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Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to show how Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory was used in the project of an action research project that
investigated the application of MI theory in classrooms and a basis for suggestions to generate classroom practices; how
participating teachers evaluated the project; and how teachers responded to the professional experience.

Hanafin, J. (2014). Multiple Intelligences Theory, Action Research, and Teacher Professional Development: The Irish MI Project.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(4).

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1 Intelligence as a The idea of intelligence as a general and In 1869, Intelligence became known as an
Measured Ability measurable ability, with “innately determined ability that can be measured which was a
limits, differing markedly from one individual to concept written in the book of Francis Galton
another and parallel to those in human bodily named as Hereditary Genius. It differs from one
development” (Chitty 2011, p.238) was born in another and depends on the development of an
1869 with the publication of Francis Galton’s book, individual. (Chitty 2011, p.238)
Hereditary Genius.
2 The Irish MI Project In the Irish MI project, the application of MI theory The Irish MI Project focuses only in two
to enhancing teaching, learning and assessment intelligences of MI which is the liguistic and
in schools, colleges and universities was informed logical-mathematical intelligences. On the other
by a view that much of the formal curriculum, hand, the use of MI theory consider the formal
mediated through individual subject syllabuses curriculum in improving the method of teaching,
and textbooks, prioritises the linguistic and logical- learning and evaluations of the students in
mathematical intelligences at the expense of other schools.
intelligences (e.g., Lynch 1992; Drudy and Lynch,
1993; Hanafin et al., 2002).
3 Developing MI in The action research project aimed to use an MI The Multiple Intelligence framework became a
Ireland framework in a number of Irish classrooms and tool in the developing of new teaching method,
schools in one region in the country to develop MI learning and evaluation of students in different
teaching, learning and assessment approaches. classroom of different region of Ireland.
4 Teachers View on MI Many participating teachers expressed a desire for The teachers who became a participant in the
more information about the theory of MI, about project were willing to learn more and acquire
Teaching for Understanding, and about new information related in MI theory and
assessment issues, as well as about lesson enhancing their teaching method in order for the
planning and dialogical pedagogy. students to learn more.
5 Relationship It was recognised that in classrooms where There is a relationship between the students
Between Students student intelligence profiles resemble teacher and teachers’ intelligences. If the two resembles
and Teachers in their intelligence profiles, it is likely that learning takes the same intelligences, the learning process
MI place with some ease. This happens when becomes easy. However, if there is no
teachers teach through intelligence areas where resemblance, there might be some problems
they are strong and students learn well through may occur.
similar areas of relative strength. When a
mismatch occurs, however, problems may arise.
6 Different Entry Point Gardner suggests that any rich, nourishing topic - For Gardner, learning a topic must be consider
any concept worth teaching - can be approached as entering a room with multiple doors to be
in at least six different ways. He suggests thinking choose with. Every doors is an entry point for
about the topic as a room with at least six doors or which students is comfortable entering in. Once
entry points into it. “Students”, he argues, “ vary as they accessed the room, the lerning process
to which entry point is most appropriate for them would be at ease and no problem.
and which routes are most comfortable to follow
once they have gained initial access to the room”
(Gardner et al., 1996, pp.203-204).
7 Written Examination All teachers teach for understanding. The job of a teacher is to make their students
as an Evaluation of Unfortunately, in places like Ireland where there is understand something. However, in Ireland the
Understanding a dominance of the terminal written examinations, most common measurement to know whether a
it is very often not possible to know whether students acquire a new knowledge are written
students have, in fact, understood what it is we examinations. This approach is hard to identify
wish them to know. whether the students gain something from their
8 Assessment to It was also found that they provided opportunities When students participate in a class
Learning when moments of assessment became moments engagement such as group assessment it
of learning. In other words, assessment changed become an act of learning. Assessment helps to
from being something which occurred after the improve learning, and it also becomes a chance
learning to being an opportunity for learning. for students to learn.
9 Creating a Student failure in schools is commonly constructed The common measurement of a student failure
Framework for as lack of (academic) success in is receiving a low scores of examinations and its
Understanding examinations, often resulting from lack of reason behind of it can be traced in the
Educational participation, and is commonly understood within educational disadvantage of students in terms
Disadvantage a framework for understanding educational of social class, gender, and etc.
disadvantage that identifies social class, gender,
ethnicity, and disability as agents of exclusion and
10 Intelligence as The mediating effects of “intelligence” on how The power of intelligence as intermediary in how
Intermediary classrooms and schools are organised, how the the classroom, schools, and its system works,
system prioritises certain students and certain its biases on students and their abilities can
abilities, and how certification is carried out and fight off the educational disadvantages and
discriminates against many can assist us in makes us understand how it can be change.
understanding and combating educational

Purpose of the Study:

The objective of the study is to examine the application of the theory of Multiple Intelligences to pedagogy and didactics from
conceptual, practical, and instrumental areas.

Posada, L. E. D., Londoño, S. P. V., & Burgos, L. P. R. (2016, January 14). Multiple Intelligences and Curriculum Implementation:
Progress, Trends and Opportunities. Retrieved from DOI: 10.1387/RevPsicodidact.15614

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1 Different Intelligence It proposes that various types of intelligence result The MI theory presents different types of
in different forms of education, and that any intelligence and its utilization can be put in a
considerable difficulty can be modified in order to good use to create a pool of ideas and
present a concept or system of thought (Gardner, concepts. (Garder, 2001).
2 The Power of Learning power; minimizes behavior problems; The effects of learning can lead to slippery
Learning increases self-esteem; develops cooperation and slope of advantages in an individual such as
leadership skills, and increases the interest and lessening the issue of their action and thoughts,
dedication of students (Suárez, Maiz, & Meza, increasing their value of one’s self, having a
2010). hunger for acquiring new knowledge and
interest and etc. (Suárez, Maiz, & Meza, 2010).
3 A Teacher’s Job They also consider that although “the teacher Even though the teacher is not capable of
cannot accommodate to all the different learning assisting all of the learning styles, they can
styles”, “it may itself show to each of their students share the knowledge of utilizing the intelligence
how to use their more developed intelligences to of their students and how it can help them to
better understand material which normally strengthen their weaker intelligences. (Pérez-
employs their weaker intelligences”(Pérez- Sánchez & Beltrán-Llera, 2006, p. 155).
Sánchez & Beltrán-Llera, 2006, p. 155).
4 Contribution of MI in As noted by García-Retana (2012), “the In the field of ICT, as well as any other field, if
Education practices educational model based on skills can be Multiple Intelligences is considered in education
improved if you take into account the perspective practices it can be put in a good use such as
of multiple intelligences, in a joint that contributes helping the students to unleash their skills.
to the performance of the individual in a creative
and enriching way, capable to know, interpret and
transform reality, also taking advantage of the
development of ICT” (p. 2).
5 The Changes Made Research has shown that the the MI theory has It is already proven by research the effects of
by MI in Curriculum generated changes in the concept of curriculum; Multiple Intelligence in the curriculum of
improvements in self-confidence of students and schools. It shows the development of both
teachers; increased interest and enthusiasm students and teachers in terms of their skills,
towards participation; decreased absenteeism and how they view theirselves, it lessens the
lack of discipline; increase of school-environment negative behaviors of the two, the relationship
relationships, which is reflected in the exchange of of school-environment has strengthen that
resources, and increased involvement of parents results from the participation of the members of
and communities (Chen, Isberg, & Krechevsky, the society.
6 The Need For It is identified the necessity to create more The need for more approach of teachings is
Empirical Evidence teaching models as well as more empirical recommend by the research and also it
of MI evidence related to objects of study different from highlightened the need of emperical evidences
the establishment of cognitive profiles, instrument to support the reliability and validity of MI in
validation and verification of the effectiveness of terms of its effectiveness in teaching foreign
the theory for teaching foreign languages. languages.
7 MI in Assessing Skill On the other hand, this theory proposes a model The MI theory takes into account the improving
of Different Culture that has to do with the ongoing assessment of the of skills of individual depending on their culture
development of skills in different cultural and their educational background in order for it
environments and is based on an applicable to become success.
structure to any educational situation, always
being aimed at promoting chances of success
(Chen, Moran, & Gardner, 2009).
8 New Design and Meanwhile, another possibility for innovation is the There is a need of new concept and validity of
Validation of MI- design and validation of MI-based models for different MI-based models in terms of
Based Models teacher training, as well as the implementation of developing the teacher’s skill and consider the
projects that combine its principles with other approaches as more efficient and more
approaches and demonstrate more and less, effective.
efficient and effective joints.
9 Significance of MI in It is clear that this is a high relevance approach as MI theory shows its importance in the field of
Education it encourages the foundation for the education since it improves the curriculum in
implementation of policies, curriculum and order for the students extend their abilities.
programs aimed at promoting the development of
the intelligences, where the most prominent
abilities are used as means to acquire knowledge
in any area (Eisner, 2004).
10 MI as an Educational This theory, among other things, is defined as an The MI theory is a tool for educational use
Tool educational tool rather than a goal in itself, and which to be used to the development and
has to do with what good teachers have always enhancement of the students’ knowledge and
done in their teaching, which is to go beyond the abilities.
text and the board to awaken the minds of his
students (Armstrong, 2009).

Purpose of the Study:

This study introduces an online project-based learning model based on student’s Multiple Intelligence, and it presents the
synthesized model by using the focus group discussion from ten experts.

Reference: (APA format)

Tiantong, M., & Siksen, S. (2013). The Online Project-based Learning Model Based on Student's Multiple Intelligence. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Science .

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1 Project Based Project-based learning (PjBL) is an instructional An instructional technique, Project -based
Learning technique in which meaningful tasks, often in the learning, uses meaningful tasks in the form of
form of problems, serve as the context and the problem to stimulate critical thinking and
stimulus for knowledge-building and critical knowledge building. Students in the process
thinking. Students work in teams to set goals, does not only use their knowledge to address
acquire information, and make informed decisions. the problem but also to communicate the results
They apply the knowledge they gain through their they came at hand. Students in this way
research not only to solve the problem, but also to develop well thought off decisions for they work
communicate the results of their findings. in teams on setting goals and gathering
2 Online Learning Basically, online learning has the potential to Online learning enables students to have a
revolutionize higher education. Students will be control on the pace and time they solve
able to learn at their own pace and solve other problems, thus making online learning a leap on
problems at the same time. the revolution of higher education.
3 The Advantages of Public colleges and universities simply cannot Credit hours taken online is less expensive,
Online Education build new facilities to accommodate all those who making it more practical in terms of financial
need credits in higher education. In addition, credit aspect. Furthermore, online learning has the
hours taken online particularly at a community ability to cater just-in-time assessment and
college are often less expensive. It therefore evaluation.
makes good financial sense for a student to take
core courses online at a community college,
moreover online learning is effective as it has the
ability to offer just-in-time student
assessment and evaluation
4 A PjBL as a Popular Meanwhile project-based learning is an PjBL has become and continuously gain
Method for Teaching increasingly popular method for teaching students popularity to the teachers in teaching mastery in
to solve problems, think critically, master science science and engineering principles, teamwork,
and engineering principles, and learn teamwork, collaboration, communication, and project
collaboration, communication, and project management skills as well as problem solving.
management skills.
5 Importance of Online Some learn visually others do better when they This will increase students’ interaction and the
Learning "learn by doing", and increases student interaction diverse of ideas. Technology, in addition, is
and the diversity of opinion, because everyone necessity to 21st century’s workers that works
gets a say, not just the most talkative, moreover, globally.
using the online learning with technologies that will
be critical to workers in the 21st century
community that works with colleagues globally.
6 PjBL as a Student- Project-based learning as a student-centered By engaging on a logical tasks that concerns
Centered Approach approach, is developing skills and content by the skills and content that needs to be learned
engaging in logical tasks that involve the skills and and providing real world contexts for learning,
content to be learned, have personal relevance for PjBL as a learning technique which is focused
students, and provide real world context for in the students itself develops contents and
learning (Warlick, 1999) skills.

7 The Other Job of Instead of just teaching students how to read and Teachers does not only prepare students to
Teachers beside of write, teachers need to prepare the students for a learn the basics but they hone them for the
Teaching Students world beyond the classroom in order for them to world beyond the the school for them to be
become successful in all aspects of their lives. prepared and achieve success in every aspect
of life.
8 Leadership and Also, leadership and responsibility provides lots of Leadership and responsibility cater
Responsibility opportunities to take responsibility and exercise opportunities in taking responsibility and in
leadership skills important to future employers. exercising leadership skills that are essential o
future employment.
9 Teachers as a Guide In much the same way that students work and Using effective practices and well thought-off
of Students learn, students go through an extended process of methodology, thorough projects can be offered
inquiry in response to a complex question, by the teachers to help the students learn core
problem, or challenge. By implementing best academic content and the skills that are needed
practices and careful methodology, teachers can in today’s generation.
offer rigorous projects that help students learn
core academic content and 21st century skills
(Markham, 2003)
10 Teaching Teaching students responsibilities will strengthen Responsibilities catered by the teachers to the
Responsibilities their work ethic when they have a job or career. It students will help them build a strong foundation
will continue to help them succeed in the job of of work ethics that will be a great help them
market and learn even more skills in the future. compete in the job market and also in learning
more skills in the future.

Purpose of the Study:

This study investigated the relationship between students’ gender and intelligence types, the relationship between particular
intelligence types and students’ success in grammar, and writing in English as a foreign language.

Reference: (APA format)

Hanafiyeh, M. (2013). The Relationship Between Iranian EFL learners' Multiple Intelligence and Success in Foreign Language

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1 Various Types of Gardner believed that we all have different According to schools and culture more likely is
Intelligence combinations of intelligence which work together focused on the linguistic and mathematical and
and make individuals different. But Gardner ignore other intelligence when we all have
mentioned that our schools and culture focus most different combination of intelligence which as
attention on linguistic and logical mathematical one works and make each individual different.
intelligence and ignore other intelligence. He He claims that equal attention must be adhere
claimed that we should also place equal attention onto those who excel in other intelligence to
on those who show gifts in the other intelligence to improve the lives we live in.
enrich the world we live.
2 MI Theory In MIT is proposed and put into practice in a way to Teachers have adopted and welcomed the need
Classroom Practices call for an alternative classroom design to of an educational program which addresses
traditional classroom setting. It has been various ways on learning. Hence, MIT is
embraced by the teachers in need of an proposed and exercised to call for a alternative
educational program which addresses a variety of approach to traditional classroom setting.
ways people learn (Shore, 2004).
3 Foreign Language Nolen (2003: 119) suggests that the presentation For each intelligence is mostly likely to be
Should Cater All of foreign language teaching material should available in every learner presentation of foreign
Types of Intelligence engage all or most of the intelligence due to the language teaching material should engross
fact that each of the intelligence is potentially most of the intelengence Nolen (2003: 119)
available in every learner.
4 MI Classroom Poole’s (2000: 532) clear description of an MI In understanding the prospective of the theory in
classroom seems to be helpful in understanding practice of Mi Poole’s (2000: 532) lucid
the potential of the theory in practice. description is of big help.
5 Logical-Mathematical Results indicated that logical-mathematical The result showed that most students has
and Musical intelligence was the leading intelligence type and logical-mathematical intelligence and that only
Intelligence the musical intelligence was the least common few have usical intelligence.
intelligence type employed by the students who
participated in this study.
6 Intrapersonal Intrapersonal intelligence, which is the ability to The result showed the lack of intrapersonal
Intelligence understand one’s feelings, strengths, and intelligence among the participants,
weaknesses (Chen & Gardner, 2005) was found to understanding their emotions and strong and
be the fifth common intelligence type in our study. weak characteristics was not successfully
This result indicated that students may not be observed.
successful in understanding their emotions, strong
and weak characteristics.
7 Perks of As Smith (2001: 44) explains, affective variables According to Smith (2001: 44) there are
Intrapersonal such as self-esteem, inhibition and anxiety are affective variables that helps learners analyze
Intelligence important factors in second language mastery and their strength and weaknesses such as self-
are aspects of intrapersonal intelligence which esteem inhibition and anxiety which are also
helps learners examine their strengths and essential factors in second language mastery.
weaknesses in language learning processes.
8 Relationship of Loori (2005) had found a relationship between A correlation between gender and
Gender In gender and logical/mathematical intelligence and mathematical/logical intelligence and
Intelligence intrapersonal intelligence. It was seen that intrapersonal intelligence was observed by Loori
logical/mathematical intelligence was stronger in (2005). It is sated that a higher
males while intrapersonal intelligence was higher logical/mathematical intelligence can be
in females. observed among males and higher
intrapersonal intelligence among females.
9 Importance of MI in It’s been approved that MI theory is very important In expanding the possibility and availability of
Educators to educators because it helps us expand our learning materials beyond common linguistic
horizon of available teaching/learning tools beyond and logical methods by allowing intelligence to
the conventional linguistic and logical methods by prosper in various possible outlet for
nurturing intelligences in many different potential individualized learning in environment MI was
pathways for an individualized learning approved to be very important among educators
10 Teacher’s Job Along the same lines, teacher development Theory and practices of MI should
activities at all levels should inform future teachers be shared to future educators of English to
of English about the theory and practice of MI to nourish practices of foreign language learning
enhance practice of foreign language learning and and teaching

Purpose of the Study:

This paper proposes an automatic approach for identifying students’ learning styles in LMSs as well as a tool that supports teachers
in applying this approach. The approach is based on inferring students’ learning styles from their behaviour in an online course and
was developed for LMSs in general

Reference: (APA format)

Graf, S., Kinshuk, & Liu, T.-C. (2009). Supporting Teachers in Identifying Students' Learning Styles in Learning Management
Systems: An Automatic Student Modelling Approach. Educational Technology & Society, 12 (4), 3–14.

