Ronalyn Revelala Story Map
Ronalyn Revelala Story Map
Ronalyn Revelala Story Map
The Phantom Opera.
Christine Daae
The Persian
The acting-manager. He is involved in
the investigation of Christine's Carlotta is the spoiled and vain
disappearance. Spanish prima donna whose
performance is sabotaged by Erik. At
Erik's demand, she is replaced by
The superstitious chorus master. He is
The managers' secretary. He is also also involved in the investigation of
involved in the investigation of the the disappearance of the Christine.
disappearance of the Christine.
Then Christine kissed Erik. It maked Madame Giry came to the Persian
Erik shocks and he was very happy. It was the house. She wanted the Persian to tell her
first kiss. He never get it from anyone also his about the incident a week ago. Then the
mother. Erik cried and he went down on the Persian said that the Phantom has
floor at Christine’s feet. After that Erik said to already died. He saw his body three days
Christine that she was free at that time and ago. The Persian also explained about
she could marry Raoul. Erik asked Christine to the Phantom life. After that Madame
go from his house and took Raoul and the Giry asked about Raoul and Christine,
Persian also. but he didn’t know about them. Perhaps
they took a train to the north and live a
quite, happy life together.