Marine Offshore Application Guide UK 2018 Interactive PDF

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⃰Our market share in marine bridge

instrumentation is estimated at 40 %.


DEIF has a long and rich history of providing class approved, reliable
bridge instrumentation, switchboard equipment and power control.
Conceived and designed to anticipate user needs working from data sheets only. In cases of doubt, DEIF’s
today and in years to come, DEIF products respond to extended network of sales and application centres,
market demands for easier integration, improved user- distributors, customer care teams, and technical support
friendliness, fuel economy and high ROI. Most customers teams is available to assist you and ensure you invest in
are able to install and commission our standard products and implement the best solution for your application.
Vessels Platforms Bridge

4 5







Full service & solutions provider

DEIF markets a complete scope of supply for refit and new build projects, ranging from simple instruments to complex and
customised power engineering solutions. Hands-on practical training on real simulation equipment at 17 locations around
the world ensures that you know how to fully utilise your DEIF solution.

► Pre-engineering and design support 

► Onsite commissioning, support, and service contracts
► Global hands-on training facilites in all regions of the world
► 24/7/365 global after-sales service & support

DEIF Ships
standard products
Globally, 99 % of all DEIF

service contracts for system
solutions and advanced plant
management systems.

Strenghten your product & system compatibility working with one supplier. DEIF markets a complete scope
of supply ranging from simple instruments to complex and customised power engineering solutions.

5 year guarantee supply

► Pre-engineering and design support 
► Commissioning, support, and service contracts
GUARANTEE of spare parts for controllers & ► 24/7/365 global after-sales service & support

bridge instruments.

8 9
11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 00.00 00.00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 06.00 07.00 08.00 09.00 10.00

DEIF Office
DEIF Distributor
DEIF Service Partner


We want to maximise your uptime
DEIF Asia Pacific DEIF India DEIF Norway
Offering you unrivalled response times, the DEIF Group’s extended reach means we are on call for maintenance, repairs,
replacements or upgrades 24/7/365 with regional and local anchors guaranteeing a “glocal” view. DEIF Brazil DEIF France DEIF Spain

DEIF China DEIF Korea DEIF United Kingdom

► Sales offices, competence centres and training facilities in 17 key markets
► Global distributor, system integrator and trusted service partner network DEIF Denmark DEIF Mexico DEIF USA

►  5 year supply of spare parts for controllers and bridge instruments. DEIF Germany DEIF Middle East

10 11
Product support (complimentary)

STAY AFLOAT & ► Product selection and configuration assistance

► Operator instructions, queries and fault-finding assistance

► Unrestricted online access to detailed technical documentation

Flexible service concepts supported anywhere
► Technical advisory assistance and customised system solutions
Based on more than eight decades of experience in DEIF’s flexible service concepts are fully scalable. Right ► On-site service, commissioning and crew training
developing, manufacturing, testing and commissioning from complimentary telephone or online support to onsite
► Health check and preventive services
reliable and flexible engine and genset control solutions preventive maintenance service visits. DEIF's preventive
for both new and aging systems, DEIF knows how to maintenance plans are based on decades of service ► Customised service agreements
avoid unplanned downtime. And also what it takes to keep experience and reliability data accumulated in ISO
power systems in prime condition, securing an operational standardisations and our quality control procedures. Package solutions
and competitive fleet at all times.
► System specification (schematic drawings, system setup, customised software, etc.)
► Customised packages for retrofit, docking or engineering available
► DEIF takes full responsibility for your power application
► Onsite commissioning by DEIF engineers

12 13
Getting it right from the start
We always recommend to select a complete DEIF project When ordering a DEIF project solution each project will  Participate on technical meetings
►  Developing of customised project
►  Retrofit package solution incl.

solution for your application. With the experience from have a dedicated project manager and a unique project as technical advisor software complete cabinet for DEIF control-
more than 3,000 project solutions our project managers number. All information will be saved on our servers for  Analysing and preparation of
►  Factory acceptance test (FAT)
► ler, installation of DEIF equipment
will take the full responsibility for the DEIF application availability even after many years. single line diagrams for DEIF with classification society and certification of the DEIF
solution and guide you right from specification to commis- product solutions solution
 Participate on technical meetings

sioning.  Graphical touch screen project
 Customised documentation of
► as your technical solution advisor ►

the DEIF system solution (consultancy) solution

Each of our project solutions will be tested on dedicated
test switchboards and approved by the classification

14 15
Retrofit, docking or engineering? Retrofitting Docking Engineering
With the experience of more than 3,000 commissionings, Our on-site services are backed up by our training, service
► Participate on technical  Developing of customised
►  Retrofit package solution incl.

we know that flexibility is crucially important. Our highly and application centers in Europe, Asia and the Americas, meetings as technical advisor project software complete cabinet for DEIF
educated service technicians, project engineers and our distributors, system integrators and service partners. ► Analysing and preparation of  Factory acceptance test (FAT)
► controller, installation of DEIF
project managers are always ready to assist you in opera- single line diagrams for DEIF with classification society equipment and certification
ting the vessel/platform in time and around the globe. Call us if you need assistance – we offer fast and highly product solutions of the DEIF solution
 Participate on technical

professional services & support in your time zone 24 hours ► Customised documentation meetings as your technical  Graphical touch screen project

On-site software adjustments, optimising parameter a day. of the DEIF system solution solution advisor (consultancy) solution
settings, complete system checks, Harbour (HAT) and
Sea Acceptance Test (SAT) and training of the crew are
just a few examples of typical tasks our experts handle.

16 17

Switchboard Procurement &
Manufacturers Construction


Powering business efficiency

Already acclaimed for our ability to customise products and solutions to match the
exact needs of individual systems and conditions, we are focused on answering the
specific needs of multiple industries and customer groups with benefits that generate
competitive advantages.

To DEIF, Power Efficiency also means maximising your business potential, powering
your competitive efficiency with innovative technology, market-leading logistics, and
flexible solutions.

18 19
Peace of mind for your technical management Innovative power management solutions
DEIF provides products, services, consultancy and Contrary to traditional PMS thinking on shaft and AUX  Dedicated for DP diesel-hybrid-mechanic offshore supply vessels

project solutions that give shipowners and their technical long-term parallel operation, this system is likely to deliver  Dedicated for shaft-gen & CPP-equipped merchant vessels

management peace of mind to plan and execute competi- above expectations on both consumption and new build or  Full range of flexible genset controllers, bridge instrumentation & switchboard equipment

tive, safe and reliable operation of their fleets. refit investment cost.

We design our advanced Power Management System Offering training and education sessions at our local and
Reduced fuel & maintenance costs
(PMS) controllers and HMIs to be intelligent and intuitive regional offices, we can also provide your crew with the  Up to 40 % reduction of fuel and maintenance costs

with one-touch auto sequences and user display informa- competences and proficiency that support this aim.  Optimised genset operation reduces running hours

tion messages. Reducing fuel and maintenance costs by  Preventive maintenance service agreements

up to 40 %, our Dynamic Propulsion (DP) mode balances

both the main engine and shaft generator speed and the
thruster pitch for minimised power requirements while
Global services & support
maintaining full DP functionality.  Retrofit & upgrades

 Hands-on training for service & operation

 Fast service & support from 17 key offices & 35 distributors

20 21
Taking your power control & monitoring solutions to a new level
Experienced in working with Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractors globally, DEIF
is dedicated to delivering a full range of reliable and documented quality solutions, products and services.

Combining our knowhow within standard and engineered solutions developed for quick and seamless
installation and commissioning, we will help you simplify and speed up your system design process and
time to market.

Engineering: One-stop-shop
► Standard and customised power management & genset control solutions
► Full range of bridge instrumentation & switchboard equipment
► Customisation of products & solutions possible

Procurement: Quality delivered in record-time

► In-house type test centre & laboratory
► ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified
► 99 % of all DEIF deliveries on time

Construction: Reduced installation time & costs

► Simplified system wiring
► Pre-configured products
► DEIF Emulation to test your design before installation
► Free online access to technical documentation

22 23
Getting it right from the start Find & test Easy & fast Global service &
Working with integrators, our primary aim is to support Our market-leading delivery performance on standard
the right solution installation support 24/7/365
your business success rates and customer satisfaction. products enables integrators to react with flexibility on
► Optimum solution specified by ► Universal communication  Fast service & support from 17

demand and boost production at peaks. With shorter time DEIF engineers standards key offices & 35 distributors
We achieve this aim by supplying market-leading to market, you also avoid locking cash in stock and costly ► DEIF Emulation to test your ► Designed to meet compact  Best-in-class delivery time

solutions, products and services that help you cut your inventory. design before installation space requirements  Day-to-day spare part delivery

inventory, give you faster time to market, and reduce ► Free online access to technical ► Fully configurable controllers for
installation time. documentation fast retrofit installations
► Free software upgrade from deif.
com for optimal operation

24 25
A comprehensive product line for all marine & offshore
DEIF guarantees immediate and reliable delivery performance for projects of all sizes making
us an ideal partner for switchboard manufacturers both locally and internationally.

On top, DEIF’s advanced and basic controller systems have been designed with flexibility and
versatility in view, giving EPC consultants, integrators and shipowners a range of options that
enable them to meet all types of application requests.

► Standard and customised power management & genset control solutions
► Full range of bridge instrumentation
► Unmatched portfolio of switchboard equipment
► Customisation of products & solutions possible

Quality delivered in record-time

► In-house type test centre & laboratory
► Certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
► 99 % of all DEIF deliveries on time

Reduced installation time & costs

► Simplified system wiring
► Pre-configured products
► DEIF Emulation to test your design before installation
► Free online access to technical documentation

26 27
Uncompromising quality Application examples & cases
In-house testing & classification approvals Intro

All DEIF marine products are type-tested and tried in Knowing that this, in turn, speeds up our clients’ approvals, The following application examples and case studies ►  Project engineering, application and system
the harshest possible conditions before market release DEIF is vigilant in securing and maintaining all major document the scope of DEIF deliveries, from reliable solution design
to ensure outstanding levels of accuracy, robustness, international class type approvals on the market today systems for basic projects to ground-breaking technology ►  Wiring diagram design
reliability and water-proof housing. for our product range. In fact, our products often exceed for complex, frontrunner challenges in the power industry.
classification requirements. Why? – Because it ensures ►  Complete pre-delivery testing
The tests are carried out in our own in-house test centre unproblematic operation for our customers. Please note that the examples are generic principles and ►  On-site commissioning
by our meticulous staff of specialised engineers. The test not exhaustive.
►  Training for you and your customers
centre is part of our ISO 9001 certified quality management To this end, we collaborate closely with the classification
system and houses some of the most advanced testing societies who regularly audit our test and measuring From planning to commissioning, the DEIF Group is
facilities in the world. They allow us to carry out all the results as part of the certificate issuing processes. ready to support you with power efficient, market-leading
relevant tests for marine classification approvals, CE solutions in critical power, standby power systems, plant
marking, MED approvals, UL, etc. – under our own roof. Please visit to see approvals for specific management, rental, and more.
DEIF offers the full range of genset controllers,
synchronisation & load sharing units, protection,
switchboard equipment, along with:

Application examples and cases index

COMMERCIAL VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
► Case study: Green & reliable power management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stolt-Nielsen Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

NAVAL VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

SPECIAL VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
► Case study: Boost mode for heavy fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scantechnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

PLEASURE BOATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
► Case study: Green, customised & cost-effective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Island Marine Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

PASSENGER SHIPS & FERRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

► Case study: Power management made simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stena Line Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

OFFSHORE SUPPORT VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

► Case study: Subsea IMR vessel blackout prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

OFFSHORE PLATFORMS & RIGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

► Case study: Redundant emergency power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talisman Energy Norge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

HYBRID POWERED VESSELS - AC BUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

► Case study: The world's largest battery-powered ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scanlines/HH Ferries Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

HYBRID POWERED VESSELS - DC BUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

HYBRID POWERED VESSELS - VARIABLE SPEED APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

SWITCHBOARD EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
► Case study: Pumps made efficient & safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

SHIP ENERGY MONITORING SYSTEM (SEMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

► Case study: The first of 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TORM Vita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

BRIDGE INSTRUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
► Case study: One indicator for all thruster modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZF Marine Krimpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

28 29
Commercial vessels Green & reliable power management
Acclaimed performance since 1933 Touch screen overview of consumed & available power

»With this update, we're Power efficiency

Built in 1995, the 3,716 gross
anticipating substantial tonnage chemical tanker Stolt

energy savings onboard« Razorbill saw its entire power

control and monitoring system
retrofitted late in 2015.
Sean Crowly
Electrical & Automation Manager Resulting in full bus tie breaker
 (BTB) control and based on
Stolt-Nielsen Limited
DEIF's PPM 300 and ECU
  100 controllers, the new
 power management system
controls two auxiliary engines,
one shaft generator and one
 emergency generator.

 The redesigned switchboards

are equipped with current
 transformers for BTBs, current
relays for gensets and AC
transducers for the power
packs that provide hydraulic
 Emergency generator  Shaft generator  Bus tie breaker pressure for equipment on
 Turbine generator  Generator set 1-2  Shore connection deck.

Completing the system

revamp, an AGI touch screen
solution was mounted in the
Quality products, outstanding support Relevant controllers cargo control room, offering
DEIF has become a preferred control solution a full overview of consumed
supplier to the biggest operators in the market not and available power along
just because of our innovative, safe and reliable with plant overviews indicating
technology but because of our commitment in genset and BTB states.
guiding you through all phases of your project, from
specification to configuration and commissioning. We're planning to install similar
DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPM-3
solutions on a range of other
DEIF’s flexible product platform covers the full range vessels in our fleet, Sean
of application possibilities. Most customers are able Crowly from Stolt-Nielsen
to install and commission our standard products ends.
working from data sheets only. But in cases of
doubt, DEIF’s far-reaching network of subsidiaries,
distributors, customer care teams, and technical PPU 300 GPU 300
support teams is available to assist you and ensure
you invest in and implement the best controller for
your application.
Also consider these products
Useful installation information can be found in the
product quick start guide, and application setup is
Stolt-Nielsen Limited
made easy with DEIF’s Utility Software. For greater
Stolt-Nielsen Limited (SNL) is
detail, please consult the product installation
the world’s leading provider of
instructions or attend a DEIF training course on how
integrated transportation and
to install and operate DEIF’s standard controllers.
storage solutions for specialty
and bulk liquid chemicals and
a wide range of other liquid
products. SNL’s aquaculture
division is a leading high-tech
producer of turbot and other
premium fish and fish products.
30 31 31
Naval vessels Reliable power when life is at stake
Strict, tough & systematic test procedures second to none Fully vibration & shock tested power control solutions

»In our pursuit of zero fault Applications

output, DEIF exhaustively

Patrol boat

monitors product quality: all
products are subjected to
 internal and external quality
control procedures prior to
market release.«



 Emergency generator  Generator set 1-2

 Shore connection / ship to ship  Bus tie breaker  Generator set 3

In pursuit of zero fault output Relevant controllers
DEIF has become a preferred and trusted supplier
of control systems for naval applications because
our solutions meet and surpass international safety
standards and specific high critical reliability and
safety requirements in defense operations.
DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPM-3
In our pursuit of zero fault output, DEIF exhaustively Corvette
monitors product quality: using in-house test
applications, our developers are able to simulate
real-life operation in great detail, including HALT
and vibration tests for performance in harsh
PPU 300 GPU 300
DEIF controllers are tested for a temperature range
of -40 to +70 °C, for instance, and can achieve 0.5 Destroyer
accuracy class. Shock test is performed with 50 g,
11 ms. Also consider these products

As a rule, our test procedures are followed by a 6-12

month customer field tests introduction phase.

See for further information on DEIF’s

market-leading range of type test certificates and Aircraft carrier
approvals. CSQ-3 2FQ96 2EVQ

32 33 33
Special vessels Boost mode for heavy fishing
Bolstering customer requirements with cost-efficient solutions Variable shaft generator frequency reduces fuel usage

»With the PTO mode, we’re Smooth sailing

Denmark's biggest fishing
able to optimise the efficiency vessel Gitte Henning is

of the main engine, reducing equipped with a 5,220 kW

main engine, a 3,000 kW
both fuel consumption and shaft generator, two auxiliary

service intervals.« generators (2,470 and 790 kW)

and a small 140 kW emergency
Jon Sigurd Samuelsen
Chief Engineer In cooperation with
Gitte Henning Scantechnic, DEIF delivered
a complete Delomatic 4 PMS
 featuring one-touch operation
   for all six standard operation
modes as well as custom-

designed Power Take In (PTI)
 and shaft boost modes that

are selectable only from the

 controller pitch propeller.
Utilising the Power Take Out
 (PTO) mode split function of
 Generator set 1-2  Bus tie breaker  Generator set 3-4 DEIF’s Delomatic PMS system,
 Generator set 5-6  Shaft generator  Propulsion control however, the shaft generator
frequency becomes variable
between 50-60 Hz without
triggering any busbar alarms.
This allows for a wide variation
Consider the longer life advantages Relevant controllers in main engine speed without
With a record of more than 80 years of proven affecting constant voltage
experience and know-how, DEIF specialists and frequency for the ship’s
have the experience and competences to give electrical network.
consultancy advice on external systems interfacing
with DEIF equipment. “With the PTO mode, we’re able
to optimise the efficiency of the
DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPM-3
Catering to the particular needs of special vessels, main engine, reducing both
DEIF develops solutions with integrated control fuel consumption and service
concepts that bolster customer requirements for intervals” says Jon Sigurd
safe and accurate operation. Samuelsen. “It also makes for
a smoother trip since it reduces
Getting it right from the start, we advise customers vibrations in the vessel.”
with specifications, project-specific documentation, PPU 300 GPU 300
I/O lists, and parameter lists including check of
customer drawings.

Developed by our expert project managers with Also consider these products
environmental and longer-life advantages for
valuable equipment, more often than not these Scantechnic
solutions are not just customised but cost-efficient Scantechnic is a recognised
alternatives to standard controllers. supplier of electrical
switchboards on the small and
medium-sized ships market.
AL8-2 EQ-sw AAL-2
The company builds main
switchboards with generator
control, synchronisation and
load sharing using DEIF’s
Delomatic 4 Marine PMS.

34 35 35
Pleasure boats Green, customised & cost-effective
Easy-to-use controller solutions, bridge instrumentation & switchboard equipment Operating on a single genset saves fuel

»The DEIF staff and support Up to 15 % reduced

fuel consumption
through the entire process has DEIF’s PPM-3 solution enables

been an extreme pleasure…« pleasure boat Casual Water to

operate on a single generator,
saving fuel and generator
Barry Baadte maintenance cost. For Baadte,
General Manager what truly makes the DEIF
 Island Marine Florida solution stand out, though, is,
“Reliability, customer support
and the system’s incredible

 When Casual Water requested

a unique mode for bow thruster
 operation – the system will
automatically enter a split
bus state – we delivered on
the request, adding custom
M-Logic programming featured
in the PPM-3 controllers.”

 Shore connection  Generator set 1-2  Emergency generator

According to Island Marine,
retrofitting the systems proved
an exceptionally seamless
and pleasant experience
with new functionalities and
options adapted specifically
Intuitive operation, smooth sailing Relevant controllers for the yacht. Island Marine
Maximising accommodation space is a primary is particularly hopeful about
challenge in contemporary yacht construction. the return on investment of
the retrofit: “The return on
Understanding the need to optimise engine rooms investment for the owner and
and electrical switchboards, DEIF’s control units crew should be very apparent.
have been designed to fit the smallest switchboards The system offers exceptionally
PPM 300 PPM-3 PPU 300
and require no PLCs. intuitive operation along with
a high level of reliability and
With high levels of flexibility and configuration, it required no major modification
is simple to add features and functionality after to the main distribution panel to
HW installation using DEIF design tools and free implement. The yacht is quite
software downloads from happy.”
GPU 300
Utilising advanced power management calculations
and redundant communication lines, our solutions
generate safe, optimal and intuitive operation.
Stressing how correct system handling and Also consider these products
operation by educated personnel optimises
fuel costs and maintenance, we also offer
comprehensive hands-on training for your crew at
our regional and local training centres.
Island Marine Electric
Operating out of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, since
1985, Island Marine Electric
serves the yachting community
in the United States and the

36 37 37
Passenger ships & ferries Power management made simple
Complete packages with outstanding safety & reliability Four predefined modes cover the entire route

»Easy to install. Easy to operate. Modular & intuitive

Operating the ferry route
Full touch screen overview. between Frederikshavn,

In simple terms: Perfect.« Denmark, and Göteborg,

Sweden, M/F Stena Gothica's
power management system

Anders Efraimsson was fully upgraded in just
Chief Engineer three weeks with DEIF's new
Stena Line and modular PPM 300 power
management solution.

