Isi Modul B Inggris

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Nice to meet you.

Look at the conversation below.
►Marian Alba runs into Mrs.Dexter. Mrs. Dexter is the landlady of apartments
on 7th Oak Street

Marian Alba Hello, Mrs. Dexter

Mrs. Dexter Oh, hello Marian.
How are you?
Marian Alba I‘m fine, thanks. How are you?
Mrs. Dexter Good.
Marian Alba Hi… Are you my new neighbor?
Caroline Pitt Yes, I am.
My name‘s Caroline Pitt.
Marian Alba I‘m Marian Alba. I live upstairs in 3B.
Caroline Nice to meet you, Miss Alba
Marian Alba Nice to meet you, too Miss Pitt.
Just call me Mary. .

1. Study the frames : Present with am, is, are

Subjects be contractions
I am Marian. I‘m Marian
He/She/ is nice He‘s nice / She‘s nice
It is nice to meet you. It‘s nice to meet you.
You/we/they are nice They‘re nice

I’m, He’s‘ It’s, and They’re are contractions.

It is nice to meet you = It’s nice to meet you.
(Nice to meet you)

2. Question Words: What and Where + be

What is your name? What‘s your name? My name‘s Laura

What is your occupation? What‘s your occupation? I‘m a nurse
Where is Mr. Black Where‘s Mr. Black? He‘s in the classroom
What is your address? What‘s your address? On Waverly Place 72

Where are you from? I‘m from New York

Where is Sue from? Where‘s Sue from? She‘s from Canada

3. Greet someone formally / informally

1. Practice the conversation (more formal greeting)

Simon Pierce : Hello, Mr.Allen.

George Allen : Hello, Mr.Pierce. How are you?
Simon Pierce : Fine, thank you. How are you Mr.Allen?
George Allen : Good.

2. Study the chart.

Names : Caroline Pitt

Sylvia Dexter
Charles Dexter

First name Last name Tittle + Last name

Caroline Pitt Miss[mis] Pitt / Ms.[miz] Pitt

Sylvia Dexter Mrs. Dexter
Charles Dexter Mr.[mister] Dexter

Use Miss. or Ms. with single women.

Use Mrs. or Ms. with married women.

3. Look at another conversation.

Joe Hunt : Hi, Mike. How are you?

Mike Trent : Hi, Joe. Hoe are you doing?
Joe Hunt : I‘m doing just fine, thanks. How are you? Good O.K.
Mike Trent : Not bad. Fine Not bad

4. Open Dialog

►Choose a partner and complete the coversation. Make a dialog with your classmate
and practice it.

Mike : _______ your ______? Mike : Where _____________ from?

You : My name‘s ______________. You : Oh.., I ______ from Hongkong.
Mike : Where ______ you _____
You : Excuse me?

5. More greetings and responses.

Greetings Possible responses

How are you? Great

How are you doing? Fine
How are things with you? Good So so
How‘s everything? Pretty good So far so good
How‘s it going? Not bad

Nice to meet you.

Nice to see you.
Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you, too
Glad to see you. → Nice to see you, too.
Great to meet you.
Great to see you.

There are some different greetings around the world.

 A bow / bowing
 A hug / hugging
 The salaam ( Arabic/ Muslim countries)
 The Namaste (India) or wai (Thailand)
 A strong, short handshake
 A softer, longer handshake

How do people in your country greet one to each other?

6. Your turn.

Make a dialog with your friend and practice it.


1. Introduce yourself

Identify your classmates. Look at the conversations below.

(Tom Anderson - Tommy Blake)

A Excuse me, are you Tom Anderson?
B No, I‘m not. I‘m Tommy Blake.

A Excuse me, are you Tom Anderson?

C Yes, I am.
A Hi. My name‘s Jack Emerson
C Nice to meet you, Jack.
A Nice to meet you, too.

