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Answer question 1 based on the I’m looking forward to having your

following message. invitation for an interview.
Yours truly,
To : Marguerite Michelson
From : Ambar Patel Ellina Winarti
Date : March 22, 2010 2. What is the letter about?
Pages : 3 (this + 2) A. A recruitment letter
Ref : Money Due B. An application letter
Message: C. A response to an applicant
I’m writing to inquire about money due. We D. A letter from Personal Director
are concerned about payment on your last E. A letter from the Universe Airlines
order, December 2009. It was due in
3. Where did the applicant work before?
January. Could you please explain the
A. At a travel agent
delay? I have left several phone messages
B. At Indonesia Post
over the past few weeks, but they have not
C. At the Universe Airlines
answered. Your company has always been
D. At a multinational airlines
prompt in paying in our bills, and we
E. At an international company
would like to continue to maintain a good
relationship with you. However, this is an 4. “I’m looking forward to havinq your
unusually long delay, and if we don’t hear invitation for an interview.”
from you until April, we will have to take What does the above sentence mean?
an action. Please, contact me by fax or A. I’m going to be interviewed
phone as soon as possible with an B. I’m expecting you for an interview
explanation and the date when we will C. I ‘m waiting for an interview
receive the overdue payment. The details of invitation
your order including items and prices, are D. I ‘m going to be invited for an
available on the following two pages. interview
1. The message is about... E. I ‘m going to invite you for an
A. A proposal to maintain good relati-
The followimg text is for question 16 and
B. Information about a new company
C. An inquiry about a delay in payment
Owing to the bad weather, the basketball
D. An explanation how to pay debt
match between Grade X-1 and Grade X-5,
E. Introducing a new product
originally schedule for tomorrow, May 6, is
now put off until May 9. The match
Answer questions 2 to 4 based on the between Grade X-2 and Grade X-4 will be
following letter. held on May 11. Final match will be held on
Attention: May 15 and 16.
Personnel Director, Universe Airlines Sports Club
Mr. Fariandy llham 5. The announcement is about ....
Dear Sir, A. Sports club
I am responding to your recent adver- B. bad weather
tisement in the Indonesia Post for a C. a match schedule
bilingual International flight attendant. I D. a basketball match
think I could be a good flight attendant for E. the delay of the match
Universe Airlines because I’m a very
6. When will the match between grade X-2
friendly person and I really love travelling. I
and grade X-4 be held ?
also enjoy meeting people.
A. May 6
As you can see from my resume and
B. May 9
references, I’ve had a lot of experiences
C. May 11
working with tourists. I used to work at a
D. May 15
prominent multinational travel agent as a
E. May 16
tourist guide for about one year, and
another two years as a tour consultant at the
The following text is for question 7 to 9.
same company.
Illegal Medicine Destroyed
I would be really very glad if you would
Hundreds of packages of medicine and
take me into your consideration.
traditional herbs of various brands were
confiscated and destroyed by Yogyakarta’s promotion,or previous purchases. Excludes
Food and Drugs Control officers during its fragrance, gift certificate,
joint operation with the City’s Health catalogue, or online purchases. Not valid on
officers starting on Monday. designer merchandise.
The joint operation was conducted by seven Not valid on Trend Male Outlets Sale
personnels at several shops and drugs Monday, June 17th through
stores in several parts of the city. “In the Sunday, July 7th.
fight againts unregistered medicine we’ll Save Up to 60%
continue the raids,”said the head of Or more off Original Prices
Yogyakarta City’s Health Officer, Chairul
Anwar on Tuesday. Shop owners found 10. What is the advertisement about ?
setting the registered medicine would first A. Clearance item
be warned as they pro- bably did not know B. Trendy Male outlets
they were selling illegal products. C. Shop online or by mail
D. Easy ways to shop and 50% off
7. The news tell us about ...
E. 350 stores and more off an original
A. the joint operation conducted by the prices
head of Yogyakarta City’s Health
officers 11. If you buy a shirt on sale for $46.00, how
B.illegal medicines which were much will you pay for another, similar
confiscated and destroyed by the shirt ?
