CF 11th Edition Chapter 04 Excel Master Student
CF 11th Edition Chapter 04 Excel Master Student
CF 11th Edition Chapter 04 Excel Master Student
Chapter 4
In these spreadsheets, you will learn how to use the following Excel fu
Exponential function
PV of an annuity
FV of an annuity
Annuity interest rate
Annuity periods
Nested function
Annuity due
Loan amortization worksheet
The following conventions are used in these spreadsheets:
equire that
Chapter 4 - Section 2
The Multiperiod Case
Excel contains numerous financial functions, many of which relate to the time value of money. We will begin by usin
Suh-Pyng Ku has made the following deposit at the First National bank of Kent. How much will she have at the
Number of periods: 5
Initial investment: $ 500
Interest rate per year: 7.0%
As shown in the textbook, the future value of $1 is found by the equation FV = $1 ´ (1 + r)t. In Excel, the carat ( ^ ) ra
occurs with compound interest, not simple interest. To see the difference between simple interest and compound i
What is the value of the investment each year over the next 5 years? How much of the interest is simple interest an
question with the following table:
So what does simple interest look like compared to compound interest? We can use Excel to draw a graph for us. Fi
simple interest and the total compound interest.
Amount with Total
Simple Compound
Year Interest Interest
1 $ 550.00
2 $ 600.00 $ 5.00
3 $ 650.00 $ 15.50
4 $ 700.00 $ 32.05
5 $ 750.00 $ 55.26
Now we can graph the contribution of compounding to the future value of our investment.
1 2 3 4 5
Time (years)
To see the effect of compound interest, change the interest rate and see how the compound interest grows as the i
In the past, future value tables were very common. Future value tables calculated the future interest factor for a var
a future value table relatively quickly in Excel. By the way, we will show you a much more efficient method in the ne
An important fact about compound interest is that it results in exponential growth. To see the exponential growth in
like this:
Future value of $1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (years)
There is a "bug" in Excel when graphing a table like the one above. If a table has text in the header row and column,
graph. However, when the header row and column are numbers, Excel will not use the numbers in the legend, but r
in the legend and on the vertical axis, try the following: First, select just the data in the data and ignore the header r
choose "Select Data." In the left hand column, highlight the data series you want to include a legend for (Series 1, Se
allows you to choose the "Series Name." To include the number in the legend, simply select the cell that has the hea
every column in the table. To include the column with the number of years as the horizontal axis, go to the "Horizon
the array that has the correct values for the horizontal axis.
Now that we have calculated the future value of a lump sum with the equation, we will use Excel's FV function to ca
investment opportunity:
How much will you have at the end of the investment. Using the FV function, we find that you will have:
The Rate is simply the interest rate, Nper is the number if periods, and Pv is the present value. We left the payment
detail later. Notice also that we put a negative sign in front of the present value. Excel works like a calculator in that
a positive number we would have simply gotten a negative answer. Since we prefer our answers to show as positive
Consider Peter Minuit's purchase of Manhattan Island from the American Indians. Using the FV function, if the
would that investment be worth today?
Purchase price: $ 24
Interest rate: 10%
Number of years: 389
Two things about the above example. First, we did not want to change the column width for the entire spreadsheet
display, we merged 3 cells by using the merge icon: In merging cells, you simply select the cells you want me
is that if you notice, the future value has all zeroes in the last three digits of the dollar amount and in the cents. You
that while Excel is very precise, it only calculates to 15 significant digits. Although this generally does not create a pr
should consider if you are using very large or very small numbers.
If for some reason you do need more accurate calculations, has an add-in to Excel available
Bernard Dumas will receive a lump sum payment in the future. What is the value of that payment today?
Suppose we want to create a table with the present value factors for different interest rates and periods. A two-way
up a basic PV problem, with $1 as the future value.