2. Study the frames : Present of Be

Yes – no questions Short answers Contraction No contraction

Are you Tom? Yes, I am Yes, I am
No, I am not No, I’m not
Is she Jean? Yes, she is Yes, she is
No, she is not No, she isn’t
Are they......? Yes, they are Yes, they are
No, they are not No, they aren‘t

3. Try the exercises below.

Complete the conversations with the correct forms of be.

A Excuse me, __________ Steward Collin?

B Yes, ___________

A Excuse me, __________ Ariana?

B No, ___________. ___________ Karina.

A Excuse me, __________ Gloria?

B Yes, __________. Nice to meet you.

4. Practice the conversations below with a partner. Use your own name.

1. Jimmy Hello. I‘m Jimmy Joe

Lauren Hi, Jimmy. I‘m Lauren Nash

2. Robert Hello. My name‘s Robert Stone

Vicky I‘m Vicky Martinez.
Robert Nice to meet you, Vicky.
Vicky Nice to meet you, too.

Hi is more formal than hello.

5. Exercises

Complete the sentences below with your own information.

I‘m _____________________________. (occupation)

I‘m from _________________________. (hometown/city)
My first name‘s ___________________.
My last name‘s ___________________.
My name‘s _______________________.
Please call me _____________________.

2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of be (am, is, are)

Jack Steward : Hi.! I ..1... Jack Steward. What .....2..... your name?
Anne Dupont : I ......3..... Anne.
Jack Steward : What .....4...... your last name?
Anne Dupont : My last name ....5...... Dupont.
Jack Steward : ....6..... you from the United States, Anne?
Anne Dupont : No, I ....7....not. I ...8..... from Canada.
Jack Steward : Oh? What city ....9.... you from?
Anne Dupont : I ...10..... from Montreal.
Jack Steward : Really? What do you do?
Anne Dupont : I ..11..... a journalist. How about you?
Jack Steward : I ..12..... an accountant.

3.Match the sentences in A and B to make a conversation.


1. I‘m Noriko Sato. A. No, I‘m not. I‘m a librarian.

How about you?

2. Nice to meet you. Sorry. How do B. Oh really! How interesting!

you say your name again?

3. Where are you from Jeff? C. I‘m Jeff Hunt. Nice to meet you

4. Really! And are you studying there? D. It‘s Hunt. Jeff Hunt.

5. I‘m a student. I‘m studying law. E. Washington. But I live in Toronto



1. Alphabet.
The Alphabet  Spell your name



A a /ei/ J j /dᴣ ei/ S s /ԑ s/

B b /bi:/ K k /kei/ T t /ti:/
C c /si:/ L l /ԑ l/ U u /yu:/
Dd /di/ M m /em/ V v /vi/
E e /i:/ N n /en/ W w /dϖbelyu/
F f /ԑ f/ O o /ou/ X x /eks/
G g /dᶚ i:/ P p /pi/ Y y /wai/
H h /eich/ Q q /kyu/ Z z /zi/
Ii / ai/ R r /a:/

2. Listen to the conversations.

Write each person’s first and last name.

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________

Practice the conversation below with your classmate.

A What‘s your name, please?
B James Lensky.
A Could you spell your last name?
B L - E - N - S - K - Y
A And your first name?
B James. J - A - M - E - S
3. Verify a spelling
► Study the two possible conversations below.
► Practice the conversations with your classmate.

A Your name, please?

B Robert Nielsen
▼ ▼
A N – I – E – L – S – E – N? A N–I–E-L–S–O–N
B Yes, that‘s right B No, N – I – E – L – S – E – N

4. Study the frame : Could ……………?

Could you spell your first name?

last name?
the name of the street?

First name Last name Another spelling

Robert Nielsen Nielson

James Lensky Lenski
William Allen Allan
Nancy Kramer Cramer
Susan Kelly Kelley
Linda Snyder Snider


1. Make an informal call

Look at the conversations below.

Woman Hello?
Mike Hello, is Carla there?
Woman I‘m sorry, you have the
wrong number.
Mike Oh...Is this 0511- 5579430?
Woman No, it isn‘t
Mike I‘m sorry
Woman That‘s O.K.

Carla’s sister Hello?

