BIPICO Calculations

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85% of Contract

Contract Demand= 700 kVA Demand =

Actual Billing P.F. Rebate Time of Use kWh
Month M.D. Demand Charges in P.F. (INR) Tariff (INR) Consumpti
on (kWh)

Jul-2018 647 647 113220 0.982 14225.15 62464.80 218720

Aug-2018 647 647 113220 0.944 0.00 59010.40 216472
Sep-2018 619 619 105940 0.932 0.00 69353.20 215496
Oct-2018 622 622 106720 0.931 0.00 66252.40 229256
Nov-2018 585 595 99700 0.967 5966.16 49646.80 171968
Dec-2018 578 595 99700 0.980 13240.03 61614.80 216688
Jan-2019 576 595 99700 0.974 10835.02 65341.20 221584
Feb-2019 569 595 99700 0.960 4508.96 65300.40 221360
Mar-2019 576 595 99700 0.945 0.00 58922.00 207360
Apr-2019 564 595 99700 0.921 0.00 49721.60 177472
May-2019 561 595 99700 0.944 0.00 55902.80 192920
Jun-2019 559 595 99700 0.968 7229.48 55678.40 191256
Jul-2019 628 628 108280 0.978 11577.96 58561.60 196904
Avg 595 1344980 0.956 5198.67 59828.49 205958
Min 559 0.921 0.00 49646.80 171968
Max 647 0.982 14225.15 69353.20 229256
Total 67582.76 777770.40 2677456

A-2-1 The important parameters from the monthly electricity bills for the year 2018 are shown below

Consumer No. 37812

Tariff HTP-1
Contract Demand 700
85 % of Contract Demand 595
Average Max. Demand 595
Min Demand 559
Max Demand 647
5% of Contract
Demand = 595 kVA

% of night
Hour Current Total
Load cons. w.r.t. Avg. Cost Sp. Cons. Sp. Cost.
Consump Month's Bill Production in Factor Actual INR/kWh kWh/kg INR/kg
tion (INR) kg.

73880 1618102.40 473189 0.45 33.78 7.40 0.46 3.42

61440 1616160.23 341336 0.45 28.38 7.47 0.63 4.73
70288 1609091.22 366711 0.48 32.62 7.47 0.59 4.39
73096 1697068.06 248945 0.50 31.88 7.40 0.92 6.82
50912 1310248.73 237765 0.41 29.61 7.62 0.72 5.51
68552 1611472.06 298467 0.50 31.64 7.44 0.73 5.40
69336 1651438.20 470109 0.52 31.29 7.45 0.47 3.51
69800 1705297.56 285247 0.56 31.53 7.70 0.78 5.98
68208 1605670.02 388480 0.48 32.89 7.74 0.53 4.13
56792 1390676.60 183779 0.44 32.00 7.84 0.97 7.57
57920 1505633.82 307973 0.46 30.02 7.80 0.63 4.89
59104 1484844.26 204490 0.48 30.90 7.76 0.94 7.26
58472 1532937.63 202809 0.42 29.70 7.79 0.97 7.56
64446 1564511 308407.69 0.47 31.29 7.60 0.70 5.07
50912 1310249 183779.00 0.41 28.38 7.40 0.46 3.42
73880 1705298 473189.00 0.56 33.78 7.84 0.97 7.57
837800 20338641 4009300.00

2018 are shown below and the charts for the same parameters are prepaired and shown : -

Total Production 4009300

Total Consumption 2677456
Total Cost of Electricity 20338641
Average Cost per kWh 7.60
Average P.F. 0.956
Average Load Factor 0.47
Days of





580 Actual M.D.

Billing Demand



Jul-2018 Dec-2018 May-2019




0.600 P.F.
Load Factor


Jul-2018 Nov-2018 Mar-2019 Jul-2019

Actual kWh Consumption
250000 (kWh)
200000 Total Production in kg.

Jul-2018 Feb-2019
Jul-2018 Feb-2019





4.00 Sp. Cons. kWh/kg

Sp. Cost. INR/kg



Jul-2018 Dec-2018 May-2019
Table B - 1 - 2(B) Calculation of Avg. L.F., L.L.F, Avg. Price/kWh

