Foundations of Islamic Terrorism
Foundations of Islamic Terrorism
Foundations of Islamic Terrorism
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Yet another bomb to raunchy ‘Big Boss’
blasted in the otherwise rather than feel the
peaceful Varanasi ghat. pain of those who were
Yet another toddler affected by the blast!
lost its life. Many
more injured. And yet Yes, we agree that
once more a militant terrorism has no
group claiming to religion. But one must
defend ‘Islam’ proudly explore why almost
took responsibility of all terrorists today
carrying out yet another claim allegiance to one
terrorist attack. Indian particular religion. One
Mujahideens announced may claim that there is
that this was in response also ‘saffron’ terrorist
to recent Babri verdict. today as claimed by
many ‘sickularists’
Such attacks have including those who
become so rampant grab headlines by
these days. And so used receiving shoe in their
to have we become to press conference. A
proclaim that ‘Terrorism ‘saffron-terrorism’
has no religion’ that scandal always comes
we all tend to simply to front whenever the
blank our minds on government is facing
hearing such a news and a serious corruption
switch the TV Channel charge. However
As Hassan Nisar – ordinary Muslim tries to
the most renowned be as peaceful as rest
columnist of Pakistan of us. That is why world
and expert of Islam and is still such a beautiful
its history puts, Islam place to live!
and Islamic history are
two totally different But these majority are
things. Those who NOT the ruling class
follow spirit of Islam of Islam. The ruling
would not be violent. elite of Islam actually
After all Islam means follow history of Islam
Peace. Bulk of Muslims instead of ‘Islam’.
belong to this category. Thus they deliberately
Thus they do not bang try to keep ordinary
their heads over taking Muslim ignorant and
each and every verse uneducated. They
of Quran or Hadiths needlessly glorify and
blindly and literally. dramatize Islamic
Hence, in practice, they history and their own
reject all those verses of versions of Islam texts
Quran and Hadiths that so as to create a useful
defy tenets of equality, guinea-pig battalion of
peace, moral standards blind followers to be
and compassion for used as military tools.
all human beings The ordinary Muslim is
regardless of their thus forced to adjust to
religion. They do so to threats of this barbaric
best of their intellect and ruling class and manage
interest. Now basically a fine balance between
human being is a his own conscience,
peaceful animal ceterus compassion for non-
peribus. Thus the Muslims and fatwas of
THERE HAS BEEN NOT and supposed to be most
EVEN ONE SINGLE intelligent and closest to
WHICH DID NOT 3. Abu Bakr is alleged
MURDER ITS KINS AND to have been poisoned
RELATIVES. to death by a close
And you can then
imagine what would 4. Umar became the next
have been their Caliph but was murdered
barbarism on rest of by a muslim slave for
the population. (We curious reasons.
shall cite from Muslim
historians themselves) 5. Uthman was next
Caliph. He had the Quran
1. Prophet Muhammad compiled for the first
– founder of Islam time but was butchered
– is alleged to be allegedly by son of
assassinated by his own Abu Bakr when he was
wives – Aisha and Hafsa reading Quran.
as per many scholars of
Islam. 6. Finally Ali became
the Caliph but even he
2. After Muhammad, was murdered by his
Abu Bakr became the fellow-men while in
Caliph (leader of Islam) Namaz. Before this,
overruling the Caliphate Aisha – beloved wife
of Ali controversially. of Muhammad and
This caused the Shia- daughter of Abu Bakr
Sunni split. Ali was son- who is supposed to
in-law of Muhammad have been divinely wed
THERE HAD BEEN Ffile%3D12701030%26c
OF ISLAMIC RULERS 11. Many more Caliphs
WHICH DID NOT continued to be killed
MURDER ITS KINS AND ‘unnaturally’ – poison,
RELATIVES. murder, ‘unknown
diseases’ under
9. Hardly few years later, conspiracy to control the
when Caliph Walid died, ‘Islamic rule’.
his brother Sulaiman
became next Caliph THERE HAD BEEN
and murdered all those NOT EVEN ONE
who wanted to support SINGLE GENERATION
Caliphate of Walid’s son. OF ISLAMIC RULERS
10. Caliph Walid had MURDER ITS KINS AND
sent Muhammad Bin RELATIVES.
Qasim to invade India.