Carla’s sister Hello? Mike Hello, is Carla there?
Mike Hello, is Carla there? Carla’s sister Yes, she is. Just a
Carla’s sister No, I‘m sorry. Carla minute, please
isn‘t here right now. Carla Hello?
She‘s at work. Mike Hello? Carla?? This is
Carla Mike?
Mike Mike Trent.
Carla Oh, hi, Mike!

2.  Study the frame : present of be (is)

Yes-no questions Short answers

Carla Yes, she is No, she isn‘t

Is there?
Mike Yes, he is No, he isn‘t

Negative statements Affirmative statements

He He ‗s = is
isn‘t here ‗s at work isn‘t = is not
She She You may say
He isn‘t or he‘s not

She isn‘t or she‘s not

3. Identify someone on the telephone

1.  Study the frames.

(face to face)
☺☺ Are you Bill? Yes, I am
No, I am Carlos

(on the phone)

Is this Bill? Yes, it is
No. This is Carlos
No. It‘s Carlos

It usually refers to a thing and takes

the same form of the verb as he & she.

2. Complete the conversations.

A. (on the phone)

George Hello?
Phil Hello, Is George there?
George This is George
Phil Hi, George. _________ Phil Wang
George Phil Wang?
Phil ________ George Dobbs?
George No. _________ George Arno.

B.(face to face)
Carolyn Are you Jeff Hunt?
Jeff Yes, _______
Carolyn Nice to meet you, Jeff.
________ Carolyn Duval. Is George Arno here?
Jeff No, __________

4. Make a formal call.

Front desk : Good morning. Savana Tours and Travels. May I help you?
Mr.Fahrezi : May I speak to Mr. Corhand, please?
Front desk : May I know who‘s speaking, please?
Mr.Fahrezi : This is Ahmed Fahrezi from Indo Tours.
Front desk : I‘m sorry Mr. Fahrezi. Mr. Corhand is not in the office
right now. May I take a message?
Mr. Fahrezi : Could you ask him to call me?
Front desk : Does he have your number Mr. Fahrezi?
Mr. Fahrezi : Yes, he has.
Front desk : I‘ll give him the message.

5. Your turn
Make a dialog with your classmate and practice it.


Ask for someone’s telephone number.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

zero is pronounced ―oh‖ when saying a phone number.

1. Practice saying the numbers on the student’s ID or other cards

2. Marco is taking order for pizzas.

Listen to the conversations and write down the phone numbers you hear.
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________

3. Confirming the phone numbers.

Look at the conversation below. Practice it with your classmate.

A What‘s your phone number?

B It‘s 0822 7345 8232
A 0822 7345 8323
B No. It‘s 0822 7345 8232
A 0822 7345 8232
B Yes. That‘s right.

4. Apologize for the wrong number.

A Hello?
B Hello, is _________ there?
A No, you have the wrong number.
B Is this __________? (number)
A No, it isn‘t.
B I‘m sorry.
A That‘s O.K.

5. Listen to your teacher. Write down the man’s friend’s phone number.

6. Your turn
Make a dialog with your friend. Use your own information.


1. Talk about daily routines

Common verbs used in daily routines.

get up/wake up go to school/campus listen to music

take a bath/ a shower meet some friends do my homework
take wudhu study do the dishes
pray recess do the laundry
set the bed have lunch review lessons
get dressed go home go out with friends
prepare some books visit ..........‘s house surf the internet
cook some ........ take a rest/a nap/sleep jog/run
have breakfast have dinner go shopping

 Practice the conversation

A What time do you usually get up?

B I usually get up at 5.
A What do you usually do after that?
B I usually take bath after I get up. And then I pray.
What about you?

A Well, I usually get up at 4.30 and then I take a bath. I set the bed
before I go praying. There‘s a masjid not far from my house so
I often go there for praying.

Look at the frequency adverbs below.

Always 100%
Sometimes 50%
Never 0%
2. Look at the frequency adverbs used in the sentences below.

What do you usually do on your day off?

I usually get up early.

