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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shifts: Vinod Moolwani
05_August_2017_Shift_1 Ans: Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Rajkot
Q: Who is the only Indian cricketer to have received the Polly
Q: At which rate, Reserve Bank of India borrows money from Umrigar award 3 times?
commercial banks? Ans: Virat Kohli
Ans: Reverse Repo Rate Q: Who is the author of the book titled "The Sellout"?
Q: Movement along the supply curve is known as ______ . Ans: Paul Beatty
Ans: Expansion and contraction of supply Q: Which country was designated as the major defence
Q: What is the minimum age required to become vice- partner of USA in December, 2016?
president of India? Ans: India
Ans: 35 years Q: With which country India did its seventh edition of
Q: Which of the following "writ" of the High Court or the bilateral EKUVERIN Exercise 2016 at Kadhdhoo?
Supreme Court is issued to restrain a person from holding a Ans: Maldives
public office which he is not entitled to?
Ans: Quo Warranto 05_August_2017_Shift_3
Q: Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya? Q: In which of the following case, law of demand fails?
Ans: Bindusara Ans: Giffen goods
Q: Which dynasty came to power in India after the Tughlaq Q: How many fundamental Rights are mentioned in Indian
dynasty? constitution?
Ans: The Sayyids Ans: Five
Q: Which planet is considered as the Dwarf planet?
Q: Which of the following Article/Articles cannot be
Ans: Pluto suspended even during emergency?
Q: Sandstone is which type of rock? Ans: Article 20 and 21
Ans: Sedimentary Rock Q: Who was the first Viceroy of India?
Q: Wheat is a ______. Ans: Lord Canning
Ans: Herb Q: Who wrote 'Nyaya Sutra'?
Q: Snakes, turtle, lizards and crocodiles falls under which Ans: Gautam
category of animals? Q: Earth's Deepest point in water is Mariana trench. It is
Ans: Reptilian located in which of the following oceans?
Q: Which of the following instrument is used to measure Ans: Pacific Ocean
Soil Water Tension? Q: Masai is a tribe of which of the following country?
Ans: Tensiometer Ans: Kenya
Q: What is the SI unit of Force? Q: With which of the following body organ is 'pace-maker'
Ans: Newton associated?
Q: Which one of the following is a bad Thermal Conductor? Ans: Brain
Ans: Iron
Ans: Redox reaction (Oxidation and Reduction) Q: What is the minimum distance (in metres) required to
Q: Which amongst the following is not a Cation? hear an echo?
Ans: Sulphate ion Ans: 17
Q: Which of the following is not a component of Smog? Q: Why does a black board appears black in colour?
Ans: Chlorine oxide Ans: It absorbs all the colours
Q: NITI Aayog has been formed to replace which of the Q: Which one among the following is a main system board
following institution? of a computer?
Ans: Planning Commission Ans: Mother board
Q: Who invented first working laser? Q: Which among the following metal is used for
Ans: T. H. Maiman galvanization?
Q: Which of the following venue hosted its first ever test Ans: Zinc
match on 9th November, 2016 which was played between Q: What is dry ice?
India and England? Ans: Solid Carbon dioxide
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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: Which of the following represents the most complex Q: In a majority of flowering plants, out of the four
trophic level? megaspores, what is the ratio of functional and degenerate
Ans: Ecosystem megaspores?
Q: Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh launched a medical Ans: 1:3
scheme for APL families. What is the name of that scheme? Q: The body of all complex animals consist of only _______
Ans: Arogya Raksha basic types of tissue(s).
Q: Who discovered X-rays? Ans: 4
Ans: W. C. Roentgen Q: Meter in a vehicle that calculates distance covered by the
Q: How many players are there in a water polo team? vehicle is called __________.
Ans: 7 Ans: Odometer
Q: 'Lavani' is a dance form of which state in India? Q: What is the SI unit of pressure?
Ans: Maharashtra Ans: Pascal
Q: Who is being awarded with Asian Award 2016 as the Q: ______ Disk Encryption is a technology (hardware or
Chivas Social entrepreneur of the year? software) where data is encrypted before storage.
Ans: Vikram Patel Ans: Whole
Q: The book "Azad Bachpan ki Aur" is written by which Q: Oxide of which of the following will turn red litmus blue?
author? Ans: Magnesium
Ans: Kailash Satyarthi Q: Which of the following are highly compressible?
Q: India by the Nile', was a cultural festival celebrated by Ans: Gas
India and _____. Q: ___________ gases absorb long wave (infrared) radiation
Ans: Egypt
Q: Sheikh Hasina Wazed is the Prime Minister of which
neighbouring country of India?
Ans: Bangladesh
from the earth and emit it again towards the earth.
Ans: Greenhouse
Q: In April 2017, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh banned
inclusion of names of Ministers and MLA's on Plaques and
Foundation Stones in which state?
Ans: Punjab
Q: The ________ curve represents the demand of all Q: Who invented bluetooth?
consumers in the market taken together at different levels Ans: Dr. Jaap Haartsen
of the price of the good. Q: Who was the winner of 2015 Men's Cricket World Cup?
Ans: market demand Ans: Australia
Q: The market structure called monopoly exists where there Q: Rukmini Devi Arundale was a reputed dancer and
is exactly ______ seller in any market. choreographer in which form of dancing?
Ans: One Ans: Bharatnatyam
Q: Who won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Drama 'Sweat'?
under 14 years of age? Q: As per World Health Organization, a pilot program testing
Ans: Right against Exploitation the first ever malaria vaccine will begin in ________ in the
Q: In 1528, __________ defeated the Rajputs at Chanderi. year 2018.
Ans: Babur Ans: Africa
Q: Which of the following was a leader of the Hindustan Q: Bhutan does not share its border with which Indian state?
Socialist Republican Army founded in 1928? Ans: Meghalaya
Ans: Chandra Shekhar Azad
Q: Land covers about ______ of the earth's surface. 06_August_2017_Shift_3
Ans: 30% Q: For a price taking firm, average revenue is ______ market
Q: The uppermost layer over the earth's surface is called the price.
______. Ans: equal to
Ans: Crust Q: The study of individual markets of demand and supply in
Q: The scientific name of human being is? which the 'players', or the decision makers, were also
Ans: Homo Sapiens individuals (buyers or sellers, even
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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Ans: Microeconomics Q: Who was the winner of 2017 Australian Grand Prix?
Q: In which year was Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Ans: Sebastian Vettel
founded? Q: Sanchi Stupa was built by?
Ans: 1999 Ans: Ashoka
Q: Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution Q: Who won the Best Actress in a Leading Role in 62nd
states that every person has the right to practice, profess Filmfare Awards 2017?
and propagate the religion of their Ans: Alia Bhatt
Ans: Right to Freedom of Religion Q: A] The author of the novel 'The Grapes of Wrath' is Ayn
Q: In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi organised a satyagraha to Rand.
support the peasants of the Kheda district of _________. Ans: A and B
Ans: Gujarat Q: In which city was Ariana Grande performing in when her
Q: Which queen of the Kakatiya dynasty ruled over Warangal, concert was hit by a terrorist attack in May 2017?
part of modern Andhra Pradesh? Ans: Manchester
Ans: Rudramadevi Q: The Indian State of Sikkim does not share a border with
Q: On the basis of distribution, resources can be classified which neighbouring country?
into ____________? Ans: Bangladesh
Ans: Ubiquitous resources
Q: Uranium found in Ladakh is an example of which type of 08_August_2017_Shift_1
resource? Q: Which one of the following is a component of Food
Ans: Potential resources
Security System?
Q: Which is the longest bone in human body? Ans: Buffer stock
Ans: Femur Q: What is the accepted average Calorie requirement for
Q: Opposite the micropylar end, is the __________, rural area in India?
representing the basal part of the ovule. Ans: 2400
Ans: chalaza Q: Whose recommendation is mandatory to impeach the
Q: In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, President of India from his office before the completion of
respiration and reproduction are performed by a how many his/her term?
cell(s)? Ans: The two houses of the parliament
Ans: 1 Q: How many types of writ are there in the Indian
Q: Reflection from a smooth surface like that of a mirror is Constitution?
called ___________ reflection. Ans: 5
Ans: regular Q: Who has built the Vijay Stambha (Tower of Victory) in
Q: What is the unit of resistance? Chittorgarh?
Ans: ohm
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
measuring the temperature inside metallurgical furnaces? humidity?
Ans: Pyrometer Ans: Hygrometer
Q: What is the full form of 'LAN'? Q: Which of the following disease is caused by female
Ans: Local Area Network Anopheles mosquito?
Q: Which acid is released when an Ant bites? Ans: Black Fever
Ans: Formic Acid Q: Which part of the plant gives us saffron?
Q: Which among the following is an example of solid sol? Ans: Stigma
Ans: Coloured gemstones Q: Which of the following transports water from the roots of
Q: Which metal is responsible for Itai-Itai disease? the plant to its leaves?
Ans: Cadmium Ans: Xylem
Q: 'Vikalp' is a scheme launched by Indian Railways to help Q: Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
wait-listed passengers. Which of the following is NOT true Ans: Speed
about this scheme? Q: At what temperature (in Fahrenheit) pure water freezes?
