Syllabus - AE (Civil) PWD - Modified PDF

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Paper I
Syllabus For Civil Engineering Total Marks= JOO

Roads & Building Materials- Timber, Stone, Brick, Sand,
Mortar, Concreli!, paints Bitumen etc. Detailing of Wal ls.
I. Construction Materials fl oors. roofs. ceilings. staircases, doors & windows, Fini shing
of Building, plastering, painting, ventilation, air conditioning. I
lighting & acoustics etc.
Bending moment & shear force diagrams for statically
determine beams, Analysis of Statically determine structure.
II. Theory of Structure Slope and deflection, columns, fi xed and continuous beams.
elastic theory of arches, suspension girder bridge. analysis of
frame, concept of structural stability, retaining wal l. moving
loads and influence lines.
Design of beams, columns, slabs, footi ng, design of
compression numbers, design of roof truss, pre-stressed
III. Design of Structure concrete, water tank, plate girder, tubular structures. concept of
earthquake resistant design. use of Indian Standard Codes, I
design of bridges. _J
Introduction : Mode of transportation. 1

Highway Planning : geometric design of hi ghways, testing and I

specifications of paving materials. design of fl exible and ri gid
IV . pavements.
Traffic Engineering : traffic characteri stics. theory of traffic
flow, intersection design, traffic signs and signal design.
highway capacity.
General Principles, sign convention surveying instruments and
their adjustment. recording of survey observations, plotting of
maps and sections, errors and their adjustment. Measurement of
di stances, directions and heights, correction of measure length
and barrings, correction for local attractions. measurement of
horizontal and vertical angles, leveling operations. refraction
V. Engineering Surveying and curvature corrections, Chain and compass study. theodolite
and tachometric traversing, traverse computation: plane table
survey, solution of two and three points problems, contour
surveying, setting out direction and grades & type of curves.
setting out of curves and excavation lines for building
fo undation.
>-----+-- - -- - - - --- ---+-S - oil M~chanics: Origin of soils. soil classification, soil ___
compaction, sheer strength. soil parameters- liquid limit.
plastic limit. plastic index etc_
Foundation Engineering : Sub-surface investigations- drillirn.?.
VI. Geotechnical Engineering bore holes, sampling, penetration tests. plate load test. -
Foundation types : Foundation design requirements. bearing
capacity of soil. stress di stribution, settlement analysis in sands
nad clays, deep foundation, pile foundation, pile types. load
capacity of piles in sands and clays. negati ve skin fri ction.
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on, air pollution, noise pollution- causes. t'l'fects
VII. Engineering and preventive measures.
Introduction, specifications of work, rate analvsis, schedule of
rates, preparation of estimates for road and bu.ilding projects.
VIII. Estimation & valuation Basic knowledge of value. rental method of valuation. land and

·- - - - -- - - - ir:
buildings methods of valuation.
: n-, ;::
stages of constructi on, bar charts and networ-ks-.
IX . Construction Management rol_~ f e~ment ~nd modern constru~on industries. _ _ __
-~ ·.
~~~ Oi11<:fS C>t~t '°41Ci4t-5f
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-781 022
Name of Exam: Assistant Engineer (Civil) under Public Works Roads


(MCQ OMR Based)

Modified Syllabus for General Studies

Full Marks: 60 Duration: 1.30 Hrs.

1. Current Affairs (India/Assam)

2. India History & National Movement
3. Assam History
4. Geography (India/ Assam)
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5. Indian Polity & Constitution
6. Sports/Books/Author and important people of Assam
7. Economy of India & Assam
8. Environment of Assam
9. General Mental Ability
10. Literature, culture & festivals of Assam & North East
11 . English Grammar:

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