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Rev. B • 04.13 2m
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Table of Contents Introduction

Wire Harness Assembly This reference guide provides the

basic criteria for preparing and
Training & Reference Guide terminating wires and cables used
in wire harness assemblies as
IPC DRM-WHA-B defined in the IPC/WHMA-A-620.

Each section of the manual presents the

criteria for target, minimum acceptable and
defect conditions for the most common of the
Table of Contents page wire harness assembly categories.

Introduction to Wire Harness Assembly 2

Lead Free Soldering 6
Classification 8
Acceptance Criteria 9
Wire 10
Crimping 14
Open Barrel Crimps 15
For a more technically comprehensive format, please use IPC/WHMA-A-620,
Closed Barrel Crimps 24 Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies.
Insulation Displacement 29
Ribbon Cable 30
Discrete Wire 37
Soldering Terminals 47
Wire Tinning 48
Pierced Terminals 49
Cup Terminals 53
Glossary 57

Based on: IPC/WHMA-A-620, Rev. B

Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies

Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 2
Introduction Introduction
Wires Wire Gauge
Wires may be of various gauges, or diameters.
Wires typically consist of an The size of the wire is important to the
electrical conductor such efficient flow of electricity. The more electrical
as copper, and an insulating current the wire must carry, the larger the
material. wire needs to be to assist the flow.

The conductor carries Insulation Wire size is specified by AWG, or

electrical current. American Wire Gauge. AWG is a reverse 18 AWG
numbering system where the larger
Insulation usually covers the Conductor numbers refer to the smaller wires.
conductor to protect it from In other words, number 18 AWG wire is 14 AWG
touching, or shorting, against smaller than a 14 AWG wire.
components or other wires.
It’s important to realize that the wire
Conductors are either stranded or solid, stranding and insulation type or thickness
and are usually copper or plated copper. can vary within a particular wire size.
Most of the wire used in wire harness This can be due to voltage, temperature
assembly is stranded. Stranded and/or environmental requirements.
Wire insulation may be made from Thickness
various materials including rubber,
Teflon® or PVC — and may be different Solid
colors for identification purposes.

There are two different functions Wire Stripping

performed by wires.
Wires need to have a specific length of
Power wires distribute electrical insulation removed before being crimped or
current from the power supply to the soldered to a terminal or contact.
rest of the device. Power Wire
Strip length is determined by the type
Signal wires are generally smaller of terminal or contact being used.
than power wires. They carry the
lower voltage signals that control the
functional operation of an electronic Signal Wire
device, or provide data input and
output. Wire Tinning
For example, ribbon cable is used for Prior to soldering, the stripped
signals only. wire usually needs to be tinned, or
coated with a thin film of solder.
Tinning is done so that the wire
won’t be damaged when it is bent.
Tinning also improves solderability.
Ribbon Cable
Wires that have been tinned cannot
be used in crimp terminations.

3 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 4
Introduction Introduction
Crimped Contacts & Terminals Soldered Terminals
Soldering is one method of terminating wires.
Both crimped contacts and terminals come in a variety of shapes and Common terminals that require hand soldering
sizes, and in two types of barrels – open and closed. include:

• Turrets
Contacts • Cups
• Pierced Tab
Contacts are usually small and are Connector
designed to fit grouped into a connector • Bifurcated
Housing Turret
housing. • Hook
Contacts can be either stamped and Cup
formed or machined. Pierced
This book covers the 2 most
common soldered terminals: Bifurcated Hooked
Stamped & Formed Contact Pierced & Cups.
Tab Cups

Machined Contact

Terminals are designed to connect a wire to a
screw or mating termination. The most common
types include ring, fork and spade.
Lead Free Soldering
The primary difference between the solder connections created with
Terminals may or may processes using tin-lead alloys and processes using lead free alloys is
not have an insulation related to the visual appearance of the solder.
Ring crimp, or an outer
insulation sleeve. Acceptable lead free and tin-lead connections may exhibit similar
appearances, but lead free alloys are more likely to have:
Insulation - Surface roughness (grainy or dull)
Outer Insulation Sleeve Crimp
Fork - Greater wetting contact angles*
All other solder criteria are the same.
*Wetting cannot always be judged by surface appearance. The wide range
Male Spade of solder alloys in use may exhibit from low or near zero degree contact
angles to nearly 90 degree contact angles as typical.

For information on lead forming, placement and soldering wires to turret, bifurcated and hook
Conductor Crimp Barrel terminals, refer to: IPC/WHMA-A620, Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and
Female Spade Wire Harness Assemblies.

