Aspergillus Infections in Birds: A Review
Aspergillus Infections in Birds: A Review
Aspergillus Infections in Birds: A Review
Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University,
Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium
Aetiology Pathogenesis
Aspergillosis is mostly caused by Aspergillus fumigatus Inhalation is considered the main infection route for A.
but Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus in birds (Oglesbee, 1997), and because A.
glaucus, Aspergillus nidulans, and other Aspergillus fumigatus spores are too small to be trapped completely
species or mixed infections can play a role in the disease in the nasal cavity or trachea, some are able to reach the
(Barton et al., 1992; Perelman & Kuttin, 1992; Joseph, lungs and air sacs (Fedde, 1998). The air sacs are usually
2000). The reason why A. fumigatus is the predominant the primary infection sites, since inhaled air reaches the
species of airborne fungal infections might be that the posterior thoracic and abdominal air sacs prior to
spores are much smaller than the spores of other contacting epithelial surfaces in the lungs (Nardoni
Aspergillus species (Richard & Thurston, 1983). et al., 2006). In the lung parenchyma, spores get
embedded in the atria and parts of the infundibula in
the parabronchus and are engulfed by (surface) phago-
Epidemiology cytic epithelial cells (Maina, 2002). When there are too
many spores or the bird has an impaired immune
An increased concentration of spores in the environment
response, the innate defence mechanisms do not succeed
may predispose a bird to aspergillosis. A warm environ-
in eliminating infection at the site of the air capillaries.
ment, humidity, poor ventilation (Phalen, 2000; Tell,
2005), poor sanitation (Oglesbee, 1997) and the long- This may lead to the development of loosely attached
term storage of feed (Khosravi et al., 2008) may increase plaques, which may or may not become overgrown by
the amount of spores in the air. Factors impairing the connective tissue of the host. These plaques or necrotic
bird’s immunity can also predispose to mycosis. Exam- debris in the respiratory tract can obstruct the trachea or
ples of this include the administration of tetracyclines bronchi and/or fill up the air sacs (Oglesbee, 1997).
(Oglesbee, 1997) or long-term steroids (Verstappen & Occasionally, sporulation occurs in the lungs and air sacs
Dorrestein, 2005), vaccination (Barton et al., 1992), (Nardoni et al., 2006; Cacciuttolo et al., 2009). Hyphae
metabolic bone disease (Vanderheyden, 1993), an inade- containing fruiting bodies can fill the lumen and may
quate diet (Bauck et al., 1992; Dorrestein, 1992) result- penetrate the air sacs, causing serositis and superficial
ing in hypovitaminosis A (McMillan & Petrak, 1989; De necrosis in the adjacent organs (Tsai et al., 1992). Besides
Herdt, 1996), overcrowding (McMillan & Petrak, 1989), direct extension of the infection through the air sac wall,
shipping (Tsai et al., 1992), quarantine or capture of wild disseminated mycosis also occurs by haematogenous
birds (Abrams et al., 2001), starvation, thermal discom- spread. Hyphae, which are known to be tissue and
fort, migration (Young et al., 1998), inbreeding (Low angio-invasive (Dahlhausen et al., 2004), as well as host
et al., 2005), circovirus infection (Soike et al., 1999) and cells play a role in this spreading mechanism. Macro-
lymphoproliferative disorders (Kelly et al., 2004), tox- phages in the respiratory tract ingest spores and find
icosis (Young et al., 1998; Carrasco et al., 2001; Jung their way through the interstitium into the blood and
et al., 2009), traumatic injuries (Xavier, 2008) and lymphatic stream and thus to other organs (Richard &
reproductive activity (Jones & Orosz, 2000). Thurston, 1983).