From Electricity Bills

Month Actual M.D Total kWh
Sr. No. (kVA) Units L.F. Bill Amt (Rs.)
1 Jul-2018 647 218720 0.45 1618102.40
2 Aug-2018 647 216472 0.45 1616160.23
3 Sep-2018 619 215496 0.48 1609091.22
4 Oct-2018 622 229256 0.50 1697068.06
5 Nov-2018 585 171968 0.41 1310248.73
6 Dec-2018 578 216688 0.50 1611472.06
7 Jan-2019 576 221584 0.52 1651438.20
8 Feb-2019 569 221360 0.56 1705297.56
9 Mar-2019 576 207360 0.48 1605670.02
10 Apr-2019 564 177472 0.44 1390676.60
11 May-2019 561 192920 0.46 1505633.82
12 Jun-2019 559 191256 0.48 1484844.26
13 Jul-2019 628 196904 0.42 1532937.63
Average 594.69 2677456 0.47 20338640.79
L.L.F= 0.2737 Avg. Rs./kWh 7.60
Present Contract Demand
Contract Demand= 700 85% of Contract Demand = 595

Recommended Lower Contract Demand

Contract Demand= 680 85% of Contract Demand = 578

Current Recommen
CD = 700 kVA ded CD = 680 kVA
Month Saving in Rs
Actual Billing Proposed Demand
M.D. in Demand
Demand Charges in Rs CD in kVA Billing Charges in
kVA in kVA Demand Rs
Jul-2018 647 647 113220 647 578 113220 0
Aug-2018 647 647 113220 647 578 113220 0
Sep-2018 619 619 105940 619 578 105940 0
Oct-2018 622 622 106720 622 578 106720 0
Nov-2018 585 595 99700 585 578 97100 2600
Dec-2018 578 595 99700 578 578 95280 4420
Jan-2019 576 595 99700 576 578 95280 4420
Feb-2019 569 595 99700 569 578 95280 4420
Mar-2019 576 595 99700 576 578 95280 4420
Apr-2019 564 595 99700 564 578 95280 4420
May-2019 561 595 99700 561 578 95280 4420
Jun-2019 559 595 99700 559 578 95280 4420
Jul-2019 628 628 108280 628 578 108280 0
Total 1344980 1311440 33540
Add 25% ED 8385
Total Savings 41925

Remark: It is recommended to reduce present contract demand from 700 kVA to 680 kVA,
so that we can save total Rs. 41925/- per year
Demand= 700 kVA

Demand P.F.
Month Actual Billing Charges in EC Charges P.F. excess of P.F. Rebate Suggested
M.D. Demand (INR) P.F.
INR 95%

Jul-2018 647 647 113220 889072.0 0.982 0.032 14225.15 0.99

Aug-2018 647 647 113220 884606.4 0.944 -0.006 0.00 0.99
Sep-2018 619 619 105940 876968.0 0.932 -0.018 0.00 0.99
Oct-2018 622 622 106720 933636.8 0.931 -0.019 0.00 0.99
Nov-2018 585 595 99700 701900.8 0.967 0.017 5966.16 0.99
Dec-2018 578 595 99700 882668.8 0.980 0.030 13240.03 0.99
Jan-2019 576 595 99700 902918.4 0.974 0.024 10835.02 0.99
Feb-2019 569 595 99700 901792.0 0.960 0.010 4508.96 0.99
Mar-2019 576 595 99700 870912.0 0.945 -0.005 0.00 0.99
Apr-2019 564 595 99700 745382.4 0.921 -0.029 0.00 0.99
May-2019 561 595 99700 810264.0 0.944 -0.006 0.00 0.99
Jun-2019 559 595 99700 803275.2 0.968 0.018 7229.48 0.99
Jul-2019 628 628 108280 826996.8 0.978 0.028 11577.96 0.99
Avg 595 1344980 0.956 5198.67
Min 559 0.921 0.00
Max 647 0.982 14225.15
Total 67582.76
Possible P.F. Possible P.F. P.F. Rebate Difference in
Excess of 95% Rebate (%) P.F. Rebate

0.040 2.00 17781.44 0

0.040 2.00 17692.128 17692.128
0.040 2.00 17539.36 17539.36
0.040 2.00 18672.736 18672.736
0.040 2.00 14038.016 8071.856
0.040 2.00 17653.376 4413.346
0.040 2.00 18058.368 7223.348
0.040 2.00 18035.84 13526.88
0.040 2.00 17418.24 17418.24
0.040 2.00 14907.648 14907.648
0.040 2.00 16205.28 16205.28
0.040 2.00 16065.504 8836.024
0.040 2.00 16539.936 4961.976