Future value: $ 1
Number of periods: 2
Interest rate: 9%
Notice that Excel made our choices absolute references by default. Just hit OK and the data table will be filled in aut
corner showing in this case, but remember we could hide this number by right-clicking, selecting Format Cells, choo
Interest Rate
$ (0.8417) 0% 5% 10%
umber of Periods
Number of Periods
Present value of $1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (years)
A customer of Chafkin Corp. wants to buy a tugboat today. Rather than paying immediately, he will pay at some poi
Corp. charge to neither gain or lose on the sale?
NPER is the number of periods, Pv is the present value, and Fv is the present value. We left the payment and type bl
also that we put a negative sign in front of the present value. Excel works like a calculator in that it expects cash flow
and the future value negative.
You are saving up to buy the Godot Company and have the following information. How long must you wait to buy th
Rate is the interest rate, Pv is the present value, and Fv is the future value. We left the payment and type blank for n
we put a negative sign in front of the present value. Excel works like a calculator in that it expects cash flows. We co
future value negative.
Suppose you are going to make a lump sum deposit today, and the interest rate you will receive will change every ye
have in 6 years?
One way to calculate the future value is to compound the value each year. In year 1, we will receive the year 1 inter
calculate the future value in year 2 at the year 2 interest rate, and so on. Doing this, we find that the value each yea
Value at
Year year end
1 $ 108.00
2 114.48
3 125.93
4 144.82
5 160.75
6 175.21
While this process is more repetitive than difficult, Excel has a function that will calculate the future value of this am
future value is:
In this function, Principal is the beginning deposit and Schedule is an array that contains the interest rates for each p
t Cash flow
0 $ (50,000)
1 25,000
2 20,000
3 15,000
Return: 7%
NPV: $3,077.73
Notice one very important thing: We did not include the cash flow at time 0 in the NPV function. The reason is simp
they did not truly create a function that calculated the NPV, but rather created a function that calculated the presen
of cash flows, we use the NPV function to calculate the present value of the cash flows beyond time 0, then add the
this, simply go to the NPV cell above.
We can use the NPV function to find the present value of any series of cash flows. For example, to find the present v
the text, we would do something like the following:
Kent. How much will she have at the end of her savings period?
$1 ´ (1 + r)t. In Excel, the carat ( ^ ) raises a number to a power. Of course, compounding only
ween simple interest and compound interest, consider the following example:
h of the interest is simple interest and how much is compound interest? We will answer this
Ending Simple
Amount Interest
$ 550.00 $ 550.00
$ 605.00 $ 600.00
$ 665.50 $ 655.00
$ 732.05 $ 715.50
$ 805.26 $ 782.05
n use Excel to draw a graph for us. First we need to set up a table that shows the value with
Compound interest
Amount with simple interest
3 4 5
ent to the Insert tab, and then selected Column. We chose the 2-D Stacked Column option. To
at Plot Area and chose the Shadow option.
ted the future interest factor for a variety of interest rates and time periods. We can construct
much more efficient method in the next section.
wth. To see the exponential growth in practice, we can graph the future value table. It looks
5 6 7 8 9 10
e (years)
s text in the header row and column, Excel will automatically use the text in the legend of the
use the numbers in the legend, but rather include them in the graph. To include the numbers
a in the data and ignore the header row and column. Next, right click on the entire chart and
nt to include a legend for (Series 1, Series 2, etc.,) then select "Edit." This brings up a box that
simply select the cell that has the header you want to include. You will need to repeat this for
he horizontal axis, go to the "Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels," select "Edit", then highlight
, we will use Excel's FV function to calculate the future value. Suppose you have the following
e present value. We left the payment and type blank for now, but we will discuss this in more
e. Excel works like a calculator in that it expects cash flows. If we had left the present value as
refer our answers to show as positive, we entered a negative in front of the present value.
