Film and Photography 11

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Did you know that

student filmmakers
can win Oscars? They began by working with others on a
Winners who went on production team. They also knew that in order
to fame include to understand film as an art form, they had to
Robert Zemeckis, consider the jobs of the numerous individuals
Spike Lee, Trey who work together to make the film a reality.
Parker and John
Lasseter. Production-Team.html


Answer the question in a paragraph or two of 5-8 or more sentences inside the box. 
In your view or opinion, which is more true:  “Movies have been developing technology.” or ‘Technology has
been developing movies.”. Expound.  To validate your answer more concretely, cite three or more examples
based on your experiences in developing movies or videos.

Criteria 1-2 3 4 5
Ideas and Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
There is no clear or specific You put thought into this, but there What you are writing What you are writing about is clear
explanation in answer to the is no real evidence of learning. More about is clear. You and well-expressed, including
question. specific information is needed or you answered the question. specific examples to demonstrate
need to follow the directions more Some support may be what you learned. Well done!
closely. lacking, or your sentences
may be a bit awkward.
Overall, a decent job.

Use of terms Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent

No terms from the lesson are Only one term from the lesson is Your answer included Your answer included all the terms
used. used in the answer. Try for a few several terms from the from the lesson that applied to the
more, next time. lesson, demonstrating question asked. All terms are fully
adequate understanding defined and used in the proper
of the material. context.


Photography is the art A film, also known as a
or process of "movie" or a "motion
producing images by picture," is a series of
the action of radiant moving images shown
energy and especially on a screen, usually
light on a sensitive with sound, that make
surface (such as film or up a story.
an optical sensor)
A video camera is the centerpiece
of your filmmaking gear package.
What camera you choose depends
on your budget, the type of
shooting you're doing (static,
Video Camera stealth, run-and-gun, etc.) and
where you plan to showcase your
film (web-only, theater, broadcast,
etc). You can shoot a documentary
on anything from your iPhone to a
DSLR to a top of line digital cinema
camera such as the RED.
Whatever camera you choose,
make sure you capture excellent

A necessary piece of equipment to

keep your footage looking steady
and professional.

Tripod Get a tripod with a fluid head for

smoother looking pans.
Sometimes a nice pop of
light from the camera can
help fill in ugly shadows. A
camera light is a nice
Camera Light accessory to have
especially in a
documentary/news style
shoot where you might not
have time for a full 3-point
lighting set-up.
You only really need a
Three-Point lighting kit if you're
planning to do a lot of
Lighting Kit shooting inside. Creating a
well lit scene usually
involves a 3-way lighting

Great audio often

Shotgun separates the pros from
the amateurs. Having a
Microphone shotgun mic prepares you
for almost every situation.
It's perfect for setting on
top of your camera or a
boom pole.
A boom mic set-up comes
in handy to capture audio
from a group interview,
crowd scenes or any
Boom Pole situation where you need
to gather professional
audio quickly. In addition
to the boom pole (right),
you'll need
a shockmount and
a shotgun mic.
Here's the simple gadget
needed to turn your
shotgun mic into a boom
pole mic. A shock
Shock Mount mount keeps the mic
steady on top of the pole
and prevents the mic from
picking up "bumping"
sounds when the pole is
moving around. 
If you plan to use a
Audio (XLR) professional audio set-up
with your camcorder, you'll
Cables need XLR cables to go
from your camera to the
Sure, you can use a "wired mic"
which is a bit less expensive, but I
wouldn't go on a documentary
shoot without my wireless
microphone. Unless you have an
audio person who can hold a boom
mic, this is the next best thing
providing tons of flexibility for
Wireless walk-and-talk interviews with your
Microphone Recommended wireless mic system
(this is what we own): Sennheiser
EW 112P

Or try the less expensive and

popular Rode RodeLink Wireless

If you decide to shoot your

Portable Digital documentary with a DSLR such as
the Canon 5D Mark IV, it's highly

Audio Recorder recommended that you either get

an external mic or portable audio
recorder such as the Zoom
H5 (left).

Getting great audio means

monitoring the sound at all times
while shooting. Find a good quality,

Headphones comfortable set of headphones to

make sure you avoid any nasty
audio surprises when you get back
from the shoot.

This is a must-have item for your

documentary filmmaking kit. A
light reflector can turn an ugly
amateur-looking shot into a golden

Light Reflector and gorgeously lit scene.

Have you ever seen those cool

Lenses: Wide fish-eye scenes? That's from using
a special wide angle lens. If you're
Angle, Clear shooting in super sunny situations,
an ND filter or circular polarizer

"Protective" can dramatically improve the

image. Or what about super close-
ups of a bug or flower, that's when
Lens, Polarizer, you need a macro lens.

Zoom Lens,
Macros, etc.
You'll need somewhere to
Video Tapes, record all that footage
you'll be shooting.
Flash Memory
Cards or DVD's
(depending on
your camera)

A portable hard drive

External Hard comes in handy if you
plan to do a lot of
Drive shooting in the field and
need to offload your
footage from your
camera's memory cards.  

