Space Wolves Armoured Force

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Space Wolves Armoured Force

This army list embodies a different style of war once again for the Space Wolves player. The force features an incredibly fast-
moving, heavily armed and armoured force capable of smashing the enemy with overwhelming firepower or a charge into close

Points Points
HQ Canis Wolfborn 185 Heavy Support Land Raider Crusader 250
Multi-melta 10
Troops 10 Grey Hunters 150
Flamer & Plasma gun Heavy Support Vindicator 115
Power weapon 15 Siege shield 10
Plasma pistol 15 Dozer blade 5
Rhino 35
Heavy Support 6 Long Fangs 90
Troops 10 Grey Hunters 150 Plasma cannon 20
2 x Plasma gun 10 Multi-melta 10
Power fist 25 Missile launcher 10
Rhino 35 2 Heavy bolters 10
Plasma Pistol & power weapon 30
Troops 15 Blood Claws 225 Razorback 40
Plasma pistol 15 Twin-linked lascannon 35
Power sword 15
Lukas the Trickster 140 TOTAL 1650

In this army list there is a solid core of close assault troops, supported by two brutal short-range tanks. Long range firepower is
provided by the Long Fangs and their Razorback.
Tactic one: Spearhead
Led by Canis Wolfborn (or, if you're savvy, having Canis tucked in neatly behind your Land Raider Crusader where he won't get shot
at), the Blood Claws in the Crusader, along with the two Rhinos packed full of Grey Hunters, all storm across the board and into
battle. There's very little subtlety to this tactic, just try and smash the enemy where they are strongest, so that they won't be able to
regroup effectively. Canis is particularly good at fighting large units though, so try and find a big squad for him to take on - the bigger
the better!

Tactic Two: Suppressing Fire

While the close assault elements of the army are laying into the enemy, the Vindicator, Crusader and Long Fangs' duty is to pump
fire into the foe! Split your shots with the Long Fangs to ensure you're hitting enemies with the right weapons, and back them up
with the Razorback. Use the Crusader and Vindicator to smash large formations, softening them up for your troops. Don't be afraid
to fire the demolisher cannon at vehicles though - it's so powerful that, should it hit, it will reduce the enemy to burning slag.

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