Weekly HSE Report

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Rev -0/ Date:15-03-19

Name of the Contractor / Agency:

Contract No / FOA:

Average no. of Workers deployed / day during the week: 29

No. of HSE Personnel at Site: Lead HSE: Safety Officer: 01

Safety Supervisor: 01 Total: 02

No. of First Aider: 0

No of First aid box available at site & location: Facility available at first aid

First aid equipment available in first aid center: YES

No of fire-extinguishers available: 05 Serviceable: 03

Un-serviceable: 02 (New)

No of Paramedic / Male nurse: 02

Ratio of HSE Personnel to workers: 1:15
HSE Statistics
Number of This Week Cumulative
Mandays Lost 00 00
Fatality 00 00
LTI *(report to be attached) 00 00
RWC *(report to be attached) 00 00
MTC *( report to be attached) 00 00
FAC *(report to be attached) 00 00
Near Misses (report to be attached) 00 00
Dangerous occurrence*( report to be 00 00
Environment incidents*( report to be 00 00
Number of Tool box meetings 07 98
Number of Tool box talk attended 82 908
Number of HSE Induction 01 07
Number of Inductees 13 84
Number of Trainings 02 15
Number of Trained personnel 28 174
Safety Observations 00 12
Total man hours recorded 1740 18750
Key topics covered in Toolbox Excavation Safety, ERP,
Minimizing of water
Meeting consumption & save
electricity, Electrical
safety, Heat stress,
Key Topics covered in HSE Training
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Rev -0/ Date:15-03-19

HSE Inspections
Details of Inspections and date
Special safety Event NIL

*LTI-Lost Time Injury, RWC-Restricted Work Case. MTC-Medical treatment case, FAC-
First Aid Case

Check List

Sl. Item Observation/ Correcti Targe Complian

no. Deviations ve t ce status
action Date
Welfare facilities

1. Rest shelter & Toilet 02 no. of toilet N/A

facilities for provided (Office &
workers/staff ROG area) & 01
no. of rest shed
provided near
office area.
2. Drinking water – Tank 20 ltr water cans N/A
condition/ Cleaning – provided.
Records Tank
Cleaning – Records
Water test records

3. Housekeeping Waste bin

Including – Plastic & provided.
Food waste
4. Tripping hazards and Area housekeeping N/A
slippery surfaces. done periodically.

5. Relevant signages and 08 nos. of signage N/A

posters displayed in
different locations.
6. Adequate illumination Adequate N/A
( including for illumination
extended hours) provided.
7. Any other site specific Nil N/A

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