Business Project English

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Muhammad Fauzan Fakhruozi 1908404

Nyoman Ayu Kristinawati 1902738
Raden Melvin Fauzan Idat 1905043
Ranggaweny Al-ghani 1900072



1.1 The background

The problem of waste in Indonesia is no longer a public secret. Lately, the problem
of garbage that is increasingly mounting has become a topic of conversation that is
enough to draw the attention of every circle. The problem of waste has become a
daily meal for the people of Indonesia. Various types of waste have colored each of
our perspectives. Garbage is a serious thing that must be dealt with immediately. It is
conceivable that so many cubic rubbish is disposed of by households and industries.
And like it or not we have to admit that the Indonesian people still lack
understanding about waste.

Cardboard is a packaging material used to protect a product during distribution from

producers to consumers. Cardboard boxes made from basic materials in the form of
paper are known to be easily damaged. Even so, cardboard waste can still cause
problems that can disturb the cleanliness and beauty of the environment. In Indonesia
the use of cardboard waste has not been carried out optimally. Even though the
unused cardboard waste can be reused through the recycling process.

Various ways have been taken by the Government and some communities to reduce
the volume of waste in Indonesia. But,, garbage still piles up and causes discomfort
for the surrounding community. Therefore, as an alternative way I try to use the
unused cardboard into a unique lantern with high selling value.

1.2 The purpose

In running a business, an entrepreneur has the purpose why she/he establishes the
business. The followings are the purposes of our business:
1. To reduce cardboard waste in Indonesia
2. To open a new business field in Indonesia
3. To increase knowledge about being an entrepreneur
4. To get high profit
5. For other parties useful as a guide or reference for those who are interested in
conducting or doing lantern business

1.3 Type of business

The business we run is a product in the form of goods namely lanterns made from
cardboard. By choosing this business, we believe our business can grow and progress
because there are not many competitors selling lanterns made from cardboard,
besides that our goal is also to help the problem in Indonesia related to waste.

1.4 Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of this program are:
1. Creation of unused cardboard lantern products that can be marketed and used by
the public.
2. The creation of independent business opportunities engaged in the interior sector.
3. Increasing the creativity of students to create new business opportunities that are
useful and appropriate for the community.

1.5 Benefits
The expected benefits of implementing this program are:
1. As an additional income that does not take up much time.
2. As a means to channel creativity.

2.1 Marketing aspects

2,1.1 Business opportunities
Businesses with raw materials used goods are still very minimal to be found, even
though used goods that we meet everyday can actually still be reused. Lots of
people who underestimate the use of goods made from used goods can reduce
landfill. Therefore, handicraft from used goods such as cardboard is quite a
lucrative business. some people are actually quite a lot of used products from raw
materials because they want to be able to participate in reducing waste. This
handicraft business from used materials does not need big capital because it only
requires used goods as material, innovation and high creativity.

2.1.2 Market potential

The market target of this product is the general public and students, especially the
public and students of the city of Bandung. The diverse and unique shapes and
colors are expected to attract the interest of the community and students. Besides
the price offered is quite cheap in accordance with the financial condition of
students. This lantern can also be made to order, this is a plus for this product
where consumers are the creators of their own goods and get satisfaction for

2.1.3 SWOT Analysis

Before we do the business activities, we must pay attention to the problems and
threats which can disturb our business activities in the future and we have to find
the opportunity that is profitable to run our business. Therefore, we must make
business plan by using SWOT analysis. The SWOT of this program:
1. Strength
a. Different from lanterns in general, the material used is cardboard
material that has been unused so that it becomes a unique lantern
b. Tools and materials that are easily obtained
c. The price offered is quite cheap
d. Guaranteed product quality is no less competitive with lanterns that are
sold in the market
e. Lanterns can be various forms and consumers can order according to
the wishes of consumers
2. Weaknesses
a. Need accuracy in making products
b. The time needed to make the product is quite long because the product
must be dried in the sun.
c. Products can be easily copied
3. Opportunities
a. Seeing the many people who need lanterns in addition to decorating
the room or as a gift that is quite unique.
b. This lantern can be bought by several restaurants or cafes to beautify
the room.
4. Threats
a. Orders from consumers are large, but producers cannot produce goods
b. There are other business owners with large capital with higher creativity
opening the same business with better shape and character.
c. there was a mistake when making, namely the lantern was not in
accordance with the wishes of consumers

2.1.4 Product Specifications

This lantern can be sold at a price Rp.51.000,-. But, prices can change
according to market conditions.

2.1.5 Marketing Mix (4P Concept)

In marketing, there are four basic elements of marketing activities. They are
called 4P; products, prices, places and promotions. To provide customer
satisfaction, the 4P Concept needs to be regulated by paying attention to what
is needed and desired by the customer.
A. Product
This product is a unique cardboard lantern. This product uses a thick
cardboard base material and has good quality.
B. Price
The prices of our products are very competitive and cheap, and can be
bought by everyone, namely for small lanterns sold at Rp.45,000, - for
large lanterns sold at Rp.60,000, - and we also sell lanterns without lights,
which is Rp. 30,000
C. Place
Our products can be found around the Indonesia University of Education
D. Promotion
This promotion is done via Instagram, line or direct promotion

2.2 Production aspects

2.2.1 Tools and materials
 Used cardboard 60 cm x 21 cm
 1 piece of Ruler
 1 piece of pencil
 1 piece crankcase knives
 White spray paint 1 tin
 1 piece of gun glue
 3 piece of fill gun glue
 1 meter of cable
 1 piece of fitting
 1 piece of Lamp

2.2.2 Product manufacturing steps

 First, take the used cardboard to be used, mark it with a pencil to form
a rectangular pattern with a length of 60 cm and a width of 21 cm.
Then cut the cardboard according to the pattern you made.

