Katalog RKS LAST 12 02 2019 ONEPAGE PDF
Katalog RKS LAST 12 02 2019 ONEPAGE PDF
Katalog RKS LAST 12 02 2019 ONEPAGE PDF
e objective of this catalogue is to assist you in de ning your needs and optimizing your choices by looking
at the characteristics of transformers in a little more detail. In this regard, we will present to you the various
design and construction echniques adopted by Rade Koncar - Service which allow us to manufacture trans-
formers in line with the strictest industry standards.
1 | Contents
Rade Koncar - Service and repairs of electrical products is founded in 1948. en known as compa-
ny JUG it’s specialization was repairs on oil distributive transformers and electric motors. By the time of
1953 it begins with production of oil distributive transformers. In 1967, the company becomes part of
Rade Koncar - Zagreb, the biggest company in the eld of electrical industry on the teritory of former
Jugoslavia. In 1990, the company becomes part of the Holding Rade Koncar - Aparatna Tehnika - Skopje and
in 1996 Rade Koncar - Service becomes independent company with private ownership by the respected and
experianced managment that still caryes out unprecedented services.
Today, Rade Koncar - Service together with the company Rade Koncar - TEP (founded in 2006) is the biggest
factory in the south-west region of the Balcan that brings excelance and e cency to the market in the eld
of production, repairs and services on power and distribution transformers, electrical motors and gener-
ators, reduction and elemination of harmful ingredients PCBs in transformer oil, mid voltage and high
voltage electrical components and industrial tests according to the IEC regulations.
Our vision is to be leaders and pioneers in the services that we offer; our focus is the satisfacion of our
customers and our mission are our social responsibilities. We seek excellence from our self, create safe
working conditions for our employees and the sensitive enviorment.
2 | Who are we
At present, the improvment of the energy efficiency cannot be considered a slogan anymore, but a need of our time.
OUR high efficiency transformers are created for this purpose and they guarentee:
- Saving in operating costs of the plant due to low losses.
- Consumtion reduction of energy resources.
- Reduction of CO2 emissions.
- Reference Norms :
• EN 60067-1 to 10
With experiance, competency and facilities in Macedonia and Serbia we have supplied thousands of Distribution transformers
on the local and neighboring markets.
Our objective is to acheeve customer satisfaction through timely compliance with customer demands and requierments.
WE, Rade Koncar - Service located in Skopje, Macedonia aims in production of Distribution transformers with the purposce to
meet the needs of public utilities as well as in neiboring markets.
3 | General Info
Our type of windings are circular adn eliptical/oval. For up to 400kVA if not speci ed otherwise, the low voltage windings are made
from rectangular copper or aluminium wire, from 400kVA up to 1600 kVA, the low voltage windings are made strictly from coper
or aluminium foil. e high voltage windings are made of round or rectangular aluminium or copper winding depending on the
voltage that is required.
l. Plug-in HV terminals
m. ermometer, for thermometer pocket
n. Oil level indicator for HTR l m n o p
o. RIS or equivalent for HTR
p. Buchholz Relay
5 | Technical Data
6 | Types
• Tap changer regulation: ± 2x2.5% • Temperature rise (OIL): 60K • Altitude max.: 1000m
• Frequency: 50Hz • Temperature rise (WINDING): 65K
• Cooling: ONAN • Material windings: Cu-Cu
| Bo - Ck, Cu/Cu
• Tap changer regulation: ± 2x2.5% • Temperature rise (OIL): 60K • Altitude max.: 1000m
• Frequency: 50Hz • Temperature rise (WINDING): 65K
• Cooling: ONAN • Material windings: Cu-Cu
RATED POWER kVA 50 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1250
SHORT CIRCUIT VOLTAGE Uk % 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6
LENGTH (L) mm 1060 1180 1210 1220 1580 1650 1890 1950
WIDTH (W) mm 560 660 680 750 690 800 1040 960
HEIGHT (H) mm 1120 1160 1280 1320 1500 1760 1810 1950
DIS. BETWEEN WHEELS (R) mm 420 420 520 520 620 620 800 800
DIS. BETWEEN HV BUSH. mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300
DIS. BETWEEN LV BUSH. mm 120 120 120 120 120 140 220 220
OIL WEIGHT kg 110 130 160 180 320 440 480 640
TOTAL WEIGHT kg 410 560 790 960 1480 2020 2660 3250
| Co - Bk; Cu/Cu
On each manufactured transformer, in accordance to IEC 60076, prior to nal inspection and dispatch to
customer, the following routine tests are conducted:
7 | Testing
Depending on transportation considerations,
we, RADE KONCAR - SERVICE can ship the
transformers either with or without bushings,
conservator, oil, accesories.
8 | Shipment