5 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 6
Introduction Introduction
Coaxial, Triaxial & Twinaxial Cables Classification
These types of electronic cables transmit radio frequencies for
broadcast and other types of data transmissions that require Assembly requirements are divided into three classes depending on
stable, high frequency signals. the ultimate use, life expectancy and operating environment of the
Insulation electronic assembly. Those classes are as follows:
Coaxial cable consists of four basic
parts: a center conductor that Coaxial Class 1 General Electronic Products
carries the electronic signal; an outer Includes products suitable for consumer applications, where the major
conductor that shields the center requirement is the function of the completed assembly, not necessarily
conductor from electronic noise; a for extended life, reliability of service, or cosmetic perfection.
dielectric made from foam insulation
that separates the center and outer Shield Class 2 Dedicated Service Electronic Products
conductor; and an outer jacket that Conductor Includes commercial type products where continued performance and
protects the parts inside. The size extended life is required and for which uninterrupted service is desired
and type of material of the dielectric but not critical. Typically, the end use environment would not cause
determines the electrical characteristics failures from such extremes as temperature or contamination.
of the cable.
Class 3 High Performance Electronic Products
Triaxial Includes products where continued high performance or performance-
Triaxial cable has two outer on-demand is critical, equipment downtime cannot be tolerated, end-
conductors or shields separated by use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must
Dielectric function when required, such as for life-support, aerospace and other
a second dielectric layer. One shield
serves as a signal ground, while high-reliability systems.
the other serves as an earth ground,
providing better noise immunity and
shielding. Shields Note: The inspector does not select the class for the part under inspection. Documentation
which specifies the applicable class for the part under inspection should be provided to
the inspector.
Twinaxial, or Biaxial cable has Conductor
a pair of insulated conductors
encased in a common outer
conductor, or shield. The center
conductors may either be twisted or Insulation Twinaxial
run parallel to one another. A common
use of twinaxial cable is high-speed
balanced-mode multiplexed
transmission in large computer Dielectric
systems. Balanced mode means
that the signal is carried on both
conductors, which provides greater
noise immunity. Shield


For information on Cable Requirements and Acceptance Criteria, refer to:

IPC/WHMA-A-620, Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies.

7 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 8
Acceptance Criteria Wire Preparation
Criteria are given for each class in one or more of Wire preparation involves
the following levels of condition: • Target selecting the correct gauge
• Acceptable wire, cutting it to the proper
length and removing a
• Process Indicator specific length of insulation
• Defect so that the ends of the wire
can be crimped or soldered
Below are the definitions for each condition level. for an electrical connection.
Accept and/or reject decisions must be based on applicable documentation
such as contract, drawings, specifications such as IPC/WHMA-A-620 and other
referenced documents. Most wires need to have a specific length of insulation removed
before being crimped or soldered to a terminal or
add 1/32 inch
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Strip length is determined by the type of
terminal or contact being used. A typical rule for
A condition that is close to perfect; however, it is a desirable condition and stripping wires that will be crimped is
not always achievable and may not be necessary to ensure reliability of the the length of the barrel – plus 1/32
assembly in its service environment. inch (0.7938 mm).

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
This characteristic indicates a condition that, while not necessarily Wire Stripping
perfect, will maintain the integrity and reliability of the assembly in its
service environment. Acceptable can be slightly better than the minimum Criteria Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
end product requirements to allow for shifts in the process.
Wire conductor ends are cut perpendicular to the wire
longitudinal axis.
Class 1, 2, 3 Process Indicator
All of the strands of the strand group are the same length.
A process indicator is a condition that does not affect the form, fit
and function of a product. However, process indicators signal a lack of Strands are not nicked, cut, flattened, scored or
good workmanship to the customer and should be used to improve the otherwise damaged.
manufacturing process – even though the product is considered fully

Class 1, 2, 3 Defect Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

A defect is a condition that is insufficient to ensure the form, fit or
function of the assembly in its end use environment. The manufacturer Strand groups cut approximately perpendicular to wire longitudinal axis.
shall rework, repair, scrap, or “use as is” based on design, service and
customer requirements. All of the strands in the group are approximately the same length.
There are attached burrs that will not dislodge during process or use.
Note: Many of the illustrations shown as process indicators or defects are exaggerated in order to
show the reasons for this classification.

9 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 10
Wire Preparation Wire Preparation
Strand Acceptable
Damage Class 1 Process Indicator
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Class 2, 3 Defect (exceeds table)
Wire strands can have some
separation (birdcaging) but do
not exceed one strand diameter
or extend beyond the wire
insulation outside diameter.

Table 3-1 Allowable Strand Damage1,2,3 If strands were straightened during stripping, they have been
Maximum number scraped, nicked or severed strands for:
restored to approximate the original spiral lay of the wire.
Total number of Class 1, 2 Class 3 Crimped Class 3 Soldered
Strands in the wire Crimped or Soldered Terminations Terminations
Wire strands are not kinked.

1 (solid conductor) No damage in excess of 10% of conductor diameter

2-6 0 0 0 Class 1 Acceptable
7-15 1 0 1 Class 2 Process Indicator
16-25 3 0 2
26-40 4 3 3 Class 3 Defect
41-60 5 4 4
Wire strands have separation exceeding one
61-120 5 5
strand diameter but do not extend beyond
121 or more 6% 5% 5%
wire insulation outside diameter.
Note 1: No damaged strands for wires used at a potential of 6kV or greater.
Note 2: For plated wires, a visual anomaly that does not expose basis metal is not considered to be
strand damage.
Note 3: Nicks or scrapes less than 10% of conductor diameter are not considered to be strand
Reference: IPC/WHMA-A-620, Table 3-1.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defect Class 1 Acceptable

Class 2, 3 Defect Class 1, 2, 3 Defect
Damaged strands that are scraped, nicked, or severed become a defect
when they exceed the typical limits specified in the Table above. Also a
defect when variation in strand group prevents installation to full depth Ni
in crimp contact area.
Partial cuts that prevent contact of the strand group for the entire
required wrap length are also a defect for all classes.