For ease of operation, the
installed solution offers four
standard modes that cover the
 entire route. Auto for standard
 sailing, secure for near-coast
 sailing, harbour for harbour
 operation and shore for
 seamless shore-to-ship supply.

Fitted with DEIF's AGI touch
screen, the delivered solution
 Emergency generator  Shore connection
also improves overview and
 Generator set 1-2  Bus tie breaker  Generator set 3-4
control for the crew.

"Our crew can easily control

the four gensets onboard
using the intuitive PPM 300
Reliable power control made simple Relevant controllers menues and the four standard
Fully commissionable without interrupting com- operation modes. It doesn't get
mercial operations, a DEIF power control solution much simpler than that".
is the innovative, safe and reliable choice for
ferry route operators and their crews. We are
committed to guiding you through all phases of
your project, from specification to configuration and
DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPM-3

DEIF’s flexible power control solutions contain

leading technology genset controllers, the world's
most sold range of bridge instrumentation and an
exhaustive portfolio of switchboard equipment.
PPU 300 GPU 300
Advanced load-dependent start/stop, long-time
parallel operation on diesel/shaft generators
and combined emergency/harbour generator
functionality reduce fuel consumption, and one- Also consider these products
touch auto sequences, PTI, PTO, PTH and BOOST
shaft generator modes along with preventive
maintenance alarms make day-to-day operations
easy and intuitive for the crew. Everything can be
fully monitored and controlled on graphical touch
screens. Stena Line Group
Stena Line Group is an
international transport and
travel service company with
Europe's most comprehensive
route network.

38 39 39
Offshore support vessels Subsea IMR vessel blackout prevention
Complete packages with outstanding safety & reliability Distributed power management system for award winner

»Engineered PMS for Ship Staying the course

A subsea inspection,
of the Year award winners maintenance and repair

Far Solitaire and Seven (IMR) vessel, one of the main

success and classification

Viking.« criteria for Seven Viking is
 her ability to safely master
the North Sea’s unruly high
seas and hold her position
steady during maintenance

The Delomatic 4 Marine

solution engineered for Seven
 Viking by DEIF includes class-

approved DP-2 operation with
closed bus tie breaker and
 isochronous load sharing with
 compensated droop as fall
back including special speed
governor interface.

 Emergency generator  Generator set 1-2

For safety reasons, the DEIF
 Bus tie breaker  Generator set 3-4  Shore connection
solution has special blackout
preventive protection methods
implemented, including thruster
control with fast load reduction
and trip of non-essential load
Efficient Dynamic Positioning (DP) operation Relevant controllers groups in case of overload.
DEIF is a market leader in offshore applications for To be able to supervise
diesel electrical drives and switchboards designed and control the DEIF power
for dynamic positioning operation. management system from
multiple locations, it is fully
We specialise in optimising electrical power integrated in the vessel’s alarm
management systems to make applications more and monitoring system.
DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPU 300
efficient. Our reliable and fuel-optimised solutions
are class-approved for DP-2 operation, even with
a closed bus tie breaker, just as our dynamic load
sharing deviation protection and fast thruster load
reduction are state-of-the-art.

Working with our dedicated project department GPU 300

for system solutions, you will soon experience
how DEIF is more than a partner. Our know-how,
experience and expertise guarantee advanced
application solutions – quality-tested beyond marine Also consider these products

DEIF has recently optimised our hardware modules

for onshore and offshore production platforms Ulstein
with filters to be able to operate with frequency Norwegian ULSTEIN is an
converters without influencing the measuring internationally renowned
values. ADL MTR4-P VDQ-sw
provider associated with quality
and innovation in design
and delivery of ship design,
shipbuilding and system
Courtesy of: Ulstein Group/Christian Romberg solutions.

40 41 41
Offshore platforms & rigs Redundant emergency power
Complete packages with outstanding safety & reliability Power to restart main power plant turbines after blackouts

»Reliable backup power is vital Out there – in control

Gyda’s emergency power plant
on-board platforms: restarting main consists of two 1200 kW MTU

power plant turbines after total gensets. The gensets are

required to load-share when
blackout isn’t possible without power running in island operation,

 from emergency generators.« and to run in a fixed power

configuration when paralleling
with the four main turbine
Esper Flodgaard generators.
Senior Specialist
DEIF A/S Requiring a fully redundant

power management solution to
 replace the existing relay logic
control system, the genset
and control cabinets have
 been placed in two separate
 compartments and are capable
of both as a single system and

as two independent systems.

 Minimising work on connected

  Emergency generator  Generator set 1-2
systems, DEIF reused all
 Bus tie breaker  Generator set 3-4  Shore connection
existing I/Os and delivered a
tailored Delomatic 4 Marine
solution featuring generator
control, extensive engine
and generator alarm and
Offshore – a world of its own Relevant controllers supervision, interface to
DEIF’s dedicated and experienced project SCADA, while controlling
department for offshore system solutions has a auxiliary equipment including
proven record of providing full customer satisfaction HPU, firedamper and
for complex offshore applications. ventilation.

Tried and tested to meet and surpass offshore

DM-4 Marine PPM 300 PPU 300
standards, DEIF’s quality solutions for applications
at offshore vessels and onshore/offshore rigs
stand out for safety and reliability. Applying our
technology incorporating fully automatic systems for
stable operation, our specialists aim for record time
commissioning to limit downtime and cut installation
costs. GPU 300

We advise customers with specifications, project-

specific documentation, I/O lists, and parameter
lists including check of customer’s drawings. Also consider these products

Uniquely, applying DEIF’s emulation solution

technology enables you to test your design prior to
delivery and installation. Minimising programming Talisman Energy Norge
costs, we have also introduced broadcasting of Operated by Talisman
application software. Energy Norge AS, Gyda was
discovered in 1980 and began
production in 1990. The oil field
has one conventional steel
facility with production, drilling
and living quarters.

42 43 43
Hybrid-powered vessels The world's largest battery-powered ship
Battery applications – AC bus 640 batteries save 65% CO2 onboard the ferry of the future

Three operating modes

secure daily operations
In the Oresund strait between
Denmark and Sweden, the
M/F Tycho Brahe is one
 Generator set 1-2 of two ferries leading the
 Battery package 1-2 way to tomorrow’s marine
transportation.Still equipped
with the original diesel-
powered engines, the ferry
has battery containers on the
top deck delivering around
4,160 kilowatt hours (kWh)
2 of electrical power – enough
to propel the ferry 2 times
1 between harbours.

Tychoe Brahe can run on

full battery, full diesel or a
combined, hybrid set-up.

»We have been really, really satisfied The DEIF system controls

in the way the DEIF system handles all power management with
regard to diesel, battery
problems for us. We trust it.« and hybrid operation. It also
switches among the three
Henrik Fald Hansen modes and takes care of load
Prevent blackouts and reduce maintenance Relevant controller Senior Chief Engineer distribution in battery, hybrid
Combining traditional diesel gensets with electric and diesel modes.
M/F Tycho Brahe
battery power, DEIF’s integrated power control
solution has the potential to reduce harmful 'We have four battery
emissions and wear and tear on your diesel containers, and the DEIF
generators. The charge/discharge management system handles load
functionality of the solution enables for instance distribution. If we get problems
ferries to operate purely on batteries while when running on batteries we
recharging when in port. have the option of switching to
hybrid or diesel mode. That's
In addition, energy storage in batteries optimises the also managed by the DEIF
entire propulsion solution since it provides smoother system', Senior Chief Engineer
power for the main engines. Batteries avoid so- Henrik Fald Hansen ends.
called transient engine loads, a major advantage for DM-4 Marine
larger vessels such as cruise ships, which have a
constant need for considerable amounts of energy.
Batteries provide instant power in contrast to diesel
gensets which can take up to half a minute to fire up. Also consider these products HH Ferries
In other words, the batteries help prevent blackouts.
HH Ferries Group owns
the ferry route between
Features and benefits
Helsingborg and Elsinore,
►  Blackout prevention which is marketed under
►   Charge/discharge management the trademark Scandlines
►   Pure battery or diesel/battery combined Helsingborg-Elsinore.
►   Optimal load on fewer diesel gensets Departing every 15 minutes, 5
ferries transport up to 50,000
passengers and 9,000 cars as
well as 1,600 buses and trucks
across Oresund on a daily

Full case story

44 45
Hybrid-powered vessels Hybrid-powered vessels
Battery applications – DC bus Variable speed applications

 

 

 

Pitch controller

 Generator 1-2  Battery package

 Emergency generator  Shaft generator

 Generator set 1-3  Tunnel thruster

Run your diesel gensets at variable speeds Relevant controller Reduce engine RPM and maintain speed Relevant controller
Countering high fuel consumption, emissions The DEIF-patented DP-AIF “Dynamic Positioning
and noise issues due to fixed engine speed in Ambient Interactive Fuel-saving Concept” is
traditional electrical propulsion designs, DEIF’s adaptable to most OSVs with variable pitch
DC-bus solution for hybrid power supply allows propellers. The exact control method depends on
you to run your diesel gensets at variable speeds. power plant constellation and propulsion system.
The integrated load management functionality
incorporates advanced blacout prevention. Interacting with the DP controlling system, it
will dynamically take responsive charge of the
The DC-bus solution’s architecture eliminates ambient conditions such as wind, tidal currents
the risk of faults spreading across the electrical and wave movements. Both main engine and
network resulting in network voltage and frequency thrusters collaborate, automatically adjusting power
disturbances. requirements to propulsion and thrust to a minimum
DM-4 Marine in order to maintain the defined position regardless DM-4 Marine
We cooperate closely with renowned inverter of the ambient conditions. The system is an add-on
manufacturers and other suppliers of equipment for to the Delomatic 4 Power Management System and
marine hybrid solutions. is not available separately.

Features and benefits Fitted with DP-AIF, the Delomatic 4 power

Also consider these products Also consider these products
►   Variable speed control of gensets management system comprises all complex
►   Thruster limitation & reduction requirements for any type of vessel. You’ll benefit
from the simplicity in engineering, design, schematics,
►  Load management
installation and service, all of which will reduce
►  Close cooperation with renowned time consumption/costs related to commissioning,
inverter manufacturers switchboard layout, installation and maintenance.
AGI 407 DQ Shunt AGI 407 MIC-2 MKII DQ
Features and benefits
►   Variable pitch propellers & main engine speed
►   Speed compensation for thrust demand
►   Frequency converter reductions
►   Complete system control designs
46 47 47
Switchboard equipment Pumps made efficient & safe
Delivering lowest total cost of ownership Avoiding disturbances to class-approved equipment

1 2 3 4 5
»DEIF's insulation monitoring package Green & safe pumping
Specialising in the
supports our strategy to deliver safe, reliable development and installation
& energy-efficient pump solutions that of efficient and safe pump
solutions for the global marine
minimise the environmental footprint« industry, DESMI is constantly
Main and Emergency switchboard Thruster control panel Crane control panel looking to optimise their
product and solutions portfolio.
Palle Grankvist
Automation Manager
Frequency converters are often
applied in pump installations
to increase their efficiency,
slashing both fuel consumption
and CO2 emissions. An
unfortunate side effect is that
5 frequency converters can
create disturbances in other
class-approved equipment
onboard vessels.
1 2 3

Designed specifically for

2 installations with frequency
converters generating AC
voltage down to 5 Hz, DEIF’s
SIM-Q LF (Low Frequency)
counters that issue, and it has
now become the preferred
choice when DESMI markets
Competitive delivery, cost & performance Relevant switchboard equipment pump solutions in the marine
Good logistics are crucial to maintaining competitive industry.

We customise logo, scales and colours to customer

specifications and deliver within one week, making
an extra effort to ensure that our products reach
their destination in record time, undamaged
and ready for fast and easy commissioning and
subsequent operation.

The main switchboard and a number of sub-

distribution switchboards form the electrical
central nervous system of the ship. Because they 2EQ FAS RMC
are critical to power supply, control and system
monitoring, instrument robustness is among the
most important quality parameters. Collaborating
closely with classification societies, who audit our
test results and methods before issuing certificates,
our Type Test Lab performs measurements relevant
for classification approvals and CE marking. ASK EPQ-2 DCP-2
Founded in 1834, DESMI
today stands out as a global
company specialised in the
development and manufacture
of pump solutions for marine,
industry, oil spill combating,
defence & fuel and utility both
locally and globally.

48 49 49
Ship energy monitoring system (SEMS) Vita: The first of 38
Monitor and analyse energy generation and consumption The first of a fleet of 38 vessels to have DEIF SEMS installed
Side 42

Display examples Complete SEMS for 3

diesel generators
DEIF delivered complete
SEMS solution with an AGI
touch screen logging data and
displaying all relevant data
delivered by 3 DEIF multi-

Parallel running hours reduced by

approximately 10 %.

Installation & support

DEIF SEMS will be provided
with a detailed installation and
operation guide.
Contact DEIF Support at
[email protected] for
further assistance.

Power efficiency Also consider these products

DEIF’s Ship Energy Monitoring System, SEMS,
monitors real time and stores historical power data
for analysis of energy generation and consumption.
Use your insights to improve your power efficiency,
save on fuel cost and reduce your environmental

Energy monitoring solution

►   Preprogrammed AGI 410 touch screen
►   Up to 16 power monitoring points
►   Data from DEIF brand controller and/or DEIF
MIC-2 power instruments MTR-4 KBU FCT

►   Modbus TCP and RS-485 supported for DEIF

►   MIC-2 MKII using RS-485 Relevant controllers

Why choose DEIF’s SEMS

►   Simple solution for energy monitoring
►   Plug & play
►   Pre-programmed graphical views for local PPM 300 PPU 300 GPU 300
monitoring of energy consumption on AGI
►   Free technical support for SEMS
►   USB stick for historical data storage
►   Data available on Modbus
50 51 51
Bridge instrumentation One indicator for all thruster modes
A front-runner in marine bridge instrumentation Switch between indicator modes – automatically

»The XDi has reduced the Game changer cuts costs

Until recently, renowned
number of indicators, installation ZF Marine Krimpen used
time, and simplified operation« traditional indicator technology
for its retractable azimuth
 Wind measuring  RPM  Rudder angle
thruster solutions. Individually
Johan Spruyt customised to each customer,
R&D Engineer this required numerous
ZF Marine Krimpen indicators for each azimuth
propeller – one for each
 Main propulsion  Azimuth  Tunnel thruster
operation mode.

 Reducing installation time

and costs, DEIF's virtual
indicator solution, the XDi,
 now allows ZF Marine Krimpen
to automatically change the
indicator scale depending on
which mode the retractable
 azimuth thruster is in.

 "With the XDi, we take up
much less space in the
bridge operator panel and
also simplify daily operation
 since there is just one thruster
indicator display regardless
of operation mode", R&D
Game changers & customised solutions Relevant bridge instruments Engineer Johan Spruyt from
A front-runner in marine bridge instrumentation, ZF Marine Krimpen states.
DEIF consistently invests in R&D and has
developed a number of innovative products at our
research centre and manufacturing site in Skive,
Denmark. These include high-accuracy illuminated
indicators based on patented microprocessor-
controlled X-coil technology. Increasingly, vessels
shift from using analogue indicators to CAN bus-
based instrumentation. DEIF’s complete range
is now available with this compatibility also, just
as we design and develop complete customised
instrumentation system solutions.
WSS 500/550 WSS 750 XDi-N
DEIF’s most recent patented illuminated indicator
display series, Flexible Display Indicator, XDi,
has been described as a game changer in
bridge instrumentation. The XDi series replaces Also consider these products
mechanical scales and pointers and takes indicator
performance to a whole new level – without ZF Marine Krimpen
compromising DEIF’s market-leading customisation Formally known as HRP
standards and maintaining type approvals for all Thruster Systems, ZF Marine
relevant applications. Krimpen has been active
on the thruster market since
RTA 602 RTC 300 RTC 600
1973. The company designs
and produces a wide range of
steerable thrusters for all types
of applications throughout the
marine industry.

52 53 53
Bridge instrumentation Bridge instrumentation
Standard relative wind indicator system Advanced wind system

RS485 RS485 Speed and heading

WSS 550 WSS 750


External button control

The RS485 port is used to receive NMEA data from the wind sensor XDi 192-N w/standard wind indicator library
XDi-net More
Aft bridge Forward bridge

The ultrasonic measuring principle with no moving Relevant bridge instruments Two years of field testing in the North Sea and Relevant bridge instruments
parts gives reliable performance without any wear- Norway’s polar region have proven DEIF’s WSS 750
out problems and without requiring regular service. wind sensors’ reliability in providing superior wind
measuring performance in all weather conditions.
The new WSS 550 version has a built-in heating
element to prevent icing up. The robust construction and high measuring
accuracy make this sensor series the right choice
WSS 500 or WSS 550 can be connected to an for applications where precise and reliable wind
XDi-N wind speed and direction indicator. VDR and data is essential to safe operation.
other ships systems can receive wind data from the Weather systems Weather systems
RS422 NMEA output on the NX2 module mounted The WSS 750 is also highly recommended for use
on the XDi-N. in dynamic positioning systems and other critical
An obvious alternative if you want high performance
and reliability – not low-cost/high-maintenance! XDi-N can calculate true wind data when ship speed
and heading data is available via the NMEA input.
WSS 500/550 WSS 750 XDi-N WSS 500/550 WSS 750 XDi-N

Add one or more XDi-N wind indicators using XDi-

net plug and play via CAN bus.

Weather transmitter Weather transmitter

54 55
Bridge instrumentation Bridge instrumentation
4-20mA rudder system +/-10V rudder system

Bridge overhead Bridge overhead

XL144 XL144
or XL192 or XL192

Open bridge wing +/-10V Open bridge wing

4-20mA Portside Starboard
Bridge Centre console

Bridge wing Portside Bridge wing Starboard

Bridge Centre console

BW144 XL96 BW144 BRW-2 BRW-2

4-20mA 4-20mA +/-10V +/-10V

+/-10V TDG-210DG
Bridge XL96 Bridge XL 144
console console +/-10V rudder system
The 4-20mA rudder angle signal
4-20mA rudder system. is converted to +/-10V in the TDG-
The basic 4-20mA current loop 4-20mA 210DG located on the bridge.
4-20mA is most likely the most used con-
figuration for rudder systems today. All indicators on the bridge have a
+/-10V input and are star-coupled to
The DEIF RTA 602 rudder angle the TDG. TDG-210DG can drive up
transmitter is able to drive at least Engine to 19 indicators (BW, BRW-2, TRI-2
Engine 7 XL indicators and one TRI-2 room or XDi).
room indicator in a 24V system.
The TDG-210DG can of course
Please see the RTA 602 data sheet also be located in the steering gear
for details. room, giving a complete +/-10V
4-20mA indicator system.

Steering RTA 602 Steering RTA 602

gear XL96 Rudder angle transmitter 4-20mA gear XL144 Rudder angle transmitter 4-20mA
room room

4-20mA 4-20mA

56 57
Bridge instrumentation Bridge instrumentation
4-20mA/CANopen rudder system CANopen rudder system

Bridge overhead Bridge overhead

XDi192D XDi192D

Open bridge wing Open bridge wing

Portside Starboard
CAN bus CAN bus

Bridge Centre console Bridge Centre console

Bridge wing
Bridge wing Portside Starboard

BRW-2 XDi144D BRW-2 BW144 XDi144D BW144

CAN bus CAN bus CAN bus CAN bus

Bridge XDi144D Bridge XDi144D
console CAN bus console CAN bus
RTA is calibrated in the installation. Calibration of the rudder sensor
Fine adjustments of the sensor input input is handled via the installation
can be handled via the installation menu in the XDi located in the
menu in the XDi located in the steering gear room. This unit
steering gear room. This unit transmits transmits the rudder angle to all
the rudder angle to all other indicators other indicators directly via CAN.
via CAN.
Engine Engine All XDi indicators can be replaced
XDi96D All XDi indicators can be replaces with XDi96D
room room with XL CAN indicators.
XL CAN or BW CAN indicators, except
the one in the steering gear room.

