LVDT Extensometers
LVDT Extensometers
LVDT Extensometers
Averaging — In this type of exten- Film Clamps — These spring acti- Breakaway Release — This option is ideally used when measuring strain
someter, knife edges are placed vated clamps allow precise strain on samples with brittle characteristics and which may cause premature
on opposite sides of the specimen measurement of thin materials up failure. This option typically requires the use of a
to provide an average amount to 0.125 in/3 mm thick, including counterbalance to support the extensometer and is available for both
of strain between the two gauge plastics and foils, without marring averaging and non-averaging type extensometers.
points. the specimen. Note that this option
is only available for non-averaging
extensometers and typically
requires the use of a counterbal-
ance to support the extensometer.
Sheet Metal Attachment — This Extension Bracket — This option Pneumatic Release — This option is Counterbalance Support — This
option allows the extensometer to allows the extensometer to be used combined with a swing away sup- option is used to support the
accommodate thin, flat with samples that are thicker than port and allows the remote release extensometer and is commonly
specimens. Note that this maximum opening of 0.625 in/16 of the used when the extensometer
option is only available for non- mm on the extensometer from the sample. is attached to small or fragile
averaging extensometers and standard model. There are three samples.
typically requires the use of a coun- choices with this option where an
terbalance to support the exten- extension bracket allows the exten-
someter. someter to be mounted
on samples that are either
1 in/ 25 mm, 2 in/50 mm or
3 in/75 mm thick. Note that this
option is only available for
non-averaging extensometers.