Wire strands are kinked.
Deformation Class 1 Acceptable
-Loss of Spiral Class 2, 3 Defect Wire strands have
separation exceeding
The general spiral lay of the strands has the wire insulation
not been maintained. outside diameter.

11 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 12
Insulation Wire Preparation
Damage Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Crimping is a common method of terminating wires to
contacts and terminals. Crimping occurs inside the barrel.
Slight uniform impression There are two types of barrels – open and closed.
in the insulation from
the gripping of mechanical
Open Barrel
Open barrel contacts and terminals have two “U-shaped”
areas – one to crimp the wire conductor and one to
crimp the wire insulation. The purpose of the insulation
crimp is to provide strain relief.
Slight discoloration of insulation
from the thermal stripping operation Insulation Crimp Barrel
is permissible, provided it is not
charred, cracked or split.
Note: Acceptable to use chemical stripping
agents on solid wires as long as no
degradation is apparent to the wire.
Conductor Crimp Barrel

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Closed Barrel

Closed barrel contacts and terminals have an “O-shaped”
or closed area where the wire is inserted and crimped.
Insulation thickness is reduced This type may also have an insulation crimp and an outer
by more than 20%. insulation sleeve.
Insulation Crimp Barrel
Outer Insulation
Uneven, or Ragged pieces of
insulation “frays, tails and tags”
are greater than 50% of the
insulation outside diameter, or
1 mm, whichever is more. Conductor Crimp Barrel

Any cuts, breaks, cracks or splits Carrier Cut-off Tabs

in insulation.
Contacts and terminals for crimping often
arrive on a reel or spool, bound together by
strips of metal at one or both ends of the
Insulation is charred or blackened. crimp.
They are removed from this carrier by cutting
the connecting tab before or during the
crimping process.

13 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 14
Parts of an Open Barrel Crimp Insulation Open Barrel
Support Crimp
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
Insulation Support Crimp
The insulation support crimp provides strain
relief for the wire. The crimp needs to hold the Insulation crimp
insulation as firmly as possible without cutting does not cut or
through the insulation surface. break the insulation.

Insulation Inspection Window All insulation,

The insulation inspection window shows the
for single
position of the insulation in relation to the or multiple Insulation crimp
transition area between the insulation support wires, fully tabs fully wrap
crimp and conductor crimp. enters and and support
extends past insulation
Bellmouth the insulation
The bellmouth is the flare that is found on crimp tabs.
both edges of the conductor crimp, acting as a
tunnel for the wire strands. This tunnel reduces
the possibility that a sharp edge on the crimp
will cut or nick the wire strands.
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Conductor Crimp
The conductor crimp describes the mechanical
compression of the metal contact around the Minor deformation of the
conductor. This is what creates the continuous insulation surface as long as
conductive electrical path. the crimp tabs do not cut,
break, penetrate or puncture the
Conductor Brush surface of the wire insulation.
The conductor brush refers to the wire strands
that extend past the conductor crimp on the
contact side of the termination. Crimp tabs provide a minimum 180°
side support of 180° to the wire Minimum
insulation and at least one tab
Crimp Height Conductor contacts the top of the wire
Crimp height is measured from the top Crimp insulation. The second tab must
surface of the formed crimp to the Height be within one material thickness of
bottom most radial surface. contacting the top of the insulation.

Crimp tabs do not meet at the Less than

top, but encircle the wire leaving 45°
an opening of 45° or less at the top.

Note: All crimping needs to comply with the manufacturer’s published requirements.
The two methods of verifying the reliability of a crimp are by measuring the conductor crimp
height and by performing a destructive pull test. Pull testing measures the force it takes to pull
apart the termination between the contact and the wire.

15 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 16
Crimp Insulation Crimp
Insulation Open Barrel Open Barrel
Support Crimp Inspection
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Window Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

Insulation and conductor transition line is centered within the

The insulation crimp tabs pierce the insulation. inspection window.

More than

Crimp tabs that encircle the wire but

leave an opening of more than 45° at Class 1 Acceptable
the top. Class 2, 3 Process Indicator

Insulation is flush with the end of the

insulation crimp tabs and does not enter
the inspection window area.

The insulation crimp tabs do not

provide support at least 180° Insulation is flush with, but does not enter
around the insulation. the wire crimp area.

If both insulator and conductor are visible within the

inspection window, but transition line is not centered,
At least on crimp tab does not contact it is Acceptable for Class 2, 3.
the top of the insulation. If one tab makes
contact, the second tab is greater than Class 1, 2, 3 Defects
one material thickness of contacting the
top of the wire insulation.

Conductors are in insulation crimp area of the

contact. Insulation extends into conductor crimp area.

Insulation and conductor transition line is within

insulation crimp area.

17 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 18
Crimp Conductor Crimp
Bellmouth Open Barrel Crimp Open Barrel

Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

Bellmouth at each end of the Strands not twisted, cut Conductor strands
conductor crimp area. or modified to fit into the are not broken, or
terminal. folded back into
There is no insulation in the insulation crimp
conductor crimp area. area, and are
Bellmouth height at the conductor entry end is 2X the thickness captured by the
of the contact/terminal base metal. conductor crimp
Base Metal
Thickness Crimp is centered on the tabs.
conductor crimp area with
correct bellmouth.