XDi144D XDi144D
Steering with AX1 Steering with AX1
gear analogue gear analogue
room extension room extension
module module

Voyage Data Voyage Data
Recorder 4-20mA Recorder

RTA 602 RTC 600

Connect VDR directly from Rudder angle transmitter 4-20mA Connect VDR directly from Rudder angle transmitter CANopen
4-20mA or via NMEA0183 NMEA0183 via NX1 module
via NX1 module on any XDi on any XDi indicator

58 59
Platform & product type overviews Multi-line 300
Intro Platform overview

Leading the way in marine & offshore power control technology Marine power technology has changed
DEIF Marine & Offshore’s extensive product portfolio is one of the most comprehensive on the global markets for marine Anticipating user needs and responding to market demands in a changing world, DEIF is in the process of developing a
& offshore power control and monitoring, ranging from quality analogue relays and cost-effective single and multi-function ground-breaking range of advanced controller solutions that adapt to your application automatically. Named Multi-line 300,
controller platforms to engineered solutions for all types of vessels, offshore platforms and rigs. DEIF’s control concepts the quality controller range equals user-friendly operation and DEIF’s hallmarks of green, safe and reliable performance.
eliminate the need for external controllers and are user-friendly alternatives to standard controllers.
Complete with built-in troubleshooting and fuel-efficient technology, Multi-line 300 is based on a versatile and modular base-
Innovation has been of the heart of the remarkable success DEIF product lines have seen over the past decades, starting mounted hardware platform developed for all levels of control solutions: from simple stand-alone engine control to complex
with the introduction of the Uni-line, single-function controller platform series in 1998. Acclaimed for its quality and and engineered power management systems. Using advanced processor technology, Multi-line 300 units feature redundant
reliability, DEIF’s Uni-Line research led to the development of the Multi-line 2 multi-function controller, protection and power high speed internal communication lines capable of handling protection functions at record speeds.
management platform, which again fostered the recent launch of the versatile and modular-based Multi-line 300 platform.
The flexible units can be expanded with input and output modules, and an LED graphical colour display with intuitive one-
A DEIF solution is a greener choice because it means optimised operation: life extensions and other advanced technologies touch sequences gives you immediate access to easy-read parameters, read-outs and service menus. Moreover, the unique
make our customers’ assets more valuable and operationally more efficient. and integrated emulation solution’s exact reproduction of behaviour improves your planning, approvals and training.

Reducing risks of personal and equipment damage and letting you change parameters and sequences to simulate alternative
setups to optimise your application, Multi-line 300’s emulation feature is about giving you critical market advantages and
cutting-edge, top-performing results.

GPU 300 PPU 300 PPM 300

Generator protection unit for PLC- Paralleling & protection unit for Protection & power management
based systems. PLC-based systems. controller.

Features GPU 300 PPU 300 PPM 300

Platform & product type overviews index
Power management ×
► Multi-line 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Load sharing × ×
► Multi-line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Synchronisation & regulation × ×
► Illuminated bridge indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Engine control & protection × ×
► Power management and paralleling & operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
► Synchronisation & load sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Emulation ×

► Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Communication × × ×

► Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measuring centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 AC measurement & protection × × ×
► Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analogue instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Graphical display × × ×
► Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC/DC current measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Custom logic × × ×
► Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring & alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Codesys add-on ×
► Bridge instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

60 61
Multi-line 2 Illuminated bridge indicators
Platform overview Platform overview

Simplicity, reliability and safety Digital accuracy, analogue or display-based readability

Our Multi-line 2 engine and genset controls have been designed for easy configuration and operation. This will reduce the DEIF's range of sturdy illuminated bridge indicators features high accuracy, meeting or exceeding international standards for
need for training of your crew. But above all, updating your control system will result in improved power reliability and safety optimal readability and precision.
– something which is vitally important onboard ships.
Analogue indication: The XL series
As the result of dedicated and focused product development, our marine concept covers solutions ranging from standard Offering digital accurary and analogue readability, the well-proven XL series is based on DEIF's patented microprocessor-
controller units to customised power management systems (PMS). Our solutions are also ideal if you would like to optimise controlled X-coil technology. The range is available for panel, ceiling and bridge wing mounting with a variety of stocked
existing power supply controls onboard your ship. DEIF’s power management controllers will for instance provide advanced standard designs. Custom designs are available on request.
load-dependent start/stop calculations during sea operation and automatic ship-to-shore connection during harbour
operation. Display-based indication: The XDi series
A game changer in bridge instrumentation, DEIF’s patented illuminated indicator display series, XDi, offers highly accurate
Updating older control systems will cut your fuel costs and CO2 emissions due to optimised genset operation. This again display-based indication. The compact, easy-to-install, versatile and user-friendly revolution in bridge instrumentation, gives
leads to reduced maintenance of your gensets. you more flexibility and the ability to configure and make repairs on-site. The XDi series replaces mechanical scales and
pointers with high quality displays without compromising DEIF customisation standards and maintaining approvals for all
All marine products from DEIF are tested above the requirements from the classification societies to ensure that they do not relevant applications. It is available in various sizes with dual-, multi-, wind, weather or navigation indicator libraries.
fail – even under the most extreme conditions.

XL series XDi series

Q72, Q96, Q144 or Q192 with single-indicator display. Available in various sizes with dual-, multi-, wind,
BW, BRW-2 bridge wing and TRI-2 panorama indicators. weather or navigation indicator libraries.

Features XL XDi
CANopen interface 1 or 2 2

XDi Net ×
GPU-3 PPU-3 PPM-3 DM-4 Marine
Analogue or Dual (COS/SIN) input V/mA V/mA* Selectable
Generator protection for Paralleling & protection Protection & power Customised power
PLC-based systems. for PLC-based systems. management system. management solution. Digital input e.g. RPM pickup ×*

Relay output ×*

Serial – NMEA0183 (IEC61162-1 & -2) Input/Output*

Extention modules AX1, DX1, NX1, NX2

Backlight dimmer Analogue/CAN CAN/Analogue*/Digital*/

Features GPU-3 PPU-3 PPM-3 DM-4 Marine NMEA*/Front buttons

Customised solution × Day/night scale Fixed Day/night (dusk)

Power management × × Scale type Printed scale TFT Display

Load sharing × × × Display sizes 3.5, 5, 7"

Safety system for engine protection × × × X-coil indicator ×

Synchronisation × × × × Library with multiple virtual indicators ×

Generator & busbar protection × × × × Indication/readout Fixed (needle/disc) Selectable

Engine control & protection × × × × Number of indications 1 1 or more

Serial communication × × × × DIN Cut out Q72, Q96, Q144, Q192 Q96, 144 × 96, 192 × 144

Engine communication (CANopen & CAN J1939) × × × × Outdoor bridge wing indicator ×

* Extension module required

62 63
Power management and paralleling & operation Synchronisation & load sharing
Product type overview Product type overview

Systems Controllers Visual synchronisation

Integrated systems Protection & power management Check synchronising relay Single-function syncroscope Phase sequence meter
Multi-function power management control system Control, protection and power management for simple to With push-button programming Indication of frequency difference. Squence check.
engineered to fit your specifications. complex systems and applications. of all set points.

See page 73. See page 74-75. See page 83. See page 84. See page 85.

Operator panels Emulation Synchronisation & circuit breaker closing Load sharing & governor interfacing

Emulation solution
Visualising and verifying
the functions of your power
management system on a PC,
this unit offers safe and simple
testing without connection to a
real genset.
Additional operator panel Synchronisation of generators & busbars Load sharing, paralleling & operation
Mounted directly in the panel front, the AOP offers alarm Versatile synchronisers for both slowly reacting diesel Load sharing between generators and governor
and lamp indications configured by you. engines and swiftly reacting gas turbines. interfacing through electronic potentiometers.

See page 76. See page 77. See page 86. See page 87.

Software Electronic potentiometers for speed governor control

DEIF Utility Software Potentiometer for DIN Potentiometer for panel

Configure, commission & supervise gensets & plants. Converts the relay output of a PI PWM output for speed control and
step controller to control voltage speed droop settings. J1939 to
for the speed governor/AVR. analogue converter.
See page 78. See page 88. See page 89.

Controllers& operation
Paralleling Analogue instruments for manual synchronisation

Paralleling & protection unit Double frequency meter Double AC voltmeter

Paralleling & protection for PLC-based systems. 90 ° pointer or reed. Separate or joint scales available.

See pages 79-81. See page 90. See page 91.

64 65
Protection Measuring – measuring centres
Product type overview Product type overview

Controllers Transducers

Generator protection unit Engine control unit Genset control unit Multi-transducer Selectable transducer
Generator protection for PLC- Basic engine control, monitoring Basic genset control, monitoring Up to four user-configured analogue Factory-configured input/output.
based systems. and protection. and protection. outputs, RS-485 Modbus and USB. Wide range of one- or three-phase

See pages 93-94. See page 95. See page 96. See page 106. See page 107.

Relays Multi-instruments

Differential/short-circuit protection relay MTR-4P Panel multi-instrument DIN multi-instrument Flexible current transfomer
All measured and calculated values displayed on display. Stand-alone protection and Power analyser with display and Power analyser with Modbus Accessory for FCT multi-
measuring unit. Modbus communication, optional communication, optional I/O and instruments MIC-2 MKII FCT
I/O and communication interfaces. communication interfaces. No display. & MIC-2 MKII FCT DIN.
See page 97. See page 98.
See page 108. See page 108. See page 123.

Voltage relay Current & short circuit relay Frequency relay

Timer-controlled tripping for Timer-controlled tripping for short Timer-controlled tripping for
under-/over-voltage with LED circuit/over-current with LED under-/over-frequency with LED
indication. indication. indication.

See page 99. See page 100. See page 101.

Insulation monitoring

Power protection relay Loss of excitation relay Loss of mains relay AC/DC insulation monitor DC insulation monitor AC insulation monitor
Timer-controlled tripping for Timer-controlled tripping for loss of Detection of vector shift and mains Ideal for applications with Ideal for detection of symmetrical Ideal for standard AC networks.
under-/over-voltage with LED excitation/over-excitation with LED disconnection on mains failure with frequency converters (from 5 Hz). faults.
indication. indication. LED indication.

See page 102. See page 103. See page 104. See page 109. See page 110. See page 111.

66 67
Measuring – analogue instruments Measuring – AC/DC current measurement
Product type overview Product type overview

Meters Current transformers

AC voltage or current meter AC or DC voltage or current meter AC voltage meter with switch Flexible current transfomer Measuring transformer Split core transformer
With 90 ° pointer. With 90 ° or 240 pointer °. 4 or 6 measurements. Accessory for FCT multi-instruments For busbar and/or cable Designed for retrofit
MIC-2 MKII FCT & MIC-2 MKII FCT – up to 7,500 A. – up to 5,000 A.
See page 112. See page 113. See page 114. DIN.
See page 124. See page 125.
See page 123.

AC current meter with switch Power meter Combined kWh counter Protection transformer Primary winding transformer Summation transformer
6 measurements. For power or reactive power. & power meter For busbar and/or cable – up to Primary current from 1 to 100 A. Summation of 2 to 8 transformers
90 ° or 240 ° pointer or double 2,000 A. – 1 A or 5 A.
See page 115. See page 116. counter. Pulse output. See page 127.
See page 126. See page 128.
See page 117.

DC measurements

Frequency meter Power factor meter Bi-metallic AC current meter

90 ° pointer or reed. Measurement of cos phi. With max. reading pointer.
Shunt resistor
See page 118. See page 119. See page 120. Provides a milivolt output. Available with base.

See page 129.

Combined ammeter Running hours counter

Combined indication of AC current and For AC and DC supply.
bi-metallic AC current.
See page 122.
See page 121.

68 69
Measuring – monitoring & alarms Bridge instrumentation
Product type overview Product type overview

Alarm panels Indicators

Alarm panel Flexible display indicator Flexible navigation indicator Illuminated indicator
8 configurable inputs and 2 outputs. Display-based illuminated bridge Selection of standard or Digital accuracy, analogue
indicators with preinstalled customised navigation indicators. readability. Panel mounting.
See page 130. designs. See page 136. See page 138.
See page 135.

Power supply & battery chargers

Bridge wing indicator Bridge wing indicator Panorama rudder indicator

Digital accuracy, analogue Digital accuracy, analogue 250 ° reading of rudder position.
DC power supply Battery charger readability. In-/outdoor mounting. readability. Outdoor mounting. Analogue or CAN input.
Input:115/230/440 V AC With boost and alarm output. 12 or See page 139. See page 139. See page 140.
Output:12/24 V DC/5 to 40 A. 24 V DC and 5 or 10 A output.

See page 131. See page 132.

Wind measuring
HMI touch displays

Wind sensor Wind display

Advanced graphical interface Superior performance wind Indicates relative and true
Fully programmable graphical touch displays in various sizes. sensors. No moving parts; wind speed and direction.
See pages 133. no wear. See page 142.
See pages 143-144.


Rudder angle transmitter Weather transmitter

No touch magnetic angle detection Measure air pressure,
technology. Analogue or CANopen. temperature and humidity.
See page 141. See page 145.
70 71
Power management Integrated Systems, DM-4 Marine
Intro Power management control system engineered to specification

DEIF Marine & Offshore’s award-winning and innovative power management units are some of the most comprehensive on
DM-4 Marine features
the market today, ranging from cost-effective single and advanced multi-function controller platforms to units suitable for
innovative and fully engineered Power Management System solutions. As a rule, our control concepts eliminate the need for ► Internal system supervision
external controllers and are user-friendly alternatives to standard controllers. ► Engine control, monitoring and protection

► 3-phase generator protections

Working with DEIF, you benefit from the advantages of collaborating with one qualified supplier.
► Automatic synchronisation
We also offer outstanding product quality, expert support engineers for standard support, consultant application engineers to
► Load sharing
check specifications, and project managers ready to assume responsibility for turnkey power management solutions.
► Dual ARCnet bus communication lines for redundancy

► Multiple display units and multiple Advanced

Operator Panels

DEIF’s Delomatic 4 Marine is a state-of-the-art multi- ► Interface to the DEIF advanced graphical touch
function PMS control system engineered to fit your screen AGI
specifications. ► 2 × Integrated RS-485 Modbus communication port

An ideal solution for applications that require large ► 2 × CAN bus port for J1939 engine supervision,
numbers of inputs with extra logic or increased flexibility CANopen
for systems with large numbers of tie breakers, ► USB port for service software
Delomatic 4 Marine can also be adapted for emergency
► Up to 690 V AC direct AC inputs
generator control.
► Alarm and event log
In spite of its complexity and comprehensive
► Advanced load-dependent start/stop calculations
functionality, the Delomatic 4 Marine system has been
designed for fast and easy installation, and DEIF ► Blackout prevention and recovery
offers market-leading support before, during and after ► Priority selection
commissioning and factory acceptance tests (FAT).
► Heavy consumer handling
It communicates easily with other systems and with the ► Base load function
optional graphical user interface as well as its operators.
► Trip of non essential load groups (preferential trip)

The Delomatic has a multitude of different functionality ► Advanced fuel optimisation features
levels available for your specific application. ► One-touch auto sequences

Important elements in the concept are the standard ► Dynamic positioning (DP-2) operation with closed bus tie
open protocols for serial interface to integrated alarm, breaker
Power management index monitoring and control systems and our long list of ► Fast dynamic load-share deviation protection
state-of-the-art engine communications.
► Fast thruster load reduction
Delomatic after-sales service is performed by highly ► Optimised load sharing
► Integrated Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DM-4 Marine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 experienced service technicians with training as
► 1 × Modbus TCP/IP
chief engineers or the equivalent. In order to commit
Controllers completely to our customers’ need for optimum service, ► Service software via ethernet for remote access
► Protection & Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PPM 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 we have regional service centres in Singapore, China,
India and Europe to support our headquarter functions
► Protection & Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PPM-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
in Denmark.

Operator panels
► Additional Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

► Emulation Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

► DEIF Utility Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USW-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

72 73
Protection & Power Management, PPM 300 Protection & Power Management, PPM-3
Advanced processor technology & high-speed internal communication Market-leading standard power management system

PPM 300 features PPM-3 features

► PMS with ring communicaiton ► Internal system supervision

► One touch sequences for genset start & stop, ► Engine control, monitoring and protection
and breaker close & open
► 3-phase generator protections
► Automatic synchronise and deload breaker
► Automatic synchronisation and load sharing
► Fast load reduction of less than 100 ms
► Internal redundant CAN bus and backup analogue
► Advanced heavy consumer control load-share line

► Advanced fuel optimisation feature ► Multiple display units and multiple Additional Operator
DEIF’s PPM-3 is a market-leading Power Management Panels (AOPs)
► Advanced blackout prevention and recovery
System (PMS) standard suitable for a broad range of
► RS-485 and TCP/IP Modbus communication ports
► Broadcast of software marine applications with up to 16 diesel generators,
Designed for applications in the marine and offshore
two shaft generators, two shore connections, eight bus ► Interface to the DEIF advanced graphical touch
industry, DEIF’s innovative PPM 300 solution is a ► Emulation and supervision
tie breakers and two emergency/harbour generators screen AGI
versatile, intelligent controller platform. High resolution 5" colour graphic display with

including bus tie breaker control and the possibility of ► CAN bus port for J1939 engine supervision
push-buttons wrapped busbar applications.
Incorporating an extensive range of control, protection ► Alarm and event log, USB port for service software
and supervision functions, PPM 300 applications range ► Flexible and modular input/output with metal rack
The versatile and fully redundant multi-master system Up to 690 V AC direct AC inputs
from genset control and protection to engineered power ► Plug & play, auto-configure I/O modules and network

has been developed with fuel-efficient engine operation
management solutions developed for diesel generators ► Advanced load-dependent start/stop calculations
Integrated 5x RJ45 ports with auto-detected in view, and is an efficient and cost-effective solution
(including emergency diesel generators), shaft ►

multi-function (e.g. display, PC Tool, Modbus TCP) with up to three powerful microprocessors. ► Blackout prevention and recovery
generators, shore connections, and bus tie breakers.
► All network controllers accessible through one ► Priority selection and base load function
Encompassing all necessary three-phase measuring
PPM 300 power management systems control and Ethernet connection
circuits, values and alarms are displayed on a quality ► Heavy consumer handling and preferential trip
monitor applications meet and maintain set power
► Context-sensitive help in the controller display unit LCD screen. Advanced fuel optimisation features
requirements and guarantee stable operation. PPM 300 ►

power management systems also incorporate market- ► Event and alarm log, with real-time clock One-touch auto sequences and M-Logic event builder
Using a separate engine interface card as a backup ►
leading fuel optimisation technology. ► Pre-defined control settings shutdown unit, the PPM-3 also provides extra safety ► Integrated emulation software solution
User-friendly logic configuration tool, based on ladder for your engine with a separate microprocessor and
In multi-master solutions, the integrated PPM 300 ►

logic and function blocks with monitor operation separate power supply.
controllers connect and communicate as a closed
circuit to eradicate single point failures: in cases of unit ► Password-protected, with cutomisable permission levels
Multiple display units and operator panels can be
fall-out, the master functionality automatically moves to
► 3 phase AC measurement up to 690 V AC directly, connected to each controller, making access to the
another host keeping the system not just operational but
class 0.5 system possible from any location on the ship. Dedicated
safe and reliable at all times.
to versatile application uses and intuitive configuration
► Easy-to-use PC tool (PICUS)
and operation installing, the redundant multi-master
Built as a sturdy piece of market-leading quality
► Advanced alarm handling with latch and shelve system is fast, easy, requiring limited space.
hardware, the PPM 300 features the latest processor
technology and long-life adaptability.
► Network storm protected DEIF’s programmable utility software allows for
comprehensive customisation, including dedicating
Uniquely, the PPM 300’s modular build supports
specific functions or logic conditions to different inputs
on-site replacement of processor, communication,
and outputs. Applications with shaft generators,
measurement and input-output modules with
shore connections and bus tie breakers can be easily
comprehensive class approvals. Changes to the
configured to the switchboard design itself. Operator-
unit at sea or in the field are assisted with automatic
friendly one-touch sequences handle all automatic
recognition functionality facilitating fast, easy and cost-
functions. Using the application tool, even complicated
saving service, repairs, and upgrades.
systems can be configured within a few minutes.
The controller display unit includes a 5” colour graphic
In addition, DEIF’s innovative Emulation software
screen with intuitive sequences and icons for fast
solution allows for safe PMS testing at your desk,
readout of live data, and easy access to alarms
revolutionising the design and test of power management
handling and controller setup. Functionality is defined
systems for multiple diesel gensets for instance.
and targeted according to user permission levels.