Ans: Confirmed berths in alternate trains. Ans: 32
Q: Who discovered the Cholera causing germ? Q: In which graphics, digital photos and scanned images are
Ans: Filippo Pacini typically stored with extensions such as.bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif
Q: 'Hunar Haat' an exhibition to exhibit and promote the arts or.gif?
and artisans from minority community was launched at Ans: Bitmap
which of the following events? Q: Process of gaining electrons is known as _____.
Ans: IITF, New Delhi, 2016 Ans: reduction
Q: Which movie won the award for the best movie at the
Oscar Awards 2017?
Ans: Moonlight
Q: Who is the author of the book titled 'Citizen and Society'?
Ans: Hamid Ansari
Q: With which country India has recently signed a MoU for
Q: Which of the following metal (shown by its symbol) is
generally used for making filaments of bulb?
Ans: W
Q: Which of the following trees shed their leaves once in a
Ans: Deciduous trees
Water Conservation in India? Q: The Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (EDS) has
Ans: Israel been launched under New Economy Development Policy
Q: Which among the following neighbouring country of India (NEDP) on January 19, 2017 at _____.
is the largest producer of Opium in the World? Ans: Mizoram
Ans: Afghanistan Q: Who invented Dynamite?
Ans: Alfred Nobel
08_August_2017_Shift_2 Q: 'Rovers cup' is associated with which of the following
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
08_August_2017_Shift_3 Ans: Amjad Ali Khan - Tabla
Q: Who takes the decision regarding the savings and loan Q: Who was conferred with the 2016 Nobel Prize for
activities in a Self Help Group (SHG)? Literature?
Ans: Members of group Ans: Bob Dylan
Q: Which amongst the following is not in the list of Q: Who is the author of the book titled 'The Gita for Children'?
Maharatna? Ans: Roopa Pai
Ans: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Q: With which country India celebrated its 25th year of
Q: In Indian constitution, the method of election of President diplomatic ties in 2017?
has been taken from which country? Ans: Israel
Ans: Ireland Q: Which Asian country has opened 'Duge Bridge' (world's
Q: What is the literal meaning of the term "Quo-Warranto"? highest road bridge) for use in year 2016?
Ans: By what authority (or) warrant Ans: China
Q: Who was given the title of "The Ambassador of Hindu -
Muslim Unity" for being the architect and mastermind of the 09_August_2017_Shift_1
historic Lucknow Pact? Q: Who gave the 'General Equilibrium Theory'?
Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah Ans: Leon Walras
Q: What is the name of the court poet of King Q: Which of the following is not true about a Demand Draft?
Harshavardhana? Ans: It may be dishonoured for lack of funds.
Ans: Banabhatta Q: Who administers the oath of the President of India?
Q: Marble comes under which category of rocks? Ans: Chief Justice of India
Ans: Metamorphic Q: Who among the following gave monistic theory of
Q: Which of the following is most important for absorption sovereignty?
of heat radiated from the Sun as well as from the Earth? Ans: Austin
Ans: Carbon dioxide Q: Which one is the correct chronological order of the
Q: Which among the following has segmented body? following events?
Ans: Phylum Annelida Ans: III, I, II, IV
Q: Synapse gap is present between which of the following? Q: In 1917, which movement was launched by Mahatma
Ans: Two neurons Gandhi from Champaran?
Q: Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called Ans: Satyagraha
as Villi (Singular Villus)? Q: What is the name of the tropical cyclones in the China
Ans: Small Intestine Sea?
Q: Which of the following is not a vector quantity? Ans: Typhoon
Ans: Electric current Q: Which among the following country is not a part of
Ans: a programming language Q: Which of the following carries oxygen to various parts of
Q: What are isobars? human body?
Ans: Elements with different atomic number but same mass Ans: Red blood cells
number Q: Which of the following function is performed by the
Q: Which of the following pairs is INCORRECT? kidneys in the human body?
Ans: Only II Ans: Excretion
Q: In which year did Kyoto Protocol came into force? Q: The bending of light when it passes around a corner or a
Ans: 2005 slit is due to ______.
Q: The 7th pay commission has retained the rate of annual Ans: diffraction
increment of _____. Q: What is the reason for formation of Mirage in desert?
Ans: 3% Ans: Both Refraction and Total internal reflection of light
Q: Who discovered malaria causing germs? Q: FORTRAN is not used for _____.
Ans: Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Ans: Both (I) and (II)
Q: Which of the following pair is INCORRECT? Q: Which of the following bonds are weakest in nature?
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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Ans: Hydrogen bond Ans: 3
Q: In the following reaction, fill in the blank. Q: It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely suspended wooden
Ans: Salt frame. Which law supports this statement?
Q: Bishnoi movement was started against which of the Ans: Newton's third law
following? Q: Which one of the following is not a property of
Ans: Cutting of Trees electromagnetic waves?
Q: What is the major aim of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana? Ans: Electromagnetic waves do not show interference and
Ans: To provide LPG connections diffraction.
Q: Who discovered television? Q: What is a bug in computer terminology?
Ans: John Baird Ans: An error in program
Q: How many players are there in a team of Volleyball? Q: A radio-active substance has a half life of six months.
Ans: 6 Three-fourth of the substance will decay in ______.
Q: Who among the following has been recently awarded Ans: Twelve Months
with 'Indian of the year' award? Q: pH of the human blood is ______.
Ans: Preety Shenoy Ans: Slightly Basic
Q: Who is the author of the book titled 'Selection Day'? Q: In which city is the Forest Research Institute of India
Ans: Aravind Adiga located?
Q: Which of the following country is not a member of BRICS Ans: Dehradun
association? Q: Deen Dayal Rasoi Yojana to provide food at only Rs. 5
Ans: Iceland has been launched on 6th April, 2017 by which state?
Q: With which of its neighbouring country India has Kalapani
territorial dispute?
Ans: Nepal
Q: In which market form, a market or an industry is
Ans: Madhya Pradesh
Q: What was invented by Zacharias Jansen?
Ans: Microscope
Q: In which of the following game, ball is not used?
Ans: Badminton
Q: Who has won the 'Miss Universe 2016' title?
dominated by a single seller? Ans: Iris Mittenaere
Ans: Monopoly Q: Who is the author of the book titled 'Numbers Do Lie'?
Q: Which one of the following is also regarded as Disguised Ans: Akash Chopra
unemployment? Q: Who has been appointed as the Secretary General of the
Ans: Underemployment United Nations in January, 2017?
Q: Which of the following are constituents of Indian Ans: Antonio Guterres
Parliament? Q: India has longest international border with which country?
Ans: Bangladesh
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Ans: Mohammed Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan Balance of Payment?
Q: Which of the following is the most abundant metal on Ans: Official Reserves Account
Earth's crust? Q: Who appoints Governor of a state in India?
Ans: Aluminium Ans: President of India
Q: Soil having high content of aluminum and iron oxide is Q: What is the literal meaning of 'Certiorari'?
also known as _____. Ans: To be certified (or) to be informed
Ans: pedalfer soil Q: Which among the following Mughal Emperor was
Q: Red rot is a disease caused to which of the following illiterate?
plant? Ans: Akbar
Ans: Sugarcane Q: Where was the 'Azad Hind Fauj' founded?
Q: Which among the following is not a connective tissue? Ans: Singapore
Ans: Skin Q: Strait of Malacca separates which two land masses?
Q: Which of the following micro-organism causes diseases Ans: Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Island of Sumatra
like polio and chicken pox? Q: The latitude which passes through Sikkim also passes
Ans: Virus through _____.
Q: Convex mirror is generally used in _____. Ans: Rajasthan
Ans: rear view mirror Q: Which of the following is not a plant hormone?
Q: What is the SI unit of frequency? Ans: Thyroxin
Ans: Hertz Q: Nephron is related to which of the following system of
Q: Which among the following is a 'Modifier key'? human body?
Ans: All options are correct
Q: Which of the following is an Inert Gas?
Ans: Argon
Q: Ozone is an ______ of oxygen.
Ans: Allotrope
Q: Red data book contains data of which of the following?
Ans: Excretory system
Q: Which Vitamin is obtained from Sun rays?
Ans: Vitamin D
Q: Speed of light is maximum in _____.
Ans: vacuum
Q: What is the SI unit of electric current?
Ans: All endangered species Ans: Ampere
Q: Union Cabinet approves amendments in M-SIPS to Q: An IP address is _____ bit number.
attract investment in electronics manufacturing. What is the Ans: 32
full form of M-SIPS? Q: Process of loosing electrons is known as _____.
Ans: Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme Ans: oxidation
Q: Who was the invertor of frozen foods? Q: Anions are formed by _____.
Ans: Clarence Birdseye Ans: gaining of electrons
Q: The Mosque with "shaking minarets" is situated in which Q: Which among the following is the major cause of acid
Ans: Sanjeev Kapoor Q: Who is known for the invention of 'World Wide Web'?
Q: 'The World Outside My Window' is written by which Ans: Sir Tim-Berners-Lee
author? Q: B. Sai Praneeth is associated with which of the following
Ans: Ruskin Bond sport?