However Sulaiman 12. For 250 years,
ordered that Qasim be Muslim rulers did not
sewed in oxen-skin and dare to attack India
brought to him. This due to the defeats
was because he feared that Qasim had to face
that Qasim had violated when Hindus retaliated.
virginity of two women Then came the time of
beforehand who were Mahmud of Ghazni – the
supposed to be Caliph’s second butcher to loot
virgin sex-slaves. Refer India with meticulous
Chachnama – http:// plans. This great ‘Islam propagator’ had 9
persian/main?url=pf%3 wives and innumerable
murdered him and Masud Shah (son of
became the next Sultan. Rukunuddin) became
new emperor. Now
17. ltutmish nominated Masud Shah was
his daughter Razia for overthrown by his
Sultanate but his son brother Nasiruddin
Rukunuddin captured with support of his
the throne. Razia got son-in-law Balban –
him and his mother the greatest rapist of
murdered. Later Razia his times. Balban was
got into physical relation originally male sex-slave
with a slave whom she of Iltutmish.
then promoted as her
Chief Adviser. Meanwhile 19. Balban poisoned
Altunia, governer of Nasiruddin and became
Punjab rebelled and the emperor. Then he
had Razia and her lover murdered his cousin
captured. The lover was Sherkhan Sikar in 1270.
murdered and Razia In 1287, he appointed
was offered to his bed. Kay Khusaro as his
Meanwhile another heir but after his death,
brother of Razia – Balban’s grandson
Bahram Shah – usurped Qaiqabad became the
the throne of Delhi. emperor.
Altunia and Razia came
to fight him but were 20. Qaiqabad and his
miserably defeated. They three year old son were
were murdered while murdered by general
running for their lives. Jalaluddin Khilji. Thus
slave dynasty ended and
18. Bahram Shah Khilji dynasty began.
was murdered and
himself used to dress 25. And there was
like a woman and get competition among
into most vulgar acts sons of Giasuddin to
that can shame the most murder the father as per
shameless pervert. He long-running traditions
married Deval, the wife of these so-called
of his slain brother.He protectors of Islam.
got all his relatives killed Muhammad bin Tughlaq
or blinded to prevent emerged winner in this
any rebellion. Mubarak and he had his brothers
was later murdered and father murdered to
by his trusted general become next Sultan.
Khusro who was earlier
his slave. Khusro again 26. Muhammad bin
married Deval. Tughlaq had many of
his relatives murdered
24. But soon Khusro was in most brutal manner
murdered by Giasuddin to prevent any uprisings
Tughlaq, yet another against him. He had the
slave. The Tughlaq skin of of his nephew
dynasty began. peeled off and forced his
wives to eat it!
NOT EVEN ONE 27. After impotent
SINGLE GENERATION Muhammad died, the
OF ISLAMIC RULERS throne was annexed by
WHICH DID NOT the son of an illegitimate
MURDER ITS KINS AND son of Giasuddin’s
RELATIVES. father called Firozshah.
He then had all those
brutally murdered
whom he feared to give
be next ruler. Thus saga dynasty was more like
of murder continued a band of pirates of
generation by generation Somalia.
in Timurid dynasty
of butchers to which 32. Khizr Khan was
Mughals belonged. succeeded by Mubarak
Shah who continued
31. Once Timur went the terrorist activities
back after devastating but was then murdered.
India, the two Sultans He was followed by
came back. But one of Muhammad Shah.
them was murdered by Muhammad Shah
another. By this time the reigned for ten years and
Delhi rule was limited was murdered by Bahlol
only to NCR (National Lodhi, his general.
Capital Region) of those
times (hardly few km)! 33. After Muhammad,
The powerless sultan his son Alauddin became
finally died in 1413 and the ruler. He, along
his minister continued with his relatives, was
to rule for an year. Then assassinated by Bahlol
he was imprisoned Lodhi again. Now the
by Khizr Khan who Lodhi dynasty began.
had collaborated with
Timur Lang to plunder THERE HAD BEEN
India. The terrorist NOT EVEN ONE
Khizr started the Sayyid SINGLE GENERATION
dynasty claiming to be OF ISLAMIC RULERS
descendant of Prophet WHICH DID NOT
Muhammad! His empire MURDER ITS KINS AND
was limited to a small RELATIVES.
region and hence this
38. Babur nominated his 40. Islam Shah died of
brother-in-law Mahdi a ‘urinary‘ disease and
Khwaja as his successor. was succeeded by 12
But one of his sons year old Firuz Shah. He
Humayun usurped the was assassinated by his
throne after his death. uncle Muhammad Adil
Humayun and his half- Shah.
brother Kamran Mirza
had bitter fights for the 41. Muhamad Adil Shah
throne. Finally Humayun had to fight with his
defeated Kamran and brother-in-laws Ibrahim
had his eyes gouged. Khan and Ahmad Khan.
Another son of Babur His smart general Hemu
named Askari was took advantage of the
imprisoned. Both were situation and defeated
later murdered. all to establish rule over
39. Humayun was
defeated by Sher Shah 42. Humayun took
Suri who became the advantage of the strife
next butcher to rule within Suri dynasty and
India for next 5 years. conquered Delhi once
Sher Shah died in a more. But he died within
bomb explosion and was a year due to falling in
succeeded by his second drunk state from stairs.
son Islam Shah Suri.
The elder brother Adil 43. 13 year old Akbar,
Khan also attempted to son of Humayun, was
capture the throne but sworn next emperor
was murdered by Islam under guidance of
Shah. Bairam Khan, his
Jahangir on pretext of began again. Shahjahan
supporting Khusro in was out of Delhi.
most brutal and painful Noorjahan tried to
manner. kidnap her brother Asaf
Khan for supporting
47. Jahangir killed Mirza Shahjahan. Meanwhile
Baig and forced his Shahjahan had the
widow in his haram. This blind Khusro (his
was Noorjahan. He then elder brother) already
married Noorjahan’s poisoned to death.
niece to his son His son was made the
Khurram (or Shahjahan). emperor by Asaf Khan.
Then Noorjahan’s Noorjahan announced
daughter from first Shahryar to be the
husband was married emperor. The battle
to Shahjahan’s brother began. Shahryar was
Shahryar. This started captured and blinded.
another rivalry over next Meanwhile Shahjahan
ruler. Noorjahan used also returned. He had
to dominate Jahangir all the princes and
since he used to remain ‘announced emperors’
in addiction all the time. along with their families
She first supported killed. He then became
Shahjahan but then the next emperor in
supported Shahryar. 1628. Among the most
Thus Shahjahan rebelled vile humans to be born,
and many in family were some historians state
killed in 3 years. Finally that he did not spare
Jahangir died in a state even his daughter from
of intoxication. his lust. He used to say
that the gardener has
48. After this battle first right to taste his
Shah became the ruler. rule, Nadir Shah
attacked India. This
52. Meanwhile Nadir Shah had become
Farukh Siyar, nephew emperor by murdering
of Jahandar also Abbas, the young son
announced his claim. of Shah of Iran. In 1743,
With help of the he had eyes of his own
powerful Sayid brothers son gouged. He was
who became virtual enemy of both Shias
rulers, he defeated and and idol worshippers.
killed Jahandar. Finally Nadir Shah was
also murdered by his
53. After becoming nephew Ali Kuli Khan
emperor, Farukh along with his 13 sons
planned to get out and grandsons. One
of clutches of Sayid grandson managed to
brothers. But they save his life and he ran
attacked Farukh and away to Austria to serve
had him blinded and the kings there.
imprisoned. Later he
was strangulated to 56. After Nadir Shah,
death. thus Ahmad Shah,
his general, took the
54. Then Jahandar’s control of the empire
son Muhammad Shah who exceeded Nadir
Rangila was made Shah in brutality. He
the emperor by Sayid invaded India several
brothers . He was smart times making Mughals
enough to defeat them weaker and weaker. He
and then murder him. was effectively checked
by the Sikhs. He was
55. During Rangila’s succeeded by Timur
had done the same with 62 year old Bahadur
his family earlier. Shah Zafar. This time
there was no fight for
60. Eventually, Marathas succession because they
captured this Ghulam were scared that British
Qadir and handed over might kill them.
to Mughals who then
cut him into pieces over The summary is
several days in most simple : When these
brutal manner and made false representatives
the public display of the of Islam could not be
same. Finally they left faithful to their own
him to be eaten by a dog. father, brothers, sisters
The blind Shah Alam II and children, how can
was restored as emperor we expect them to
of Red Fort as a mercy. be human enough to
promote compassion
THERE HAD BEEN among rest of Muslims
NOT EVEN ONE and non-Muslims? And
SINGLE GENERATION how can those who
OF ISLAMIC RULERS glorify such perverts
WHICH DID NOT conduct any other
MURDER ITS KINS AND noble act apart from
RELATIVES. terrorism?
torturing non-Muslims. non-Muslims and were
preached by these
e. Muslims MUST rise ruling-elites to further
up to reject their present their own shameless
and past mullahs and political agendas. The
rulers completely. test is simple – if the
And Hindus should mullah or scholar – like
proactively rise up Zakir Naik or Bukhari or
to embrace all these whosoever – refuses to
innocent Muslims openly condemn these
back into their original butchers who used Islam
destination – before for political mileage in
the lineage of butchers very clear terms, then
from Muhammad Bin they are frauds. Simply
Qasim started invading refuse to even listen to
India. After all they are them. Throw their books
sons and daughters in dustbin and burn
of this great land and their videos. They are
not originating from simply being agents of
where these butchers the ruling elites trying
originated. And their to fool innocent Muslims
ancestors were forced to for their most selfish
embrace Islam through interests and most
such brutalities that damaging slaughter of
one would shudder to Islam.
This has been since
f. Muslims should also, death of Muhammad
accordingly, reject and would continue
all those Hadiths and unless Muslims rise up
verse of Qurans that proactively to fight it. Till
teach hatred against then, these ruling elites
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