Constructions - Goldberg, A. 1995 PDF
Constructions - Goldberg, A. 1995 PDF
Constructions - Goldberg, A. 1995 PDF
Approach to
Argument Structure
Adele E. Goldberg
Goldberg, Adele E.
Constructions : a construction grammar approach to argument structure /
Adele E. Goldberg.
p. cm. — (Cognitive theory of language and culture)
Originally presented as the author's thesis (Ph.D.)— University of California,
Includes bibliographical references (p.) and index.
ISBN 0-226-30085-4 (cloth). — ISBN 0-226-30086-2 (pbk.)
I. Grammar, Comparative and general— Syntax. 2. Semantics.
3. Generative grammar. 1. Title. II. Series.
P29I.G 65 1995
4 15— dc20 94-20705
© The paper used in this publication meets (he minimum requirements of the
American National Standard for Information Scicnccs— Pcrmancncc of Paper for
Printed Library M aterials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
3 Relations am on g Constructions 67
3.1 R elev an t P sy ch o lo g ica l P rin c ip le s o f L a n g u a g e O rg a n iz a tio n 67
3.2 M o tiv atio n 69
3.3 R e p re se n tin g M o tiv atio n by In h e rita n c e 72
3 .4 R e la tin g P a rtic u la r C o n s tm c tio n s 81
3 .5 M u ltip le In h e rita n c e 97
3.6 In h e rita n c e w ith in C o n s tru c tio n s 98
3.7 C o n c lu sio n 99
4 O n Linking 10 1
4.1 T ra n s fo rm a tio n a l A p p ro a c h e s o f A rg u m e n t S tru c tu re 101
4 .2 G e n e ra liz a tio n s a c ro ss C o n s tru c tio n s 108
4 .3 C o n c lu s io n 1 19
v ii
viii Contents
10 Conclusion 2 19
10.1 Other Constructional Approaches 219
10.2 Summary 224
Notes 229
Bibliography 243
Index 261
This book grew out o f my Ph.D. thesis (G oldberg 1992b), which was
completed at the University o f California, Berkeley. An enorm ous debt is owed
to my advisor, George Lakoff, for his w isdom , enthusiasm , and encourage
ment, his ever-ready exam ple and counterexam ple, and for sharing his time
and his deep insights with incredible generosity.
I'd like to thank Charles Fillmore for instilling in me a deep respect for the
com plexities o f the data, and for sharing his wisdom. His enduring insights
have profoundly influenced this work in innum erable ways. I ’m also grateful
for his spearheading the developm ent of the theory o f C onstruction Gram m ar,
on which the present work is based.
Work in Construction G ram m ar includes, for exam ple, Fillm ore, Kay and
O 'C onnor’s analysis o f the let alone and the more, the m errier constructions
(1988), Brugman’s analysis o f have constructions (1988), K ay’s work on even
(1990), the “ W hat, me w orry?” construction o f Lam brecht (1990). and Sweet-
ser’s analysis o f modal verbs (1990). C onstruction G ram m ar is also developed
in R llm ore (1985b, 1987. 1988. 1990), Fillm ore & Kay (1993), Filip (1993),
Jurafsky (1992), Koenig (1993), and M ichaelis (1993). The present work owes
its greatest debts to Lakoff's in-depth study of there constructions (1984) and
to Fillmore (1987), who suggested that the m eaning o f an expression is arrived
at by the superim position o f the meanings o f open class words with the m ean
ings o f gramm atical elements.
I’m grateful to Dan Slobin for his encouragem ent and guidance, and for
providing a reality check on the plausibility of psychological claim s. In the
final stages o f w riting my dissertation, I was fortunate enough to work closely
with Annie Zaenen. 1 am imm ensely grateful for her advice, her many leads to
relevant literature, and for our many interesting and helpful discussions, which
have deeply influenced my work.
Other members of the Berkeley faculty contributed in countless ways to my
education. Eve Sweetser tirelessly read and offered valuable com m ents on
many papers; Paul Kay provided much helpful input, and was consistently w ill
ing to lend an ear and a critical eye; R obert W ilensky offered many helpful
discussions and some wonderful data. Len Talmy was always w illing to discuss
all manner o f ideas. Visitors Don Form an, Knud Lam brecht, M inoko Nakau,
x A c k n o w le d gm e n ts
Frederika Van der Leek, and Robert Van Valin offered different perspectives
and very helpful discussions.
