English 320: English Grammar Syllabus, Fall 2006: Stacyg@cwu - Edu
English 320: English Grammar Syllabus, Fall 2006: Stacyg@cwu - Edu
English 320: English Grammar Syllabus, Fall 2006: Stacyg@cwu - Edu
Texts: Dodds, Jack. The Ready Reference Handbook. 2nd Ed. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
Grades: The final grade will be averaged from four examinations and a
final examination.
Exams: There will be four hour long exams during the quarter: October 7,
October 20, November 1, and November 17. The two hour final
examination (December 7) will count double.
failure to respond correctly during these opportunities could result
in your losing up to five points off your final grade.
Attendance: You will be permitted to take four absences without penalty. I will
deduct four points from your final grade point total for every class
you miss over four. I take attendance as soon as class begins. If
you come in after I take attendance, you may be marked absent.
Sept. 22 Prolegomena
Oct. 7 Exam #1
History of English and Sentence Fragments
Adult Literacy: Ex. 1, p. 29
Oct. 20 Exam #2
Fragments, Fused Sentences, Verb Forms
Nov. 1 Exam #3
Pronoun Usage, Adjectives and Adverbs, Coordination and
Subordination, Faulty Modification
Nov. 4 Troublesome Words and Phrases
Handbook: Chapter 29, pp. 175-184
Adult Literacy: Ex. 1 and 2, pp. 169-180
Nov. 17 Exam #4
Pronoun Usage, Adjectives and Adverbs, Coordination and
Subordination, Faulty Modification, Troublesome Words, End and
Comma Punctuation
Dec. 1 Capitalization
Handbook: Chapter 40, pp. 243-249