Conductor extends to the

middle of the brush area.
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Bellmouth at conductor entry is visible but

less than 2X the thickness of the metal.
Class 1, 2 Acceptable
Bellmouth only at Class 3 Process Indicator
the conductor entry
end and not at the
conductor brush end Minor deforming of the contact, such as a banana shape, that does not
of the crimp. alter its form, fit, function or reliability.

Note: A trial mating may

be required for final
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

No visible bellmouth at
the conductor
entry end of Class 1 Acceptable
the crimp. Class 2, 3 Process Indicator

Crimp indentations not uniform

but do not affect form, fit,
Excessive bellmouth function or reliability.
indicating over
crimping or undersize
wire gauge.

19 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 20
Crimp Crimp
Conductor Open Barrel
Conductor Open Barrel
Crimp Brush
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
The conductor strands protrude slightly past the end of the
conductor crimp forming a “conductor brush.”

The conductor strands forming the

brush are kept together as a group
and are not flared out.
Insulation extends into
conductor crimp area.

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Conductor does not
extend out of the
crimp area.
Conductor strands are flush with the end
Deformation (banana) of the contact/terminal of the bellmouth.*
that affects form, fit, function
or reliability.
*Less than flush to end of bellmouth is a Defect,
Class 1, 2, 3.

Conductor strands are flared but do

not extend beyond rim of crimp barrel.

Any loose conductor

strands that are outside Class 1, 2, 3 Defect
the crimp area, trapped
strands, folded back

The conductor strands

extend into the mating area Any conductor strands
of the contact. extending outside of the
crimp barrel.

21 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 22
Carrier Crimp Parts of a Closed Barrel Crimp
Open Barrel
Cutoff Tab
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable Insulation Support Crimp
provides strain relief for the wire. The crimp
needs to hold the insulation as firmly as possible
without cutting through the conductor strands.
No damage to
contact or terminal. Conductor Crimp
refers to the mechanical compression of the
Cutoff does not prevent metal contact around the conductor. This
complete mating of the is what creates the continuous conductive
contact/terminal. electrical path.

is the flare that is found on both edges of the
Class 2, 3 Process Indicator conductor crimp, acting as a tunnel for the end
of the wire strands. This tunnel reduces the
Cutoff tab length at mating possibility that a sharp edge on the crimp will
end is greater than twice cut or nick the wire strands.
its thickness but does not
impede mating. Conductor Brush
The conductor brush refers to the wire strands
that extend past the conductor crimp on the
Cutoff tab length contact side of the termination. By seeing the
at wire entry end is conductor brush, you verify that compression
greater than twice its thickness occurs over the full length of the conductor crimp.
but does not protrude when
inserted into connector body.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Outer Insulation

Mating end cutoff tab interferes
with complete mating.
Conductor Crimp Barrel
Removal of
cutoff tab
has damaged
contact or
Insulation Support
Cutoff tab protrudes
Crimp Barrel
from connector body when A Terminal With
contact has been inserted. Only a Conductor Crimp

Note: All crimping needs to comply with the manufacturer’s published requirements.
The two methods of verifying the reliability of a crimp are by measuring the conductor crimp height
Contact/terminal is otherwise damaged and does not meet form, fit, and by performing a destructive pull test. Pull testing measures the force it takes to pull apart
function or reliability requirements. the termination between the contact and the wire.

23 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 24
Crimp Crimp
Insulation Support
Closed Barrel Conductor Crimp Closed Barrel
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target

Wire insulation extends into the Insulation Crimp Barrel. Conductor strands (and filler if specified) protrude slightly past
the end of the conductor crimp.
Outer (terminal) insulation is secure to the terminal.
All conductor strands are contained in the conductor
The insulation crimp is evenly formed and crimp area.
contacts the wire insulation providing
support without damaging the insulation. Wire Insulation Crimp centered on the conductor crimp area.
Terminal insulation is not damaged. Outer Insulation Sleeve Bellmouth is evident at each end of the
conductor crimp area.
No damage to terminal insulation. Multiple leads extending
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable past the bellmouth are even.

Irregular shaped insulation crimp contacts

the wire insulation providing support without
damaging the insulation. Conductor
Crimp Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Filler wire or foldback,
is within insulation crimp and is Multiple leads extend past the bellmouth
visible at the entry bellmouth, but but may not be equal in length.
No damage to terminal insulation. does not extend beyond the edge
of the terminal insulation. Conductor strands do not extend into the
Terminal insulation is secure mating area of the terminal and are flush
(centered) on the terminal. with the end of the bellmouth.
Bellmouth is evident at each end
of the conductor crimp area.
Class 1, 2, 3 Defect
Outer insulation
Filler wire extends
of terminal is not
beyond edge of
Class 1, 2 Acceptable
secure on the
terminal. the terminal insulation. Class 3 Process Indicator

Terminal insulation damaged not exposing metal

nor affecting its intended application.
Terminal insulation Wire Strands
damage is exposing Conductor crimp not centered but located
folded back or on crimp barrel.
metal. visible in the insulation crimp.
Crimp indentations not uniform, but
does not effect form, fit, function or reliability.
Wire insulation is not
within the insulation Minor deforming of the terminal does not
crimp area. Insulation support alter its form, fit, function or reliability.
crimp does not
support the wire.

