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HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set

HP 11807B Cell Site Test Software
HP 83204A TDMA Cellular Adapter
HP 83205A CDMA Cellular Adapter
HP 83236A PCS Interface

Install and
Optimize Cell Sites
As a service provider,
manufacturer or
installer, you know
how difficult it is
to keep up with the
demand for new
technologies. . .

. . .Hewlett-Packard
can help you with
fast, high-quality, The HP 8921A
RF Test Set
installation and Family —
maintenance testing a total solution
for wireless

A partner you
can count on

Test equipment with
performance and auto-
mation advantages to
help you establish and
maintain customer
preference for your
system’s quality -

Proven Performance in
Infrastructure Test
Hewlett-Packard's fully-automated
CDMA installation and maintenance test solu-
HP pioneered the waveform quality tion has freed technicians from hours of
measurement rho (r) for CDMA base tedious manual testing. Our customers
stations to indicate the overall perfor- have found the HP 8921A/11807B in-
mance level of CDMA transmitters. creases technician efficiency for base
Rho and code domain analysis (a new station maintenance while improving
measurement concept to measure cellular system reliability.
power in each code channel) give
Hewlett-Packard’s CDMA solution a
clear performance advantage for
base station maintenance.

Worldwide training and support to

help you manage your support

organization more effectively -

• On-site training
• 1-800 technical phone support
• Worldwide support

Cell Site Troubleshooting
HP 8921A Cell Site Streamline cell site trouble-
Test Set High Performance Spectrum shooting with the HP 8921A
Analyzer and Tracking using HP 11807B or HP 11807A
Generator Option 100 system support
The HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set The spectrum analyzer of the test software.
combines over twenty high HP 8921A has the wide dynamic
performance instruments with range and synthesized frequency Measurements on cell-site
an internal controller to auto- accuracy found in expensive cables, antennas, filters, and
mate installation and mainte- stand-alone spectrum analyzers. attenuators can be automated
nance testing on base stations. for faster, more consistent
• Wide dynamic range to locate troubleshooting.
low-level signals in the
HP 8921A Standard presence of high-power Measurement routines include:

Features transmitters • Cable fault

• Synthesized AM/FM signal • Synthesized accuracy for high • AMPS channel return loss
generator confidence that you’ve located • Swept gain and loss
the correct signals
• AM/FM modulation analyzer • Swept return loss
• Adjacent channel power
• Duplex offset generator • Field strength
screen for transmitter
• RF power meter measurements • Frequency scanner
• RF frequency counter/error • Built-in tracking generator
meter with performance features
• Synthesized spectrum optimized for measuring
analyzer duplexers Cellular Phone Test
• Tracking generator • Flexible display HP 8921A performance includes
- 1/2/10 dB per division scale cellular phone test capability in
• Audio frequency counter
- Markers addition to cell site test. Several
• AF power meter - Display averaging HP 11807A cellular phone test
• AC voltmeter - Trace normalization software packages are compatible
• DC voltmeter with HP 8921As, providing a fast,
Reliability fully-automated phone test
• DC current meter
A large percentage of technician solution.
• Distortion meter time is spent getting to and from Compatible HP 11807A packages
• SINAD meter remote cell sites. Reliable test include:
equipment is essential to make
• Signal-to-noise meter AMPS/EAMPS/NAMPS: Option 004
sure each visit is productive.
• Two synthesized variable The HP 8921A is tested to TACS/ETACS: Option 005
audio sources stringent MIL-STD environmen- JTACS/NTACS: Option 007
• Function generator tal specifications; operating
TDMA Dual-Mode using TIA adapter
temperatures from 0 to 55
• Cellular signaling encoder/ (IS-54) DAMPS: Option 008
degrees C, humidity up to 95%
and shock forces as great as
• Digital oscilloscope 30 g’s. (IS-54) DAMPS over-the-air:
• Built-in IBASIC controller Option 009

• IEEE 488.2, parallel printer,

and RS-232 interfaces For more information on HP 11807A
software, refer to the HP 11807A/E
product overview, part number
5965-2783E. For configuration
information, refer to the HP 8921A
configuration guide, part number

PCS Interface

HP 8921A with TDMA or CDMA Adapter

HP 8921A Performance Features

• High-power input tests • Easy printout of measurement
transmitters up to 60 watts results, test results, and
(to 100 W intermittently) spectrum analyzer and scope
• 2 mV sensitivity at the screens to external RS-232,
antenna input allows over-the- parallel, or HP-IB printers
air signal monitoring • Store test results, spectrum
• Power meter with 5% accuracy analyzer and scope screens to
RAM cards or to your PC for
• Signal-to-noise ratio meter for retrieval and printing at a
audio signals convenient time

