sought a
synthesis among all methods of artistic expression, from painting
to poetry, from music to literature. Even though these new
studies involved the whole of Europe, the leading role once again
Emile Bernard,
Still Life with Jug and fell to France where the aesthetic debate spread to magazines, to
Apples, 1887, Musee literary and philosophical texts, and to groups of artists. The
d'Orsay, Paris. Like figurehead of the movement in painting was Gauguin, who,
Gauguin, Bernard had a
according to Maurice Denis, was to artists in 1890 what Manet had
sinuous and decorative
been in 1870. Seeking seclusion and a more primitive subject
way with lines (he was
also in fact a very able matter, Gauguin established a base at Pont-Aven in southern
designer of textiles Brittany. In the raw purity of the Breton environment, he
and glass), unlike the
from from
encouraged his followers to paint not real life but
violent contrasts which
memory. The result was an essential ideal that took shape through
characterized the work
of Vincent van Gogh at
the careful study of form and color. Color became the means by
about the same time. which a symbolic value was conferred on images.
Emile Bernard,
Bathers with Red Cow,
1889, Musee d'Orsay,
Paris. Together with
Louis Anquetin, Emile
Bernard developed a
style of art known as
Cloisonnism in which
pure colors were placed
close together and
articulated by clearly
Paul Gauguin,
Breton Calvary: The
Green Christ, 1889,
painting on a stone
was strengthened. Returning from a trip to Italy, Renoir visited
Marseille and, struck by the landscape, decided to stay on longer
in order to paint enplein air. His earlier certainties, those of his
youth, were increasingly being questioned, and he admired the
isolation of Cezanne and like him wanted to paint in a more solid
sensation" and
setting, drenched in sunlight,
he painted it "from
Renoir created more imposing and the inside" so that
constructed canvases. volumes emerge.
Renoir, Self Portrait,
Cezanne, The Bay
of Marseille seen from
I'Estaque, 1886, The Art
deep sensation of
the Mediterranean".
Renoir, Mont Sainte-
Victoire, Yale University
The Universal
architecture could be followed through the Universal The Debate of the Jury,
occasions when attention could be devoted to the interweaving new and modern began
about a new
to bring
of technology and science, architecture, and art. The exhibitions
aesthetic throughout
were devised to disseminate new ideas in all fields. In fact
Europe, which saw
the real protagonist was architecture: iron and glass were formal qualities even
the new materials used, which cut down on building time and in industrial products.
Palais de I'Exposition
Universelle in Vienna,
1873. The layout of the
exhibition in Vienna
broke with the tradition
of using a single building.
^^f-';^-' ^rMh^iM
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%i Exposition Universelle
1889 commemorated
the first centenary of the
in Philadelphia.
Exhibition of 1867 at
Kitchen Table
Painted in about 1889, this canvas is now in the
Musee d'Orsay in Paris. It is one of the few
signed by Cezanne, in blue at the bottom right-
hand corner, and is one of the richest in terms
of figurative elements arranged in space.
The blue-purple
ginger jar with its string
1880- 1890
Cezanne rejected
traditional unitary
perspective and
maintained a multiplicity
of viewpoints. This jug
Europe, after the Paris Commune and the the aristocracy, who
up to that point had
collapse of the First International in 1876,
imposed their own
the position of the socialist parties
style and values on
became increasingly significant. 19th-century society.
Honore Daumier,
The Washerwoman,
1863, Musee du Louvre,
Paris. The subject matter
shows Daumier's need
to depict the present.
Constantin Meunier,
Removal of a Broken
Crucible, Glass Factory
at Val Saint-Lambert,
c.1 884, Musee Constantin
Meunier, Musees
Royaux des Beaux-Arts
de Belgique, Brussels.
Renoir, On the Terrace,
1881, The Art Institute
Robert Koeler,
The Socialist, Kunst-
historisches Museum,
Berlin. Despite
internal contradictions,
organization grew in
880- 1890
Not easily identified,
surrounded by small
yellow flowers, cyclamen,
and geraniums. Unlike
many of his colleagues,
painting flowers.
created in a moment
of particular spirituality
and mysticism.