Q: Due to incresed weapon launching missions of North Ans: Badminton
Korea, which country has launched a spy satellite to monitor Q: Which of the following pair is incorrect?
it? Ans: Nandlal Bose - Flute
Ans: Japan Q: Who among the following is the 2017 Asian Award
Q: With which of the following country, India has a land recipient for the outstanding achievement in Cinema?
dispute near Tawang? Ans: Kunal Nayyar
Ans: China Q: Who amongst the following is the author of the book
"Rekha : The untold story" a biography on a veteran actress
10_August_2017_Shift_1 Rekha?
Q: Which among the following is not an account under Ans: Yasser Usman
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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: Which among the following country exited from Trans Ans: Carbon dioxide
Pacific Partnership (TTP) in Jan 2017 ? Q: Who selects the Social Audit Committee under
Ans: USA MGNREGA scheme?
Q: Which of the following country doesn't matches to its Ans: Gram Sabha
famous tourist place? Q: Which of the following was invented by Sir Humphry Davy?
Ans: Sri Lanka - Padmanabhaswamy Temple Ans: Safety Lamp
Q: Who has won the 2016 Men's Single title at US Open?
10_August_2017_Shift_2 Ans: Stan Wawrinka
Q: In which market form, a market or industry is dominated Q: Who has recently been awarded with Nobel Prize for
by a few firms? peace in 2016?
Ans: Oligopoly Ans: Juan Manuel Santos
Q: Which amongst the following is not a component of Q: Which of the following is a book written by Shashi
monetary policy in India? Tharoor?
Ans: Public Debt Ans: An Era of Darkness
Q: Who among the following is not a member of any of the Q: With which country India has recently decided to partner
two houses of our country? with for strategic storage of crude oil in southern India?
Ans: President Ans: United Arab Emirates
Q: Which article of Indian constitution has the provision for Q: Which neighbouring country of India is also reffered as
National Emergency? 'Druk Yul'?
Ans: Bhutan
Ans: Article 352
Q: Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha movement?
Ans: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 10_August_2017_Shift_3
Q: Who is known as the 'Father of Indian Unrest'? Q: Which one of the following is not an instrument of credit
Ans: Bal Gangadhar Tilak control in India?
Q: Which of the following region is covered by tropical Ans: Variable cost reserve ratios
evergreen forest? Q: Which among the following is an example of micro-
Ans: Western Ghat economic variable?
Q: The final boundary between the Earth and the outer Ans: Consumer's Equilibrium
space is called _____. Q: Fundamental duties are mentioned in which of the
Ans: magnetopause following part of Indian Constitution?
Q: What is the name of the hormone produced by thymus Ans: Part IV A
gland? Q: What is the minimum age for becoming a Governor of
Ans: Thymosin state in India?
Q: If objects appear enlarged and inverted in a rear view Ans: permanent revenue settlement of Bengal
mirror, then which type of mirror is used? Q: 49th Parallel is the boundary line between which two
Ans: Concave countries?
Q: Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ______. Ans: USA and Canada
Ans: surface tension Q: How does La-Nina affect the Pacific Ocean?
Q: CAD stands for _____. Ans: Cools downs the temperature of water
Ans: Computer Aided Design Q: Cinnamon is obtained from which part of the plant?
Q: Which of the following is a characteristic of an Ans: Bark
exothermic reaction? Q: Insulin is a kind of _____
Ans: Release of heat Ans: hormone
Q: What is the chemical formula for Sodium Chloride (Salt)? Q: Which among the following carries impure blood to
Ans: NaCl human heart?
Q: Which of the following gas contributes the maximum to Ans: Pulmonary arteries
the phenomena of global warming? Q: Why does water tank appear shallower when viewed
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SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
from the top? mountains?
Ans: Due to refraction Ans: Fold Mountain
Q: Which colour is formed when Red and Green are mixed? Q: 'Norwesters' are thunder storms which are prominent in
Ans: Yellow _____.
Q: What is the full form of JPEG? Ans: India and Bangladesh
Ans: Joint Photographic Experts Group Q: UV rays coming from Sun, majorly causes which cancer?
Q: What is an endothermic reaction? Ans: Skin cancer
Ans: Reaction in which heat is absorbed. Q: Which of the following is the largest mammal?
Q: Which of the following is an ore of Aluminium? Ans: Whale
Ans: Cryollite Q: What is the full form of RNA?
Q: Which of the following gas was released during Bhopal Ans: Ribonucleic Acid
gas tragedy? Q: At which of the following place, weight of an object is
Ans: Methyl isocyanate maximum?
Q: What is the name of the scheme for the Employees State Ans: At poles
Insurance Corporation (ESIC) beneficiaries launched in Delhi Q: What is the SI unit of temperature?
region? Ans: Kelvin
Ans: Kahin bhi kabhi bhi Q: Netscape Navigator is a _____.
Q: Term ' Gambit ' is associated with which of the following Ans: web browser
sport? Q: What is nature of pH of Milk?
Ans: Chess Ans: Slightly Acidic
Q: Madhuri Dixit is associated with which Indian Dance form?
Ans: Kathak
Q: Who among the following is a Sanjay Chopra Award
recipient for 2016?
Ans: Arjun Singh
Q: 'My Story' is an autobiography of which famous cricketer?
Q: Which among the following is not an example of
Ans: Curd
Q: Kyoto Protocol's (an international treaty to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions) first meeting was held at which
Ans: Michael Clarke Ans: Japan
Q: Which country has approved more than 500 new settler Q: 'Lucky Grahak Yojana' and 'Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana' to
homes in East Jerusalem? give cash awards to the customers and merchants was
Ans: Israel launched by which government body?
Q: Which of the following country is not a member of Ans: National Institution for Transforming India
SAARC? Q: Who among the following devised the technique IVF (In
Ans: China vitro Fertilization)?
Ans: Robert Edwards
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Ans: Mixed economy Satyajit Ray?
Q: What was the main motive of Third Five Year Plan in India? Ans: Gumnam
Ans: Agriculture Q: Which play of Shakespeare's was recently claimed to be
Q: Under which article, President of India can proclaim dated wrongly?
constitutional emergency? Ans: Hamlet
Ans: Article 356 Q: Which of the following country has co-sponsored 'Cobra
Q: How many members of upper house (Rajya Sabha) can Gold' - an annual multilateral military exercise alongwith
be nominated by President of India? Thailand?
Ans: 12 Ans: USA
Q: Who wrote 'Akbarnama'? Q: The Gurudwara 'Panja Sahib' is located in which
Ans: Abul Fazal neighbouring country of India?
Q: Which Sikh Guru initiated 'The Khalsa'? Ans: Pakistan
Ans: Guru Gobind Singh
Q: A difference between 2 longitudes at equator is nearby 11_August_2017_Shift_3
equivalent to _____ km. Q: Courier service comes under which sector?
Ans: 111 Ans: Tertiary
Q: Which of the following winds are hot dust laden and blow Q: Which among the following is not a direct tax?
from Sahara desert towards Mediterranean Region? Ans: None of these
Ans: Sirocco Q: Which of the following is justiciable in nature?
Q: Which of the following are longest cells of human body? Ans: Fundamental Rights
Ans: Nerve cells
Ans: Melanin
Q: Which of the following disease is non-communicable in
Q: Which of the following Amendments is also known as the
Q: Which of the following is responsible for giving colour to 'Mini Constitution' of India?
human skin? Ans: 42nd Amendment
Q: In which battle was Siraj ud-Daulah defeated by Lord
Ans: Battle of Plassey
Ans: Cancer Q: Alps mountain range is located in which continent?
Q: Electric Motor converts _____ energy to mechanical Ans: Europe
energy Q: What is the full form of ITCZ?
Ans: electrical Ans: Inter tropical convergence zone
Q: Optical fibre works on which of the following principle of Q: Which among the following does not have a cell wall?
light? Ans: Mycoplasma
Ans: Total internal reflection Q: Which among the following is also called as 'power
Q: Which key is used to move to next line in a Ms-Word
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
pregnant women financially with Rs. 6000? Ans: File Transfer Protocol
Ans: 31 December, 2016 Q: What is an exothermic reaction?
Q: Who pioneered diagnostic ultrasound? Ans: Reaction in which heat is released.
Ans: Ian Donald Q: What are the main components of Brass Alloy?
Q: Which of the following pair is CORRECT? Ans: Copper and Zinc
Ans: All are correct Q: Which among the following is national water animal of
Q: Prime Minister of which country attended the recently India?
organised river festival 'Namami Brahmaputra' in India? Ans: Gangetic Dolphin
Ans: Bhutan Q: Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritwa Abhiyan provides
Q: Who among the following has been awarded the 'Rajiv facility of free health check-up and required treatment on
Gandhi Khel Ratna Award' for the year 2016? _____ day of every month.
Ans: Jitu Rai Ans: 9th
Q: Who is the author of the book 'Akhada: The Authorized Q: What was invented by J. B. Dunlop?
Biography of Mahavir Singh Phogat'? Ans: Car
Ans: Saurabh Duggal Q: At which of the following stadium Sachin Tendulkar
Q: With which Australian University Indian Railways has scored his 100th international century?
signed an agreement for Dedicated Freight Corridor? Ans: Sher-e-Bangla Stadium
Ans: Monash University Q: Who amongst the following is a renowned vocalist?
