Leave Policy - Sample - 2010!11!26

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HRD/HRP/004 22/09/2006


To administer and provide guidelines to employees on availing leave.


All employees i.e. probationers and permanent nature and also the trainees
across the branches are covered under this policy.


This policy will apply to the existing employees and employees who may join in


Following types of leave may be granted to the employees

1. Casual Leave
2. Sick Leave (those who are not covered under ESI)
3. Privilege Leave


a) Trainees

During the first year training period, trainees are not eligible for any leave. 2 nd
year onwards they shall be entitled to 10 days leave in a year. Unavailed
leave can be accumulated to the next year.

b) Regular employees

CL – 6 days
SL – 6 days
PL - 1 day for every 20 days of actual days of working


a) Leave can be sanctioned only by the Department

Head or by the competent authority delegated with the power to do so. All
requests for leave should be routed through immediate supervisors for
recommendation and approval.

b) Normally the employees’ application for leave will be

considered favourably. However, the company reserves the right to
curtail/refuse the leave applied for or recall an employee, who has already
been granted leave, if exigencies of work so warrant.


(a) All leaves must be applied for in the

prescribed leave application form
(b) The application form must be submitted to the
employee’s immediate supervisor
(c) Application for leave must be submitted
before hand and duly authorized and approved by the HOD
(d) In case of emergency, the superior must be
informed over phone or by other means to be followed up later with a written
request in the prescribed application from.

Casual Leave
An employee is eligible for 6 days Casual leave in a calendar year. This will
be credited to the employees account in advance on the first of January every
b) The employee who joins the company on any other
day, will be eligible for CL on pro-rata basis
c) A Maximum of 2 days can be taken as CL at a time
d) Sundays, Off-days, National and Festival Holidays
can be combined with CL by prefixing or suffixing. However, the intervening
holidays, weekly offs will be treated as part of CL
e) If the employee overstays his leave or contravenes
any or all of the leave provisions aforesaid, the competent authority may at
his discretion and based on the merits of each case, treat the entire period of
absence as either Earned Leave or Leave on Loss of Pay.
f) Even half a day CL is permissible
g) Unavailed CL cannot be carried forward and will lapse
at the end of the year.

B. Sick Leave
a) All employees who are not covered under ESI are eligible for sick
b) An employee is eligible for 6 days SL in a calendar year and it is
credited to the employee’s account in advance on the 1st of January every
h) The employee who joins the company on any other
day, will be eligible for SL on pro-rata basis
i) Minimum of half a day can be considered as SL. SL
more than 3 days has to be ratified by submitting a Medical Certificate issued
by Registered Medical Practitioner.
c) The intervening holidays, weekly offs will be treated as part of SL
d) SL can be carried forward to the next year and accumulated upto a
maximum of 60 days.
e) Sick Leave more than 60 days will lapse.
f) unavailed SL cannot be encashed.

C. Privilege Leave

g) For every 20 days, employees will earn 1 day.

h) To calculate the 20 days, the actual working days will be taken into
account and weekly offs, NH/FH will not be added to the no. of days for
i) This leave will be credited to the employees account on completion
of one year. PL of an employee will be credited to 1st January of every year.
For example, if any employee joined the organization on 1st January 2006, his
PL will be credited to his account on 1st January 2007 and so on.
j) Employees join in the middle of the year will be credited on 1st
January on pro-rata basis.
j) Minimum of 3 days must be taken as PL and
maximum of his eligibility.
k) Holidays and Weekly Offs may be allowed to be
prefixed or suffixed. However intervening holidays and weekly offs will be
counted as part of the Privilege Leave.
l) PL can be carried forward to the next year and
accumulated upto a maximum of 120 days.


• Employees are encouraged to avail the PL in their credit as

far as possible.
• Only Basic and DA will be taken into account for

• Encashment will be allowed only at the time of

superannuation or retirement or resignation.

• For workmen, of the balance PL in their credit, they will be

encouraged to go on leave for more than 50% of the no.of days balance leave
available. For example, a workman at the time of resignation, has 20 days PL
in his credit, will be allowed go on leave for a minimum of 10 days and
allowed to encash the balance 10 days.

• Employees in staff level can encash their leave for the PL

available to their credit. For this purpose, only 50% for the leave balance will
be paid to him. For example, if an employee has 20 days PL in his credit, only
10 days will be taken into account for the purpose of encashment. However,
he will be free to apply for leave for all 20 days before his resignation or
retirement or even adjust leave against notice period.

• Managers of M4 and above are not eligible to encash their



Management shall review this policy periodically and amendments required, if any
shall be made accordingly.


This policy is basically guidelines and the management reserves the right to
withdraw / modify to suit organization’s philosophy at any time without assigning
any reason whatsoever.


The policy shall come into force with effect from 1st October 2006
Head-HR Head – Finance CMD

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