Indians. Using the FV function, if the purchase price of the island was invested, how much
umn width for the entire spreadsheet to display the future value. To get the future value to
u simply select the cells you want merged into one cell and click on the icon. The second thing
e dollar amount and in the cents. You might think this is strange, and indeed it is. The reason is
gh this generally does not create a problem in most calculations, it is something that you
.com has an add-in to Excel available that will calculate to 32,767 digits.
nd the present value, but rather talk about the PV function. The PV syntax is similar to the FV
interest rates and periods. A two-way data table allows us to do this very easily. First, we'll set
. Next, in the upper left hand corner, enter the equation you would like to use into the
in the data table, go to the Data tab, What-If Analysis, then Data Table. Excel will prompt you
mbers you entered. For this data table , our entries were:
and the data table will be filled in automatically. We left the calculation in the upper left hand
-clicking, selecting Format Cells, choosing Custom, and entering the custom type as a
15% 20%
this, we merged the cells, typed in the text, right clicked on the cells and selected "Format
5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (years)
immediately, he will pay at some point in the future. What interest rate would the Chafkin
alue. We left the payment and type blank for now, but we will discuss these later on. Notice
calculator in that it expects cash flows. We could have also made the present value positive
left the payment and type blank for now, but we will discuss these later on. Notice also that
or in that it expects cash flows. We could have also made the present value positive and the
e you will receive will change every year. With the following assumptions, how much will you
ear 1, we will receive the year 1 interest rate. We will use the value at the end of year 1 to
this, we find that the value each year is:
l calculate the future value of this amount. Using the FVSCHEDULE function, we find that the
all inflows. Unfortunately, as we will see, computer programmers don't understand net
omputer. Should make this investment? What is the net present value?
the NPV function. The reason is simple. When the programmers created the NPV function,
a function that calculated the present value of cash flows. So, to calculate the NPV of a series
sh flows beyond time 0, then add the cash flow at time zero to the result. To see how we did
ws. For example, to find the present value of the Colin Kaepernick contract we discussed in
Chapter 4 - Section 3
Compounding Periods
Excel has functions to calculate the effective annual rate and the annual percentage rate.
Suppose Jane Christine makes a deposit in an account with the following stated annual interest rate and compound
APR: 24%
Compounding periods per year: 12
EAR: 26.82%
In the EFFECT function, Nominal_rate is the APR and Npery is the number of compounding periods per year.
Of course, you may have the EAR and need to find the APR. Remember that the APR is the legally quoted interest ra
As a lender, you know the interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year. In order to earn this inter
EAR: 18%
Compounding periods per year: 12
APR: 16.67%
In the NOMINAL function, Effect_rate is the EAR and Npery is the number of compounding periods per year.
Continuous Compounding
Excel does not have a function for continuous compounding, but it does have a function that calculates the exponen
APR: 5.50%
EAR: 5.65%
as follows:
ate the exponential value. If you notice, the function returns 1.056540615 in
nction for the interest rate and then subtract 1 (one.)
Chapter 4 - Section 4
Excel does not have built-in functions for perpetuities, growing perpetuities, or growing annuities. Each of these can
cell. We'll leave this up to you and instead concentrate on the broad array of annuity calculations in this section.
Finding the present value of an annuity is a simple task in Excel. Remember the Pmt argument in the PV and FV func
the annuity payment. Finding the present value of an annuity uses the PV function with the annuity payment in the
We can find the future value of an annuity using the Pmt argument in the FV function. Suppose you are saving for re
will you have when you retire?
Rate is simply the interest rate, Nper is the number of periods, and Pmt is the annuity payment. Since there is no pr
negative sign in front of the payment. Excel works like a calculator in that one of the cash flows must be positive and
the payment as a positive number we would have gotten a negative answer. Since we prefer our answers to show a
The NPER and RATE functions can be used with the future value to find the number of periods or interest rate in the
Rate is simply the interest rate, Nper is the number of periods, and Pv is the present value. Since there is no future v
sign in front of the present value. Excel works like a calculator in that one of the cash flows must be positive and one
present value as a positive number we would have gotten a negative answer. Since we prefer our answers to show a
Nper is the number of periods, Pmt is the annuity payment, and Fv is the future value. Since there is no present valu
sign in front of the payment. Excel requires that one of the cash flows be positive and one of the cash flows be nega
future value negative and would have received the same answer.
