Ergonomics Laboratory Manual - Rev.2.0
Ergonomics Laboratory Manual - Rev.2.0
Ergonomics Laboratory Manual - Rev.2.0
Laboratory Manual
Copyright 2017
According to Weedmeester (2008), Ergonomics developed into a recognized field during World War II,
when for the first time, technology and the human sciences were systematically applied in a coordinated
manner. Physiologists, psychologists, anthropologists, medical doctors, work scientists and engineers
together addressed the problems arising from the operation of complex military equipment. The results of
this interdisciplinary approach appeared so promising that the cooperation was pursued after the war, in
industry. Interest in the approach grew rapidly, especially in Europe and in the U.S., leading to the
foundation in England of the first ever national ergonomics society in 1949, which is when the term
ergonomics was adopted. This was followed in 1961 by the creation of the International Ergonomics
Association (IEA), which represents ergonomics societies that are active in more than 40 countries or
regions, including the Philippines.
The word ergonomics came from the Greek words ergon (work) and nomos (law) which means it is the
‘study of laws of work’. In several countries, the term human factors is also used. A succinct definition
would be that ergonomics aims to design appliances, technical systems and tasks in such a way as to
improve human safety, health, comfort and performance. The formal definition of ergonomics, approved
by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), reads as follows:
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with understanding of the
interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory,
principles, data and methods to design, in order to optimize human well-being and overall system
This laboratory manual includes exercises derived from the book Foundational Principles in Ergonomics
Laboratory by Bush and Laboratory Manual for Human Factors & Ergonomics by Gutierrez and
Mendoza. The objective of this workbook is to provide the Industrial Engineering students taking up
Human Factors Engineering (Ergonomics) with a study guide and it hopes to establish a better
perspective and appreciation in understanding the ergonomics as a discipline and as a future endeavor
for industrial engineering graduates.
4A Anthropometric Investigation 20
1. Faculty members shall always inform the technician of his intent to use a laboratory room. The
Laboratory Custody Form for the room shall properly accomplish.
2. Students shall not be allowed to do a laboratory or shop activity without the supervision of a faculty
member. Faculty members shall not leave their classes while students are doing the laboratory or shop
4. No equipment shall be transferred to other locations without the consent of the laboratory and shop
5. Students shall not be allowed to stay in the laboratory or shop rooms beyond the laboratory class
6. Students and Faculty Members shall always observe the 5S program of the school inside the laboratory
and shop rooms.
7. Faculty members shall see to it that the machine or equipment is clean and also switch off before leaving
the laboratory or shop rooms. Also, all borrowed tools and devices must be returned to the tool stock room.
8. In case of damage or losses of tool / devices / machines / equipment, the borrower shall be held
9. Eating, drinking and bringing in foods and drinks insider the laboratory or shop rooms are strictly
10. Safety shall always be observed and practiced inside the laboratory.
Laboratory Exercise No. 1
To be able to fully understand the human factors and ergonomics as a discipline and its use to the
industrial engineering curricula.
2. To demonstrate skills in gathering details and information pertaining to human factors and
ergonomics; and
3. To understand fully the basic principles and theories that governs the ergonomics discipline.
3. Discussion
Human factors and ergonomics (HF&E) is a multidisciplinary field incorporating contributions from
psychology, engineering, biomechanics, mechanobiology, industrial design, physiology and
anthropometry. In essence it is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body
and its cognitive abilities. The two terms "human factors" and "ergonomics" are essentially synonymous.
HF&E is employed to fulfill the goals of occupational health and safety and productivity. It is relevant in
the design of such things as safe furniture and easy-to-use interfaces to machines and equipment.
Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal
disorders, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability.
Human factors and ergonomics is concerned with the "fit" between the user, equipment and their
environments. It takes account of the user's capabilities and limitations in seeking to ensure that tasks,
functions, information and the environment suit each user.
To assess the fit between a person and the used technology, human factors specialists or ergonomists
consider the job (activity) being done and the demands on the user; the equipment used (its size, shape,
and how appropriate it is for the task), and the information used (how it is presented, accessed, and
changed). Ergonomics draws on many disciplines in its study of humans and their environments,
including anthropometry, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, industrial
design, information design, kinesiology, physiology, cognitive psychology and industrial and
organizational psychology. (Wikipedia, 2014)
Internet Resources
Ergonomics books
5. Procedure
You are to bring different resource references on ergonomics in class. You may borrow from the school
library of the different and wide ranges of references offered. Individually, determine the answer for the
following questions pertaining to ergonomics.