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1 Learning In learning management systems (LMSs), Teachers tend to face much difficulties in
Management teachers have more difficulties to notice and know noticing and determining how each students
Systems how individual students behave and learn in a behave and learn in a subject in contrast to
course, compared to face-to-face education. face-to-face education.
2 Importance of Enabling teachers to know their students’ learning Teachers’ and students’ comprehension of the
Recognizing One’s styles and making students aware of their own students’ learning processes is increased by
Learning Style learning styles increases teachers’ and students’ familiarizing teachers and students to the
understanding about the students’ learning different learning styles also it allows teachers in
process, allows teachers to provide better support providing quality support among students and
for their students, and has therefore high potential increasing the quality of teaching as well as
to enhance teaching and learning. learning.
3 LMSs in E-Learning LMSs such as Moodle (2009), Sakai (2009), and LMSs such as Moodle (2009), Sakai (2009),
WebCT (2009) are commonly and successfully and WebCT (2009) are some of those which
used in e-learning. They aim at supporting successfully utilized e-learning and aims to
teachers in creating and managing online courses. support teachers in developing and handling
online courses
4 Issues and While there are still many open issues with respect Despite of unresolved issues that is connected
Advantage to learning styles, the learning style models agree to learning style, learning style models agree
that learners have different ways in which they that there are different ways in which learners
prefer to learn. prefer to learn
5 Importance of Furthermore, many educational theorists and Learning style is considered by most
Learning Styles researchers consider learning styles as an educational theorists and researchers as a key
important factor in the learning process and agree factor in learning processes and that using it on
that incorporating them in education has potential education can utilize learning for students
to facilitate learning for students.
6 Distinguishing Identifying learning styles in an automatic way is In nourishing ability to adapt in LMSs,
Learning Styles as a an important step for enhancing adaptivity in determining learning style in on-point was is
Step LMSs, enabling these systems to present students important making these system to present
with courses that fit their learning styles based on students with course that is fitted to their
their prior behaviour in the course. learning styles according to their preceding
behaviour in the course
7 Teaching and In addition, students can be supported by Students can gain support by letting them have
Learning Style matching the teaching style with their learning their teaching style matched with their learning
8 Learning Style in In addition, the information can be used for making Making students aware of their own learning
Recognizing One’s students themselves aware of their own learning styles can help them understand their forte in
Strength and styles, helping them to better understand their the learning process
Weaknesses strengths and weaknesses in the learning process.
9 Solving Learning Their learning styles and showing them their Their learning styles can help them understand
Difficulty individual strengths and weaknesses can help why they sometimes have difficulty in learning
students to understand why learning is sometimes and a good basis on improving their
difficult for them and is the basis for developing weaknesses
their weaknesses.
10 Learning Styles of the information about students’ learning styles can The information with regards to students’
Students in Helping help teachers in understanding why and when learning styles can teachers when their students
Teachers students may have difficulties in learning is having difficulties in learning

Purpose of the Study:

This study tested the hypothesis that learning styles (visual, auditory, read/write and kinesthetic) and approaches to learning (deep,
strategic and superficial) differ among first and final year undergraduate medical students, and postgraduates medical trainees.

Samarakoon, L., Fernando, T., Rodrigo, C., & Rajapakse, S. (2013). Learning styles and approaches to learning among medical
undergraduates and postgraduates. BMC Medical Education, 13(1). doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-13-42

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1 The Challenge of Teaching medicine is an ever-evolving process The field of medicine always change over time,
Medical Education which requires that both students and teachers its changes creates new difficulty in studying it.
continuously update themselves. The challenge of It takes a lot of hardships and facing challenges
imparting a large amount of knowledge within a such as a flood of knowledge. That is why
limited time period in a way it is retained, learning it in a short period of time must be
remembered and effectively interpreted by a considered.
student is considerable.
2 The Importance of . It has been argued that knowledge of learning Learning styles benefits both the students and
Learning Styles on styles can be useful to both teachers and teachers in the field of learning and teaching
Teachers and students, in that teachers can tailor pedagogy to effectively and efficiently.
Studenta correlate with the learning styles of students
3 Relationship of Educational theory suggests that clinical A success in assessing and applying the
Success in Learning experience and success at examinations bears a learning in clinical and in test have a
Styles relationship to learning styles. relationships on learning styles according to the
Educational theory.
4 Learning Styles as a Dunn et al. [4] defined the term ‘learning style’ as According to Dunn et al., Learning styles
Unique Way of different and unique ways used by individuals as depends on every individual that is why we have
Processing they prepare to learn and recall information our own and unique ways of processing
Information informations.
5 Unimodal and According to individual preference to learning Unimodal is having one predominantly learning
Multimodal style, learners can be classified as unimodal if style while Multimodal is having two or shared
they show predominantly one learning preference learning styles.
or multimodal if preference is shared between 2 or
more learning styles
6 Undergraduates are Our study showed that the majority of Undergraduates are auditory learners and it is
Auditory Learners undergraduate students had multimodal learning their dominant style of learning since they are
styles, with auditory learning being a predominant identified as Multimodal.
7 Changes in Learning Although multimodal preference with auditory Learning styles occurs when the medical
Styles learning is predominant among pre-clinical students move up or increasing their
undergraduates, learning styles do seem to educational level in medical education.
change as they move up the ladder of medical
8 Strategic Learning as Strategic learning was the predominant learning All medical students are strategic learners.
the Predominant approach in all three groups, i.e., pre-clinical,
Style clinical and postgraduates.
9 The Shift and None The learning approach suggested a positive shift There is a change in learning styles of
towards deep and strategic learning in postgraduates. However, undergraduates have
postgraduate students. However a similar no changes.
difference was not observed in undergraduate
students during their transition from first year to
final year.
10 The Importance of Differences in the learning styles and learning The importance of learning styles and
Learning Styles And approaches have important implications in approaches has a big impact in the field of
Approaches In development of effective medical curricula in both medical education of medical students as it
Medical Curriculum undergraduate and post graduates. assists them to develop and become more

Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to increase faculty awareness and understanding of the effect of learning styles on the teaching

Reference: (APA format)

Gilakjani, A. P. (2011). Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic Learning Styles and Their Impacts on English Language Teaching. Journal of
Studies in Education, 2(1), 104. doi: 10.5296/jse.v2i1.1007

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1 Importance of Students learn best by seeing the value and If there is something interesting in learning
Interesting Learning importance of the information presented in the materials, students becomes more motivated
Materials classroom. If the students are not interested in the and engaged in learning than if the lesson does
material presented, they will not learn it. not peak their interests .
2 The Combination of In order to achieve the ultimate goal of student The students will become more engage in
Teaching Methods learning it is important to use a combination of learning if the environment are more playful and
and Classroom teaching methods and to make the classroom the method use in teaching more interactive.
Environment environment as stimulating and interactive as
3 Applying Learning It is important for teachers to incorporate in their Teachers must take into account the different
Styles in Curriculum curriculum activities related to each of these learning style when having a discussion in order
learning styles so that all students are able to for the class to reach academic success.
succeed in their classes.
4 The Importance of The various inventories on learning styles allow The different models of learning styles lets the
Different Learning teachers to gain insight into which areas they can teacher to see what is needed to be used in
Styles use further development in and which are already developing a best teaching method.
well developed (Cuaresma, 2008).
5 The Changes in Price, Dunn, and Sanders (1980) found that very In a study of Prince, Dunn, and Sanders
Learning Styles young children are the most tactile/kinesthetic, that presents that children are tactile/kinesthetic
there is a gradual development of visual strengths learners. However, a change in learning styles
through the elementary grades, and that only in occur when their educational level increasing,
fifth or sixth grade can most youngsters learn and they become visual learners in elementary and
retain information through the auditory sense. auditory learners.
6 Different Students, Although learning styles will inevitably differ Different students, different learning styles. That
Different Learning among students in the classroom, Dunn and Dunn is why, it is the job of teachers to create an
Styles say that teachers should try to make changes in environment that will improve the different
their classroom that will be beneficial to every learners of theirs.
learning style
7 The Perks of The individuals should know what their own It is a must for an individual to know their
Knowing One’s learning styles are and what characteristics this learning styles since it helps them to know their
Learning Styles style has and they should thereby behave strengths and weaknesses that are needed to
according to this style. In this way, the individual improve.
can acquire the constantly changing and
increasing amount of information without need for
the assistance of others.
8 Understanding A better knowledge and understanding of learning Giving importance in learning styles will help to
Learning Styles styles may become important as classroom sizes accommodate large students in a room and as
increase and as technological advances continue an advancement on science and technology has
to mold the types of students entering higher been made and still occurring.
9 Identifying One’s Analyzing one’s own particular learning style can Knowing one’s learning styles can become a
Learning Styles be very helpful and beneficial to the student by tool for assisting an individual’s knowledge and
aiding them in becoming more focused on an skills and where to use it as well as it helps to
attentive learner, which ultimately will increase achieve academic goals.
educational success.
10 Effective and The purpose of using learning styles is to find the Learning styles benefits both the students and
Efficient Purpose of best ways for both students to learn effectively and teachers in the field of learning and teaching
Learning Styles teachers to teach efficiently. effectively and efficiently.

Purpose of the Study:

This study review and analyze current trends in the field of automatic detection of learning styles. We present the results of our
analysis and discuss some limitations, implications and research gaps that can be helpful to researchers working in the field of
learning styles.

Reference: (APA format)

Feldman, J., Monteserin, A., & Amandi, A. (2014). Automatic detection of learning styles: state of the art. Artificial Intelligence
Review, 44(2), 157–186. doi: 10.1007/s10462-014-9422-6

No. Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Classification of A learning style model classifies students Identifying the learning styles of students is
Learning Styles according to where they fit on a number of scales based on a number of series of question which
belonging to the ways in which they receive and they need to answer that depends where they
process information (Felder and Silverman (1988) belong
2 Kolb’s Learning Kolb’s learning style model is based on the The Kolb’s Learning style model is a type of
Style Model Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb (1984)). This learning on which a learning process goes
theory describes a learning process through through a series of implementing what have
which concrete experience is followed by been learned and imposing it in a new
reflection and observation, leading to the situation, it is like a cycle of learning.
formulation of abstract concepts and
generalizations, the implications of which are
tested in new situations through active
3 Contribution of AI in A number of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques Artificial Intelligence has been used in order to
Learning Styles have been proposed to automatically detect identify the student’s learning styles with
students’ learning styles. precision and in an accurate manner.

4 Uncleared Furthermore, the relationships and similarities There are still some questions that have not yet
Relationships of among learning style models are still unclear. been answered relating in the relationships of
Learning Styles different learning style models.
5 Problems in Another issue is how to evaluate and compare One of the problem of learning style is the way
Evaluation and the presented results since many differences it has been evaluated and differentiate the
Comparing of the exist regarding population size, discretization of results that are been given. So, Felder suggest
results in Learning learning style dimensions and reported metrics. three types of intervals in learning preferences:
Styles For instance, Felder (Felder and Spurlin (2005)) having a strong preferences in a certain
proposes to discretize learning preferences in 3 learning styles, mild, and strong preference on
intervals: strong preference for a learning style on other styles.
one pole of the dimension, mild preference, and
strong preference for a learning style on the other
pole of the dimension.
6 Criticism in One major criticism in the field of automatic It has been criticized the automatic detection of
detecting Learning detection of learning styles is that it is learning styles because it has lots of scale
Styles characterized by a very large number of small- application and yet the sample of students are
scale applications of particular models to small small.
samples of students in specific contexts (Coffield
et al (2004)
7 Felder’s Model In particular, Felder’s model has been widely The Felder’s Model is commonly use because
used because it provides a questionnaire capable of it has a quantifying qualities in distinguishing
of quantifying students’ learning style the learning styles of the students.
preferences. This allows researchers to evaluate
the automatically detected learning styles on a
fine-grained basis, such as strong, moderate or
8 Felder’s Model Felder’s model are that it is suitable for use with Felder’s Model is convenient in terms of using it
an educational system (Carver Jr et al (1999)), in educational system. In addition, it is
that it has been widely tested in engineering commonly used in engineering educatjon.
education, and that it considers learning styles Learning styles changes and become different
not as fixed traits but as differential preferences depends on the context.
for learning
9 Overlapping of There has been a lot of research in the field of There is a problem regarding of learning styles
Learning Style learning styles over the last 20 years. However, a because different models are not intertwined
Models controversial issue that remains open is the and cause parallelism.
overlapping learning style models proposed in the
10 The Problems in The traditional way to identify learning styles is To identify a learning style is by taking and
Questionnaire of using a test or questionnaire. Despite being answering survey or questionnaire which is a
Learning Styles reliable, these instruments present some traditional way. These may be reliable, however
problems that hinder the learning style it causes some conflict because an individual
identification. Some of these problems include who are answering the test may not become
students’ lack of motivation to fill out a truthful in answering those questions.
questionnaire and lack of self-awareness of their
learning preferences.


Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this research is to discover that each learning styles and multiple intelligence can help the students identify their
strength and weaknesses also learn from them.