Q: With which neighbouring country of India, Kaladan multi- Ans: Pt. Jasraj
model transport project has been undertaken? Q: Which actress has been awarded with 64th National film
Ans: Myanmar
Q: MTNL comes under which of the following category?
Ans: Navratna
Q: Which of the following right has been removed from
Awards 2017?
Ans: Surabhi CM
Q: What is the name of the autobiography of Sachin
Ans: Playing it my way
Q: India recently notified the Third protocol to amend
fundamental rights and converted to a simple legal right? Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement with which of the
Ans: Right to property following countries?
Q: Which of the following does not come under Ans: Singapore
Fundamental Duty?
Ans: To protect freedom of speech and expression 12_August_2017_Shift_2
Q: Which emperor wrote the play 'Nagananda' in Sanskrit Q: Which among the following is not an instrument of fiscal
language? policy?
Ans: 5o N to 5o S Ans: 6
Q: Which component in tobacco makes it harmful for Q: Who is the custodian of Contingency Fund of India?
human consumption? Ans: The President
Ans: Nicotine Q: Who was the first female emperor of India?
Q: What is full form of BOD? Ans: Razia Sultana
Ans: Biological Oxygen Demand Q: Who was the first Governor General of India?
Q: Alveoli is related to which of the following system of Ans: Lord William Bentick
human body? Q: Which of the following planet is also known as 'Earth's
Ans: Respiratory system twin'?
Q: What is the SI unit of intensity of sound? Ans: Venus
Ans: Decible Q: Which of the following imaginary lines join places with
Q: Which colour is formed when Blue and Green are mixed? same level of rainfalls?
Ans: Cyan Ans: Isohyets lines
Q: In computer terminology, what is the full form of FTP? Q: What is study of fungus known as?
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Ans: Mycology valid for how many months (except the year of elections)?
Q: Which of the following bacteria is responsible for the Ans: 2 months
formation of curd? Q: Takshashila University was located between which two
Ans: Lacto-bacillus rivers?
Q: How many pairs of ribs are there in human body? Ans: Indus and Jhelum
Ans: 12 Q: Who is the most prominent god of 'Rig Veda'?
Q: When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, which of the Ans: Indra
following quantities remains constant during its motion? Q: Which Indian state has the largest share of the
Ans: Energy Wastelands in India?
Q: What is the SI unit of heat energy? Ans: Rajasthan
Ans: Joule Q: Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar
Q: Which system is used by the Digital Computers to islands?
encode data and Programs? Ans: Saddle Peak
Ans: Binary Q: How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?
Q: What is the common name of Sodium Bicarborate? Ans: Cell division
Ans: Baking Soda Q: What is the full form of DNA?
Q: Which of the following is an ore of iron? Ans: Deoxyribonucleic acid
Ans: Siderite Q: Which among the following is/are female hormones?
Q: Which of the following has maximum bio-diversity? Ans: (i) and (ii)
Ans: Tropical Region Q: For which of the following game, players must have the
Q: Who will be implementing the Varishtha Pension Bima
Yojana scheme during financial year 2017-18?
Ans: Life Insurance of Corporation of India
Q: Albert Sabin is known for developing _____.
Ans: polio vaccine
Q: Who amongst the following is a renowned Indian
knowledge of Pascal's law?
Ans: Scuba diving
Q: What is the value of the Least Distance of Distinct vision
(in cm) for a normal human being?
Ans: 25
Q: What is the full form of ISDN?
classical dancer? Ans: Integrated Service Digital Network
Ans: Sonal Mansingh Q: Which among the following is used to treat Indigestion?
Q: Who among the following did not receive the 2016 Arjuna Ans: Antacid
award in the field of 'wrestling'? Q: Which of the following cannot be beaten into Sheets?
Ans: Rajat Chauhan Ans: Potassium
Q: Who has written the book 'The Ministry of Utmost Q: Minamata disease is a nervous disorder caused by eating
Happiness? fish, polluted with _____ .
Ans: Anundhati Roy Ans: Mercury
Q: Which country became seventh member of South Asia Q: Mahila Police volunteer scheme to be implemented in all
Sub regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) on 31 March states of the country has been launched on pilot basis
2017? firstly in which state?
Ans: Myanmar Ans: Haryana
Q: How many Indian states share their boundaries with Q: Who invented the Centigrade scale?
Nepal? Ans: Anders Celsius
Ans: 5 Q: Jallikattu practiced in Tamil Nadu is a part of which
12_August_2017_Shift_3 Ans: Pongal
Q: Which of the following is called GDP Deflator? Q: Who among the following was NOT one of the recipients
Ans: Ratio of nominal to real GDP of Major Dhyan Chand Lifetime Achievement Award for the
Q: Which organisation monitors the banks in actually year 2016?
maintaining cash balance? Ans: Amit Kumar
Ans: Reserve Bank of India Q: Who authored the book titled 'Jinnah often came to our
Q: Which of the following Country doesn't have a written House', which won the 2016 The Hindu Prize?
Constitution? Ans: Kiran Doshi
Ans: United Kingdom Q: With which country India has signed an agreement to
Q: In the Indian Parliamentary System, 'Vote on Account' is renew the supply of Petroleum for a period of 5 years (i.e.
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till 2022)? which of the following sport?
Ans: Nepal Ans: Boxing
Q: Which of the following neighbouring country of India is Q: Who amidst the following is a distinguished painter?
not a landlocked country? Ans: Amrita Shergill
Ans: Myanmar Q: Who among the following was awarded with Padma Shri
2017 in the field of 'Sports - Hockey'?
16_August_2017_Shift_1 Ans: P. R. Shreejesh
Q: What does indifference curve represent? Q: "Hema Malini : Beyond the Dream Girl" is authored by
Ans: Satisfaction derived from two goods which author?
Q: India has taken the concept of 'Judicial Review' from Ans: Ram Kamal Mukherjee
which country's constitution? Q: A 7500 mile direct rail link was launched on 10 April 2017
Ans: United States between China and _____.
Q: How many times a person can be elected as the Ans: Great Britain
President of India? Q: 19th SAARC Summit was planned to be held in
Ans: No bar November 2016 but it got postponed. Which country was its
Q: Who shot dead John Saunders on 17th December 1927? host?
Ans: Bhagat Singh Ans: Pakistan
Q: Sardar Vallabhbai Patel was the leader of _______.
Ans: Bardoli Satyagraha 16_August_2017_Shift_2
Q: Which type of forests majorly comprises of lichens and Q: After which five year plan, 'The Rolling Plan' was
mosses? implemented?
Ans: Tundra forests Ans: Fifth Plan
Q: Which of the following has maximum diurnal temperature Q: Which tax causes a burden on the poorer section of the
difference? society?
Ans: Desert Ans: Indirect Tax
Q: Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the Q: Which article was referred to as the 'the heart and soul' of
following Vitamin? the constitution by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?
Ans: Vitamin A Ans: Article 32
Q: The right portion of human heart receives ______ blood. Q: Which of the following provision needs a special majority
Ans: impure in Parliament?
Q: Which of the following is the largest gland in human body? Ans: Change in Fundamental Rights
Ans: Liver Q: Which act ended the "Trade Monopoly" of the East India
Q: On which principle does the hydraulic lift works? Company?
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: What is the name of the first Super Computer of the Q: Which of the following is NOT a primary green house gas
world? in the earth's atmosphere?
Ans: CDC 6600 Ans: Hydrogen
Q: Fog, clouds, mist are examples of _______. Q: Which type of forest is most widespread in India?
Ans: Aerosol Ans: Tropical Deciduous Forests
Q: Which of the following is a chemical formula of quicklime? Q: Which blood group is universal donor?
Ans: CaO Ans: O-
Q: Who was the pioneer of Chipko movement of 1973? Q: In how many parts is the human brain divided?
Ans: Sunderlal Bahuguna Ans: 3
Q: 'Pradhan Mantri Digital Saksharta Abhiyan' is launched to Q: In which of the following class can we put Adrenaline?
digitally literate 6 crore rural households by _____. Ans: Hormone
Ans: March, 2019 Q: Supercooling is cooling of liquid _____.
Q: Edward Jenner discovered vaccine for which of the Ans: below freezing point
following disease? Q: When light passes from one medium to another, this
Ans: Small Pox phenomenon of change in its direction is called _____.
Q: In 2017 Australian Open, Serena Williams defeated her Ans: Refraction
sister Venus Williams to win the ______ Grand Slam Singles Q: Which among the following is not an input device?
title of her Ans: Plotter
Ans: 23rd Q: Which of the following is also known as Carbolic Acid?
Q: Which Indian state hosted the 3 days long 'International Ans: Phenol
Yoga Fest' held from 8th to 10th March, 2017?
Ans: Delhi
Q: Who was awarded with the Filmfare Lifetime
Achievement Award for the year 2017?
Ans: Shatrughan Sinha
Q: Who is the author of 'The Windfall'?
Q: Who discovered electron?