74 75
Additional Operator Panel, AOP Emulation Solution
Alarm & function lamp indications configured by you Safe & simple system testing without connecting to real gensets

AOP features Emulation Solution features

► 16 configurable LEDs ► Power management test before installation

► 3 colour LEDs ► Customer approval of sequences before installing

► 8 configurable push-buttons ► Breaker/engine/mains failure, load change and digital

input signals test with only DEIF controllers, but no
► PC software configuration
other external equipment

► Low voltage test environment (no AC)

► Desktop training facilities

Developed for mounting directly in the panel front, the

AOP is separately connected to the standard display
via cable and has been developed specifically for end-
users, who prefer lamp indications instead of display
text messages.

The AOP makes it possible to optimise the panel

perfectly for the exact application, displaying only
information relevant to the operator.

In designing the AOP, customer-configuration was a

direct goal on all functionality levels, and all LEDs and
push-buttons can be configured separately during
commissioning in close cooperation with the end-user.
For project planning and commissioning, DEIF is the
All LEDs can be configured for both alarm and function only solutions provider to offer Power Management
indication via the PC software. The LED colour is also System testing as a fast, simple and safe emulation
configurable (green, red or yellow): procedure. Unlike PC-alone simulations, our patent-
pending Emulation Solution uses and verifies the
►  Red could be used for alarm indication functions of the real system. Designed for safe testing
►  Green could be used for “OK” indication of the entire application prior to switchboard installation,
►  Yellow could be used for status of different when applied with DEIF Utility Software (USW), even
sequences complex software functions can be programmed and
tested and visualised on your PC or HMI in minutes.
The push-buttons are also fully configurable and can be
used for a multitude of functional purposes. Particularly suitable for retrofitting, the Emulation
Solution lets you continue running existing applications
while testing the new setup in your office, saving valuable
time. This also makes it an ideal tool for demonstrations
in connection with sales and for training sessions as
the studies of the dynamics of the power management
system can be performed without connecting to real

Improve planning, approvals and training

With the Emulation Solution, all you need to do to
perform a complete test of your Power Management
Systems is to turn on your controller and connect
communications. The Emulation Solution’s focus on
exact reproduction of system behaviour improves
your planning, approvals and training. It is all done in
a safe environment without the costly and excessive
need of gensets and switchgear and without the risk of
equipment damage and human injury. The innovative
solution gives you a critical market advantage and
guarantees your customers a cutting-edge, finished

76 77
DEIF Utility Software, USW-3 Paralleling & operation
Configure, commission & supervise gensets & plants Intro

USW-3: design and commissioning Ideally suited for integration into PLC-based solutions
DEIF’s paralleling and protection controllers have been developed for PLC applications, where the know-how of the overall
► Graphical tool for plant single line diagram application logic lies with the switchboard builder or integrator. With the right level of expertise in power management and
► Set controller parameters and configure advanced logic PLC, the combination offers a highly flexible/versatile programming solution.

► Configure controller I/O and external I/O equipment The units contain all necessary functions for protection and control of synchronous/asynchronous generators, including all
► Translation of controller display texts required galvanically separated 3-phase measuring circuits.

► AOP push-button configuration

Intended for marine-based applications, the units are designed for stand-alone and/or parallel with other generators.
► Controller firmware upgrade Particularly suited for PLC-controlled systems, they synchronise the generator and after synchronisation carry out
all necessary generator control and protective functions. Interfacing can be done via digital and analogue I/Os or serial
► Security and access configuration
► Save/restore the entire plant setup to files
DEIF’s Utility Software v.3 (USW-3) is a unique tool for Fixed power (base load), frequency droop and load sharing regulation modes can easily be selected in the units, and the
engineers, service personel and end-users to configure governor will be controlled accordingly.
and supervise one or several interconnected genset USW-3: monitoring/supervision
controllers, available for free download from www.deif. If the automatic voltage regulator is controlled by the DEIF unit, the standard operation modes also include fixed voltage,
► User platform for emulation solutions
com. fixed reactive power, fixed power factor, reactive load sharing and voltage droop.
► Visualise dynamic plant and individual genset behaviour
Easy to install, the general purpose software works off- ► Display of all engine data
the-shelf using Ethernet or USB cable communication
to configure, commission and supervise both single ► Display of all electrical data
gensets and plants of up to 256 units. ► Monitor the dynamic behaviour of measurements

► Display of fuel consumption and power production

The utility tool is compatible with a range of DEIF
controllers; it adjusts easily to the capabilities of ► Emulate various external events
the connected devices and has been designed with
► Alarm monitoring
versatility in view.

M-Logic allows complex logic customisation with

configuration and evaluation of up to 40 logic USW-3: general
expressions, including for instance configuration of user ► Localised to English, Russian and Chinese
level access, and features innovative pre-installation
► Connects over USB, RS-485 or TCP/IP to controllers
configuration and emulation of plant design.

Incorporating extensive functionalities including

overviews of alarms, coolant temperatures, plant values,
and fuel consumption, the USW-3 is also an intuitive,
easy-to-use tool for end-users to operate on a day-to-
day basis.

Paralleling & operation index

► Paralleling & Protection Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PPU 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
► Paralleling & Protection Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PPU-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

78 79
Paralleling & Protection Unit, PPU 300 Paralleling & Protection Unit, PPU-3
Control & protection for PLC-based power management systems Control & protection for PLC-based power management systems

PPU 300 features PPU-3 features

► All-in-one controller: genset control, monitoring and ► Internal system supervision
protection, breaker operation
► Engine control, monitoring and protection
► Load sharing with ring communication
► 3-phase generator protections
► Automatic synchronise and deload breaker
► Automatic synchronisation
► Application supervision
► Load sharing
► High resolution 5" colour graphic display with push-
► Internal CAN bus and analogue load-share line
► Multiple display units and multiple Additional
► Flexible and modular input/output in a metal rack Easy to operate and configure, DEIF’s PPU-3 control
Operator Panels (AOPs)
and protection unit is an ideal controller for PLC-based
► Plug & play, auto-configure I/O modules and network
power management systems. ► RS-485 and TCP/IP Modbus communication ports
The PPU 300 Paralleling and Protection Unit is a highly
► Integrated 5x RJ45 ports with auto-detected multi-
configurable controller designed for marine use. The ► Interface to the DEIF advanced graphical touch
function (e.g. display, PC Tool, Modbus TCP) Apart from generator protection and synchronisation,
controller contains the functions required to protect and screen AGI
the PPU-3 also features regulation modes including
control a generator and its breaker (specifically, a diesel ► All network controllers accessible through one Ethernet
CAN bus port for J1939 engine supervision
load sharing, fixed power, fixed frequency, etc. Serial ►
generator, a shaft generator, a shore connection, or a connection
communication enables easy interfacing with PLCs, Alarm and event log
bus tie breaker). You can connect up to 12 controllers to ►
► Context-sensitive help in the controller display unit SCADA-systems and more, and the unit features all
create one system, with load sharing sections. ► USB port for service software
► Event and alarm log, with real-time clock necessary three-phase measuring circuits, displaying
all values and alarms on a quality LCD screen. ► Up to 690 V AC direct AC inputs
Typically, a PLC or operator will send commands ► Pre-defined control settings
to the PPU 300 to close or open the breaker. For a ► Trip of non essential load groups (preferential trip)
► User-friendly logic configuration tool, based on ladder Turning the PPU-3 into an engine control unit featuring
diesel generator, the PLC or operator can also send
logic and function blocks with operation monitoring start/stop and protection functionalities, the optional ► Advanced fuel optimisation features
commands to start or stop the generator, change the
engine interface card also has a separate power supply M-Logic event builder
regulation mode, and change the regulation set points. ► Password-protected, with customisable permission

and an independent microprocessor.
levels ► Integrated emulation software solution
The controller display unit can have push-buttons for the
► 3-phase AC measurement up to 690 V AC directly, In cases of PPU-3 processor breakdowns, the engine
operator to change the controller mode, close and open
class 0.5 interface card will enter into backup mode and ensure
the breaker, and start and stop a diesel generator. The
uninterrupted engine supervision.
colour graphic screen shows status and info messages. ► Easy-to-use PC tool (PICUS)
► Advanced alarm handling with latch and shelve In cases of shutdown alarms, the engine shuts down
The screen also allows fast access to live data, and functionality automatically, making it a reliable solution for control
alarm management. With the right authorisation, the
Network storm protected and supervision of marine gensets.
operator can also check and/or change the IO and ►

parameter configuration. The light indicators of the ► Prepared for CODESYS

Additional Operator Panels (AOP) can easily be installed
display unit show the system status.
and integrated for further levels of remote control,
supervision and status indication. Both displays and
Each controller includes processors and high-speed
panels feature a dimmer function for use on the ship’s
internal communication. This provides fast protection Software-like PLC embedded bridge.
functions. The controller design is modular, and in Multi-line 300 controllers.
hardware modules may be replaced or added in the
Your benefits: With a range of additional hardware options available, as
field. NEW: well as DEIF’s Multi-Line 2 Utility Software v.3 (USW-3)
► Stop using external PLCs and with programmable logic (M-Logic), you can customise
PICUS is a proprietary, free PC software interface reduce your installation costs
the application to suit your needs exactly: dedicate
to the controllers. The designer can use PICUS to
► Create custom power specific functions or logic conditions to different inputs
configure the inputs, outputs and parameters for a
management systems and outputs and tune all sequences according to your
controller. PICUS also offers system supervision, and
Approved standard hardware
management of permissions, backups and firmware. ►

combined with flexible

CODESYS programming Free software download and upgrade at
The PPU 300 has been prepared for CODESYS.

80 81
Synchronisation & load sharing Multi-function synchroscope
Intro Safe, simple & precise check synchronising relay

The safer choice in synchronisation CSQ-3 features

It is essential to synchronise genset breakers prior to connecting to a busbar already supplied by another power source.
Microprocessor-controlled, easy-to-install packages with no moving parts, DEIF’s synchronisers are market-leading choices ► Multi-function precision LED synchroscope
for checks of frequency, voltage, phase angle and more. ► Easy push-button programming of all set points

► Very high user safety

DEIF’s synchronising units always calculate when to close the breaker to get the most accurate synchronisation. The close
signal will be issued when phase L1 of the synchronising genset is close to the 12 o’clock position compared to the busbar ► High immunity to harmonic distortion
which is also in 12 o’clock position.
► Dead-bus functionality

In dynamic synchronisation, the synchronising genset runs at a different speed from the generator on the busbar. Typically, ► Voltage measurement
the synchronising genset runs with this difference, called a positive slip frequency, meaning that it runs with a higher speed ► Frequency matching
than the generator on the busbar. The objective is to avoid a reverse power trip following the synchronisation.
► Phase angle comparison
In these cases, it is possible to synchronise relatively fast because of the adjusted minimum and maximum slip frequencies: The CSQ-3 integrates synchroscope and check ► DIN standard size: Q96
even while the unit is aiming to control the frequency towards its set point, synchronising can still occur as long as the synchronising relay into a microprocessor-controlled,
frequency is within the limits of the slip frequency adjustments. easy-to-install solution.

In static synchronisation, the synchronising genset runs at a speed close to the generator speed on the busbar. The aim is The CSQ-3 unit is operated from the front using push-
to let them run at exactly the same speed, and with the phase angles between the generator and busbar’s 3-phase systems buttons behind the removable front cover, protecting
matching exactly. users from the near hazardous voltages during set
point programming: an innovative DEIF feature usually
seen in similar products where switchboards have to be
opened to operate the synchroscope.

Synchronisation & load sharing index

Visual synchronisation
► Multi-function synchroscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSQ-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
► Single-function synchroscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RSQ-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
► Phase sequence meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMT-111Q96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Synchronisation of a generator to the busbar and closing of its circuit breaker

► Synchronisation & circuit breaker closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAS & HAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Load sharing between generators and interfaces to a governor

► Load sharing, paralleling & operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Electronic potentiometers for speed governor control

► Electronic potentiometer for DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPN-110N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
► Electronic potentiometer for panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPQ-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Analogue instruments for manual synchronisation

► Double frequency meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2FQ96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
► Double voltmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2EVQ96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

82 83
Single-function synchroscope Phase sequence meter
Safe, simple & precise visual synchronisation Indication of phase sequence

RSQ-3 features RMT-111Q96 features

► Precision LED synchroscope ► Sequence check (relay)

► For indication of phase and voltage accordance ► 380 to 440 V AC, 45 to 65 Hz

► galvanically separated ensures high immunity to ► Continuous operation

harmonic distortion
► Clear indication of incorrect connection
► DIN standard size: Q96
► Clear indication of phase breakage

► DIN standard size: Q96

DEIF's RSQ- 3 precision LED synchroscopes are DEIF's phase sequence meters are applied to check
microprocessor-based synchronising units offering and indicate correct and incorrect connection of the
visual indication of relevant values for synchronising phases plus phase breakage of a shore connection.
generators to net (busbar).
A check of the phase sequence is required for
The units are suitable for all types of installation connecting equipment to a new voltage source, e.g.
requiring manual synchronisation. when changing from the mains supply of a vessel to the
mains at harbour.
The synchroscopes are housed in a DIN standard case.
The indicator can also be applied for alarm indication on
phase breakage.

84 85
Synchronisation & circuit breaker closing Load sharing, paralleling & operation
Synchronise your generator with voltage control Standard load sharing

General features General features

► Synchronisation of generator to busbar ► Built-in power and frequency transducer
► Circuit breaker time compensation ► Constant power or isochronous mode
► Voltage control ► LED indication of status
► LED indication of status ► LED indication for activated control
► LED for activated control ► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting
► LED for synchronising signal

► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting

DEIF's synchronisers are applied for synchronisation DEIF’s load sharing units offer load sharing i various Variants Features
of a generator to the busbar and closing of its circuit ways between generators and interfaces to a governor LSU-112DG Frequency and power control.
breaker when the voltage difference, the slip frequency through an electronic potentiometer (EPQ96-2 or EPN-
and the phase angles are within the preset limits. Variants Features 110DN). LSU-113DG Frequency and power control.
FAS-115DG Automatic.
With -P>.
The synchronisers can be applied in conjunction with a Voltage regulation, breaker-time Suitable for control of diesel and gas generators, for LSU-114DG Frequency and power control.
wide range of prime movers, as its control pulses may compensation. instance, they can control the power unit in stand-alone With start/stop.
be set to fit several types – from slow reacting diesel mode (performing frequency control) or parallel with
FAS-113DG Automatic. LSU-122DG Reactive.
engines to fast reacting gas turbines. other power units (performing frequency and power
Voltage regulation, breaker-time U and Q control.

HAS-111DG Semi-automatic, manual. The units have built-in power and frequency transducers
Voltage control, sync. check that enable connection of external equipment. Constant
power or isochronous mode is also possible. Speed
control is conducted by two relays.

Variant overview Variant overview


86 87
Electronic potentiometer for DIN Electronic Potentiometer for panel
Manual or automatic control of electronic speed govenors Manual or automatic speed governor control with J1939 CAN input

EPN-110DN features EPQ96-2 features

► Control of electronic speed governors ► Control of electronic speed governors

► Setting of integrating time ► Setting of integrating time (like variable gearboxes)

► Adjustment of output signal ► Adjustment of output signal

► Offset adjustment ► Offset adjustment

► LED indication for activated input ► Manual/auto mode

► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting ► Analogue and digital output

► Converts a J1939 CAN input to an analogue or a

PWM output

► Q96 panel mounting

The potentiometer converts the relay output of a PI step The EPQ96-2 is a digitally controlled electronic unit
controller to a control voltage for the speed governor/ that replaces normal motor potentiometers for control of
AVR, including DEIF’s load sharing unit type LSU, electronic speed governors.
DEIF’s synchronisers type FAS, or any other type of PI
step controller with relay. The unit has both manual and auto mode options
and converts the relay output from a PI controller to a
control voltage/current, or PWM signal as input for the
electronic speed governor. The EPQ96-2 also has a
J1939 to analogue converter.

In case of supply voltage drop-outs, the potentiometer

is automatically reset to adjusted pre-set values or, after
reconnecting to the supply voltage, to values identical to
readings prior to drop-out.

88 89
Double frequency meter Double voltmeter
Highly accurate & linear read-out Highly accurate & linear read-out

2FQ96 features 2EVQ96 features

► Standard pointers, diagonal ► Dual diagonal pointers and scales

► 5 to 65 Hz, 150 to 600 V AC. ► Robust and thoroughly tested construction

► Robust and thoroughly tested construction ► Available in Q96 DIN size design

► Available in Q96 DIN size design ► High accuracy

► High accuracy and linear read-out ► High immunity to 3rd harmonics

► High immunity to 3rd harmonics ► 150 to 600 V AC, 50/60 Hz

DEIF's robust double frequency meters are highly DEIF's double voltmeters with two moving iron systems
accurate and compact. Offering linear read-outs, mounted in one housing. Offering linear read-outs,
they provide visual indication of frequency for manual they provides visual indication of frequency for manual
synchronisation of generators to net (busbar). synchronisation of generators to net (busbar).

90 91
Protection Generator Protection Unit, GPU 300
Intro Protection and synchronisation check

Protection is a vital process GPU 300 features

Genset protection has been one of DEIF’s core competences for decades.
► Comprehensive generator/busbar protection
We manufacture a wide tried and tested product range from simple single function protection units to advanced ► Smart synchronisation check
microprocessor-based fully automatic controllers integrating a maximum number of protection functionality as standard.
► Supervision

These protections are all of the definite time type, in other words after selected set point and time. For over-voltage, for ► High resolution 5" colour graphic display with
instance, the timer will be activated if the set point is exceeded. If the voltage value falls below the set point value before the push buttons
timer runs out, the timer will be stopped and reset. All of DEIF’s units have been designed, produced and tested to surpass
► Flexible and modular input/output with metal rack
classification standards, whether they are stand-alone systems, backup systems or part of an integrated system.
► Plug & play, auto-configure I/O modules and network

► Integrated 5x RJ45 ports with auto-detected multi-

function (e.g. display, PC Tool, Modbus TCP)
The GPU 300 Generator Protection Unit is designed for
► All network controllers accessible through one
marine use. Each controller contains all the functions
Ethernet connection
that are needed to protect electrical equipment with a
breaker, for example, a diesel generator, a busbar, or a ► Context-sensitive help in the controller display unit
motor. ► Event and alarm log, with real-time clock

Each controller includes processor technology and ► Pre-defined control settings

high-speed internal communication to provide fast ► User-friendly logic configuration tool, based on ladder
protection functions. logic and function blocks with monitor operation
► Password-protected, with customisable permission
The controller design is modular. Processor, com-
munication, measurement, and input/output hardware
modules may be replaced or added in the field. The ► 3 phase AC measurement, up to 690 V AC directly,
controller automatically recognises the new hardware class 0.5
modules. ► Easy-to-use PC tool (PICUS)

The controller display unit colour graphic screen allows

► Advanced alarm handling with latch and shelve
fast access to live data. The operator can use the functionality
screen to manage alarms. With the right authorisation, ► Network storm protected
the operator can also check and/or change the I/O and
parameter configuration. The light indicators of the
display unit are visible over a long distance. The display
processor can display all languages.

Protection index You can connect several GPU 300 controllers to

create one communication network. Redundant
Controllers communication between the controllers is possible.
► Generator protection unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GPU 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
DEIF's complimentary PICUS PC software interfaces
► Generator protection unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GPU-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
with your controller, allowing you to configure the inputs,
► Engine control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECU 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 outputs and parameters for each controller.
► Genset control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GCU 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

► Differential protection/short-circuit protection relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MDR-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
► Multi-functional protection relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MTR-4P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
► Voltage relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
► Current and short circuit relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
► Frequency relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMF-112D . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
► Power protection relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
► Loss of excitation relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
► Loss of mains relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

92 93
Generator protection unit Engine control unit
Controller for PLC-based Power Management System Engine control and protection

GPU-3 features ECU 100 features

► Generator/busbar protection ► Engine start/stop

► Synchronisation ► Engine monitoring & protection

► Multiple display units and operator panels possible ► CAN bus engine communication, J1939

► Engine protection with backup on shut-down channels ► Modbus communication, RS-485

► Engine control and communication ► Programmable logic, M-Logic

► Remote annunciator support, AOP-2

► Multiple language support

Easy to operate and configure, DEIF’s Generator
Protection Unit (GPU-3) is an ideal controller for PLC- ► Event and alarm LOG
based power management systems.
DEIF’s front-mounted and compact controller platform, ► IP65 (with gasket)
the Engine Control Unit, ECU 100, has been designed Integrated emulation software solution
The GPU-3 offers comprehensive generator protection ►
with performance and longevity in view and to secure
and synchronisation. Serial communication enables
reliable operation in harsh maritime environments.
easy interfacing with PLCs, SCADA systems and more,
and the unit features all necessary 3-phase measuring
Built for basic control, monitoring and protection of
circuits and displays all values and alarms on a quality
marine engines, the sturdy unit features protection,
LCD screen.
monitoring and control functionality with a graphic
display for easy and accurate presentation of values and
Turning the GPU-3 into an engine control unit featuring
start/stop and protection functionalities, the optional
engine interface card also has a separate power supply
and an independent microprocessor. In cases of GPU-
3 processor break-downs, the engine interface card
will enter into backup mode and ensure uninterrupted
engine supervision. In cases of shutdown alarms, the
engine shuts down automatically, making it a reliable
solution for control and supervision of gensets.

