Suraj PDF
Suraj PDF
Suraj PDF
Do you Possess the essential qualification requirement (EQR) and other : YES
essential requirement as per DET 2019-20/MTS Advt.
Category / वग : UR
Certificate Number : -
Date of Issue : -
Sub Caste : -
State: : -
Certificate Number : -
Date of Issue : --
Date of Joining : --
Date of Discharge : --
Period of Service Rendered (In Years & Months & Days) : --
1 of 5 1/23/2020, 10:16 AM
Sports Name:
Sports Level:
Are you a Person who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of
Jammu and Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 /
आप एक ऐसे
के दौरान सामा
Date of Joining
Identity Proof /
Nationality /
Certificate no
Date of Issue
2 of 5 1/23/2020, 10:16 AM
Qualifications Mode of Roll Number Institute/Board Date of Aggregate CGPA Maximum Total % of Class
(यो ताएँ ) Qualification (अनु मांक) (सं थान / बोड) Passing marks obtained marks CGPA Marks ( े णी)
(यो ता का (उ ीण होने obtained ( ा सी (अिधकतम (कुल ( ा ांक
मा म) की ितिथ) (कुल जी पी ए) अं क) सी जी का
ा ांक) पी ए) ितशत)
SSC / 10th Regular Roll B17 137 BOARD OF 31-05-2017 477 600 79.50 First
Standard No 0628 SECONDARY Class
(एसएससी / 10 EDUCATION
वीं) ASSAM
3 of 5 1/23/2020, 10:16 AM
HSC / 12th --
Standard /
(एचएससी / 12
वीं / समक )
Graduation --
( ातक)
Post --
( ातको र)
Ph. D (पीएचडी) --
1 Agra
2 Ahmednagar
3 Ambernath
4 Balasore
5 Bengaluru
6 Bhubaneswar
7 Chandigarh
8 Chennai
9 Dehradun
10 Delhi
11 Gwalior
12 Haldwani
13 Hyderabad
Posting Preference Order 14 Jagdalpur
15 Jodhpur
16 Kanpur
17 Kochi
18 Kolkata
19 Leh
20 Mumbai
21 Mussoorie
22 Mysore
23 Nasik
24 Panagarh
25 Pune
26 Tezpur
27 Vishakhapatanam
I hereby give my consent to publish my score and rank of Exam along with my YES
particulars, on the website:
1. EQR Certificate (10th/Matriculation/ITI Certificate) / ई. ू.आर माणप (10वी ं/मै िटक/ITI माणप )
(The same will be treated as age proof certificate / इसको आयु माणप भी माना जाये गा)
Declaration / घोषणा:
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are True, Complete and Correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
understand that in the event of any information being found untrue or incorrect at any stage or I am not satisfying any of the eligibility criteria
stipulated, and also in case of creating influence/undue pressure regarding recruitment shall tantamount to cancellation of my candidature.
म यह घोिषत करता / करती ं िक इस आवेदन म िदए गए सभी कथन स , पूण और मेरे ान और िव ास के अनुसार सही ह। म समझता / समझती ं िक िकसी भी सूचना
को िकसी भी र पर अस या गलत पाए जाने की थित म या म िनधा रत पा ता मानदं डों म से िकसी को पू रा नही ं कर रहा / रही ँ , और भत के संबंध म भाव / अनुिचत
दबाव बनाने के मामले म भी मेरी उ ीदवारी र की जा सकती है ।
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Final Submission Date / अं ितम जमा ितिथ : 23-01-2020 10:13:16 Signature of Applicant / आवेदक के ह ा र
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