officers A. Seven dollars
C. unregistered medicines which do not B. Seventeen dollars
harm people C. Twenty three dollars
D. illegal medicines which were not D. Forty six dollars
prohibited E. Fifty dollars
E. Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control 12. What is requirement for 50% off?
officers A.Including fragrance, gift certificate,
8. Who has given the information about the catalogue
joint operation? B.May not be combined with any other
A. The City’s Health officers coupon
B. Drugs users and sellers C.Second item will be the same value
C. Shop owners and manufactures D. Valid on Tendy Male outlets only
D. Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control E. Valid on designer merchandise
E. The head of Yogyakarta City’s Health The following text is for question no 13 to
Officers 16
9. Why were the medicine destroyed? One day, when Sangkuriang was
Because they were ... hunting, he accidentally killed his beautiful
A. illegal black dog Si Tumang. This dog is actually
B. harmless Sangkuriang’s father who had been
C. abundant condemned to live the life of a dog by his
D. registered GURU. However, Sangkuriang never knew
E. licensed it.
Sangkuriang had been separated from his
The following text is for question 10 to 12. mother since childhood. On his way home,
Easy ways to shop he stopped at a smallvillage and fell in love
Shop over 350 stores Call 1.800 GO with a beautiful girl. He didn’t realized that
TRENDY Shop by mail the village was his homeland nor that the
Call 1.800.254.8183 Shop online beautiful girl was his own sacred mother
Trendymale.com who remained young and pretty.
3181 River Road Rockville, Their love grew naturally and one day,
NM 9009-749-5208 when they were discussing their wedding
buy one sale or clearance item, plans, Dayang Sumbi suddenly realized that
get one 50% off the profile of Sangkuriang’s head matched
2nd item must be of equal or lesser value. that of her son’s who had left twenty years
Applies to sale and clearance earlier. How could she marry her own son?
merchandise only. May not be combined But she did not wish to disappoint him. So
with any other coupon offered, she agreed to marry Sangkuriang only on
the condition that he would provide her D. Sangkuriang felt sure that he could
with a lake and a boat with which they finish building the lake and boat
could sail on their wedding day the next before dawn
day at dawn. E. The cock and farmers had woken up
Sangkuriang accepted this condition. He earlier that morning
dammed up the Citarum river to make a
lake. Dayang Sumbi realized that
The following text is for questions 17 and
Sangkuriang would fulfill the condition she
had sad. With a wave of her supranatural
shawl, she lit up the eastern horizon with YONKERS, Nov 12th. A four alarm fire
flashes of light. Deceived by false dawn, the damaged 14 stores today in the Cross
cock crowed and farmers rose for the new County Shopping Center, the largest
day. shopping center in Westchester County.
Sangkuriang relized that he failed to Two fire investigators said the blaze
finish the boat. With all his anger, he kicked apparently started in a pile of cardboard
the unfinished boad upside-down. The boat cartons at the near of a shoe store and
is now known as the mount TANGKUBAN spread through an utilities duct above the
PARAHU. ln Sundanese TANGKUBAN 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m.
means upturned or upside down, and and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m.
PARAHU means boat. With the dam torn The center is on the Cross County Parkway
asunder, the water drained off the lake and at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
made the lake a wide plain. lt is now called Five fire fighters were busy at the scene.
Bandung from the word BENDUNG which Lieut. John Carey of the Yonkers Arson
means dam. Squad said the cause of the fire was under
13. Where did Sangkuriang meet the
beautiful girl?
A. At tangkuban Parahu 17. The text mainly tells us about ...
B. At Citarum river A. The Yonkers Arson Squad
C. At a small village B. The blaze at a shoe store
D. On his way home C. A fire in a shopping center
E. At Bandung city D. A shopping center in the cross
E.The largest shopping center in
14. Who was condemned by Guru? Westchester County
A. Sangkuriang’s dog
18. The fire has lasted about ...
B. Sangkuriang’s son
C. Sangkuriang’s girl A. Half an hour
D. Sangkuriang’s father B. Forty five minutes
E. Sangkuriang’s mother C. One hour
D. One and a half hour
15. The message of this story is ... E. Two hours
A.Tell the truth to avoid something
19. How many investigators and fire
fighters were involved in the scene?