I usually run for about 2 hours.
I often have a big breakfast.
I sometimes hang around with some friends of mine.
Sometimes I just stay home and watch TV.
Sometimes I just stay home and do some chores.
I seldom eat out for lunch.
I never go to movies on my day off.

3. Study the frames: Simple Present Tense.

a. To form the third person singular of verbs, add -s to the verb.

Dinda walks to school. She walks to school.

Paul jogs every Sunday He jogs every Sunday.
The train comes on time. It comes on time.

b. In spelling, -es is added to verbs ending in -s, -x, -sh, -ch, and - z.
The ending -es also occurs with the verbs do and go.

I cross the street everyday.  Paul crosses the street everyday.

People relax at home.  John relaxes at home
I wash the dishes everyday.  Mary washes the dishes every day.
They watch TV at night.  Father watches TV at night.
I do my homework every day.  Alika does her homework, too.
We go home early on Fridays.  Ms. Rose goes home early, too.
Noises buzz from the next room.  A noise buzzes from the next room.

c. If the verbs end in consonant, -y, change y to i and add -es.

I study every day.  Mark studies every day.

d. For the third person singular, have becomes has.

I have a good  Carla has a good job.

We usually have lunch at 12.  She usually has lunch at 12.

4. Your turn
What are your daily activities?
Write your daily activities and record it into a video. (Duration 45 to 60 seconds)

Location of cities

1.  Ask about location of cities.

Jim Fox is going to New York to visit his friends Barbara and
Carlos Silva.
Jim 50 State Street, please.
Cab driver Fifty or fifteen?
Jim Fifty – Five – oh
Cab driver State street...let
see..Is that near Waverly Place?
Jim I don‘t know. This is my first
to New York.
Cab driver Oh? Where are you from?
Jim Chile
Cab driver Where in Chile?
Jim Santiago.

2.  Ask where people are from.

Practice them with your classmates.

A Hello.
B Hi.
A Excuse me. Are you from Italy?
B No, I‘m from Brazil.
A Oh, what city are you from?
B I‘m from San Paulo
A Oh, really? By the way, my name‘s Giovanni
B I‘m Vera

A Where are you from? A Where are you from?

B I‘m from Jakarta. B I‘m from ___________.
A Where is Jakarta? How about you?
B In Indonesia. A I‘m from ___________.

A Where are you from?

B I‘m from ___________.
A Oh. I‘m from __________, too.
1. The Tanakas are from Japan.

Ask and answer questions about location of the cities below.

A Where‘s Rio de Janeiro?

B In Brazil

A Where are you from?

B I‘m from Bandung
A Where is Bandung?
B It‘s in west Java in Indonesia

1.  Study the frames : Present of Be

Information questions Statements Yes- no questions Short answers

Where are you from? I‗m from Japan Are you from Tokyo Yes, I am.
No, I‘m not
Where are they from? They‘re from Japan Are they from Tokyo? Yes, they are.
No, they aren‘t
Where is he/she from? He‘s from Japan Is he from Tokyo? Yes, he is.
No, he isn‘t.

You may say:

We aren’t or we’re not
They aren’t or they’re not

 Note : For married couples, use the plural form of their names.
Helen and Bob  The Clarks [s]
Sonia and Alfonso Silva  The Silvas [z]
Laura and Rodolfo Lopez  The Lopezes [iz]

 Practice the conversation

A Where‘s Helena Demos from? A Where are The Tanakas from?
B She‘s from Athens. B They‘re from Tokyo
A Where‘s Athens? A Where‘s Tokyo?
B In Greece. B In Japan

1.  Greetings and Introductions

 The people in the picture are at the party (shown by your teacher).
Look how they greet one to each other.
 Practice them with your friends.

2.  Offer someone something to drink.

A : Do you want some coffee?

B : Yes, please

A Do you want some coffee?

B No, thanks
A How about some tea?
B O K, Thanks

A Do you have any cream?

B Yes, there is some

A Do you have any cream?

B I‘m sorry I don‘t have any.