With free software download and upgrade at www.deif.

com, it is possible to customise the application to suit
your needs exactly: dedicate specific functions or logic
conditions to different inputs and outputs and tune all
sequences according to your requirements.

94 95
Genset control unit Differential protection/short-circuit protection relay
Emergency genset control Protect your generator against internal short circuits

GCU 100 features MDR-2 features

► Engine start/stop ► Short response time (70 ms)

► Engine monitoring & protection ► 3-phase current detection on both generator sides

► CAN bus engine communication, J1939 ► Active adjustment of non-balanced current

► Modbus communication, RS-485
► Measuring accuracy 1 %
► Programmable logic, M-Logic
► Display indicator for all measurements
► Remote annunciater support, AOP-2
► DIN rail or base mounting with remote mountable
► Multiple language support
The MDR-2 is a state-of-the-art combined differential display
► Event and alarm LOG
protection and short-circuit protection relay for generator
DEIF’s front-mounted and compact controller platform, ► IP65 (with gasket) protection against internal short circuits (leaking
the Genset Control Unit, GCU 100, has been designed currents).
► Integrated emulation software solution
with performance and longevity in view and to secure
reliable operation in harsh maritime environments. Even in cases of fail tripping, the MDR-2 offers
an adjustable tripping characteristic function that
Variants Features compensates for unbalanced current measurements,
Built for basic control, monitoring and protection of
marine engines and gensets, the sturdy unit features GCU 111 Generator monitoring and protection. avoiding fail trippings altogether.
protection, monitoring and control functionality with a GCU 112 Generator monitoring and protection.
graphic display for easy and accurate presentation of The MDR-2 gives you direct access to all settings
Breaker control
values and alarms. Moreover, it also features a three- and a chronological log of up to 150 historical events/
phase AC voltage measuring circuit for generator and GCU 113 Generator monitoring and protection. alarms. The unit’s integrated LCD screen displays all
busbar to enable generator protection and breaker Breaker control. measured and calculated values, eliminating the need
handling. Emergency genset control. for additional meters or wiring, and facilitates fault-
finding in connection with commissioning identifying
A variant with automatic black-out detection and genset fault locations.
start, the GCU 113 is available for emergency genset
control: when power on the main busbar has been Available options include a block (generator + step-up
restored, the unit is able to automatically switch back transformer) protection option and a short-circuit and
to supply from main busbar and stop the emergency over-current protection option.

96 97
Multi-functional protection relay Voltage relay
Cost-effective multi-functional protection relay Protect your generator, motor & transformer against under- & over-voltage

MTR-4P features RMV features

► Up to 1,000 V L-L AC voltage input ► Under-voltage/over-voltage (U< + U>)

► Up to 20 A AC current input ► ANSI code 27 and 59

► Accuracy class: 0.5 ► 3-phase measurement

► Password protection ► LED indication of fault condition

► Trip time typically below 50 ms ► Timer-controlled tripping
► Two-stage trip setting ► LED indication for activated relay
► Start-up delay ► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting
► 13 different protection functions

► RS-485 serial Modbus communication DEIF's RMV protective voltage relays are applied for Variants Features
► Fast and simple commissioning and setup from M-set generator, motor and transformer protection against
RMV-112D Under- and over-voltage.
adverse system voltage conditions.
Fast, simple and multi-functional, the programmable ► Universal power supply of 19 to 300 V DC/40 to ANSI code 27 U>: 100 to 120 %, U<: 80 to 100 %.
MTR-4P protection relay offers up to 13 different 276 V AC and 59
The versatile unit features a number of adjustable
protection functions in six different logical categories:
► Marine approval by GL/DNV parameters. RMV-122D Over-voltage (double).
Voltage, current, frequency, asymmetry, load and loss
of Mains (LoM). Simultaneously, the MTR-4P can ANSI code 59 U>: 100 to 120 %,U>: 100 to 120 %.
be used as a dedicated measuring point reachable RMV-132D Under-voltage (double).
by communication and capable of measuring and Variants Relay output RS-485 ANSI code 27 U<: 80 to 100 %, U<: 80 to 100 %.
calculating more than 50 parameters such as AC
MTR-4P105 1 RMV-142D Under- and over-voltage.
voltage, AC current, active/reactive apparent power,
ANSI code 27 U>: 100 to 120 %, U<: 80 to 100 %.
power factor, frequency, kWh, kvar, THD, dynamic and MTR-4P205 2
and 59 Single phase measurement.
maximum demands. MTR-4P415 4 ×

MTR-4P is designed for use as a stand-alone protection

and measuring unit or as component in large application ANSI code Protection function Symbol
solutions on single-phase or three-phase electrical
59 Over-voltage >U, >>U
power networks that require marine approval.
27 Under-voltage <U, <<U
Featuring a universal power supply, the MTR-4P 50 Over-current >I, >>I
withstands high AC voltage inputs of up to 1000 V L-L
and currents of up to 20 A. The typical response time 50N/G Over-current – earth >IE, >>IE
less than 50 ms, from error occurs to trip. This makes 87N Over-current – differential >Idiff, >>Idiff
the MTR-4P flexible and easy to install in new buildings,
as replacement in retrofit projects, or even as a flexible 81O Over-frequency >f, >>f
spare part. Simply connect a USB 2.0 interface for fast 81U Under-frequency <f, <<f
and easy configuration of all setting parameters and
32 Directional power >P, >>P
32R/U Power underrun <P, <<P

46 Phase imbalance >Iim, >>Iim

47 Voltage unbalance >UUn

78 Phase shift > dPhi/dt

81R ROCOF df/dt

Variant overview

RMV-112D RMV-122D RMV-132D RMV-142D

98 99
Current and short circuit relay Frequency relay
Protect your generator & motor against currents & short circuits Protect your generator against under- & over-frequency

RMC features RMF-112D features

► Short circuit, (differential) over-current and earth ► Combined under-frequency/over-frequency
current protection
► ANSI code 81 O/U
► ANSI code 50, 87, 50N/G and 64S
► For 1- and 3-phase networks
► Measurement of 3-phase currents
► LED indication of fault condition
► LED indication of fault condition
► Timer-controlled tripping
► Timer-controlled tripping
► LED indication for activated relay
► LED indication for activated relay
► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting
► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting

DEIF'S RMC current protection relays are applied The digital RMF unit is part of DEIF’s complete range of
in cases where protection against over-current, Variants Features relays for generator protection and control.
short circuit, differential over-current or earth current
RMC-111D Short circuit.
protection is required (I>),(I>>),(I´>) or (iE>). Applied for protection against under-frequency and over-
ANSI code 50 I>>: 100 to 400 %.
frequency by supervising the frequency (of generators)
<50 mS response time.
in single-phase and 3-phase networks, RMF is
RMC-121D Short circuit. applicable for installations with a number of adjustable
ANSI code 50 I>>: 100 to 400 %. parameters.
2 sets of contacts (parallel).

RMC-122D Short circuit and over-current.

ANSI code 50 I>>: 100 to 400 %, I>: 50 to 150 %.
Combined functionality.

RMC-131D Differential current.

ANSI code 87 I´>: 100 to 400 %.
2 sets of contacts (parallel).

RMC-132D Over-current (double).

ANSI code 50 I>: 50 to 150 %, I>: 50 to 150 %.
Simple current load sharing.

RMC-142D Earth current (double).

ANSI code iE>: 10 to 110 %, iE>: 2 to 20 %.
50N/G, 64S Single phase measurement.

Variant overview

RMC-111D RMC-121D RMC-122D RMC-131D RMC-132D RMC-142D

100 101
Power protection relay Loss of excitation relay
Protect your prime mover against overload Protect generators running in parallel against under-excitation

RMP features RMQ features

► Generator and prime mover protection ► Generator under-excitation protection

► ANSI code 32 ► ANSI code 40

► 3-phase measurement ► Single-phase measurement

► LED indication of alarm condition ► Timer-controlled tripping

► Timer-controlled tripping ► LED indication of fault/activated relay

► LED indication for activated relay ► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting

► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting

Variants Features
DEIF's power protection relays offer generator and Variants Features DEIF's loss of excitation relays protect generators RMQ-111D Loss of excitation.
prime mover protection against overload. running in parallel with other generators from running ANSI code 40 -Q>: 0 to 25 %.
RMP-111D Overload.
as an induction generator due to under-excitation – 1 var 3 (4).
ANSI code 32 P>: 25 to 125 %.
Protection against overload is crucial in setups where particularly in cases where applying an under-voltage
2 W 3, 3 W 3 (4). RMQ-121D Overexcitation.
the prime mover is under-dimensioned in proportion to relay for protection is insufficient.
ANSI code 40 Q>: 25 to 125 %.
the AC generator. RMP-112D Overload and reverse power.
1 var 3 (4).
ANSI code 32 P>: 25 to 125 %, -P>: 0 to 25 %. This can be caused by the system’s remaining
The versatile units feature a number of adjustable 2 W 3, 3 W 3 (4). generators supplying sufficient reactive power to
parameters. magnetise the faulty generator and maintain the terminal
RMP-121D Reverse power.
ANSI code 32 -P>: 0 to 25 %.
1 W (4), 1 W 3.
The RMQ will thus protect the generator against
damages caused by excessive heating due to slip
frequency current flow, at the same time preventing
transfer of reactive load from a faulty generator.

Variant overview Variant overview

RMP-111D RMP-112D RMP-121D RMQ-111D RMQ-121D

102 103
Loss of mains relay Measuring
Protect your generator against damages due to loss of mains failure Index

LMR features Measuring centers

► Detection of vector shift
► ANSI code 78 ► Multi-transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MTR-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
► Mains disconnection on mains failure
► Selectable transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

► Ensures no asynchronous reconnection Multi-instruments

► Multi-instrument for panel / Multi-instrument for DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIC-2 MKII & MIC-2 MKII DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
► LED indication of fault condition

► LED indication for activated relay Insulation monitoring

► Insulation monitor, AC/DC-networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
► 35 mm DIN rail or base mounting
► Insulation monitor, DC-networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADL-111Q96 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
► Insulation monitor, AC-networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAL-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

DEIF's loss of mains relays protect generators against Variants Features

damage resulting from a non-synchronised reconnection Analogue instruments
LMR-111D Vector shift
to the grid after a temporary mains failure.
ANSI code 78 Meters
A mains failure will be detected, provided a LMR-122D Vector shift and df/dt (ROCOF) ► AC voltage and current with 90 ° pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
disconnection at an arbitrary point of the network results ANSI code 78 ► AC/DC current and voltage with 90 ° or 240 ° pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DQ & VDQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
in a swift change of the generator frequency (vector and 81R ► AC voltage meter with switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQ-sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
shift). An opening signal is then transmitted to the mains ► AC current meter with switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VDQ-sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
circuit breaker, and the generator will thus be protected ► Power meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
against damages caused by an automatic reconnection ► Combined kWh counter and power meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WQR MKII . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
to the high-voltage network. ► Frequency meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FTQ & FQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
► Power factor meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
► Bi-metallic meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
► Combined ammeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
► Running hours counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HC 48 & HC 24/36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

AC/DC current measurement

Current transformers
► Flexible current transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
► Measuring transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASK & ASR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
► Split core transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
► Protection transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SASK & SASR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
► Primary winding transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
► Summation transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSU & SUSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

DC measurements
► Shunt resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Monitoring & alarms

Alarm panel
► Alarm panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AL8-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Power supply & battery charger

► DC power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
► Battery charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DBC-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Variant overview
HMI touch display
► Advanced graphical interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGI 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

LMR-111D LMR-122D

104 105
Multi-transducer Selectable transducer
Cost-effective A/C measurement of more than 50 parameters Factory-configured inputs/outputs

MTR-4 features TAS features

► Suitable for all 1- and 3-phase network topologies ► Class 0.5 measurement

► Up to 1,000 VL-L AC input ► Measuring voltage up to 690 V

► Accuracy class: 0.5 or 0.3 ► Pre-configuration or easy PC tool configuration

► Up to 4 analogue outputs ► Configurable up to three output slopes

► Fast response time, less than 50 ms

► Measures more than 50 parameters

Variants Features
► RS-485 serial Modbus communication TAS-311DG Factory-configured transducer for
► Fully configurable by USB, no aux. supply required voltage, current, frequency or phase
angle measurement.
Efficient, fast and flexible, the programmable MTR-4 ► Universal power supply of 19 to 300 V DC/40 to Powerful, fast and compact, the TAS units in DEIF’s
Aux supply: from 57 to 690 V AC.
transducer offers the same performance as up to four 276 V AC transducer range measure sinusoidal alternating voltage
Aux supply: 24 to 220 V DC.
standard transducers, measuring and calculating AC and/or current signal and provide output signal as direct
voltage, AC current, active/reactive apparent power, current or voltage signal proportional to measurements TAS-321DG Factory-configured transducer for bi-
power factor, frequency, kWh, kvar, THD, dynamic and for PLCs, PCs, microprocessor control, indicators, alarm directional current measurement.
maximum demands. Variants Analogue outputs RS-485 Modbus units etc. Aux supply: from 57 to 690 V AC.
Aux supply: 24 to 220 V DC.
MTR-4 015 0 ×
Designed for use together with PLCs or analogue TAS transducers are micro-controller-based with TAS-331DG Factory-configured transducer for power
instruments, the MTR-4 measures, analyses and MTR-4 105 1 one analogue output for measurement of power, or reactive power measurement.
monitors single-phase or three-phase electrical power MTR-4 215 2 × voltage, current etc. on an AC network. Because Aux supply: from 57 to 690 V AC.
networks that require marine approval. these transducers have no mechanical parts like Aux supply: 24 to 220 V DC.
MTR-4 315 3 × potentiometers, the calibration stability is excellent.
MTR-4 has up to four analogue outputs which can be MTR-4 415 4 ×
set individually, and the response time is less than 50 TAS transducers can be delivered pre-configured to
ms. Output characteristics can be programmed with up set measuring values and ranges or un-configured for
to five breaking point output signals. customer configuration using DEIF’s free PC tool.

With configurable outputs for more than 50 parameters

and a universal power supply (19-300 V DC, 40-276
V AC), it is possible to stock DEIF’s transducers with
future installations and reconfiguration for almost any
application in view. Simply connect a USB 2.0 interface
for fast and easy configuration of up to four analogue

Variant overview


106 107
Multi-instrument for panels Insulation monitor, AC/DC-networks
Access monitoring data remotely via the internet Insulation monitoring of your AC networks with self-test mode

MIC-2 MKII features SIM-Q MKII features

► Measures voltage, current/active/reactive and apparent ► Insulation monitoring of AC networks of up to 690 V AC
power, frequency, energy kWh/kvarh, PF, THD, demand
► Ideal for applications with frequency converters
► For all 2- and 3-phase AC network topologies
► Fault-finding and self-test mode
► Suitable for power quality analysis
► 10 M or 1 M ranges
► Measures individual harmonics from 2nd to 63rd
► The leakage capacitance is up to 2,000 μF
► Min./max. statistic with time stamp
► Complies with IEC 61557-8
► Customised alarm settings with 16 different parameters (Insulation monitoring devices for IT systems)
► RS-485 Modbus communication

► Large LCD screen with white backlight

Versatile and intuitive, DEIF’s multi-instrument MIC-2 DEIF's SIM-Q MKII insulation monitors supervise the Option Frequencies Capacitances
MKII is perfectly suited for monitoring and analysis of all ► Optional communication modules insulation resistance between an insulated voltage
LF 5 to 500 Hz 2,000 uF
types of power systems. ▪  Ethernet (Modbus TCP, HTTP, SMTP) distribution network and an earth/safety cable. The
▪  Profibus DP advanced measuring sequence performs an automatic
The MIC-2 MKII helps you optimise your energy system. ► Optional I/O modules
offset adjustment to eliminate possible effects of uneven
Capable of logging all applications from single low stray capacitance and DC voltages.
voltage to multiple high voltage applications, the sturdy ► Free utility software with data logging
unit offers a complete overview of your SCADA system. ► Type approvals from all major classification societies If a specific setpoint is required, the SIM-Q MKII can be
ordered with a preset setpoint.
A microprocessor-based measuring unit for most
electrical quantities on 2-phase or 3-phase electric As standard, the unit will indicate the setpoint for 10
Variants Features
energy distribution networks, readings are displayed on seconds every time it is powered up. With its advanced
a large built-in LCD screen. MIC-2 MKII Current input 5A 4 second warning delay capability, the SIM-Q MKII
MIC-2 MKII FCT FCT input 100mV minimises risks of false alarms.
Fitted with the ethernet TCP/IP module, the unit offers
MIC-2 MKII DIN Current input 5A
direct access to Modbus data and is easy to access
remotely via standard browsers. MIC-2 MKII FCT DIN FCT input 100mV

KWh counter reset and change of settings can be

password-protected, and using DEIF’s programmable I/O module Input/Output
utility software it is a simple and fast job to configure and
AXM-IO1 6 x DI, 2 x RO
adapt the unit to fit most applications.
AXM-IO2 4 x DI, 2 x DO, 2 x AO
The two FCT variants are fully compatible with DEIF’s
AXM-IO3 4 x DI, 2 x RO, 2 x AI
FCT flexible current transformers (up to 6,000A
measuring range) which have been specifically designed
to fit into panels or busbars where space is limited.

See page 124 for full product details.

Variant overview


108 109
Insulation monitor, DC-networks Insulation monitor, AC networks
Insulation monitoring of your DC networks Insulation monitoring of your AC networks

ADL-111Q96 features AAL-2 features

► Advanced insulation monitoring of 24, ► Insulation monitoring of AC networks of up to 440 V AC
110 and 220 V DC networks
► 10 M or 1 M ranges
► Detects all types of insulation faults
► Adjustable warning set point
– including double faults
► Delay to prevent unwanted warnings
► Configurable alarm with adjustable set point

Variants Meas. range Capacitances


01 (24 V DC) 0 to 50 kΩ ≤20µF (1µF default)

The ADL-111Q96 is used to supervise the insulation The AAL-2 is used to supervise insulation resistance
resistance between an isolated voltage distribution 02 (110 V DC) 0 to 250 kΩ ≤20µF (1µF default) between an isolated AC voltage distribution network and
network and an earth/safety cable. The insulation 03 (220 V DC) 0 to 500 kΩ ≤20µF (1µF default) an earth/safety cable.
monitor is applicable with DC networks for voltages
of 24, 110 or 220 V DC. The ADL-111Q96 has a relay The insulation monitor is applicable with single-phase
output with adjustable set point, and it can be configured 04 (24 V DC) 0 to 500 kΩ ≤120µF (1µF default) and 3-phase networks with/without neutral for voltages
to either NE (normally energised) or ND (normally de- up to 440 V AC.
05 (24 V DC) 0 to 1 MΩ ≤120µF (1µF default)
06 (24 V DC) 0 to 10 kΩ ≤120µF (1µF default) The AAL-2 has a built-in relay output and an adjustable
The three advanced versions feature front-scale visible warning set point.
set point during adjustments and power-up. Moreover,
they eliminate problems with activation of possible over-
voltage protections due to the low injection voltage.

