The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) PDF
The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) PDF
The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) PDF
The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC): From conception to mass
Martin A. Green n
Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics, School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
2052, Australia
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Improved solar cell efficiency is the key to ongoing photovoltaic cost reduction, particularly as economies
Received 31 March 2015 of scale propel module-manufacturing costs towards largely immutable basic material costs and as
Received in revised form installation costs become an increasingly large contributor to total system costs. To enable manufacturers
28 June 2015
to move past the 20% cell energy conversion efficiency figure in production, high-efficiency PERC (Pas-
Accepted 29 June 2015
sivated Emitter and Rear Cell) sequences are being increasingly brought online. Most new photovoltaic
manufacturing capacity added in the second half of 2014 was PERC-based, making PERC now the cell
Keywords: technology with second-highest production capacity, with the latest industry roadmap anticipating PERC
Silicon solar cells will become the dominant commercial cell technology by 2020. The first paper describing the PERC cell
appeared in 1989, although the structure was conceived several years earlier. The attractive technical
High efficiency solar cells
features were the reduction of rear surface recombination by a combination of dielectric surface passi-
vation and reduced metal/semiconductor contact area while simultaneously increasing rear surface
reflection by use of a dielectrically displaced rear metal reflector. The key issues in the development of
this technology and its commercial implementation are described, including a review of recent adoption
rates and the way these are likely to evolve in the future.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Background technology efficiency being its high open-circuit voltage (Voc). A contributor to
this high voltage (658.4 mV at 25 °C) was the reduced area of the
The first paper describing the PERC cell appeared in 1989 [1], top surface contact, the first demonstration of improved conver-
although this device was first described in 1983 in a UNSW sion efficiency by this approach, and surface passivation by
(University of New South Wales) final grant report [2] and as a dielectric oxide, both features that the PERC cell sought to emulate
deliverable in a subsequent grant proposal [3], accompanied in on the rear surface. The PESC cell retained the Al alloyed BSF/BSR
both cases by the drawing shown in Fig. 1. The attractive feature (back surface field/ back surface reflector) developed in the late
was the elegant way in which the PERC cell incorporated three 1960s [6] that had featured in earlier generations of high efficiency
attributes into the rear contacting scheme that earlier work at cells and has been used in most commercial cells to date.
Any solar cell can be associated with an effective diode
UNSW and elsewhere had shown were important to obtaining
saturation current density, Jo, calculated from its measured Voc and
high efficiency. These were the reduction of rear surface recom-
short-circuit current density, Jsc, as:
bination by a combination of dielectric surface passivation and
reduced metal/semiconductor contact area, with simultaneously ⎛ qVoc ⎞
Jo = Jsc /[exp ⎜ ⎟ − 1]
increased rear surface reflection by use of a dielectrically displaced ⎝ kT ⎠ (1)
rear metal reflector.
where T is the absolute temperature and kT/q is the thermal vol-
Around the time the PERC cell was proposed, the highest
tage (25.693 mV at 298.15 K or 25 °C). This cell had a creditable Jo
confirmed efficiency for a Si cell was 19.1% [4], estimated as 18.4%
of 270 fA/cm2 at 25 °C, almost evenly divided between contribu-
efficient by present standards [5]. The cell structure was a rela-
tions from the combination of top surface and contact recombi-
tively simple UNSW planar PESC cell (Passivated Emitter Solar
nation and from bulk and rear contact recombination [7].
Cell) of Fig. 2 with the main feature responsible for its high Apparently the first published suggestion of reduced contact
area as a way of reducing contact recombination and its con-
Tel.: þ 61 2 9385 4018. tribution to Jo was made at UNSW almost a decade earlier [8]. In
E-mail address: [email protected] the Crowell-Sze thermionic-emission/diffusion theory of metal/
0927-0248/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.A. Green / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 143 (2015) 190–197 191
Fig. 1. First diagram of PERC cell [2,3] (PERT configuration: Passivated Emitter, Rear
Totally-diffused). More information on different PERC configurations is given sub-
sequently in Fig. 8, with redefined acronyms to better reflect present usage.
This led to the realisation that the high refractive index of almost ideal 98%. Knowledge of these large optical benefits pro-
silicon considerably supressed rear metal reflection and that vided additional incentive for implementing the PERC structure.
inserting a lower index dielectric layer between the metal and Successful implementation of the PERC cell was not immediate.
silicon would significantly increase this reflection. Experiments Introducing top-surface texturing of the PESC cell of Fig. 2, also
subsequently conducted at UNSW as part of an undergraduate suggested in the previous grant documents [2,3], gave more rapid
thesis project produced the results shown in Fig. 7, showing progress with 20% cell efficiency demonstrated in 1985 [5].