3. Say good-bye to the classmates you met today.

Linda Good-bye Tony. Nice meeting you.

Tony Bye, Linda. Nice meeting you, too.

When you first meet someone, say ―Nice to meet you.‖

When you say good-bye, say ― Nice meeting you.‖

4.Study the frames: some and any

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

(tea, sugar, coffee, rice,....) (tea bags, candies, cakes, ...)

I have some tea I have some tea bags.

I don‘t have any tea I don‘t have any tea bags.
Do you have any tea? Do you have any tea bags?

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Plate(s) Tea Chocolate

Bowl(s) Coffee Butter
Cup(s) Sugar Cheese
Glass(es) Milk Oil
Spoon(s) Creamer Vinegar
Fork(s) Salt etc.
Cake(s) Pepper

5.Practice the conversation with your classmates

A I‘m going out. Do we need anything? coffee - 1 lb

B Yes. Some coffee. eggs - 1 dozen
A How much do we need? milk - ½ gal
B Oh, a pound. lemons - 6

Some specific measures and weights

1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces 1 pound = 0.45 kilo

1 pint (pt.) = 16 fluid ounces 1 quart = 0.946 liter
1 quart (qt.) = 2 pints
1 gallon (gal.) = 4 quarts

Some general measures

a can a bag a glass a plate

a box a bottle a cup a bunch
a roll a package a spoon a basket
a loaf a head a bowl

 Ask for someone’s address.

 Look at the addresses on the mailing labels.

 Practice conversations using the addresses below.

Mr. Jim Fox Ms. Ann O‘Reilly

60 Bank Street 114 Lakeland Street
New York, NY 10014 Kilmacud, Blackrock
USA County Dublin, Ireland

Mr. Gary Cooke Ms. Roberta Tudhope

30 Bryan Road 17 Hyde Park Street
London W7H 7PS Toronto, Ont. M65 1M5
England CANADA

A What‘s Gary‘s address?

B It‘s 30 Bryan Road.
A Thirty or thirteen?
B Thirty—three – oh.

1.  How to say numbers.

Telephone numbers, addresses, and rooms numbers

1. Telephone numbers are usually read in single digits. A digit is a single number.
The number 0 (zero) is pronounced like the letter /ou/

Area code 313 three, one, three

667 – 8302 six, six, seven, eight, three, o, two

2. Addresses can be read in groups of two or more numbers.

80 Park Street eighty

741 Second Avenue seven; forty-one
1409 Maple Street fourteen; o, nine
6234 Kenwood sixty-three; twenty-four

Add someone to your address book.

3.Look at the conversation below and practice it with your classmate.

Carol Merrill Jackie Hunter
1430 Langdon Street 872 Lake Road
Los Angeles, CA 90063 U.S.A. Willowdale, Ont. M2C 2H8
213- 555- 8214 615-555-7340

Mike Brodsky
97 S Oak Street
Burlington, VT 05432

A What‘s your address, Carol?

B 1430 Langdon Street. L-A-N-G-D-O-N
A And what‘s your phone number?
B 555- 8214
A And your last name is Merrill?
B Right. M-E-R-R-I-L-L
A Thanks.

Use the questions below to find out the full names, addresses, and phone numbers
of your classmates. Write them in your address book.

What‘s your address?

What‘s your phone number?
What‘s your last name?
Could you spell (that) your last name?
Could you spell the street?
What‘s the number again?
Is this/that right?


1. Jobs and Occupations

Names of occupations ; use article a or an

Work Places
David → Teacher School/College/Academy/University
Bill → Mechanic Hospital/Clinic
Pedro → Doctor Garage
Pravit → Cook Office
Jean → Nurse Restaurant/Cafe
Laura → Accountant Bank
Noriko → Banker Store/Shop

1.  What are the occupations of the people above? Where do they work?

Example :
David is a teacher. He works in a school

I work ………..
She works………...

use a before a consonant sound. He‘s a teacher.

use an before a vowel sound. She‘s an accountant.