Although Cezanne
arranges the objects
with meticulous care,
it is not the objects
themselves that he
is interested in. His
fascination is with form,
shape, and color, and
the relationship between
the various elements.
A final flowering:
the Bathers
set aside fairly quickly. In his treatment of male bathers, more (after Rubens), 1879-82,
Private Collection.
so than with female bathers, the compositions remain fairly
Cezanne had always
constant; the male subjects appear more conventional and been struck by this
distant, even if at this stage Cezanne was trying to give greater ability to render the
Cezanne, Bather
and Rocks, c. 1867-69,
The Chrysler Museum,
Norfolk (Virginia).
Cezanne, The Large
Bather, c.1885, Museum
of Modern Art, New
York. With this picture
Cezanne, Bathers,
c.1890, Musee d'Orsay,
Paris. Set in an almost
timeless dimension,
this is one of his most
emblematic canvases,
in which the bathers
interact with great
vitality, is responding to
the man who is waving
his arms on the other
side of the bank.
& T
fl /
The cone, the cylinder
and the sphere
Cezanne, Portrait
The first one-man show of the Artist, 1878-80,
Phillips Collection,
enormous collection:
no hurry to sell
and did
precisely those artists and dealers who, by their mistakes, have followers who saw in
890- 1906
Vincent van Gogh, started out as a paint
Vollard in sombre
Piero della
Francesca, View of
Arezzo, detail from
Stories of the Cross,
c.1452-65, San
Francesco, Arezzo.
The houses in
Cezanne's views
of I'Estaque recall
Cezanne, Dying
Slave, after
c.1900, Philadelphia
Museum of Art.
1890- 1906
Cezanne, Mont
Sainte-Victoire Seen
from Les Lauves,
1902-06, The Nelson-
Atkins Museum of Art,
Katsushika Hokusai,
A Pleasant Breeze and
a Limpid Joy, c.1830. The
prints of Hokusai made
the rounds of artists
"He [Cezanne]
brought out three
still lifes.... Warm,
profound, alive, they
burst forth like magic
wall panels yet were
deeply rooted in
everyday reality"
(Joachim Gasquet).
Cezanne, Plaster
Cupid, 1890-1904,
one drawing and
two watercolors.
The drawing does not
seem to be a study for
Cezanne, Plaster
Cupid, c.1895,
Courtauld Institute
Galleries, London.
In this composition,
Cezanne chooses
a vertical format
that emphasizes
the statuette.
Cezanne, Still
damask as a backdrop.
The Cardplayers
dissolving of space.
Cezanne, Card-
players, 1893-96,
to arrange them in a
the details.
Cezanne, Card-
players, 1892, The
Metropolitan Museum
of Art, New York. Roger
Fry said of the group:
"(this) gives us so
extraordinary a sense
of monumental gravity
and resistance - of
The detail of the Cezanne, Madame
spoon handle is used Cezanne in a Yellow
by the artist to force Chair, 1893-95, The
the whole painting to Metropolitan Museum
submit to his desire for of Art, New York.
Cezanne, Seated
Woman, c.1895, Jan
Poniatowski collection.
From the blue dress,
watercolor seems to
have been painted at
"Death is no
longer absolute":
the cinematograph
sons, Auguste and Louis, perfected a technique of breaking down to Jules Cheret, 1896,
y v
public. Its success was almost immediate: the first spectators Drunk Attached to
an English engraving
from the first half of the
1890- 1906
Illustration of the use was perhaps with the
of the camera obscura advent of the camera 11 4-4- s~D» i.4- lattKtra
x- MyM?j jc7?1 *>v
According to Joachim
Casquet, mild irritation
papers, books, an
inkwell, an artificial rose
(which Cezanne had
probably brought), and
a Rodin statuette. When
the Caillebotte collection
was left in a bequest to
the government, Geffroy
was the first to write in
praise of Cezanne in a
national newspaper,
The Journal.
annus mirabilis,
Einstein and the theory
of relativity
lhere is nothing to grasp onto in the
universe - as far as we know" wrote an anonymous writer and
Einstein added in his own hand "read and approved". The
of Einstein; all the gnostic themes are here: the unity of of Physics, New York.
