IMSP 19 Identification Evaluation of Env Aspects PDF
IMSP 19 Identification Evaluation of Env Aspects PDF
IMSP 19 Identification Evaluation of Env Aspects PDF
1.0 Purpose
This procedure defines the mechanism for the identification and evaluation of environmental
aspects of the operations of KSPH&IDCL in order to determine those aspects that have
actual or potential significant impacts upon the environment.
4.0 Definitions
5.0 Procedure
A Cross Functional Team (CFT) led by the Management Representative shall identify
environmental aspects of operations that can be controlled or influenced. Where appropriate,
MR may form a smaller CFT to do this activity for a specific activity, or product, or service.
MR shall ensure that all the members of CFT are aware of, and, are sufficiently trained to
conduct study to identify the environmental aspects and impacts.
The Cross Functional Team shall include representation from all appropriate functional areas
and departments.
The environmental aspects and significant aspects associated with the operations of on-site
contractors are to be covered by this procedure.
6.2.1 CFT shall follow the below mentioned steps to identify the environmental aspects
related to an activity or a product or service. A list of aspects and impacts is provided
in the enclosed Appendix A for guidance.
6.2.2 List-down all the activities, services and product those are to be covered under the
study for identification of environmental aspects.
6.2.3 The identification of environmental aspects and impacts shall be done by one or
more of the following:
Discussion / Interviews with concerned people in the area.
Site visit and studying the activities.
Reference of data sheets / manuals.
6.2.4 While identifying environmental aspects and associated impacts, the following
conditions should be considered:
6.2.6 Study and consolidate details for a selected activity or service or product
Potential for accidents and emergency situations: This categorization assists in fulfilling
the requirement imposed by clause 4.4.7, Emergency preparedness and response.
Actual impacts: This consolidates the total array of impacts by treating multiple examples of
the same impact. Individual evaluations might conclude that solid waste is not significant.
However, when the 10 small amounts are considered as one total amount of 200 kgs /week),
the solid waste evaluation can result in a score that defines it as a significant impact.
6.3.1 Once environmental impacts are identified, each must be evaluated to establish the
magnitude of the impact. This evaluation becomes the basis for determining
significance. Following evaluating criteria shall be used for normal and abnormal
conditions. (See Appendix B for details of definitions of operational conditions)
6.3.2 While evaluating environmental impacts, Environmental aspects that are associated
with Legislative concern, interested party concern and business concern and
potential emergency situation are considered as Significant Environmental Aspects.
Note: Quantitative risk assessment may not be necessary for such cases.
The environmental impacts which do not fall under any of the categories defined in 6.3.2 are
then evaluated with “SSPD” quantitative analysis as given below:
a) ‘S’ Scale – It is the extent/area of environmental impact rated on a scale 1
to 4
b) ‘S’ Severity – It is the degree of impact (damage) on environment rated on
a scale 1 to 4
c) ‘P’ Probability – It shows the probability of occurrence of an impact rated
on a scale 1 to 4
d) ‘D’ Duration – It shows the duration for which the impact will last rated on a
scale 1 to 4.
Impact is contained within the work station / work area (Isolated) 1
Impact is restricted to / contained within the site of activity / plant premises 2
Impact migrates outside the site of activity into local community (Regional) 3
but is confined to the immediate neighborhood
Impact migrates outside the region in which the worksite is located (Global) 4
Harmless / Mild Impact - Little or no potential for harm 1
Moderate – Slightly harmful 2
Serious – Harmful, but not potentially fatal to plants / living beings 3
Severe / Catastrophic – Very harmful and/or Potentially fatal 4
Short term Impact - Impact can be corrected within the same day / within a 1
Medium term impact - Impact can be corrected in about 3 – 12 months; 2
Impact correctable
Long term impact – Impact difficult to correct; may take between 1 to 3 years 3
for rectification
Irreversible Impact – Controllable but not correctable; rectification may take 4
more than 3 years
aspects with their impacts are addressed, Such review will be carried out at least once
in every year
Appendix – A
Operational conditions:
• Under normal operations
• Activities during Start up, shutdown
• Deviation from normal operating parameters
• Spillages, leakages
• Large overflow with severe impact
• Fire / explosion
• Failure of pollution control equipment
• Continuously exceeding legal limits for discharge/emissions
• Large contamination to Storm water drains with potential for public complaints
7.0 Records