Rate is the interest rate per period, Pmt is the annuity payment, and Pv is the present value. Since there is no future
negative sign in front of the payment. Excel requires that one of the cash flows be positive and one of the cash flow
the future value negative and would have received the same answer.
Number of payments: 4
Amount of each payment: $ 500
Date of first payment: 6
Interest rate: 10%
First, we can find the present value of the annuity payments, which is:
Now that we have the lump sum value, we can find the present value of the lump sum. We also need to remember
the first payment, so we need to subtract one from the date of the first payment. So, the value of the annuity today
Value today: $894.65
Of course, there is another way to calculate the value of this annuity today. Suppose we set up the cash flows in a ta
Year Amount
1 $ -
2 $ -
3 $ -
4 $ -
5 $ -
6 $ 500
7 $ 500
8 $ 500
9 $ 500
10 $ -
With the cash flows set up like this, we can use the NPV function to find the value of the cash flows today, which wil
In the FV and PV functions, the Type represents the payment type. If this argument is left blank or a 0 (zero) is enter
entered, Excel uses beginning of period payments.
We can answer this problem in two steps. First, we need to find the effective rate for the years between the annuity
Now we can use this rate to find the value today, which is:
Of course, we could always nest the functions to calculate the value today in one cell:
Pmt argument in the PV and FV functions that we left blank in Section 4.2? The Pmt stands for
on with the annuity payment in the Pmt argument.
payments beginning one year from now. What is the value of the payments today?
nnuity payment. Since there is no present value, we left this blank. Notice also that we put a
f the cash flows must be positive and one of the cash flows must be negative. If we had left
ce we prefer our answers to show as positive, we entered a negative in front of the payment.
nction. Suppose you are saving for retirement. Based on the following assumptions, how much
much will you have in your account when your golden years start?
nnuity payment. Since there is no present value, we left this blank. Notice also that we put a
f the cash flows must be positive and one of the cash flows must be negative. If we had left
ce we prefer our answers to show as positive, we entered a negative in front of the payment.
ber of periods or interest rate in the same manner we used these functions with the present
ing a house with the following terms. What is your monthly mortgage payment?
sent value. Since there is no future value, we left this blank. Notice also that we put a negative
cash flows must be positive and one of the cash flows must be negative. If we had left the
nce we prefer our answers to show as positive, we entered a negative in front of the present
ou are saving for retirement and know how much you will save every year, as well as a target
value. Since there is no present value, we left this blank. Notice also that we put a negative
e and one of the cash flows be negative. We could have made the payment positive and the
the following assumptions, how long will it take you to pay off your credit card?
esent value. Since there is no future value, we left this blank. Notice also that we put a
be positive and one of the cash flows negative. We could have made the payment positive and
th a delayed annuity, there are a couple of ways to handle the calculation in Excel.