25 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 26
Crimp Crimp
Conductor Carrier
Closed Barrel Closed Barrel
Crimp Cutoff Tab
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

No damage to contact or terminal.

Terminal insulation damage is
exposing metal.

Cutoff does not prevent

complete mating of the contact/terminal.

Class 2, 3 Process Indicator

Cutoff tab length at mating end is

Wire end is less than flush greater than twice its thickness
with end of the bellmouth. but does not impede mating.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Mating end cutoff tab prevents complete mating.

Conductor extends into mating
area of the terminal.

Removal of cutoff tab has

damaged terminal.

Bellmouth not evident at each end of conductor crimp area when tooling is
intended to form a bellmouth (not shown).
No carrier cutoff tab visible
and terminal is damaged

27 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 28
Insulation Displacement Mass Termination of Ribbon Cable
Insulation displacement is another technique Ribbon cables have a stripe
for terminating an insulated wire to a on one side to align
connector or terminal without pre-stripping with pin 1 of the
the insulation from the conductor. connector.

Insulation displacement is also referred to as

IDC (insulation displacement connector) or IDT Electrical
(insulation displacement terminal), and is Contacts
primarily used for mass terminations of flat or
ribbon cable, as well as for individual wires.
Flat Cable
Connector Housing
The connection is made by cutting Housing
through the insulation and making Clamp Strain Relief
contact with the conductor.

The individual IDT contact is often

grouped within a connector housing,
as in these examples below.

IDT contact for individual wires

Connector Housing

This section provides the criteria for

Modular insulation displacement.
Telephone Jack
Included are mass termination of flat or
ribbon cable and individual termination
of discrete wires.

29 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 30
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Cable End Cable Mass Termination, Flat Cable
Mass Termination, Flat Cable
Cutting Notching
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

The cable is cut perpendicular Notches are cut parallel to the

to the cable edge. conductors and do not reduce
the wire insulation.
Cable is cut straight with
no visible variation such as The notch length and width
waviness or unevenness. allows correct connector
No conductor strands mounting including strain relief
protrude beyond the insulation clips or covers if used.
of the cable.

Class 1 Acceptable Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Class 2, 3 Process Indicator Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Variations in the notch cuts do not

The cable end is cut so that it interfere with the mounting and
Conductor strand protrusion allows compliance to all other Tooling marks that do not crimping of the connector or reduce
from the end of the cable is less assembly requirements. break the surface of the conductor insulation.
than or equal to half the cable insulation.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

There is uneven or wavy Variations in the notch cuts

cutting of the cable end interfere with the mounting and
so that it does not comply crimping of the connector or
to any other assembly reduce conductor insulation.

Conductor strand
protrusion from the
end of the cable is Notching
more than half the Tooling marks that cuts,
cable thickness, or that break nicks or
violates minimum the surface exposes the
electrical clearance of the conductors.
when assembled. insulation.

31 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 32
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Connector Connector
Mass Termination, Flat Cable Mass Termination, Flat Cable
Position Position
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

The connector cover Cable does not

is fully compressed extend into IDC
to the connector contacts for
body along its entire all wires.

Cable foldback
Cut end of the Cover hold down latches inside radius,
cable is flush with are fully engaged and if applicable,
the outside edge of the latched. Cover hold down latches are not
is two cable
connector body. fully engaged and latched.
Ribbon cable wires are aligned with the center of the piercing terminals.
Color reference stripe (or lowest number conductor) on flat cable is aligned
with pin one.
Exposed wires violate minimum electrical clearance (not shown).
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

The cable end is flush or extends beyond Any broken cover hold down latches or barbs.
the outside edge of the connector one cable
thickness or less and does not violate minimum
electrical clearance.

Cable foldback inside radius, if applicable, is

flush with connector body and does not interfere Ribbon cable wires are misaligned with the piercing terminals, or shorted
with installation of the connector. together via the piercing terminals (not shown).
Minor tooling marks that do not break the surface of
the insulation material of the conductor or cable.

Class 1 Acceptable Cable foldback, if applicable,

Class 2, 3 Defect interferes with the mechanical
fit of the connector.
Cable extends beyond the edge of the connector
greater than one thickness of cable. Color reference stripe on ribbon cable not
aligned with pin one (not shown).

33 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 34
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Connector Mass Termination, Flat Cable Connector Mass Termination, Flat Cable
Skew Retention
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Connector is aligned
perpendicular to the
edge of the flat cable.
Strain relief
Cable end is flush along Wires are retained features of the
the entire length of the outside in the connector. connector, if
All conductors are centered within the applicable, are
edge of the connector. v-notch of the connector contacts. utilized.

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Where present, connector-locking tabs
are properly engaged.
Connector is aligned
so that all conductors
are centered in their Class 1, 2, 3 Defects
respective v-notches of
Shown here before
the flat cable.
final assembly

Wires are not retained

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects in the connector.

Connector misalignment prevents contact

of all wires to the IDC contacts, or permits
shorting of conductors in the IDC contact
area, or causes wire damage during crimping.

Connector misalignment permits shorting of conductors in the IDC

contact area. Strain relief features
of the connector, if
applicable, are
not utilized. Where present,
locking tabs
are not engaged.

Connector misalignment prevents Edge of the cable is not

assembly of connector cover. parallel to the connector.

Connector misalignment causes wire damage during crimping.

