Lord For The Years Hymn

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70 Lord, for the Years

1 Lord, for the years your love has kept and guid ed,
2 Lord, for that word, the word of life which fires us,
3 Lord, for our land, in this our gen er a tion,
4 Lord, for our world; when we dis own and doubt him,
5 Lord, for our selves; in liv ing power re make us—

urged and in spired us, cheered us on our way,

speaks to our hearts and sets our souls a blaze,
spir its op pressed by pleas ure, wealth and care;
love less in strength, and com fort less in pain;
self on the cross and Christ up on the throne;

sought us and saved us, par doned and pro vid ed,
teach es and trains, re bukes us and in spires us,
for young and old, for this and ev ery na tion,
hun gry and help less, lost in deed with out him,
past put be hind us, for the fu ture take us,

Lord of the years, we bring our thanks to day.

Lord of the word, re ceive your peo ple’s praise.
Lord of our land, be pleased to hear our prayer.
Lord of the world, we pray that Christ may reign.
Lord of our lives, to live for Christ a lone.

WORDS: Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926- ) LORD OF THE YEARS

MUSIC: Michael Baughen (1930- ); arr. David Iliff (1939- )
Words © 1969 Hope Publishing Company
Music © 1982 Jubilate Hymns (Admin. Hope Publishing Company)

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