3. What is an ergonomist?
4. What are the different branches of ergonomics? Cite them and describe their focus.
5. Who are the professionals who need the ergonomics discipline in their course of work? Why? Justify
your answers.
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 2
Equipment Evaluation Laboratory
To familiarize the students with the different equipment used for Human Factors Engineering
(Ergonomics) and to be able to identify their use.
1. To demonstrate the skills in gathering the usage of the tools even in the first time use;
2. To use his/her knowledge in conceptualizing the importance and the use of gathered information
about the equipment; and
3. To establish good working relationship with the other groups and develop his/her interpersonal
3. Discussion
Human Factors Engineering as a field would not be effective and efficient as a discipline without the use
of the equipment developed by ergonomists.
5. Procedure
As a laboratory group, identify the equipment presented by the instructor to study in the ergonomics
laboratory. Make sure you do not use a piece of equipment that the other team is evaluating at the same
time. You should be able to work on your respective group alone.
For the piece of equipment that your team selects, do the following:
Review the manual (if there is) or the material that describes the tool/equipment
Practice using the equipment. Make sure to use them with care.
Identify the applications or research environments where this piece of equipment or software
would be useful in an ergonomic setting.
Identify an application where this tool or a similar tool was used in an research or application
Prepare a presentation to teach the class how to use the equipment.
o Powerpoint presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes long
o Summarize how to use the equipment assigned in a laboratory report to be submitted to
the instructor
o Prepare for a hardcopy of the report made available for your classmates for their
o Include all references and sources cited in the laboratory report.
6. Data and Results
1. In your own opinion, what is the valuable contribution of the assigned equipment to your group to the
study of ergonomics for industrial engineers?
2. With the equipment presented in class, what is the most important equipment that can be used
universally for the study of ergonomics? Justify your answer.
3. Why is it necessary for industrial engineering students to determine the equipment that will be utilized
in the course of ergonomics at the start of the semester? What can it give to you as a student?
4. Individually, give your own interpretation of the equipment assigned to your group. For you, what is its
advantage for the user? What is its disadvantage?
5. If you are to rate the laboratory activity (10 as the highest mark and 1 as the lowest mark), what would
you rate? Why?
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 3
This activity is designed to teach about the descriptions, functions and operation of the following human
senses and human systems:
Visual Sense
Auditory Sense
Cardiovascular System
Skeletal System
1. To demonstrate the skills in gathering information about visual sense, auditory sense,
cardiovascular system and skeletal system;
2. To establish good working relationship with the other groups and develop his/her interpersonal
3. Discussion
Internet Sources
Ergonomics Reference Books
5. Procedure
This laboratory consists of a series of questions having to do with describing the various senses and
systems of the human body. The method of research involves using the internet and the class textbook
(and other ergonomics references) as research tools for general information.
Part A. Visual Sense:
Describe the operations of the eye from the time that an object is perceived by the eye until the image is
received in the brain.
a.) Describe the various elements of the ear by three segments; and
b.) Describe the process of receiving sounds.
Part C. Cardiovascular System:
a.) What are the uses of the skeletal system in different functions of the human body system?
b.) What are the limitations of the skeletal part of the body.
1. How are the following body systems related with the study of ergonomics?
2. What are the principles learned in your other industrial engineering courses that has a relation with the
human body system and the study of ergonomics?
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 4A
Anthropometry Investigation
To conceptualize the use of anthropometric data and its usage in the ergonomics discipline.
2. To apply knowledge in conceptualizing the importance and the use of gathered anthropometric
data; and
3. To establish good working relationship with the other groups and develop his/her interpersonal
3. Discussion
Anthropometry is a scientific discipline in the measurement of the human body. Engineers have become
highly interested in the application of anthropometric data and biomechanical information, especially to
the design of equipment and the arrangement of workstations.
For standardization purposes, anthropometric measurements are done on persons standing or sitting
erect with body joints at 0.90 or 180 degrees – body postures not usually maintained at work (Kroemer,, 2002).