220608 153025
B-1-2(B) Details of Capacitor in APFC Panel-1

Rated Rated Measured Amp

Sr.No Name Remarks
kVAR Current R Y B
1 Capacitor-1 15 19.5 18.7 19.4 19.6 Ok
2 Capacitor-2 15 19.5 19.2 19.5 19.0 Ok
3 Capacitor-3 20 26 24.9 25.0 24.8 Ok
4 Capacitor-4 20 26 24.5 25.5 24.8 Ok
5 Capacitor-5 20 26 24.6 23.6 25.1 Ok
6 Capacitor-6 25 32.5 29.7 30.8 30.2 Ok
7 Capacitor-7 25 32.5 26.0 30.8 30.7 Ok
8 Capacitor-8 20 26 25.2 25.2 25.4 Ok
Total 160

B-1-2(B) Details of Capacitor in APFC Panel-2

Rated Rated Measured Amp

Sr.No Name Remarks
kVAR Current R Y B
1 Capacitor-1 20 19.5 25.6 24.9 25.0 Ok
2 Capacitor-2 20 19.5 25.4 25.1 25.6 Ok
3 Capacitor-3 15 19.5 - - - Disconnected
4 Capacitor-4 15 19.5 12.7 19.4 19.6 R phase weak
5 Capacitor-5 25 32.5 31.0 31.2 31.4 Ok
6 Capacitor-6 25 32.5 32.1 31.8 32.5 Ok
Total 120
Make Patson
kVA Rating 750 kVA
Sr. No 3623
No Load Voltage - HV 11000 V
- LV 433 V
Current - HV 39.36 A
- LV 1000 A
Frequency 50 Hz
Vector Group DYN-11
Type of Cooling ONAN
Transformer Capacity in kVA 750 kVA
Average Actual Demand 595 kVA
Average Calculated % Load 79.33 %
Power Factor 0.956
Full Load Copper Loss in kW 5.7 kW
Iron Loss in kW 0.85 kW

Av. Load Load for

2018 ↓ Max. η ↓
Load 25% 79.33% 38.62% 50% 75%
Outut in kW 179.25 568.82 276.88 358.50 537.75
Iron Loss in kW 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Copper Loss in kW 0.36 3.59 0.85 1.43 3.21
Total Loss 1.21 4.44 1.70 2.28 4.06
Efficiency of Transformer % 99.33 99.23 99.39 99.37 99.25

Load For Max. Effi. in % 38.62 %

Max. Effi. Of Transformer % 99.39 %

Efficiency At Average Load 99.16 %

90% 100%
645.30 717.00
0.85 0.85
4.62 5.70
5.47 6.55
99.16 99.09
Sr. no. Lighting Load Type of Fitting Watts Qty. (Nos.) Total Wattage
1 Factory Light TL 40 300 12000
2 Bulb for Plant Bulb 11 20 220

3 Bulb for Office Bulb 8 50 400

and Garden
4 Street Light CFL 36 12 432

7 Office Lighting TL 18 2300

Single Phase
8 Load for all 18 15540
Total 30892
Proposal for Replacement of 40 W Factory TL by 18 W LED Tubelight

Cons. Of 40 W T.L Watts
Cons. of 18 W LED TL Watts
Saving per T.L Watts
No. of T.L Nos.
Saving for all T.L kW
Working hours per Day hours
Working days per Year days
Working hours/year Hrs./Year
Energy saving per year kWh
Average price per kWh Rs./kWh
Annual saving Rs.
Aprox. cost of one 18 W LED TL Rs.
Total Investment for replacement of T.L Rs.
Total Annual Saving in kWh
Total Annual Saving in Rs.
Total Replacement Cost in Rs.
Payback Period in months

We can save total 1945 kWh worth Rs. 18694 per year if we replace 40 W T.L. with 18 W LED T

Proposal for Replacement of 36 W Street Light CFL by 25 W LED Tubelight

Cons. Of 36 W CFL Watts
Cons. of 25 W LED Lamp Watts
Saving per CFL Watts
No. of CFL Nos.
Saving for all CFL kW
Working hours per Day hours
Working days per Year days
Working hours/year Hrs./Year
Energy saving per year kWh
Average price per kWh Rs./kWh
Annual saving Rs.
25% ED Rs.
Aprox. cost of one 25 W LED Lamp Rs.
Total Investment for replacement of T.L Rs.
Total Annual Saving in kWh
Total Annual Saving in Rs.
Total Replacement Cost in Rs.
Payback Period in months


40 W T.L. with 18 W LED T.L.


B - 2 Electrical Equipments : -
We have measured Voltage, Current, P.F., kW, kVA & kVAR of each motor and tabulated as under in Table B-2-1
The measurments were not taken for motors which were not in operation or which were used in crictial operations.
Table B - 2 - 1

Sr. Location Machine Voltage Current P.F.