Ans: J. J. Thomson
Q: Who is a major driving force behind the 'Narmada Bachao
Ans: Medha Patkar
Q: 'Udey Desh ka Aam Nagrik' (UDAN) scheme for regional
Ans: Diksha Basu air connectivity will provide travel to tier 2 and tier 3 cities at
Q: Which country will host the 9th BRICS Summit in the year the rate of Rs _____ per hour.
2017? Ans: 2500
Ans: China Q: Who invented radar?
Q: With which country has India signed an agreement for Ans: A. H. Taylor and Leo C. Young
assistance in green and sustainable construction of Q: David Warner plays cricket for which country?
infrastructure in the Ans: Australia
Ans: Bhutan Q: Japanese art 'Ikebana' is related to _____.
Ans: Perfect Competition Q: Who has recently launched his autobiography titled 'An
Q: Which of the following is represented by 'Lorenz Curve'? Unsuitable Boy'?
Ans: Income Distribution Ans: Karan Johar
Q: Which of the following is not a fundamental duty? Q: Which of the following country is not a member of 'The
Ans: Abolition of titles except military and academic Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)'?
Q: Which article can be used by The President of India to Ans: China
declare financial emergency? Q: Which country has launched the longest bullet train line
Ans: Article 360 covering a distance of 2252 kilometers in January, 2017?
Q: The Poona Pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi Ans: China
and __________.
Ans: B. R. Ambedkar 17_August_2017_Shift_1
Q: Which Governor General abolished the 'Sati System' in Q: In a centrally planned economy, the ____________ plans all
India? the important activities in the economy.
Ans: Lord Wiliam Bentinck Ans: Government
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Q: __________ says that if we keep increasing the Ans: Humphry Davy
employment of an input, with other inputs fixed, eventually a Q: Who was the 2016 Men's Kabaddi World Cup Runner-Up?
point will be reached after which the resulting Ans: Iran
Ans: Law of diminishing marginal product Q: Jama Masjid of Delhi was built in which century?
Q: ______________ means that the Supreme Court will Ans: 17th
reconsider the case and the legal issues involved in it. Q: Which of the following won The Man Booker Prize 2016?
Ans: Appellate Jurisdiction Ans: The Sellout
Q: Which amendment of the Constitution of India increased Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
the age of retirement of High Court judges from 60 to 62 Ans: 1 and 2
years? Q: What was United Kingdom's rank in 2016 Human
Ans: 15th Development Index published by the United Nations
Q: During their rule the British persuaded or forced Development Programme?
cultivators in Madras to grow __________. Ans: 16
Ans: Rice Q: Which railway station is used for immigration and
Q: The queen with the title Didda ruled over which part of customs of passengers who travel on the Thar Express
India between 980 - 1003? between Pakistan and India?
Ans: Kashmir Ans: Zero Point
Q: In the north-west, India shares its land boundaries with
which country? 17_August_2017_Shift_3
Ans: Pakistan
Q: In a market system, the central problems regarding how
Q: The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali much and what to produce are solved through the
rivers is known as ____________. coordination of economic activities brought
Ans: Kumaon Himalayas Ans: Price
Q: Potato, tomato and brinjal are three different species but Q: _________ says that the marginal product of a factor input
all belong to which genus? initially rises with its employment level. But after reaching a
Ans: Solanum certain level of employment, it starts
Q: The first formed primary xylem elements are called Ans: Law of variable proportions
___________. Q: Constituent Assembly of India was founded in the year
Ans: Protoxylem ________.
Q: Nereis, Pheretima (Earthworm) and Hirudinaria (blood Ans: 1946
sucking leech) are examples of which Phylum? Q: Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution
Ans: Annelida allows citizens to move the court if they believe that any of
Q: In humans, the sound is produced by the ________. their Fundamental Rights have been
Ans: larynx
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: In science a push or pull of an object is called ________. north-east Iran in 1219.
Ans: Force Ans: Genghis Khan
Q: There are how many vocal cords in the human voice box? Q: In the biosphere living beings are inter-related and
Ans: Two interdependent on each other for survival. This life
Q: The attribute ___________ specifies (in pixels) the distancesupporting system is known as the __________.
between two adjacent cells. Ans: Ecosystem
Ans: Cellspacing Q: The part of the Himalayas between Tista and Dihang
Q: What is the name of the acid in an ant's sting? rivers is known as _________ Himalayas.
Ans: Formic acid Ans: Assam
Q: Which base is present in soap? Q: Other name of Platelets is?
Ans: Sodium hydroxide Ans: Thrombocytes
Q: Any undesirable change in physical, chemical or Q: In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the centre and the
biological characteristics of air, land, water or soil is called?
metaxylem lies towards the periphery of the organ. This
Ans: Pollution type of primary xylem is called
Q: ______________ scheme was launched by the Central Ans: Endarch
Government to create awareness about the cleanliness of Q: ___________ is the second largest animal phylum.
the children. Ans: Mollusca
Ans: Bal Swachta Mission Q: In a qualitative way, the tendency of undisturbed objects
Q: Who discovered the colour photography? to stay at rest or to keep moving with the same velocity is
Ans: James Clerk Maxwell called _________.
Q: Who was the host nation of 2014 FIFA World Cup?
Ans: Brazil
Q: Jama Masjid of Delhi was built by?
Ans: Shah Jahan
Q: Which of the following won the Oscars 2017 Best Picture?
Ans: Moonlight
Ans: inertia
Q: The time taken by a pendulum to complete one
oscillation is called its?
Ans: Time period
Q: Teach Text' is a text editor in which of the following
operating systems?
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? Ans: Macintosh
Ans: 1 and 2 Q: Metals react with sodium hydroxide to produce
Q: Which company acquired LinkedIn For $26.2 Billion? ___________.
Ans: Microsoft Ans: hydrogen gas
Q: Which of the following rivers flows from India to Pakistan? Q: Which base is present in lime water?
Ans: Satluj Ans: Calcium hydroxide
Q: Presence of large amounts of nutrients in waters also
18_August_2017_Shift_1 causes excessive growth of _________ algae.
and output, keeping all other inputs are held constant. Ans: Soil Health Card
Ans: Total product Q: Who invented the electric tram?
Q: _____________ means cases that can be directly Ans: Fyodor Pirotsky
considered by the Supreme Court without going to the lower Q: Who was the 2015 Men's Rugby World Cup Winner?
courts before that. Ans: New Zealand
Ans: Original Jurisdiction Q: Indian Mughal paintings originated during the rule of
Q: Under which of the following jurisdiction can any which Mughal Emperor?
individual, whose fundamental right has been violated, can Ans: Humayun
directly move the Supreme Court for Q: Which of the following won the Best Film in 62nd
Ans: Writ Jurisdiction Filmfare Awards 2017?
Q: During their rule the British persuaded or forced Ans: Dangal
cultivators in Bengal to grow __________. Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
Ans: Jute Ans: 2 and 3
Q: The Mongols under ___________ invaded Transoxiana in Q: What was USA's rank in 2016 Human Development Index
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published by the United Nations Development Programme? Q: What is the reaction between an acid and a base called?
Ans: 10 Ans: Neutralisation
Q: The Delhi - Lahore Bus is officially known as Q: According to an estimate, almost ___ percent forests
__________________. have been lost in the tropics, compared to only 1 percent in
Ans: Sada-e-Sarhad the temperate region.
Ans: 40
18_August_2017_Shift_2 Q: ______________ scheme launched by the Central
Q: From which of the following, is the GDP of a country not Government is a new crop insurance scheme to boost
derived from? farming sector in the country.
Ans: International sector Ans: Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
Q: ___________ is the set of all possible combinations of the Q: Who discovered Proton?
two inputs that yield the same maximum possible level of Ans: Ernest Rutherford
output. Q: Who is the winner of 2017 Indian Premier League
Ans: Isoquant (Cricket)?
Q: ________ means that the President of India can refer any Ans: Mumbai Indians
matter that is of public importance or that which involves Q: In which city of India is Dhamek Stupa located?
interpretation of Constitution to Ans: Varanasi
Ans: Advisory Jurisdiction Q: Which of the following was the winner of the Grammy
Q: There are total _________ parliamentary seats (Rajya Awards 2016 "Song of the Year"?
Ans: Thinking Out Loud
Sabha constituency) in Sikkim.
Ans: 1 Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
Q: Dara Shikoh was killed in conflict with his brother Ans: 1, 2 and 3
_______________. Q: What was Australia's rank in 2016 Human Development
Ans: Aurangzeb Index published by the United Nations Development
Q: The Arabic work of al-Biruni that gave an account of the Programme?
subcontinent is called __________. Ans: 2
Ans: Kitab - Al Hind Q: The Samjhauta Express runs between Delhi to which city
Q: How many union territories does India have as of June in Pakistan?
2017? Ans: Lahore
Ans: 7
Q: The northern plain of India is formed of 18_August_2017_Shift_3
__________________. Q: The __________ exchange rate is the price of one unit of
Ans: alluvial soil foreign currency in terms of domestic currency.
