List of Appointed Officials, FY 2019-2020 PDF
List of Appointed Officials, FY 2019-2020 PDF
List of Appointed Officials, FY 2019-2020 PDF
The National President shall, subject to the confirmation of the National Board of Directors, appoint
the Executive Directors to head the following standing Commissions:
The first six (6) Commissions shall be under the direct supervision of the National Executive Vice
President while the Commission on Conventions, Exhibits and Area Assemblies shall be under the
Office of the National President.
A UAP member in good standing appointed as Executive Director must be:
1. A fellow or an active UAP member who has shown excellence, proficiency and expertise in the
field where he is to be appointed and not holding any elective position in the District or Chapter
level; and
2. Recommended by the National Executive Vice President and appointed by the National
President, subject to confirmation of the National Board of Directors.
The duties and responsibilities of Executive Directors are as follows:
1. Take responsibility, for study, research and formulation of policies and programs relevant to
the subject within the jurisdiction of the Commission;
2. Submit studies and research for consideration by the National Board of Directors, and ensure
the effective and efficient implementation upon approval;
3. Supervise and coordinate all functions and activities of respective standing committees;
4. Act on matters referred and/or recommended by the Committee Chairs for proper action;
5. Take responsibility of the accounting of project funds allotted to the respective committees; and
6. Attend meetings of the National Board of Directors as required.
The seven (7) commissions shall be composed of their respective standing committees which shall serve
as their implementing arm.
Duties and Responsibilities
of the Standing Committees
The seven (7) commissions shall be composed of their respective standing committees which shall serve
as their implementing arm.
Each committee shall be composed of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary, and not more than
four (4) members. A committee chairman and members of the standing committees shall be
recommended by the Executive Directors, endorsed by the National Executive Vice President and
appointed by the National President, subject to confirmation of the National Board of Directors. No
member of the National Board of Directors shall be appointed Chairman or member of any standing
committee. He may however, be appointed Chairman or member of any special committee created by
the National President.
2. Committee on Membership
a. Takes charge of all matters concerning membership;
b. Effects the registration of all registered and licensed architects, as members of UAP;
c. Maintains an up to date listing of members with their complete personal and
professional data;
d. Sets up criteria to determine and up-date current membership status;
e. Takes responsibility of authenticating and updating of the UAP roster including
information and data on each member such as addresses, telephone numbers, good
standing status, residence in the organization, and the like, and
f. Disseminates information, invitations and activities of UAP to all members especially
the Member Emeritus, Honorary Members of the College of Fellows, Senior Members,
the Past Presidents and the Likha Awardees.
5. Committee on Awards
a. Prepares programs of incentives in the form of recognition of members; and
b. Takes charge of all matters regarding granting of awards for services rendered to UAP
and the architectural profession.
6. Committee on Ways and Means
a. Studies and recommend an effective program in the collection of dues and other fees
including acceptance of donations and bequeaths;
b. Keeps UAP in sound financial condition to meet its obligations and finance its projects;
c. Generates funds for proper implementation of project subject to the approval of the
National Board of Directors.
7. Committee on By-laws
a. Interprets the provisions of the By-laws;
b. Provides for referral service concerning these By-laws;
c. Reports to the Commission on Internal Affairs all actions taken by the committee; and
d. Studies and recommends proposed amendments as may be necessary subject to the
provisions on amendments of these By-laws.
5. Committee on Competition
a. Takes charge of matters regarding the execution of architectural competitions.
4. Committee on Accessibility
a. Coordinates and represents UAP in the inter-agency in the National Commission on
Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP); and
b. Promotes implementation of the provisions of accessibility law in the design of
buildings through accessibility talkshop and alike.
7. Committee on Balangkasan
a. In coordination with other commissions and committees of UAP, provides a venue for
discussion of timely and relevant issues affecting the architectural profession in
particular and the construction industry in general;
b. Provides an opportunity for UAP’s interaction with government and private sector in
crystallizing programs and projects and development of new opportunities for the
architectural profession; and
c. Encourages and assists the organization of Balangkasan fora by the Regional District.
