Healing Landscape For Cancer Patients
Healing Landscape For Cancer Patients
Healing Landscape For Cancer Patients
Aim is to explore design solutions for an The paper is based on case studies from
architectural cure for cancer. different countries so user behavior may vary
Objective is to and not be similar in India.
He further conducted a stage wise study, which It is also important to remember that activities
showed that landscape elements have more in healthcare outdoor space can range all the
way from completely passive to very active, for Accessibility
example: Places of privacy
Seating encouraging interaction
• Viewing garden through window
Contact with nature
• Sitting outside
• Dozing/napping/meditation/prayer Factors Hindering stress reduction and healing
• Gentle rehabilitation exercises in hospital gardens:
• Walking to preferred spot
• Eating/reading/doing paper work Predominance of hardscape
outside Ambiguous, abstract art.
• Taking a stroll Intrusive mechanical sounds
• Child playing in garden Lack of privacy, places to sit.
• Raised bed gardening Lack of choice
• Vigorous walking Lack of shade
• Sports. Feeling of insecurity or risk
Factors Supportive of stress reduction and
healing in hospitals:
Case Studies: CASE STUDY 1 The healing garden at VCU Massey Cancer
Center offers patients, family members and
Massey Cancer Center, Virginia, US medical staff a chance to be around nature and
to escape, if for only a little while, the stress
and stimulation of a clinical environment. The
garden offers another aspect of healing that the drug vinblastine; and autumn crocus,
goes along with medicine but is different from which makes a substance tested against
medicine. These are the benefits of nature that leukemia.
come from plants and wonderful light and the
trickling of water. For a sick patient, a stressed
relative or a tired nurse, the garden will be a
temporary place of peace in the midst of
dealing with illness and pain. Perhaps it will
mean the difference between a bad day and a
Fig no. 1- Massey Cancer Center According to the landscape architect, "The
focus is on life rather than illness," and that
plants with strong scents are absent because
some cancer treatments increase sensitivity to
Case Study II: Healing Garden at Mount Zion Clinical Cancer Center, San Francisco, California
Case Study III: Mary & Al Schneider Healing Garden, Cleveland, USA
Comparative Analysis:
Massey The healing garden The Healing Garden Most of the For a sick patient,
Cancer offers patients, is growing shade plants come from a stressed
Center family members trees, perennials, everyday life, and relative or a tired
and medical staff a evergreens, shrubs, the healing nurse, the garden
chance to be vines and aspect is will be a
around nature and groundcovers. intended to come temporary place
to escape, if for Water sculptures from this very of peace in the
only a little while, and a tranquil pool familiarity. midst of dealing
the stress and add to the with illness and
stimulation of a atmosphere. Views The focus is on pain. Perhaps it
clinical from the garden are life rather than will mean the
environment. The framed by bronze illness and that difference
garden offers screens that borrow plants with between a bad
strong scents are
another aspect of design elements day and a hopeful
healing that goes such as birds and absent because
along with reeds from the some cancer
medicine but is nearby Egyptian treatments
different from Building, which was
medicine. the original medical sensitivity to
school built in 1845. them.
Healing This courtyard The gardenesque There were also a The typical
Garden at garden is bounded style of this garden number of tile- scenario on a
Mount Zion by hospital comprises making summer day is,
Clinical buildings and a curvilinear workshops people come into
commercial pathways of where patients the garden to eat
property, roughly decomposed added their lunch, wait for an
Cancer half of the garden granite that border survival stories to appointment,
Center still receives direct planting beds filled tiles with hold small staff
sunlight at noon. with a great variety imprints of Asian meetings, sit or
Plants were chosen of annuals and plant specimens quietly talk with
to provide blooms perennials, used in cancer a family member,
throughout the including white treatment. These do paperwork or
year and to provide blooming tiles made up the relax in the sun.
a variety of green impatiens, wall of the indoor So the garden
hues. hydrangeas, and corridor that does a good job
Japanese anemone passes by the in distracting
in the shady half of garden; people from the
the garden and the monotonous life
colourful blooms of of treatments.
roses, begonia,
pansies, lavender.