Q: Lion, Leopard and Tiger are all species of which genus? Ans: Nominal
Ans: Panthera Q: __________ of an input is defined as the change in output
Q: __________ are made up of sclerenchymatous cells. These per unit of change in the input when all other inputs are held
are generally absent in the primary phloem but are found in constant.
the secondary phloem. Ans: Marginal product
Ans: Phloem fibres Q: "Trade unions" is listed in the __________ list given in the
Q: What type of a body plan does coelenterates, Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India.
ctenophores and echinoderms have? Ans: Concurrent
Ans: Radial Q: __________ writ is issued by a higher court (High Court or
Q: If the speed of an object moving along a straight line is Supreme Court) when a lower court has considered a case
constant, its motion is said to be _________. going beyond its jurisdiction.
Ans: Uniform Ans: Prohibition
Q: The strength of a force is usually expressed by its Q: Arrest of _________ in 1930 led to angry demonstrations
__________. in streets of Peshawar.
Ans: Magnitude Ans: Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Q: ________ is not a storage device. Q: The _________ were the successors of Timur, the ruler of
Ans: Linux Iran, Iraq and modern-day Turkey.
Q: Magnesium (Mg) + Oxygen (O2) = ? Ans: Mughals
Ans: MgO Q: Beyond the _____________, the Himalayas bend sharply to
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the south and spread along the eastern boundary of India. Area?
Ans: Dihang gorge Ans: China
Q: The National Highway 1A connects Leh to Kashmir Valley
through the ___________ pass. 19_August_2017_Shift_1
Ans: Zoji la Q: The collection of all possible combinations of the goods
Q: In the names Mangifera indica (mango), Solanum and services that can be produced from a given amount of
tuberosum (potato) and Panthera leo (lion), the terms resources and a given stock of
Mangifera, Solanum and Panthera represent the Ans: Production Possibility Set
Ans: Taxon Q: If at a price, market supply is greater than market
Q: Which of the following is one of the commercial products demand, we say that there is ________ in the market at that
obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria and are used to grow price.
microbes and in preparations of icecreams Ans: Excess Supply
Ans: Agar Q: In which year was All India Anna Dravida Munnetra
Q: Taenia (Tapeworm), Fasciola (Liver fluke) are examples Kazhagam (AIADMK) founded?
of which Phylum? Ans: 1972
Ans: Platyhelminthes Q: Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution
Q: If the mass of an object is 60 kgs, what will be its weight includes equal access to shops, bathing, ghats, hotels etc?
on the moon? (N=Newton) Ans: Right to Equality
Ans: 100N Q: For how many days did Mahatma Gandhi's volunteers of
Q: The side mirrors of vehicles are of which type of mirrors?
the Salt satyagrah walked?
Ans: Convex Ans: 24
Q: In Microsoft Excel, the _______() function returns the Q: The Tomara Rajputs, were defeated in the middle of the
largest value among the values passed as arguments. twelfth century by the Chauhans of _________.
Ans: MAX Ans: Ajmer
Q: In an acid base reaction which product is produced along Q: India is the ______ largest country in the world.
with a salt? Ans: 7th
Ans: Water Q: The place on the earth's surface above the focus is called
Q: What is the process of melting also called? the __________.
Ans: Fusion Ans: epicentre
Q: Which one of the following is not a Major Abiotic Factors? Q: The male sex accessory ducts include vasa efferentia,
Ans: Air epididymis, vas deferens and______.
Q: ______________ scheme launched by the Central Ans: Rete Testis
Government aims to promote entrepreneurship among Q: The meristem which occurs between mature tissues is
people from schedule caste/schedule tribe.
known as _________meristem.
Ans: Stand up India scheme Ans: Intercalary
Q: Who discovered Potassium? Q: Which of the following Phylum are also called flatworms?
Ans: Humphry Davy Ans: Platyhelminthes
Q: Who is the winner of 2017 Formula One Bahrain Grand Q: In the formula average velocity = (u + v) /2, u is the
Prix? ___________.
Ans: Sebastian Vettel Ans: Initial velocity
Q: Where is Humayun's Tomb is located? Q: Vocal chords in women are _______________ than vocal
Ans: New Delhi chords in men.
Q: Which of the following was the winner of the Grammy Ans: 5mm shorter
Awards 2016 "Rap Album of the Year"? Q: The web uses the __________ to request and serve web
Ans: To Pimp a Butterfly pages and programs.
Q: Which of the statements given above are correct? Ans: Hyper Text Markup Language
Ans: 1 and 2 Q: What is the name of the acid in grapes?
Q: To which country, India gave Rs. 35 crore rupees to Ans: Tartaric acid
children of freedom fighters in under the new 'Muktijodha Q: Which fibre is also called as artificial silk?
scholarship' scheme? Ans: Rayon
Ans: Bangladesh Q: During the past century, the temperature of Earth has
Q: Which nation is not a part of the South Asian Free Trade increased by ________.
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Ans: 0.6oC metaxylem lies towards the centre. Such arrangement of
Q: ______________ scheme was launched by the Central primary xylem is called ____________.
Government to give financial services to weaker section of Ans: Exarch
society. Q: Which is the only one example of Mollusca Phylum?
Ans: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Ans: Octopus
Q: Who discovered Uranus? Q: If the speed of an object moving along a straight line
Ans: William Herschel keeps changing, its motion is said to be _________.
Q: Who was the host nation of 2015 Men's Rugby World Cup? Ans: Non-uniform
Ans: England Q: The substances which reduce friction are called _________.
Q: Who started construction of Nalanda (Mahavihara) ? Ans: lubricants
Ans: Kumaragupta Q: Notepad' is a text editor in which of the following
Q: Who is not amongst the winners of Nobel Prize 2016 for operating systems?
Chemistry? Ans: Windows
Ans: J. Michael Kosterlitz Q: Magnesium oxide (MgO) + Water (H2O) = ?
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? Ans: [Mg(OH)2]
Ans: 1 and 3 Q: What is the unit of calorific value?
Q: Which country was India's largest overseas investment Ans: kJ/kg
destination in the year 2015-16? Q: According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
Ans: Mauritius particulate size _______ micrometers or less in diameter are
Q: China does not share its border with which Indian state? responsible for causing the greatest
Ans: Bihar
Q: In India the reform policies were first introduced in which
Ans: 1991
Ans: 2.5
Q: ______________ scheme launched by the Central
Government is a special social security scheme which
includes Pension and Life Insurance.
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana
Q: Who invented Space Pen?
Q: The _________ of a firm is a relationship between inputs Ans: Paul C. Fisher
used and output produced by the firm. Q: Who was the 2015 Men's Rugby World Cup Runner-Up?
Ans: Production function Ans: Australia
Q: ____________ means that the President of India can refer Q: Group of Monuments at Hampi was built by?
any matter that is of public importance or that which Ans: Harihara and Bukka
involves interpretation of Constitution Q: Which of the following won the Best Feature Film Award
Ans: Advisory Jurisdiction at the 64th National Film Awards held in the year 2017?
Ans: Kaasav
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
India. Q: Which of the following was the winner of the Grammy
Ans: State Awards 2016 "Country Song of the Year"?
Q: There are total _________ parliamentary seats (Rajya Ans: Girl Crush
Sabha constituency) in Maharashtra. Q: A] The author of the novel 'Bird Box' is Victor LaValle.
Ans: 19 Ans: A, B and C
Q: Akbar was __________ years old when he became emperor. Q: In April 2017, to address growing unemployment, which
Ans: 13 country has abolished the 457 Visa Programme used by
Q: Sultan Mahmud was a ruler of_____. thousands of temporary foreign workers,
Ans: Ghazni Ans: Australia
Q: As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming Q: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) is based in which city?
large bends known as ____________. Ans: Dhaka
Ans: meanders
Q: The method of soil conservation in which stones, grass, 20_August_2017_Shift_3
soil are used to build barriers along contours and trenches Q: If the ___________ firm has zero costs or only has fixed
are made in front of the barriers to cost, the quantity supplied in equilibrium is given by the
Ans: Contour barriers point where the marginal revenue is
Q: In male reproductive system, the testes are situated Ans: Monopoly
outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called Q: The short run marginal cost curve is ____ shaped.
__________. Ans: U
Ans: Scrotum
Q: "Betting and gambling" is listed in the __________ list given
Q: Which of the following is not among the 3 main classes in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
of Algae? Ans: State
Ans: Gymnosperms Q: There are total _________ parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha
Q: Sycon (Scypha), Spongilla (Fresh water sponge) and constituency) in West Bengal.
Euspongia (Bath sponge) are examples of which Phylum? Ans: 42
Ans: Porifera Q: In 1916 Mahatma Gandhi travelled to _______________ to
Q: If the force applied on the object is in the direction inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive
opposite to the direction of motion, the speed of the object plantation system.
__________. Ans: Champaran
Ans: decreases Q: Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from ______________ in
Q: The SI unit of acceleration is _______________. January 1915.
Ans: meters per seconds squared Ans: South Africa
Q: In Microsoft Excel, the _______() function returns the Q: ________ is separated from India by a narrow channel of
smallest value among the values passed as arguments.
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
cooking heater is called __________. and Concurrent List.
Ans: Element Ans: Lok Sabha
Q: _________ software are freely available and can be editedQ: According to the categories of land mentioned in the
and customized by anyone. Chola inscriptions ___________ was known as the land for
Ans: Open Source the maintenance of schools?