Şener, Sabriye & Çokçalışkan, Ayten (2018). An Investigation Between Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles, 126

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligence Verbal – linguistic Intelligence: Gardner (1993) Verbal – is a linguistic Intelligence in which
explained this intelligence as sensitivity to the Gardner defined as understanding to the written
written and spoken language. This intelligence is and spoken language. Comprehension and
mainly concerned with the ability to comprehend composition of language of both oral and in
and compose language efficaciously both orally writing is the core concern of this intelligence.
and in writing. Poets, writers, linguists, journalists,
language teachers, etc. are the example of people
who have the verbal-linguistic intelligence.
2 Multiple Intelligence Logical/mathematical intelligence: This intelligence Students who can comprehend situations that
is the ability to calculate and comprehend needed calculations and logics and are good
situations or conditions systematically and with patterns and relationship, reasoning, and
logically. Students who have this type of problem solving is how Gardner defined the
intelligence are good at exploring patterns and term Logical/mathematical intelligence.
relationships, problem solving, and reasoning
(Gardner, 1999). This intelligence type can be
connected with deductive reasoning. People who
work in the scientific and mathematical fields are
supposed to have this type of intelligence.
3 Multiple Intelligence Visual/Spatial intelligence: This type of intelligence Gardner defined people with ability to perceive,
is described as the ability of perceiving, modifying modifying ang creating images as Visual/spatial
and creating images. Artists, designers, architects, Intelligent.
sculptors have highly this type of intelligence.
4 Multiple Intelligence Musical intelligence: This type of intelligence is the The type of people who has talent to recognize
ability to identify pitch, rhythm, and emotional side pitch, rhythm, and emotional side of sound in
of sound. It is exemplified by musicians, singers, which Gardner described is called Musical
composers, and people who are interested in Intelligence.
5 Multiple Intelligence Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence: This type of The kind of intelligence that uses movements or
intelligence refers to use the body for expression. body to express themselves is what you call a
It is also described as the potential of using the Bodily/kinesthetic Intelligence.
body and its parts in mastering problems or
creation of products. Athletes, professional
dancers, mechanics, physical education
instructors are in this group.
6 Multiple Intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence: This intelligence The Intrapersonal Intelligence is one of the
requires the ability to have self-knowledge and multiple intelligences that involves capabilities of
recognize people’s similarities and differences self-knowledge and to pinpoint people’s
among them. Gardner (1999) adds that it involves similarities and differences among them. In
the ability to understand yourself, and to interpret addition, Gardner said that it includes abilities to
and appreciate your own feelings, emotions, understand yourself, and to interpret and
desires, strengths, and motivations. appreciate your own feelings, emotions, desires,
strengths, and motivations.
7 Multiple Intelligence Interpersonal intelligence: This intelligence The intelligence that requires the skill to
suggests the ability to identify, comprehend and recognize, understand, and appreciate the
appreciate the emotions, intentions, motivations, feelings, intentions, motivations, desires, and
desires, and beliefs of other people. Teachers, the beliefs of others.
therapists, salespersons, political leaders have
high interpersonal intelligence.
8 Multiple Intelligence Naturalistic intelligence: This type of intelligence is Recognizing the natural world is the description
the ability to identify and classify the natural world for Naturalistic Intelligence in which Teele states
around people. Teele (2000) states that these that people with this type of intelligence live in
people live in harmony with the nature. Some accordance with the nature.
occupations need a well-developed form of this
intelligence, like astronomers, biologists, and
zoologists. Gardner added this intelligence as the
eighth one, after the first publication of the model.
9 Multiple Intelligence Existential intelligence: This intelligence suggests A type of intelligence that requires talents in
the ability to question about the existence of questioning the existence of human, death, and
human, death, the meaning of life and the reason the meaning of life and its existence.
for existence (Armstrong, 2009). It was added the
list in 1999 by Gardner.
10 Theory of Multiple The Theory of Multiple Intelligences suggested by Gardner recommended the Theory of Multiple
Intelligence Gardner in the early 1980s as an alternative way Intelligence in the year 1980s as an alternative
to traditional classroom designs that as a need for way for traditional classrooms that he thought
the variety of ways people learn and understand. needed variation of ways where people can
Gardner (1983) suggested that learners do not learn and understand. He stated that learners
have a single intelligence, but a range of do not possess only a single intelligence, but an
intelligences. His assumption is that all people assortment of it. He supposed that all people
have these intelligences but in each person one of have these intelligences he mentioned but each
them is more pronounced. person but with different intensity of each

Purpose of the Study:

This research focuses on how to overcome the problem with teachers who focuses solely on academic ability.

Winarti, A., Yuanita, L., Nur, Moh., (2018). The Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences Based Teaching Strategy in Enhancing the
Multiple Intelligences and Science Process Skills of Junior High School Students

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligence Gardner (1993) defines intelligence as the As described by Gardner (1993), intelligence is
human ability to create problems and solve the capability of human to make problems and
them. Hence, the kind of human intelligence will think of a solution to this, and from now on, the
appear when a person faces a problem and intelligence that the human have will occur
solves it. when a person is in trouble.
2 Multiple Intelligence Since Gardner’s publication of the Multiple Since Gardner’s distribution of the Multiple
and application to Intelligences (MI) theory, several studies have Intelligence theory, a few examinations have
the learners investigated the implications of the theory to be studied the ramifications of the hypothesis to be
applied in teaching and learning activities in applied in educating and learning exercises in
various subjects, including language, different subjects, including language,
psychology and science. Some studies psychology and science. A few research
conducted by Pociask and Settles (2007), directed by Pociask and Settles (2007), Owolabi
Owolabi and Okebukola (2009), Chuang, Tsu and Okebukola (2009), Chuang, Tusu and Tao
and Tsao (2010), Abdi, Laei and (2013), and Nurulwahida, Yaacob and Shaik-
Ahmadyan (2013), and Nurulwahida, Abdullah (2014), propose that multiple
Yaacob and Shaik-Abdullah (2014), suggest intelligence theory should be applied in study
that multiple intelligence theory need to be halls through different ways, for example,
applied in classrooms through various ways actualizing mind based learning technique,
such as implementing brain-based learning group study method, computer games, and
strategy, study group method, video games, and modules.
3 Intelligences and Yurt and Polat (2015), Madkour and Mohammed Discovered by Yurt and Polat (2015), Madkour
learning strategies (2016) and Sánchez-Martín, Álvarez-Gragera, and Mohammed (2016) and Sánchez-
Dávila-Acedo and Mellado (2017) found that Martín, Álvarez-Gragera, Dávila-
adjusting learning strategies with students’ Acedo and Mellado (2017), that altering
intelligence has improved learning motivation learning strategies with learner’s intelligence
and emotional intelligence to positively impact has improved learning inspiration and
student achievement. emotional intelligence to impact the student
achievement positively.
4 Multiple Intelligence The key of MI theory is that all human beings The key of MI theory is that every individual has
theory have eight intelligences that are independent eight intelligences that are autonomous to each
each other with varying degrees. Based on the other with fluctuating degrees. In view of the
assumption that each individual’s intelligence suspicion that everyone’s intelligence profile
profile is not the same, then the learning can be isn’t equal, at that point the learning can be
developed by evaluating the students’ created by assessing the student’s intelligence
intelligence profile and designing the learning profile and structuring the learning movement
activity based on the level of the intelligence. depending on the level of intelligence.
5 Multiple intelligence According to MI theory, the dominant Based on the Multiple Intelligence theory, the
and child’s interest intelligence of a child is generally relevant to the main intelligence of a child is commonly related
child’s interest (Armstrong, 2004). Through this to the interest of a child as stated by Armstrong
learning strategy, interests and talents serve as (2004). By this learning strategy, interests and
a means to learn the subject matter. capacities serve to learn the subject matter.
6 Learning strategy In application of this learning strategy, any type In the utilization of this learning strategy, any
and Multiple of student’s dominant intelligence that may arise sort of student’s prevailing intelligence that may
Intelligence will be facilitated to evolve through appropriate emerge will be encouraged to develop through
activities, such as making songs for musical proper exercises, for example, making tunes for
intelligence, writing poetry related to the subject musical intelligence, writing poetry identified
matter for verbal linguistic intelligence, with the topic for verbal linguistic intelligence,
designing games or performing role playing for developing games or performing role playing for
kinesthetic intelligence. kinesthetic intelligence.
7 Application of Application of MI theory in classroom activities The use of Multiple Intelligence theory in
Multiple Intelligence has been reported by the other studies such as classroom exercises has been accounted by
Theory Owolabi and Okebokula (2009), Hanafin (2014), other research such as Owolabi and Okebokula
Ghamrawi (2014), Madkour and Mohammed (2009), Hanafin (2014), Ghamrawi (2014),
(2016) and Sháncez-Martín et al. (2017). Those Madkour and Mohammed (2016) and
researches indicated that the implementation of Sháncez-Martín et al. (2017). Those studies
MI-based learning strategies in schools not only specified that the application of MI-based
improves learning outcomes but also students’ learning strategies in schools improves the
interest, motivation, and emotional intelligence. results of learning and the learner’s interest,
inspiration, and emotional intelligence.
8 Application of Students’ retention increases as the As the students’ self-esteem improve, their
Multiple Intelligence improvement of their self-esteem. Research retention increases too. The study on the child’s
conducted by Ghamrawi (2014) on the child’s ability to learn vocabulary by Ghamrawi (2014)
ability to learn vocabulary proved that the showed that the utilization of MI theory does not
application of MI theory does not make children cause children to learn words quicker, however,
learn words faster, but improves children’s it improves the child’s retention in learning.
retention in learning.
9 Results of the previous researches on multiple Past researches about multiple intelligences
application of intelligences were more focused on the impact were progressively centered around the effect of
multiple intelligence of the learning method toward students’ interest, the learning strategy toward learners’ interest,
theory motivation, self esteem, and learning outcomes. motivation, self-esteem, and learning resultls.
10 Researches on There were only small amount researches on There were just modest quantity studies
Multiple Intelligence multiple intelligences that try to improve the regarding Multiple Intelligences that attempts to
improvement multiple intelligences themselves. Researches improve the multiple intelligences. Studies by
by Chuang et al. (2010), Talib and Bini-Kailani Chuang et al. (2010), Talib and Bini-Kailani
(2014) tried to increase students’ multiple (2014) attempted to build students’ multiple
intelligences, but they were only focus on one or intelligences, yet they were just focused on one
two types of intelligences. or two types of intelligences.

Purpose of the Study:

This research is about exploring the feasible education reformation route, regarding the multiple intelligence theory as the basic
guiding ideology.

Wang, H. (2017). Research on Multiple Intelligences Theory and its Enlightenment to Higher Education, 121-122, 124,

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Definition of Multiple He thinks that the nature of intelligence is the Gardner thinks that the idea of knowledge is the
Intelligence ability capacity to take care of their own troublesome
to solve their own difficult problems and to create issues and to make successful items for society
effective products for society in a certain social in a specific social and social foundation.
cultural background.

2 Publication of The theory of multiple intelligences has been The theory if multiple intelligences has been
multiple intelligence proposed for more than 30 years, which has introduced for more that 30 years, which has
theory become the been the guiding ideology of the change of
guiding ideology of the reform of education and instruction and educating in the West after 90s
teaching in the West after 90s, and has a broad and has a wide and significant impact on
and American education.
profound impact on American education.

3 Multiple Intelligence On the intelligence structure, people have a On the knowledge structure, individuals have an
variety of intelligences, and each of them is assortment of intelligences, and each of them is
independent. Multiple intelligences include verbal- autonomous. Multiple intelligences are consist
linguistic intelligence, musical-rhythmic of verbal-linguistic intelligence, musical-rhythmic
intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence,
visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence, self-knowledge introspection intelligence, self-knowledge introspection
intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence. intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence.
4 Application of A large number of Countless educators have utilized this theory
Multiple Intelligence teachers applied this theory and then achieved and attained striking outcomes in the educating
remarkable results in the teaching process. procedure.

5 Multiple Intelligence According to Gardner’s theory of multiple As per Gardner’s theory of multiple
intelligences, individual intelligence in a certain intelligences, distinct intelligence in a specific
area should region ought to be brought into full play, which is
be brought into full play, which is specialty specialty training, here we called it superior
training, here we called it superior intelligence intelligence training.

6 Multiple Intelligence According to Gardner’s theory of Indicated on Gardner’s theory of multiple

in students multiple intelligences, there are only students with intelligences, there are just learners with various
different intellectual characteristics and learning scholarly attributes and learning styles in
styles in school, and there should not be the so- school, and there is ought not be the alleged
called dunce. moron.

7 Emphasis of Multiple According to Gardner’s theory, what the In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences,
Intelligence intelligence emphasizes is the individual’s ability to what the intelligence stresses is the person’s
solve practical capacity to settle reasonable issues and deliver
problems and produce or create effective products or make compelling products needed by the
needed by the society. society.

8 People with multiple Generally speaking, people with special skills can People with exceptional aptitudes can push
intelligence push forward the social development of certain forward the social improvement of specific
fields, while the government has adopted effective fields, while the legislature has received
measures, such as recruiting all kinds of talented powerful measures, for example, in enlisting a
students, art students, etc. wide range of gifted learners, art students, and
so on.
9 Multiple Intelligence Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences informs Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
us that there are many kinds of intelligences in educates us that there are numerous sorts of
humans, so the comparison of intelligences intelligences in people, so the evaluation of
between any intelligences between any two people is uneven.
two people is one-sided.

10 Multiple Intelligence Gardner’s theory of In the theory of Gardner in multiple

multiple intelligences pointed out that although not intelligences, he pointed out that despite the fact
all students have a gift for verbal expression or that not all students have a talent for verbal
mathematics, they may be excellent in music, articulation or mathematics, they might have
spatial relationships, or interpersonal knowledge. extraordinary talents in music, spatial
relationships, or interpersonal knowledge.

Purpose of the Study:

This research sought to investigate whether there are differences among EFL instructors of various intelligence types in terms of the
types of activities that they implement in their classes.

Dolati, Z., Tahriri, A. (2017). EFL Teachers’ Multiple Intelligences and Their Classroom Practice, 87, 49-74

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligences  It was Howard Gardner (1983) who proposed a Howard Gardner (1983) was the one who
new understanding of the construct of multiple proposed a new understanding of the concept of
intelligences (MI) in his book, Frames of Mind. multiple intelligences in his book called, Frames
Gardner proposed that each person has different of Mind. He recommended that every individual
capabilities and tendencies in different areas and has various capacities and propensities in
that each individual has several types of various regions and that every person has a few
intelligences that are intermingled in different ways kinds of intelligences that are mixed in various
(Gardner, 1983). manners.
2 Concept of Multiple According to Macleod (2002), the model proposed As per Macleod (2002), the model proposed by
Intelligences by Gardner pluralized the concept of intelligence Gardner pluralized the idea of intelligence since
because it considered several different kinds of it is thought about a few various types of
intelligence. knowledge.
3 Effects of MI Theory Gardner’s innovative proposal had strong effects Gardner’s creative proposition affected different
on various fields including education and in fields incorporating education and specifically
particular language learning. language learning.
4 MI application Today, teachers are expected to provide MI- Nowadays, educators are relied upon to give
inspired instruction (Gunst, 2004; Koksal & Yel, MI-Inspired insruction, according to Gunst
2007; Ozdemir, Guneysu, & Tekkaya, 2006), (2004), Koksal & Yel (2007), and Ozdemir,
which means a type of instruction that taps all Guneysu, & Tekkaya (2006), which implies a
intelligence types. kind of guidance that taps all intelligence types.
5 Significant of MI As Yalmanci and Gozum (2013) stated, Gardner’s As per Yalmanci and Gozum statement, Multiple
theory MI theory has two important advantages in Intelligences theory by Gardner has two
education. First, it paves the ways for planning the significant advantages in education. To begin
education program in a way that students realize with, it clears the ways for arranging the
their potentials and move toward their desires. instruction program such that students
Second, it makes it possible for us to reach understand their possibilities and advance
students who are more active because learning towards their wants. Second, it makes it
would be more attractive in a condition that workable for us to reach students who are
learners are trained through the use of these progressively dynamic since learning would be
intelligences. increasingly appealing in a condition that
students are prepared using these intelligences.
6 Multiple Intelligences Gardner’s theory which suggests several distinct The theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner
forms of intelligence (logical-mathematical has several forms of intelligences (logical-
intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, verbal- mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial
linguistic intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence,
intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic
interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence,
intelligence, and naturalist intelligence) has led to intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist
a mode of instruction, that is, MI-inspired intelligence) has prompted a method of
instruction for which many studies have been done guidance, that is MI-inspired for which
to prove its effectiveness in education. numerous research have been done to
demonstrate its viability in education.
7 Multiple Intelligence  Yalmanci and Gozum (2013) explored the effects Yalmanci and Gozum (2013) investigated the
and teaching of MI teaching approach on students’ degree of impacts of MI teaching approach on students’
approach achievement and their knowledge retention. For level of accomplishment and their knowledge
this study, two groups of science students were retention. For this research, two groups of
formed as the experimental and control groups, science students were framed as the test and
and MI-instruction was implemented for the control gatherings, and MI-instruction was
experimental group. actualized for the experimental group.
8 Experimentation Although no significant difference was found Though there is no critical contrast was found
using MI theory between the two groups in the pretest results, between the two groups in the pretest results,
concerning their information level about the considering their data level about the subject
subject under investigation, after the experiment, under investigation, after the examination, there
there was a significant difference between the was a noteworthy distinction between the
groups in favor of the students who received MI- gatherings for the students who got MI-inspired
inspired instruction. Thus, the researchers instruction. Consequently, the researchers
concluded that the MI theory is effective in concluded that the MI theory is viable in
learning. learning.
9 Application of MI  Ghamrawi (2014) examined teacher’s application Ghamrawi (2014) analyzed the educator’s use
theory of MI theory into their classes and its relationship of MI theory in their classes and its relationship
with students’ vocabulary acquisition during with students’ vocabulary acquisition during
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes in
Lebanon. Observation, teacher surveys, and Lebanon. Observation, teacher surveys, and
students’ interviews were used to obtain the data. students’ interviews were used to acquire
One of the findings showed that the participants information. One of the discoveries indicated
learned new vocabulary faster through the use of that the members learned new vocabulary
traditional methods of teaching, but their quicker using customary strategies for
vocabulary retention was significantly weaker than instructing, yet their vocabulary retention was
that of the MI-inspired classes. essentially more vulnerable than that of the MI-
inspired classes.
10 Multiple Intelligence Kumlu and Yurttas (2012) investigated science Kumlu and Yurttas (2012) researched science
and teachers’ and technology teachers’ perceptions about the MI and technology instructors, perceptions about
perceptions theory and considering it in project and the MI theory and thinking about it in project and
performance tasks. Unlike the results from other performance tasks. In contrast to the outcomes
studies, the teachers in this study did not have from different researches, the educators in this
enough information about the theory and they did study did not have sufficient data about the
not consider it in their instruction. theory and did not consider using it.