No. (V) (A)
1 Unit-1 Compressor GA55 AWFF 415.00 28.30 0.600
2 Unit-2 Fishtburg Milling Machine 412.80 17.50 0.940
3 Unit-2 Starret Milling M/C-Old 402.00 9.60 0.947
4 Unit-2 Pump-1 384.70 6.10 0.614
5 Unit-2 Pump-2 389.90 9.10 0.738
6 Unit-2 Pump-3 400.30 5.70 0.808
7 Unit-2 Cooling Tower Fan 403.70 6.20 0.745
8 Unit-3 Compressor GA90 FFA 407.50 165.60 0.707
9 Unit-4 KESSEL Milling M/C FS1500 419.00 7.40 0.750
10 Unit-4 KESEL Milling M/C-New 405.70 6.10 0.640
11 Unit-4 KESEL Milling M/C-3 398.80 6.50 0.650
12 Unit-4 KESEL Milling M/C -4 397.40 9.60 0.610
13 Unit-5 SE Power Press 418.20 2.70 0.160
s under in Table B-2-1
used in crictial operations.


(I) (V)
11.50 1.90 6.01 9.83 11.69
6.60 2.00 6.50 3.06 7.15
8.70 2.50 3.01 1.22 3.12
4.70 3.50 1.43 1.84 2.30
4.50 5.20 2.60 2.37 3.45
5.50 2.50 1.79 1.27 1.94
4.70 2.80 1.85 1.65 2.47
9.10 2.40 82.50 82.58 116.73
32.80 2.50 2.25 3.20 3.79
48.40 3.50 1.60 2.50 2.56
36.30 3.30 0.93 2.10 2.16
42.60 2.40 2.25 3.20 3.79
80.70 1.10 0.34 1.10 1.13
Air Compressors

Sr. No. Make Type Pressure (bar) l/s m^3/hr

1 Atlas Copco GX5 10.00 10.00 36.00
2 Atlas Copco GX11 9.75 23.20 83.52
3 Atlas Copco GA55 AWFF 7.50 165.30 595.08
4 Atlas Copco GA90 FF A 7.25 281.00 1011.60
Motor Power
CFM kW kW/100 CFM
21.19 5 23.60
49.16 11 22.38
350.25 55 15.70
595.41 90 15.12
Set.No.1 Set.No.2
Working Hrs per day 24 16
Working Days per Year 300 300
Total Working Hrs/Year 7200 4800
Symbol Description Comp.Sr.No 1 2
Unit 90 55
QR Comp.Cap. m³/hr 1011.60 595.08
P1 Ini. Pr. kg/ cm² abs 0.00 0.60
P2 Fnl.Pr. kg/ cm² abs 6.50 6.50
Patm Atm.Pr. kg/ cm² abs 1.00 1.00
RTcirc RT © cm - -
RTL RT Lngth cm - -
P1 circ P1 © cm - -
P1 L P1 Lngth cm - -
P2 circ P2 circ cm - -
P2 L P2 Lngth cm - -
P3 circ P3 circ cm - -
P3 L P3 Lngth cm - -
P4 circ P4 circ cm - -
P4 L P4 Lngth cm - -
Vr (RT+pipes) Vol m³ 2.30 2.30
PkW Comp.Mot.kW kW 106.70 67.60
t Time for P1toP2 min 0.87 1.30
Tr Rt. Temp. ºC 35.00 35.00
Ta Amb. Temp. ºC 29.00 29.00
Qc Calc. Cap m³/hr 1055.56 638.75
Qc Calc. Cap cft/min 621.28 375.95
QR Rated Cap. m³/hr 1011.60 595.08
QR Rated Cap. cft/min 595.41 350.25
PkW/Qc Sp.Pow.Consn. kW/m³/hr 0.10 0.11
PkW/Qc Sp.Pow.Consn. kW/cft/min 0.17 0.18
PkW/Qc Sp.Pow.Consn. kW/100cft/min 17.17 17.98
Total Annual kWh 20% kWh 20% Saving in Rs.
Sr.No. Name of Compressor Comsumption Saving @ Rs.9.96/Unit
8 Reciprocating type Compressor 24700 4940 49202
Total 24700 4940 49202
Total Payback Period (Months) 29
Expendutire of
VFD (Rs.)
Capacity 30 kVA
Alternator Engine
Make Stamford Make Power System India Ltd.
R.P.M. 1500 Model No. S3-802
Current 529 A Sr. No. 20673985
Voltage 415 V R.P.M. 1500