B.Thing has been done, should be
completed A. Two
C. Never trust anyone completely B. Seven
D. True love sacrifices everything C. Twelve
E. Love is a valuable thing D. Thirteen
E. Fourteen
16. Paragraph 4 is mainly tells that ....
A. Dayang Sumbi used her supernatural
shawl to fail Sangkuriang on his The following text is for questions 32 and
effort to built a lake and a boat 34
B. Dayang Sumbi thought that the Walter Elias Disney (December 5, 1901-
condition she offered to Sangkuriang December 15, 1966) was an American
would not be carried out animated film producer and animator. He
C. Sangkuriang had finished building a was also the creator of an American-based
lake and a boat before the cock began theme park called Disneyland, and the
crowning founder of the highly profitable
corporation, now known as The Walt Sutiyoso has done little to reduce air
Disney Company. pollution in the capital.
Disney was born in Chicago to Elias Disney I think Sutiyoso deserved the award.
and Flora Call. He was named after his Although we haven’t seen solid air quality
father and after his father’s close friend management, he has restored the National
Walter Parr, the minister at St. Paul Monument (Monas) Park to a green cool
Congregational Church. In 1906, his family area where families can go to jog or have a
moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri. Picnic.
The family sold the farm in 1909 and lived He also initiated the bus-way project, which
in a rented house until 1910, when they I believe a good step toward reducing air
moved to Kansas City. Disney was nine pollution in Jakarta.
years old at that time. However, the government has to take
According to the Kansas City, Missouri, further action, such as limiting the number
Public School District records, Disney began of motorcycles in Jakarta. All the
attending the Benton Grammar School in motorcycles on the roads contribute to air
1911, pollution in the city.
and continued his formal education there On the other hand, some people can’t
until he graduated on June 8, 1917. During understand how Sutiyoso can win this
this time, Disney also enrolled in classes at award because he hasn’t made any
the Kansas city Art lnstitute. In the fall of improvement in Jakarta’s air management.
1917, Disney rejoined his family. He left Jakarta is becoming more polluted as the
school at the age sixteen and became a authorities cut down more and more trees
volunteer ambulance driver in World War l, for transportation projects. And they don’t
after he changed his birth certificate to show bother
his year of birth as 1900 in order to be able
to plant new trees to replace the old ones,
to enlist in the service. He served as a
let alone develop new green areas.
member of the American Red Cross
The authorities should build more parks in
Ambulance Force in France till 1919.
the city to make Jakarta greener and less
20. When did Disney begin studying at a polluted. Monas park is greener now, but
Grammar School? the fences prevent people from getting in. In
A. 1906 D. 1917 countries like Singapore and Australia,
B. 1909 E. 1919 public parks are pleasant places to hang
C. 1911 out.
21. The second paragraph mainly tells about 23. Why did people say that Sutiyoso
… deserved the award?
A. Disney’s farm A. Monas Park is green now
B. Life in Chicago B. Jakarta is becoming more polluted
C. Religious affair C. He has improved Jakarta’s air
D. Disney’s childhood management
E. Disney’s father’s friend D. He limited the number of
22. What did Disney do to become an motorcycles in the city
ambulance driver? E. He restored the Monas park and
initiated the bus-way project
A. He rejoined his family
B. He took a driving license 24. What has Sutiyoso done to reduce air
C. He showed his birth certificate pollution in Jakarta?
D. He reduced the year of his birth A. Initiating the bus project
E. He left Benton Grammar School B. Holding an international conference
C. Limiting the number of motorcycles
D. Building fences around the Monas
The following text is for questions 23 and E. Cutting down more and more tress
25. What is the purpose of the text?
Sutiyoso will be given an Asian Air Quality
A. To explain why Sutiyoso got an Asian
Management Award Friday at an
Air Quality Management Award
International Conference in Yogyakarta, but
B. To present points of views about the
some people have questions whether he
award given to Sutiyoso
really deserved the honor. The critics say
C. To tell the readers how to provide E. Mangrove roots are attached firmly to
solid air quality management the ground
D. To describe an Asian Air Quality 28. We can conclude that most mangrove
Management Award agrees ….