Purpose of the Study:

This research investigated the proposition that general intelligence and multiple intelligence can be integrated based on common and
unique neural systems.

Shearer, B. (2018). Multiple Intelligences in Teaching and Education: Lessons Learned from Neuroscience

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligence The pieces of a scientific puzzle are falling into The bits if logical riddles are becoming all good.
and general place. For 35 years teachers, students, and For a long time, teachers, students, and parents
intelligence parents have been stuck in the middle of the war have been stuck in the war of words among
of words among psychologists regarding the psychologists with respect to the idea of human
nature of human intelligence. In my view, an knowledge. In my view, an understanding of a
interpretation of the neuroscience evidence now neuroscience proof now builds a coherent
builds a coherent bridge between general bridge between general intelligence and multiple
intelligence (g or IQ) and multiple intelligences intelligences.
2 Multiple Intelligence For 35 years a wave of teachers around the world For a long time, a rush of educators around the
and general has agreed with Howard Gardner that their globe has concurred with Howard Gardner that
intelligence students display very different cognitive profiles, their students show different intellectual profiles,
even among those with similar IQ scores. even among those with comparable IQ scores.
3 Multiple Intelligence Other barriers to progress are the outdated and Different obstructions to advance are the
and general inaccurate views (however pervasive among obsolete and erroneous perspectives (however
intelligence traditional psychologists and educational pervasive among traditional psychologists and
administrators) that the theory of multiple educational administrators) that the theory of
intelligences is invalid and ineffective multiple intelligence is invalid and ineffectual.
4 Multiple Intelligence Neuroscience evidence now reveals a neural Neuroscience proof currently uncovers a neural
and general bridge between IQ-type academic skills and the scaffold between IQ-type scholastic abilities and
intelligence eight intelligences—linguistic and logical- eight intelligences – linguistic and logical-
mathematical (most closely related to academic mathematical (most firmly identified with
achievement) and interpersonal and intrapersonal scholarly accomplishment) and interpersonal ad
(also associated with school success); and spatial, intrapersonal (also associated with school
musical, kinesthetic, and naturalist. success); and spatial, musical, kinesthetic, and
5 Multiple Intelligence The main criticism of MI is that it lacks empirical, The primary analysis of MI is that it needs
and general experimental evidence of its validity. General observational, exploratory proof of its legitimacy.
intelligence intelligence is considered to be valid because General intelligence is viewed as substantial in
there is a wealth of test data amassed for more light of the fact that there is an abundance of
than 100 years—while there are no tests to tests information amassed for over 100 years –
measure the eight intelligences. while there are no tests to gauge the eight
6 Multiple Intelligence Unrecognized by most researchers is the sizable Unrecognized by most expertsis the sizeable
and general number of brain studies that are matched to the number of brains studies that are coordinated to
intelligence multiple intelligences. the various insights.
7 Multiple Intelligence The validity of any new idea can be difficult to The validity of any new concept can be hard to
and general establish especially for a theory of intelligence that build up particularly for a theory of intelligence
intelligence challenges prevailing ideas and does not lend that obstacles prevailing ideas and doesn’t fit
itself to psychometric testing. Using a rational- psychometric testing. Utilizing a balanced
empirical methodology, more than 500 studies of observational strategy, more than 500 studies of
brain function (largely fMRI experiments) were brain function (largely fMRI experiments) were
matched to the skills and abilities integral to each coordinated to the aptitudes and capacities
of the eight intelligences. Multiple studies of the integral to each of the eight intelligences.
core abilities for each intelligence were included to Different research of the core abilities for each
maximize reliability. intelligence were included to expand
unwavering quality.
8 Multiple Intelligence To summarize, an initial review of more than 318 To abridge, an underlying review of more that
and general experiments found a pattern of neural activations 318 experiments found a example of neural
intelligence well-aligned with the cognitive components for actuations very much lined up with the
each intelligence. This was followed by a study of psychological segments for every intelligence.
417 experiments examining specific skill units This was trailed by an investigation of 417 tests
within each intelligence and their relationships to inspecting explicit aptitude units within each
each other, the other intelligences, and general intelligence and their relationships to each
intelligence. other, the other intelligences, and general
9 Multiple Intelligence these investigations indicate that the multiple These studies demonstrate that the various
and general intelligences have clear, logical, and coherent intelligences have clear, legitimate, and
intelligence neural patterns that are comparable to those reasonable neural examples that are practically
identified with general intelligence. identical to those related to general knowledge.
10 Multiple Intelligence These data lend support to the proposition that These informations lend support to the
and general each of the eight intelligences have unique neural suggestion that every one of the eight
intelligence architectures and that the idea of general intelligences have unique neural structures and
intelligence is not incompatible with MI theory. that general knowledge is not contradictory with
MI theory.

Purpose of the Study:

This research was focused on investigating the effect of multiple intelligence -based learning as a learning approach towards
students’ concept mastery and interest in learning matter.

Pratiwi, W.N., Rochintaniawati, D., Agustin, R.R. (2018). The Effect of Multiple Intelligence-based Learning Towards Students’
Concept Mastery and Interest in Learning Matter

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligence The individual has different kinds of intelligences Every individual has various types of
including logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, intelligences including logical-mathematical,
musical-rhythm, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythm, bodily-
interpersonal-social and naturalist intelligence, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal-social
which individuals used in order to understand and naturalist intelligence, which people utilized
concepts, solve problems and create products so as to get ideas, take care of issues and make
2 Multiple Intelligence In facing these facts, multiple intelligence-based In confronting these realities, multiple
and learning learning plays an important role as an educational intelligences-based learning plays a significant
approach which considers mostly to the job as an educational approach which considers
uniqueness in every individual as learners. for the most part to the uniqueness in each
person as students.
3 Application of The Multiple Intelligence theory to be applied in Multiple Intelligence theory to be applied in
multiple intelligence classrooms was concerned with teaching to, for study halls was concerned with instructing to,
and through intelligences for and through intelligences.
4 Utilization of Multiple During the implementation of this research, During the execution of this study, students
intelligence students were taught using multiple intelligence- were oriented using multiple intelligence-based
based activities which were considered unusual to exercises which were viewed as surprising to
them. The activities were planned according to the them. The exercises were arranged by the four
four intelligences which include logical- intelligences which include logical-mathematical
mathematical intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence,
intelligence, visualspatial intelligence and visualspatial intelligence and interpersonal
interpersonal intelligence adopted from Gardner’s intelligence adopted from Gardner’s multiple
Multiple Intelligence Activities and has been intelligence activities and has been endorsed by
approved by expert includes the lecturers and the expert includes the lecturers and the science
science teacher. teacher.
5 Multiple Intelligence Since it was found that students’ concept mastery Since it was discovered that student’s concept
and Learning have increased after learning using multiple mastery have expanded after learning using
intelligence based learning and students’ were multiple intelligence-based learning and
found to have medium to very high interest in students’ were found medium to high
learning matter, it can be concluded that multiple enthusiasm in learning matter, it very well may
intelligence-based learning has a significant effect be presumed that multiple intelligence-based
to both students’ concept mastery and interest in learning has an important mastery and interest
learning matter. in learning matter.
6 Implementation of The implementation of multiple intelligence-based The usage of multiple intelligences-based
Multiple Intelligence- learning was done systematically as planned learning was done methodically as planned to
based learning referring to the lesson plans which have been refer to the lesson plans which have been
approved by the experts endorsed by the experts.
7 Implementation of Students’ concept mastery increased after being Students’ concept mastery expanded
Multiple Intelligence- taught using multiple intelligence-based learning, subsequently to being taught using multiple
based learning referring to the result of their pretest and posttest intelligence-based learning, alluding to the
scores in matter concepts. consequence of their pretest and post test
scores in issue ideas.
8 Multiple Intelligence Multiple intelligence-based learning draws Multiple intelligence based learning attracts
and learning students’ interest in learning matter proven by the students' enthusiasm learning matter
result of the Likert scale of interest which shows demonstrated by the result of the Likert size of
that most students have a high interest in learning premium which shows that most learners have a
matter after being taught using multiple high enthusiasm for learning matter in the wake
intelligence-based learning. of being shown utilizing numerous insight based
9 Multiple Intelligence The activities were planned according to the four The exercises were arranged by the four
and learning intelligences which include logical-mathematical intelligences which incorporate intelligent
intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, numerical knowledge, verbal-semantic insight,
visualspatial intelligence and interpersonal visualspatial knowledge and interpersonal
intelligence adopted from Gardner’s Multiple adopted from Gardner's Multiple Intelligence
Intelligence Activities and has been approved by Activities and has been affirmed by experts
expert includes the lecturers and the science incorporates the instructors and the science
teacher. educator.
10 Implementation of The implementation of multiple intelligence-based The execution of multiple intelligence based
Multiple Intelligence- learning was conducted for three meetings where learning was led for three gatherings where in
based learning in each meeting students were facilitated with each gathering students were encouraged with
multiple intelligence-based activities in learning numerous knowledge based exercises in
matter. learning matter.
Purpose of the Study:
This research focuses to determine whether Middle Grades students achieve higher mathematics scores when they are taught using
Multiple Intelligence strategies than when they are taught using the traditional Direct Instructional method.

Douglas, O., Burton, K.S., Durham, N.R., The Effects of Multiple Intelligence Teaching Strategy on the Academic Achievement of
Eighth Grade Math Students

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple intelligence Individuals such as Howard Gardner, the creator People, for example, Howard Gardner, the
of multiple intelligence, has challenged the notion maker of multiple intelligence, has tested the
that intelligence is merely a score made on a idea that intelligence is just a score made on a
typical standardized pencil-and-paper test used to regular institutionalized pencil-and-paper test
predict success in school. used to anticipate accomplishment in school.
2 Multiple intelligence As stated by Gardner, intelligence is the As expressed by Gardner, insight is the
“biopsychological potential to process information "biopsychological potential to process data that
that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve can be enacted in a social setting to take care of
problems or create products” (Denig, 2004). issues or make items" (Denig, 2004).
3 Multiple intelligence A theory is defined by eight distinct characteristics, A theory is characterized by eight unmistakable
as related by Denig (2004); intelligence must be qualities, as related by Denig (2004);
rooted in the brain; it must be rooted in our intelligence must be established in the brain; it
evolutionary history; there has to be an identifiable must be established in our transformative
core operation or set of operation associated with history; there must be a recognizable center
that potential; it must be susceptible to being activity or set of activity related with that
encoded in symbol; it must possess a distinctive potential; it must be helpless to being encoded
developmental path to become expert in that in image; it must have a particular formative way
ability; it is exemplified by the existence of idiot to get master in that capacity; it is exemplified
savants, prodigies, and 4 other exceptional by the presence of moron intellectuals,
people; there is evidence from experimental wonders, and 4 other outstanding individuals;
psychology that the ability is distinct from other there is proof from exploratory brain science
abilities; it is supported by psychometric findings that the capacity is unmistakable from different
capacities; it is bolstered by psychometric
4 Multiple intelligence Over the past couple decades, Howard Gardner, a Over the past couple decades, Howard
cognitive psychologist from Harvard University, Gardner, a cognitive psychologist from Harvard
has developed a theory based on multiple skills University, has built up a theory dependent on
and abilities; this is known as Multiple Intelligence. different aptitudes and capacities; this is known
as Multiple Intelligence.
5 Multiple intelligence His theory is centered on the premise that there His theory is focused on the reason that there
are many different types of talents or knowledge are various sorts of abilities or information that
that could help to enrich one’s life and respond could assist with advancing one's life and react
effectively to one’s environment. adequately to one's condition.
6 Multiple intelligence The end product of his research is the eight he finished result of his examination is the eight
results intelligences: (1) visual-spatialcapacity to perceive intelligences: (1) visual-spatial capacity to see
the visual-spatial world accurately and to modify or the visual-spatial world precisely and to alter or
manipulate one’s initial perceptions (2) bodily- control one's underlying recognitions (2) bodily
kinesthetic- abilities to control one’s body kinesthetic abilities to control one's body
movements and to handle objects skillfully (3) developments and to deal with objects
musical-rhythmical-abilities to produce and dexterously (3) musical rhythmical-capacities to
appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre, and create and acknowledge cadence, pitch, and
appreciation of the forms of musical timbre, and valuation for the types of melodic
expressiveness (4) interpersonal-capacities to expressiveness (4) interpersonal abilities to
discern and respond appropriately to the moods, observe and react fittingly to the mind-sets,
temperaments, motivations, and desires of other demeanors, inspirations, and wants of others
7 Multiple intelligence (5) intrapersonal- knowledge of one’s own (5) intrapersonal- knowledge on one's own
results feelings, strengths, weaknesses, desires, and the emotions, qualities, shortcomings, wants, and
ability to draw upon this knowledge to guide the capacity to attract upon this information to
behavior (6) logical-mathematical- the abilities to control conduct (6) logical mathematical the
discern logical or numerical patterns and to handle capacities to recognize consistent or numerical
long chains of reasoning and (7) verballinguistic- examples and to deal with long chains of
sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings thinking and (7) verballinguistic-affectability to
of words; sensitivity to the different functions of the sounds, rhythms, and implications of words;
language (8) naturalistic- the potential for affectability to the various elements of language
discriminating among plants, animals, rocks, and (8) naturalistic-the potential for separating
the world around us, as used in understanding among plants, creatures, rocks, and our general
nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and surroundings, as utilized in getting nature,
fauna (Gardner, 1993). making qualifications, distinguishing flora and
fauna (Gardner, 1993).
8 application of In light of this, the application of the theory comes Considering this, the utilization of the theory
multiple intelligence in the form of making use of instructional comes through utilizing instructional strategies
techniques that align with the standards and that line up with the norms and practices of MI.
practices of MI.
9 Application of It is important for teachers to care about multiple It is significant for instructors to think about
multiple intelligence intelligence; according to Kagan (2000), there are multiple intelligence; as indicated by Kagan
ten top reasons why teachers should care about (2000), there are ten top reasons why educators
MI in the classroom of which using of multiple should think about MI in the study hall of which
intelligence in the classroom will better prepare utilizing of multiple intelligence in the study hall
students for tomorrow’s complex making, making will better get ready students for tomorrow's
the curriculum accessible to all students, and mind boggling making, making the educational
making the content area engaging and exciting to plan open to all learners, and making the
all students are only three. substance zone drawing in and energizing to all
students are just three.
10 Application of Students should be taught based on their ability Students ought to be shown dependent on their
multiple intelligence and ways of learning; active and involved teaching capacity and methods for learning; dynamic and
is a step towards students’ academic success. included educating is a stage towards students'
scholastic achievement.
Purpose of the Study:
This research focuses on the influence of multiple intelligence and how do they affect learning.
Herndon, E. (2018, February 6). What Are Multiple Intelligences and How Do They Affect Learning?

No. Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statements

Over the past few decades, research in the In the course of recent decades, look into in the field
field of learning has led to the discovery of of learning has prompted the revelation of the Theory
Multiple Intelligence the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In short, of Multiple Intelligences. So, this hypothesis
1. this theory states that each person has expresses that every individual has various methods
different ways of learning and different for learning and various insights they use in their day
intelligences they use in their daily lives. by day lives.
Joan Hanifin, an Irish researcher, Joan Hanifin, an Irish specialist, decided in a 2014
determined in a 2014 publication that the production that the obsolete arrangement of training
outdated system of education in Ireland was in Ireland was antagonistically influencing students in
2 Multiple Intelligence adversely affecting students in the long- the long haul. By not grasping numerous techniques
term. By not embracing multiple methods of for showing dependent on various insights, students
teaching based on different intelligences, regularly left school feeling "underestimated."
students often left school feeling "under-
This diversity, according to Gardner, should This decent variety, as per Gardner, should affect the
impact the way people are educated. He manner in which individuals are taught. He expressed
stated that these differences "challenge an that these distinctions "challenge an instructive
educational system that assumes that framework that expect that everybody can become
3 Learning Style everyone can learn the same materials in familiar with similar materials similarly and that a
the same way and that a uniform, universal uniform, widespread measure does the trick to test
measure suffices to test student learning." understudy learning."
Some may find it an impossible task to teach Some may think that its an unthinkable undertaking to
to all learning styles. However, teachers are instruct to all learning styles. Notwithstanding,
using multimedia, so it is becoming easier. educators are utilizing interactive media, so it is
As teachers begin to understand learning getting simpler. As teachers comprehend learning
4 Learning Style styles more effectively, it is clear why styles all the more successfully, it is clear why mixed
multimedia is good for all learners and why a media is useful for all students and why an
variety of media is more effective. assortment of media is increasingly compelling. Mixed
Multimedia inherently speaks to the different media characteristically addresses the various sorts
types of learning preferences that one of learning inclinations that one individual has and can
person has and has the potential to impart possibly bestow information to an assorted class or
knowledge to a diverse class or group. gathering.
Educators have positively responded to Teachers have decidedly reacted to Gardner's
Gardner's theory. It has been embraced by a hypothesis. It has been grasped by a scope of
5 Multiple Intelligence range of educational theorists and, instructive scholars and, altogether, applied by
significantly, applied by teachers and instructors and policymakers to the issues of tutoring.
policymakers to the problems of schooling.

All intelligences are needed to live life well. All insights are expected to live well. Educators, along
Teachers, therefore, need to attend to all these lines, need to go to all insights, not simply the
6 Multiple Intelligence intelligences, not just the first two of verbal- initial two of verbal-phonetic or numerical coherent
linguistic or mathematical-logical insights, which have truly outweighed everything else.
intelligences, which have historically taken
One of the most significant results of the One of the most critical consequences of the
theory of multiple intelligences is how it has hypothesis of various insights is the means by which it
provided eight different potential pathways to has given eight diverse potential pathways to
7 Multiple Intelligence and learning. If a teacher is having difficulty learning. In the event that an instructor is
Learning Style reaching a student in the more traditional experiencing issues arriving at an understudy in the
linguistic or logical ways of instruction, the more conventional etymological or coherent methods
theory of multiple intelligences suggests for guidance, the hypothesis of various insights
several other ways in which the material recommends a few different manners by which the
might be presented to facilitate effective material may be introduced to encourage powerful
learning learning
Having an understanding of different Having a comprehension of various showing comes
8 Learning Style teaching approaches from which we all can closer from which we as a whole can learn, just as a
learn, as well as a toolbox with a variety of tool kit with an assortment of approaches to exhibit
ways to present content to students, is substance to students, is significant for expanding the
valuable for increasing the accessibility of openness of learning encounters for all understudies.
learning experiences for all students.
When educators are given the freedom to At the point when instructors are parted with the
move away from the traditional, visually- opportunity to move from the conventional, outwardly
based methods of teaching, they will have based strategies for educating, they will have the
9 Learning Style the opportunity to reach more students, chance to arrive at more students, all the more
more effectively. By teaching to the adequately. By instructing to the predominant learning
dominant learning intelligences, teachers will insights, educators will see students as increasingly
find students to be more productive, more beneficial, progressively open and all the more ready
receptive and more willing to engage in the to participate in the learning procedure.
learning process.
The theory of multiple intelligences is so The hypothesis of numerous insights is so captivating
intriguing because it expands our horizon of in light of the fact that it extends our mindset of
10 Multiple Intelligence and available teaching and learning tools beyond accessible instructing and learning apparatuses past
Learning Styles the conventional linguistic and logical the customary semantic and intelligent techniques
methods used in most schools. utilized in many schools.
Purpose of the Study:
This research focuses on Multiple Intelligence and Learning Style and if there is a scientific proof or enough evidence if multiple
intelligence affect our learning style.
Briggs, S. (2014, February 3). Multiple Intelligences Theory & Learning Styles - Science or Quack?

NO. Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement

Teachers started regarding their students as Instructors began seeing their students as having
having different intelligences not based on a various insights not founded on a general remainder
general quotient but rather on individual yet rather on singular limits, and grown-up students
1. Multiple Intelligence capacities, and adult learners began started inspecting possibilities they'd abandoned in
examining potentials they’d left behind in adolescence however now had the chance to create
childhood but now had the opportunity to through courses, side interests, or different projects
develop through courses, hobbies, or other of self-improvement.
programs of self-development.
“Readers made the natural assumption that "Perusers made the common supposition that
Gardner’s new intelligences had roughly the Gardner's new insights had generally a similar
same meaning and so drew the conclusion significance thus reached the determination that on
2. Multiple Intelligence that if humans have a type of intelligence, then the off chance that people have a sort of
schools should teach it,” Willingham says. knowledge, at that point schools should instruct it,"
Willingham says.
The term intelligence has always connoted the The term knowledge has consistently meant the sort
kind of thinking skills that make one successful of reasoning aptitudes that make one fruitful in
Multiple Intelligence in school, perhaps because the first school, maybe on the grounds that the principal
3. intelligence test was devised to predict likely insight test was concocted to foresee likely
success in school; if it was important in school, achievement in school; on the off chance that it was
it was on the intelligence test. significant in school, it was on the knowledge test.

But what we’ve missed, over the years, is that In any case, what we've missed, throughout the
Gardner’s eight “intelligences” were never years, is that Gardner's eight "intelligences" were
4. Multiple Intelligence scientifically proven to be anything more than never experimentally demonstrated to be anything
talents, preferences, and skills. over gifts, inclinations, and abilities.
The panel found that studies utilizing this The board found that reviews using this
essential research design were virtually fundamental research configuration were basically
absent from the learning styles literature. In missing from the learning styles writing. Truth be
fact, the panel was able to find only a few told, the board had the option to discover just a
5. Learning Styles studies with this research design, and all but couple of concentrates with this examination plan,
one of these studies were negative findings – and everything except one of these investigations
that is, they found that the same learning were negative discoveries – that is, they discovered
method was superior for all kinds of students. that a similar learning technique was unrivaled for a
wide range of students.

But why do so many learning styles studies Be that as it may, for what reason do such a large
show positive effects? Hundreds of studies number of learning styles considers show beneficial
that do not meet Mr. Pashler’s stringent outcomes? Many investigations that don't meet Mr.
6. Learning Styles criteria for experimental design suggest – at Pashler's stringent criteria for exploratory plan
least loosely – that students do better when propose – at any rate freely – that students improve
instructors are trained in learning-styles when teachers are prepared in learning-styles
theory. hypothesis.
“Even though the learning-style idea might not "Despite the fact that the learning-style thought
work,” says Richard E. Mayer, a professor of probably won't work," says Richard E. Mayer, an
psychology at the University of California at educator of brain science at the University of
7. Learning Styles Santa Barbara, “it might encourage teachers California at Santa Barbara, "it may urge instructors
to think about how their students learn and to consider how their students realize and what
what would be the best instructional methods might be the best instructional techniques for a
for a particular lesson.” specific exercise."

So how do you balance the lack of scientific So how would you balance the absence of logical
evidence with the presence of practical proof with the nearness of useful proof? Willingham
8. Learning Styles evidence? Willingham says there are two says there are two essential strategies by which
primary methods by which educators might instructors may utilize science to advise practice.
use science to inform practice.
It would seem, then, that if you don’t see the No doubt, at that point, that in the event that you
scientific proof for a theory, you shouldn’t don't see the logical evidence for a hypothesis, you
9. Multiple Intelligence practice that theory. But it’s not that simple. shouldn't rehearse that hypothesis. Be that as it
may, it isn't so easy.

Although multiple intelligences theory may Although different insights hypothesis may need
lack scientific evidence, it is not necessarily logical proof, it isn't really going to prompt awful
10. Multiple Intelligence going to lead to bad practice. However, it is practice. In any case, it is prudent to utilize it as
advisable to use it as inspiration, not a guide. motivation, not a guide.
Purpose of the Study:
This study focuses that student learns most adequately when they are instructed in their favored learning style.
Khazan, O. (2018, April 12). The Myth of 'Learning Styles'

No. Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement

“Teachers like to think that they can reach "Educators like to feel that they can arrive at
every student, even struggling students, just each understudy, in any event, battling
by tailoring their instruction to match each students, just by fitting their guidance to
1. Learning Styles student’s preferred learning format,” said coordinate every understudy's favored
Central Michigan University’s Abby Knoll, a learning group," said Central Michigan
PhD student who has studied learning styles. University's Abby Knoll, a PhD understudy
who has contemplated learning styles.

Husmann thinks the students had fallen into Husmann thinks the understudies had fallen
certain study habits, which, once formed, into certain investigation propensities, which,
were too hard to break. Students seemed to when framed, were too difficult to even
be interested in their learning styles, but not consider breaking. Understudies appeared
2. Learning Styles enough to actually change their studying to be keen on their learning styles, yet
behavior based on them. And even if they insufficient to really change their examining
had, it wouldn’t have mattered. conduct dependent on them. Furthermore,
regardless of whether they had, it wouldn't
have made a difference.

Another study published last year in the Another examination distributed a year ago
British Journal of Psychology found that in the British Journal of Psychology found
students who preferred learning visually that students who favored adapting
3. Learning Styles thought they would remember pictures better, outwardly figured they would recollect
and those who preferred learning verbally pictures better, and the individuals who
thought they’d remember words better. But favored adapting verbally thought they'd
those preferences had no correlation to which recall words better. Be that as it may, those
they actually remembered better later on— inclinations had no relationship to which they
words or pictures. really recollected better later on—words or
That same year, a Journal of Educational That equivalent year, a Journal of
Psychology paper found no relationship Educational Psychology paper found no
between the study subjects’ learning-style connection between the investigation
preference (visual or auditory) and their subjects' learning-style inclination (visual or
4. Learning Styles performance on reading- or listening- sound-related) and their presentation on
comprehension tests. Instead, the visual perusing or listening-understanding tests.
learners performed best on all kinds of tests. Rather, the visual students performed best
on a wide range of tests.
This doesn’t mean everyone is equally good This doesn't mean everybody is similarly
at every skill, of course. Really, Willingham acceptable at each ability, obviously. Truly,
says, people have different abilities, not Willingham says, individuals have various
styles. Some people read better than others; capacities, not styles. A few people read
5. Learning Styles some people hear worse than others. But superior to other people; a few people hear
most of the tasks we encounter are only more awful than others. Be that as it may, a
really suited to one type of learning. large portion of the errands we experience
are just truly fit to one kind of learning.

The "learning styles" idea has snowballed— The "learning styles" thought has
as late as 2014, more than 90 percent of snowballed—as late as 2014, in excess of
teachers in various countries believed it. The 90 percent of educators in different nations
concept is intuitively appealing, promising to trusted it. The idea is instinctively engaging,
6. Learning Styles reveal secret brain processes with just a few promising to uncover mystery mind forms
questions. Strangely, most research on with only a couple of inquiries. Oddly, most
learning styles starts out with a positive research on learning styles begins with a
portrayal of the theory—before showing it positive depiction of the hypothesis—before
doesn’t work. indicating it doesn't work.

Husmann found that not only did students not Husmann found that not exclusively did
study in ways that seemed to reflect their students not study in manners that appeared
7. Learning Styles learning style, those who did tailor their to mirror their learning style, the individuals
studying to suit their style didn’t do any better who tailored their contemplating to suit their
on their tests. style didn't do any better on their tests.

Willingham goes so far as to say people Willingham ventures to such an extreme as

should stop thinking of themselves as visual, to state individuals should quit considering
verbal, or some other kind of learner. “It’s not themselves visual, verbal, or some other sort
8. Learning Styles like anything terrible is going to happen to of student. "Dislike anything horrendous will
you [if you do buy into learning styles],” he transpire [if you do get tied up with learning
says, but there’s not any benefit to it, either. styles]," he says, yet there's no advantage to
it, either.
Husmann says the most important thing, for Husmann says the most significant thing, for
anyone looking to learn something new, is anybody hoping to gain some new useful
9. Learning Styles just to really focus on the material—that’s knowledge, is simply to truly concentrate on
what the most successful students from her the material—that is the thing that the best
study did. students from her investigation did.
“Educators may actually be doing a "Teachers may really be doing an injury to
disservice to auditory learners by continually sound-related students by persistently
10. Learning Styles accommodating their auditory learning style,” obliging their sound-related learning style,"
they wrote, “rather than focusing on they stated, "instead of concentrating on
strengthening their visual word skills.” fortifying their visual word aptitudes."

Purpose of the Study:
This article focuses on different kinds of Learning Styles and how to use this learning styles in such a way that they will learn at the
same time they will have fun.
Bisson, D. (2019, December 12). Different Learning Styles.

No. Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement

When trying to instill values in children, “Kids When attempting to ingrain values in kids,
are like modeling clay.” However, when "Children resemble demonstrating clay."
1 Learning Styles attempting to analyse the way they learn, However, when endeavoring to dissect the
there is an urgency to allow kids to “unmold.” manner in which they learn, there is a
desperation to permit children to "unmold."
I believe most curriculum, with planning, I accept most educational plan, with arranging,
organising, and effort, can be adapted, sorting out, and exertion, can be adjusted,
2 Learning Styles modified, and implemented to suit the altered, and actualized to suit the students
student’s preferred way of learning. favored method for learning.
However, may I add that making use of the Be that as it may, may I include that creation
MST method (Multi-Sensory Teaching) is one utilization of the MST technique (Multi-Sensory
of the better ways for a student to understand Teaching) is one of the better ways for a student
3 Learning Styles and retain given information. MST to comprehend and hold given data. MST fuses
incorporates three main learning styles: the three fundamental learning styles: the sound-
auditory, which comprises the listening and related, which involves the tuning in and the
the verbal learner; the visual, which includes verbal student; the visual, which incorporates
the print as well as the picture learner; and the print just as the image student; and the
the kinesthetic, which contains the tactile sensation, which contains the material student.
The auditory learner learns best by listening The sound-related student learns best by tuning
or speaking. He is the most talkative of all the in or talking. He is the most chatty of all the
Learning Styles learning types. He loves to discuss, but can learning types. He wants to talk about, however
4 become easily distracted in the conversation. can turn out to be effectively occupied in the
Because he has an ear for music, the discussion. Since he has an ear for music, the
auditory learner often enjoys listening to sound-related student regularly appreciates
music while doing his work. tuning in to music while accomplishing his work.
There are two types of auditory learners: the There are two sorts of sound-related students:
listening learner and the verbal learner. The the listening student and the verbal student. The
5 Learning Styles verbal learner is much more aggressive in his verbal student is substantially more forceful in
approach to the given information. He speaks his way to deal with the given data. He
words that represent exactly how he expresses words that speak to precisely how he
understands. gets it.
A person who thinks in pictures or in words is An individual who thinks in pictures or in words
called a visual learner. It’s as if he has a is known as a visual student. Maybe he has a
6 Learning Styles movie camera in his mind – what he hears or film camera in his brain – what he hears or
reads is usually seen in images or in words. peruses is normally found in pictures or in
This style of learning includes the picture words. This style of learning incorporates the
learner and the print learner. image student and the print student.
Contrary to the auditory learner, whose As opposed to the sound-related student, whose
results are better when he works with outcomes are better when he works with
someone else, the visual learner prefers to another person, the visual student wants to be
7 Learning Styles be left alone to read and to study quietly. He disregarded to peruse and to contemplate
most likely will not choose role-playing or unobtrusively. He in all likelihood won't pick
listening activities. pretending or listening exercises.
Many individuals need to use a whole-body Numerous people need to utilize an entire body
approach to learn. This more comfortable way to deal with learn. This increasingly
8 Learning Styles way of learning is called the kinesthetic style, agreeable method for learning is known as the
which incorporates the tactile method. The sensation style, which joins the material
kinesthetic learner will learn best by using a technique. The sensation student will learn best
combination of learning styles. by utilizing a mix of learning styles.
Identifying, addressing, and respecting a Distinguishing, tending to, and regarding an
9 Learning Styles person’s preferred way of learning is always individual's favored method for learning is
gratifying. continually satisfying.
Having said all that, allow me to offer this Having said all that, permit me to offer this
10 Learning Styles suggestion to all who love and work with proposal to all who love and work with kids and
children and young people: assess your own youngsters survey your own learning style.
learning style.
Purpose of the Study:
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multiple intelligence to the study and thinking skills
C., J. (2018, January 28). Multiple Intelligences as a Factor to Students' Study and Thinking Skills Performance.

No Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement

Study and Thinking Skills is a basic course Study and Thinking Skills is a fundamental
1 Multiple Intelligence designed to strengthen and reinforce the course intended to fortify and strengthen the
communication skills of the students in relational abilities of the students in anticipation
preparation for a tertiary academic load. of a tertiary scholarly burden.
Exploring this component of the learning Investigating this part of the learning procedure
process would help create a truly functional would help make a genuinely practical learning-
2 Learning Style learning-learner experience with due student involvement in due thought of the nature
consideration of the nature of the learner, of the student, who is the very center of
who is the very core of instruction in any guidance in any scholastic foundation.
academic institution.
As a matter of fact , the theory multiple Truly,the hypothesis numerous insight has
intelligence has helped in shaping different helped in forming various methodologies and
approaches and strategies in education procedures in training particularly thinking about
especially considering that there has been an that there has been an expansion in students
3 Multiple Intelligence increase in students’ population. This theory population. This hypothesis affirms that every
asserts that each individual has a multitude of individual has a huge number of insights which
intelligences which in themselves contain in themselves contain interesting qualities.
unique attributes.

He believes that it is difficult to teach things He accepts that it is hard to instruct things that
that go against the flow of the nature of an run contrary to current trend of the idea of a
4 Multiple Intelligence individual. Such nature is diverse but person. Such nature is differing however
integrated in nature for he forwarded that incorporated in nature for he sent that these
these intelligences operate in close insights work in close affiliation and as an
association and as a structured whole rather organized entire as opposed to isolate elements.
than separate entities.
The result reveals that the students’ multiple The outcome uncovers that the students various
intelligences and their study and thinking insights and their investigation and thinking
skills performance have a high significant abilities execution have a high critical
5 Multiple Intelligence, Study positive effect (r =0.038) on each other. This constructive outcome (r =0.038) on one another.
and thinking skills denotes that the higher the evaluation of This indicates the higher the assessment of
multiple intelligence, the higher is their study various knowledge, the higher is their
and thinking skills performance. investigation and thinking abilities execution.

Multiple Intelligences can impact students’ Various Intelligences can affect students
performance in class. It therefore follows that presentation in class. It in this way follows these
6 Multiple Intelligence these intelligences can be developed among insights can be created among students so as to
students in order to bring out the optimum draw out the ideal execution in their scholastic
performance in their academic endeavor. undertaking.
Nurturing multiple intelligences entails Sustaining different insights involves instructors'
teachers’ knowledge and strategies. Since information and techniques. Since knowledge is
intelligence is closely related to academic firmly identified with scholarly execution, the
7 Multiple Intelligence, performance, the way students learn should manner in which understudies learn ought to be
Study skills be in accordance to their needs as assessed in understanding to their requirements as
by the type of intelligence they possess. evaluated by the kind of knowledge they have.
A thorough consideration of the students’ A careful thought of the students insight ought to
Multiple Intelligence, intelligence should be made in the planning be made in the arranging of study and thinking
8 Study and thinking skills of study and thinking skills lessons that will aptitudes exercises that will be given to students
be given to students in order to achieve so as to accomplish ideal improvement in their
optimum development in their college study. school study.
On the other hand, the relation of existential Then again, the connection of existential insight
intelligence to study and thinking skills to study and figuring aptitudes execution can be
9 Existential Intelligence performance can be explained by the idea clarified by the possibility that this knowledge is
that this intelligence is the ability to the capacity to conceptualize or think about on
conceptualize or contemplate on the realities the real factors and absurdities of life (Wilson,
and absurdities of 2015) .
life (Wilson, 2015) .
Currie (2003) supports that “ if the teacher is Currie (2003) underpins that " if the educator
aware of the intelligence profile of the class, knows about the insight profile of the class,
10 Multiple Intelligence strategies can be developed in order to use procedures can be created so as to utilize the
the students’ intelligence strengths to acquire students insight qualities to procure information
knowledge more effectively.” all the more adequately."
Purpose of the Study:
This article focuses on the difference of Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles.
Strauss, V. (2013, October 16). Howard Gardner: 'Multiple intelligences' are not 'learning styles'.

No. Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement

The theory became highly popular with K- The hypothesis turned out to be exceptionally
12 educators around the world seeking famous with K-12 teachers around the globe
1 Multiple Intelligence and ways to reach students who did not looking for approaches to arrive at understudies
Learning Style respond to traditional approaches, but over who didn't react to conventional methodologies,
time, “multiple intelligences” somehow however after some time, "different insights" by
became synonymous with the concept of one way or another got synonymous with the
“learning styles.” idea of "learning styles."

Even before I spoke and wrote about “MI,” Indeed, even before I talked and expounded on
the term “learning styles” was being "MI," the expression "learning styles" was being
2 Multiple Intelligence and bandied about in educational circles. The bandied about in instructive circles. The thought,
Learning Style idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is sensible enough superficially, is that all
that all children (indeed, all of us) have youngsters (undoubtedly, we all) have particular
distinctive minds and personalities. personalities and characters.
First, the notion of “learning styles”’ is itself Initially, the thought of "learning styles"' is itself
not coherent. Those who use this term do not reasonable. The individuals who utilize this
3 Learning Styles not define the criteria for a style, nor where term don't characterize the criteria for a style,
styles come from, how they are nor where styles originate from, how they are
recognized/assessed/exploited. perceived/evaluated/abused.
We all have the multiple intelligences. But We as a whole have the various insights. Be
4 Multiple Intelligence we single out, as a strong intelligence, an that as it may, we single out, as a solid
area where the person has considerable knowledge, a region where the individual has
computational power. extensive computational force.
If an individual has a “reflective style,” he is On the off chance that an individual has an
hypothesized to be reflective about the full "intelligent style," he is guessed to be intelligent
5 Multiple Intelligence range of materials. We cannot assume that about the full scope of materials. We can't
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals accept that brilliance recorded as a hard copy
reflectiveness in one’s interaction with fundamentally flags brilliance in one's
others. collaboration with others.
The implication is that some people learn The implication is that some people learn
through their eyes, others through their through their eyes, others through their ears.
ears. This notion is incoherent. Both spatial This notion is incoherent. Both spatial
6 Learning Style information and reading occur with the information and reading occur with the eyes, but
eyes, but they make use of entirely different they make use of entirely different cognitive
cognitive faculties. faculties.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that Interestingly, there is solid proof that people
human beings have a range of intelligences have a scope of insights and that quality (or
7 Multiple Intelligence and that strength (or weakness) in one shortcoming) in one knowledge doesn't
intelligence does not predict strength (or anticipate quality in some other insights.
weakness) in any other intelligences.

Individualize your teaching as much as Individualize your educating however much as

possible. Instead of “one size fits all,” learn
could be expected. Rather than "one size fits
8 Learning Style as much as you can about each student, all," learn as much as you can about every
and teach each person in ways that they understudy, and show every individual in
find comfortable and learn effectively. manners that they find agreeable and adapt
Pluralize your teaching. Teach important Pluralize your educating. Show significant
materials in several ways, not just one (e.g. materials in a few different ways, not only one.
9 Learning Style through stories, works of art, diagrams, role Right now can arrive at understudies who learn
play). In this way you can reach students in various manners.
who learn in different ways.
Accordingly, it makes sense to find out As needs be, it bodes well to get some answers
10 Multiple Intelligence and about learners and to teach and nurture concerning students and to instruct and support
Learning Style them in ways that are appropriate, that they them in manners that are fitting, that they
value, and—above all—that are effective. esteem, and—most importantly—that are

Purpose of the Study:
This study aimed to investigate the learning styles and multiple intelligences of English as foreign language (EFL) college-level
Winarti, A., Yuanita, L., Moh, & Nur. (2018, February 25). The effectiveness of multiple intelligences based teaching strategy in
enhancing the multiple intelligences and science process skills of junior High School students.
No Topic Copy and Paste Statement Paraphrased Statement
The student-centered classroom marked a The understudy focused homeroom denoted a
shift in perspective from a traditional move in context from a conventional viewpoint
1 Learning Styles outlook that emphasized educational that accentuated instructive substance and the
content and the teacher’s role in imparting instructor's job in conferring that content.
that content.
The starting point of any course which was The beginning stage of any course which was
“what does the course content consist of "what does the course content comprise of and
and how it can be taught?” has changed how it very well may be educated?" has
2 Learning Styles into “how do students learn and what can changed into "how do understudies learn and
the teacher do to facilitate the learning what can the educator do to encourage the
process?” learning procedure?"

Researchers have subsequently identified Analysts have in this way recognized a few
several general teaching practices that can general instructing rehearses that can oblige
accommodate students’learning styles and students'learning styles and various insights, for
3 Multiple Intelligence and multiple intelligences such as instructional example, instructional models that go astray
Learning Styles models that deviate from the traditional from the customary talk group including visual
lecture format including visual introductions, website visits, and utilization of
presentations, site visits, and use of the the Internet.
In addition to Manee et al. (2013), the Notwithstanding Manee et al. (2013), the
Multiple Intelligence and present study provided fresh evidence on present examination gave crisp proof on most of
4 Learning Styles the majority of EFL college teachers in EFL school educators in Kuwait as being
Kuwait as being teacher-centered. instructor focused. Along these lines, school
Therefore, college teachers are instructors are prescribed to oblige their
recommended to accommodate their understudies' learning styles and different
students’ learning styles and multiple insights in the homeroom.
intelligences in the classroom.
A major assumption among educators is A significant supposition among teachers is that
that when we accommodate students’ when we suit students' learning styles and
5 Multiple Intelligence and learning styles and multiple intelligences in various insights in our exercise designs, our
Learning Styles our lesson plans, our students will attain students will accomplish ideal accomplishment
optimal achievement of the objectives of of the targets of our courses.
our courses.
In other words, students whose learning As it were,students whose learning styles and
styles and multiple intelligences were different insights were suited obtained English
6 Multiple Intelligence and accommodated acquired English as a as an unknown dialect more effectively than
Learning Styles foreign language more successfully than different understudies who were educated in a
other students who were taught in a conventional educational program.
traditional curriculum.
A growing body of evidence has suggested A developing group of proof has proposed that
Multiple Intelligence and that a student’s decision to major in a an understudy's choice to study a claim to fame
7 Learning Styles specialty area can cause a shift in his/her region can cause a move in his/her learning
learning styles and multiple intelligences. styles and different insights.

Moreover, the researcher found no In addition, the analyst found no connection

relationship between students’ learning between students learning style inclinations and
8 Learning Styles style preferences and their academic their scholastic accomplishments as reflected in
achievements as reflected in their grade their evaluation point midpoints (GPAs).
point averages.
They found that the students’ learning They found that the students learning styles and
9 Multiple Intelligence and styles and multiple intelligences were not various insights were most certainly not obliged
Learning Styles accommodated by the teaching styles of by the showing styles of school educators.
college teachers.
In conclusion, studies that investigated the All in all, examines that researched the
interactions between university students’ cooperations between college understudies'
10 Multiple Intelligence and choices of majors and their learning styles selections of majors and their learning styles
Learning Styles and multiple intelligences have found that and different insights have discovered that a few
some colleges in EFL settings do not schools in EFL settings don't oblige students'
accommodate learners’ learning styles and learning styles and various insights in their
multiple intelligences in their curriculums. educational plans.

Purpose of the Study:

To help the educators of all levels apply the MI theory to curriculum development, lesson planning, assessment, special education,
cognitive skills, educational technology, career development, educational policy, and more with more updated information and
resources throughout the text.

Armstrong, T. (2009). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Virginia, USA: ASCD Books and Publications.

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligences It is of the utmost importance that we recognize According to Howard Gardner, a psychologist,
in the World and nurture all of the varied human intelligences, and a developer of multiple intelligences theory,
and all of the combinations of intelligences. We we're a way discordant from each other for we
are all so different largely because we all have possess the different coalition of intelligences
different combinations of intelligences. If we that we recognize and nurture that we may have
recognize this, I think we will have at least a better at least for a better chance that we recognize
chance of dealing appropriately with the many and nurtureo dealing approprioately with the
problems that we face in the world. —Howard many problems that we face in the world.

2 Multiple Intelligences Each person possesses all eight intelligences. MI Armstrong said that multiple intelligences theory
theory is not a “type theory” for determining the is not a type theory determining the one
one intelligence that fits. It is a theory of cognitive intelligence that fits. It is a theory of cognitive
functioning, and it proposes that each person has functioning that proposes that each person
capacities in all eight intelligences. Of course, the possesses all eight intelligences that uniquely
eight intelligences function together in ways works together but some just appear to possess
unique to each person. Some people appear to extremely high levels in all, one, or more of
possess extremely high levels of functioning in all these intelligences.
or most of the eight intelligences.

3 Intelligence Intelligences usually work together in complex No intelligence exists by itself (not for savants
ways. Gardner points out that each intelligence as and brain injured individuals) in life because it's
described above is actually a “fiction”; that is, no actually a fiction. Intelligences usully work
intelligence exists by itself in life (except perhaps together in complex ways as stated by the book.
in very rare instances in savants and brain-injured

4 Intelligence Tests No test can accurately determine the nature or Howard Gardner has repeatedly pointed out,
quality of a person’s intelligences. As Howard standardized tests measure only the small parts
Gardner has repeatedly pointed out, standardized of a person's total ability because no test can
tests measure only a small part of the total accurately determine the nature or quality of
spectrum of abilities. The best way to assess your one's intelligences. Accordingly, the best way to
own multiple intelligences, therefore, is through a assess your own intelligences is through a
realistic appraisal of your performance in the many realostic appraisal of performance in any field
kinds of tasks, activities, and experiences associated with intelligence.
associated with each intelligence.

