AppsNote ReprocessingLaserMarkedInstruments EN 08.17 PDF

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Application Case Study

→ Laser marking of reusable surgical instruments

mastering multi-process requirements

Representative tests under actual conditions

provide valid data that prove the long-term stability
of the laser mark
Reusable medical products that require multiple processing cycles – such as surgical
instruments – must bear a direct mark*. To permanently ensure the complete identification
and tracking of the instruments, the American and European UDI Directives** require a
directly applied unique UDI code (Unique Device Identifier). Considering the extensive or
repeated processing in practice, these requirements place especially high demands on the
lasting stability and reliable machine readability of the direct mark. Over a long period,
ideally over the complete product lifecycle, the laser marking must be reliably resistant
against corrosion and fading.

* machine-readable UDI code and HRI equivalent (HRI=human-readable interpretation)

** regulated through the FDA and in the EU's MDR

Many Challenges
Directly applied UDI marks should meet many criteria: They must not affect the surface
finish of the device negatively, and must by no means corrode. Additionally, they must ensure
counterfeit protection, must be marked in high contrast and be reliably legible and readable
– this, to ensure the permanent device traceability over its lifetime. With emphasis on
reusable medical devices and instruments, the reliable stability of the direct mark against
high alkaline sterilization and cleaning procedures is of crucial importance: These multi-use
devices must be reprocessed several hundred times in everyday clinical operations where a
reliable, machine-readable direct mark is the prerequisite for traceability.

The European and American UDI Directives make no specific statements about the stability
of laser markings. However, in general they require long-term stability to guarantee
complete traceability.¹ Consequently, manufacturers are challenged to ensure sustainable
and stable directly marked codes. Laser markings are subject to fading or even corrosion if all
steps in the process have not been well aligned to each other, or if the optimal laser and
marking parameters have not been thoroughly defined.

¹ „The UDI carrier for reusable devices [...], shall be permanent and readable after each process performed to make the device
ready for the subsequent use throughout the intended lifetime of the device.“ (REGULATION (EU) 2017/745 OF THE EUROPEAN
PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 April 2017 on medical devices, amending Directive 2001/83/EC, Regulation (EC) No 178/2002
and Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and repealing Council Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC; Part C, The UDI System, 4.10;
Application Case Study

Until recently, it was unknown how often laser marked → add’n solutions, a service provider to the medical technology
surgical instruments can be reprocessed without a nega- industry for the laser marking and subsequent cleaning,
tive impact on the mark quality. Moreover, the parameters passivation, packaging and labeling of medical devices, has
and process steps that ensure stable results in the long were run a comprehensive long-term study that resulted in valid
unknown. Various stainless steels react differently. Different answers.
surface qualities must be considered for each steel type. The
optimal laser parameters will vary in each application.

The Solution
Extensive study on reprocessing
verifies that short pulse lasers apply stable marks
During their own process validation, "add’n solutions ", a EU laser marking service provider, created a comprehensive study
on the reprocessing of surgical instruments, laser marked with a FOBA short pulse fiber laser: The study validated and offered
empirical data on the reliable resistance of the laser mark even after 500 sterilization and cleaning cycles.

→ Laser marked, not passivated

Laser marked and passivated →

→ Engraving after 500

reprocessing cycles

Annealing after 500

reprocessing cycles →

The validation samples have been cleaned and autoclaved 500 times. The marks did not fade and
are still reliably readable. After further sterilization cycles these results are not likely not change.
The instruments themselves show the usual signs of use.