E. To assure readers that Sutiyoso
A. need salt to grow
deserved the award
B. grow on dry land
26. It is not easy to get in the Monas park C. grow on sheltered areas
because … D. get oxygen from the water
A. More and more trees were cut down E. grow near fresh water sources
B. It is use for having a picnic 29. In order to grow well mangroves require
C. It is use for jogging track the following, EXCEPT …
D. There is a cool area
A. The roots twist upwards and down-
E. There are fences
B. The trunk should be above the water
This text is for questions 27 to 29. surface
Mangrove Trees C. The leaves should be above the water
A mangrove is a tropical marine tree or surface
shrub of the genus Rhizopora. Mangroves D. The trees should be firmly attached to
have special aerial roots and salt-filtering the ground
tap roots that enable them to thrive in E. The parts of the plant under the water
brackish water (brackish water is salty, but should have enough salt
not as salty as sea water).
There are several species of mangrove trees
The text is for questions 30 to 33.
found all over the word. Some prefer more
Is it important to known what your kids are
salinity, while others like to be very close to
watching? Of course yes. Television can
a large fresh water source (such as a river).
expose things you have tried to protect
Some prefer areas that are sheltered from
them from, especially violence,
waves. Some species have their roots
pornography, consumerism, etc.
covered with sea water everyday during
A study demonstrated that there spending
high tide. Other species grow on dry land,
too much time on watching TV during the
but are still part of the ecosystem.
day or at bedtime often causes causes
Mangroves need to keep their trunk and
bedtime disruption, stress, and short of
leaves above the surface of the water. Yet
sleep duration.
they also need to be firmly attached to the
Another research found that there is a
ground so they are not moved by waves.
significant relationship between the amount
There are three types of mangrove roots
of time spent for watching television during
that play an important role for it:
adolescence and early adulthood, and the
(1) support roots which directly pierce the
possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a
(2) Level-growing roots which twist
relationship between kids who watch TV a
upwards and downward, with the
lot and being inactive and overweight.
upward twist emerging on the water
Considering some facts mentioned above,
protect your children with the following
(3) Level-growing roots whose downward
twists (sub-roots) appear on the water
(1) Limit television viewing to 1-2 hours
each day.
Any part of a root that appears above the
(2) Do not allow your children to have a TV
water flows oxygen to the plant under
set in their bedrooms.
water surface. As the soil begins to build up,
(3) Review the rating of TV shows that your
these roots produce additional roots that
children watch.
become embedded in the soil.
(4) What is happening in the show.
27. The main idea of the text is ….
30. What is the text about?
A. Mangroves grow on dry land
A. The programs shown on TV.
B. Mangroves are tropical marine trees
B. Watching TV is disadvantageous.
C. There are many species of
C. The effects of watching television on
D. Mangrove roots filter the salt of the
D. Reviewing the ratings of TV shows is A. Willy and his new drum
important. B. Phil Collins and his drum
E. The importance of knowing the pro- C. A policeman and his whistle
gram watched by our children. D. Willy’s drum private teacher
31. The following are the effects of watching E. The writer’s five-years old son
TV a lot, EXCEPT …. 35. From the text above we know that Willy
A. Stress is a/an …
B. Being active A. Smart
C. Being aggressive B. Funny
D. Bedtime disruption C. Stupid
E. Shorten sleep duration D. Childish
32. Which of the following statement is E. Annoying
TRUE according to the text?
A. All TV programs are good for
B. Children know what programs to
C. It is good for a kid to watch TV all
day long.
D. It is very important for children to
have a TV set in their bedrooms.
E. Spending too much time for watching
TV may cause kids inactive.
33. It is hard for a child to sleep because ….
A. The parents review TV’s program
B. The parents limit the time to watch
C. The kid watches TV with his/her
D. The kid watches too much TV at bed-
E. The kid discusses the program with
his/her parents

This text is for questions 34 to 35.