Gather the anthropometric measurement of each member of the class. Refer to the figures for the
illustration of body parts and the table for the anthropometric data that needs to be measured.
1. Stature
2. Eye Height
3. Shoulder Height
4. Chest Height
5. Elbow Height
6. Fingertip Height
7. Waist Height
8. Crotch Height
9. Kneecap Height
4 7
5 8
6 12
Table 4.2. Anthropometric Data (Sitting Body Dimensions)
5. Mid-shoulder Height
6. Shoulder-height Sitting
7. Shoulder-elbow Length
8. Elbow-grip Length
9. Elbow-fingertip Length
14. Buttock-knee Length
4 8
6 10 9
1. In your own point of view, what is the importance of the gathered anthropometric data? Justify your
2. Conceptualize the uses of the gathered anthropometric data. Explain briefly each conceptualized
3. List your observations about the conducted exercise on the gathering of anthropometric
4. State your conclusions based on the observation and the result obtained from the exercise.
7. Data Analysis and Conclusion
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 4B
To compute for the percentile values and variabilities of the gathered anthropometric data.
3. Discussion
The distribution of anthropometric information is for practical purposes, well described by the mean m
(often called as the average), SD (standard deviation), and n (sample size). The range indicates the
smallest and largest values.
Anthropometric data often are best presented in percentiles. They provide a convenient means of
describing the range of body dimensions to be accommodated, making it easy to locate the percentile
equivalent of a measured body dimension. Also, the use of percentiles avoids the misuse of the average
in design.
To calculate a percentile value p of a normal distribution, simply multiply the standard deviation by a
factor k selected from Table 4.3. Then subtract the product from the mean if p is below the mean:
p = m – kSD
If p is above the mean, and the product to the mean:
p = m + kSD
To calculate a new mean from the sum of two distributions, simply add the means of the x and y
distributions to obtain the mean of the combined distribution z:
mz = m x + m y
For a normal distribution, percentiles are easily calculated from the mean and standard deviation. Simply
multiply the standard deviation by a factor k, selected from table 4.3 and then deduct the result from the
average to arrive at the desired percentile value below the 50 th, or else add the result to the average
(which coincides with the 50th percentile) to arrive at a value above the average.
Anthropometric Data
Ergonomics Reference Books
5. Procedure
1. Gather all the anthropometric data – standing body dimensions obtained in Experiment # 4A and
compute for the 5th percentile and 95th percentile values for men and women. Plot the computed values
2. Gather all anthropometric data – seated body dimensions obtained in Experiment # 4A and compute
for 5th percentile and 95th percentile values for men and women. Plot the computed values of the 5 th
percentile and 95th percentile at Table 4.5.
Table 4.5. Percentile Values of Anthropometric Data
Seated Body Dimensions
Percentile Values (cm)
Factors 5th Percentile 95th Percentile
Men Women Men Women
1. What are the four sources of variability on the anthropometric data? Briefly explain each.
2. Discuss the reasons why variabilities occur from the above mentioned four sources?
3. What is the importance of the 5th and 95th percentile rank in design?
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 5
To compute for the body mass index of students and determine the current case of their body mass
1. To demonstrate skill in determining the weight and the height of each member of the group;
3. To give emphasis and understand the importance of maintaining an ideal body mass index.
3. Discussion
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult
men and women.
Category BMI
Serious Anorexia Below 16
Underweight, Anorexia 16.0 – 18.4
Normal Weight 18.5 – 22.4
Normal Weight, Longest Life Expected 22.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9
Obesity 30.0 – 34.9
Grave Obesity Above 35.0
Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing the body weight (in kilograms) by the square of the
body height (stature, in meters). While the BMI calculation yields a better estimate of body composition
than simply the weight of an individual, it has weak discriminant validity; because it taps into both lean
and fat mass (Kroemer,, 2002). Body composition varies among individuals of the same height and
weight due to their genes and bone structures.
5. Procedure
1. Measure the height and weight of each member of your group and compute for their respective
“Body Mass Index”. Fill-up the table below with the gathered measurements.
2. Using the BMI category listed above, determine the BMI category of each member of the group.
1. With your computed BMI category, what will you do to maintain your ideal body mass index?
2. Enumerate and briefly explain the activities you need to do to maintain an ideal BMI.
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 6
NIOSH Lifting Exercises
To understand and comprehend on different manual working tasks using NIOSH Lifting Eqn.
