Sushma Industries Evaluation - Group 5 - SecD
Sushma Industries Evaluation - Group 5 - SecD
Sushma Industries Evaluation - Group 5 - SecD
Evaluate the process adopted by Padmanabhan in developing the total rewards strategy
for SIPL.
● Firstly, he defined and evaluated the jobs so that internal equity could be established
and evaluated in the organisation. It was a correct approach as this step would
provide clarity, both to job holder and the organisation, and help make correct
compensation decisions. This step led to job description of key roles, which in turn
outlined the competencies and abilities required of job holder to successfully deliver
on the roles.
● A critical input to Total rewards strategy is to compare and establish market rate for
comparable jobs or skill sets. As industry study reports are expensive, Padmanabhan
took a sample of nearly 50 data points (obtained from top job portals and reference
points) to develop an estimate of market positioning. Although it was an economical
step, there’s a risk of having inaccurate market competitiveness data.
● In the earlier system, the variable compensation was deferred but a guaranteed pay.
He realigned the variable compensation and linked it to a newly developed
performance management system. For this to succeed, it was necessary to educate
the entire workforce.
● He conducted an employee survey to evaluate how the workforce felt about the
current compensation structure. The survey feedback disclosed the dissatisfaction
among the employees regarding low compensation and lack of parity among similar
functioning roles. However, established employees were objecting to the new system
due to the introduction of formal working hours and discipline of clocking attendance.
● Use of only 50 data points. No use of national and global survey market leaders.
Only 50 data points might lead to skewness of data and lots of biases. Uncompetitive
market data. Collecting data not a core competency of SIPL.
● Correct approach in implementing the process across 3 years. Although the
personnel selected in each cycle is questionable.
● Proper educating mechanism to let the workforce know aobut the performance mgmt.
system shift. Managing the change. Initially Variable pay was guaranteed.
● The new process would result in an increase in the salaries of some employees to
adjust the increase in their statutory deduction, caused by the process itself.
● The attendance management program would limit the unexplained wastage of time
during working hours. This would increase accountability and availability as well as
productivity during working hours.
● The new process and changes made by Padmanabhan faced considerable internal
resistance and resulted in employee dissatisfaction.
● Despite facing considerable resistance from employees, Padmanabhan was
adamant in implementing the new process which would ultimately result in improved
productivity in the organization.