"add'n solutions" has documented the extensive representative test results in detailed progress

A validated process provides valuable data

With a precisely matched process, "add’n solutions" has marked the surgical instruments
with FOBA marking laser solutions, followed by a cleaning and passivation cycle. Finally, the
instruments have been sterilized and cleaned 500 times:

→ The American standard for the passivation of stainless steel, ASTM 967, was used for the
passivation of the instruments. The steam sterilization was accompanied by an instrument
cleaning with high alkaline cleaners (pH value of 14).
→ In over 500 cycles, "add'n solutions" verified that the cost-efficient fiber lasers apply perma-
nent marks that survive daily clinical routines and are resistant against corrosion and fading.
→ It remains an important prerequesite that hospitals adhere to the reprocessing guidelines of
manufacturers and distributors (usually delivered with the instruments, providing
reprocessing and/or operation instructions).
See the „Red Brochure“ of the work group 'Reprocessing of Instruments'. →

Current technology not disadvantaged: short pulse marking lasers

With this study, "add‘n solutions" has also proven that ultrafast lasers and short pulse lasers
can create stable and reliable marks. Additionally, the study has shown that a compulsory
passivation should be performed after the marking, regardless of the laser types. Moreover,
ultrafast lasers such as picosecond and femtosecond lasers, have not yet been sufficiently
researched and evaluated for special use cases in medical device direct marking. The data
that is currently available is still very limited.

In a recent (Spring 2017) workshop on ultrafast lasers, hosted by the Fraunhofer ILT², studies ² → https://www.
have shown that the often acclaimed "cold ablation" of ultrafast lasers is not at all cold, and
that it has not yet been fully understood how much heat really remains in the material.³ workshop.html
³ Heat Accumulation during
Furthermore, a passivation should not only be performed after marking with a short pulse Materials Processing with
laser (i.e. nanosecond) but also after a part has been marked with an ultrafast laser (i.e. Ultrafast Lasers – The
picosecond): It is crucial to protect the whole product and to ensure its reliable corrosion Consequences of Power Scaling,
resistance, instead of only protecting the area where the mark has been applied. Prof. Thomas Graf, Institut für
Strahlwerkzeuge IFSW,
Stuttgart (D) und Power-Scaling
with USP: Opportunities and
Limits, Prof. Beat Neuen-
schwander, Berner
Fachhochschule, Burgdorf (CH)
The current study of "add’n solutions GmbH & Co. KG" proved, by documentation of 500 reprocessing
cycles, that the cost-efficient fiber laser markers are indeed able to reliably apply long lasting marks, which
endure the daily hospital routine.

Laser marking and subsequent cleaning and passivation along with regular clinical sterilization and cleaning
procedures must, in any case, be consistent with one another and perfectly coordinated. Only by means of a
validated and coordinated process of marking parameters, cleaning and subsequent passivation, can one
guarantee long lasting corrosion resistance of the mark itself, but of the complete instrument.

Nermin Duratovic and Dominik Buggle of "add’n solutions" offer their customers, mostly small and midsize
medical devices suppliers, this comprehensive package, consisting of a validated final cleaning and a
validated passivation. These protocols in conjunction with the appropriate laser marking parameters, can
provide safe, long term resistance and reliable code readability.

add'n solutions' validated process:

1. Laser marking with FOBA laser systems
2. Post marking cleaning and passivation
3. Verification of the marking result
4. Packaging and labeling
5. Delivery to suppliers/traders

Outsourcing the marking of medical devices secures the livelihood of small and midsize device ma-
nufacturers "add’n solutions" is a young start-up, situated in Tuttlingen, the center of the German medical
device industry, whose business approach faces one of the currently greatest challenges for medical device
manufacturers: The laser marking experts for UDI marking on medical devices enable their mostly small
and midsize customers to put their focus back on their core competency, the manufacturing of surgical
instruments – without the need to deal with the time-consuming, non-trivial laser marking according to
legal requirements, neither with the subsequent process of cleaning, passivation, verification, packaging and
labeling. "add'n solutions" thus offers a feasible way of implementing the strict UDI or MDR regulations to
manufacturers, who cannot or do not want to implement the UDI-marking themselves, in a safe and eco-
nomic production process.

As a service provider, "add’n solutions" takes care of their customers' direct part marking on almost 40.000
medical products of different shapes, materials and surfaces as well as the cleaning, passivation, packaging
and labeling of those products.

An der Trave 27-31 | 23923 Selmsdorf | Germany
T + 49 38823 55-0 | F + 49 38823 55-222
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