Executive Summary Card

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MRT II Executive Summary Scorecard

(State Share -- $ millions) FY21 FY22

Medicaid Deficit $3,079 $3,515

Medicaid Savings Target ($2,500) ($2,722)

FY20 Medicaid Savings Plan ($851) ($793)

MRT Recommendations ($1,649) ($2,264)

Hospital Actions ($399) ($459)

Increase the progressivity of Indigent Care Pool distributions ($157) ($157)
Strengthen NYC Health + Hospitals ($186) ($193)
Realize additional savings without impacting core hospital operations ($56) ($109)

Care Management Actions ($43) ($70)

Implement Health Home Improvement, Efficiency, Consolidation and Standardization ($33) ($37)
Promote Further Adoption of Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) ($6) ($18)
Promote Effective and Comprehensive Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease ($5) ($14)
Promote Maternal Health to Reduce Maternal Mortality $1 ($1)

Mainstream Managed Care Actions ($108) ($63)

Promote Encounter Data Accountability and Partially Restore of Managed Care Quality Incentive Pools ($114) ($81)
Enact statutory reforms intended to reduce inappropriate payment denials $9 $37
Standardized Medicaid Managed Care Prior Authorization Data Set ($0) ($1)
Explore new efforts to facilitate Value Based Payment arrangements $0 ($9)
Explore boroughwide or regionwide integrated delivery system and global budget demonstrations for the Bronx and rural areas $0 ($5)
Authorize Electronic Notifications ($2) ($5)

Long Term Care Actions ($647) ($1092)

Institute an HCBS Eligibility Lookback Period of 60 Months (to be consistent with look-back for nursing homes) ($20) ($24)
Eliminate Spousal and Legally Responsible Relative Refusal ($2) ($2)
Change Eligibility Criteria for Personal Care Services and Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) and Eligibility Criteria for
($154) ($360)
Enrollment in MLTC Partial Plans
Make Administrative Reforms to the Personal Care Services (PCS) and CDPAS Program ($82) ($263)
Implement Comprehensive CDPAP Programmatic Reforms and Efficiencies ($33) ($41)
Provide Integrated Care to Dual Eligible Members ($5) ($42)
Reform the Fair Hearing Process ($0) ($1)
Delay Implementation of the Expansion of Community First Choice Option (CFCO) Services ($47) ($47)
Cap Statewide MLTC Enrollment Growth at a Target Percentage ($215) ($215)
Enhance Wage Parity Enforcement $0 $0
Issue a Request for Offer for LHCSAs $0 $0
Reduce Workforce Retraining and Retention Funding ($45) ($45)
Require all UAS Community Health Assessments (CHA) and reassessments to be conducted by an Independent Assessor (IA) ($8) ($16)
Implement Changes to the Community Spouse Resource Amount ($6) ($7)
Offer Non-Medicaid Long-Term Care Programs to Encourage Delayed Enrollment in Medicaid including a private pay option for consumers to
$0 $0
purchase on NYSoH
Reduce Nursing Home Capital Funding ($30) ($30)

Pharmacy Actions ($71) ($214)

Fully Carve Out of the Pharmacy Benefit from Managed Care to Fee-for-Service (FFS) $11 ($125)
Reduce Drug Cap Growth By Enhancing Purchasing Power to Lower Drug Costs ($46) ($43)
Limit Coverage for Over-the-Counter Drugs (OTCs) ($14) ($19)
Eliminate Prescriber Prevails ($22) ($27)

Transportation Actions ($93) ($243)

Program Integrity ($60) ($74)

Modernize Regulations Relating to Program Integrity ($60) ($67)
Modernize Medicaid Third Party Health Insurance $0 ($6)

General Savings ($224) ($55)

Additional ATB Rate Reduction ($219) ($50)
Shift Water Fluoridation funding to Capital ($5) ($5)

Health Information Technology ($8) ($13)

Expand telehealth services ($3) ($10)
Modernize Medicaid information technology and expand access to data ($5) ($3)

Social Determinants of Health $4 $17

Advance Social Determinants of Health (SDH) to Improve Care and Reduce Medicaid Costs $4 $17

Total Spending Reductions ($2500) ($3057)

Remaining Amount to Target $0 ($335)

Confidential 3/17/2020 Page 1

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