According to the science
nature, the real possibility of a reduction of the world, the
historian Gerald Holton,
opening power of the formula, the ancestral struggle with a Einstein often declared
secret and a word.... Einstein fulfils the most contradictory that he had always
dreams, he reconciles mythically the infinite power of man over asked himself questions
about space and time
nature and the 'fatality of a sacred belief to which this can
"to which only children
no longer submit." So did Cezanne really have defective are curious to know the
eyesight as many have thought? Is it really foolish to see answer (which only
the world and reality so distorted? children do)".
Einstein in Zurich,
Music, a passion
inherited from his
mother, occupied a
very significant position
in the scientist's life. He
loved to play the violin
and loved chamber
music, which he played
with other musicians
whom he encountered
on his travels.
Einstein's own
formula, this postscript
of the theory of relativity
equivalence, according
to which if a body
absorbs energy the
mass increases, and
if it expends energy
its mass diminishes,
is without doubt his
most famous formula.
Einstein in front of
u **(*!? *?£J -fife
Ambroise Vollard
This portrait (1899) of his friend the art dealer
is now in the Musee du Petit Palais in Paris.
1890- 1906
Cezanne, Ambroise his friend as subject.
The Fauves
Mesdemoiselles Matisse
public at the 905 Salon d'Automne and were immediately dubbed
and Darricarrere, 1920,
the "fauves" (wild beasts). They were not a true school, but a
Le Musee de
group of artists responding to the sensitivities of the early years I'Annonciade, Saint-
of the 20th century. Forms had to be simple, and colors pure, able Tropez. As though in
the house.
Derain, from the dramaticity of Vlaminck to the intimacy
of Vallotton. Primitive art and the sculptures of Africa and Oceania
"discovered" in 1905 were, along with the art of Gauguin and van
Gogh, their most frequent sources of inspiration.
Henri Matisse,
Corsican Landscape,
1898, Le Musee de
I'Annonciade, Saint-
Tropez. At this time,
although he was
still suffused with
Impressionist culture,
Matisse already
perceived that color
was no longer the
means of arriving at
a "truthfulness" of
atmosphere and
natural light, but
an end that created
the picture itself.
Felix Vallolton, Misia oo
Maurice de Vlammck,
Still Life, 1907, Le Musee
de I'Annonciade, Saint-
Maurice de Vlaminck,
Pont Chatou, 1906, Le
Musee de I'Annonciade,
Saint-Tropez. By his own
nature, incapable of
reinventing himself or
accepting any critical
Andre Derain,
Bridge over the Thames
(St Paul's and Waterloo
Bridge), 1906, Le Musee
de I'Annonciade, Saint-
touch of vermilion.
In a solidly
monumental structure,
study of Cezanne's
work, adding his own
interpretation. There are
similarities between this
The deliberately
dimension, identifiable
in any era.
Mont Sainte-
to the northeast of
motifs in the area around Aix, which continued to exert a great Cezanne often took,
passes closest to En
fascination. Among his favorite themes was Mont Sainte-Victoire,
'^ ____ .
j ^ storm while he was painting.
October 15, 1906. A few days
It was
Denis records
to Cezanne in
his visit
1906, in the company
on October 23, he died from of his friend Ker-
u r<
Cezanne, Mont
Sainte-Victoire Seen
from Les Lauves, Private
Collection, Philadelphia.
Cezanne, Mont
Sainte-Victoire and
Chateau Noir, 1904-06,
The Bridgestone
Museum of Art, Tokyo.
the house.
Cezanne, Mont
Sainte-Victoire seen
Le Thonolet, c.1900,
The State Hermitage
Museum, St Petersburg.
1890- 1906
1907: a great
lit the Salon d'Automne of 1907 a large
retrospective exhibition was organized, it brought together 56
paintings by Cezanne. Visitors to the Grand Palais included
subject which were published in Italy. The painter Emile Bernard of art history, the poet
Letters on Cezanne,
Mercure de France, wrote: "He was the definitive independent
he wrote to her: "this
in search of the absolute. He was not understood because it
unexpected meeting,
pleased him to be misunderstood". The the way it happened
poet Rilke, in his Letters on Cezanne, and took place in my
written after visiting the Salon d'Automne, life, gave me a great
Pablo Picasso,
House in a Garden
(House and Trees),
painting, colored,
to elements in Cezanne's
work. The forms in
Andre Derain,
Trees, c.1912, Pushkin
Museum, Moscow.