110 111
AC voltage and current with 90 ° pointer DC current and voltage with 90 ° or 240 ° pointer
Measure AC current & voltage in true RMS Measure DC signals, voltage & current

EQ features DQ features
► Accuracy class: 1.5 ► Measure DC signals, voltage and current

► 90 ° pointer deflection ► 60 mV to 300 V DC, 1 mA to 40 A DC

► IP52 (IP54 on request) ► Accuracy class: 1.5

► Customised and exchangeable scale available for 90 ° ► 90 ° or 240 ° pointer deflection

► Measuring range: 40 to 800 V (Q48: 40 to 300 V), 1 to ► IP52 protection (IP54 on request)
60 A (Q48: 1 to 40 A) ► Customised and exchangeable scale available

Variants Features
The EQ is a versatile quadratic moving iron instrument EQ (V) Voltage meter. The DQ moving coil meters from DEIF are applied to
for measuring AC currents and AC voltages within the 40 to 800 V, 16 to 65 Hz. measure low power DC signals, voltage and current.
range 16 to 65 Hz. EQ (A) Ammeter.
1 to 60 A, 16 to 65 Hz.
Measuring true RMS, the EQ instruments have been
designed, produced and tested according to the present

They are available in four different sizes – 48, 72, 96 and

144 mm – but can also be adapted to suit customisation

112 113
AC voltage meter with switch AC current meter with switch
Space- & time-saving phase-to-phase voltage measuring Space- & time-saving phase-to-phase current measuring

General features VDQ96-sw features

► Accuracy class: 1.5 ► Accuracy class: 1.5

► 90 ° pointer deflection ► 90 ° pointer deflection

► IP52 protection ► IP52

► Frequency: 40 to 60 Hz ► Customised and exchangeable scale available for 90 °

► Scale: 0 to 300 V, 0 to 500 V, 0 to 600 V, 120 V for VT ► Measuring range: 0 to 1 A, 0 to 5 A or from current
– x/100 V, 132 V for VT – x/110 V transformer(s)

Variants Features
DEIF's voltage meters with switch have been designed EQ96-sw4 3 measurements The VDQ96-sw has been designed to save switchboard
to save switchboard builders space and installation EQ96-sw7 6 measurements builders space and installation time and does not require
time and do not require installation of a normal selector installation of normal selector switch.
The instruments measure phase-to-phase currents and
The meters measure AC phase-to-phase voltages and is available in 96 mm size only.
is available in 96 mm size only.

Variant overview

EQ96-sw4 EQ96-sw7

114 115
Power meter Combined kWh counter and power meter
Measure power or reactive power Register & retain consumed or generated electrical energy

WQ features General features

► 1.5 accuracy class ► Accuracy class 1.0 (EN 62053-21)

► 90 ° and 240 ° pointer deflection ► For single-phase and 3-phase net-works

► IP52 protection (IP54 on request) ► Microprocessor-controlled meters with pulse output (SO)

► Measuring voltage: 100 to 110 to 127 to 220 to 230 ► Simultaneous measurement of two quantities (except
to 240 to 380 to 400 to 415 to 440 V AC type WQR96 MKII)

► Measuring range: Frequency: 45 to 65 Hz ► Scale: customised and exchangeable scale

► Measuring current: direct or from C.T.-/1 A or -/5 A ► 60 to 400 V AC aux. power supply

► Scale: customised and exchangeable scale

available for 90 °
The WQ measures power or reactive power using a kWh counters are for registration of consumed or Variants Features
moving coil movement and a built-in electronic watt or generated electrical energy. They are microprocessor- WQR96 MKII 1 seven-digit register (kWh or kvarh).
var transducer. controlled and equipped with a 7-digit electromechanical One pulse output.
counter which retains the reading in case of supply
WQ2R96 MKII 2 seven-digit registers (kWh and kvarh).
Measuring power in a single-phase or three-phase voltage failure.
Two pulse outputs.
network, the transducer PCB converts the signal
into a DC current which is then fed to the moving coil WQR96-x MKII 1 seven-digit register (kWh or kvarh) &
instrument. 90 ° indication.
One pulse output.
The DEIF WQ comes with a high degree of transient
protection and is available in Q96 mm and Q144 mm WQR96-c MKII 1 seven-digit register (kWh or kvarh) &
sizes. 240 ° indication.
One pulse output.

Variant overview


116 117
Frequency meter Power factor meter
Convert frequency to analogue readings Measure power factor

FQ general features PFQ features

► Accuracy class: 0.5 and linear read-out ► Accuracy class: 1.5

► High immunity to 3rd harmonics ► 90 ° and 240 ° pointer deflection

► 90 ° movement pointer ► Available in size Q96

► Robust and thoroughly tested construction

► DIN standard sizes: Q72 and Q96

Variants Features
► Exchangeable scale PFQ-x Power factor, 90 ° movement

PFQ-c Power factor, 240 ° movement

With high immunity to 3rd harmonics, DEIF's FQ The PFQ power factor meter measures cos phi with a
frequency meters are suitable for all applications. The moving coil movement and an electronic transducer. The
moving coil meters feature integrated electronics that transducer measures the phase angle between an AC
convert frequency into analogue readings with accurate voltage and the corresponding AC current, converting
and linear readouts. the signal into a proportional DC current which is then
fed to the moving coil instrument.

Variant overview Variant overview


118 119
Bi-metallic meter Combined ammeter
Monitor maximum current demand Measure & monitor current with maximum demand indication

BQ features BEQ features

► 3.0 accuracy class ► 3.0 accuracy class (1.5 for moving iron)

► 90 ° pointer deflection ► 90 ° pointer deflection

► IP52 protection ► IP52 protection

► Approved by classification societies ► Scale: always 120 % of the current transformer

► Scale: always 120 % of the current transformer ► Measuring range: 0 to 6 A or 0 to 1.2 A

► Measuring range: 0 to 6 A or 0 to 1.2 A ► DIN standard sizes: Q72, Q96

► DIN standard sizes: Q48, Q72, Q96 ► Exchangeable scale

► Exchangeable scale

Bimetallic meters (maximum demand ammeters) are ► 4 to 15 min/max demand variant The BEQ meter is specifically suited for indication of
specifically suitable for thermic control of cables, thermal loads in conjunction with cables, transformers,
transformers, etc. etc.

Due to the inertia of the system, the meter is not affected The meter is equipped with a bimetallic system and a
by brief current pulses. moving iron system, used for maximum reading and
instantaneous reading respectively.

120 121
Running hours counter Flexible current transformer
Monitor operating time, warranty periods & maintenance intervals Accessory for MIC-2 MKII FCT's: Installs in panels or busbars where space is limited

General features FCT features

► For AC or DC measuring voltage ► The flexible current transformer is designed for easy
integration in a variety of applications and systems
► Synchronous motor (AC version)

► Step motor (DC version)

► Ideal for power quality monitoring

► ≤ 1% Maximum measurements error (of final range

Variants Features including flexible current transformer

HC 48 48 × 48 mm. ► Wire lead length 2 meters included

IP40 or IP65.
► Coil diameter 15.5mm
Adapter frames: 55 × 55 mm,
72 × 72 mm.
DEIF’s running hours counters have been designed For panel mounting. DEIF´s FCT flexible current transformers are an
to establish and monitor operating time, warranty accessory for DEIF’s MIC-2 MKII FCT and MIC-2 MKII
Variants Meas. range Window size
HC 36/24 36 × 24 mm.
period and maintenance intervals on electrically driven FCT DIN multi-instruments (see page 108 for full product FCT1200 5A to 1200A 106 mm
For flush mounting.
machines and devices, mainly in the mechanical details). The FCT’s have been designed to easily fit into FCT3000 12.5A to 3000A 178 mm
processing industry. panels or busbars where space is limited. Installation is
a simple task performed in less than five minutes. FCT6000 25A to 6000A 271 mm
The units can also be applied to central heating
boilers, electrical furnaces, power drives and marine Ideally suited for retrofit projects and DEIF’s Ship
applications. Energy Monitoring System (SEMS), the FCT’s come in
the following three variants:

► FCT1200
– measuring range 5A to 1200A and window size 106mm
► FCT3000
– measuring range 12.5A to 3000A and window size 178mm
► FCT6000
– measuring range 25A to 6000A and window size 271mm

The FCT’s fit into any type of configuration, ranging from

panels, wire bundles or busbars where regular solid
core CT or split core CT cannot be used.

Variant overview Variant overview

HC 48 HC 36/24 FCT1200 FCT3000 FCT6000

122 123
Measuring transformer Split core transformer
Measuring transformers for cables & busbar Cost-effective & fitted for uninterrupted power supply during installation

General features KBU features

► Designed for cables and busbar ► Primary current: 250 to 5,000 A

► Secondary current: 5 or 1 A ► Secondary current: 5 or 1 A

► Accuracy class:/protection class: 0.5 or 1.0 ► Burden: 1.25 to 30 VA

► Accuracy class: 0.5 or 1.0

Variants Features
ASR Designed for round cables.
Primary current: 40 to 600 A.
Burden from 1.0 to 10 VA.

ASK Designed for round cables and busbar.

Part of DEIF’s current transformer range, these DEIF’s split-core current transformers are cost-saving
Primary current: 40 to 7,500 A.
measuring transformers convert high current into lower and easy-to-install units for responsible and efficient
Burden from 1.0 to 30 VA.
nominal current value, thus making it possible to use energy management solutions and for retrofitting
instruments and relays with standardised values of rated existing installations.
Because the split-core transformers can be mounted
DEIF offers 41 different physical sizes of the measuring with a click and without interrupting the power supply,
transformers. The range is suitable for cables and installation is smooth and executed in no time.
several busbar combinations and positions.
KBU is the ideal split core transformer for retrofit projects
In order to ensure short delivery time, we always keep where DEIF covers the range from 250 A to 5,000 A.
transformers in stock.

Variant overview


124 125
Protection transformer Primary winding transformer
Protection transformer for cables & busbar Reduced installation costs & minimal space requirements

General features WSK features

► Designed for cables and busbar ► Primary current: 1 to 150 A

► Secondary current: 5 or 1 A ► Secondary current: 5 or 1 A

► Accuracy class/protection class up to 10P10 ► Burden: 2.5 to 15 VA

► Accuracy class: 0.5 or 1.0

Variants Features
SASR Designed for round cables
Primary current: 100 to 300 A
Class: 5P5, 5P10

SASK Designed for round cables and busbar.

Part of DEIF’s current transformer range, the protection Primary Winding Transformer, WSK, is the perfect
Primary current: 50 to 1,600 A.
transformers are used for over-current and earth fault choice for low currents in the range 1 A to 100 A.
Class: 5P4, 5P5, 5P10, 10P5, 10P10.
protection in balanced protection systems.
The housing of the transformers is made of impact-
DEIF offers 14 different physical sizes of the protection resistant thermoplastic to ensure a highly reliable
transformers. quality. The terminals of the transformers are protected
by a cover.
The housing of the transformers is made of impact-
resistant thermoplastic to ensure a highly reliable
quality. The terminals of the transformers are protected
by a cover.

In order to ensure short delivery time, we keep an

extensive programme of transformers in stock.

126 127
Summation transformer Shunt resistor
Summation transformer with up to 3 inputs Measure DC current

General features Shunt resistor features

► Primary current: 1 or 5 A ► Dimensions to DIN 43703

► Secondary current: 5 or 1 A ► Class 0.5

► Accuracy class/protection class: 0.5 or 1.0 ► Extensive programme

► Standard versions in stock

Variants Features
KSU For 2 or 3 inputs.
Burden from 5 to 15 VA.

SUSK For 3 to 8 inputs.

Burden from 5 to 30 VA.
Part of DEIF’s current transformer range, the summation Shunts provide an accurate DC milivolt signal to drive
transformers summarise the secondary currents of up moving-coil ammeters, overload protection and control
to 8 main current transformers to a common secondary units for higher ampere range.

The housing of the transformers is made of impact-

resistant thermoplastic to ensure a highly reliable
quality. The terminals of the transformers are protected
by a cover.

In order to ensure short delivery time, we keep an

extensive programme of transformers in stock.

128 129
Alarm panel DC power supply
Configure up to 8 alarm inputs Highly efficient DC supply

AL8-2 features DCP2 features

► Compact Q96 design ► Automatic and electronic protection features

► Extremely easy push-button programming ► Automatic restart after fault conditions

► Individual programming of each input: N/O or N/C, time ► Automatic output power derating for high ambient
delay, alarm inhibit, output and cable supervision temperatures
► Up to five units in master/slave configuration ► Green LED indication for aux. power connected
► Clear identification of first alarm received in case of ► Current output up to 40 A
successive alarms
► Adjustable output voltage
► Approved by classification societies
► No moving parts – no maintenance

► DIN rail-mounted
With eight digital alarm inputs, three relay outputs and Using switch mode technology to ensure an extremely
many flexible features, the AL8-2 alarm panel is suitable low ripple, the DCP2 is a safe choice both as a battery
for alarm monitoring at industrial and marine plants. charger and/or a DC power supply. The DCP2 is
available with 12 V or 24 V voltage and 5, 10, 20 or 40 A Variants Outputs Aux. supplies
Alarm inputs: the alarm panel is provided with eight current output. DCP2-1205 12 V DC, 5 A, 60 W 115/230 V AC
alarm inputs to facilitate external mechanical alarm
DCP2-1210 12 V DC, 10 A, 120 W 115/230 V AC
contact connections. The inputs are individually Furthermore, high efficiency, protections and low weight
programmable for N/O or N/C alarm contacts. are key words in most applications. DCP2-2405 24 V wDC, 5 A, 120W 115/230 V AC

DCP2-2410 24 V DC, 10 A, 240 W 115/230 V AC

Time delay: the alarm inputs are individually
programmable with a time delay to allow alarm condition DCP2-2420 24 V DC, 20 A, 480 W 115/230 V AC
registration at pre-set times within the 0.40 s range in or 3 × 400 V AC
steps of 1 s. DCP2-2440 24 V DC, 40 A, 960 W 3 × 400 V AC

Alarm indicators: the AL8-2 is equipped with eight LEDs

marked 1 to 8 for precise indication of alarm conditions
for the individual alarm inputs. When an alarm condition
occurs, the LED for the relevant input channel will flash
with a red light. If more than one alarm occurs before
the push-button “LAMP RESET” is activated, the first
alarm LED will flash ahead of the others.

Alarm outputs: the alarm panel is provided with three

relay outputs, one of which is used for connection to an
audible/visual alarm.

The remaining two relay outputs are individually

programmable by the user to follow certain alarm inputs.

130 131
Battery charger Advanced graphical interface
Durable, highly efficient & compact Multi-touch widget HMI for system monitoring & control

DBC-1 features AGI 400 features

► Automatic and electronic protection features ► State-of-the-art HMI

► Automatic restart after fault condition ► Multi-touch widgets

► Alarm relay ► Advanced programming tool

► Automatic output power derating for high ambient ► Data-logging and alarm handling
► Complimentary DEIF app templates
► LED indication of faults, boost charging and normal
► Multiple remote options
► Phone/tablet compatible
► Boost mode
► Pinch zoom
► Adjustable output voltage
Tested and certified as a first grade quality unit with A comprehensive HMI solution, DEIF’s AGI 400 ► Designed for harsh marine environments
► No moving parts – no maintenance
a robust aluminium housing and black plastic cover, series connects to all DEIF Multi-line controllers, as ► Available in 7", 10", 15" and 21" sizes
the DBC-1 has a long and reliable product life and well as third party electronics, via standard defined
withstands years of everyday wear and tear. The DBC- communication protocols, featuring functionalities which
1 is available with 12 V or 24 V voltage and 5 or 10 A Variants Outputs Aux. supplies eliminate the need for other instruments, thus saving
current output. DBC-1 1205 12 V DC, 5 A 230 V AC you both space and wiring.
DBC-1 1210 12 V DC, 10 A 230 V AC
Using switch mode technology to reduce energy The AGI 400 series is intended for visualisation and
waste, the unit is also vibration-resistant and features DBC-1 2405 24 V DC, 5 A 230 V AC active control in multiple applications managed on board
dry contact alarm relay activation in cases of fault DBC-1 2410 24 V DC, 10 A 230 V AC maritime vessels or platforms, where it provides full
detection, as well as boost/equalisation for extended graphical overviews and user-friendly touch screen
battery lifetime, and advanced over-voltage (transient) control with a quality display that is easily readable
protection. even at sharp angles. Monitor or control multiple setups
simultaneously, or share data via Ethernet connections,
effectively enabling the DEIF HMI to be used as a small
SCADA system. AGI 400 supports multiple users levels,
and LAN clients, ensuring user control in several levels.

Application examples
► Power management systems – control and
supervision: one point management, control and
supervision of multiple gensets and bus tie breakers.
► Alarm – handling and monitoring: view historical
alarm data and accept active alarms.
► Ship energy monitoring system (SEMS): track your
energy consumption to optimise and implement
energy awareness on board your vessel.
► Graphical interface – mechanical and electrical
systems: system overviews for mechanical and
electrical equipment. Trend measured values to
monitor operation performance or when carrying out
fault-finding procedures.
► Data acquisition and storage

Variant overview

AGI 407 AGI 410 AGI 415 AGI 421

132 133
Bridge instrumentation Flexible display indicator
Intro The game changer in illuminated bridge instrumentation

Technology leader XDi features

A front-runner in marine bridge instrumentation, DEIF consistently invests in R&D and has developed a number of innovative
products at our research centre and manufacturing site in Skive, Denmark. ► TFT graphical LED 3.5, 5 or 7" display

► Multiple virtual indicator layouts selectable from library

These include high-accuracy illuminated indicators based on patented microprocessor-controlled X-coil or display-based
technology. Increasingly, vessels shift from using analogue indicators to CAN bus-based instrumentation. DEIF’s complete
► Standard and custom scale designs
range is now available with this compatibility also, just as we design and develop complete customised instrumentation ► Displays 1 or more values
system solutions.
► 96, 144 or 192 DIN cutouts

Safety and steady performance are key criteria that apply to all DEIF products and guide our ambitious quality test ► XDi-Net – a short-cut to CAN open
programmes, research, and development goals. ► Double CAN as standard

Uncompromising quality ► Reduced wiring and installation

All DEIF marine products are type-tested and tried in the harshest possible conditions to ensure outstanding levels of DEIF’s XDi illuminated indicator display series is a ► Instant repairs on board
accuracy, robustness, reliability, water-proof housing etc. compact, easy-to-install, versatile and user-friendly ► Analogue and digital readout combined
revolution in bridge instrumentation.
DEIF is vigilant in securing and maintaining all major international class type approvals on the market today for our product ► Standard day and night designs
range, including the Wheel Mark of the EU Marine Equipment Directive. This also helps our clients speed up their approval The ultimate all-in-one solution, the XDi saves you ► Dusk designs on request
process. panel space and installation time, gives you greater
choice, more flexibility and the ability to configure and ► Redundant power inputs
To this end, we collaborate closely with the classification societies who regularly audit our test and measuring results as part make repairs on-site. ► Optional analogue or digital input
of the certificate-issuing processes.
► Optional NMEA or relay outputs
With the XDi series, we have replaced mechanical scales
and pointers with high quality displays, taking indicator ► MED and other relevant class approvals
performance to a new level without compromising DEIF ► Optional double CAN connectors for daisy chaining
customisation standards and maintaining approvals for
all relevant applications. ► Optional IP66 protection

XDi features high accuracy analogue readout (no

mechanical or parallax’s reading error), high precision Variants No. of input values
digital readings, wide viewing angle and optimised day
XDi Dual 1 or 2
and night colour pallets, even a custom dusk pallet.
XDi Multi Application-dependent
The XDi series comes in two different sizes with dual- or
multi-indicator display libraries. You can order XDi with
a DEIF standard indicator library – or you can have your Accessories
own customised. Already a market-leader with record ► AX1 analogue extension module
Bridge instrumentation index delivery times, the XDi series also enables us to ship
► DX1 digital extension module
your orders even faster.
► NX1 NMEA output extension module
Depending on functionality, all units are MED-certified. ► NX2 NMEA I/O extension module
► Flexible display indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XDi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Approvals from major classification societies are
► Flexible display indicator - Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XDi-N . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 available depending on application. DEIF has developed ► Front frames

► Illuminated panel indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 the XDi series cooperating closely with DNV GL. ► Dimmer potentiometer kit
► Bridge wing indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRW-2 & BW . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 ► Azimuth/rudder transmitters RTA 602, RTC 300 or 600
► Panorama rudder indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRI-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 ► Front frame kit with dimmer buttons

► Rudder angle transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTA 602, RTC 300 & RTC 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Variant overview

Wind measuring
► Flexible display indicator - Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XDi-N . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
► Wind sensor static . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WSS 500/550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
► Wind sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WSS 750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
► Weather transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WXT534 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 XDi 96 Dual XDi 96 Multi XDi 144 Dual XDi 144 Multi XDi 192 Dual XDi 192 Multi

134 135
Flexible display indicator – navigation Variants
Advanced navigation indicators Solutions customised to your requirements

XDi-N features Variants

► TFT graphical LED 3.5, 5 or 7" display

► Two CAN ports with CANopen and XDi-net

► Redundant power inputs

XDi Dual
► XDi-Net – add multiple XDi indicators 1 or 2 input values displayed. XDi 96 Dual XDi 144 Dual XDi 192 Dual
► Up to six NMEA inputs & up to four outputs

► NMEA data offset and averaging functions

► Dimmer controllable using front/external pushbuttons,

analogue, NMEA or CAN/XDi-net.