35 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 36
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Discrete Wire Position of Wire
Discrete Wire
on Contacts
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
Strain Relief
Connection area of the wire is
Mechanical in the center in the connection
Dual Cantilever Contact
Contact area of the slot. Connection Areas


of the
slot of the wire
Three types of IDT contacts are
shown here. Some criteria are
common to all these types of IDT
contacts for individual wires.

Each of these individual IDT

contacts are grouped within a Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
connector housing.

Strain Relief Connection area

of the wire is
Mechanical completely in the
Contact connection area of
the slot.


Single Cantilever
Contact Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Conductor is not
Electrical completely within
Strain Relief
Contact the connection area
Connector Housing of the slot.*

*Also applies to front and back wire slots of a dual slot contact.

37 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 38
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Overhang of Discrete Wire Wire Holder Discrete Wire
Wire Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

Overhang of the wire extends to the far edge of the IDC connectors.
Both holders Maximum height of the
are bent snug holders is below the top
to insulation. of the housing.

Class 1 Acceptable Class 2, 3 Acceptable

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Wire is contained (space

is permitted between
insulation and holders).
Wire end is flush with electrical Overhang of the wire is equal or
(second) contact. greater than half the overall wire
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Both insulation crimp tabs are not crimped

to prevent the wire escaping the holders.

Wire does not pass through Exposed conductors violate

both IDC contacts. minimum design electrical clearance.
Class 2, 3 Defects

Insulation crimp tabs violate

electrical isolation distance. Insulation crimp tabs pierce
Overhang of the wire is less than Wire is deformed and extends insulation.
half the overall wire diameter. out of the connector.

39 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 40
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Damage in Discrete Wire
Damage in Discrete Wire
Connection Area Connection Area
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Slot(s) twisted, bent or

otherwise damaged.

There is no damage in
the construction of
the slot(s).

Class 2, 3 Defects
Class 2, 3 Acceptable
Corrosion damage or other
detrimental impurities on the
surface of the slot.

Minor deformation is not

piercing wire insulation on
both sides of the slots.

Contact damage
that causes the side
Minor damage in the beams of the wire
holder tabs does not slot to not be parallel
affect functionality. with each other.

41 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 42
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Discrete Wire Discrete Wire
End Connectors End Connectors
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Wire is stripped or partially

stripped before being inserted
Retaining into the connector.

Insufficient stress
relief on wires
entering the The wire is
connector. not within
the retaining
Wire is fully seated into the contact and tabs.
extends to the back wall of the connector.

cut away view The wire extends less

The wire is not fully
than 1 wire diameter
seated in both sets of
out of the rear
v-notches of the IDC
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable contact.

Wire touches back wall Wire extends at least 50% There are broken
with slight deformation of the distance between retaining tabs on the
but the top of the wire the contact edge and the connector.
does not rise above back wall of the connector.
the back wall. Wire size does not meet connector parameters.

Portions of bare conductor are visible

but no bare conductor extends outside
the connector body. Deformation of
the connector Two wires go into
Exposed conductors do not violate body is due to a single contact
minimum electrical clearance. wires with oversize unless the specifications
insulation. indicate that this is acceptable.

43 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 44
Insulation Displacement Insulation Displacement
Modular Discrete Wire
Modular Discrete Wire
Connectors Connectors
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

The primary strain relief is not

All wires are bottomed in tight contact against the
in the connector and are cable jacket or is not latched.
visible through the front
of the connector.

The cable jacket does not extend

past the primary strain relief.

Cross-Section View
The primary Wires are not within 0.5 mm [0.02 in] or less of the end wall, or
strain relief is are not inserted past the terminal.
crimped tightly
against the
cable jacket.
The contacts are
crimped so that no
part of the contacts The cable jacket
are above the top of extends past
the plastic dividers the point of the
between the contacts. strain relief.
All wire ends are not visible through
The secondary strain relief is crimped so the face of the connector.
that it is in contact with the insulation.

The contacts are not crimped

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable sufficiently and extend above the top
of the plastic dividers between the
Wires are not bottomed but all
are within 0.5 mm [0.02 in] or
less of the end wall but all are
inserted at least past
the terminal.

Contacts meet the connector The secondary strain relief is not in

manufacturer’s crimp height specification. contact with the wires or is not latched.

45 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 46
Soldered Terminal
Soldering Terminals Wire Tinning
Wires used for soldering terminals require tinning. Tinning assures that
Pierced the wire to be soldered has a uniform and solderable surface. Tinning
This section provides the Terminals also fuses the wire strands together so they can be formed without the
criteria for lead tinning,
separation of the individual strands.
forming, placement and
soldering wires to the two
most common terminals Class 1, 2, 3 Target
– cup and pierced.
Stranded wire is uniformly coated with a thin coat of solder
with the individual stands of the wire easily visible.
Untinned length of strands from end
of insulation is not greater than one
wire diameter.

Class 2, 3 Process Indicator

Strands are not discernible but excess solder does not
interfere with form, fit, function or reliability.
Solder does not penetrate to the inner
strands of the wire.
Cup Terminals
Class 2, 3 Defect
Stranded wire is not tinned prior to attachment
to terminals or forming splices.
Solder does not wet the tinned portion of the wire.