2. To apply knowledge in conceptualizing the importance and the use of gathered NIOSH lifting
data; and
3. To establish good working relationship with the other groups and develop his/her interpersonal
3. Discussion
A decade after the first NIOSH lifting guide, NIOSH revised the technique for assessing overexertion
hazards of manual lifting. The new document no longer contains two separate weight limits (Action Limit
(AL) and Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL)) but has only one Recommended Weight Limit (RWL). It
represents the maximal weight of a load that may be lifted or lowered by about 90% of American
industrial workers, male or female, physically fit and accustomed to physical labor.
This new equation resembles the 1981 formula for AL, but includes new multipliers to reflect asymmetry
and the quality of hand-load coupling. The 1991 equation allows as maximum a “Load Constant (LC)” –
permissible under the most favorable circumstances with a absolute value of 23 kgs (51 lbs).
LC – load constant of 23 kgs or 51 lbs.
Horizontal Multiplier (HM) – the horizontal distance of the hands from the ankles (the midpoint of
the ankles).
Vertical Multiplier (VM) – the vertical location (height) of the hands above the floor at the start
and end points of the lift.
Distance Multiplier (DM) – vertical travel distance from the start and end points of the lift.
Asymmetry Multiplier (AM) – angle of asymmetry, (e.g. the angular displacement of the load
from the medial (mid-saggital plane) which forces the operator to twist the body. It is measured
at the start and end points of the lift).
Frequency Multiplier (FM) – frequency rate of lifting, expressed in lifts per minute.
Coupling Multiplier (CM) – indicates the quality of coupling between hand and load.
Using the NIOSH lifting equation, perform an analysis of the lift below the same person and then perform
the same analysis for the second person. Calculate the RWL and LI for the origin and destination of both
Lifting Index ( LI )=
Recommended Weight Limit
5. Procedure
Look for an actual worker who does lifting tasks in general. Observe the worker as he do the lifting task
and measure the necessary details in order for you to solve the RWL and LI. For the laboratory report,
you are to present the following (with actual pictures):
3. Explain the values for each of the parameters from the NIOSH lifting equation
4. Do the task requirements seem excessive? Explain.
5. Compare and contrast the results of the tasks.
Figure 6.1. Graphic Representation of Hand Location
Figure 6.2. Graphic Representation of Angle of Asymmetry
Figure 6.3. Loading Punch Press Stock
Hand to Container Coupling Notes
1. An optimal handle design has 0.75 – 1.50 inches (1.90 to 3.80 cm) diameter, 1 4.5 inches (1 1.5 cm)
length, 2 inches (5 cm) clearance, cylindrical shape and a non-slip surface.
3. An optimal container design has 16 inches (40 cm) frontal length, < 12 inches (30 cm) height, and a
smooth non-slip surface.
4. A worker should be capable of clamping the fingers at nearly 90 degrees under the container as
required when lifting a cardboard box from the floor.
5. A container is considered less than optimal if it has a frontal length of > 16 inches (40 cm), height of
>12 inches (30 cm), rough and slippery surfaces, sharp edges, asymmetric center of mass, unstable
contents or requires the use of gloves.
6. A worker should be able to comfortably wrap the hand around the object without cawing excessive
wrist deviations or awkward postures, and the grip should not require excessive force.
Figure 6.4. Frequency Multiplier
6. Data and Results
1. In your own opinion, what is the valuable contribution of the worker’s condition to your group to the
study of ergonomics for industrial engineers?
2. Why is it necessary for industrial engineering students to determine the equipment that will be utilized
in the course of ergonomics at the start of the semester? What can it give to you as a student?
3. If you are to rate the laboratory activity (10 as the highest mark and 1 as the lowest mark), what would
you rate? Why?
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 7
To conceptualize product and service systems designs with the gathered anthropometric measurements.
1. To demonstrate a working knowledge on the use and the importance of the conceptualized
product designs; and
3. Discussion
This exercise will promote an understanding among ergonomics’ students on the importance of the
gathered anthropometric measurements and encourage creative thinking on the creation of product
design or service systems design.