I’d like to offer personal thanks to C laudia Brugman. M ichele Emanatian,
Hana Filip, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Laura M ichaelis for support o f every kind,
including countless enlightening discussions on topics related to alm ost every
aspect o f this m onograph. I’m also grateful to Jess Gropen, Beth Levin. Steve
Pinker, and Ray Jackendoff, for theirow n inspirational work and for their help
ful feedback and discussion.
D uring the w riting and rewriting o f this m anuscript, I was able to spend a
good deal of tim e at Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Stanford, and
the University o f California. San Diego, so there are many people to thank for
very helpful suggestions and discussions, including Farrell Ackerm an, Joan
Bresnan, Tony Davis, Jane Espenson, G illes Fauconnier. Joe Grady, Marti
H earst, Kyoko Hirose, Rolf Johnson, Dan Jurafsky. Suzanne Kemmer, Yuki
Kuroda, Ron Langacker, M aarten Lem mens, John M oore, Terry Regier, Hadar
Shem-Tov, Eve Clark, C leo Condoravdi, Mark Gaw ron, Jess Gropen, Geoff
N unberg, Ivan Sag, Tom Wasow, Ali Yazdani, and Sandro Zucchi. Several
UCSD students carefully read the m anuscript and made very helpful sugges
tions, particularly Kathleen A hrens, M ichael Israel, and Bill Morris. For help
preparing the manuscript I would like to thank Kathleen Ahrens, Bill Byrne,
and N itya Sethuram an. Finally, for editorial assistance I thank G eoff Huck and
Karen Peterson, and for the m ost careful, w ell-informed copy-editing 1 could
have imagined, I thank C hristine Bartels.
E xcerpts o f this book first appeared, in different form, as articles or book
chapters. I thank the publishers for perm ission to include revised material from:
“ The Inherent Sem antics o f A rgum ent Structure: The Case o f the English
D itransitive C onstruction,” Cognitive Linguistics 3 ( l) : 3 7 - 7 4 , 1992; “ A Se
m antic Account o f Resultatives,” Linguistic A nalysis 2 1 :6 6 - 9 6 , 1991; “ It
Can’t Go Down the Chim ney Up: Paths and the English Resultative,” BLS 17;
“ M aking O ne’s Way Through the D ata,” in A. Alsina, J. Bresnan, and P. Sells
(eds.), Com plex Predicates, CSLI Publications, forthcoming; “ Another Look
at Some Learnability Paradoxes,” in Proceedings o f the 25th A nnual Stanford
Child Language Research Forum. CSLI Publications.
For providing financial support, com fortable offices, and stimulating envi
ronm ents, I’d like to thank the Sloan Foundation, who funded the Cognitive
Science Institute at Berkeley, the International Com puter Science Institute
(1CSI), the C enter for the Study o f Language and Information (CSLI), and
Xerox PARC.
A crucial debt is owed to my family: my mom, Ann Goldberg, for being a
voice o f reason on topics related to this monograph and on all others; my sib
A c k n o w le d g m e n ts xi
lings, Ken G oldberg and Elena G oldberg Man, and my grandparents. Harry
and Birdie Goldberg and Rose W allach, for their consistent loving support, and
just for being themselves. I am also deeply grateful to the memory of my father,
Melvin Goldberg, for his unparalleled courage, curiosity, and com passion.
Finally, I am im m ensely grateful to Ali Yazdani, for always being there, even
though there have been many miles between us. This book is dedicated to him.
1 Introduction
i. i Th e C o n c e p t of C o n s t r u c t io n s
2 Chapter O n e
Fillm ore (1968, fn. 49) noted that sentences such as the following differ in
(3b) suggests that the w hole garden is full o f bees, whereas (3a) could involve
bees in only a part o f the garden.
A nderson (1971) observed that the follow ing sentences also differ in
W hile (4b) implies that the truck is entirely filled with hay (or at least relevantly
affected), no such im plication exists in (4a).
