Problem Solving Box Plots Answer Key PDF

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NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ PERIOD _________

Problem-Solving Practice
Box Plots
U.S. VICE PRESIDENTS Use the box plot that shows the ages of U.S. vice presidents
when they took office.
Ages of U.S. Vice Presidents

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

1. Describe the distribution of the data. 2. What percent of U.S. vice presidents
What can you say about the ages of were at least 60 years old when they
U.S. vice presidents? Sample answer: took office? Explain how you found
Half were between the ages of your answer. 25%; Sample
49 and 60. answer: the interval from 60 to
the greatest value represents
25% of the data

3. What percent of U.S. vice presidents 4. Can you determine from the box plot
were between the ages of 49 and 60 whether there are any U.S. vice
when they took office? Explain how presidents who took office at exactly
you found your answer. 50%; age 55 years of age? Explain.
Sample answer: the interval

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
No; Sample answer: you can
from the first quartile to the third see only ranges, not individual
quartile represents 50% ages.
of the data

FIELD HOCKEY Use the box plot that shows the number of goals made by members
of the field hockey team during the season.
Field Hockey Goals

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5. Describe the distribution of the data. 6. What percent of team members scored
What can you say about the number of between 1 and 3 goals this season?
goals made by the members of the Explain. 25%; Sample answer:
field hockey team? the interval from the first quartile
Sample answer: Most made to the median represents 25% of
between 0 and 4 goals. the data

174 Statistical Displays

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