After initial enthusiasm
for color, Derain
developed a vision
tending to a certain
primitivism. Apollinaire
considered him to be
one of the founders
Cezanne, Chestnuts at
Tate Gallery, London.
Note Aix-en-Provence,
Musee Granet
The places listed in this section Male Nude, p. 14;
refer to the current location of Sugar Bowl, Pears,
Cezanne 's works. Where more and Blue Cup, p. 17.
than one work is housed in the
Basel, Kupferstichkabinett
Achille Emperaire, p. 29.
Cezanne, Road
through the
Fields, 1876-77,
Private Collection.
Le Pont de la Cible
sur I'Arc, near Aix-en-
Provence, postcard
at the time of Cezanne.
London, Courtauld
Institute Galleries
Plaster Cupid, p. 111. Minneapolis, The Bathers, p. 40;
Malibu, J. Paul
Getty Museum New York, The Brooklyn New York, Private Collection
Still Life with Blue Pot, p. 71. Museum Portrait of Victor Chocquet, p. 67.
Gardanne, p. 83.
; .
Cezanne, Poplars,
1879-80, Musee
d'Orsay, Pans.
Cezanne, Young
Leaning on his Elbow,
M^fe 1 v
du Petit Palais i
p. 15;
p. 15;
Ambroise Vollard, p. 122. EL^*--
Paris, Musee National
de l'Orangerie »
Still Life with Soup Tureen, p. 71; Chestnuts and Farm at the
The Bridge at Maincy, p. 54; Jas de Bouffan, p. 9. St Petersburg, The State
Madame Cezanne, p. 82; Hermitage Museum
Kitchen Table, p. 96; Philadelphia, Philadelphia Overture to Tannhduser, pp. 34-35;
The Blue Vase, v. 100; Museum of Art Mont Sainte-Victoire seen from
Bathers, p. 103; Dying Slave, $. 108; the road to Le Thonolet, p. 129;
Still Life with Apples Les Grandes Baigneuses, p. 126. Woman in Blue, p.m.
and Oranges, p. 1 1
Cardplayers,p. 113;
Portrait ofGustave Geffroy, p. 1 18.
* jflK.r>^
rl - '£'~T* -
Vt !«* {* ^*T
Cezanne, Rocks
. j^f./^? l
atl'Estague, 1879-82,
Museu de Arte, Sao Paulo. y .
w.1 pi^t ,
1* -
r '• *> W
Le Tholonet,
near Aix-en-Provence,
postcard of the time.
^1 i
i wLt '
Sao Paulo,
Museu de Arte
The Negro Scipio. p. 23; Washington, National Zurich, Rau Foundation
Paul Alexis Reading to Zola, p. Gallery of Art for the Third World
Portrait of Louis-Auguste The Sea atl'Estaque, p. 67.
Tokyo, The Bridgestone Portrait of the Artist, p. 106.
Museum of Art
Mont Sainte-Victoire and
Chateau Noir, p. 129.
Upperville (Virginia),
Paul Mellon Collection
Victor Chocquet, p. 61.
Vienna, Graphische
Sammlung Albertina
Studies and Portraits of
the Artist's Son, p. 42.
Paul Gauguin,
Riders on the Beach,
1902, Museum
Folkwang, Essen.