Last week I took my five-year old son,
Willy, to a musical instrument store in my
hometown wanted to buy him a set of
junior drum because his drum teacher
advised me to buy him one. Willy likes
listening to music very much. He also likes
asking me everything he wants to know.
Even his questions sometimes seem
precocious for a boy of his age. He is very
We went there by car. On the way, we saw a
policeman standing near a traffic light
regulating the want passing cars and other
vehicles. He blew his whistle now and then.
Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle,
Willy asked me at once, “Dad, why is the
policeman using a whistle, not a drum?”
Hearing his unexpected question I an-
swered reluctantly, “Because he is not Phil
34. What does the text talk about?
1. Pesan di atas berisi tentang pertanyaan
mengapa perusahaan milik Marguerite head of Yogyakarta City’s Health Officers,
Michelson menunda pembayarannya. Chairul Anwar on Tuesday.
Hal ini tersurat dalam kalimat “Could Jawaban: E
you please explain the delay? I have left 9. Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang
several phone messages over the past few operasi kerjasama pemusnahan
weeks, but they have not answered. Your (destroyed) obat-obatan ilegal.
company has always been prompt in paying
in our bills, and we would like to continue to
Jawaban: A
maintain a good relationship with you.”
Jawaban: C
10. Iklan tersebut mengiklankan tentang
cara mudah berbelanja melalui toko
2. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. online (shop online) dan diskon 50%
Dalam paragraf satu tertulis bahwa (Easy ways to shop and 50% of).
penulis menulis surat lamaran untuk Jawaban: D
menanggapi iklan yang ada di Indonesia
11. $ 46.00 x 50% = $ 23
Post. (I am responding to your recent
Karena harga kedua pakaian yang dibeli
advertisement in the Indonesia Post...)
adalah sama (equal) maka harga salah
Jawaban: B
satu pakaiannya mendapatkan diskon
3. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A “At a 50 %.
travel agent”. Hal ini tertulis dengan jelas Jawaban: C
pada kalimat “I used to work at a
12. Dalam teks diterangkan “...get one 50%
prominent multinational travel agent as a
of 2nd item must be of equal or lesser
tourist guide for about one year, and another
value”, diskon 50 % untuk barang kedua
two years as a tour consultant at the same
diberikan ketika kita membeli dua
barang yang harganya sama.
Jawaban: A
Jawaban: C
4. Kalimat “ I ‘m looking forward to having
your invitation for an interview” berarti
13. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. Hal
penulis menunggu undangan untuk di
ini tertera dalam kalimat “he stopped at
interview. Kalimat ini sama artinya
a small village and fell in love with a
dengan “I ‘m waiting for an interview
beautiful girl.”
invitation.” Jadi, jawaban yang paling
Jawaban: C
tepat adalah
14. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D
karena hal ini tertulis dalam kalimat
5.Pengumuman tersebut memberitahukan
“This dog is actually Sangkuriang’s
tantang penundaan pertandingan (the
father who had been condemned to live
delay of the match).
the life of a dog by his GURU.”
Jawaban: E
Jawaban: D
6. Dari pengumuman tersebut
15. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A
diumumkan bahwa pertandingan antara
“Tell the truth to avoid something
Grade X-2 dan Grade X-4 akan diadakan
unexpected.” Hal yang tidak diharapkan
pada tanggal 11 Mei ( ... will be held on
terjadi karena Dayang Sumbi tidak
May 11).
mengatakan yang sebenarnya pada
Jawaban: C
Sangkuriang, bahwa sangkuriang
7. Keseluruhan teks berita dalam soal adalah anak laki-lakinya yang sudah
menceritakan tentang operasi kerjasama lama menghilang. Hal ini terungkap
yang diselengggarakan oleh Badan pada Paragraf 3.
Pengawas Makanan dan Obat dan Jawaban: A
Badan Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta (the
16. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Hal
joint operation conducted by the head of
ini tertulis dalam kalimat “Dayang
Yogyakarta City’s Health officers).