W orks by G reen, Oehrle, Bolinger, Borkin, and W ierzbickaand by Interpre
tive Sem anticists such as Chom sky, Partee, and Jackendoff have drawn atten
tion to system atic differences in m eaning between sentences with the same
lexical items in slightly different constructions.' Borkin (1974), for exam ple,
provides the following contrast:
Introduction 3
(5) a. When 1 looked in the files, 1 found that she was M exican.
b. ?W hen I looked in the files I found her to be M exican.
c. *W hen I looked in the files I found her M exican.
Borkin argues that the pattern in (5c) is only possible with verbs o f proposition
when the proposition expressed is considered to be a m atter of judgm ent, as
opposed to a m atter o f fact. The pattern in (5b) prefers but does not require
the proposition to express judgm ents, and the full clausal form with that-
com plem entizer in (5a) freely allows matters o f judgm ent or fact.
W ierebicka (1988) contrasts (6a) and (6b):
Only in (6a) is the speaker presumed to have som e intention o f crossing the
road. This difference in interpretation is argued to account for why (7a) is in
felicitous unless the falling is interpreted as som ehow volitionally intended:2
In this monograph, 1 explore the idea that argum ent structure construc
tions are a special subclass o f constructions that provides the basic means of
clausal expression in a language/ Exam ples o f English argum ent structure co n
structions to be discussed here include the following:
C onstructions are taken to be the basic units o f language. Phrasal patterns are
considered constructions if som ething about their form or m eaning is not
strictly predictable from the properties o f their com ponent parts or from other
constructions.6 T hat is, a construction is posited in the gram m ar if it can be
shown that its m eaning and/or its form is not com positionally derived from
other constructions existing in the language (cf. section 1.2). In addition, ex
panding the pretheoretical notion o f construction somewhat, morphemes are
clear instances o f constructions in that they are pairings o f meaning and form
that are not predictable from anything else (Saussure I9 I6 ).7 It is a conse
quence o f this definition that the lexicon is not neatly differentiated from the
rest o f grammar.
Constructions can be understood to correspond to the “ listem es” o f Di-
Sciullo and W illiam s (1987)— that is, the entities o f gram m ar that m ust be
listed. However, our view o f the collection o f listem es is radically different
from theirs. They state categorically: “ If conceived of as the set of listemes,
the lexicon is incredibly boring by its very nature. It contains objects o f no
single specifiable type (words, VPs, m orphem es, perhaps intonational patterns.
Introduction b
and so on), and those objects that it does contain are there because they fail to
conform to interesting laws. The lexicon is like a prison— it contains only the
lawless, and the only thing that its inm ates have in com m on is law lessness”
(p. 3). This view o f the lexicon, or w hat might be better term ed the construc-
ticon, following Jurafsky (1992), is rejected in the present work. The collection
of constructions is not assum ed to consist o f an unstructured set of independent
entities, but instead it is taken to constitute a highly structured lattice o f inter
related information. The reb u o n s between constructions are discussed in ch ap
ters 3 and 4.
A basic axiom that is adopted is: know ledge o f language is knowledge.
Many o f the findings of the follow ing chapters are thus expected, particularly
that linguistic constructions display prototype structure and form networks o f
associations. Hierarchies o f inheritance and sem antic networks, long found
useful lor organizing other sorts o f knowledge, are adopted for explicating our
linguistic knowledge (cf. Q uillian 1968; Bobrow & W inograd 1977; Fahlman
VST)9, 'WWensV^ \9?>6, Norv'ig &. LaVoff lurafsVy \99T).
On the basis of research on language acquisition by Clark (1978), Slobin
(1985), and Bowerman (1989), together with the findings presented here, it is
hypothesized that
This book is structured as follows. The rest o f this chapter presents ar
guments for adopting a constructional approach to argum ent structure.
Chapter 2 analyzes the nature of verb m eaning, the nature of constructional
meaning, and the relation between the two. C hapter 3 suggests an account of
how to capture relations am ong constructions and generalizations across co n
structions; an inheritance hierarchy o f constructions is posited, and the inheri
tance links themselves are treated as objects in the system. In chapter 4, the
idea of a monostratal theory is defended, and the way linking generalizations
are to be captured within a constructional approach is discussed. C hapter 5
6 C hap ter O n e
1.2 A B r ie f I n t r o d u c t i o n to C o n s t r u c t io n G rammar
of work on frame semantics (Fillm ore 1975, 1977b, 1982, 1985a) and an ex-
perientially based approach to language (Lakoff 1977, 1987), the approach to
semantics that is adopted by the theory is one that crucially recognizes the
importance of speaker-centered “construals” of situations in the sense of
Langacker (1987a, 1991). This approach to sem antics is discussed in chapter 2.