4. Area Assemblies
a. The Area Assemblies are under the full supervision of the Area Vice Presidents.
However, the Commission is responsible for the formulation, monitoring and
evaluation of the general policies and programs of the Area Assemblies, subject to the
approval of the National Board of Directors.
a. Promotes the cultural identity of the Filipino through his architectural heritage;
b. Encourages and promotes, preserves and conserves Filipino architectural legacies;
c. Conducts research and development including documentation and publication thereof; and
d. Provides program for a visionary outlook for the evolution of Filipino architecture into one that
is more responsive to and reflective of the needs, dreams, aspirations and temperament of the
Filipino people.
Duties and Responsibilities
of the Special Committees
under the 2009 UAP Bylaws
The following Special Committees are established to deal with the maintenance of high standards of
technical competence, morality and integrity of the organization:
Special Committees mentioned in this Section shall function under, and report directly to the Office of
the National President.
Each Special Committee shall be composed of not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) members in
good standing according to its functions. It shall have a Committee Chairman, A Vice Chairman and a
Secretary. A Sub-committee maybe formed within a committee to handle special assignments.
A committee chairman and members of the standing committees shall appointed by the National
President, subject to confirmation of the National Board of Directors.
The Specialty Committee shall be a chamber of the organization for the purpose of continuing
professional development of its members and the professionals. It shall be the Council that shall
establish specialization categories, professional qualifications on the post graduate level in coordination
with the academe and the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture.
The Committee shall be headed by the National President, together with the Chancellor of the College
of Fellows, the Executive Director on Professional Practice and the Executive Director on Education
and a select group experts and specialists in the various fields in Architecture.
The Committee shall see to it that continuing professional development will be a life-long endeavor
among professionals for the purpose of maintaining, enhancing and increasing knowledge and
capabilities. It must take the responsibility of ensuring that the professionals keep abreast of new
technologies, methods of practice and the changing social and ecological conditions within the country
and in the global arena.
Under the 2009 UAP By-laws, the National President has the power to “create new committees or
special committees, task forces and or ad-hoc committees as necessary subject to the confirmation of
the National Board of Directors (Section 2, Article VI of the 2009 UAP By-laws).
For the past several years, the following Special Committees were created and established by the
National President and approved by the National Board of Directors, and their duties and responsibilities
are as follows:
1. MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. Established in Fiscal Year 2012-2013, the Committee
is tasked to
a. provide consistently excellent communications services and public relations for the
b. drive UAP’s reputation by promoting and strengthening the United Architects of the
Philippines brand in collaboration with everyone involved in advancement efforts on
behalf of the organization.
c. align UAP communications in support of the organization’s strategic plans through
close collaboration with the national leadership.
d. focus on building long-term brand equity, increasing awareness of the architecture
profession, enhancing the UAP’s credibility, celebrating members’ diversity,
generating powerful value perception, and ensuring optimum growth.
e. facilitate other media and public relations works such as: gather materials via
Facebook/internet for possible articles and press releases; collate TV features, articles,
and the like, and posting on the official Facebook group; manage the official UAP
Facebook account; publicize UAP events and announcements; coordinate with various
UAP Committees, offering assistance in promotion of projects and initiatives; develop
Public Relations Schemes and Merchandise (events, contests, “gimmicks”); build up
connections with publishers, writers, bloggers for possible tie-ups; review of Promotion
Schemes suggested by UAP members and Consultants
2. UAP SOUVENIR SHOP/BOOKSHOP. Established in Fiscal Year 2012-2013, the Committee
is tasked to develop an exciting new range of official UAP merchandise items for sale at the
UAP Souvenir Shop.