According to Blanchard, B. & Fabryckry, W. (2002), when establishing the basic design requirements for
the system, particularly regarding human activities, and one obviously must consider the physical
dimensions of the human body. The weight, height, arm reach, hand size, and so on, are critical when
designing operator stations consoles, control panels, accesses for maintenance purposes, and the like.
The application of anthropometric data in design involves many considerations. The human body and
work-space dimensions are significant.
5. Procedure
1. Given the anthropometric data that you have gathered from the previous exercise, conceptualize
at least three (3) product designs. Draw your own two products design concept on the space
provided and describe them. Indicate the anthropometric data that you will use for your own
product design concept.
ILLUSTRATION: Product Design Concept No. 2
ILLUSTRATION: Product Design Concept No. 3
6. Data and Results
1. If your own product design concepts will materialize, who will be benefited?
3. Enumerate the steps you’ve made in coming up with your three (3) design concepts.
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 8
To familiarize the students with the concept of adjustable sit and reach flexibility tester.
1. To be equipped with the working knowledge in the use of the adjustable sit and reach flexibility
3. To develop a good working relationship with their classmates in accomplishing the assigned
3. Discussion
The standard sit and reach test will determine the maximum flexibility of the back attainable without
undue strain on the back muscles. The flexibility of the back muscles can indicate the tasks or
movements the back is capable of performing. The Flexibility Tester is a highly accurate and valid
method of measuring back flexibility. It replaces the crude measuring devices described by Wells/Dillon
and Johnson/Nelson.
The unit is constructed of durable, yet lightweight aluminium. The top is a platform scale containing an
auto-zero slide arm that extends more than 16 inches. The rule is marked in 1/2” increments to 23”, and
in centimeters, to 59 cm.
The subject sits with legs straight and feet flat against the no-mar rubber panels affixed to the front. The
subject reaches forward, moving the slide bar to maximum reach.
Adjustable Sit and Reach Flexibility Tester
Instruction’s Manual
5. Procedure
1. Have the subject sit on the floor with legs together and fully extended with feet against the
rubber pads on the unit. Ensuring the head, upper back, and lower back are in contact with a
2. Have the subject extend arms fully in front of their body with the right hand overlaying the left
hand, with the middle finger of each hand directly over each other.
3. Move the measurement slide to zero. Place the adjustable scale arm at the tips of the middle
fingers and lock it into place.
4. Instruct the subject to reach forward with fingertips against the slide arm, and bending forward at
the waist, moving the measurement slide-up the scale as far as he/she can.
1. The student is advised that the evaluation is a series of 3 measurements that will evaluate the
flexibility of the lower back, hamstring muscles and shoulders. The student is informed that the
flexion required during this evaluation must be smooth and slow, as the individual advances the
slide on the box to the most distal position possible. Inform the student that if at anytime during
the evaluation they experience back pain, chest pain, light-headedness, ataxia confusion,
nausea or clamminess, they should terminate the evaluation.
2. The student is instructed to sit on the floor ensuring the head, upper back and lower back are in
contact with a wall. The individual is instructed to place legs together, fully extended. The sit and
reach box with the adjustable slide is placed with the box flat against the feet.
3. While maintaining the head and upper/lower back contact with the wall, the student is instructed
to extend arms fully in front of their body with the right overlaying the left want, with the middle
finger of each hand directly over each other. The measurement slide is set to 0.00” at the tips of
the middle fingers. The individual is then instructed to exhale slowly while stretching slowly
forward, bending at the waist and pushing the measurement slide with the middle fingers. During
the stretch, the legs are to remain together and fully extended and hands are to remain overlaid.
The stretch is held momentarily and the distance obtained. If the student bounces, flexes knee
or uses momentum to increase distance, the evaluation is not counted.
4. Instruct the student to relax for 30 seconds. Once the student has completed the 30-second
recovery period, begin the second evaluation. Repeat evaluation for the third time using the
same procedure.
5. Record the farthest distance of the three trials by computing for the average scores (rounded to
the nearest ½ inch) as the final sore. Record students’ data on Table 8.1.
1. What is the application of measuring the back flexibility? Give at least two and justify your answers.
2. Based on the exercise performed, state your conclusions from that result from the back flexibility
7. Data Analysis and Conclusion
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 9
3. Discussion
Light can be defined as any radiation capable of causing a visual sensation. The natural source of such
electromagnetic radiation is the sun. Lamps (also called luminaries) are common artificial sources.