Capacity 250 kVA

Alternator Engine
Make Stamford Make Cummins India Ltd.
R.P.M. 1500 Model No. HC 444C1
Current 529 A Sr. No. 25279079
Voltage 415 V R.P.M. 1500

Capacity 300 kVA

Alternator Engine
Make Stamford Make Cummins India Ltd.
R.P.M. 1500 Model No. NCL 444D1
Current 529 A Sr. No. 84900318
Voltage 415 V R.P.M. 1500

Remark:- The DG Set is being used when there is power failure from GEB. Generally, power supply is regula
ower supply is regular so there is no proposal of saving in this regard.
Sr. No. Floor Location Lux

1 1st MD Office 185 250

2 2nd EDP Room 290 300
3 2nd Cashier Office (Pravinkaka) 320 300

2nd Chief Accountant Office

4 318 300
(Mithun Bhai)
5 2nd Side Cabin 315 300
6 2nd Side Cabin 158 300
7 2nd Account 247 300
8 2nd Account 247 300
1st Sales Office - 1st Desk from
9 246 300
Waiting Area

10 1st Sales Office - 2nd Desk from 226 300

Waiting Area
Sales Office - 3rd Desk from
Waiting Area 228 300
11 1st Reception - Main Desk 190 300
Reception - Back Desk 218 300
12 1st Conference Room 260 300
13 1st GM Office 106 300
14 1st VP Office 111 300
15 1st Pantry Room 139 150
16 1st Unit-1 Stores - Centre 360 250
17 1st Unit-1 Stores - Far Left 246 250
1st Unit-1 Office - Left Table 123 250
18 from door

1st Unit-1 Office - Right Table 80 250

19 from door

1st Unit-1 Lab (Tool Bits 68 300

21 1st Unit-1 Supervisor Table 144 250
22 1st Unit-2 Supervisor Table 91 250
23 1st Unit-2 Packing 378 300
25 1st Unit-2 Setting Machine 282 300
Unit-3 Office - Table 1
27 1st 76 250
(starting from door)
Unit-3 Office - Table 2
28 1st 96 250
(starting from door)
Unit-3 Office - Table 3
29 1st 102 250
(starting from door)
Unit-3 Office - Table 4
30 1st 46 250
(starting from door)
Unit-4 Lab - Table 1 (starting
32 1st 116 300
from door)
Unit-4 Lab - Table 2 (starting
33 1st
from door)
110 300

Unit-4 Lab - Inspection Desk

34 1st 196 700

1st Unit-4 Lab - Inspection Desk 122 700

35 2

1st Unit-4 Lab - Hardness Testing 175 700


37 1st Unit-4 Lab - Profile Projector 107 700

38 1st Unit-4 Maintenance Office - 160 300

Far Left from door
Unit-4 Maintenance Office -
39 1st 118 300
Near Left from door
Unit-4 Raw Material Store
40 1st
23 150
Sr. No. Locations Qty. Capacity Type Star Rating Space Dimensions
(Nos.) (Tons) B
L (Inches) (Inches)
1 MD Office 1 2 Split 3 127 204
2 EDP Room 1 2 Split 3 204 125
Cashier Office
3 (Pravinkaka) 1 1 Split 3 204 125
Chief Accountant
4 Office (Mithun Bhai) 1 1 Split 3 85 125
5 Side Cabin 1 1 Split 3 85 125
6 Side Cabin 1 1 Split 3 85 125
7 Account 1 1.5 Split 3 224 167
8 Account 1 1 Split 3 139 259
9 Sales 1 1.5 Split 3
10 Sales 1 1.5 Split 3 213 189
11 Reception 1 1.5 Split 3 127 100
12 Conference Room 1 2 Split 3 127 204
13 GM Office 1 1.5 Window N.A. 127 204
14 VP Office 1 1.5 Split 3 127 207
Small Conference
15 Office 1 1.5 Window N.A. 135 107.5
16 Unit-1 Office 1 1 Window N.A. 168 96
17 Unit-2 Induction 1 1.5 Window N.A. 228 120
18 Unit-3 Office 1 0.75 Split 3 120 276
19 Unit-4 Lab 1 1.5 Split 3 291 219
20 Unit-4 Quality Office 1 1.5 Window N.A.
Unit-4 Maintenance
21 Office 1 1.5 Split 3 291 219
ace Dimensions
(Inches) Occupancy
110 1
120 2

120 2

120 1
120 1
120 1
94 8
131 1

110 7
110 4
110 8
110 1
110 1

83 6
95 2
78.5 Panels
95 4
95 2

95 3

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