Class - Related Terms PDF
Class - Related Terms PDF
Class - Related Terms PDF
of “Class“ related terms,
abbreviations and
Acceptance Criteria Assess
The set of values or criteria which a design, To determine the degree of conformity of a design,
product, service or process is required to conform product, service, process, system or organisation
with in order to be accepted. with identified specifications, rules, standards or
other normative documents.
AIC Acceptance into Class
The process by which unclassed vessels – Audit
including vessels which are classed by a non-IACS A planned systematic and independent examination
member or associate – can gain classification from to determine that the activities relative to a process
an IACS member. Formal submission of plans and are documented, that these activities are actually
information for design appraisal will usually be performed in conformance with what is stated in
required in addition to a full survey. the documentation and that they are properly
recorded and such as to reach contemplated
Annual Survey objectives
see Periodic Surveys
CAP Condition Assessment Program
Appraisal Structural assessment program devised by the
A synonym for assessment, evaluation, verification classification societies ABS, LR and DNV.
and review sometimes also for approval.
Approval A formal document attesting compliance of a
The examination and acceptance by the Society design, product, service or process with the
of documents, products, procedures, services and specified requirements.
other items related to classification and statutory
certification, verifying solely their compliance Certificate of Registry
with the relevant rules requirements, or other A document specifying the nation registry of the
applicable referentials. vessel.
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continuous improvement. Certification is based Such a certificate does not imply, and should not be
on the adherence to international statutory rules. construed as an express warranty of safety, fitness for
A formal document attesting compliance of a purpose or seaworthiness of the ship. It is an attestation
design, product, service or process with the only that the vessel is in compliance with the standards
specified requirements. that have been developed and published by the society
issuing the classification certificate.
Class Notation As an independent, self-regulating body, a classification
Attestation that the relevant components and society has no commercial interests related to ship design,
materials have been certified in accordance with ship building, ship ownership, ship management, ship
the applicable rules of the classification Society maintenance or repairs, insurance or chartering.
for specific features In establishing its rules, each classification society may
draw upon the advice and review of members of the
Class Renewal/Special Survey industry who are considered experts in their field.
see Periodic Surveys
The class renewal surveys/special surveys include Classification is one element within a network of
extensive out-of-water examinations to verify maritime safety partners, the other role is statutory
that the structure, main and essential auxiliary certification.
machinery, systems and equipment of the ship
remain in a condition which satisfies the rules. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Seas (UNCLOS) is an umbrella convention concerned
Classification with many aspects of the sea and its uses, including
Classification means that a ship adheres to the the granting of registration of a ship by a State.
Society’s own Classification rules, in other words –
it is the appraisement of the level of compliance Once a ship is registered, the flag state has certain
to the rules set up by the class society. duties laid out in UNCLOS. In particular, under
This appraisement is represented by class marks Article 94, the flag state must “effectively exercise
and notations entered on a certificate and its jurisdiction and control in administrative,
periodically transcribed in the classification technical and social matters over ships flying its
society’s register. flag” and take “such measures for ships flying its
flag as are necessary to ensure safety at sea”.
It is not compulsory by law that a ship owner has his International conventions have been agreed,
vessel built according to the rules of any classification setting out uniform standards to facilitate accep-
society, but in practice , the difficulty in securing tance of a ship registered in one country in the
satisfactory insurance rates for an un-classed vessel waters and ports of another and in the general
makes it a commercial obligation. furtherance of safety at sea and protection of the
environment. These standards are commonly
Classification Society referred to as “statutory” requirements. Broadly
A classification society is an organisation that they cover three distinct areas:
establishes and applies technical standards in
relation to the design, construction and survey of • aspects of the ship’s design and its structural
marine related facilities including ships and integrity
offshore structures. • accident prevention
• situation after an accident
These standards are issued by the classification
society as published rules. A vessel that has been Some or all of these may also be reproduced in
designed and built to the appropriate rules of a particular class society’s rules.
Society may apply for a certificate of classification
from that Society. The Society issues this certificate Remark: There is a trend towards a shift from classifica-
upon completion of relevant classification surveys. tion to certification societies.
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Classification Survey critical areas and provide the basis for through-life
A visual examination that normally consists of: maintenance.
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focused as first priority on the hull scantlings of PRS was re-admitted subsequently as an associated
new double hull tankers and bulk carriers. member. RINA should have experienced at least
the same fate because of the Erika disaster, but
All goal-based standards are currently being discussed managed to remain a member of the association.
for hull structures, but they should be applicable IACS was given consultative status with IMO, in
for any part of a ship or system on board. 1969, with the first Permanent Representative
appointed in 1976.
Goal-based standards can be defined as a multi-tier It remains the only non-governmental organisation
approach, where the first tier represents general with observer status which is able to develop and
safety objectives, the second tier functional apply rules. The status of the standards developed
requirements applicable for each ship type and the by member societies was enshrined in the
third tier relevant goal based verification criteria. International Convention for the safety of Life at
Sea (SOLAS). A permanent Secretariat was formally
To put it in a more prosaic wording: established in London in 1992.
Goal-based standards will be aiming at moving
IACS Charter
• from mistrust to trust • to work towards the improvement of standards
• from a culture of compliance to a culture of of safety at sea and the prevention of pollution
benchmarking of the marine environment
• from prescriptive to functional /risk/ • to provide for communications and
goal-based standards co-operation with relevant international and
• from a complex to a more rational set of rules national organisations
and regulations • to co-operate closely with the marine industries
• from given solutions to goals that can be of the world
achieved by alternative designs, promoting
innovation of technology IACS Code of Ethics
Ugo Salerno, RINA It states, inter alia:
“Classification Societies live on their reputation.