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: 32 474 43 86 62. E-mail: [email protected]
Received 17 November 2009
ISSN 0307-9457 (print)/ISSN 1465-3338 (online)/10/050325-07 # 2010 Houghton Trust Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2010.506210
326 L. A. Beernaert et al.
The relevance of virulence factors in avian aspergillo- 2001). Birds suffering from aspergillosis do not always
sis is not well known, as research on this is minimal show respiratory problems. The owner of a trained
(Peden & Rhoades, 1992; Richard et al., 1994, 1996). raptor, for example, may rather observe that the bird’s
Ongoing studies suggest that A. fumigatus conidia may reactions are impaired. Unilateral drooping of the wing
be able to resist killing by the avian respiratory macro- (due to infection of the thoracic air sac, the clavicular air
phage (Van Waeyenberghe et al., 2009). sac or the proximal humerus) or repeated vomiting (due
Two types of tissue reaction are recognized: the to lesions in the anterior air sacs) is also seen (Forbes,
granulomatous or deep nodular form, and the infiltra- 1991, 1992).
tive or superficial diffuse form. In the first type, neither
exudative inflammation nor vascular lesions in the
neighbouring tissues are seen. This type of encapsulated Diagnosis
reaction develops both in non-aerated and aerated
organs (Nardoni et al., 2006; Femenia et al., 2007; The signs of aspergillosis are non-specific, making
Cacciuttolo et al., 2009). In the non-ridged, non- diagnosis difficult (Dahlhausen et al., 2004). Moreover,
encapsulated infiltrative type, the fungus frequently no single test provides certainty. Diagnosis usually relies
invades blood vessels. In aerated organs such as the upon an accumulation of evidence from the history,
lungs and the air sacs, the fungus may form aggregates of clinical presentation, haematology and biochemistry,
radiating hyphae containing large numbers of conidio- serology, radiographic changes, endoscopy and culture
phores and conidia in the absence of a structured of the fungus (Jones & Orosz, 2000).
granuloma formation (Nardoni et al., 2006; Cacciuttolo The history of the bird can reveal a stressful event and/
et al., 2009). A mixed type composed of both tissue or some underlying environmental factors and/or an
reactions in the same tissue section is also possible (Tsai immunosuppressive condition or treatment (Jenkins,
et al., 1992; Atasever & Gümüssoy, 2004). 1991). It may also reveal chronic debilitation, voice
The popular assumption that the paucity of free avian change or exercise intolerance (Oglesbee, 1997).
respiratory macrophages results in an inadequate or The clinical signs depend on which form of aspergil-
incompetent avian respiratory immune system and is losis the bird develops and which organs are involved
therefore responsible for the high susceptibility of (Jones & Orosz, 2000). Hence, aspergillosis should be
birds to respiratory pathogens (Toth & Siegel, 1986) included in the differential diagnosis of respiratory tract
lacks scientific foundation. Instead, the susceptibility of and systemic diseases (Jenkins, 1991; Jones & Orosz,
birds to Aspergillus spp. may be attributed to differences 2000).
in anatomical, physiological and respiratory immune Results of haematology and plasma biochemistry can
system characteristics compared with mammals (Toth, be considered indicative rather than diagnostic (Jones &
2000; Maina, 2002; Tell, 2005). Orosz, 2000). Leukocytosis of 20,000 to more than
100,000 white blood cells per microlitre (Jenkins, 1991;
Oglesbee, 1997), heterophilia with a left shift (degenera-
tive shift), monocytosis and lymphopenia have been
Clinical signs and lesions
described in aspergillosis cases (Forbes, 1992). In addi-
Clinical manifestations depend on the infective dose, the tion, non-regenerative anaemia, increased total protein
spore distribution, pre-existing diseases, and the immune and globulin fraction can be observed (Vanderheyden,
response of the host (Dahlhausen et al., 2004). Avian 1993; Reidarson & McBain, 1995; Jones & Orosz, 2000).
aspergillosis is often classified as acute or chronic. Acute Acute infections often present an increase in b-globulins,
aspergillosis is thought to be the result of inhaling an while chronic infections show an increase in b-globulin
overwhelming number of spores, while chronic aspergil- and/or g-globulin fractions. However, immunosup-
losis is generally associated with immune suppression pressed birds may have hypoproteinaemia (Ivey, 2000;
(Vanderheyden, 1993). Cray et al., 2009a) and white blood cells may be in the
Although aspergillosis is predominantly a disease of normal range (Flammer & Orosz, 2008). Overall,
the respiratory tract, any organ can be infected. Nasal changes in protein electrophoresis are non-specific, but
aspergillosis causes exudative rhinitis (Tsai et al., 1992), can be useful to estimate disease progression and the
possibly accompanied by malformation of the nostrils, response to therapy (Ivey, 2000; Cray et al., 2009a).