French poet, writer, and critic. 1895 - Saint-Tropez, 1971), Italian interested in landscapes, he
Constantly at the centre of painter. In 1919, as the Paris studied the classic landscape
discussions on the avant-garde correspondent of Corriere della artists (Lorrain, Poussin, Dughet)
of the 20th century, he was the Sera, he began to paint in an but also 17th-century Dutch
first to support the Fauves, p. 130. atmosphere of Post-Cubist and painters and other English artists.
purist study, focusing on Seurat, He frequently painted from real
Bernard, Emile (Lille, 1868- Leger, Picasso, and primitive and life, moving from sketches to
Paris, 1941), French painter Egyptian art, demonstrating his drafts to the final painting. Some
and writer. A shrewd connoisseur interest in the archaic and a of his pictures, shown at the
of art, he was one of the first balanced simplicity in formal Paris Salon of 1824, achieved
to understand and value the layout. He achieved European great success and influenced,
paintings of van Gogh and fame in 1929 with a show at the among others, Delacroix, p. 48.
Edgar Degas,
Women Ironing, 1 884—
Musee d'Orsay, Paris.
Dominique Ingres,
LaureZoego, 1815,
Musee du Louvre, Paris.
of movement, pp. 48, 58, 62, 67, 74,
75,106,118. >'
he preferred to paint, using painter. One of the Fauves in Gauguin, Paul (Paris, 1848-
figurative work to comment their early days, he later devoted Marchesas Islands, 1903), French
on daily events and on the himself to greater realism, painter. His style, characterized by
world of the poor. He used pp. 124, 125, 130, 131. an extraordinary figurative rich-
color that was dense and ness, influenced the Nabis and in
velvety, in which dull tonalities Durand-Ruel, Paul (Paris, many ways anticipated Expression-
predominated, pp. 36, 37, 98. 1831 -1922), French art dealer ism, pp. 73, 90, 91, 106, 124.
and gallery owner. From 1870 he
Degas, Edgar (Paris, 1834- conducted a passionate battle on Granet, Francois -Marius
1917), French painter. Son of a behalf of Impressionist painters, (Aix-en-Provence, 1775 - Malvallat,
banker, he moved away in part supporting the work through 1849), French painter. Pupil of
from a bourgeois environment his famous gallery, p. 48. David and friend of Ingres. After
when he became acquainted with an early Neoclassical phase he
Manet and the Impressionists. He Emperaire, Achille, painter developed an interest in historical
exhibited work at the first show whose portrait was painted by and medieval subjects. He was
held by the group in 1874, but Cezanne, pp. 17,28,29. above all a significant landscape
nonetheless preserved a distinct
individuality: he did not love to
"immerse himself in nature" and
preferred instead to study urban
interiors and the female figure -
his ballerinas are pure studies
Edouard Manet,
Still Life with
Watermelon and
Peaches, c.1866,
National Gallery
of Art, Washington.
1848 -1907), French writer, see work by van Gogh and Cezanne,
author of A reborns. Huysmans the "master par excellence". Lumiere, family, inventors of
enthusiastically supported From this experience and from the cinematograph. In 1895 they
Cezanne, pp. 68, 69, 73, 78. his active participation in the key patented the apparatus and in
artistic movements of the 20th the same year organized the first
Ingres, Dominique century, he extracted a rapport, showings. They later sent their
(Montauban, 1780 -Paris, 1867), rigorous and constantly enriched, operators abroad to publicize
French painter. Pupil of David between theory and pictorial the invention, p. 116.
Berthe Morisot,
The Harbour at Lonent,
1869, National Gallery
of Art, Washington.
by the circle surrounding and of light and color were pupil of Corot and sister-in-law
"official" art because his art continually worked on and to Manet, between 1875 and 1886
dealt with subjects considered he made infinite variations she took part in almost all the
unacceptable, abolishing on the same theme. From Impressionist exhibitions, tending
the treatment of volumes, the theoretical point of view in later years towards a greater
perspective, of mezzotints and he expressed his conviction solidity and determination
chiaroscuro, in order to use flat that the artist, confronted by of forms, p. 58.