IACS Acceptance of their work can only be maintained by
IACS can trace its origins back to the Load Line continuously proving integrity and competence” and
Convention of 1930 and its recommendations. “Competition between Societies shall be on the basis of
The convention recommended collaboration services (technical and field) rendered to the marine
between classification societies to secure “as industry but must not lead to compromises on safety of
much uniformity as possible in the application life and property at sea or to the lowering of technical
of the standards of strength upon which standards”
freeboard is based”.
IACS Members have been found to meet
IACS in its today structure was formed by seven Resolutions A.739(18) and A.789(19) by all of the
leading societies on 11 September 1968. Current Administrations (approximately 100) that are
members are ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, KR, LR, NK, Parties of SOLAS.
RINA, and RS with three associated members –
Croatian Register of Shipping, Indian Register of IACS Initiatives
Shipping and Polish Register of Shipping. IACS • TOCA Transfer of Class Agreement
had expelled the Polish Register of Shipping in a • ESP reinforcing the Enhanced Survey Program
council decision that followed the loss of the bulk • Introduction of unified scantling standards, for
carrier Leader L in March 2000, citing “serious both bulk and oil tankers
managerial shortcomings” on the part of the PRS. • TOMS Transfer of Management Systems
This followed the temporary suspension of the procedures
PRS in 1997.
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Remark: MARPOL
Unfortunately the aim of the regulation had mainly been The International Convention for the Prevention
diverted from its initial purpose to become a clerical of Pollution of Ships, 1973, as modified by the
business opportunity of its own. Protocol of 1978.
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referred to in the Directive by a single “Notified Surveyors of different classification societies request
Body”, this approval will be acceptable in all other different EN 10204 certificates from the manufacturers.
Member States. This is unfair and gives some companies a significant cost
advantage while discriminating others.
Recognition that the equipment fully complies
with the requirements of the MED will be MSC Maritime Safety Committee
denoted by a “Ships Steering Wheel”. A major committee within IMO.
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PSC Port State Control The RO is responsible and accountable to the Flag
The Inspection of foreign ships in national ports administration for the work that it carries out on
for the purpose of verifying that the condition of its behalf. The principles of the inspection and
a ship and its equipment comply with the survey work are the same as in respect of
requirements of international conventions and classification surveys, that is the verification by
that the vessel is manned and operated in the RO that the ship is in compliance with
compliance with applicable international law. applicable requirements at the time of the survey.
The scope of these inspections and surveys
On the basis of an EC Directive, all EU Coastal regarding safety and pollution are laid down by
States are obliged to inspect at least 25% of all the Flag administration in compliance with the
foreign sips calling to their ports. If a substantial relevant international conventions to which it
number of deficiencies is found, the ship will be is a signatory.The RO is responsible and
detained until the necessary repairs have been accountable to the Flag Administration for the
carried out. work that it carries out on its behalf.
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particular, works and quality system are approved, bodies or trade associations. The list below shows
and respective responsibilities are identified. the most common national and international
standards which classification societies assess
Self Regulation against:
Classification societies are somehow unique as • AS 9100
they are self issuing and self executing regulations • HACCP
and guidelines. • ISO/IEC 27001
• ISO/IEC 20000-1
Services • ISO 13485
Major services by classification societies are: • ISO 14001
• ISO 9001
• Approvals • ISO/TS 16949
• Certification • ISO/TS 29001
• Classification • ISO 22000
• Inspection • QS-9000
• Construction Survey • OHSAS 18001
• Consultancy • IRIS
• Design Appraisal
• Testing and Witnessing Statutory Work
• Marpol 73/78
Classification societies act as providers of services. • SOLAS
This can not be construed as an obligation bearing • ISM
on the society to obtain a result or as a warranty. • Load Lines; ICLL 66/68
Any delay or shortcomings in the performance of • TC 69
the society’s services arising from an event not • AFS-C
reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control • ISSC ISPS code
of the society is deemed not to be a breach of
contract. STWC International Convention of Training,
Certificates and Watchkeeping of Seafarers.
SMC Safety Management Certificate Surveillance
(ISM Code) Certificates stating that the ship has a The process of monitoring a product, procedure
Safety Management System. or service to ensure it continues to conform with
the approved criteria.
SMS Safety Management System
SOLAS An activity carried out by a surveyor with free
The International Convention for the Safety of and random access to building facility at defined
Life at Sea (SOLAS) is the most important treaty or occasional intervals, consisting of one or more
protecting the safety of merchant ships. inspections and/or surveillance to verify the
compliance of a product, design, service, process
Specification or plant (including ships, or offshore installations
Technical data/particulars which determine the or parts thereof) with specific requirements.
design and/or manufacturing and testing
procedures and define the quality requirements Surveyor
A competent person – appointed by the Society –
Standards to perform surveys.
A standard is a guideline document that reflects
agreements on products, practices and operations Suspension of Class
by recognised government, industry or professional A ship loses her class temporarily
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A person or institution that insures a ship or its
cargo against damage or loss. An underwriter
assesses the level of risk and calculates the
premium to be paid.
The last step in the design process to verify the
effectiveness of the design to fulfil the established
purpose. Usually, this is made by re-check of
drawings and calculations and/or by prototype
extensive testing (even destructive tests, if
necessary) carried out by a person not having
been involved in the design performance
or in the normal routine inspection.
Withdrawal of Class
A ship loses her class permanently
To be present at the test and to be able to give
evidence about its out come.
© 2007 by J. R. Kuehmayer
Austrian Marine Equipment Manufacturers
c/o J. R. Kuehmayer · Marxergasse 27/8
A-1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA, Europe
E-Mail: [email protected]
Grafic-Design, Production:
Peter Furian, Georg Michael Thellmann