5 Intelligence Factors Whether an intelligence can develop depends Biological endowment: hereditary or genetic
upon three main factors: factors or brain injuries before, during, or even
1. Biological endowment—including hereditary or after birth; personal life history: experiences;
genetic factors and insults or injuries to the brain and cultural and historical background:
before, during, and after birth developments in different domains, are the
2. Personal life history—including experiences three main factors for intelligence development.
with parents, teachers, peers, friends, and others
who awaken intelligences, keep them from
developing, or actively repress them
3. Cultural and historical background-including the
time and place in which you were born and raised
and the nature and state of cultural or historical
developments in different domains

6 Multiple Intelligences A classroom is a microsociety complete with Classrooms are made up of rules, routines,
in the Classroom student citizens, many of whom have competing regulations, and procedures with its micro
needs and interests. Consequently, rules, population of students whom may have
routines, regulations, and procedures—elements competing needs and interests. Multiple
of order—are a fundamental part of the classroom intelligences theory offers teachers a new
infrastructure. MI theory, while not providing a perspective on the many kinds of management
classroom management scheme per se, offers strategies that they may use for organization
beleaguered teachers a new perspective on the and ensure a smoothly running learning
many kinds of management strategies that they environment while not providing a classroom
have used or might use to “keep order” and management.
ensure a smoothly running learning environment

7 Multiple Intelligences You can use MI theory as a basis for selecting and The most energizing innovation application
and Software making available soft- ware for use in the including various insights is rising in the zone of
classroom or in specially designated computer mixed media learning ventures. Utilizing sight
labs in the school. Perhaps the most exciting and sound programming, a task joining content
technology application involving multiple (phonetic), outlines (spatial), sound (melodic or
intelligences is emerging in the area of multimedia semantic), and video (real sensation and
learning projects. Using multimedia software, a different insights) can be created. Utilization of
project incorporating text (linguistic), illustrations multiple intelligences theory as a basis for
(spatial), sound (musical or linguistic), and video selecting and making available soft- ware for
(bodily-kinesthetic and other intelligences) can be use in the classroom or in specially designated
developed. computer labs in the school.

8 Culture and According to MI theory, an intelligence must be As stated by Gardner’s theory of multiple
Intelligence valued by a culture in order to be considered a intelligences, intelligence must be valued by a
true intelligence. This criterium automatically dis- culture to be considered a true intelligence
qualifies many of the tasks that have traditionally because the criterium automatically disqualifies
been associated with intel- ligence testing in the many of the tasks that has been associated with
schools. intelligence testings.

9 Career and MI theory provides an appropriate vehicle for Being exposed from an early age to a wide
Intelligences helping youngsters begin to develop vocational variety of adults demonstrating real-life skills,
aspirations. If students are exposed from a very they will have a firm basis upon which to launch
early age to a wide variety of adults demonstrating a career once they leave for work. Gardner’s
real-life skills in all eight intelligences, they will theory provides an appropriate vehicle for
have a firm basis upon which to launch a career helping young people develop vocational
once they leave school. aspirations.

10 Existential Gardner defines existential intelligence as “a A concern with ultimate life issues, a definition
Intelligence concern with ulti- mate life issues.” He describes of existential intelligence from Gardner. An
the core ability of this intelligence as “the capacity intelligence with the core capability to locate
to locate oneself with respect to the furthest oneself with respect to such existential features;
reaches of the cos- mos—the infinite and the a total immersion in a work of art.
infinitesimal—and the related capacity to locate
oneself with respect to such existential features of
the human condition as the significance of life, the
meaning of death, the ultimate fate of the physical
and the psychological worlds, and such profound
experiences as love of another person or total
immersion in a work of art” (Gardner, 1999, p. 60).


Purpose of the Study:

To investigate the relationship between students’s gender and Intelligence types, the relationship between particular intelligence
types and students’ success in grammar, listening and writing in English as foreign language and the relationship between parental
education and students’ types of intelligences.
Saricaoglu, A. & Arikan, A. (2009). A study of multiple intelligences, foreign language success, and some selected variables. Journal
of Theory and Practice in Education, Volume 5. Retrieved from
No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements
1 Multiple Intelligence Poole’s (2000: 532) clear description of an MI Multiple intelligence theory has been embraced
in the Classroom classroom seems to be helpful in understanding by the instructors in need of educational
the potential of the theory in practice. In an program for a variety of ways people learn. It is
integrated and cooperative MI classroom, the proposed and practiced in a way to call for an
teacher employs nontraditional approaches to alternative classroom design that is helpful in
construction of meaning through a flexible but understanding the potential of theory.
careful planning. MIT is proposed and put into
practice in a way to call for an alternative
classroom design to traditional classroom setting.
It has been embraced by the
teachers in need of an educational program which
addresses a variety of ways
people learn (Shore, 2004).

2 Intelligence and The characteristics of an MI classroom, as Research has reported that the multiple
Learning described by Poole, lead the researcher to the intelligences theory is a promising theoretical
conclusion that MIT is inclusive of many construct which can foster a student's learning
familiar approaches such as whole language, for it is inclusive of many familiar approaches as
cooperative learning, and other appropriate a characteristic of a multiple intelligence
pedagogies that take children beyond the limits of classroom.
rote learning (2000: 540). Classroom research has
reported that MIT is a promising theoretical
construct which can foster students’ learning.

3 Male Multiple Loori (2005) conducted a study of 90 English According to a study of Loori in 2005, males
Intelligences language learners and found that males showed have showed higher preference in logical or
Learners higher preference in logical/mathematical mathematical intelligence.

4 Gender Multiple Razmjoo (2008) found that the use of As stated by the study of Razmjoo in 2008, the
Intelligences intrapersonal intelligence by females was higher use of intrapersonal intelligence by females was
than that of the males whereas no significant higher than that of the males in where no
difference was found between male and female significant difference found between male and
participants regarding language success and female participants regarding language success
types of intelligences. and intelligence types.


Purpose of the Study:

Study was conducted to look on the learning styles of the teacher education students which served as basis in improving the
teaching and learning process. Specifically, it described the students’ socio-demographic profile and their learning styles. The
implications of learning styles to the instruction process were also given as well as some proposed strategies to improve the
instruction process which is congruent to the learning styles of the students.
Lorenzo, A. R., & Lorenzo, B. U. (2013). Learning Styles of Teacher Education Students: Basis in
Improving the Teaching - Learning Process. The Association of Science, Education and Technology-TASET, Sakarya Universitesi,
Turkey. Retrieved from

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Learning in Learning styles of the students in terms of learning Majority of the students prefers to learn in a
Environment environment showed that majority prefers to learn quiet place, explicit room, a cold room with soft
in a quiet environment; well lighted room; with cool chairs and pillows in an informal setting.
temperature; sitting in soft chairs or pillows; and in
informal setting.

2 Emotional In terms of emotional preferences, majority are Majority are self motivated, studies a lesson one
Preference in self motivated; prefers to study lesson one at a at a time, studies without being told but is well
Learning time; prefers to study without being reminded; and oriented on how to make things work out that is
prefers to be told exactly what and how to do all for emotional preferences.

3 Social Preference in In terms of social preferences, most prefers to Most of the students prefer studying by pair than
Learning study and learn by pair. grouped in terms of social preferences.

4 Physiological In terms of physiological preferences, most prefers Students prefer to study continuously with less
Preference in to learn by doing things; eating or munching while movements in the morning while eating in terms
Learning studying; prefers to study in the morning; and with of physiological preferences.
less break and movements.

5 Psychological In terms of psychological preferences, majority are Most pf the people are analytic and sequentially
Preference in analytic or they prefer to learn sequentially and learning, reflective that is takes time to make
Learning reflective or they take time to make decisions. decisions in terms of psychological preferences.

6 Sudent-Teacher Every student is unique and has genius potentials. Teachers are aware of every students’ unique
Relationship Teachers know this but they overlook or ignore it and genius potentials but are choosing to ignore
especially those who grew up exposed to it especially those who grew up exposed to
conventional learning theories and traditional conventional learning and traditional methods.
teaching methods. Teachers should learn to What they should do is to recognize,
recognize, acknowledge and respect the learning acknowledge, and respect the learning styles of
style aspects of students' innate tendencies. one’s innate tendencies.

7 Learning Styles Learning style is the way in which each individual Individual learners’ styles start of concentration,
learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb process, absorption, and retaining of new and
and retain new and difficult information (Dunn and difficult information.
Dunn Learning Style)

8 Environmental A personal style is the biological and Biological and developmental set of
Learning developmental set of characteristics that makes characteristics are where personal style came
identical instructional environments, methods and from that makes identical instructional
resources effective for some learners and environments, methods and resources effective
ineffective for others. and ineffective for learners.

9 Learners Each person has a unique combination or profile. No individuals possess the same exact
Although people have all nine intelligences, no two fingerprints because each person has a unique
individuals have them in the same exact combination or profile.
configuration -- similar to the fingerprints.

10 Strengths and The types of intelligence that a person possesses Gardner suggests most people are strong in
Weaknesses (Gardner suggests most people are strong in three three types but it does not indicate that these
types) indicates not only a persons capabilities, are one’s only capabilities, but a method in
but also the manner or method in which they which s/he prefer to learn and develop strengths
prefer to learn and develop their strengths and and weaknesses.
their weaknesses.

11 Lights in Studying Light is a basic requirement in studying especially Very few students prefer to study in a low or dim
inside the classroom, however, the level of lights lighted environment while majority of the
preferred by students while studying varies. students prefer to study and learn bests with
Majority of the students (69.86%) prefer to study bright lights for light is a basic requirement in
and learn bests with bright light. Very few students studying especially inside the classroom.
prefer to study in a low or in a dim lighted

12 Temperature in 48.63% of the students prefer to study in a cool Very few students prefer a warm temperature
Studying temperature. It is observed that very few students while significant proportion of the respondents
prefer a warm temperature while significant has no preferences, or they can study either in
proportion of the respondents has no preferences, warm or cool environment but majority of the
or they can study either in warm or cool students prefer to study in a cool temperature.
13 Environmental Majority of the students (56.16%) prefer to study Majority of the students find it easier to
Studying while sitting in soft chairs and in informal setting concentrate and focus if they are relaxed and
which is comprised of 55.48% of the respondents. comfortable studying while sitting in soft chairs
They found it easier to concentrate and focus on in informal setting
their studies if they are relax and comfortable
while studying.

14 Persistence In terms of persistence, majority or 67.81% of the Majority of the students are persistent in doing
students are persistent in doing their tasks. They their tasks, trying to finish what they have
try to finish what they have started and they like to started before starting a new task. They prefer
get things done first before starting new task. to study a lesson one at a time than working on
Majority or 56.85% also prefers to study lesson different tasks.
one at a time rather than working on different task

15 Responsibility In terms of responsibility, majority of the students Majority of the students prefer to work on their
(56.16%) prefer to study/work independently own without being told to do so and being
without being reminded of their activities. They are responsible for their own academic learning.
responsible for their own academic learning. However, significant proportion prefers to be
However, significant proportion of the students reminded and given feedbacks to finish their
prefers to be frequently reminded and given tasks.
feedbacks to finish their task.

16 Learners 50% of the respondents prefer to be told exactly Students prefer to be alone to do things on their
what and how to do things while the other students own but majority of the sample wants to be told
prefer to be given the objective and left alone to do exactly what and how to do things.
things on their own ways.

Purpose of the Study:
To learn more about the research behind the theory of multiple intelligences that has been revolutionized how we understand

Reference: (APA format)

(2016). Multiple intelligences: what does the research say?

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Multiple Intelligences Kinds of experiences, the theory of multiple A one-size-fits all approach to education will
as an Approach intelligences resonates with many educators. It leave some students behind from different field
supports what we all know to be true: A one-size- of experiences that’s why the theory of multiple
fits-all approach to education will invariably leave intelligences resonates with manu educators.
some students behind.

2 Learning Styles and However, the theory is also often misunderstood, The theory of multiple intelligences is often
Multiple Intelligences which can lead to it being used interchangeably misunderstood for being interchangeably with
Misunderstandings with learning styles or applying it in ways that can learning styles that can limit student potential.
limit student potential.

3 Multiple Intelligences One common misconception about multiple It is a misinterpretation that multiple
and Learning Styles intelligences is that it means the same thing as intelligences mean the same thing as learning
learning styles. Instead, multiple intelligences styles. Instead, multiple intelligences represents
represents different intellectual abilities. Learning the different intellectual abilities while learning
styles, according to Howard Gardner, are the ways styles according to Howard Gardner, are the
in which an individual approaches a range of ways in which an individual approaches a rang
tasks. of tasks.

4 MI Theory for The theory has provided opportunities to broaden As for the educators, it is useful to think about
Educators definitions of intelligence. As an educator, it is the different ways that information can be
useful to think about the different ways that presented yet it is critical to not classify students
information can be presented. However, it is as being specific types of learners nor as having
critical to not classify students as being specific an innate or fixed type of intelligence. The
types of learners nor as having an innate or fixed multiple intelligences theory has provided
type of intelligence. opportunities to broaden the definition of


Purpose of the Study:

The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between the multiple intelligences and the academic performance
achievement levels of high school students based on Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory.

Ahvan, Y. R., & Pour, H. Z. (2015). The correlation of multiple intelligences for the achievements of secondary students. Department
of Psychology, Hormozgan University, Iran. Retrieved from

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Intelligence Intelligence is of paramount importance in a According to Mackintosh of 1998, the topic of
person’s life. Therefore the topic of intelligence is intelligence is of substantial curiosity and
of substantial curiosity and interest interest to researchers and lay people. It is of
to researchers and lay people (Mackintosh, 1998). paramount importance in a person’s life.

2 Traditional Teaching For many years, educators have implemented As stated by Sulaiman et al. of 2011, educators
traditional teaching methods in the classroom that have implemented the traditional teaching
have tended to classify learners as a methods in the classroom that have tended to
homogeneous group where teachers use the classify learners as a homogeneous group
executive approach to transmit knowledge to all where teachers use the executive approach to
the students with a similar set of teaching methods transmit knowledge to all the students with a
(Sulaiman et al., 2011). With the traditional similar set of teaching methods for many years
teaching approach, teachers struggle to find ways that they struggle to find ways to reach the
to reach the diversity of individual learning styles diversity of individual learning styles and needs.
and needs.

3 Learning Styles Learning styles is connected to individual According to a study from 2011 or Sulaiman et
characteristics and preferences, which reflect how al., learning styles is connected to individual
a person perceives and interacts with the characteristics and preferences, which reflect
environment (Sulaiman et al., 2011). how a person perceives and interacts with the

4 Intelligences The theory states that all seven intelligences are It is important that an educator creates an
needed to productively function in society. Since intelligence profiles for each learner. Knowing
all children do not learn in the same way, they how each student learns will allow the teacher
cannot be assessed in the same way. Therefore, it to properly assess the child's progress because
is important that an educator creates an children do not learn in the same way, they
“intelligence profiles” for each student. Knowing cannot be assessed in the same way. The
how each student learns will allow the teacher to theory states that all seven intelligences are
properly assess the child's progress (Lazear, needed to productively function in society.

5 Different Gardner asserted that individual differences reflect Gardener asserted that individual differences
Intelligences multiple intelligences of human beings; and reflect multiple intelligences and through one’s
through these intelligences an individual tries to intelligence tries to understand the world, these
understand the world, these are personal are personal strengths through which a person
strengths through which a person comprehends comprehends the world.
the world (Arnold and Fonseca, 2004).

6 Theory What the Multiple intelligences theory offers is not What the theory of multiple intelligences
only significant from a theoretical perspective, but provides is not only theoretically relevant but
also has important practical implications for also has important practical implications for
teaching practice. teaching practice.

7 Teaching Teachers should consider various multiple In the course of their teaching, students should
intelligences of the students during their teaching; be encouraged to use their specific intelligences
and should persuade the students to use their throughout their learning (Gen, 2000), as
different intelligences in their learning (Gen, 2000), indicated by Larsen-Freeman (2000) to improve
as Larsen-Freeman (2000) suggested improving the quality of teaching and learning, and both
quality of teaching and learning, both teacher and teachers and learners should take into account
learner should take into account different multiple the various intelligences.