beak and cere (Bauck et al., 1992). Mycotic keratitis can Serological tests have been developed to confirm an
cause blepharospasm, photophobia, periorbital swelling, early and more definite diagnosis of aspergillosis (Peden
turbid discharge, swollen and adhered eyelids, cloudy & Rhoades, 1992). However, in the acute stage, antibody
cornea and cheesy yellow exudates within the conjuncti- production trails behind antigen exposure by 10 to 14
val sac (Beckman et al., 1994; Hoppes et al., 2000). days (Brown & Redig, 1994); and if the bird is
Neurological signs can be caused by Aspergillus spp. immunosuppressed, the low antibody production results
(Jensen et al., 1997). Epidermal cysts associated with A. in false negative results (Redig, 1994). In these cases,
fumigatus have been described in the comb of a silky detection of circulating Aspergillus antigen in the serum
bantam chicken (Suedmeyer et al., 2002). Aspergillus may be more helpful (Cray et al., 2006). In chronic cases
blepharitis and dermatitis involving the eyelids and the in which antigen levels may be low, detection of
head have been described in a peregrine falcongyrfalcon antibodies may be useful (Jones & Orosz, 2000). A
hybrid (Falco peregrinus x Falco rusticolus) (Abrams number of serological test methods have been applied in
et al., 2001). Right ventricular dilatation (cor pulmonale) birds, including counter-immunoelectrophoresis, agar gel
due to pulmonary hypertension, with or without ascites, immunodiffusion and enzyme-linked immunosorbent
and congestion of the lungs caused by ventricular failure assays*but, in general, negative serological tests do
occasionally occurs (Julian & Goryo, 1990; Höfle et al., not rule out aspergillosis, and positive tests are only
Aspergillus infections in birds 327
considered diagnostic when backed up by other evidence 2004; Cray et al., 2009a). However, further research is
(Peden & Rhoades, 1992; Brown & Redig, 1994; Redig, necessary before such assays can be included in the
1994; Redig et al., 1997; Le Loch et al., 2005; Arca- work-up of the avian practitioner.
Ruibal et al., 2006; Cray et al., 2006, 2009a,b).
Although radiographs may not be helpful, lateral and
ventrodorsal views can be taken in a bird suspected of Treatment
having aspergillosis. For those that are unlikely to
survive anaesthesia, standing or perching lateral views Treating avian aspergillosis is a challenge due to a
as well as dorsoventral views are helpful (Jones & Orosz, number of factors. These include the limited knowledge
2000). The radiographic changes of pneumonia and on the pharmacokinetics of antifungal agents in different
consolidating airsacculitis are non-specific (McMillan & bird species, the granulomatous inflammation that
Petrak, 1989). Consistent with radiography, computed makes it difficult for the drug to reach the target fungus,
tomography scans reveal the extent of lesions*but the the presence of concurrent disease and/or immunosup-
diagnosis of aspergillosis still requires identification by pression, and the late stage at which birds are usually
biopsy, smear or culture (Phalen, 2000). presented (McMillan & Petrak, 1989; Flammer, 1993;
Endoscopy is invasive and requires anaesthesia, but it Orosz & Frazier, 1995). The best way to overcome the
allows the extent of the lesions to be seen as well as the disease is topical therapy after removing the granuloma-
progress of infection during treatment (Redig, 1994; tous tracheal lesions by suction (Westerhof, 1995), and
Jones & Orosz, 2000). This technique enables evaluation this can be used in combination with an early, aggressive
of the entire respiratory tract. Tracheal endoscopy is systemic antifungal therapy. In most birds, however,
useful for showing a single lesion, such as a thick white granulomatous lesions are difficult to remove because of
discharge or plaque occluding the trachea or syrinx their location within the respiratory system and because
(Jenkins, 1991; Marks et al., 1994; Redig, 1994). The of the risk of surgical trauma and anaesthesia (Hernan-
lower respiratory tract is best evaluated by laparoscopy dez-Divers, 2002). Hence, in most cases, only antifungal
(Jones & Orosz, 2000). Endoscopy of the abdominal air therapy is applied. Topical therapy can be administered
sac can show a diffuse cloudiness or white or yellow by nebulization, nasal or air sac flushing, or surgical
plaques. In the event of sporulation, plaques are covered irrigation of the abdominal cavities (Bauck et al., 1992;
Oglesbee, 1997; Abrams et al., 2001), while systemic
with greengray pigmented mould. Samples for culture
therapy can be administered intravenously and orally.