mp sum. We also need to remember that the present value of an annuity is one period before
t. So, the value of the annuity today is:
u to "nest" one function inside another. Below, we nested the present value of the annuity
tep of calculating the present value of the annuity. Although this is a little more difficult, it
he end of the period. What about annuities due, where the payments occur at the beginning
he lottery but now the payments are in the form of an annuity due. What is the value of his
t the type of payments to beginning of period like this:
ent is left blank or a 0 (zero) is entered, Excel uses end of period payments. If a 1 (one) is
e cell:
Chapter 4 - Section 5
Loan Amortization
Amortization tables are an excellent application of Excel's abilities. Because an amortization table is repetitive, once
to fill in the rest of the amortization table. Suppose we have the following 15 year loan that requires equal principal
This means that the equal annual principal payments will be:
So, the equal principal payment amortization table will look like this:
Equal Payment
Creating an equal payment amortization schedule is similar to the equal principal amortization schedule. First, we n
which we can calculate using the PMT function we discussed earlier. The loan payment will be:
So, the equal annual payment amortization table will look like this:
Loan amortization tables are so common that Excel has a built-in worksheet to calculate a loan amortization. To find
select Insert, then the Spreadsheet Solutions tab. Below you will see the built-in spreadsheet options. We selected t
Loan Amortization worksheet. We entered the values in the table at the top and the entire loan amortization table w
So, based on the original amortization schedule, the payments will be:
The balloon payment is the present value of the remaining payments, so the balloon payment will be:
Of course, we could have nested the functions to find the balloon payment as well like this:
Balloon payment:
amortization table is repetitive, once we get the first couple of rows, we can copy and paste
ear loan that requires equal principal payments each year:
$ 326,666.67
$ 303,333.33
$ 280,000.00
$ 256,666.67
$ 233,333.33
$ 210,000.00
$ 186,666.67
$ 163,333.33
$ 140,000.00
$ 116,666.67
$ 93,333.33
$ 70,000.00
$ 46,666.67
$ 23,333.33
$ -
balance references the loan amount, the principal payment is an absolute reference to the
ing balance multiplied by the interest rate (which is an absolute reference.) We then repeated
ending balance in period 1. Since we have used absolute references for the principal payment
find the total payments, total interest payments, and total principal payments, we used the
pal amortization schedule. First, we need to calculate the loan payment for the 15 year loan,
payment will be:
$ 338,079.39
$ 325,085.93
$ 310,923.05
$ 295,485.52
$ 278,658.61
$ 260,317.27
$ 240,325.22
$ 218,533.88
$ 194,781.32
$ 168,891.03
$ 140,670.61
$ 109,910.36
$ 76,381.68
$ 39,835.42
$ -
balance referenced the loan amount, the total payment is an absolute reference to the earlier
nce multiplied by the interest rate (which is an absolute reference,) and the principal payment
ng balance minus the principal payment. We then repeated this for the second period, except
we have used absolute references for the total payment and interest rate, we can copy and
est payments, and total principal payments over the life of the loan, we used the sum button.
calculate a loan amortization. To find this worksheet, right-click on one of the worksheet tabs,
n spreadsheet options. We selected the Loan Amortization worksheet and Excel inserted the
d the entire loan amortization table was constructed automatically.
at some point during the life of the loan, the remaining principal of the loan is repaid. We are
y repayment schedule, whether annually, monthly, or any other period. Suppose we have a
hat will the monthly payment be? How big will the balloon payment be?
alloon payment will be:
Lender name:
Pmt. Payment Date Beginning Balance Scheduled Extra Payment Total Payment Principal Interest Ending Balance Cumulative Interest
No. Payment
Excel is a tool for solving problems, but with many time value of money problems, you may still need to draw a
This is a classic retirement problem. A friend is celebrating her birthday and wants to start saving for her antici
retirement and retirement spending goals:
Because your friend is planning ahead, the first withdrawal will not take place until one year after she retires. S
account for her retirement fund.
a. If she starts making these deposits in one year and makes her last deposit on the day she retires, what amount
desired withdrawals at retirement?
b. Suppose your friend has just inherited a large sum of money. Rather than making equal annual payments, she
cover her retirement needs. What amount does she have to deposit today?
c. Suppose your friend's employer will contribute to the account each year as part of the company's profit sharin
from a family trust several years from now. What amount must she deposit annually now to be able to make t
nd wants to start saving for her anticipated retirement. She has the following years to
place until one year after she retires. She wants to make equal annual deposits into her
t on the day she retires, what amount must she deposit annually to be able to make the
making equal annual payments, she has decided to make one lump sum deposit today to
as part of the company's profit sharing plan. In addition, your friend expects a distribution
sit annually now to be able to make the desired withdrawals at retirement?
Master It! Solution
In order to answer any of these questions, first we need to know how much your friend will need when she is r
each of the parts of the problem, we will solve for this amount now, which will be:
a. The amount your friend must save each year to fund her retirement is:
b. The lump sum your friend must deposit today to fund her retirement is:
c. To find the amount of the annual deposit now, it is easier to break down the components of the problem. Doin
deposit, we get:
the components of the problem. Doing so for each of the following to find your friend's annual