Measurement of the quantity of radiant energy may be done by determining the rise in temperature of a
blackened surface that absorbs radiation.
Table 9.1. Terms, Symbols and Units of Light Energy
Radiant Intensity Ie W x sr -1
Irradiance Ee Wm-2
Radiance Le Wm-2 sr -1
5. Procedure
Please strictly observe safety instructions during the use of the light meter. Read the precautionary
instructions before the use of light meter.
Do not immerse the unit in water or any liquids. The light meter is not water proofed.
Do not leave the instrument inside cars, buses, and other vehicles during warm days.
Do not expose the light meter into dust, high temperature and humidity, or direct sunlight.
Turn off the power when the light meter is not being used. If the light meter is not to be used for
a long time, please remove the battery.
Avoid disassembling the light meter. If light meter failure occurs, ask for technician assistance.
Please do not wipe the unit with benzene or thinner, this may cause the unit to easily break and
produce white marks on the chassis.
When the upper left corner of the LCD display shows “LO BAT”, the battery needs to be
replaced. However, it would still take several hours before measurement becomes inaccurate.
In replacing the battery, slide out the battery cover until it is removed, then take the battery out.
Replace the battery with a new one and position this new battery correctly inside the meter’s
battery compartment.
Wipe off dust, and other dirt on the unit using a dry cloth.
A. General Specifications
B. Electrical Specification
2. Adjust the Range Select Switch according to the intensity of the light being measured.
3. Take the sensor, and then position the sensor facing the light source. If the display stabilizes,
take the reading.
* Measuring Consideration:
Range Select B (2000 – 19900 LUX) is designed to measure light intensity within the specified range
mentioned above. In case that the light may be below this range, select the lower range to obtain a more
accurate reading.
1. Measure the intensity of the light in the rooms assigned by the instructor.
Table 9.3. Gathered Light Intensity Readings
1. What are the sources of confusion in the measurement of light energies and the perception of those
energies by the human observer?
2. List your observations about the conducted light intensity readings on the designated rooms by your
3. State your conclusions based on the observation and the result of the exercise performed.
7. Data Analysis and Conclusion
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Laboratory Exercise No. 10
1. To demonstrate knowledge in the assessment of how the body interacts with the environment;
3. To be equipped with working knowledge in the analysis of the effects of temperature in the
physical and mental health of an individual.
3. Discussion
The human body generates heat and at the same time, exchanges (gains or losses) energy with the
environment. Since a rather constant core temperature must be maintained, the body must dissipate
heat in a hot climate, while excessive heat loss must be prevented in a cold environment.
The human body has a complex control system for maintaining the deep-body core temperature very
close to 37 deg C (about 99 def F), as measured in the intestines, the rectum, the ear, or (most often) as
estimated by measure in the mouth. While the temperature of the body fluctuates slightly throughout the
day, due to diurnal changes in the body functions, the main task of the temperature-control system is to
regulate the energy exchange between (metabolic) heat generated within the body and external energy;
the body may absorb heat in hot surroundings or lose heat in cool environment.
5. Procedure
Read first the Electronic Travel Barometer Instruction’s Manual before the exercise.
The barometer gives you the pressure trend for the last hour, indicated by the arrow displayed in the
upper left corner of your display, next to the weather icon. The weather will be improving if this trend
(arrow) is rising, or getting worse if the trend (arrow) is falling.
How to read the illustrated weather forecast symbols and the storm alarm?
The travel barometer automatically detects the barometric pressure changes in your area. Based on the
changing pressure, it displays an illustrated weather symbol indicating the weather forecast. The
displayed weather marks are indicating a forecast of 12 to 24 hours ahead, for a radius of approximately
30 to 50 km (20 to 30 miles).
If the travel barometer detects stormy conditions, the storm indicator (lightning bolts) will flash and an
alarm will beep. The alarm sound will stop automatically after 1 minute to conserve power.
1. The accuracy of weather forecasting when using pressure trend alone is about 70 to 75 percent
and therefore, the electronic travel barometer cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience
caused by an inaccurate weather forecast;
2. The weather forecast symbols may not affect the current weather condition. The symbols are
forecasting the future; and
3. A “SUNNY” forecast covering the night time reflects a fine clear weather.
This exercise will be conducted by determining the barometric pressure trend from the ground floor up to
the fifth floor of the TIP QC Building 5. Find the barometric pressure trend and temperature reading in
each floor and plot your readings on Table 10.1.