User Features • Quick and easy instrument

control with front-panel
• SAVE/RECALL saves entire control knob
instrument states and can be
stored internally, or to a
memory card for quick
retrieval of custom
measurement setups 5
HP 11807B Automation
Benefits for AMPS,

Thorough Testing in
Less Time
The fast measurement speed
of the HP 8921A coupled with Visual and Audio Feedback
HP 11807B automated software The HP 11807B Cell Site Test
results in less time off-line for Software gives both visual and
each transceiver during mainte- Easy Setup
audible feedback when adjust-
nance work. The HP 11807B software guides ments are required. A large
you through each step of optimiz- analog meter displays the
Since all cell sites are uniformly ing your cell site. When connec- current reading while highlight-
tested with the same proce- tion changes are required, the ing the specified tolerance
dures, problems are detected HP 8921A graphically displays range. Audible feedback in the
earlier. Errors due to test the connection diagram. The form of audio tones allows
variability are eliminated and HP 11807B follows the test and adjustments to be made when
human errors are reduced. adjustment procedures recom- the HP 8921A display cannot be
Standardizing system main- mended by the manufacturers. seen. High and low tones
tenance increases system Clear labeling on the connection indicate high or low measure-
integrity. diagram eliminates errors and ments while a repetitive tone
reduces the need to refer to the indicates proper adjustment.
Measurement data can be output base station documentation.
to an external printer or stored
on memory cards for future Flexible Configuration
reference. By analyzing Customize the HP 11807B
measured data, suspect software to fit your cell site test
transceivers can be identi- and maintenance needs. Once
fied and failures anticipated. specific setups are developed
that fit your needs, store them
The end result is a cellular for further use on rugged, non-
system that provides more volatile memory cards. With
reliable service with fewer personalized procedures, main-
unexpected problems. tenance can be standardized to
improve network quality and
technician efficiency.

Test conditions Measured value Lower limit Upper limit P/F Test Results
The HP 11807B Cell Site Test
Frequency error -356.59 Hz -900.00 900.00
Software displays measurement
Transmitter power 45.92 Watts 40.00 50.00
results on the HP 8921A screen.
TX audio level 775.6 mV 770.0 780.0
Alternatively, send results to an
Voice channel deviation 8.2 kHz 6.6 9.4
HP-IB, RS-232, or parallel printer
TX data (const. symbol) freq. 10.000 kHz 9.995 10.005
to document test results. Dual
TX data (const. symbol) dev. 8.0 kHz 6.6 9.4
serial ports enable the HP 8921A
TX SAT freq. error @ 5970 0.1 Hz -3.0 3.0
to control the base station under
test via the HP 11807B software
as well as send test results to a
serial printer. If archiving test
results is desirable, use optional
battery-backed RAM cards to
save test results or store them
6 to your PC.
HP 11807B AMPS / TACS / TDMA Cell Site Test Software
Installation / maintenance test procedures are available for
manufacturer base stations listed below:
• • •