2.  Two of the people above are talking.

Complete the conversation below.
Who are the two people? Identify A and B

A What do you do?

B I‘m a teacher.
A Oh, really? Where do you work?
B I work at Greenville High School. How about you?
What do you do?
A I‘m a doctor.

3.  Study the frames: Plural of Nouns

accountant accountants [s] waiter waiters [z] nurse nurses [iz]

secretary secretaries [z]

y: change to i. Add –es

ch, sh, s, z, x,: add -es

 Make a general statement about an occupation.

He is a teacher. They work in schools.

He works in a school.

David and Clark are teachers.

They are teachers.

 Make a statement about an occupation of the people on the

previuos page.
Example :
Clark is a teacher. He works in a school.

 Make a statement about people around you (father, mother, uncle,

My father is a businessman. He sells clothes in his store.


Do you work around here?

1. Caroline runs into Marian in a cafetaria. Marian is on her lunch hour.

Caroline Hi, Marian!

Marian Caroline! Nice to see you. Have a seat.
Caroline Thanks.
Marian How are you doing?
Caroline Fine. How about you?
Marian Oh, I‘m fine, thanks.
Caroline Do you work around here?
Marian Yes, I work at Brooklyn Hospital.
Caroline Oh. What kind of work do you do?
Marian I‘m a nurse.
Caroline Hmm..that sounds interesting.
Marian Yes, it‘s a good job. What do you do?
Caroline Me? Oh, I‘m a model.
Marian Really? How exciting!
Caroline Well...I‘m out of work now.
Marian Oh, that‘s not so exciting.
Caroline No, it isn‘t. Right now, I‘m looking for
an office job.
Marian Well, I hope you find something.
Anyway....speaking of work, I‘ve
got to get back to the hospital.
See you later.
Caroline Bye

2.  Figure out the conversation.

1. True or false? Correct the false statements

1. Marian works in a hospital.
2. Marian is a doctor.
3. Caroline is a model.
4. Marian has a good job.
5. Caroline has a good job.

2. Find another way to say it.
1. How are you? How are you doing.
2. I don‘t have a job.
3. Do you work in the neighborhood.
4. Sit down
5. What do you do?

3. .Where do you live?

1.  Complete the conversations below with appropriate questions

from the box.

A ______________?
B In Tokyo
A ______________?
B I live in Singapore

A _____________________? A __________floor?
B Yes, I live on Pineapple Street. B Two, please.
A Really? ___________________?
B At 25__between Main and State.
A Oh, we‘re neighbors!
. I live on the same block.

In Bangkok On Maple Street At 25 Maple Street

In apartment 2B on the second floor

How about you?

4.Study the frames: Simple Present with I and you

Information questions Affirmative statement Negative statement

Where do you live? I live on Maple Street I don‘t live on Maple
work? I work on Maple Street. I don‘t have a job.

Yes –no questions Short Answers Compare....

Do you live around here? Yes, I do Are you married ? Yes, I am
Do you work around here? No, I don‘t Do you live in a house? Yes, I do

What day is today?

1.  Say…What day is it? What’s the date?

S = Sunday
M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
T = Thursday
F = Friday
S = Saturday

2.  Look at the dates on the notepad. Then say them.

1 / 31 / 79 : January 31, 1979
January thirty –first nineteen seventy nine

1. Malik 3 / 23 / 95
2. Maura 7 / 12 / 83
3. Akira 12 / 1 / 76

3. Write down the dates you hear. Then write them in short form.
1. December 4, 1982 (12 / 4 / 82)
2. _________________________.
3. _________________________.
4. _________________________.
5. _________________________.

4.  Practice it with your classmates.

1. What‘s today‘s date? September 11th.
2.. What‘s the date tomorrow?
3. What day is today? Tuesday .
4.. What‘s the date next Monday?

4.  Look at the pages from the calendar.

Today is Sunday, May 22nd .

Tomorrow is Monday, May 23rd.
The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.
Next week starts on Sunday, May 29th.
Next month is June.
What year is it now?