Table 10.1. The Barometric Pressure Trend and Temperature’s Readings
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Fourth Floor
Fifth Floor
1. Are the sensations of feeling hot or of cold reliable indicators of the climate strain? Justify your
2. Enumerate the four physical factors in assessing the thermal environment. Briefly explain each
3. List your observation about the conducted barometric pressure trend readings, temperature readings,
and the weather forecast on the designated rooms at fourth floor.
4. State your conclusions based on the observation and the result of the exercise performed.
7. Data Analysis and Conclusion
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
The Office Ergonomics Facility Exercise
2. To show different ways on how to discuss and plan for ergonomically designed facilities; and
3. To be equipped with working knowledge in the application of office ergonomics in the physical
facilities and environment.
4. To test creativity in designing facility layouts with the use of the theories and principles learned in
your ergonomics class.
3. Discussion
Ergonomics is the study of the kind of work you do, the environment you work in, and the tools you use
to do your job. The goal of office ergonomics is to set up your office work space so that it fits you and the
job you are doing.
It's common for injury and illness to happen at work. Both can cost you and your employer time and
money. They can also affect how well you do your job.
Most on-the-job injuries are caused by:
Repetitive movements.
The way you sit or stand (posture).
Bending over, lifting heavy objects, or using pressure or force.
Working with vibrating tools.
Office ergonomics can help you be more comfortable at work. It can help lower stress and injury caused
by awkward positions and repetitive tasks. It focuses on how things are set up in your office work space,
such as:
Your workstation setup, how you sit, and how long you stay in one position.
How you do a certain task, the kinds of movements you make, and whether you make the same
movements over and over.
Your work area, including light, noise, and temperature.
The tools you use to do your job and whether they are set up to fit your needs.
Most injuries that happen at work are caused by physical stress and strain, such as sitting in the same
position for a long time, making repetitive movements, and overuse. These injuries can cause stress and
strain on your muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood vessels, and spine.
Hand, wrist, or arms.
Neck and shoulders.
You could also be at risk for problems such as tendinopathy and bursitis. These are caused by overuse
and repetitive movements. Over time, these kinds of movements can make you feel bad. They can
cause long-term health problems. And they use up your sick time.
You may be at greater risk for injuries at work if you have other health problems, such as arthritis or
emotional stress.
Internet Sources
5. Procedure
Design an experiment on how to evaluate facility layouts in a real company setting and give an
ergonomic assessment on it. You may refer in the figures below for possible standards that you can use
in your designs.
Figure 11.2. Sloping Work Surface for Tasks which Require No Manual Work
Figure 11.3. Viewing Manual Work
Figure 11.5. Legroom Required for Standing Work
Figure 11.6. Guidelines for the Dimensions of a Workplace at which Seated and
Standing Work can be Alternated
6. Data and Results
2. Are there any principles in ergonomics that you have violated since it contradicts on your
ergonomically designed facility layout? Why?
3. What do you think is the importance of office ergonomics to your everyday environment?
8. Reflection on the Attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
9. Assessment Rubric
Blanchard, B.S., Fabryckry, W.J. (2002). Systems Engineering and Analysis (3 rd Edition). Prentice Hall
Badiru, A.B. (2006). Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
Frievalds, A. (2009). Niebel’s Methods, Standards and Work Design (12 th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education
Gallwey, T.J., O’Sullivan, L.W. (2009). Ergonomics Laboratory Exercises. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
Guttierrez, M.T., Mendoza, M.T. Laboratory Manual in Human Factors Engineering / Ergonomics.
Technological Institute of the Philippines, Department of Industrial Engineering
Kanawaty, G. (1992). Introduction to Work Study (4th Edition). International Labour Organization
Kroemer, (2002). Ergonomics: How to Design for Ease and Efficiency (2 nd Edition). Prentice Hall
Salvendy, G.S. (2006). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (3 rd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EXTECH Instrument
Model 407727 and Model 407730
Lafayette Instrument
Email: [email protected]
Oregon Scientific
Model EB312E