3. YOUNG ARCHITECTS. Established in Fiscal Year 2014-2015 in line with the founding of
ARCASIA Committee on Young Architect, the Committee is tasked to:
a. promote UAP leadership development of early career architects by developing a
network of UAP members who are 35 years old and below and providing opportunities
for open exchange of ideas and information ranging from: Exchange of Design Ideas,
Design Competition; Cross border mentor – internship program for Young Architects;
Job opportunities within our Region; Professional issues relating to Architecture and
b. facilitate the Young Architects Award which given to individuals who have shown
exceptional leadership, commitment and made significant contributions to the
profession in an early stage of their architectural career.
c. represent the United Architects of the Philippines in the ARCASIA Committee on
Young Architects
4. FIRE AND CONSTRUCTION SAFETY. Established in Fiscal Year 2012-2013, the committee
is tasked:
a. coordinate the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) on matters pertaining to the conduct of
fire safety and awareness campaign; the implementation of Fire And Life Assessment
Report (FALAR); continuation of UAP's Fire Safety Practitioner Course with BFP as
partner; UAP Architects initiative in partnering with BFP on the regular holding of
FIRE & EARTHQUAKE DRILLS with the public especially on the structures the
architects designed.
b. coordinate with the Department of Labor and Employment particularly the
Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) for research and training on matters
pertaining to safety and health at work, in the interest of ensuring the protection and
welfare of workers employed in the construction
8. UAP EMERGENCY ARCHITECT. In view of very devastating Typhoon Yolanda that hit the
Philippines in 2013, which affected large urban areas in the Visayas, the United Architects of
the Philippines has initiated the establishment of the UAP Emergency Architects Group that
a. respond to the challenge of assisting communities towards rebuilding in a sustainable
manner following natural or man-made disasters.
b. in collaboration with other built environment professionals, to provide the necessary
help to communities in mitigating against disaster through proper planning and design,
and sensitively managing the process of rebuilding.
c. organize operations to make buildings safe and initiate long term reconstruction
programs for housing, schools and health-care infrastructures.
d. collaborate with allied professions and industry partners in post-disaster damage
assessment, reconstruction or relocation and capacity building for disaster preparedness
to rebuild lives and support local communities in the Philippines affected by disasters
and calamities.
9. UAP ADDRESSING GAPS TO BUILD RESILIENCY. Created in Fiscal Year 2017-2018, the
a. identify & address resiliency gaps in architectural & construction field; in design
practice, architecture academe, and project & construction management
b. establish a partnership with Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to assist in
monitoring the quality of construction materials
c. establish a partnership with Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
(HUDCC) to assist in public housing innovative developments
d. prepare a study and resiliency assessment report for the UAPHQ building
e. study and identify gaps in the educational curriculum and continuing professional
education and assist and link with academic institutions to mainstream resiliency
capacity to the profession
10. DESIGN BUILD SERVICES. Institutionalized in Fiscal Year 2016-2017, the Committee will
SERVICES (SPP Document 207). According to SSP Document 207, The building industry
and the architectural profession have devised several methods of project delivery with the
ultimate goal of handling projects in the shortest possible time, at the lowest possible cost and
at an acceptable quality and performance. An Architect with his education, training and
expertise qualifies him to take a direct role in the project, from conceptualization to
implementation. Design-Build Services simplifies and expedites the process of project delivery
while providing creative cost-effective solutions. The Architect renders professional services
in the implementation of his design. In Design-Build Services, he assumes the professional
responsibility and civil liability for both the design and the construction of the project.
11. UAP GOLF CUP TOURNAMENT. The UAP Gold Cup Tournament was institutionalized in
Fiscal Year 2002-2003 as a fund raising activity of the organization for the completion and
maintenance of the UAP National Headquarters Building.
12. UAP HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE. The Committee was created in Fiscal Year 2010-2011
which is tasked to facilitate the documentation and publication of the Second Edition of UAP
History Book.
14. DESIGN EXCELLENCE AWARDS. The Committee on Design Excellence Awards is created
in year 2018 under the auspices of the UAP Committee on Competitions, which aims to
recognize and honor excellence and distinction in architecture, best practices, innovative
thinking, and design excellence of UAP member projects worldwide.
One of the duties of the National President is to “represent the UAP in local and international
conferences, gatherings and other functions which require representation of the organization”.
However, due to numerous appointments, schedules and priorities the National President has
to attend to, such representation is delegated to other officers or members. As Official
Representative of the organization, it is the duty and obligation of the representative to:
1. represent the interests and policies of the United Architects of the Philippines
2. actively participate in discussion or interaction
3. submit report which includes, if any, photos, recommendation or suggestive plan of
action to the National President, within seven working days after the event
A. Election Matters
In reference to the 2009 UAP By-laws
1. Committee on Nominations
a. The Committee on Nominations is composed of the Chairman who is the
incumbent Chancellor of College of Fellows, and one member from each
Regional District, except the incumbent Regional District Directors, which shall
be officially constituted by the incumbent National Board of Directors at least
one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the UAP prior to the Annual National
b. The duties and responsibilities of the Committees are as follows:
i. Ensure that all candidates meet the qualifications set forth in these By-
laws and officially nominate them accordingly
ii. Conduct a consensus in every Regional District through its District
Representatives, at least thirty (30) days before the elections to arrive at
a common candidate from among the regular members in each Regional
iii. Submit to the COMELEC the names of all qualified candidates who are
willing to serve, in case of failure to arrive at a common candidate.
iv. Others rules governing the Committee on Nominations can be referred
to Article VIII, Sections 1 and 2 of the 2009 UAP By-laws.
Others rules governing the Commission on Elections can be referred to Article VIII, Sections
3, 4, 5 and 6 of the 2009 UAP By-laws.
1. Composition
a. Each committee shall be composed of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a
Secretary, and not more than four (4) members.
b. A committee chairman and members of the standing committees shall be
recommended by the Executive Directors, endorsed by the National Executive
Vice President and appointed by the National President, subject to
confirmation of the National Board of Directors.
c. No member of the National Board of Directors shall be appointed Chairman or
member of any standing committee. He may however, be appointed Chairman
or member of any special committee created by the National President.
3. Committee Reports
a. Minutes of all regular and special meetings shall be submitted to the UAP
National Administration Office through their respective Executive Directors
for the information of the national officers and members.
b. All committees shall submit reports of their activities to the National Board of
Directors through the Executive Directors and the National Executive Vice
Vice Chairman
Deputy Chairman for Luzon
International Activities
First-ever recipient of
Given by the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines
Email Addresses:
For Membership: [email protected]
For CPD: [email protected]
For Office of the President [email protected]
For Office of the SecGen [email protected]
For General Communication [email protected]
[email protected]
For CONEX: [email protected]
For Chapter Reports [email protected]
Admin Department
Incoming Communication Ms. Catherine Malicdem (local 1501)
Request for
Use of UAP premises Mr. Richard G. Dedil (local 1503)
Use of Dorm Space Mr. Ruel Lantano (local 1101)
UAP Gen Schedules Ms. Jennyby Abanto (local 1510)
NP Appnt or Message Ms. Jennyby Abanto (local 1510)
Certification Ms. Catherine Malicdem (local 1501)
News for Website Ms. Catherine Malicdem (local 1501)
Chapter/NBD Reports Ms. Amadelle Rodriguez (local 1516)
Articles for Manila Times Ms. Jennyby Abanto (local 1510)
Finance Department
Cashier Ms. Roxanne Acibar (local 1107)
Check availability Mr. Antonio N. Gutierrez, Jr. (local 1502)
Request for Secretary Cert. Mr. Antonio N. Gutierrez, Jr. (local 1502)
Reimbursement Submission Mr. Antonio N. Gutierrez, Jr. (local 1502)
UAP National Headquarters Building
No. 53 Scout Rallos St., Barangay Laging Handa,
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1103
Tel No. +632 888-9266 • Fax No. +632 372-1796
Email: [email protected] • Website: