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Reading Part 1 Multiple choice 1 Would you like to have an identical twin? What advantages and disadvantages might there be? 2. Read the text opposite quickly. Do cases like the ‘Jim twins’ tell scientists a, b or c? a why some women give birth to identical twins tb which physical features we inherit from which parent © how much of our personality we inherit from our parents dick for genera! meaning. tons fis, Don't ead the options (A-D) yt. arts ofthe text that contain the mnd ook again atthe relevant part of ‘Out any options that are claatly wrong, ide between two options, make an 3. Read the how to do it box. Then read the text again carefully, and for questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B,C or D) which you think fits best, according to the text. 1 Identical twins look the same A but usually have very different characters. B and are usually identical in character too. C and are often very similar in character too. D but rarely think in the same way. 2 Unlike non-identical twins, identical twins are ‘A more common among Asians than Africans. B becoming more and more common. more common among older mothers. D equally common everywhere. Scientists are particularly interested in identical twins who ‘A have been raised by different families. B are genetically exactly the same. © look and behave in very similar ways. D are not alike in terms of personality. while they were growing up, twins Jim and Jim Springer A. were in regular contact. c D their adoptive families. Lewis knew about their twin, but had no contact. did not know they had ever had a twin. ‘were prevented from seeing each other by ‘When the two Jims met as adults, how did they react to the similarities between them? A. They had always expecied them. B They found them very amusing. © They did not realise how similar they were until the researchers told them, D They were very surprised. As adults, the twins A. both had only one child. B both got married twice. © had pets with the same name. D_ married women who were identical twins. How do other cases of twins raised apart compare with the ‘Jim twins’? A. They are all just as surprising. B They are less surprising, but often show interesting coincidences. C Many of them are even more surprising. D_ Most of them show that other pairs of identical twins are not very similar, According to the text, you might find it difficult, to change your personality because A. only other people can change it. B it is determined mainly by how your treat you. € you can't control your surroundings, parents D_you get your personality from your parents, Language‘ou take it for granted that you are a unique person, different from everybody else on Earth, and you understand that everybody else is also unique. Identical twins are fascinating because they challenge this notion: they are unique people, of course, bout they're also unnervingly similar to each other ~ and not only in terms of appearance. They often share ‘opinions, mannerisms and personality traits. Identical twins are rare, eceurring in about throe out of every 1,000 births. ‘They seem to occur at random, regardless of the age or ethnic. background of the mother (unlike non-identical twins which are, for ‘example, far more common among Africans than Asians). Although there may be tiny differences in physical appearances between two identical twins, which allow family and close friends to tell them apart, they do have exactly the same DNA. This is because they develop from a single ‘299 Which divides in two during the very early stages of pregnancy. For scientists, the non-physical similarities between identical twins are the most interesting: are they the result of growing up together in the same home, or are they the result of their identical DNA? By studying identical twins who have not grown up together, researchers can see which similarities remain and which disappear. In other words, they can learn which aspects ‘of a person's identity are determined by genes and which ara influenced by the environment. The Minnesota Twi 6 ‘Study is probably the best-known twin study to date. The study provides information about how ur environment and genes work together to influence everything from attitudes, talents and abilities, to job selection, to falling in love, to aging and health. Identical twins Jim Lowis and Jim Springer were only four weeks old when they were separated; each infant was taken in by a different adoptive family. At age five, Lewis learned that he had a twin, but he said that the idea never truly ‘soaked in’ until he was 98 years old. Springer learned of his twin at age eight, but both he and his adoptive parents believed the brother had died. The two Jims were finally reunited at age 39. The similarities the twins shared not only amazed ono another, but also amazed researchers at the University of Minnesota. The very fact that both twins were given the same name was a big coincidence. But there's more. + As youngsters, each Jim had a dog named ‘Toy’. + Each Jim had been married twice the first wives were both called Linda and the second wives were both called Betty. ‘= One Jim had named his son James Allan and the other Jim had named his son James Alan. = Each twin had driven his light-blue Chevrolet to the same beach in Florida for family vacations. ‘= Both Jims had at one time held part-time posts as sheriffs. * Both wore fingernail biters and suffered from migraine headaches. While not as eerily similar as the Jim twins, many more instances of strange likenesses can be found among twins who were raised apart. For example, identical ‘twins Tom Patterson and Steve Tazumi had very different upbringings. Raised in a Christian family by two janitors in rural Kansas, Tom still managed to choose the samo career as his brother. Steve, who lives in Philadelphia, ‘was raised in a Buddhist household. Both men own body-bullding gyms. W's obvious from thase twins’ stories thet genetics are a major factor in shaping who we are. In fact, research so far indicates that characteristics such as personality are ‘mainly related to genes. This means that our character traits as adults are largely determined before we are born = and there is very litle that we, or anybody else, can do ‘to change them. 4. Discuss your reaction to the final sentence in the text, giving reasons. Do you believe it, and if 50, do you think it is a good or bad thing? unit1 @ @®Vocabulary Describing personality 1 In pairs, discuss whether the personality adjectives. in the box below are a good b bad © either good or bad 2, €) Listen to five people describing a friend or relative. Choose the best adjective from 1 to sum up their description. Speaker 1 thinks that her uncle is Speaker 2 thinks that his brother is Speaker 3 thinks that her friend is Speaker 4 thinks that his cousin is Speaker § thinks that her father is 3 Read the tip box then think of three people you know well and describe them to a partner. Use adjectives from 1 and give examples of their behaviour. Example My sister, Belinda, is very sensible. For example, she always goes to bed early if she has a busy day the next day. Grammar | Talking about the future GR p165 1 Choose the best verb form (a-c) to complete sentences 1~7. 1 By the time we get to the nightclub, most people home. a will go b are going © will have gone 2. The train to London at the station at 6 o'clock. a. is going to leave b leaves is leaving 3 As soon as I save enough money, you a laptop. a [buy b rilbuy © [llhave bought 4 By the time she leaves music school, she the plano for 12 years. a will study b_ will be studying © will have been studying 5 Louis won't be at school tomorrow because in a swimming tournament. a he's taking part b he'll take part che takes part 6 This time next month, we Thailand. a will travel bare travelling will be travelling 7 My sister doesn’t feel well, s0 this afternoon. a she'll have stayed b she stays © she's going to stay at 6.13, so let's meet around at homei¢g with the tenses below, and the sentences in 1. Check your
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