 Then, give color to one side of the cardboard with white spray paint

 Next step, after the paint is dry the shape of the cardboard becomes an
equilateral pentagon. make a line with the help of a crankcase blade to
make it easy to fold, being careful not to cut the cardboard


 After that, spread out the boxes that have been in the shape of the
pentagon on it again. Then cut the cardboard lengthwise into 7 sections
with a length of 60 cm and a width of 3 cm.
 Then, after finishing making the small pieces earlier the next step is to
connect between the ends of the cardboard pieces. Glue the ends using
glue to form an equilateral triangle. The painted side must be on the
outside. Repeat the process until the seven small pieces become an
equilateral triangle by gluing the ends of the cardboard. Arrange the
pieces of cardboard as shown.


 The next step we need to make the top of the lamp shade. Cut the
cardboard by forming an equilateral triangle, the length of each side is
12 cm. For simplicity, you can trace the size of the same pentagon
frame that you made before. Then make cuts using the crankcase.

 After that, make a hole right in the middle of the cardboard box at the
top of the lamp shade that you made before. Put the lamp fitting into
the hole you made earlier then glue the fitting with cardboard.

 The last step is to glue the frame that has been made at the beginning
with the top and glue it using glue. Beautiful lanterns from used
cardboard are ready and you can use to enhance the appearance of
your room.


3.1 Aspects & finance

Financial aspects are used to assess overall business finances. This aspect gives a
picture related to the company's profit, so it is one of the most important aspects.

In this aspect we can find out the costs incurred during production and also we can
calculate the BEP (Break Event Point), estimate the price and profit that we can.

Table 1. Cost of making 1 pcs of lanterns (Fixed cost) for 1 month

Material Quantity Unit price Price paid
Ruller 3 piece Rp.2.500,- Rp.7.500,-
Pencil 3 piece Rp. 3.500,- Rp.10.500,-
Cutter 2 piece Rp. 5.000,- Rp.10.000,-
White spray paint 4 tin Rp.20.000,- Rp.80.000,-
Gun glue 2 piece Rp.33.000,- Rp.66.000,-
Fill gun glue 5 piece Rp.3000,- Rp.15.000,-
Cable 16 meter Rp.5.000,- Rp.80.000,-
Fitting 16 piece Rp.5.000,- Rp.80.000,-
Lamp 16 piece Rp.7.500,- Rp.120.000,-
Total Rp.361.000,-

Table 2. Variable cost

Material Information Quantity Unit price Price paid
Costs to the Production 2 times for 1 Rp50.000,- Rp.100.000,-
grocery store business month
Product freight Sales business 4 times for 1 Rp.50.000,- Rp.200.000,-
costs month
internet media internet package 1 times for 1 Rp.60.000,- Rp.60.000,-
costs purchase month
electricity electricity token 3 times for 1 Rp.30.000,- Rp.90.000,-
payment costs payment month
Total Rp.450.000,-

3.3.1 Overall costs

Overall costs = Variable cost + Fixed Cost
= Rp.450.000,- + Rp.361.000,-
= Rp.811.000,-
We use a fee of Rp811.000,- for 1 month
3.3.2 Price per unit
if in one week produces 4 lanterns, then in one month can produce 16 lanterns.
Overal costs
Price per unit =
Rp .811 .000 ,− per month
Price per unit =
16 unit per month
Price per unit = Rp.50.700,-

The selling price for one unit of the lantern is Rp50.700,-

3.3.3 BEP (Break Event Point) analysis BEP for price
Overal costs
Price per unit =
Rp .811 .000 ,− per month
Price per unit =
16 unit per month
Price per unit = Rp.50.700,- BEP for production

Overal costs
Price for production =
Price per unit
Rp .811 .000 ,− per month
Price for production =
Rp.50 .700 ,−¿ ¿
Price for production = Rp.16.000,-

So, to break even we have to sell as many as 16 lanterns in one month at a price of
Rp 50.700,-. But we will sell it for Rp.51,000,-

3.3.4 Profit analysis Income
= Items sold x selling price
= 16 x Rp.51.000,-
= Rp.816.000,- Outcome
= Income - overall costs
= (Rp.816.000,-) – (Rp.811.000,-)
= Rp.5.000,-
So, the profit to be gained in a month is Rp.5000,-

4.1 Conclusion
Utilization of used goods that are not used can be done in various ways, for example
using old used cardboard into beautiful lanterns. Re-use of used goods can be used as
business opportunities for home industries with a profitable selling value.

In addition, in order to protect the environment of Indonesia, it would be better if we

used the unused used goods for recycle be a new things with a new innovation and
creatifity and we can get a profitable selling value, rather than these unused items
becoming scattered rubbish and making Indonesia's environment dirty.

4.2 Suggestion
In developing this home-based business it is needed in patience to achieve satisfaction
with the work that has been produced. This home-based business does not require a
large amount of capital but is quite interesting, in the process of doing this business it is
necessary to instill consumers's trust for our product.

Bayan, Ruhul. 2015. LAMPION DARI KARDUS. Accesed from : [Online: accessed
at 14/11/2019]
dari-barang-bekas.html [Online: Accessed at 14/11/2019]

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