Sumbi realized that Sangkuriang would
Jawaban: A
fulfill the condition she had set. With a
8. Pertanyaan pada soal mengacu pada wave of her
siapa yang memberikan informasi
supranatural shawl, she lit up the
tentang operasi kerjasama tersebut. Dari
eastern horizon with flashes of light.
teks “ ... we’ll continue the raids,” said the
Deceived by false dawn, the cock
crowed and farmers rose for the new setuju dan tidak setuju tentang
day.” pemberian hadiah kepada Sutiyoso.
Jawaban: A Jawaban: B
26. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E,
17. Teks di atas menceritakan tentang “There are fences”. Hal ini tertulis
kebakaran yang terjadi di pusat dalam kalimat “ Monas park is greener
perbelanjaan. Hal ini tersurat pada now, but the fences prevent people from
kalimat “A four alarm fire damaged 14 getting in.” Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa
stores today in the Cross County orang tidak mudah masuk ke Monas
Shopping Center, the largest shopping karena adanya pagar yang mencegah
center in Westchester County.” Jadi, orang untuk memasukinya.
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C, “A Jawaban: E
fire in a shopping center.” 27. Ide pokok dari teks tersebut adalah
Jawaban: C Mangroves are tropical marine trees.
18. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D, Jawaban: B
“One and a half hour”. Hal ini bisa 28. Pada paragraf pertama dijelaskan bahwa
disimpulkan dari kalimat “The fire ... Mangroves have special aerial roots and
started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared salt-filtering tap roots that enable them to
under control at 6.14 p.m.” thrive in brackish water .... Dapat
Jawaban: D disimpulkan bahwa mangroves need salt
19. Jawaban yang tepat adalah tujuh orang, to grow (butuh garam untuk tumbuh).
yang terdiri dari dua penyelidik (Two Jawaban: A
fire investigators) dan lima petugas 29. Pada paragraf pertama diterangkan
pemadam kebakaran (Five fire fighters). bahwa mangroves have salt-filtering roots
Jawaban: B yang berguna untuk menyaring garam
20. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C agar garam yang diserap tidak terlalu
“1911”. Hal ini tersurat dalam kalimat “ banyak.
Disney began attending the Benton Jawaban: E
Grammar School in 1911.”
Jawaban: C 30. Teks tersebut secara umum menjelaskan
21. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D tentang efek menonton televisi pada anak
“Disney’s childhood” karena pada (the efects of watching television on kids).
paragraf kedua ini diceritakan kapan Jawaban: C
Disney lahir, orang tua Disney, dan 31. Dalam teks dijelaskan beberapa efek
masa kecil Disney. dari menonton TV terlalu sering, ...
Jawaban: D causes bedtime distruption, stress, and short
22. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D, of sleep duration ... the posibility of being
“He reduced the year of his birth”. Hal aggressive.
ini dapat kita simpulkan dari kalimat Jadi, yang bukan efek negatif dari terlalu
“after he changed his birth certificate to banyak menonton TV adalah being
show his year of birth as 1900 in order active.
to be able to enlist in the service.” Jawaban: B
Jawaban: D 32. Pada paragraf empat dikatakan
23. Kita dapat menemukan alasannya pada hubungan sebab-akibat untuk anak
paragraf 2 dan 3. Yaitu pada kalimat: yang banyak menonton TV, ...relationship
He has restored the National between kids watch TV a lot and being
Monument (Monas) Park to a green inactive ....
cool area. Jawaban: E
He also initiated the bus-way project, 33. Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf dua, “
which I believe is a good step toward too much time on watching TV during the
reducing air pollution in Jakarta. day or at bedtime often caused bedtime
Jawaban: E disruption ...”.
24. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Hal Jawaban: D
ini terungkap di paragraf 3.
Jawaban: A 34. Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang anak
25. Teks di atas adalah teks diskusi yang laki-laki penulis yang berusia 5 tahun.
menghadirkan dua pandangan yang Jawaban: E
35. Dari bacaan tersebut dapat diketahui
bahwa Willy adalah anak yang pintar
Jawaban: A

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