In Construction Grammar, no strict division is assum ed between the lexi
con and syntax. Lexical constructions and syntactic constructions differ in in
ternal complexity, and also in the extent to which phonological form is
specified, but both lexical and syntactic constructions are essentially the same
type of declaratively represented data structure: both pair form with meaning.
It is not the case, however, that in rejecting a strict division. Construction
Gram m ar denies the existence o f any distinctly m orphological or syntactic con
straints (or constructions). Rather, it is claim ed that there are basic com m onali
ties between the two types o f constructions, and moreover, that there are cases,
such as v erb -p article com binations, that blur the boundary.
A nother notion rejected by Construction G ram m ar is that o f a strict divi
sion between semantics and pragm atics. Inform ation about focused constitu
ents, topicality, and register is represented in constructions alongside semantic
Construction G ram m ar is generative in the sense that it tries to account for
the infinite num ber of expressions that are allowed by the gram m ar w hile at
tempting to account for the fact that an infinite num ber of other expressions
are ruled out or disallowed. C onstruction G ram m ar is not transform ational.
No underlying syntactic or sem antic forms are posited. Instead, C onstruction
G ram m ar is a monostratal theory o f gram m ar like many other current theories,
including Lexical Functional G ram m ar (LFG ) (Bresnan 1982), Role and Ref
erence G ram m ar (Foley & Van Valin 1984). GPSG (G azd aret al. 1985), HPSG
(P o llard & S ag 1987, 1994), and C ognitive G ram m ar (Langacker 1987a, 1991).
The rationale for this and some consequences are discussed in chapter 4.
It is perhaps easiest to explore the constructional approach by first contrast
ing it with the relevantly sim ilar proposal described in the follow ing section.
1.3 A n A l t e r n a t iv e A c c o u n t : L e x ic o s e m a n t ic R ules
zation frames o f a verb may be uniquely predictable from the verb's lexical
sem antics (e.g.. Levin 1985; Chom sky 1986; C arter 1988; Levin & Rapoport
1988; Rappaport & Levin 1988; Pinker 1989; Gropen et al. 1989).
T he following factors have led these theorists to postulate lexical rules which
are designed to operate on the sem antic structures o f lexical items: ( I) overt
com plem ent structure appears to be predictable by general linking rules that
map sem antic structure onto syntactic form, and (2) the same verb stem often
occurs with more than one com plem ent configuration.
For exam ple. Pinker (1989) proposes that the prepositional/ditransitive al
ternation (the “ dative" alternation) results from a semantic rule rather than
being the product o f a syntactic transform ation. Specifically, he suggests that
productive use o f the ditransitivc syntax is the result o f a lexicosem antic rule
w hich takes as input a verb with the sem antics ‘X causes Y to go to Z ’ and
produces the sem antic structure X c a u s e s Z to h a v f Y \ The double object
syntax, he argues, is then predictable from near-universal linking rules m ap
ping the argum ents o f a verb with the m eaning X c a u s e s Z to h a v e Y ' into
the ditransitive form . In this wav. Pinker argues that the dative rule produces a
“ conceptual gestalt shift,” — that it is, in effect. a semantic operation on lexical
structure (cf. also Gropen et al. 1989).
T he general approach can be outlined as follows:
la. The syntactic com plem ent configuration o f a clause is taken to be
uniquely predictable from the sem antic representation o f the matrix verb.
The m apping from sem antic representations to particular com plem ent
configurations is perform ed via universal, or near-universal, linking
lb . Different syntactic com plem ent configurations therefore reflect differ
ences in the sem antic representations of the main verb.
2. Different sem antic representations o f a particular verb stein, i.e., different
verb senses, are related by generative lexical rules which take as input a
verb with a particular semantics and yield as output a verb with a differ
ent semantics.