Mary & Al The Mary & Al Integrated into the The garden The garden
Schneider Schneider Healing Schneider Healing creates an creates a sense of
Healing Garden was Garden at Seidman experience of calm for visitors
Garden designed as an Cancer Center, is a respite for cancer who want to
integral part of the labyrinth in 11 patients, staff recharge and
new Seidman circuit Chartres and families – an rejuvenate yet
Cancer Center. The pattern. It is “Island” designed also provide a
garden, which is constructed of 948 to both calm and sense of whimsy;
about one-third of pieces of honed cut delight one’s of being able to
an acre, isn't granite and is senses in the core touch rocks,
visible from the surrounded by an 8- of downtown allowing those
street. A wall foot-wide Cleveland. journeying with
separates the bluestone path. A cancer something
setting from hectic snowmelt system to hang onto and
Euclid Avenue. But keeps the pattern feel the rock’s
the public, free of ice and snow strength, of being
whether visiting enabling able to find a
Seidman or not, is accessibility of place of respite,
welcome inside people of all ages to inspire by
the garden, which and stages, quotations,
is accessible from wheelchairs and IV having an open
the intersection of poles. space to breathe,
Euclid and a place to be
University away from busy
Hospitals Drive. streets yet a part
of the urban
Design guidelines: stressful experience. Nearby access to natural
landscape or a garden can enhance people’s
Accessibility: People of all ages and abilities ability to deal with stress and thus potentially
need to be able to enter and move around in improve health outcomes.
the garden. Paths must be wide enough for
two wheelchairs to pass (minimum of six feet), It is important to recognize that “healing” is
they should be smooth and wide enough for a not synonymous with “cure.” A garden cannot
patient on a bed or gurney to be wheeled into cure cancer, but it can do the following:
the garden, paving joints should be narrow
Facilitate stress reduction which helps
enough so as not to catch a cane, the wheels of
the body reach a more balanced state
a walker or an IV-pole.
Help a patient summon up their own
Familiarity: When feeling stressed, many seek inner healing resource
environments that are familiar and comforting. Help a patient come to terms with an
A depressed person may be reluctant to leave incurable medical condition
their bed; an anxious person may seek the Provide a setting where staff can
familiarity of home. Similarly, those in medical conduct physical therapy, horticultural
settings who are stressed from overwork, therapy, etc. with patients
illness, or anxiety need to have access to Provide staff with a needed retreat
garden settings which are soothing in their from the stress of work
familiarity. Provide a relaxed setting for patient-
visitor interaction away from the
Quiet: If a garden is to have therapeutic value
hospital interior.
in a medical setting, it needs to be quiet — a
complete contrast to the public A healing garden can have the effect of
announcements, TVs, and rattling trolleys of a awakening the senses, calming the mind,
hospital interior. People using the garden need reducing stress, and assisting a person to
to feel a sense of calm, and to be able to hear marshal their own inner healing resources. For
birdsong, wind chimes, or the sounds of a a garden to provide maximum therapeutic
fountain benefits, it needs to have a plentiful supply of
plant materials, some with distinctive seasonal
Comfort: Hospital patients often feel
changes; leaves or grass which move with the
vulnerable. Patients who are elderly, infirm or
slightest breeze; subtleties of colour, texture,
mobility-impaired need the reassurance of
and leaf shape especially where frail people
handrails, seating at frequent intervals
may move slowly looking down or where
(especially near the entry door), and paving
people may sit for long periods in one setting.
materials that do not cause excessive glare.
Trees can provide metaphors of solidity,
Patients, staff and visitors also need to feel
strength and permanence; perennials of
psychologically secure: a garden space needs
persistence and renewal; annuals of growth,
to feel and be safe, with some sense of
budding, blooming, seeding, decay, death and
enclosure and the absence of feeling that users
transformation. A healing garden should also
are in a “fishbowl,” being stared at.
provide views to the sky and changing cloud
Conclusion: formations, pools that reflect the sky or trees
and that can attract wildlife, reminding those
For a patient, visitor, or member of staff, in ill-health that life goes on, elements that
spending long hours in a hospital can be a feature the sight and sound of moving water,
and where possible, views to the horizon or to
landscape. The layout of the garden should be
such that walking or being pushed in a
wheelchair through the garden provides a
variety of open and closed views, experiences
of differing sub-spaces, even elements of
positive surprise or whimsy.