Open Mind Upper Intermediate Unit 2 Wordlist - German
Open Mind Upper Intermediate Unit 2 Wordlist - German
Open Mind Upper Intermediate Unit 2 Wordlist - German
Open Mind
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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
determine bestimmen/ verb /dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪn/ to decide when Who determines when
festlegen something should you can take your
happen or what coffee breaks?
should be done
dominate dominieren verb /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ to control a situation, British and American
often in a negative songs and movies
way, because you seem to dominate
have too much power popular culture.
or influence
economic Wirtschafts noun /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈɡrəʊθ/; an increase in the Countries such as
growth wachstum [uncountable] /ˌekənɒmɪk ˈɡrəʊθ/ amount of trade India and Brazil have
and business experienced huge
economic growth in
recent years.
effective effektiv adjective /ɪˈfektɪv/ producing a good The medication
result is effective in the
treatment of malaria.
evaluate bewerten verb /ɪˈvæljuˌeɪt/ to make a judgment Sometimes you have
about the value, to evaluate how useful
quality or importance information on the
of something internet is.
facilitate ermöglichen/ verb /fəˈsɪləˌteɪt/ to make it easier for Communication and
begünstigen something to exist information sharing
or happen has been facilitated by
the internet.
generate generieren verb /ˈdʒenəˌreɪt/ to make something The campaign has
happen, or to cause a generated an interest
new situation to exist in shopping locally.
globalisation Globalisierung noun /ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ the idea that the Some people
[uncountable] world is developing believe that
a single economy globalisation creates
and culture as a a lot of opportunities
result of improved for people.
technology and
communications and
the influence of very
large multinational
harm schaden/ verb /hɑː(r)m/ to have a bad effect Smoking harms
beschädigen on something people’s health.
improve verbessern verb /ɪmˈpruv/ to have a good Do you think, overall,
effect on something that the internet has
by making it better improved our lives?
or stronger
inequality Ungleichheit noun /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/ a situation in which There are many
people are not problems with racial,
equal because economic and social
some groups have inequality around
more opportunities, the world.
power, money, etc
than others
initiative Initiative noun /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ an important action The ‘Shop Small’
that is intended to campaign is an
solve a problem initiative that helps
local businesses.
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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
multinational multinational adjective /ˌmʌltiˈnæʃən(ə)l/ a multinational She works for a
company or business large multinational
has offices, stores corporation.
or factories in
several countries
participate teilnehmen verb /pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ to take part in All students are
something expected to
participate in this
producer Produzent/ noun /prəˈdjuːsə(r)/ a person or company A lot of our producers
Erzeuger that grows food or come from the
makes goods to local community.
be sold
profits Gewinne/Erträge noun /ˈprɒfɪts/ money that a business Local businesses have
makes by selling seen a decrease in
its products profits in recent years.
promote fördern verb /prəˈməʊt/ to encourage The campaign aims
something to develop to promote local
regional regional adjective /ˈriːdʒ(ə)nəl/ belonging to a It’s sad to see regional
particular place or cultures disappearing.
area, rather than to a
whole country
shelf life Haltbarkeitsdauer noun /ˈʃelf ˌlaɪf/ the amount of time Fruit and vegetables
that food products have a relatively short
can be kept in a shop shelf life.
before they become
too old to sell
small business Kleinbetrieb noun /smɔːl ˈbɪznəs/ a business or shop Small businesses
that operates on its are struggling in an
own and does not increasingly globalised
have other branches world.
supplier Lieferant noun /səˈplaɪə(r)/ a company, Which supplier do
organisation or you buy the products
country that supplies from?
or sells a product
support unterstützen verb /səˈpɔː(r)t/ to help something It’s important to
to develop or to support your local
continue to exist community.
sustain aufrechterhalten verb /səˈsteɪn/ to make sure that People are anxious to
something continues sustain their regional
to exist cultures.
value Wert verb /ˈvæljuː/ to show that you Thank you – I really
think someone value your support.
or something
is important
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