8 MI Individuals Gardner (2006) argued that due to the multiple Gardner argued that people are truly human
intelligences individuals are truly human being. because of the multiple intelligences. Each has
Each has a unique profile of intelligences of a specific profile of varying strengths of
varying strengths. Although no one intelligence intelligences. Although no intelligence was
was considered to be superior to other types, considered superior to other styles, according to
according to Gardner (2003) all intelligence are Gardner in order to participate, act intentionally
required for an individual, in order to participate, and creatively in society, all intelligence is
act purposefully and creatively in the society. needed for a person.
9 Intelligence and Some researchers have found in their studies, In their studies, some researchers found
Academic intelligence as a cause of academic performance intelligence as a cause of academic
Performance (Habibollah et al., 2008). A close connection by performance. Some of the psychologists had
some of the psychologists between intelligence discovered a close connection between
and academic achievement was discovered. intelligence and academic achievement. Many
Some say that there is cause and effect say the relationship between the two variables
relationship between the two variables. is causal and effectual.

10 Academic According to Laidra et al. (2007) academic According to Laidra et al. of 2007, the students'
Achievement achievement of the students is reliant on their academic achievements relies through all grade
cognitive abilities through all grade levels. levels on their cognitive abilities.

11 Multiple Intelligences Multiple intelligence theory is assuming an Multiple intelligence theory plays an important
important place in the recognition of the diversity role in recognizing the diversity of approaches
of ways that learners approach the curriculum; it for learners to the curriculum; it helps teachers
helps teachers and learners to successfully and learners to successfully program
programme for individualized instruction. individualized instructions.

12 Students’ Academic Numerous research studies have explored the Numerous research studies have explored the
Performance effects of different variables on students’ academic effects of various variables on academic
Achievement performance achievement. achievement.

13 Individual The findings of the study confirmed Gardner The study findings verified Gardner’s argument,
Intelligences assertion, that every person possesses multiple that each individual has multiple intelligences.
intelligences. Results of the study also align with The study results have coincided with previous
the previous research indicated that every research suggested that each person has
individual has different types of intelligence with different intelligence styles with different levels
different levels of each. of each.

14 Verbal-Linguistic The study provided evidence that the verbal- The study provided evidence that verbal-
Intelligence linguistic intelligence is the student’s most frequent linguistic intelligence is the most common
intelligence and the musical intelligence is the intelligence of the student, and that the musical
students’ least frequent intelligence. This could be intelligence is the least frequent intelligence of
due to the opportunities, environment available for the students. This could be due to the
the nourishment of an intelligence; it is quite opportunities, the environment available to
possible that verbal-linguistic intelligence might nourish an intelligence; it is quite possible that
have developed due to the environment available verbal-linguistic intelligence could have
to it, and musical and other intelligences might developed because of the available
have remained underdeveloped or moderately environment.
developed because and encouraging environment
was not available to them.

15 Cultural Value Basic facilities like computer, net, multimedia are In school teachers basic facilities such as
hardly available in schools teachers and students computer, net, multimedia are hardly available,
have fewer opportunities to develop their multiple and students have fewer opportunities to
intelligences. Another reason could be that develop their multiple intelligences. Another
different cultures value different intelligences, explanation might be because different cultures
especially in Iran where verbal-linguistic value different intelligences, especially in Iran
intelligence is highly valued and musical where verbal-linguistic intelligence is highly
intelligence is discouraged. valued and musical intelligence is discouraged.

16 Multiple Intelligences The researcher also found that the multiple The researcher also found interconnectedness
are Interconnected intelligences are interconnected. Here too results between the multiple intelligences. The study
of the study confirmed the claim of Gardner. He results here too verified Gardner's assertion.
says that although multiple intelligences are While multiple intelligences are separate units,
separate units but they support each other he says, they support each other whenever a
whenever a job is performed. job is done.

Purpose of the Study:

By the end of this section you will gain knowledge about different learning styles, and will understand how students’ learning styles
and learning preferences affect the effectiveness of their learning
Benova, D. & Mihova, E. (2012). Learning styles and learning preferences. Retrieved from

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Learning Styles Learning styles relate to the way in which different The learning styles are related to how different
individuals learn. As researchers have focused on people learn. As researchers focused on
different aspects of this, a wide range of different aspects of this, they produced a wide
interpretations and definitions have been range of interpretations and definitions. For
produced. Della-Dora and Blanchard, for example, example, Della-Dora and Blanchard (1979, p22)
(1979, p22) refer to “a personally preferred way of refer to "a personally preferred way of dealing
dealing with information and experiences for with knowledge and learning experiences that
learning that crosses content areas”, thereby cross subject areas" and thus emphasize.
putting emphasis on information processing.

2 Learning Styles The type of teaching they have experienced is The kind of teaching they have experienced will
Influence likely to influence the way they approach language likely affect how they approach language
learning. Was their experience of the classroom learning. Was their classroom experience more
more teacher-centred or more learner-centred? centered on teachers, or more centered on
Were they encouraged to raise their hands when learners? Were they encouraged to raise their
they knew the answer to a question? Were they hands when they knew the answer to a
encouraged to engage in independent, small question? Were they encouraged to work
group work? independently, in small groups?

3 Traditional Learners Learners who are used to a more traditional whole Learners who are used to a more conventional
class-based approach might initially show whole-class approach may initially be hesitant to
reluctance to participate in games and pair work participate in games and pair-work activities, but
activities but will gradually become engaged if an will eventually engage if an atmosphere is
unthreatening and supportive environment is created that is non-threatening and welcoming.

4 Learning Styles and Some researchers (e.g. Dunn, 1997; Cox & Some researchers have associated
Cultural Groups Ramirez, 1981; Irvine & York, 1995) have predominant learning styles with learners from
associated predominant learning styles with diverse cultural groups (e.g. Dunn, 1997; Cox &
learners from different cultural groups and it Ramirez, 1981; Irvine & York, 1995), and it
seems reasonable to accept that culture has some seems reasonable to accept that culture has
influence on learning styles. some influence on learning styles.
5 Influences of David Kolb (1984) and others (e.g. Kiersey, 2000; David Kolb (1984) and others (e.g. Kiersey,
Learning Styles Fleming, 2001; Honey, 2002) have considered 2000; Fleming, 2001; Honey, 2002) considered
other possible influences on a person’s learning other potential factors on the learning style of an
style and have suggested that these include individual, and proposed that they include
personality, cognitive styles, temperaments, personality, cognitive styles, temperaments,
sensory processes and age. sensory systems, and age.

6 Learning Styles Learners’ different learning styles will affect the The different learning styles of the learners will
way they learn all subjects, including languages. affect the way all subjects, including languages,
Some learners like listening and talking, others are learned. Many learners like listening and
prefer to analyse text, or study with the help of talking, others like using visual help to interpret
visual support. Most learners, however, have a text, or analysis. Yet most learners have a
mixed learning style. mixed style of learning.

7 Multi Sensory It is generally accepted that dyslexic learners It is generally accepted that dyslexic learners
Learning benefit most from a multisensory approach where benefit most from a multisensory approach
information is simultaneously presented through where information is presented through multiple
several channels. This approach enables weaker channels simultaneously. This approach allows
modalities to be supported by stronger ones and for stronger modalities to be supported by
means that learning is more likely to be effective. weaker modalities, and means learning is more
likely to be effective.
8 Learning Styles Learning style is not a single concept, but consists Learning style is not a single term but is
of related elements, that we call characteristics of composed of similar components, which we call
the learning style. Teachers can build up a picture learning style characteristics. Teachers can
of their students’ learning styles by asking them to create an image of the learning styles of their
complete a learning styles questionnaire and/or by students by asking them to complete a
observing them engaging in a range of activities in questionnaire on learning styles and/or by
different settings. observing them engaging in a variety of
activities in different settings.

9 Learners Rita and Kenneth Dunn (1993, p2) define learning Rita and Kenneth Dunn (1993, p2) define
styles as “the way in which each learner begins to learning styles as "the way each learner starts
concentrate, process and retain new and difficult focusing, processing, and retaining new and
information. That interaction occurs differently for difficult information. That interaction happens to
everyone.” everyone differently.”

10 Learning in the It may be quite difficult to envisage a classroom Considering a classroom environment which
Classroom environment that suits everyone but Dunn and suits everyone except Dunn and Dunn (1978)
Dunn (1978) suggest that a classroom can be suggests that a classroom can be divided into
partitioned into separate areas, each with a separate areas, each with a different
different environmental climate. In terms of environmental climate. In terms of dyslexic
dyslexic learners, consideration must be given to learners, lighting must be considered, since
lighting, as inappropriate lighting (for example improper lighting (e.g. fluorescent lighting) will
fluorescent lighting) can make it very difficult for a make it very difficult for a learner to read.
learner to read, listen or focus.

Purpose of the Study:

To expand the knowledge of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

Reference: (APA format)

(2017). Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, Northern Illinois
University. Retrieved from:

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Capabilities and Human potential can be tied to one’s Human ability can be related to one's approches to
Skills for preferences to learning; thus, Gardner’s focus learning; thus, Gardner's emphasis on human potential
Intelligence on human potential lies in the fact that people lies in the fact that people have a special combination of
have a unique blend of capabilities and skills strengths and skills (intelligences).
2 World of A well-balanced world, and well-balanced A well-balanced world and well-balanced organizations
Intelligence organizations and teams, are necessarily and teams are necessarily made up of people with
comprised of people who possess different different intelligence mixtures. This gives the group a
mixtures of intelligences. This givess that more comprehensive collective capacity than an
group a fuller collective capacity than a group identical group of capable specialists
of identical able specialists” "( 2009).
(, 2009).

3 Multiple Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory can be Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences can be used
Intelligences used for curriculum development, planning for curriculum development, planning training, course
instruction, selection of course activities, and selection exercises and related assessment strategies.
related assessment strategies. Instruction Instruction designed to help students develop their
which is designed to help students develop strengths may also trigger confidence in the
their strengths can also trigger their development of areas where they are not as strong.
confidence to develop areas in which they are
not as strong.

4 Multiple Students’ multiple learning preferences can Various learning expectations of students may be
Intelligences be addressed when instruction includes a discussed when teaching requires a number of practical
range of meaningful and appropriate and acceptable approaches, events, and evaluations.
methods, activities, and assessments.

5 Educators Gardner himself asserts that educators Gardner himself argues that when designing instruction,
should not follow one specific theory or educators should not follow one specific theory or
educational innovation when designing educational innovation, but instead employ custom
instruction but instead employ customized goals and values that are appropriate to their teaching
goals and values appropriate to their teaching and student needs.
and student needs.

6 Students's Addressing the multiple intelligences and Addressing the students ' multiple intelligences and
Potential and potential of students can help instructors potential can help instructors personalize their
Multiple personalize their instruction and methods of instruction and assessment methods.
Intelligences assessment.

7 Learnings Many of us are familiar with three general Many of us know three general groups where people
categories in which people learn: visual learn: visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic
learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. Beyond these three general categories, other
learners. Beyond these three general ideas have been established about and approaches to
categories, many theories of and approaches human potential. Among them is the theory of multiple
toward human potential have been intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, Ph.D.,
developed. Among them is the theory of Professor of Education at Harvard University.
multiple intelligences, developed by Howard
Gardner, Ph.D., Professor of Education at
Harvard University.

8 Development of Gardner’s early work in psychology and later Gardner's early work in psychology and later on in
Initial Six in human cognition and human potential led human cognition and human potential contributed to the
Intelligences to the development of the initial six initial six intelligences being created.

9 Expansion of Today there are nine intelligences and the Today there are nine intelligences and may potentially
Multiple possibility of others may eventually expand expand the list with the likelihood of others.
Intelligences the list.

10 Application of These intelligences (or competencies) relate These intelligences (or competencies) relate to a unique
Intelligence to a person’s unique aptitude set of set of capabilities and ways in which a person would
capabilities and ways they might prefer to choose to demonstrate intellectual capabilities.
demonstrate intellectual abilities.


Purpose of the Study:

This research focuses on the influence of time management on the academic performance of the student.

Awang, H., Abd Samad N., Mohd Faiz, N.S., Roddid, R., Kankia, J.D. (2017). Relationship Between the Learning Styles and
Academic Achievement 87, 49-74

No Topic Copy & Paste Statements Paraphrased statements

1 Learning styles and Learning approach has attracted strong advocates Learning approach has pulled strong advocate
approach among learners looking for alternatives to among students searching for options for
traditional teaching methods. traditional teaching method.
2 Learning styles Learning style as ‘the way in which individuals Learning style as the manner by which people
begin to concentrate on, process, internalize and start to pay attention on the process, internalize
retain new and difficult academic information and hold new and hard scholarly information.
3 Studies on learning Analyses of the learning styles of non-achieving Studies on learning styles of non-accomplishing
styles students have revealed that, as a group, such students showed that, as a group, students like
students learn in a style and with instructional them can learn in a style and with instructional
strategies that differ significantly from those of methods that vary fundamentally from those of
students who perform well in school students who do well in school.
4 Learning styles Learning styles should be experienced as giving Learning styles are ought to be experienced as
birth at least four general dimensions including 1) giving birth at least four general dimensions
Cognitive – how individuals typically process data including 1) Cognitive – how people ordinarily
as they comprehend, remember, work out process information as they understand, recall,
problems, remember and relate to others. 2) solve problems, remember and relate to others.
Affective – views learning as it pertains to a 2) Affective – sees learning in accordance with
person’s personality. Considers such an individual’s character. Considers such
characteristics as attention, emotion, motivation, characteristics as attention, feelings, inspiration,
incentive, curiosity, boredom, anxiety and defeat. incentive, curiosity, boredom, nervousness and
3) Physiological – views learning as it pertains to defeat. 3) Physiological – sees learning in
biological characteristics. 4) Psychological – views accordance with biological attributes. 4)
learning as it pertains to the inner intensity and Psychological – views learning as inward
identity of the person. It is important to teach to a intensity and identity of the person. It is
diversity of learning styles important to educate to a diversity of learning
5 Learning styles An inventory of learning styles know as VARK A type of learning styles known as VARK has
[11]. The four modes in VARK are visual (V), aural four modes; visual (V), aural (A), read/write (R),
(A), read/write (R), and kinesthetic (K). and kinesthetic (K).
6 Learning styles and students with a visual preference learn best from Learners with a preference in visual gain
learners presentation of materials using graphs, charts and knowledge from presentation of materials by
diagrams using graphs, charts and diagrams.
7 Learning styles and aural learners prefer to receive information People who are aural learners like to get data
learners through listening through listening.
8 Learning styles and read/write learners prefer to take in information People who are read/write learners take desire
learners through writing and reading from printed words to gather information through writing and
reading from printed words.
9 Learning styles and kinesthetic learners gain better understanding of Kinesthetic learners increase better
learners materials through concrete examples and comprehension through solid models and
applications applications.
10 Learning styles and Some studies have also been made to identify the Few researches have likewise been made to
learners relationship between VARK learning style distinguish the connection between VARK
preferences and student performance in university learning preference and student performance in
courses. For example, [13] found that a strong university courses. For instance, [13] found that
kinesthetic learning style had a significant negative a solid sensation learning style had a critical
relationship with performance in physiology negative relationship with performance in
courses among a sample of 64 students; but [14] physiology courses among an example of 64
found no significant relationship between VARK students; yet [14] found no noteworthy
learning style preferences and course connection between VARK learning style
performance among a sample of 62 students inclinations and course execution among an
studying soil management science. Other studies example of 62 students contemplating soil the
by [15] used the VARK inventory to assess the executives science. Different investigations by
relationship between student learning styles and [15] utilized the VARK stock to survey the
their performance among 211 students from a mix connection between understudy learning styles
of introductory microeconomics and introductory and their exhibition among 211 understudies
macroeconomics courses. from a blend of initial microeconomics and
starting macroeconomics courses.

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