LearnToDraw PDF
LearnToDraw PDF
LearnToDraw PDF
by E. G. Lutz
Drawing Objects
Drawing Animals
Drawing People
The illustrations in this book will help you draw objects, animals and people step-by-step. Using your e-reader horizontally will allow the pictures to show up largest and with the greatest detail. Also, you may want to turn off 2-column mode if it is
on to allow for the greatest illustration size.
If you would like to download a PDF of the complete book for free, please use the link at the end of the book. This is ideal if you'd like to print any of the illustrations to view, or even trace, at a larger size.
Timeless Reads
In drawing from this book, copy the last diagram, or finished picture, of the particular series before you.
The other diagrams—beginning with number one, then number two, and so on—show how to go on with your drawing. They give the order in which to make the various strokes of the pencil that together form the completed picture.
The dotted lines indicate where light lines are drawn that help in construction—that is; getting proportions correctly, outlining the general form, or marking details in their proper places. Do not press hard on the pencil in making these construction
lines, then they can be erased easily afterwards.
Use a pencil compass to draw the circles, or mark them off by tracing buttons or disks.
Drawing Objects
Drawing Animals
Drawing People
Drawing Ovals and Ellipses
Suggestions for Water-color Painting
Here is a good list of colors for practical work. The first eight are enough for every purpose; but add, if you wish, purple and orange. Moist colors in pans are best.
There are many different kinds of red, green, blue and brown paints; and as you may be puzzled and not know what to get, the names of the best hues of these particular colors are also given.
The most useful paints in this list are yellow ochre, light red, Vandyke brown and Payne's gray. Lean to work with them, use them often and see the beautiful effects they produce. Delicate tints are made with thin washes of yellow ochre and light
red. Vandyke brown makes a variety of pleasing tints.
You do not need a black paint. Payne's gray with either brown, blue, crimson or green gives rich dark tones. Payne's gray is also useful in shadows and shading other colors. For the different kinds of greens, mix yellow ochre, blue or brown with
Hooker's green. Use thin washes of light red and blue for the gray of distances and clouds.
To download a full PDF of this book so you can print the illustrations for study or tracing, visit: