DSP Setting Fundamentals PDF
DSP Setting Fundamentals PDF
DSP Setting Fundamentals PDF
There are many misconceptions about what a crossover is, and how they should be set for use with
a multi-amplified loudspeaker system. Today’s user modifiable DSP processors have allowed the
general user the ability to adjust signal processing that at one time was reserved for the professional
designer. Unfortunately, subtle changes to a loudspeaker manufacturer’s recommended settings can
have detrimental effects on the system’s performance. This paper attempts to explain some of the
details of crossovers and point out some commonly made errors that can seriously inhibit sonic
What is a Crossover?
A “crossover” is literally a single pair of filters that separate an electronic signal into two separate
signals; each with a bandwidth smaller than that of the original signal. The term “crossover” also
refers to the actual electronic device that separates the electronic signal and may be comprised of
one or more filter pairs. Crossovers are also called “frequency-dividing networks”.
The filter pair that makes up a crossover consists of a high-pass (or low-cut) filter and a low-pass
(or high-cut) filter. These are sometimes abbreviated HPF and LPF. Filters are frequency selective
devices that pass certain frequencies while rejecting others. They are generally defined by three
parameters; a cutoff frequency, a topology, and a slope. The cutoff frequency identifies the
frequency at which the response of the filter falls to some point below its maximum level. This is
generally 0.707 or 0.5 times the maximum or “-3dB” and “-6dB” respectively as shown below. The
topology defines the shape of the filter around the cutoff frequency. Over the years, several filter
topologies have been developed. The most common filter topologies used today are Butterworth,
Linkwitz-Riley, and Bessel. Examples of these are illustrated in Figure 1. The slope of a filter
defines the rate at which the filter response falls beyond the cutoff frequency. This is usually
defined in dB/octave and common slopes are 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB/octave. It is common for the
terms “filter slope” and “filter order” to be interchanged with one another. An increase in filter
order refers to a 6dB/octave increase in slope. Very simply, a 1st order filter refers to a 6dB/octave
slope, 2nd order to a 12dB/octave slope and so on. For example, a 24dB/octave Butterworth filter is
the same as a 4th order Butterworth filter.
Crossovers are necessary in a full range loudspeaker system since acoustic transducers are not
capable of equal level, full bandwidth (20Hz-20kHz) output. Woofers are generally used to
reproduce low frequency signals, whereas tweeters are used to reproduce high frequency signals.
Crossovers allow the proper frequencies to be delivered to the proper transducers.
Ordinarily crossovers are classified as being passive or active. Generally speaking, a passive
crossover is used to separate the audio spectrum post-amplifier (or at speaker level), and can
usually be found mounted within a loudspeaker cabinet. An active crossover separates the audio
spectrum pre-amplifier (or at line level), and is usually a separate electronic device, located between
the signal source and the amplifier. The signals from the crossover eventually feed the appropriate
transducers, which reproduce the appropriate portion of the audio spectrum. When a crossover is
properly designed, the signals from each transducer are able to “sum” and accurately reproduce the
original signal in its entirety. Many other factors such as power handling and beamwidth are also
greatly affected by the crossover. These are all taken into consideration during the design process.
Summation occurs when the phase responses have similar value and slope at a particular frequency.
The phase response allows one to interpret the phase difference and/or the time difference in the
arrival of two signals. When the phase responses of two filters are similar, they will add coherently,
otherwise, they will tend to cancel one another. Each of the filter topologies and slopes discussed
above have their own unique phase responses, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The following examples illustrate some common phase variances that might be seen in a
loudspeaker system. These measurements can be obtained using an acoustical measurement
system such as SIA Smaart. Consider the phase response, shown in the lower graph, of the two
filters in Figure 2.
Although the magnitude responses of the two filters are identical, there is an obvious difference in
their phase responses. Careful inspection of the phase response shows that the slopes are the
same, and that there is a consistent 180 degree difference in the two signals. This difference is
characteristic of a polarity inversion. This should not be confused with a simple 180 degree phase
shift, which can occur at a single frequency as the example in Figure 3 illustrates.
| Φ1 ( f ) − Φ 2 ( f ) |
( f ⋅ 360)
The equation states that the time offset is equal to the absolute value of the phase difference at a
particular frequency, divided by the product of that frequency and 360 degrees. Let’s assume that
500Hz is chosen as a frequency. The plot shows that at 500Hz, the phase of the blue curve is –90
degrees whereas the phase of the orange curve is –180 degrees. This is a difference of 90 degrees.
Therefore, the time difference of these two signals is 90/(360*500Hz) = 0.5ms. This calculation can
be done at any frequency; the result will be the same.
Attention needs to be given to the “wrapping” of the phase plot. The y-axis of this plot ranges from
–270 degrees to +90 degrees. Phase plots usually only represent 360 degrees of phase; since 0
degrees and 360 degrees are equal, as are 90 and –270, 180 and –180, etc. It may not be intuitive
that the phase responses shown consistently decrease. The phase angle of the orange curve at
2kHz is actually –630 degrees (-270 from the first wrap at 700Hz, plus –360 from 700Hz to the
second wrap at 2kHz). These phase values must be used in the above equation to yield proper
The crossover point can be defined as the frequency at which the responses of two filters, usually a
HPF and a LPF, cross one another. This can be the crossover point of two filters in an electronic
crossover (passive or active), or the crossover point of two acoustic filters. Any transducer is in fact
also a filter. Every transducer has inherent high and low pass filters with their own cutoff
frequencies, slopes, and topologies.
Often times the question “What is the crossover point(s) for system X” is asked. The answer to this
question is generally not what the user is looking for. Normally, this question is answered by
providing the overall acoustic crossover point for system X. The overall acoustic crossover point of a
system is interpreted from the mathematical combination of the acoustical responses of the
transducers and the responses of the electronic filters. When an electronic filter is applied to an
acoustical filter, the responses of the two are combined, resulting in an entirely new response curve
as shown in Figure 4.
The answer the questioner is generally looking for is “what are the crossover settings for system X”.
System settings cannot be summed up with crossover points. As explained above, a crossover is
made up of a high pass filter and a low pass filter; each of which can only completely be described
with three parameters.
System Example
Consider the following example. Figure 5 shows the raw responses of a particular high frequency
(HF) device and a particular low frequency (LF) device mounted in an enclosure.
The level/sensitivity differences between the two transducers as well as the phase lag of the HF
device are evident. The HF device is probably mounted on a horn with a long throat and is therefore
delayed with respect to the woofer. In order to use this system for reproduction purposes, a
crossover needs to be developed to “flatten” the response. Processing shown in Figure 6 and listed
below is used to obtain the results shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6: Response of electronic crossover. Green – LF, Orange HF. Crossover point at approximately 1.8kHz
Figure 7: Overall acoustical response of system with crossover. Pink – LF, Blue – HF, Red – Overall. Crossover
point at approximately 1.3kHz
One will note that the overall response is optimally flat from 50Hz to 20kHz (-3dB). Note that the
phase responses of the HF and LF have similar slopes at crossover and differ by less than 90
degrees. This was accomplished through use of delay on the LF section to align it with the HF. One
should realize that this is just one possible crossover solution for this system; many others surely
exist. Note that the acoustical crossover of 1.3kHz in Figure 7 really gives no information relevant
to the 944Hz LPF used on the LF, nor the 2053Hz HPF used on the HF. In addition, it does not
correspond to the raw driver crossover point (Figure 5) nor the electronic filter crossover point
(Figure 6).
Note that a 12dB Butterworth filter is used on the HF, and a 24dB Bessel is used on the LF in the
above example. This use of asymmetric filter slopes and topologies is quite common, since very few
transducers share filter slopes and topologies. Referring back to Figure 5, it is shown that the
inherent slopes and topologies of the HF and LF devices are not equal. It’s already been stated that
the overall acoustic response of a system depends on the combination of the electronic response of
the crossover and the acoustic response of the transducers. In order for an electronic filter set to be
symmetric, the transducer set would also have to be symmetric. This is generally not realizable and
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therefore asymmetric electronic filters need to be utilized to complement the asymmetric
characteristics of the transducers.
Unfortunately, less expensive electronic crossovers do not allow for asymmetric slopes and/or
topologies. Many inexpensive crossovers simply have a “frequency” knob that allows one to dial in a
center frequency. This is likely where the request for “crossover points” comes from, since only one
frequency parameter can be set on these units. Usually these devices utilize symmetric 24dB
Linkwitz-Riley HPF and LPF because of their high cutoff slope and identical phase response at a given
frequency. This is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: 24dB L.R. HPF and LPF, both at 1.3kHz. Note that the phase responses overlap, so the blue phase plot
is not visible.
Let’s consider the effects of using such a crossover device, with a single frequency knob, on the
system depicted in Figure 5. This is shown in Figure 9.
These curves represent the overall response of the system with identical processing to that shown in
Figure 6, except the HPF and LPF have been replaced with symmetric 24dB L.R. filters at 1.3kHz.
The frequency of 1.3kHz was chosen since it is the overall crossover point of the system depicted in
Figure 7.
Let’s consider two other possibilities. The first is to eliminate the delay in the setting in the previous
example. Since an inexpensive crossover would not necessarily have a delay adjustment, or at least
not one that would allow a precise setting of 0.5ms, this examines the effect of using no delay at all.
This is shown in Figure 10.
It may also be worthwhile to consider setting the symmetric 24db L.R. filters at 1.8kHz – the
crossover point of the electronic filters shown in Figure 4. This is shown in Figure 11 with and
without 0.5ms of delay.
Figure 11: System shown in Figure 10 with crossover point set to 1.8kHz. Red – with 0.5ms delay, Green –
without delay.
It might also be worth noting that the low Q parametric at 1.49kHz could not easily be implemented
on a graphic equalizer utilizing standard ISO frequencies. It is also unfortunate that an EQ needs to
be utilized to eliminate excess summation at crossover, when separating the HPF and LPF
frequencies would probably suffice (lowering the cutoff frequency of the LPF and increasing the
cutoff frequency of the HPF). In addition, one can not know how these alterations will affect other
system parameters such as power handling, off axis response, beamwidth, etc.
Figure 12: Orange, system using 24dB symmetric L.R. filters with HF inverted. Red, final system with additional
parametric EQ.
These settings illustrate the changes made to those shown in Figure 6. The parameters in red
were changed. The blue parameters were added.
Many times the gains of particular crossover output channels are changed in order to accommodate
for changes in room acoustics, etc. It needs to be realized that changing the gain of a channel,
whether at the amp or in the processor, also changes the crossover point.
Figure 13: Blue/Brown – LPF at 0dB, HPF at –6dB, crossover point at 1.7kHz. Blue/Red – LPF and HPF with
+6dB gain change on HPF, crossover point now at 1.5kHz. Note that the red and brown phase responses
overlap, so the brown phase plot is not visible.
As the above graph shows, a gain change in the magnitude response does not yield a change in the
phase response. Therefore, if the crossover point changes and the phase relationship between the
two filters remains the same, then it is possible that the phase relationship will differ sufficiently at
the new crossover point that proper summation may not occur. For example, the phase responses
of the individual sections may be similar between 1.6kHz and 1.9kHz, allowing for proper summation
within this region. Outside this region, the phase responses may differ considerably. Moving the
crossover point to a frequency above 1.9kHz or below 1.6kHz will not necessarily yield adequate
summation. Although this is usually taken into consideration during system design, not all systems
allow for the same level of flexibility. Caution needs to be taken when adjusting levels of individual
channels. This example again demonstrates that the crossover points of a system are not only
incomplete information, but also vary greatly when subtle changes are made to system parameters.
Parametric Equalization
Figure 14: Two parametric equalizers. 100Hz, gain of –10dB, Q of 6.3; 4kHz, gain of +6dB, Q of .67. Note the
phase variations that accompany the magnitude changes.
There are two parametric EQs shown. The 100Hz filter could be described as high Q or low BW.
Conversely, the 4kHz filter could be described as low Q or high BW. This is illustrated with the
actual settings shown here:
Note the phase changes that occur with a parametric EQ. This change is critical since any insertion
of a parametric into a processor setting may change the phase response at crossover and therefore
compromise summation of devices. On the other hand, sometimes this can be used to the
designer’s advantage. Placing a high Q filter with a negative gain at or near crossover may create
just enough phase and/or magnitude change to facilitate summation. However, one should never
utilize a parametric EQ for the purpose of boosting a frequency to alleviate a dip in response at
crossover. Many times, as this paper has revealed, dips in response at crossover occur from
improper phase alignment between two devices. A parametric EQ can very rarely fix such a dip, and
if it could, the resulting system would likely not sound very appealing.
This paper has attempted to show some of the complexities involved in determining loudspeaker
processor settings. It was suggested earlier that many crossover solutions exist for any given
loudspeaker system. One could certainly approach a crossover design from differing angles, with
greater or lesser results. EAW strives to provide optimal settings for their loudspeakers, and many
hours of engineering time, utilizing state of the art measurement facilities, is spent optimizing
settings for unparalleled system performance. Without access to like measurement equipment, it is
strongly recommended that EAW customers adhere closely to factory-recommended processor
settings so that they may enjoy the full performance capabilities of their loudspeakers.