Class 1 Acceptable
Class 2 Process Indicator
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable Class 3 Defect
Tinned wire has pinholes, voids or
The acceptable solder connection must indicate evidence of wetting and dewetting/nonwetting exceeding 5% of
adherence where the solder blends to the soldered surface, forming a the area required to be tinned.
contact angle of 90°
or less.
(Excess solder is allowed if it Angle Length of untinned strands
is limited by the edge of the from end of insulation is greater
attached surfaces.) than one wire diameter.

47 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 48
Soldered Soldered
Pierced Terminal Pierced Terminal
Wire Wrap Solder Connection
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

Lead outline is discernible and there is a

Wire passes through the eye smooth flow of solder on wire and terminal.
of the terminal.

Wire is wrapped to
contact opposite sides Solder fillet is visible
of the terminal. at all points of wire/
lead and terminal

Class 1 Acceptable Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable

Class 2, 3 Defects Solder fillet joins the wire to the terminal
for at least 75% of the wire and terminal
interface for wraps of 180º or more.
Wire wrap Solder fillet joins the wire to the terminal
is less Wire does not
pass through for 100% of the wire and terminal interface
than 90°. for wraps less than 180º.
the eye of the
Class 1, 2, 3 Defect

Less than 100% wetting of the lead to terminal

Wire does not contact when wrap is less than 180º.
contact two
nonadjacent sides Less than 75% wetting of the lead to
of the terminal. terminal contact when the wrap is
180º or more.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects
Solder is not wetted to the
terminal. Solder contact angle
Wire end violates minimum electrical
is greater than 90°.
clearance to non-common conductor.

49 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 50
Soldered Soldered
Insulation Pierced Terminal
Insulation Pierced Terminal
Clearance Damage
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
There is an insulation clearance of one wire diameter
between the end of the insulation and the
top of the solder fillet. Insulation is not melted, charred or otherwise
One Wire Diameter damaged from the soldering process.

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
The insulation clearance is two The wire
wire diameters or less including insulation may
insulation or 1.5 mm contact the
[0.060 in] (whichever
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
solder, but
is greater), but does does not
not permit violation of interfere with
minimum electrical formation of Slight melting of insulation.
clearance to adjacent an acceptable
conductors. connection.

Class 2, 3 Process Indicator

The insulation clearance is greater

than two wire diameters or 1.5 mm
[0.060 in], whichever is greater,
but does not permit shorting to Class 1, 2, 3 Defects
adjacent conductor.

Insulation is charred.
Class 1, 2, 3 Defect

Insulation clearance
permits shorting
to adjacent

Insulation interferes with formation of

solder connection.

51 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 52
Soldered Soldered
Cup Terminal
Solder Cup Terminal
Wire Position Connection
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition

Solder cups having the wire(s) inserted Solder wets the entire inside of the cup.
straight in and contact with the back wall
or other inserted wires for the full Solder fill is 100%.
depth of the cup. 100%
Outside of cup is
free of solder. 50%

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Wire(s) inserted for full depth of cup, Solder fill is 75% or more. Solder buildup on the outside
in some contact with back wall* of the cup that
and does not interfere with does not affect
subsequent assembly operations. form, fit, function
or reliability.
Conductor strands not cut or
modified to fit in terminal. 75%
Multiple conductors are not twisted
*Class 2, 3 Process Indicator.

Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Solder cup is altered to accept Class 2, 3 Defects

oversized wire or wire group.*
Multiple conductors are twisted Solder vertical fill Solder buildup on
together. is less than 75%. the outside of the
Wire strands outside the cup. cup affects form,
100% fit, function or
Wire not inserted to the full reliability.
length of cup. 50%
Wire placement interferes 0%
with subsequent assembly
*Class 1 Acceptable.

53 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 54
Soldered Soldered
Outer Insulation Cup Terminal
Cup Terminal
Overlap Damage
Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition Class 1, 2, 3 Target Condition
One Wire Diameter
Insulation is not melted, charred
Insulation sleeving overlaps the connector or otherwise damaged from the
terminal and extends over the wire soldering process.
insulation four wire diameters.
Insulation sleeving is one wire diameter
from the point where the connector
terminal enters the connector insert.

Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Insulation sleeving overlaps the connector
terminal and the wire insulation by a minimum of
two wire diameters. Class 1, 2, 3 Acceptable
Insulation sleeving is more than half the
wire diameter and not more than two wire
diameters from the point where the terminal Slight melting of insulation.
enters the connector insert.

Class 2, 3 Defects
Insulation sleeve overlaps the wire
is damaged (split insulation by less
or charred). than two wire
Class 1, 2, 3 Defects

Insulation charred.
Insulation sleeving is more than two
wire diameters from the point where sleeve is
the connector terminal enters the loose
connector insert. on the
Insulation sleeve prevents
movement of floating contact
(when movement is required).
Required sleeving is missing.*
*Class 1, 2, 3 Defect.

55 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 56
Glossary Appendix Appendix

AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE (AWG): A standard numbering system for CRIMP HEIGHT: A measurement taken of the overall wire barrel height
designating wire diameter. Primarily used in the United States. after the terminal has been crimped.
BANANA TERMINAL: A termination that has excessive bending, making it CUTOFF TAB: The small tabs that remain on the front and back of a
difficult to insert into a connector housing. terminal after it has been applied.
BELLMOUTH: The raised portion at the front and/or back of the wire DIELECTRIC: Any insulating medium that intervenes between two
barrel crimp that provides a gradual entrance and exit for the wire strands conductors.
without causing damage.
FLAT CABLE: Any cable with two smooth or corrugated but essentially flat
BRAID: Woven bare metallic or tinned copper wire used as shielding for surfaces.
wires and cables.
HARNESS: A group of wires and cables, usually made with breakouts,
CABLE: A group of individually insulated conductors in twisted or parallel which are tied together or pulled into a rubber or plastic sheath. A harness
configuration under a common sheath. provides interconnection of an electric circuit.
CABLE ASSEMBLY: A cable with plugs or connectors attached. INSULATION: A material that offers high electrical resistance making
it suitable for covering components, terminals and wires to prevent the
CIRCULAR MIL AREA: Cross-sectional area of a current carrying portion of possible future contact of adjacent conductors resulting in a short circuit.
a conductor expressed in circular mils.
INSULATION DISPLACEMENT: A technique for terminating an insulated
CLOSED BARREL: A contact or terminal with an O-shaped barrel. wire to a connector or terminal without pre-stripping the insulation from
COAXIAL CABLE: A cable consisting of a center conductor that carries the the conductor. The termination is made by cutting through the insulation
electronic signal; an outer conductor that shields the center conductor from the conductor.
from outside noise; a dielectric that separates the center and outer INSULATION SUPPORT CRIMP: Provides strain relief for the wire by holding
conductor; and an outer jacket to protect the parts inside. the insulation firmly without cutting the conductor strands.
CONDUCTOR: An uninsulated wire or the conductor of an insulated wire INSULATION THICKNESS: The wall thickness of the applied insulation.
suitable for carrying electrical current.
INTERCONNECTION: Mechanically joining devices together to complete an
CONDUCTOR BRUSH: The wire strands that extend past the conductor electrical circuit.
crimp on the conductor side of the termination.
LEAD: A wire, with or without terminals, that connects two points in a
CONDUCTOR CRIMP: Refers to the mechanical compression of the metal circuit.
contact around the conductor. This is what creates the continuous
conductive electrical path. LUG: A wire terminal.
CONNECTOR: A device used to physically and electrically join two or more OPEN BARREL: A contact or terminal with two U-shaped areas – one for
conductors. crimping the conductor and one for crimping the insulation.
CONTACT: The conducting part of a connector that acts with another such PLUG: The part of the two mating halves of a connector that is free to
part to complete or break a circuit. move when not fastened to the other mating half.
CONTACT SIZE: Defines the largest size wire that can be used with the PULL TESTING: A destructive test where the terminal and wire are pulled
specific contact. until the termination pulls apart or the wire breaks. Pulling testing is used
to determine the strength of the crimp.
CRIMP: The final configuration of a terminal barrel formed by the
compression of terminal barrel and wire. RIBBON CABLE: A flat cable of individually insulated conductors lying
parallel and held together by means of an adhesive film laminate.

57 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide 58
Glossary Appendix
This reference guide does not take precedence over, or replace the requirements from any
IPC Standard or Specification. While every effort has been made to represent applicable
portions of the IPC-A-620 document, this manual may not cover all related requirements
and is not intended for use as an industry consensus standard. IPC disclaims any warranties
SHEATH: The outer covering or jacket of a multi-conductor cable. or guarantees, expressed or implied, and shall not be held liable for damages of any kind in
connection with the information set forth in IPC-DRM-WHA-B.
SHIELD: A metallic layer placed around a conductor or group of conductors
to prevent electrostatic interference between the enclosed wires and
external fields.
SOLDER TERMINALS: Electrical/mechanical connection devices that are
used to terminate a discrete wire or wires by soldering. The shapes of
these terminals include turret, bifurcated, cup, hook and pierced.
STRAIN RELIEF: A technique or item that reduces the transmission of
mechanical stresses to the conductor termination.
STRIP LENGTH: A specific length of insulation removed from the wire before
it is crimped or soldered to a terminal or contact.
TERMINAL: A device designed to terminate a conductor that is to be
affixed to a post, stud, chassis, another conductor, etc., to establish an
electrical connection. Some types of terminals include ring, tongue, spade,
flag, hook, blade, quick-connect, offset and flanged.
TINNING: The application of solder to the stripped wire to assure the wire
to be soldered has a uniform and solderable surface – and that there is no
separation of the individual strands.
TRIAXIAL CABLE: Similar to coaxial cable, but consisting of two outer
conductors, or shields separated by a second dielectric layer.
TWINAXIAL CABLE: Similar to coaxial cable, but consisting of a pair of
insulated conductors enclosed in a common outer conductor, or shield.
WETTING: The formation of a relatively uniform, smooth, unbroken and
adherent film of solder to a basis metal.
WIRE: A wire is a slender rod or filament of drawn metal.
WIRE DIAMETER: The overall conductor plus insulation thickness.
WIRE WRAP: The connecting of a solid wire to a square, rectangular or
V-shaped terminal by tightly wrapping a solid-conductor wire around the If you have comments or suggestions regarding this
terminal with a special tool. Training and Reference Guide, please contact:
IPC Training
P.O. Box 389
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 87557
+1 847.597.2940 (tel.)
+1 575.758.7938 (fax)
[email protected]

59 Wire Harness Assembly – Training & Reference Guide

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