Look at your calendar then answer these questions

1. What day is today?
2. What is tomorrow?
3. What is the day after tomorrow?
4. When does next week start?
5. What month is next month?

1. When were you born?

1. Look at the conversation below.

A Hi, Lyn.
B Hi, Bob.
A May I ask you something?
B Sure.
A When were you born?
B Oh, I was born in July 2000.
A Where were you born??
B In Bandung. What about you?
A Well, I was born in March 1998.
B Were you born here in Banjarmasin?
A Yeah, I am originally from Banjarmasin.

2. Question with were

Yes, I was
Were you born here in Banjarmasin?
No, I wasn’t



Look at Barbara Butler’s family tree and the pictures shown by your teacher.
Say how the people in the pictures are related.

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Charles‘ wife is Samuel‘s mother. 6. Rick‘s grandfather is Samuel‘s _______.

2. Jack‘s sister is Tim‘s ______. 7. Tim‘s wife is Rick‘s ________.
3. Lynn‘s father is Lily‘s ______. 8. Samuel‘s mother is Barbara‘s _______.
4. Judy‘s mother is Tim‘s ______. 9. Judy‘s father is Barbara‘s _______.
5. Nancy‘s son is Barbara‘s ______. 10. Lynn‘s daughter is Samuel‘s _______.

3. Find words in B to make pairs with the words in A


Aunt Brother
Daughter Father
Mother Husband
Niece Son
Sister Nephew
Wife Uncle

4.  Look at the conversation below.

Practice the conversation.
Use your own information.

A Do you have any brothers and sisters?

B Yes. I have two sisters and one brother.
A My older sister works for Garuda Airlines, and
my younger sister goes to Senior High School.
B Oh really? And what does your brother do?
A My brother is a teacher. He works in a Junior High School
5.  There are some polite and impolite questions that we sometimes

hear around us.
 Give check on the right place.

Polite Impolite
a. What does your wife do? ……. ……….
b. Do you believe in God ……. ……….
c. How much money do you earn? ……. . ………
d. How many children do you have? ……. ………..
e. Why aren‘t you married? ……. ………..
f. Do you like baseball ……. ……….
g. How old are you Mr. Lim? ……. ……….
h. How much was your watch? ……. ……….


Who’s that?
☺Christine Pappas
I live with my parents at 27 Willow Street. I go to high school.
And I have a job, too I work at Macy‘s Department Store in the
evenings. My parents own a grocery store.

☺Jeff Hunt
I live with my parents at 93 Pineapple Street. I work at Arno‘s
Coffee Shop. My parents teach at Brooklyn College. My mother
teaches biology and my father teaches English.

1. Look at the information above.

Say where each person lives and works.

A Who‘s that?
B Oh, that‘s Christine Pappas. She lives at 27 Willow Street.
A Where does she work?
B She works at Macy‘s

2.  Study the frames : Simple Present


Subject Verb Object

I see the house
He sees the house

Auxiliary Subject Verb Object
Do I see the house
Does he see the house

Subject Auxiliary Verb Object
I do not see the house
You (don’t)
He does not see the house
She (doesn’t)

3. Look at Christine Pappas again. Now let’s retell about her.

☺Christine Pappas
I live with my parents at 27 Willow Street. I go to high school,
and I have a job, too I work at Macy‘s Department Store in the
evenings. My parents own a grocery store

You : Christine Pappas lives with her parents at 27 Willow Street.

She goes to high school and she has a job, too. She works
at Macy‘s Department Store in the evenings. Her parents
own a grocery store.

4. Exercise

Retell about Jeff Hunt

☺Jeff Hunt
I live with my parents at 93 Pineapple Street. I work at Arno‘s
Coffee Shop. My parents teach at Brooklyn College. My mother
teaches biology and my father teaches English

You : Jeff Hunt lives……………………………………………..

5. Your turn

Share your own information to your friends in group. Take two (2)
stories and retell them.