Install and maintain AMPS,

General Electric RCU: • Analog, Extended Frequency Analog,
UTACS cell site radio equipment
and Compact RCU AMPS
with the HP 8921A Cell Site Test
Set and the HP 11807B Cell Site
Ericsson: • 882, 882M, 882D AMPS Analog, Microcell and TDMA
Test Software.
• 883, and 883M TACS/ETACS Analog and Microcell
Complete Testing
Lucent (formerly AT&T) Autoplex Series II:
The HP 8921A/11807B test • AMPS Analog, LMT and Universal Microcell
solution uses the HP 8921A’s AMPS and TDMA
built-in IBASIC controller to
fully automate base station test Nortel: • AMPS Analog, TDMA Digital DRU
procedures with the HP 11807B and Analog P-Series
software test packages.
Hughes: • GMH 2000 AMPS
Developed from manufacturer’s
recommended maintenance
procedures, the HP 11807B Cell For universal use: • AMPS Call Analysis, Logging and Monitoring
Site Test Software ensures Software. See HP 11807B Option 120 Product Overview,
complete test and adjustment part number 5963-6891 for more information.
of cell sites as recommended
by the manufacturers. By using
the standardized maintenance
procedures, each cell site
receives the same high quality CDMA - For test and support of as an option to the HP 83204A
analysis and adjustment. IS-95A/97 CDMA base station TDMA Cellular Adapter or the
equipment, add the HP 83205A HP 83205A CDMA Cellular
CDMA Cellular Adapter for Adapter.
Coverage for Analog and signal generation and analysis
Digital Cellular Systems of QPSK/OQPSK signals. PCS - Adding the HP 83236A
Besides testing current AMPS The HP 8921A retains its full PCS Interface to HP 8921A
and TACS base stations, the capabilities for testing the TDMA and CDMA systems is a
HP 8921A is ready to grow with analog performance of dual- cost-effective way to extend
your measurement needs for mode CDMA base stations. TDMA and CDMA measurements
future cellular systems. to the 1850 to 1990 MHz fre-
CDPD - The HP 8921A has quency band (Contact your local
optional Cellular Digital Packet Hewlett-Packard sales represen-
TDMA - The HP 83204A TDMA Data (CDPD) test capability tative for PCS solutions at other
Cellular Adapter adds a com- for installing and maintaining frequencies). The HP 83236A
plete p/4 DQPSK signal genera- CDPD Mobile Data Base Station can be combined with existing
tor, modulation analyzer, and (MDBS) RF infrastructure HP 8921A systems without
BER analyzer to the HP 8921A equipment. Select CDPD test returning them to the factory.
while maintaining all analog
measurements for dual-mode
testing of IS-136 digital cellular
formats. For additional information, refer to other sections
in this brochure as well as the following literature:
• Technical Specifications: p/n 5965-1576E
• Configuration Guide: p/n 5965-1577E
• Price List: p/n 5965-1578EUS

The HP 83204A TDMA Cellular

Adapter adds TDMA (IS-136)
digital measurement capability to
the HP 8921A. It can be ordered
stand-alone to add to an existing
HP 8921A or as an HP 8921A
Option 500 (HP 8921A/83204A
Option 001).
The HP 8921A/83204A retains all
analog functions, plus adds the
following digital features:
• p/4 DQPSK signal generator
• p/4 DQPSK analyzer
• Bit Error Rate (BER) meter
• Adjacent/alternate channel
power measurements

Digital Measurements
TDMA measurement modes and Automation PCS
settings are accessed on a single HP 11807B software fully auto- Adding the HP 83236A PCS
test screen. User setups provide mates TDMA test procedures Interface to the HP 8921A
quick configuration of the test recommended by equipment Option 500 is a cost-effective
set to measure key TDMA manufacturers to optimize sys- way to extend TDMA measure-
performance parameters. The tem performance. Time-inten- ment capabilities to the 1850
following measurements can sive setups are eliminated to 1990 MHz frequency band
be performed: through powerful IBASIC pro- (Contact your local Hewlett-
Transmitter Tests: grams. Iterative tests such as Packard sales representative for
receiver sensitivity are com- PSC solutions at other frequen-
• RF power cies). The HP 83236A can be
pleted in a minimal amount of
• Frequency error time. combined with existing
• Modulation accuracy HP 8921A systems without
- Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) CDPD returning them to the factory.
including phase error The HP 83204A TDMA Cellular
and magnitude error Adapter has optional CDPD test
- I/Q origin offset capability for installing and
• Adjacent and alternate maintaining CDPD MDBS RF
channel power infrastructure equipment.
HP 8921A Option 503 (HP 8921A
Receiver Tests: plus HP 83204A Option 003)
(dependent on receiver being tested) configures the test set for both
TDMA and CDPD test.
• TDMA sensitivity (BER)
For additional information , refer to other sections
in this brochure as well as the following literature:
• Technical Specifications: p/n 5965-1576E
• Configuration Guide: p/n 5965-1577E
• Price List: p/n 5965-1578EUS


Test IS-95A/97 base stations

with the HP 8921A Option 600
CDMA Cell Site Test System.
This system consists of an
HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set and
the HP 83205A Option 001
CDMA Cellular Adapter. Exist-
ing HP 8921As can be upgraded
for CDMA digital testing by
adding the HP 83205A. (Older
HP 8921As require the Option
G21 upgrade for complete CDMA
capabilities.) The HP 8921A
retains its full capabilities for
testing the analog performance
of dual-mode CDMA base stations.