and cytology should be taken directly with biopsy
The role and prevalence of acquired resistance to
forceps or via air sac lavage (Jenkins, 1991; Taylor,
antifungal drugs as a potential contributing factor is
1993; Oglesbee, 1997).
not well known. Since drug resistance has been increas-
On necropsy, the yellow, green or white granuloma-
ingly reported in human medicine (Snelders et al., 2008),
tous foci can be noted in chronic aspergillosis patients
standardized susceptibility testing is also becoming
(Jenkins, 1991; Vanderheyden, 1993). Acute aspergillosis
necessary in avian medicine. Literature regarding in vitro
causes numerous miliary granulomatous foci (McMillan
susceptibilities of antifungal agents for avian A. fumigatus
& Petrak, 1989; Jenkins, 1991).
strains in birds is scarce. The minimal inhibitory concen-
Definitive diagnosis requires demonstration of the
tration of thiabendazole, 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole,
presence of the organism by cytology or histopathology ketoconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B, itraconazole
and its identification by culture (Dahlhausen et al., and voriconazole for a limited number of A. fumigatus
2004). It is important to mention that isolation of the strains isolated from raptors has been determined using
fungus alone does not confirm the infection because non-standardized methods (Redig & Duke, 1985; Silva-
Aspergillus organisms are ubiquitous and can be con- nose et al., 2006, 2009). Currently, a reference method is
taminants (Jensen et al., 1997; Flammer & Orosz, 2008). available to test the antifungal susceptibility of filamen-
However, an abundant culture from any organ should be tous fungi (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
regarded as diagnostic. On the contrary, a negative document M38-A2), thus solving the lack of standardiza-
culture does not rule out aspergillosis (Redig, 1994; tion. Using this method, the in vitro susceptibility of 59
Jensen et al., 1997). avian A. fumigatus strains against amphotericin B,
Histopathological lesions can be suggestive, but be- itraconazole and voriconazole has been determined.
cause in vivo hyphae of hyaline filamentous fungi are Four isolates showed acquired resistance to both itraco-
very similar and their in situ manifestations are not nazole and voriconazole, a fact that may harbour
pathognomonic, this technique does not allow fungal implications for the treatment (Beernaert et al., 2009c).
species identification (Kaufman et al., 1997; Cray et al., Specific drug properties, toxicity and dose regimens of
2009a). Thus the aetiological diagnosis should ideally be a number of antifungal drug classes commonly applied
confirmed by immunohistochemistry, although few re- in avian aspergillosis are summarized in Table 1.
ports on immunohistochemical techniques using mono-
clonal or polyclonal antibodies in birds with aspergillosis
are available (Carrasco et al., 1993; Jensen et al., 1997;
Beytut et al., 2004, Beytut, 2007).
A few reports of different polymerase chain reaction Protective immunity following vaccination is thought to
assays (including real-time polymerase chain reactions) be useful in treating and preventing avian aspergillosis.
tested on heparinized whole blood, tracheal washings, However, attempts to devise vaccination strategies
air sac fluids, respiratory tract granulomas, or (biopsy) appear questionable in immunosuppressed animals that
tissue samples from birds support the value of this assay would need passive immunization with immunoglobulins
in diagnosing avian aspergillosis (Dahlhausen et al., (Schmidt, 2002). Nevertheless, a number of different
328 L. A. Beernaert et al.
Table 1. Summary of the administration routes and doses of antifungal agents used for avian aspergillosis.