► 3 level priority data fall-back function XDi Multi

Offering a number of advanced functions, including direct  pplication-dependent no. of input values
access to the main functions using the pushbuttons on ► True wind data calculation displayed. XDi 96 Multi XDi 144 Multi XDi 192 Multi
the front, the XDi Navigation version (XDi-N) is the top ► Calculate magnetic or true heading
model of DEIF’s display-based indicator range.
► XDi-net group dimmer and day/night colour shift
With the XDi-N you can implement the same design ► Toggle between up to four predefined indicator screens
across your bridge and combine propulsion and steering using the mode function XDi-N
indication with a number of navigation indicators. Use With NX2 NMEA input/output module
► Quick-switch between measuring units either locally or
DEIF’s standard libraries or have your own created. (share on XDi-net).
for the entire system
Utilise the two standard CAN busses and the XDi- XDi 96 N XDi 144 N XDi 192 N
net data sharing and system integration functions to ► Customised indicator designs available on request
optimise your system with centralised group control
► Standard day and night designs, dusk on request
► Optional analogue or digital inputs
XDi-N main NMEA indicator
XDi Dual / Multi versus XDi-N
► Optional warning and alarms/relay output
The XDi-N main indicator is delivered with one NX2 XDi-D / M XDi-N (platform 2)
NMEA input/output (I/O) module that in most cases ► MED and other relevant class approvals
► Analogue digital and CAN interface ► Analogue digital and CAN interface
covers all the needs for NMEA I/O.
NMEA0183 interface (IEC61162-1 and IEC61162-2)
Variants Extension modules Incl. data calculation
XDi-net indicator
XDi-N Main NX2 Routing NMEA data from input to output
The standard XDi-N without NMEA extension module
will use data transmitted via XDi-net from a main XDi-N XDi-net indicator None required ► Hidden buttons (setup only) ► 4 front pushbuttons for operation
indicator on the CAN bus. The XDi-net plug & play
► Presents one fixed virtual indicator from ► Presents either one fixed virtual indicator
protocol is built on top of CANopen and makes system
integration easy and cost effective. Accessories library (D, M) or
Toogle between up to 4 screens in one virtual indicator using the
► AX1 analogue extension module
XDi-N navigation indicator library pushbuttons and/or XDi-net or CAN
► DX1 digital extension module
DEIF offers a selection of standard navigation or wind ► Prioritised input fall-back function (2 or 3 inputs)
indicator libraries. Over time, these will come to include ► NX1 NMEA output extension module
heading, rate of turn, speed, depth, position, date/time, ► Shift units presented on display
► NX2 NMEA I/O extension module
steering and WP info, distance, weather, etc. (Unit profile shift via CAN)
► Front frame with or without buttons
► Dimmer/Colour control via front buttons
NMEA data interface
► Dimmer potentiometer kit
NMEA data in compliance with IEC 61162-1 and IEC ► New option: Front frame w/4 pushbuttons for ► Optional front frame without buttons
61162-1 is standard for the XDi-N which supports more dimmer/colour control only. (Platform 2 required)
than 80 different data types, including dimming control.

NMEA setup features:

► Automatic NMEA input scanning and selection
► Input overview with easy access to make changes
► NMEA sentence routing from input to output
► NMEA output configuration

136 137
Illuminated panel indicator Outdoor bridge wing indicator
Digital accuracy, analogue readability Digital accuracy, analogue readability, outdoor mounting

XL features BRW-2 features

► High shock/vibration resistance (robust) ► Outdoor bridge wing mounting

► Class 0.5 accuracy ► Front-mounted dimmer

► 360 ° deflection ► High shock/vibration resistance (robust)

► Analogue or CANopen interface ► Class 0.5 accuracy

► Optional IP66 protection ► 360 ° deflection

► LED illumination ► Analogue or CANopen interface

► DIN standard sizes: Q72, Q96, Q144 and Q192 ► IP66 protection

► LED illumination

Patented range of illuminated panel indicators designed Patented range of illuminated bridge wing indicators for
to indicate e.g. rpm, pitch and rudder angle. These outdoor mounting based on microprocessor-controlled
indicators are based on microprocessor-controlled X-coil technology. DEIF stocks a wide range of
X-coil technology. recommended standard scale designs, including scale
designs for rpm, pitch, rudder, rate-of-turn and azimuth.
XL scale designs
DEIF stocks a wide range of recommended standard The range meets international standards for optimal
scale designs, including scale designs for rpm, pitch, readability and precision – see for
rudder, rate-of-turn and azimuth. the current list. DEIF also handles customised scale
The range has been designed to meet international
standards for optimal readability and precision – see for the current list.
Indoor & outdoor bridge wing indicator
DEIF can also handle customised scale designs, adding
logos/text or create a new visual layout to identify Digital accuracy, analogue readability, indoor & outdoor mounting
your brand.

BW features
► Indoor and outdoor bridge mounting hanging or standing
on pivot foot

► Rear-mounted dimmer

► High shock/vibration resistance (robust)

► Class 0.5 accuracy

► 360 ° deflection

► Analogue or CANopen interface

► IP66 protection

► LED illumination

Patented range of illuminated bridge wing indicators for

indoor and outdoor mounting based on microprocessor-
controlled X-coil technology. DEIF stocks a wide range
Variant overview of recommended standard scale designs, including
scale designs for rpm, pitch, rudder, rate-of-turn and

The range meets international standards for optimal

readability and precision – see for
the current list. DEIF also handles customised scale
XL designs.

138 139
Panorama rudder indicator Rudder angle transmitter
Quick & easy reading from angles up to 250 ° Indication of rudder, azimuth & pitch angles

TRI-2 features General features

► 3 extra large, easy-to-read scales ► “No touch” magnetic angle detection – no wear & tear
► Readable from up to 5 meters ► Accuracy < 0.25°
► Black or white scales ► Analogue or CAN bus output for direct connection of one
► Long-life LED illumination or more indicators

► Built-in dimmer ► Angle position range from +/- 20° to +/-180°

TRI-2 is applied for the indication of the rudder position ► Analogue interface or CAN ► Continuous shaft rotation
on the bridge. The indicator consists of a robust moving
► Clockwise/counterclockwise, zero set & max./min.
coil system equipped with 3 pointers mounted on a
common shaft. It is suitable if you require analogue
Variants Features
input. For CAN input, please refer to the TRI-2 with CAN
interface. TRI-2 Analogue input DEIF's rudder/azimuth angle transmitters convert the
rudder or azimuth thruster’s position angles into either Variants Features
TRI-2 CAN CAN-based input
With its large scales, the TRI-2 ensures a quick and electrical 4-20 mA current signals or digital data values RTA 602 Analogue.
easy reading of the rudder position from any angle up with a 16 bit resolution (+/-180de.g. = +/-32767). 2 wire 4 to 20 mA DC.
to 250 ° and from a distance of up to 5 metres from the Ø19mm stainless steel shaft for direct
indicator. The TRI-2 is housed in a matt black case for Unlike potentiometers, DEIF’s angle transmitters use rudder connection.
ceiling mounting. a “no touch” magnetic angle detection technology. Available with 90° mounting bracket
The technology guarantees optimal accuracy and Directly compatible with DEIF’s RT-2
performance and longer life for the transmitters as they rudder angle transmitter*.
have no electromechanical parts.
RTC 300 CAN bus.
Ø6mm standard axel.
DEIF’s rudder and azimuth systems are MED-approved
for easy use and immediate class approval. RTC 600 CAN bus.
Ø19mm stainless steel shaft for direct
The robust mechanical design and IP67 protection make rudder connection.
the transmitters ideal for use aboard any ship. Available with 90° mounting bracket
Mechanically compatible with DEIF’s RT-2
rudder angle transmitter*.

* Not recommended for new designs

Accessories Features
Mounting bracket Available for RTA 602 and RTC 600

Position linkage Available for RTA 602 and RTC 600

Length: 317 mm

Adjustable lever Available for RTA 602 and RTC 600

Max. length: 1127 mm

TDG-210 DG Converts 4-20mA to +/- 10 V or 0-10V

Variants & accessories

RTA 602 RTC 600 RTC 300 RTA 602 TDG210 DG

w/position linkage and lever

140 141
Flexible display indicator – wind Wind sensor static, WSS 500/550
Flexible wind system solution in control Ultrasonic measuring equals no wear, no tear

XDi-N features WSS 500/550 features

► TFT graphical LED 3.5, 5 or 7" display ► Measures wind speed and direction

► 96, 144 or 192 DIN cutouts ► IP66 housing

► Two CAN ports for easy interfacing ► Intelligent heating prevents icing up

► XDi-Net – add multiple XDi indicators ► Working temperature down to -40 °C

► Redundant power inputs ► Well-proven and robust technology

► Compatible with wind sensors providing NMEA data ► Advanced system integration with XDi-N
(such as DEIF’s ultrasonic wind sensors) ► Plug’n’play replacement for WSS/WSS-L
► Up to six NMEA compatible inputs ► Fully compatible with WSDI-2 indicators
► Up to four NMEA outputs
The XDi Navigation version (XDi-N) is the top model of The ultrasonic measuring principle with no moving ► All relevant major class approvals
the XDi series of display-based indicators. Compact, ► Relative, true & geographic wind indication parts gives reliable performance without any wear-out
easy-to-install, versatile and user-friendly, the complete problems and without requiring regular service.
► Toggle between up to four predefined indicator screens
range of XDi bridge indicators takes the well-known Variants Features
DEIF qualities in both product performance and logistic ► Quick-switch between wind speed measuring units The new WSS 550 version has a built-in heating
WSS 550 With heating
handling to a new level. (knots, m/s or m/h, km/h, beaufort) element to prevent icing up. WSS 500 or WSS 550 can
be connected to an XDi-N wind speed and direction WSS 500 Without heating
► Dimmer controllable using front/external push-buttons,
The ultimate all-in-one solution, the XDi-N saves you analogue, NMEA or CAN/XDi-net
indicator. VDR and other ships systems can receive
panel space and installation time, gives you greater wind data from the RS422 NMEA output on the NX2
Standard day and night designs
choice, more flexibility and the ability to configure and ►
module mounted on the XDi-N. Both versions can also
make repairs on-site. be used as stand-alone sensors. ► Extension cables (30, 40, 50 or 100 m)
► Customised indicator designs available on request
► IP66 or IP67 cable extension box
► Optional analogue or digital input
XDi-N main wind indicator An obvious alternative if you want high performance and
The XDi-N main indicator is delivered with one NX2 ► Optional wind warning and alarms/relay output reliability – not low-cost/high-maintenance!
NMEA input/output (I/O) module that in most cases
► Optional IP66 protection
covers all the needs for NMEA I/O. Adding one extra
NX2 extension module on the XDi 144 N or XDi 192 N Application example
adds another set of I/O ports. Variants Extension modules
XDi-N Main NX2
XDi-N wind repeater Standard relative wind indicator system
The XDi-N wind repeater indicator has the same XDi-N Repeater None required
functions as the main unit, use exactly the same
indicator library, but receives data via CAN bus (XDi-
net), and therefore no NMEA extension module is
required. ► Wind sensor extension cables

► IP66 connector box kit

NMEA data interface
► IP67 connector kit (WSS 500 series)
The standard input for XDi navigation indicators is
NMEA data in compliance with IEC 61162-1 and IEC ► Dimmer potentiometer kit NX2
61162-2. Supported NMEA data for wind indicators:
► AX1 analogue extension module RS485

► Relative wind speed and direction ► DX1 digital extension module

► True and geographic true wind speed and direction ► NX1 NMEA output extension module WSS 550
► Heading, water speed, speed over ground,

longitudinal speed for true/geographic wind ► NX2 NMEA I/O extension module
calculations ► Front frames

The RS485 port is used to receive NMEA data from the windsensor XDi 192-N w/standard wind indicator library

142 143
Wind sensor, WSS 750 Weather transmitter
Superior accuracy perfect for critical applications Measure air pressure, temperature and humidity

WSS 750 features WXT534 features

► Well-suited for dynamic positioning systems ► Measures air pressure, temperature and humidity
► All stainless steel construction ► NMEA0183 output
► High power ultrasonic transducers in an equal-sided ► Easy installation, simple wiring
triangle constellation ► Direct connectivity with XDi-N
► No moving parts; no wear ► Barometric pressure performance:
► Wind speed up to 65 m/s (120 Knot) Observation range 600 … 1100 hpa
Output resolution 0.1 hPa 0.1
► Speed accuracy better than 3 % (min. +/-0.2 m/s)
► Air temperature performance:
► Direction accuracy better than +/- 2°
Observation range -52 … +60°C (-60 …+140 °F)
► NMEA protocol Output resolution 0.1 °C (0.1 °F)
Two years of field testing in the North Sea and Norway’s Measuring temperature, humidity and barometric
polar region have proven DEIF’s WSS 750 wind ► IP66 and IP67 fully waterproof pressure, the WXT534 makes it easy to implement ► Relative humidity performance:
sensors’ reliability in providing superior wind measuring metrological data in small weather systems using the Observation range 0 … 10 % RH
► Automatic power and gain control – automatic signal
performance in all weather conditions. standard display of DEIF's XDi illuminated indicator Output resolution 0.1 % RH
strength increase in case of rain or snow
The robust construction and high measuring accuracy ► Built-in heating
make this sensor series the right choice for applications ► Working temperature down to -40 °C Barometric pressure, temperature and humidity
where precise and reliable wind data is essential to measurements are combined in a PTU module using
► Advanced system integration with XDi-N
safe operation. capacitive measurements to measure each parameter.
► Plug’n’play upgrade for WSS/WSS-L
The WSS 750 is also highly recommended for use Presentation of weather data
► All relevant major class approvals
in dynamic positioning systems and other critical With the standard weather library pre-installed on
applications. the XDi-N, data delivered by the WXT534 is easily
presented in a simple and appealing design. When the
Accessories unit is powered up for the first time, a setup guide will
► Extension cables (30, 40, 50 or 100 m) help you configure the XDi-N before data is presented.
► IP66 or IP67 cable extension box

Application example

Advanced wind system - Relative, true, geographic with NMEA output

RS485 Speed and heading

WSS 750 NX2

External button control

XDi-net More
Aft bridge Forward bridge
144 145
Spare parts & replacement policies Spare parts & replacement policies
Intro Passive status & last time buy

DEIF is committed to providing industry-leading products and services. Controls, equipment and instrumentation products End-of-Life (EOL) policy
reach the end of their product lifecycle (EOL) as changes occur in market demand, technology innovation, new product To accommodate our partners’ product planning strategies and enable smooth switch-overs to new product lines, DEIF
development, or simply when a product ages and is replaced by a richer technology. follows an established EOL policy. The EOL policy applies to DEIF standard genset controller products only and does not
cover customised products or solutions.
DEIF understands that end-of-life programmes often encourage companies to review the way in which end-of-life activities
may affect their business systems and practices. To accommodate customers’ product planning strategies, DEIF has Passive status phase
established an official “End-of-Life” Policy to help you plan for, and transition to new, more advanced product offerings. Passive status for standard products are announced at and in data sheets. The passive status phase
precedes the discontinuation stages, product development is halted and we advise against further purchases recommending
The EOL policy described on the following pages applies to DEIF standard products. It does not apply for customer-specific alternative replacement products.
products including such products that represent modifications or adaptations (hardware and/or software) of standard products
to accommodate individual customer solutions. Special EOL terms may be included in individual agreements covering the Last Time Buy (LTB) notification
supply of such products. In connection with termination of serial manufacturing and/or stocking standard products, we endeavour to give a minimum
of 12 months’ notice to customers who have made a purchase of the product number in question within two previous years.
Notifications will advise customers of LTB* and last shipment date**. New orders will be “Non-Cancellable/Non-Returnable
(NCNR)”. In connection with LTB notifications, we advise customers of compatible replacement products.

*Last Time Buy = final order date.

**Last shipment date = final delivery date.

Product life cycle


LTB notification
(Minimum 12 months
Product release prior to discontinuation) EOL

Product Replacement product

planning ready or phase-out LTB

Spare parts and replacement policies index

R&D Active Passive status Passive status Spare part phase
► Passive status and last time buy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 phase phase (min. 60 months)
► Spare part policy and replacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

146 147
Spare parts & replacement policies Spare parts & replacement policies
Spare part policy and replacements Replacements

DEIF follows a comprehensive spare part policy and aims to maintain stocks of critical wear & tear parts for a minimum
Product Type Old Product Replacement Product
period of 36 months following the LTB date.
Bridge instrumentation
Spare part phase
List prices, previous price quotations and previous lead times placed after the LTB date are no longer valid. ► Wind sensor WSS WSS 550/WSI or WSS 750/WSI

► Bridge wing indicator BRW-1 BRW-2

Purchase orders received after the LTB date are classified as spare part orders and subject to component availability and
► Illuminated marine bridge instrument DLQ XL series
manufacturing capacity. Special lead times and price mark-ups over previous list prices apply.
► Illuminated 360 ° azimuth Indicators DLQA XL series
Alternatively, DEIF will suggest replacement products with similar functionality at list price and under the standard terms ► Watertight marine instruments with illumination DLQW XL series
applicable to the product in question.
► Rudder transmitter RT-1 RTA 602

► Rudder angle transmitter RT-2 RTA 602

Product type Old product Replacement product ► Rudder angle indicator TRI-1 TRI-2

Power management ► Bridge wing indicator VTR-5 BW

► Integrated systems (engineered) Delomatic 3 DM-4 Marine ► Bridge wing indicator VTR-3 BW

► Integrated systems (standard) PPM-2 PPM-3 ► Indicator WSDI (879.50) XDi-N Wind

► Indicator WSDI (879.521) XDi-N Wind

Parallel operation ► Indicator WSDI-2 XDi-N Wind

► Paralleling & protection unit PPU-2 PPU-3

Switchboard equipment
► Load sharing units DGC-1TB LSU-112DG & LSU-113DG ► Electronic potentiometers EPQ96 EPQ96-2
► Load sharing units DGC-1TF LSU-112DG & LSU-113DG ► Insulation monitoring DIM-Q SIM-2
► Paralleling and protection unit MGC-1 PPU-3 ► Running hours counter HCQ48 HC 48

Synchronisation & load sharing ► Multi transducer MTR-1 MTR-4

► Check synchronising relay CSQ-2 CSQ-3 ► Multi transducer MTR-2 MTR-4

► Read synchroscope RSQ-2 RSQ-3 ► Watt transducer TAP-210DG TAS-331DG

► Synchroniser FAS-2N FAS-113DG ► Watt transducer TAQ-210DG TAS-331DG

► Synchroniser FAS-3N FAS-115DG ► Dual output power transducer TAX-312DG-1 TAS-331DG

► Synchroniser HAS-2N HAS-111DG ► Mains frequency transducer TMF-210DG TAS-311DG

► Synchroniser FAS-2N-P GPU-3 ► Single-function transducer TAC-311DG/TAC-321DG TAS-311DG

► Synchroniser FAS-3N-P GPU-3 ► Single-function transducer TAV-311DG/TAV-311DG TAS-311DG

► Multi-instrument MIQ96 MIC-2 MKII

Protection ► Multi-instrument MIQ96-2 MIC-2 MKII

► Generator protection unit GPU-2 GPU-3 ► Multi-instrument MIQ96-3 MIC-2 MKII

► Multi-differential relay MDR-1 MDR-2 ► Advanced graphical interface AGI 100 AGI 300

► Generator protection unit MGP-1 GPU-3

148 149
The corporate values & services that make DEIF the best choice


DEIF’s business ethic is based on knowledge sharing and
VISION informed by environmental awareness. Working with global
experience of customer needs across the full range of power
management applications, collaborating with DEIF you will find
Our vision is to be the preferred global supplier of green, safe and
new opportunities.
reliable energy control solutions


20 % of DEIF’s employees work in R&D. Their focus is innovation
Our mission is to enhance the competitive advantage of our customers. and progress for the industry as a whole, and in creating
customised solutions with end-to-end system integrity. With DEIF,
To achieve this, we: you win superior control thanks to our experience and expertise
Identify their needs and wants in detail across multiple industries.
Develop high-quality products
Stay logistically efficient


Offer unsurpassed technical service and support

Our tried-and-tested equipment, advanced automation technology,

training programmes, and 24/7 support will boost your business

goals by providing steady, maximum uptime.