Q: ___________ is obtained by evaporation of sea. Ans: Shalabhoga
Ans: Salt Q: Prince Salim was the name of the future Emperor
Q: The passage of an electric current through a conducting _________.
liquid causes ___________. Ans: Jahangir
Ans: Chemical Reaction Q: ___________ is the breaking up of the rocks on the earth's
Q: __________ is the number of individuals of the populationsurface.
who left the habitat and gone elsewhere during the time Ans: Weathering
period under consideration. Q: The method of soil conservation in the coastal and dry
Ans: Emigration regions where rows of trees are planted to check the wind
Q: __________ was launched by Prime Minister Narendra movement to protect soil cover is
Modi as a part of the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign. Ans: Shelter belts
Ans: Sukanya Samridhi Account Q: Biological names are generally derived from which
Q: Who created the first mechanical computer, which language?
proved to be the prototype for future computers? Ans: Latin
Ans: Charles Babbage Q: The members of rhodophyceae are commonly called
Q: In which sport did India win Bronze medal at Rio
Olympics 2016?
Ans: Wrestling
Q: Ajanta and Ellora caves are situated in which state of
Ans: Maharashtra
_________ algae.
Ans: Red
Q: Aurelia (Medusa) and Adamsia (Polyp) are examples of
which Phylum?
Ans: Coelenterata
Q: Energy in the form of heat is wasted when a machine is
Q: To whom the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 operated. This heat is generated due to ___________.
was awarded? Ans: friction
Ans: Yoshinori Ohsumi Q: The incident ray, the _________ at the point of incidence
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane.
Ans: 2 and 3 Ans: normal
Q: According to Stockholm International Peace Research Q: In Microsoft Word, _______ allows us to move selected
Institute, with spending of $55.9 Billion in 2016, which paragraphs to the right.
country became world's fifth-largest Ans: Increase Indent
Ans: India Q: Blue Vitriol is another name for which of the following?
Q: Which of the following river originates in Nepal and flows
Ans: Copper Sulphate
into the Ganges? Q: The rubbing surface of a matchbox has powdered glass
Ans: Kosi and a little red ________________.
Ans: phosphorus
21_August_2017_Shift_1 Q: A few organisms can tolerate and thrive in a wide range
Q: The demand for a inferior good decreases with ________ of temperatures. Such organisms are called ___________.
in the consumer's income. Ans: Eurythermal
Ans: increase Q: _____________ scheme by the Central Government will
Q: Goods for which the quantity that a consumer chooses, strengthen the bond between all the states, regions, and
increases as the consumer's income increases and districts of India.
decreases as the income decreases are called? Ans: Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
Ans: Normal goods Q: Who invented Velcro?
Q: "Prevention of cruelty to animals" is listed in the Ans: George de Mestral
__________ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Q: Which nation will host the FIFA Men's World Cup to be
Constitution of India. held in the year 2018?
Ans: Concurrent Ans: Russia
Q: ___________ makes laws on matters included in Union List Q: Charminar was built by?
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Ans: Mohammed Quli Qutab Shah Ans: Echinodermata
Q: Which of the following is an Indian military decoration Q: During uniform motion of an object along a straight line,
awarded for valour, courageous action or self-sacrifice the ________ remains constant with time.
away from the battlefield? Ans: Velocity
Ans: Ashok Chakra Q: The impression of an image persists on the retina for
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? about _________ of a second.
Ans: 1 and 2 Ans: 1/16th
Q: In March 2017, in which country was "world's largest Q: In Microsoft Word, _______ allows us to move selected
artificial sun" switched on? paragraphs to the left.
Ans: Germany Ans: Decrease Indent
Q: With which other country does Bangladesh share its Q: Acetic Acid is another name for which of the following?
border besides India? Ans: Vinegar
Ans: Myanmar Q: The reaction of Copper Sulphate and Iron produces Iron
Sulphate and __________.
21_August_2017_Shift_2 Ans: Copper
Q: The demand for a inferior good increases with ________ in Q: A few organisms can tolerate and thrive in a narrow
the consumer's income. range of temperatures. Such organisms are called
Ans: decrease ___________.
Q: Goods for which demand move in the opposite direction Ans: Stenothermal
Q: ____________ scheme was launched by the Central
of the income of the consumer are called?
Ans: Inferior goods Government in the state of Bihar to provide clean water of
Q: "Population control and family planning" is listed in the the Ganges to domestic areas via postal
__________ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Ans: Gangajal Delivery Scheme
Constitution of India. Q: Who discovered Electron?
Ans: Concurrent Ans: J.J.Thomson
Q: _______ is issued when the court finds that a particular Q: Which country won the 2016 Men's Kabaddi World Cup?
office holder is not doing legal duty and thereby is infringing Ans: India
on the right of an individual. Q: Mattancherry Palace is located in?
Ans: Mandamus Ans: Kerala
Q: According to the categories of land mentioned in the Q: Which of the following is an award given by the
Chola inscriptions ___________ was known as the land Government of India to recognize outstanding achievement
donated to Jaina institutions? in National sports?
Ans: Pallichchhandam Ans: Arjuna Award
Q: Which of the statements given below are not correct?
Ans: Landslide Q: Which is the only train which runs between Kolkata and
Q: The material carried by the glacier such as rocks big and Dhaka?
small, sand and silt gets deposited, which are called glacial Ans: Maitree Express
Ans: moraines 21_August_2017_Shift_3
Q: Based on the common features like presence of Q: If the ___________ firm has zero costs or only has fixed
notochord and dorsal hollow neural system, animals like cost, the quantity supplied in equilibrium is given by the
fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with point where the average revenue is zero.
Ans: Chordata Ans: Perfect Competition
Q: The members of phaeophyceae are commonly called Q: The average variable cost curve is ____ shaped.
_________ algae. Ans: U
Ans: Brown Q: "Central Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation" is listed
Q: Asterias (Star fish), Echinus (Sea urchin), Antedon (Sea in the __________ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the
Lily) are all examples of which Phylum? Constitution of India.
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Ans: Union Q: Who was the architect of Taj Mahal?
Q: There are total _________ parliamentary seats (Rajya Ans: Ustad Ahmad Lahouri
Sabha constituency) in Odisha. Q: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to?
Ans: 10 Ans: Bob Dylan
Q: In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi went to ______________ to Q: Which of the statements given below are not correct?
organise a satyagraha movement amongst cotton mill Ans: 1, 2 and 3
workers. Q: In April 2016, amid rising tension over North Korea, which
Ans: Ahmedabad country launched its first domestically built aircraft carrier?
Q: Murshid Quli Khan, Alivardi Khan and Sirajuddaullah were Ans: China
all nawabs of ___________? Q: Which National Park in Nepal is a continuation of India's
Ans: Bengal Valmiki National Park?
Q: _________ affect the rate of humus formation of soil. Ans: Chitwan National Park
Ans: Flora & Fauna
Q: The latitudes of main land of India extends between 22_August_2017_Shift_1
__________. Q: The ________ balance is the sum of the balance of
Ans: 8°4' N and 37°6' N merchandise trade, services and net transfers received
Q: ___________ is a straw coloured, viscous fluid constituting from the rest of the world.
nearly 55 per cent of the blood. Ans: Current Account
Ans: Plasma Q: The relation between the consumer's optimal choice of
Q: Sexual reproduction in Algae that takes place through
the quantity of a good and its price is very important and
fusion of two similar size gametes is called? this relation is called the ________
Ans: Isogamous Ans: Demand
Q: Animals in which the cells are arranged in three Q: "Reserve Bank of India" is listed in the __________ list
embryonic layers are called ________. given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
Ans: Tripoblastic Ans: Union
Q: An image formed by a concave mirror on a screen is Q: _________ can give the Union parliament power to make
called __________? laws on matters included in the State list.
Ans: Real image Ans: Rajya Sabha
Q: The distance-time graph for the motion of an object Q: According to the categories of land mentioned in the
moving with a constant speed is a __________. Chola inscriptions ___________ was known as the land of non
Ans: Straight Line -Brahmana peasant proprietors?
Q: _____________ is a collection of data values of same types Ans: Vellanvagai
having a common name. Q: Sher Khan defeated _________ at Chausa (1539) and
Ans: Array
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
________, its motion is called uniform circular motion. Q: There are total _________ parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha
Ans: speed constituency) in Uttarakhand.
Q: The reflection formed by the plane mirror is Ans: 5
________________. Q: _________first became the capital of a kingdom under the
Ans: lateral inversion Tomara Rajputs.
Q: In Microsoft Excel, the ______() function is used to count Ans: Delhi
the number of cells within a range that meet the given Q: Noor Jahan was the wife of which Mughal emperor?
criteria. Ans: Jahangir
Ans: COUNTIF Q: __________ resources are those resources whose quantity
Q: Crystallisation is an example of? is known.
Ans: Physical Change Ans: Actual resources
Q: Vinegar and Baking Soda together produce ____________. Q: The main mineral constituents of the continental mass
Ans: Carbon Dioxide are ________ and alumina.
Q: The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts per Ans: silica
thousand), is _______ % in sea. Q: Among plants, three different genera Solanum, Petunia
Ans: 30-35 and Datura are placed in which family?