The HP 83205A CDMA Adapter

for the HP 8921A embodies a
new measurement concept
called code-domain analysis. Digital Measurements CDPD
Because multiple users share The HP 83205A adds the follow- The HP 83205A CDMA Cellular
the same transmit frequency, ing capabilities to the HP 8921A: Adapter has optional CDPD test
CDMA signals appear as capability for installing and
pseudo-random, noise-like • Measurements of waveform
quality rho (r), frequency maintaining CDPD MDBS RF
waveforms. Conventional infrastructure equipment.
analyzers display signals by error,and pilot time offset
HP 8921A Option 603 (HP 8921A
frequency and cannot display • Code domain power, timing plus HP 83205A Option 003)
individual code channels. The and phase analysis configures the test set for both
HP 8921A/83205A measures • True-average power and CDMA CDMA and CDPD test.
power in each code channel, as channel power measurements
well as measuring code-channel PCS
timing and code-channel phase • CDMA QPSK/OQPSK RF
relative to the pilot. source with data buffer and Adding the HP 83236A PCS
IS-95 reverse link coding Interface to the HP 8921A
Power measurements are made • Built-in Added White Gaussian Option 600 is a cost-effective
with a true-average power Noise (AWGN) source pro- way to extend CDMA measure-
detection scheme to optimize vides calibrated Eb/No settings ment capabilities to the 1850
characterization of CDMA to 1990 MHz frequency band
• Flexible RF and CDMA refer- (Contact your local Hewlett-
system performance. ence sections
Another significant contribution Packard sales representative for
of the HP 8921A/83205A is its PSC solutions at other frequen-
measurement of waveform cies). The HP 83236A can be
quality rho (r) for CDMA base combined with existing
stations. This new measurement HP 8921A systems without
was developed by Hewlett- returning them to the factory.
Packard to indicate the overall
performance level of the CDMA
For additional information, refer to other sections
transmitter. in this brochure as well as the following literature:
• Technical Specifications: p/n 5965-1576E
• Configuration Guide: p/n 5965-1577E 9
• Price List: p/n 5965-1578EUS

The HP 8921A has optional

Cellular Digital Packet Data
(CDPD) capabilities for install-
ing and maintaining CDPD
Mobile Data Base Station
(MDBS) RF infrastructure
equipment. CDPD capability
can be ordered with TDMA, HP 8921A with HP 83204A
CDMA, or analog test systems
by selecting the desired "500"
or "600" option to the HP 8921A.
HP 8921A with HP 83205A
Existing HP 8921As can be
Tests Performed with CDMA/CDPD Adapter
retrofitted with CDPD measure-
CDPD Software:
ment capability by adding an
HP 83204A or HP 83205A with
Transmitter Tests:
the appropriate option.
• Output power
CDPD Test • Carrier frequency accuracy To assure high accuracy power
CDPD MDBS test capability is • 0.5 GMSK modulation and sensitivity measurements,
designed to quickly and accu- index accuracy the software allows you to enter
rately test key RF parameters on • Adjacent and alternate cable loss and coupler loss
both the forward channel trans- channel power associated with connecting the
mitter and the reverse channel test set to your MDBS.
receiver. In addition, a sniffer Receiver Tests:
receiver test verifies proper The software, included with
sniffer functionality. Measure- • Block error rate sensitivity HP 8921A CDPD options, guides
ment procedures and default • Busy set and busy clear the operator to make the proper
pass / fail limits are taken flag performance connections prior to each test.
directly from the CDPD system Calibration factors such as cable
• Sniffer functionality
specification 1.1. loss and coupler loss can be
saved to a memory card and
System Level Tests:
To perform tests on the MDBS, it quickly retrieved when testing
is necessary to tap into both the • Decode and display the different sites.
forward channel TX path and the following packet data units:
reverse channel RX path di- - Channel stream identifier Measured results and pass fail
rectly, or with couplers. All RX information for each test can be
- Channel configuration
tests and sniffer tests require the saved to a card or to a portable
RX antenna be disconnected. - Channel quality computer file via RS-232.
- Channel access
- Switch channel

For additional information, refer to other sections

in this brochure as well as the following literature:
• Technical Specifications: p/n 5965-1576E
• Configuration Guide: p/n 5965-1577E
• Price List: p/n 5965-1578EUS


