NPR Fact Sheet

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FIRST SHOW BROADCAST All Things Considered May 3, 1971
DC HEADQUARTERS 1111 North Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20002

President and CEO John Lansing AWARD HIGHLIGHTS

Number of Employees 8671 Since 1971, NPR and its journalists and programming
have won hundreds of awards including 34 Alfred
News Division Staff 3901 I. duPont-Columbia University Awards, 62 George
Foster Peabody Awards, 81 awards from the White
Stations Broadcasting NPR Programming 1,0742
House News Photographers Association, 23 Webby
and Newscasts
Awards (which includes nine Webby “Peoples’ Voice”
NPR Member Stations and Associate 1,0086 awards) and 20 awards from the Overseas Press Club
Stations of America.

Non-Member Stations Airing NPR 846 ABOUT NPR

NPR is a nationally acclaimed, non-profit multimedia
Weekly Listeners for all NPR Stations 35.1M3
organization and the leading provider of non-
27.4M3 commercial news, information and entertainment
Weekly Listeners for NPR Programming and
Newscasts programming to the American public. Launched in
1970 as a radio network by a group of public radio
Monthly Unique Visitors 38.8M4 stations, today NPR is among the most successful
news organizations in America and a growing
Monthly Visits to NPR Digital Properties 112.7M5 presence in digital media including podcasting, mobile
applications and social media.
Monthly Unique Users of NPR Podcasts 22.7M7


Beijing, China Manila, Philippines Austin, TX NPR New York

Beirut, Lebanon Mexico City, Mexico Birmingham, AL Orange Beach, AL
Berlin, Germany Moscow, Russia Boston, MA Philadelphia, PA
Cairo, Egypt Nairobi, Kenya Chicago, IL Portland, OR
Dakar, Senegal Mumbai, India Cleveland, OH Salt Lake City, UT
Islamabad, Pakistan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Dallas, TX San Francisco, CA
Istanbul, Turkey Seoul, South Korea LA Bureau/NPR West Seattle, WA
Jerusalem, Israel Shanghai, China Miami, FL Virginia Beach, VA
London, United Kingdom New Gloucester, ME

1 As of 2018.
2 NPR Carriage Report Center, Spring 2019.
3 ACT 1 based on Nielsen Audio Nationwide, Spring 2019, Persons 12+, based on program broadcast times, Mon-Sun

© 2019 The Nielsen Company. May not be quoted or reproduced without the prior written permission of Nielsen.
4 Google Analytics, 3-month average for number of sessions, April-June 2019. Note: NPR Digital Properties includes and NPR apps.

5 Splunk, 13-week average, 06/16/2019 - 09/08/2019.

6 NPR Authorized Representatives, Sept 19, 2019.

7 Podtrac Podcast Industry Ranking Highlights. Top 20 Podcast Publishers U.S. Unique Monthly Audience, August


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