Film and Photography 11
Film and Photography 11
Film and Photography 11
Answer the question in a paragraph or two of 5-8 or more sentences inside the box.
In your view or opinion, which is more true: “Movies have been developing technology.” or ‘Technology has
been developing movies.”. Expound. To validate your answer more concretely, cite three or more examples
based on your experiences in developing movies or videos.
Criteria 1-2 3 4 5
Ideas and Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
There is no clear or specific You put thought into this, but there What you are writing What you are writing about is clear
explanation in answer to the is no real evidence of learning. More about is clear. You and well-expressed, including
question. specific information is needed or you answered the question. specific examples to demonstrate
need to follow the directions more Some support may be what you learned. Well done!
closely. lacking, or your sentences
may be a bit awkward.
Overall, a decent job.
No terms from the lesson are Only one term from the lesson is Your answer included Your answer included all the terms
used. used in the answer. Try for a few several terms from the from the lesson that applied to the
more, next time. lesson, demonstrating question asked. All terms are fully
adequate understanding defined and used in the proper
of the material. context.
Photography is the art A film, also known as a
or process of "movie" or a "motion
producing images by picture," is a series of
the action of radiant moving images shown
energy and especially on a screen, usually
light on a sensitive with sound, that make
surface (such as film or up a story.
an optical sensor)
A video camera is the centerpiece
of your filmmaking gear package.
What camera you choose depends
on your budget, the type of
shooting you're doing (static,
Video Camera stealth, run-and-gun, etc.) and
where you plan to showcase your
film (web-only, theater, broadcast,
etc). You can shoot a documentary
on anything from your iPhone to a
DSLR to a top of line digital cinema
camera such as the RED.
Whatever camera you choose,
make sure you capture excellent
Zoom Lens,
Macros, etc.
You'll need somewhere to
Video Tapes, record all that footage
you'll be shooting.
Flash Memory
Cards or DVD's
(depending on
your camera)
Angles in Photography:
Low angle
Angles in Photography:
Objective: Apply the different angles in photography
Direction: Inside your house, take a picture of any subjects, apply the different angles in
photography, and paste it inside the box bellow
Shot Sizes
Shot size refers to how big or small the frame is in
relation to the subject. Does your character fill the frame
or are they so far away as to be nearly invisible? What
else is visible in your shot? Multiple characters? Objects?
Objective: Apply the different sizes of shot in photography or film
Direction: Inside your house, take a picture of you or family, apply the different sizes of shot,
and paste it inside the box bellow
Direction: Research to answer the following questions bellow.
Shows mastery Shows good Shows some Shows limited Shows little or The work was
in the use of command of the command of the in the use of no command not presented
photographic use of use of photographic of the use of to m
equipment and photographic photographic equipment photographic
techniques to equipment and equipment and and equipment
attain the techniques to techniques to techniques to and
assignment attain most of the attain some of attain a few of techniques to
parameters. assignment the assignment the attain a few or
parameters. parameters. assignment none of the
parameters. assignment
Criteria 1-2 3 4 5
Ideas and Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
What you are writing about is clear
There is no clear or You put thought into this, What you are and well-expressed, including
specific explanation but there is no real writing about is specific examples to demonstrate
in answer to the evidence of learning. More clear. You what you learned. Well done!