PCS test solutions for TDMA and

CDMA build on the successful
cellular-band HP 8921A test
solutions by adding the
HP 83236A PCS Interface to
extend testing to the U.S. PCS
band (1850 to 1990 MHz)1.
(For GSM-based PCS infrastruc-
ture equipment testing, refer to
HP 85722B literature [Special
Option H19] part number 5091-
9025E). The HP 83236A is controlled via PCS Test Solutions
HP-IB for base station test. For U.S. PCS CDMA:
The HP 83236A PCS Interface manufacturing test, HP-IB com- - HP 8921A
translates 1850-1990 MHz PCS mands written by the operator - HP 83205A Option 001
signals to the RF range of the can be executed from an exter- - HP 83236A
HP 8921A, enabling the same nal controller, or from the
TDMA and CDMA measurements IBASIC controller built into the U.S. PCS TDMA:
performed by the solutions HP 8921A. The HP 83224A - HP 8921A
in the cellular band. Power IBASIC Developers Tool Kit is - HP 83204A Option 001
measurements are performed available for programmers who - HP 83236A
directly in the HP 83236A to are new to IBASIC language OR
maximize power measurement programs for the HP 8921A. - HP 8921D plus HP 83236A
accuracy and speed. For more information on the
Developers Tool Kit, refer to
Adding the HP 83236A to exist- HP 83224A product overview,
ing HP 8921A systems is a cost- part number 5964-3897E.
effective solution for PCS-band
measurement capability. The
HP 83236A can be combined
with existing HP 8921A systems
without returning them to the

Contact your local Hewlett-Packard
sales representative for PSC solutions
at other frequencies.

For additional information, refer to other sections

in this brochure as well as the following literature:
• Technical Specifications: p/n 5965-1576E
• Configuration Guide: p/n 5965-1577E
• Price List: p/n 5965-1578EUS

on-line support is obtained Hewlett-Packard field engineer to
through your local Hewlett- coordinate training with de-livery
Application Packard representative. of hardware and software. Class
size is limited to five or less
Support Training students for efficient learning in
Assure productive testing upon a cell site environment.
receipt of the HP 8921A/11807B
Worldwide Support with customer Start-up Assis- Software Update Service
The HP 8921A Cell Site Test tance. Start-up Assistance To be assured that you always
Solution is backed with Hewlett- (HP11807B +36H) should be have the most current version of
Packard warranty and world- ordered with the HP 8921A/ the HP 11807B test software,
wide support services. With 11807B for all first-time opera- order Software Update Services.
Hewlett-Packard sales and tors. Start-up Assistance is a With these services a new soft-
service centers worldwide you one-day, on-site class taught by ware card will be shipped to you
can be assured of getting the an HP 8921A/11807B specialist. whenever a revision to the pack-
global support you need. Course material demonstrates age occurs. This service is
use of the software and hard- ordered on a yearly basis. The
On-line Support ware to ensure operators are advantage of the update service
In the U.S. and Canada, on-line productive from the time they is knowing you will automatically
technical support is a direct toll- receive the test equipment. receive the latest version of
free call to a factory technical HP 11807B Start-up Assistance software as revisions are made.
representative. Outside the U.S., should be scheduled with your

Call the HP 8921A Information Line (1-800-344-3802) to get one
of our free 40 minute videos showing AMPS/TACS/TDMA cell
site testing with the HP 8921A/11807B.
• “Install and Maintain AT&T Cell Sites Fast” - p/n 1000-1304E
• “Optimize Motorola Cell Sites Fast” - p/n 1000-1307E
• “Install and Maintain Ericsson Cell Sites Fast” - p/n 1000-1297E

• “HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set, HP 11807B Cell Site Test Software,
HP 83204A TDMA Cellular Adapter, HP 83205A CDMA Cellular
Adapter, HP 83236A PCS Interface”:
- Technical Specifications - p/n 5965-1576E
- Configuration Guide - p/n 5965-1577E
- Price List - p/n 5965-1578EUS
• “HP 8921A/11807B Option 120 Call Analysis, Logging, and
Monitoring Software” Product Overview - p/n 5963-6891EUS
• “HP 83236A PCS Interface” Product Overview - p/n 5964-9655E
For more information call
• “HP 83224A IBASIC Developers Tool Kit for RF Communication 1-800-452-4844 or 1-303-452-
Test Sets” Product Overview - p/n 5964-3897E 4844 or via the Web through
• “HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set for AMPS Base Station Testing” AccessHP at http:www.hp.com
Product Note 8921-1 - p/n 5962-9475E
ã 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
• “HP 8921A Cell Site Test Set for TACS Base Station Testing” Data subject to change
Product Note 8921-2 - p/n 5962-0157E Printed in USA 7/96

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