Attention was then diverted to applying these developments to
reflection from as-deposited Al could be increased from 89% to an
silicon concentrator cells to meet contractual requirements, with
this work resulting in the first 20% efficient photovoltaic module
[18]. For the PERC cell, boron diffusion capability needed to be
established and perfected, with this proving more challenging
than for the phosphorus diffusions already established. Some tips
from the solar cell group at Stanford University regarding the
advantages of chlorine-based furnace processing proved most
helpful here, allowing the whole family of PERC cells (Fig. 8) to be
experimentally investigated. The first high efficiency PERC cells
were fabricated in 1988, with 21.8% efficiency confirmed at Sandia
in October 1988 (20.9% by present standards).
Fig. 8. The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) family. (a) Simple PERD cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Directly-contacted); (b) PERL cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Locally-
doped); (c) PERT cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Totally-diffused); (d) PERF cell (Passivated Emitter, Rear Floating-junction). The PERC configurations now most widely
implemented are the PERL and PERT.
M.A. Green / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 143 (2015) 190–197 193
New Si Capacity, %
80% HJT/Rear J
standard Al-BSF process accounted for over 90% of silicon solar cell
production, itself accounting for over 90% of total photovoltaic PERC
module production. The remainder of the latter production is Al-BSF
made up of thin-film technologies based on CdTe, CIGS (Copper– 40%
Indium–Gallium–Selenide), and amorphous silicon (a-Si), with Source:
slowly declining combined market share. By 2013, the perfor- 20% Solarbuzz
mance of this dominant silicon Al-BSF technology had steadily
improved to the stage where standard commercial cells were 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
approaching the efficiency level reached by PESC cells in the
Fig. 13. Share of new silicon-based manufacturing capacity of different cell
laboratory in the 1980s using a similar rear Al-BSF approach. To approaches [38].
progress further, a similar rear contact improvement was required.
Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. As the
push to efficiencies above 20% in production intensified, many
Total Si Capacity, %
companies reported on progress with implementing PERC tech- 80%
nology. Suntech Power was one of the first, reporting on such Si-Tandem
progress in production implementation in 2009 [31] as the com- 60%
Rear J
pany's “Pluto” product series. Generation 1 product incorporated a
40% HJT
laser-based selective emitter process co-developed with UNSW
with standard Al-BSF, reaching production volumes of 0.5 GW/year 20% PERC
[32]. Generation 2 product incorporated PERC rear contacts,
0% Al-BSF
demonstrating 20.3% efficiency as independently confirmed in
2011 [32]. Schott Solar reported 18.7% efficiency using multi-
crystalline wafers and the PERC approach in 2010, resulting in a
Fig. 14. Expected market share of different Si cell technologies [39].
confirmed world-record 17.6% efficient module efficiency [33]. In
2012, Schott reported 21% monocrystalline silicon efficiency, the
imminent release of a high-efficiency PERC cell module and share of total new capacity additions in 2013 and accounted for the
licensing the company's version of PERC technology to equipment majority of new additions by the second half of 2014 (Fig. 13). This
supplier Schmid. Q-Cells reported 19.5% multicrystalline PERC cell displacement of the standard Al-BSF approach is expected to
efficiency in 2011, increasing confirmed module efficiency to 17.8% continue, with no new Al-BSF capacity expected to be added after
and then 18.5% [34]. Trina Solar recently increased the multi- 2017.
crystalline cell efficiency to a world record 20.8% and corre- This view is reiterated in the independent April 2015 photo-
sponding module efficiency to 19.2%, again using PERC cells. Tai- voltaic industry roadmap (ITRPV) [39]. As indicated in Fig. 14, the
wanese company, Global Sunrise, founded by former UNSW rapid growth of PERC production capacity in 2014 made PERC,
researchers, was one of the first companies to report on actual after the standard Al-BSF technology, the cell technology with the
PERC production experience. Working with equipment supplier, second highest established production capacity by year-end
Roth and Rau, a PERC production process compatible with screen- (ahead of rear junction and HIT/HJT a-Si heterojunction silicon
printed pastes went into production in 2012, with average cell cells, as well as CdTe, CIGS and a-Si thin-film cells). Over the next
efficiency above 20% reported [35]. few years, the dominance of new production capacity by PERC
GTM Research documents subsequent activity in 2013 and 2014 (Fig. 13) will steadily increase its share of total capacity with the
[36]. Equipment suppliers Schmid, Centrotherm, RENA, Solaytec, most recent ITRPV roadmap [39] showing PERC likely to become
Levitech, SINGULUS and Meyer Burger are mentioned as well as the dominant cell production technology by 2020 (Fig. 14).
manufacturers Neo Solar Power, SunEdison, JA Solar and WINAICO. This trend is being accelerated by the consolidation policies of
NDP Solarbuzz reported on the rapid rate of adoption of PERC into the Chinese government whereby manufacturers without access
manufacturing [37], with 2.5 GW PERC capacity estimated world- to good technology are being closed down by imposing cell effi-
wide in August, 2014, with this growing quickly (Fig. 12). ciency standards [40].