Present Continuous Tense

►Study the frames : Present Continuous Tense

1. Yes – No Questions Short answers

Are you listening to me? Yes, I am / Yes, we are

No, I‘m not / No, we aren‘t
Are they playing? Yes, they are
No, they aren‘t
Is he/she playing? Yes, she is / Yes, he is
No, she isn‘t / No, he isn‘t
Is it raining outside? Yes, it is
No, it isn‘t
2. Information Questions

you I ‗m
are We ‗re
they They ‗re
What doing? (not) studying
is he He ‗s
she She ‗s

See the progressive forms of the verbs

Do + ing → doing swim + ing → swimming

Watch → watching run → running
Eat → eating cut → cutting
Read → reading clap → clapping
Play → playing Dig → digging
Have → having Make → making
Write → writing Drive → driving
3. Exercise

Complete the sentences with the correct form of Present Continuous Tense.

1. Kayla ________________ (make) a cup of coffee.

2. Mike _________________(have) breakfast.
3. Cindy ________________ (swim)
4. Ben and Tina __________ (play) monopoly
5. You _________________ (type) a daily report
6. I ____________________ (chat) with my friend, Sue
7. My friend and I ________ (discus) the upcoming seminar.
8. The students ___________ (demonstrate) how to clean the hands.
9. The cat _______________ (drink) the milk
10. The dogs _____________ (bark) noisily.

4. Dialog

Amar : What are you doing, Kinan?

Kinan : I‘m finishing my repot. I have to give it to Mr. Anton
Amar : By the way….Where is Dion?
Kinan : He‘s in the living room..
Amar : What is he doing?
Kinan : I think he‘s working on his paper, too.
Don‘t you have a report to write too?
Amar : Yeah. I‘m having a break. It‘s so tiring.
Kinan : I agree.

5. Your turn
Make a dialog with your classmate and practice it.

Some adjectives

Tiring Boring
Exhausting Worrying
Interesting Exciting
Amazing Fascinating


How was your weekend?

1. Dialog
Look at the dialog below.

Jerry : How was your weekend, Mario?

Mario : Oh, It was pretty good. On Friday night I went to the music
Jerry : Oh…, How about Saturday?
Mario : Well, in the morning I played basketball. Saturday afternoon
I went to mall with Susan and had pizza at the Dominos

Jerry : Did you go out Sunday night?

Mario : No. I studied and finished my report.

2. Simple Past Tense

►Study the frames

Subject Verb (past)

I bought a newspaper yesterday

You did the interview last night

We saw the new movie two days ago

They had pizza for dinner (last night)

She studied mathematic this morning

He walked to school today

Interrogative (?)

Did Subject Verb 1

Did you buy the newspaper yesterday?

Did you do the interview last night?

Did they have pizza for dinner last night?

Did she study mathematic this morning?

Did Kiara do the report? Yes, she did

No, she didn‘t

Negative (-)

Subject didn’t verb 1

I didn‘t buy the newspaper

You didn‘t do the interview last night

They didn‘t have pizza for dinner last night

She didn‘t study mathematic this morning

Kiara didn‘t do the report

3. Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Past Tense.

1. Ben ___________ (have) lunch at 12 today.

2. Laura ___________(not / meet) Mr.Kent at school.

3. Bianca ___________ (invite) her friends to her birthday party.

4. _______ Miko _______ (answer) Ms. Mentari‘s question?

5. Sanchai ___________ ( not / reply) the letter.

6. I __________( give) the books to Jim this morning..

7. . _______ your mom._________(remember) the receipt

8. .No. My mom __________ (forget) how to mix the ingredients

2. Look at the text below. Sue is telling us what she did yesterday.

I got up at 5 o‘clock yesterday. I set the bed, took a shower and prayed.

I had breakfast at about 7 o‘clock and then I went to campus. I studied

from 7.30 to 12 o‘clock. I had lunch at the campus cafeteria.

I went home around 2 o‘clock. In the evening I read some books and

finished my report.

3. Your turn

►1. Write what you did yesterday. Make sure to use the past form of

the verbs in your story.

►2. Record your information into a video within duration 45 to 60 seconds.


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