The company culture at DEIF is based on a set of common values.

Every employee is encouraged to make the right decisions based on
these values – supported by rules and policies when relevant:
Ambition, Perspective & Respect


Why DEIF index

► Find – Win – Secure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
► Corporate social responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
► Code of conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
► Land Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
► Wind Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
► Eight decades of achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
► Contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

150 151



Environmentally improved
DEIF’s intelligent power management solutions and cleantech products meet growing
needs for reliable power while supporting the world’s environmental transition. DEIF IS
ISO 9001 AND
► Cut fuel consumption and harmful emissions
► Extend maintenance intervals ISO 14001
► Increase performance

152 153
CORPORATE »With the revamped power control solution from DEIF,
our surgeons no longer fear blackouts during surgery«


CEO & MSDK board member
Mercy Ships

Powering aid to the third world When power is the difference between life & death
Just 2.3 doctors per 1,000 people (33.3 in Europe). And tion live within 100 miles of the coast, we can reach more The largest NGO hospital ship in the world with 78 patient "With the revamped power control solution from DEIF,
up to 69 % of all citizens living on $ 2 or less a day. Those people who need care too. More impact for less money. beds and an onboard surgical capacity exceeding 7,000 our surgeons no longer fear blackouts during surgery",
are the conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa. So, for most, interventions per year, the Africa Mercy depends on 100 Jens-Erik Engelbrecht, CEO & MSDK board member at
healthcare is not an option, simply because it is physically Cooperating with Mercy Ships is one of the ways DEIF % reliable power supply at all times to avoid loss of life. Mercy Ships happily concludes.
or financially out of reach. As a result, a large proportion offers charity help to the global community by doing
of the 85 % of African children expected to need surgical what we do best. Delivering our brand promise: Power Having experienced numerous blackouts in recent years, Mercy Ships
treatment before the age of 15 remain untreated, leading Efficiency. a power management retrofit was required. A charity Mercy Ships is a global charity founded in 1978. Having
to complications, lifelong disability or death. donation, DEIF installed and commissioned a solution completed more than 581 port visits in 57 nations, Mercy
consisting of four genset controllers (PPM 300), one Ships has performed services valued at more than $1
DEIF and Mercy Ships agree that a ship is the most synchroniser (FAS) and one touch screen (AGI). billion, impacting more than 2.48 million of the world’s
efficient hospital platform in this region where clean water, most desperate people.
electricity, medical facilities and personnel is limited or
nonexistent. Since more than 50 % of the world’s popula-

154 155 155

CODE OF CONDUCT Human rights:
1. w
 e support and respect internationally proclaimed human rights
2. we ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses
Committed to working according to the ten principles expressed in the UN Global
Compact since 2014, the overall goal of DEIF is to develop the company’s long-
term value, observing high ethical standards in relation to DEIF employees, Labour rights:
business partners, and the global community. 3. we uphold the freedom of association and recognise effectively the right to collective bargaining
4. we support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
5. we support the efforts to abolish child labour
6. we eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Safety & environment:

7. we support a precautionary approach to safety and environmental challenges
8. we undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
9. we encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

10. w
 e work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

156 157

Working with EPC, switchboard manufacturers, system integrators/
OEMs and asset owners, DEIF LAND POWER identifies new ways
to increase performance and efficiency for the IPP, rental,
critical power and standby power markets.

Whether we retrofit older installations or design projected setups,

DEIF’s innovative solutions can cut fuel costs compared to
competitive products.


Diesel Gas Hybrid Hydro Steam

⃰16 grids and 992 generator breakers in one application.

See for more about our award-winning IPP solutions.

158 159

As a renowned supplier of robust components for turbine pitch and
control, DEIF Wind Power designs and manufactures complete
control systems for both new and existing wind turbines of any size.

Building on years of experience, DEIF’s performance-optimising

solutions include wind turbine operation, modeling, control strategies,
grid compliance, and pitch and park control systems. Controlling wind
park power production accurately and quickly, they will help you produce
more green power at the lowest possible cost.


Onshore Offshore

⃰ See

160 161

1933 1943 1956 1975 1987 2009

Erling Foss, founder Production Exhibition DEIF’s HQ Toke Foss DEIF’s HQ

1933 1930s 1950s 1960s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2015

DEIF founded B-225 Ammeter VTR-1 Electrometer 34 Delomatic Uni-line Multi-line 2 DEIF ML 300

A record of progress and innovation With market insights and applications understanding
A family-owned company, DEIF’s record of innovation, second to none, today DEIF is an award-winning global
service and support dates back to 1933, when the company supplier of green, safe and reliable engine and genset
was first founded in the Danish capital Copenhagen by Mr controls, marine bridge instrumentation, switchboard
Erling Foss. instrumentation and renewable energy controls.

The acronym DEIF is derived from the company’s original DEIF’s cost-effective technologies meet the toughest
name, Danish Electro Instrument Factory. customer demands and performance needs. The company
is dedicated to delivering environmentally improved
solutions with a product and solutions portfolio unmatched
in the industry.

162 163
Contact information Contact information
DEIF offices DEIF offices

Brazil Germany Norway United Kingdom

DEIF do Brasil Comercio de DEIF GmbH DEIF Norge AS DEIF (UK) Limited
Controles e Equipamentos Ltda. Lilienthalstr. 11, Døvleveien 41, N-3170 Sem 8 Acorn Business Park, Heaton Lane, Stockport
Av. Brasil, 2287, Jardim Chapadão, D-64625 Bensheim, Germany Norway SK4 1AS Cheshire, United Kingdom
CEP: 13070-178 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Contact information Contact information Contact information
Contact information Tel.: +49 (0) 6251/1756-0 Tel.: +47 3338 1600 Tel.: +44 (0) 161 429 4940
Tel.: +55 19 3579 4681 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

China India Singapore USA

DEIF Electrical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. DEIF India Pvt. Ltd. DEIF Asia Pacific Pte Ltd DEIF, Inc.
Room 206, No.8 Building, Shanghai Zhangjiang 602, Town Centre II, Andheri – Kurla Road, 31, Bukit Batok Crescent #01-16, The Splendour 185 Hansen Ct., Suite 125
Semiconductor Industry Park, No.3000 Long Sakinaka, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 059 MH, 658070 Singapore, Singapore Wood Dale, IL 60191, United States
Dong Road, Pudong Area, 201203 Shanghai, China India
Contact information Contact information
Contact information Contact information Tel.: +65-69335300 Tel.: +1 708-391-5454
Tel.: +86 21 68796200 Tel.: (+91) 22 4245 2000 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Denmark Korea, Republic of Spain

DEIF A/S (Headquarters) DEIF Korea co., Ltd DEIF Iberia S.L. (Liaison Office)
Frisenborgvej 33, 7800 Skive Postal code : 46721 Av. Pintor Xavier Soler 24 Local 3
Denmark Address : 7-103, 203, 303. 76, Yutongdanji 1-ro, 03015 Alicante, Spain
Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea
Contact information Contact information
Tel.: +45 9614 9614 Contact information Tel.: +34 965 24 23 95
E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+82) 51-558-1380 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

France Mexico United Arab Emirates

DEIF MEDiterranea Danish Power & Marine, DEIF Middle East FZE
WTC 4 – Entrée N, 1300 Route des Crêtes S.A. de C.V. Office No. LB02013, JAFZA 2, Near Gate No. 3
CS 50007 Valbonne, 06901 Sophia Antipolis Cedex. Circonvalación Pte. No. 219, Cd. Satélite, P.O. Box No. 263194, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai
France Naucalpan 53100, Mexico City, Edo. de México; México
Contact information
Contact information Contact information Tel.: + +971 4 8808908
Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 38 05 06 Tel.: +52 1 55 6126 3716 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] For a complete and updated list of DEIF offices and global distributors,
please visit

164 165
Contact information Contact information
DEIF distributors DEIF distributors

Argentina Canada Netherlands Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of

PEBSA Exell Power Services LTD. Caldic Techniek BV Al Mashariq Trading

Productos Ecológicos Bahienses S.A. #206-19049-54th Avenue, Surrey, British Schuttevaerweg 60, 3044 BB Rotterdam, & Contracting Co.
Martin Rodriguez 545, Columbia, Canada V3S 4R1, Canada Netherlands Energy Projects and Services Div., 1 Street, Al
Buenos Aires, C1159ADC, Argentina Ulaya, Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Contact information Contact information
Contact information Mr. Ron Klimmer Mr. Akash Raktoe Contact information
Mr. Jorge Cirelli Tel.: 604-514-9472 Tel.: +31 (0) 10 4156622 Mr. Nader E. Masoud
Tel.: +54 11-2200-5330 / +54 11 4300-4492 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +966 13 8878017
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Australia Colombia New Zealand

Rave Group International Pty. Ltd. Protección, Automatización Carrel-Electrade Ltd.

Trading as Rave Industrial, 14/31 Acanthus y Control, Ltda (PAC) 661 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 1061,
Street, Darra, Queensland, 4076, Australia Calle 145 #16 A-32, Bogotá D.C, Colombia New Zealand

Contact information Contact information Contact information

Mr. Adrian Clark Mr. Julian Rueda Molina Mr. Kevin Beeby
Tel.: +61 01 3139 8080 Tel.: +57 (1) 475 3358 Tel.: +64 9 525 1753
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Austria Italy Peru


GmbH di Misura e Automazione (Grupo Técnico Kilowatt S.R.L.)
Industriezeile 56, 4021 Linz, Austria Via Sibilla Aleramo 4, 20090 Segrate (MI), Italy Jr. Iquique 058, Breña, Lima 5, Peru

Contact information Contact information Contact information

Mr. Heribert Zeller Mr. Mario Fantini Mr. David Galbani
Tel.: +43 (0)732 7892-359 Tel.: +39 02 26 95 20 67 Tel.: +51 1 332 3271
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Belgium Malaysia Russian Federation

SDM-Engineering BVBA TriSystems Engineering Sdn Bhd DVK-electro

Terhulpense Steenweg 362, B-3090 Overijse, No. 6, Jalan Tiang U8/91, Taman Perindustrian ul. Shvetcova 12/2, St-Petersburg, 198095 St.
Belgium Bukit Jelutong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, 40150 Petersburg, Russian Federation
Shah Alam, Malaysia
Contact information Contact information
Mr. Bavo De Man Contact information Mr. Vladimir Chentsov
Tel.: +32 2 688 33 89 Mr. Syed R. B. S. Hamid Tel.: +7 (812) 318 30 69
E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +60 3 7848 3278 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] See more DEIF distributors at next page ►

166 167
Contact information Index
DEIF distributors

Sri Lanka USA Symbols CSQ-3: 83

2EVQ96: 91 Current and short circuit relay: 100
U I Technical Services (Pvt.) Ltd Ward's Marine Electric 2FQ96: 90 Customer profiles: 18
187, Ward Place, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka 617 SW 3rd Avenue, 33315 Ft. Lauderdale,
United States A D
Contact information
AAL-2: 112 DBC-1: 133
Mr. Lishan Pathirana Contact information
Tel.: +94 11 2688537 Mr. John Champagne AC current meter with switch: 116 DBC-1 1205: 133
E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +1 954 523 2815 AC voltage and current with 90 ° pointer: 113 DBC-1 1210: 133
E-mail: [email protected] AC voltage meter with switch: 115 DBC-1 2405: 133
Additional Operator Panel: 76 DBC-1 2410: 133
ADL-111Q96: 111 DCP2: 132
Advanced graphical interface: 134 DCP2-1205: 132
AGI 100: 150 DCP2-1210: 132
Thailand AGI 400: 134 DCP2-2405: 132

Thai Engineering AGI 407: 134 DCP2-2410: 132

& Services Co., Ltd AGI 410: 134 DCP2-2420: 132
555/232 On Nut Road, Pravate, Pravate District, AGI 415: 134 DCP2-2440: 132
10250 Bangkok, Thailand DC power supply: 132DEIF Utility Software: 78
AGI 421: 134
AL8-2: 131 Delomatic 3: 149
Contact information
Mrs. Kitja Wunpant Alarm panel: 131 DGC-1TB: 149
Tel.: +66 2 328 8734-5 Anti-corruption: 157 DGC-1TF: 149
E-mail: [email protected] Differential protection/short-circuit protection relay: 97
AOP: 76
Application examples and cases: 28 DIM-Q: 150
ASK: 125 DLQ: 150
ASR: 125 DLQA: 150
United Arab Emirates DLQW: 150
B DM-4 Marine: 62
KDU World Wide Backup power: 43
Technical Services (FZC) Docking: 16
Battery charger: 133
Warehouse Q3-016, SAIF Zone, Sharjah, United Double frequency meter: 90
Arab Emirates BEQ: 122
Double voltmeter: 91
Bi-metallic meter: 121
DQ: 114
Contact information BQ: 121
Mr. Hardy George
Bridge wing indicator: 140 E
Tel.: +971 6 5575480
E-mail: [email protected] Bridge instrumentation: 52-59, 71, 134 ECU 100: 95 BRW-1: 150 Electronic potentiometer for DIN: 88
BRW-2: 140 Electronic Potentiometer for panel: 89
BW: 140 Emulation Solution: 77
Engine control unit: 85
USA C Engineering: 16, 22
Leitor Inc. Code of conduct: 156
EPN-110DN: 88
1150 NW 52nd Street, 98107 Seattle, Combined ammeter: 122
EPQ96: 150
Washington, United States Combined kWh counter and power meter: 118
EPQ96-2: 89
Commercial vessels: 30
Contact information EQ: 113
Mr. Øyvind Henningsen Construction: 22
EQ96-sw4: 115
Tel.: +1 (206) 781 8110 Contact: 164-168
EQ96-sw7: 115
E-mail: [email protected] For a complete and updated list of Corporate social responsibility: 154-155
EQ (A): 113 DEIF offices and global distributors, CSQ-2: 149
please visit EQ (V): 113

168 169
Index Index

K N RMC-111D: 100
F KBU: 126 Naval vessels: 32 RMC-121D: 100
FAS-2N: 149 KSU: 129 RMC-122D: 100
FAS-2N-P: 149 O RMC-131D: 100
FAS-3N: 149 L Offshore platforms and rigs: 42
RMC-132D: 100
FAS-3N-P: 149 Labour rights: 157 Offshore supply vessels: 40
RMC-142D: 100
FAS-113DG: 86 LMR-111D: 104 One-stop-shop: 8, 27
RMF-112D: 101
FAS-115DG: 86 LMR-122D: 104
P RMP: 102
Flexible display indicator: 143 Load sharing, paralleling & operation: 87
Package sollution: 14 RMP-111D: 102
FQ: 119 Loss of excitation relay: 103
Panorama rudder indicator: 141 RMP-112D: 102
Frequency meter: 119 Loss of mains relay: 104
Paralleling & operation: 79 RMP-121D: 102
Frequency relay: 101 LSU-112DG: 87
Paralleling & Protection Unit: 80, 81 RMQ: 103
Fuel consumption: 37 LSU-113DG: 87
Passenger ships: 38 RMQ-111D: 103
LSU-114DG: 87
PFQ: 120 RMQ-121D: 103
G LSU-122DG: 87
PFQ-c: 120 RMT-111Q96: 85
GCU 100: 96
M PFQ-x: 120 RMV: 99
GCU 111: 96
MDR-1: 149 Phase sequence meter: 85 RMV-112D: 99
GCU 112: 96
MDR-2: 97 Pleasure boats: 36 RMV-122D: 99
GCU 113: 96
Measuring: 105 Power control sollutions: 33 RMV-132D: 99
Generator protection unit: 62, 94
Measuring, AC/DC current: 69 Power factor meter: 120 RMV-142D: 99
Genset control unit: 96
Measuring, analogue instruments: 68 Power management: 31, 39, 41, 72 RSQ-2: 149
Global reach: 10
Measuring, centres: 67 Power management and paralleling & operation: 64 RSQ-3: 84
GPU-2: 149
Measuring, monitoring & alarms: 70 Power meter: 117, 118 RT-1: 150
GPU-3: 94
Measuring transformer: 125 Power protection relay: 102 RT-2: 150
GPU 300: 61, 93
MGC-1: 149 Power take out: 33 RTA 602: 142
Green ambition: 152
MGP-1: 149 PPM-2: 149 RTC 300: 142
H MIC-2 MKII: 109 PPM-3: 62, 75 RTC 600: 142
HAS-2N: 149 MIC-2 MKII DIN: 109 PPM 300: 61, 74 Rudder angle transmitter: 142
HAS-111DG: 86 MIQ96: 150 PPU-2: 149 Running hours counter: 123
HC 36/24: 123 MIQ96-2: 150 PPU-3: 62
HC 48: 123 MIQ96-3: 150 PPU 300: 61
Safety & environment: 157
HCQ48: 150 MTR-1: 150 Primary winding transformer: 128
SASK: 127
Human rights: 157 MTR-2: 150 Preocurement: 22
SASR: 127
Hybrid-powered vessels: 44, 45, 46, 47 MTR-4: 107 Project sollution: 14
Scope of supply: 6
MTR-4 015: 107 Protection: 66, 92
I Selectable transducer: 108
MTR-4 105: 107 Protection & Power Management: 74, 75
Illuminated bridge indicators: 63 SEMS: 50
MTR-4 215: 107 Protection transformer: 127
Illuminated panel indicator: 139 Service: 12
MTR-4 315: 107
Installation: 27 Q Ship energy monitoring system: 50
MTR-4 415: 107
Integration: 24 Quality: 27, 28 Shipowners: 20
Multi-function synchroscope: 83
Insulation monitor, AC/DC-networks: 110 Shunt resistor: 130
Multi-instrument for panel: 109 R
Insulation monitor, AC networks: 112 Single-function synchroscope: 84
Multi-line 2: 62 Retrofit: 16
Insulation monitor, DC-networks: 111 Spare parts: 146-149
Multi-line 300: 61 Redundant power: 43
Integrated Systems, DM 4 Marine: 73 Special vessels: 34
Multi-transducer: 107 Replacement policies: 146-149 Split core transformer: 126
RMC: 100 Summation transformer: 129

170 171
Index Notes

Support: 12 WSK: 128

SUSK: 129 WSS: 150
Synchronisation & circuit breaker closing: 86 WSS 500/WSS 550: 143
Synchronisation & load sharing: 65, 82 WSS 750: 145
System integrators: 24
Switchboard equipment: 48
XDi: 63
Switchboard manufactures: 48
XDI 96 Dual: 136
T XDI 96 Multi: 136
TAC-311DG: 150 XDI 144 Dual: 136
TAC-321DG: 150 XDI 144 Multi: 136
TAP-210DG: 150 XDI 192 Dual: 136
TAQ-210DG: 150 XDI 192 Multi: 136
TAS: 108 XDi Dual: 136
TAS-311DG: 108 XDi Multi: 138
TAS-321DG: 108 XL: 139
TAS-331DG: 108
TAV-311DG: 150
TAV-321DG: 150
TAX-312DG-1: 150
TMF-210DG: 150
TRI-1: 150
TRI-2: 141
TRI-2 CAN: 141

USW-3: 78

VDQ96-sw: 116
Voltage relay: 99
VTR-3: 150
VTR-5: 150

Shy DEIF? 150-153
Wind display: 143
Wind sensor: 145
Wind sensor static: 144
WQ: 117
WQ2R96 MKII: 118
WQR96-c MKII: 118
WQR96 MKII: 118
WQR96-x MKII: 118
WSDI-2: 150
WSDI (879.50): 150
WSDI (879.521): 150

172 173
Notes Notes

174 175
Frisenborgvej 33, 7800 Skive, Denmark
Tel. +45 9614 9614
Learn more at

E&OE. The DEIF Group has made every attempt to ensure accuracy in this catalogue at the time of printing.
However, the products and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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