Each of his pictures is a problem identify him- or herself with Nadar (Tournachon,
of form resolved with color and it, abolishing the distinction Gaspard-Felix) (Paris,
line, pp. 19,20,26,27,33,48,52, between sense and intellect, 1820 -Marseille, 1910), French
53,58,63,75,87,118. pp. 38, 49, 58, 59, 62, 66, 98. photographer. A caricaturist,
Matisse, Henri (Le Cateau, Moore, Henry (Castelford, order to carry out his project
1869 - Cimiez, 1954), French Yorkshire, 1898 -Much Hadham, of assembling a collection of
painter and sculptor. Starting out Hertfordshire, 1986), English caricatures of the most important
by studying Corot, Vermeer, and sculptor. By means of a very slow personalities of the time, the
Fragonard, he later "metabolized" process of evolution, including the Pantheon. He went on to become
the Impressionist experience of study of natural forms, of ancient, the preferred portraitist of
using color as an atmospheric classical, Renaissance and Parisian intellectuals and
means so as to reach a "pure" Impressionist art, he achieved a carried out important reportages,
use of color in order to obtain formal synthesis of the comple- among them one from a hot air
a visual sensation of impact with mentary nature of matter and balloon. In 1874 his studio in
the painted image. A key figure space, where cavities acquired the the Boulevard des Capucines
among the Fauves (1905), he was same value as mass, pp. 56, 57. hosted the first Impressionist
subsequently drawn to Cubism exhibition, pp. 32, 36, 75.
pp.39, 101, 106, 124, 130. - Paris, 1895), French painter. A Pere Tanguy, paint seller and
He was Cezanne's
art dealer.
Pablo Picasso,
The Kiss, 1925, Musee
Picasso, Paris.
pp. 22, 30, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, exponent of pointillism. The work
58,62,66,70,106,109. Sunday at the Grande-Jatte is
color until 1890, using his drawings theories of divisionism, pp. 78, 79.
and lithographs as a means of
art led him to produce Les exploring a fantastic interior world. Sisley, Alfred (Paris, 1839 —
Demoiselles d'Auignon, a work His is an extremely personal Moret-sur-Loing, 1899), French
that brought about the birth iconography, based on the painter. From 1874 he took part
of Cubism. He followed artistic grotesque and the chimeric, p. 78. in Impressionist exhibitions.
trends in contemporary art, Manet was his master but he
from the Classicism of the Renoir, Pierre-Auguste was also influenced by the
1920s to the Surrealism of the (Limoges, 1841 -Cagnes-sur- paintings of Constable and
1930s. He produced numerous Mer, 1919), French Impressionist Turner, absorbing from them
sculptures in bronze or from painter. To Courbet's realism he a use of color which was not
salvaged everyday objects. added a predilection for everyday just sensual, but also rational
Towards the end of his life subject matter, studying in and programmed, p. 58.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir,
Luncheon of the
Boating Party, 1880-81,
Phillips Memorial
Gallery, Washington.
Soffici, Ardengo (Rignano highly personal way his treatment 1958), French painter. Perhaps
sull'Arno, Florence, 1879 - Forte of atmospheric space and the the most energetic of the Fauves,
dei Marmi, Lucca, 1964), Italian effects of light, p. 48. he expressed himself in pure,
painter and writer. He was one bright colors, which he transferred
of the first Italian intellectuals to Vallotton, Felix (Lausanne. directly to the canvas. His palette
spend time in Paris (1900-1907) 1865 - Paris, 1925), Swiss painter was later toned down to the point
in contact with modern artistic and xylographer. He moved to of gloominess, pp. 124, 125.
his own personal study led him and committed suicide aged 37. 22.66,68.83,86,87.102.118.
towards a stylization of reality
through graphic means, p. 63.
Visit us on the World Wide Web at http://www.dk.com
Fiona Wild
Joanne Mitchell
Jo Marceau, Peter Jones
Anna Kruger
Series of monographs
edited by Stefano Peccatori and Stefano Zuffi
Archivio Electa, Milan
*^ Archivio Scala, Antella, Florence
— Alinari, Florence
^* Elemond Editori Associati wishes to thank all those museums and
— photographic libraries who have kindly supplied pictures, and would be pleased
mm to hear from copyright holders in the event of uncredited picture sources.
^ Project created
La Biblioteca editrice
in conjunction with
s.r.l., Milan
ISBN 0-7894-4145-4
A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 0751307327
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1
Bosch Goya
Caravaggio J Matisse
3 Cezanne J Monet
J Diirer Rembrandt
_) Gauguin _l Titian
Printed in Italy
ISBN 0-7894-4145-4
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