Q: ______________ scheme launched by the Central Ans: Solanaceae
Government aims at development of rural growth clusters Q: The members of chlorophyceae are commonly called
which have latent potential for growth. _________ algae.
Ans: Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission Ans: Green
Q: Who discovered Neon?
Ans: Morris W. Travers and William Ramsay
Q: Which nation(s) will host the Men's Cricket World Cup to
be held in the year 2019?
Ans: England and Wales
Q: Gol Gumbaz is located in?
Q: The body cavity which is lined by mesoderm is called
Ans: Coelom
Q: Convex and concave mirrors are examples of?
Ans: Spherical mirrors
Q: The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called
Ans: Karnataka ________.
Q: Which of the following is the second highest civilian Ans: drag
award of India given for exceptional and distinguished Q: Using _________ one can resize, tag digital images,
service in any field including service rendered organise pictures into albums by drag and drop, can export
Ans: Padma Vibhushan the pictures for external use (by e-mail
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? Ans: Image Organiser
Ans: 1 and 2 Q: A change in which one or more new substances are
Q: In April 2017, who has been made United Nation's formed is called _________.
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: Who was the architect of Humayun's Tomb? motion, the speed of the object __________.
Ans: Mirak Mirza Ghiyath Ans: increases
Q: Which of the following award is to recognize Q: The shape of the outer part of the ear is like a __________.
distinguished service of a high order to the nation? Ans: funnel
Ans: Padma Bhushan Q: In Microsoft Excel, the _________() function is used to
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct? count the number of cells that contain numbers within the
Ans: 2 and 3 list of arguments.
Q: In April 2017, Emma Morano, the world's oldest woman Ans: COUNT
has passed away at the age of 117. Which country was she Q: Fabric made from_________ does not get wrinkled easily.
from? Ans: Polyester
Ans: Italy Q: What is formed when Carbon Dioxide is passed through
Q: Bangladesh does not share its border with which Indian Lime Water?
state? Ans: Calcium Carbonate
Ans: Jharkhand Q: The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts per
thousand), is greater than _______ % in hypersaline lagoons.
22_August_2017_Shift_3 Ans: 100
Q: The _________ balance is equal to capital flows from the Q: ______________ scheme launched by the Central
rest of the world, minus capital flows to the rest of the Government aims to cover all those children by 2020 who
world. are either unvaccinated, or are partially
Ans: Indradanush Scheme
Ans: Capital Account
Q: If a consumer's demand for a good moves in the same Q: Who discovered Penicillin?
direction as the consumer's income, the consumer's Ans: Sir Alexander Fleming
demand for that good must be inversely Q: Who has won the most number of Gold Medals in
Ans: Law of demand Olympics?
Q: "Taxes on agricultural income" is listed in the __________ Ans: Michael Phelps
list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of Q: Gol Gumbaz was built in which century?
India. Ans: 17th
Ans: State Q: Which of the following was the winner of the Grammy
Q: __________ approves constitutional amendments. Awards 2016 "Album of the Year"?
Ans: Rajya Sabha Ans: 1989
Q: After the defeat at Plassey, Sirajuddaullah was Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
assassinated and ________ was made the nawab. Ans: 1 and 3
Ans: Mir Jafar Q: Sodimejo, the world's 'oldest man' died at the age of 146.
Which country was he from?
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
Q: According to the categories of land mentioned in the Ans: Bharat Ratna
Chola inscriptions ___________ was known as the land gifted Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
to temples? Ans: 1, 2 and 3
Ans: Devadana Q: Recently, scientists have found second Great Spot 24000
Q: Rajendra I was the son of? km across and 12000 km wide on which planet?
Ans: Rajaraja I Ans: Jupiter
Q: ____________ is a cold desert lying in the Great Himalayas. Q: The Sundarbans Reserve Forest (SRF) which is adjacent
Ans: Ladakh to India's Sundarbans National Park is located in which
Q: The method of soil conservation in which different crops neighbouring country?
are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times Ans: Bangladesh
to protect the soil from rain wash is
Ans: Intercropping 23_August_2017_Shift_2
Q: In each testes in a male reproductive system, there are Q: In ____________, the short run equilibrium results in
________ compartments called testicular lobules. quantity produced being lesser and prices being higher
Ans: 250 compared to perfect competition.
Q: The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss is the Ans: Monopolistic Competition
gametophyte which consists of two stages. The second Q: The average product curve are inverse ____ shaped.
stage is the ___________ stage. Ans: U
Ans: Leafy Q: "Bankruptcy and insolvency" is listed in the __________ list
Q: In Animal Kingdom classification, which of the following
given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.
is not a Phylum? Ans: Concurrent
Ans: Coelomates Q: A writ of _________ means that the court orders that the
Q: Friction is caused by the ______________ on the two arrested person should be presented before it.
surfaces in contact. Ans: Habeas Corpus
Ans: irregularities Q: In 1236 Sultan Iltutmish's daughter, __________, became
Q: The motion of a freely falling body is an example of Sultan.
________________________ motion. Ans: Raziyya
Ans: uniformly accelerated Q: Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 decided to launch a nationwide
Q: __________ (HHDD) is a technology where the satyagrah against the proposed ________________.
conventional disk drive is combined with non-volatile flash Ans: Rowlatt Act
memory, of typically 128 MB or more to cache Q: _______ determines colour, texture, chemical properties,
Ans: Hybrid Hard Disk Drive mineral content and permeability of soil.
Q: Chemical formula for sulphurous acid is: Ans: Parent rock
Ans: H2SO3
benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited. hormones (ovarian hormones).
Ans: Commensalism Ans: Ovaries
Q: ______________ scheme by the Central Government aims Q: Bryophytes are also called ____________ of the plant
at providing affordable aviation by making domestic flight kingdom.
charges economically accessible for Ans: Amphibians
Ans: Uday Desh Ka Aam Nagrik Q: Animals belonging to phylum _____________ are
Q: Who invented the hot air balloon? fundamentally characterised by the presence of a
Ans: Montgolfier brothers notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord and paired
Q: Which nation won the highest number of medals at 2016 Ans: Chordata
Rio Olympics? Q: A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and
Ans: USA finally comes to rest is due to ________.
Q: Group of Monuments at Hampi is located in? Ans: Friction
Ans: Karnataka Q: The angle between the __________and the incident ray is
Q: Which of the following is India's highest civilian award? called the angle of incidence.
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Ans: normal ruler.
Q: ________ are designed to read and interpret HTML. Ans: Chahamana
Ans: Browser Q: ___________ is the wearing away of the landscape by
Q: ________ is made by mixing iron with carbon and metals different agents like water, wind and ice.
like chromium, nickel and manganese. Ans: Erosion
Ans: Stainless Steel Q: The method of soil conservation in which bare ground
Q: The melting point of ice is ____ K. between plants is covered with layer of organic matter like
Ans: 273.16 straw is called?
Q: _________ is any attribute of the organism (morphological, Ans: Mulching
physiological, behavioural) that enables the organism to Q: Classes comprising animals like fishes, amphibians,
survive and reproduce in its reptiles, birds along with mammals constitute the category
Ans: Adaptation called?
Q: __________ scheme by the Central Government aims at Ans: Phylum
providing free health checkups for pregnant women for the Q: The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss is the
first 6 months of pregnancy. gametophyte which consists of two stages. The first stage
Ans: Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan is the ___________ stage.
Q: Who invented the thermos flask? Ans: protonema
Ans: James Dewar Q: _________ is the largest phylum of Animalia which
Q: How many medals in all did India win at the Rio Olympics includes insects.
2016? Ans: Arthropoda
Ans: 2
Q: "Young Girls" is the famous work of which painter?
Ans: Amrita Shergill
Q: Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey was awarded the Paramvir
Chakra for his martyrdom at which of the following wars?
Ans: Kargil War of 1999
Q: For an object, the state of rest is considered to be the
state of ______ speed.
Ans: zero
Q: The laws which govern the motion of planets are called
Ans: Kepler's Laws
Q: Which of the statements given below is/are not correct? Q: In Microsoft Word, _______ allows us to change the color
Ans: 3 of selected text.
Q: A peace treaty between Japan and which country has not Ans: Font Color
been concluded yet, even after 70 years have passed since Q: Brownish film formed on iron when left in open is called?
the end of World War Two? Ans: Rust
Ans: Russia Q: The substances which have very low ignition temperature
Q: Nepal does not share its border with which Indian state? and can easily catch fire with a flame are called
Ans: Haryana _____________ substances.
Ans: inflammable
23_August_2017_Shift_3 Q: Many freshwater animals cannot live for long in sea
Q: The marginal product curve is inverse ____ shaped. water and vice versa because of the _______ problems, they
Ans: U would face.
SSC CGL 2017 General Awareness Question of All Shits: Vinod Moolwani
contribution to Indian cinema?
Ans: Dada Saheb Phalke Awards
Q: Which of the statements given below are correct?
Ans: 1, 2 and 3
Q: In 2016, which company lost high profile legal battles
with HP and Google?
Ans: Oracle
Q: Which of the following is a major river in Bangladesh
which is also the main distributary of the Ganges?
Ans: Padma