According to a separate NDP Solarbuzz report [38], the new
PERC capacity additions shown in Fig. 12, accounted for a growing
5. Production sequences and costings
Although PERC manufacturing capacity is growing quickly, the
technology is still early in its developmental cycle (Fig. 12) with far
PERC capacity, GW
Source: NDP Solarbuzz more differences between sequences in production than with the
much better established Al-BSF approach. Nonetheless, the sim-
1.5 plified process flow diagram for PERC cell fabrication, shown
compared to the standard Al-BSF approach in Fig. 15, broadly
1 captures the key features. As apparent from this figure, one
attraction of the PERC sequence is that it is largely compatible with
0.5 the standard Al-BSF sequence.
The first step in both cases is a wafer saw damage removal etch
0 and texturing, followed by emitter diffusion and etch. Often, a rear
2012 Q1
2013 Q1
2014 Q1
side polish etch is included at this stage for the PERC sequence, to
increase rear reflection and to reduce rear recombination [35,41].
This is a low-cost step since usually done in conjunction with the
Fig. 12. Rapid increase in PERC manufacturing capacity (2012–2014) [37]. required edge-junction isolation step. Usually a few microns of
M.A. Green / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 143 (2015) 190–197 195
Fig. 15. Simplified process flow for Al-BSF (upper) and PERC (lower) sequences.
silicon are removed in this polishing step, with consequent energy as the higher voltage capability of the PERC approach is fully
conversion efficiency gains reported as in the 0.4% to 1.5% (abso- exploited. In the laboratory, the performance of PESC devices,
lute) range [42,43], depending on the details of the process. representative of a fully developed Al-BSF approach, peaked at just
Instead of a simple silicon nitride AR coating deposition as in below 21% by present standards, while PERC/PERL sequences
the standard Al-BSF sequence, both AR and rear dielectric coating reached 25%, suggesting a 20% margin could eventually open up.
of the cell is required in the PERC process, with the rear coating
generally taking the form of either an aluminium oxide/silicon
nitride stack [35,44] or a silicon oxide/silicon nitride stack [45]. In 6. Performance potential
some processes, both the front and the rear depositions are done
in the same item of equipment [35]. The contact holes through the In mid-2015, the best performing near-commercial PERC mul-
rear dielectric are generally formed by laser ablation, although ticrystalline cells have efficiencies in the 20–21% range, while the
chemical etching is feasible. Contact screening and printing, cell best PERC monocrystalline cells have slightly higher values in the
testing and sorting occurs similarly in both sequences, although 21–22% range. There were confident expectations for both values
different paste compositions would be used for the rear contact for soon to surpass the top of these respective ranges, but how far can
PERC cells, to avoid damage to the rear dielectrics and void for- the technology go?
mation at the locally alloyed regions [43]. Voids arise from Several recent studies throw some light on this issue [52–55].
migration of some silicon through the rear Al layer away from the The most recent [55] shares the author's view that, now the
openings during alloying, never to return, although addition of industry has invested in a transition to PERC technology, this
silicon to the pastes can prevent this from becoming an issue. provides a path for manufacturers for incremental improvements
To allow soldering of the rear, Ag solder pads also need to be to values of cell efficiency to close to the 25% value demonstrated
screened to the rear side of the cell, as in the standard Al-BSF in the laboratory. Commercial PERC cells still perform well short of
approach. This is reported as being less harmful to cell perfor- the best laboratory devices in many ways, particularly in terms of
mance for PERC cells [46], since the area of high recombination Voc as determined by total cell Jo (Eq. (1)) and resistive losses [56].
velocity contact between the Ag layer and substrate is much The 25% efficient PERL devices have a total Jo of only 50 fA/cm2
smaller in this case, occurring only where there are openings in while a typical 20–21% efficient commercial PERC cell may have a
the rear dielectric. Contact between the pads and the Al rear value over 300 fA/cm2 with over half of this coming from the
metallisation areas occur through carefully controlled overlap emitter region [53,55,56].