Amphotericin B Intravenous 1.5 mg/kg qa8 h 3 to 5 days (Flammer, 1993; Joseph et al., 1994), 10 to 14 days (Jenkins, 1991)
Intratracheal 1.5 mg/kg q8 to 12 h (raptors) (Redig & Duke, 1985)
Nebulization 1 mg/kg q24 h 10 to 14 days (Jenkins, 1991), q12 h (raptors) (Joseph et al., 1994)
Into air sac 1 mg/ml 15 min 5 to 7 days every other week (Orosz & Frazier, 1995), q12 h (Joseph
et al., 1994)
Topical (wound) Dose not specified (Flammer, 1993)
1.35 mg/kg q24 h (liposomally encapsulated amphotericin B) (Bonar & Lewandowski, 2004)
Clotrimazole Topical Dose not specified (Flammer, 1993)
Nebulization 10 mg/ml polyethylene glycol for 30 to 45 min q24 h 3 days on/2 days off (1 to 4 months) (Joseph
et al., 1994; Orosz & Frazier, 1995)
Enilconazole Topical Dose not specified (Flammer, 1993)
Nebulization 0.1 ml/kg for 30 min q24 h 5 days on/2 days off (raptors) (Heatly et al., 2007)
Disinfection Environment: flush with solutions as recommended for use in poultry houses (Flammer, 1993)
Fluconazole Oral, intravenous 5 mg/kg q24 h 7 days (Bauck et al., 1992; Flammer, 1993)
15 mg/kg q12 h (psittacines) (Pericard, 2005)
Itraconazole Oral 5 to 15 mg/kg q12 h with food for 7 to 21 days (Bauck et al., 1992)
10 mg/kg q24 h 3 weeks (Verstappen & Dorrestein, 2005) (falcons) (Jones et al., 2000)
15 mg/kg per orally q12 h/q24 h (Abrams et al., 2001), 10 to 20 mg/kg q12 h/q24 h (Flammer,
5 mg/kg q24 h 30 days (African grey parrots) (Orosz & Frazier, 1995)
5 to 10 mg/kg q24 h (Amazon parrots) (Orosz et al., 1996), 6 mg/kg q12 h (pigeons) (Lumeij
et al., 1995)
Preventive: 10 mg/kg q24 h 10 days (Forbes, 1992), 20 mg/kg q24 h (Meredith, 1997), 15 to
25 mg/kg/day for 1 week (Xavier, 2008)
Ketoconazole Oral 10 to 30 mg/kg q12 h 21 days (resuspending in orange juice q5 days) (Bauck et al., 1992)
20 to 30 mg/kg q12 h (Flammer, 1993), 30 mg/kg q12 h 14 to 30 days (Orosz & Frazier, 1995)
Miconazole Topical q12 h (Flammer, 1993; Orosz & Frazier, 1995; Abrams et al., 2001; Suedmeyer et al., 2002)
Nebulization pH balanced solution, aqueous base, dilute in saline: 15 to 20 min q12 h (Orosz & Frazier, 1995)
Intratracheal 5 mg/kg, 10 mg/ml, q12 h (diluted to maximum 0.5 ml with saline) (Westerhof, 1995)
Terbinafine Oral 10 mg/kg q12 h to q24 h, 15 mg/kg q12 h (psittacines) (Flammer & Orosz, 2008)
Nebulization Can be combined with itraconazole (Flammer, 2006). Dose not mentioned
Voriconazole Oral 10 mg/kg q12 h (pigeon) (Beernaert et al., 2009a,b), q24 h (chickens) (Burhenne et al., 2008)
(African grey parrots) (Scope et al., 2007)
12 to 18 mg/kg q12 h (African grey parrots) (Flammer & Orosz, 2008)
12.5 mg/kg q12 h, 3 days loading dose, then q24 h (raptors) (Di Somma et al., 2007; Schmidt
et al., 2007)
40 mg/kg q24 h (quails) (Tell et al., 2009)
5-fluorocytosine Oral 50 to 100 mg/kg q12 h (Flammer, 1993)
60 to 250 mg/kg q12 h (cage birds); 40 mg/kg q6 to 8 h (raptors) (Jenkins, 1991)
150 to 250 mg/kg q12 h 21 days (Bauck et al., 1992)
120 mg/kg q12 h 3 weeks (Westerhof, 1995)
75 to 120 mg/kg q24 h (dose/4 q6 h) (Redig & Duke, 1985)
120 mg/kg q6 h (Joseph et al., 1994)
vaccination strategies have been attempted in birds using role in future treatment protocols for avian aspergillosis
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