We love the rugged lacies


If you're shooting with a

DSLR Shoulder DSLR, putting your
camera on a shoulder
Mount Rig mount can add a nice
professional touch. It's
especially helpful if you
don't want to use a tripod
and a rig creates
smoother-looking footage
in a "run-and-gun"
shooting situation.
Camera Angles
Angles in Photography: the camera angle marks the
specific location at which the camera is placed to
take a shot. A scene may be shot from
several camera.
How do you find the perfect angle in photography?
9 tips for finding the perfect angle in photography
● Move around to improve composition. ...
● Shoot from the height of your subject. ...
● Get close…
● and even closer. ...
● Add perspective to your photos. ...
● Include interesting reflections. ..
● Include shadows in the composition. ...
● Shoot from the hip. ...
● Tilt your photos for a more dynamic look.

Angles in Photography:
Low angle

This is an angle where you point

the camera upwards at the
subject. When shooting a tall or
high subject from a low
angle,it creates a sense of depth
and intimidation, which allows you
to depict the presence and
intensity of the subject.Since the
sky usually forms the background,
it is easy to adjust the photo

Angles in Photography:
Objective: Apply the different angles in photography
Direction: Inside your house, take a picture of any subjects, apply the different angles in
photography, and paste it inside the box bellow
Shot Sizes
Shot size refers to how big or small the frame is in
relation to the subject. Does your character fill the frame
or are they so far away as to be nearly invisible? What
else is visible in your shot? Multiple characters? Objects?

Objective: Apply the different sizes of shot in photography or film
Direction: Inside your house, take a picture of you or family, apply the different sizes of shot,
and paste it inside the box bellow
Direction: Research to answer the following questions bellow.

1. What Are Megapixels?

2. What Is the ISO?

3. What Is Shutter Speed?

4. What Is the Aperture?

5. How Do I Use These Altogether?

6. What About a Flash?

7. What Is Image Stabilization?

8. Why Do I Need More Than 1 Lens?

9. What Is a Telephoto Lens?

10. What Is a Wide Angle Lens?


General Photography Assessment
  Mastery Good Average Limited Poor
10 pts 9 pts 8 pts 7 pts 6 pts 0 pts

Concept, Idea, Mastery Good Average Limited Poor 0

Shows Shows coherency Shows some Lacks general Lacks any The work was
coherency of the of the concept coherency of the coherency of coherency of not presented
concept with a with some concept with the concept. the concept. to me.
high degree of originality and commonly used Many of the Visual element
originality and sophistication. cliché or visual and cues do
sophistication. The idea is stated stereotyped elements and not lead the
The idea is well with visual imagery. The cues do not viewer to the
stated with elements and idea is obtuse, lead the intended idea.
visual elements cues but needs to and requires viewer to the
and cues. be more clear or greater clarity intended idea.
more strongly through the use
evident. of visual
elements and

Composition & Mastery Good Average Limited Poor 0

Shows strong Shows internal Shows obvious Image is Visual The work was
internal integrity integrity of the weaknesses in breaking apart integrity is not presented
of the visual visual elements. the internal - there is very nonexistent to me.
elements. A visual element integrity of the little internal and image has
Nothing needs needs to be visual elements. integrity of the broken apart.
to be added or added, moved or Many visual visual All of the
removed - removed - elements need to elements. visual need to
framing is framing needs be added, moved Most visual be rethought -
superb. some slight or removed - elements ned framing needs
adjustment. framing needs to be a complete
definite rethought - overhaul.
adjustments. framing needs

Technical Mastery Good Average Limited Poor 0

Shows mastery Shows good Shows some Shows limited Shows little or The work was
in the use of command of the command of the in the use of no command not presented
photographic use of use of photographic of the use of to m
equipment and photographic photographic equipment photographic
techniques to equipment and equipment and and equipment
attain the techniques to techniques to techniques to and
assignment attain most of the attain some of attain a few of techniques to
parameters. assignment the assignment the attain a few or
parameters. parameters. assignment none of the
parameters. assignment


Criteria 1-2 3 4 5
Ideas and Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent
What you are writing about is clear
There is no clear or You put thought into this, What you are and well-expressed, including
specific explanation but there is no real writing about is specific examples to demonstrate
in answer to the evidence of learning. More clear. You what you learned. Well done!

question. specific information is answered the

needed or you need to question. Some
follow the directions more support may be
closely. lacking, or your
sentences may be
a bit awkward.
Overall, a decent

Use of terms Needs improvement Approaching standards Good Excellent

Your answer included all the terms
No terms from the Only one term from the Your answer from the lesson that applied to the
lesson are used. lesson is used in the included several question asked. All terms are fully
defined and used in the proper
answer. Try for a few terms from the context.
more, next time. lesson,
understanding of
the material.

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