regions [47]. This makes attention to emitter design important for realizing
Since at least three extra processing steps are involved, extra the highest efficiencies in the near term. The 25% devices have a Jo
cell processing costs are involved for PERC cells. One early study contribution from this region of only 15 fA/cm2 [56], showing
[48] estimates the cell processing cost as 26% higher/cell, reducing what is ultimately feasible. Values below 80 fA/cm2 are suggested
to 20% higher/W when the rather low assumed 5.6% performance as feasible for commercial devices in the near term using a
advantage is taken into account. At the cell level, with wafer costs selective emitter approach [53], as in the PERC cells of Fig. 8,
included but similarly leveraged by the higher efficiency, the although advanced homogeneous emitters are also regarded as an
additional manufacturing cost is estimated at 6%/W. At the module option [55]. Reducing emitter contributions to Jo will then bring
level, the same leveraging reduces the additional cost to 2%/W. At the rear contact of the PERC cell into focus as the performance-
the system level, PERC costs become marginally lower, in this limiting feature.
study. A manufacturer of both PERC and Al-BSF devices considers a Attention to the surface recombination velocity along the non-
much higher 11% performance advantage as a reasonable estimate, contacted regions of the rear surface [52] as well as to the for-
with 90% of this advantage able to be captured as lower transport mation of the doped region in the contact areas [53,55] is expected
costs, 70% as lower installation costs and over 50% as lower bal- to bring the rear surface contribution to Jo below that of the
ance of systems costs [49]. emitter, then elevating recombination in the bulk of the device to
PERC cells are now available in sufficient quantities that at least being the major contributor to Jo, determined by the combination
one market research company tracks spot prices for PERC cells as a of minority carrier lifetime and doping level in these regions.
separate category [50]. In mid-March 2015, the company reported B-doped, p-type wafers presently dominate commercial produc-
average spot prices for multicrystalline Al-BSF cells as 29.5–31.5 c/ tion. A key advantage is the near-unity liquid to solid segregation
W, depending on efficiency with 17.8% efficiency providing a coefficient of B that means its concentration remains reasonably
demarcation point, and 38.5 c/W for monocrystalline Al-BSF constant along the manufactured ingots, whether mono- or multi-
devices. PERC monocrystalline spot prices were reported as 46– crystalline. A disadvantage is that B forms a complex with O that is
48 c/W for cells of efficiency in the 20.4–20.6% range [50], corre- activated under illumination, restricting the bulk minority carrier
sponding to a 19–25% market premium that would seem to more lifetime in fielded devices [57–59].
than offset the increased processing costs. For this reason, there have been suggestions that the industry
With ongoing streamlining and standardisation of PERC needs to move as a whole to P-doped, n-type monocrystalline
sequences, the processing cost premium/cell relative to Al-BSF wafers, which is also a feasible substrate for high-performance
devices is expected to reduce [51]. At the same time, the perfor- PERC cells. Since P does not form such detrimental defects with O,
mance advantage over Al-BSF cells might be expected to increase this allows higher lifetimes in standard Czochralski (CZ) grown
196 M.A. Green / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 143 (2015) 190–197
ingots. Companies such as SunPower and Panasonic use n-type on-going incremental improvements. Recent simulations confirm
wafers to produce modules attracting premium prices for the the feasibility of such efficiencies through the continuous devel-
high-efficiency end of the present market (double to triple those of opment of existing technologies [55].
standard product [60]). However, the lower P segregation coeffi-
cient means that there is a greater resistivity variation along the
CZ ingot than with B. Acknowledgement
To maintain tight production spreads and performance levels
close to champion devices, some manufacturers are said to use as The Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics is supported
little as 35% of each P-doped ingot [61]. Using a greater portion of by the Australian Government through the Australian Renewable
the ingot may be one reason for the large differences noted with Energy Agency (ARENA) (SRI-001). Responsibility for the views,
other technologies, such as heterojunction devices, between information or advice expressed herein is not accepted by the
champion and production devices. Going to continuous CZ growth Australian Government. The author thanks the many colleagues
provides an opportunity to reduce resistivity variations, but this who contributed to PERC cell development within his group,
may be self-defeating, since the longer growth times are likely not notably Aihua Wang, Andrew Blakers, Jianhua Zhao and Stuart
consistent with obtaining the desired highest possible carrier Wenham.
lifetimes [61]. In any case, P-doping does not appear suitable for
the multicrystalline ingots that form the backbone of the present
industry, due to this dopant segregation issue.
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