3. D ifferences in sem antics are not necessarily truth-functional differences,
but may represent a different construal of the situation being described:
that is, the relevant sem antics is speaker-based.
These principles are detailed m ost explicitly in Pinker 1989. but are also shared
by Levin 1985, Levin & Rapoport 1988, and Gropen ct al. 1989.
By postulating rules that operate on sem antic structure, as opposed to rules
or transform ations that arc purely or prim arily syntactic, these theories manage
to incorporate im portant insights. As was discussed above, different construc
tions are typically, possibly always, accom panied by slightly different sem an
tic interpretations: these sem antic differences are respected as soon as the
Introduction 9
In none of these cases docs the verb intuitively require the direct object com
plement. To account for (8), for exam ple, a lexicosem antic theory would have
to say that sneeze, a parade exam ple ol an intransitive verb, actually has a three-
argument sense. ‘X c a u s e s Y to m o v e Z by sneezing’. To account for (9), such
a theory would need to claim that there exists a special sense o f bake that has
three arguments: an agent, a theme, and an intended recipient. This in effect
argues that bake has a sense which involves som ething like ‘X in t e n d s to
c m 's i Y to have Z \ To account for (10), the theory would need to postulate a
special sense o f talk, 'X causes Y to bhcom e Z by talking’.
If additional senses w ere involved, then it would follow that each o f these
10 C hapter O n e
verbs is am biguous between its basic sense and iis sense in the syntactic pattern
above. Therefore we would expect that there would be some language that dif
ferentiates between the two senses by having two independent (unrelated) verb
stems. For exam ple, alongside the equivalent o f the English word sneeze we
might expect to find another stem say, m oop— that meant ‘X causus Y to
move Z by sneezing’. However, to my know ledge there is no language that has
distinct verb stems for any o f the m eanings represented by exam ples (8 -1 0 ).
On a constructional approach, we can understand aspects of the final inter
pretation involving caused m otion, intended transfer, or caused result to be
contributed by the respecti ve constructions. That is, we can understand skeletal
constructions to be capable o f contributing argum ents. For example, we can
define the ditransitive construction to be associated directly with agent, patient,
and recipient roles, and then associate the class o f verbs o f creation with the
ditransitive construction. We do not need to stipulate a specific sense o f bake
unique to this construction. In general, we can understand the direct objects
found in the above exam ples to be licensed not directly as argum ents o f the
verbs but by the particular constructions. This idea is discussed in more detail
in chapter 2.
O ther exam ples where it is im plausible to attribute the com plem ent configu
ration and the resulting interpretation directly to the main verb include the
(11) “ Despite the President’s efforts to cajole or frighten his nine million sub
jects into line . . . ” (N ew York Times, 29 May 1993)
(12) “ My father fro w n ed away the com plim ent and the insult." (Stephen
M cCauley, Easy Way Out, 1993)
(13) “ Sharon was exactly the sort o f person w ho’d intimidate him into a
panic.” (Stephen M cCauley, Easy Way Out, 1993)
(14) “ 1 cannot inhabit his mind nor even imagine my way through the dark
labyrinth of its distortion.” (Oxford University Press corpus)
(15) Pauline sm iled her thanks. (Levin & Rapoport 1988)
(16) The truck rum bled down the street. (Levin & Rappaport Hovav 1990b)
T he suggestion being made here is to account for these cases, in which the
w hole is not built up from the lexical items in a straightforward way, by pos
tulating a construction that is itself associated with meaning.
This claim is explicit in the Projection Principle o f G overnm ent and Binding
Theory (GB) (Chomsky 1981), the Bijection Principle of Lexical Functional
Gram m ar (Bresnan 1982), and in all current accounts w hich attem pt to predict
overt syntax from sem antic roles or theta role arrays. In all of these fram e
works, it is the verb w hich is taken to be of central im portance. T hat is, it is
assumed that the verb determ ines how many and w hich kinds o f com plem ents
will co-occur with it. In this way, the verb is analogized to the predicate of
formal logic, w hich has an inherent num ber o f distinct argum ents. The verb is
taken to be an n-place relation “ w aiting” for the exactly correct type and num
ber of arguments. But note, now, that an ordinary verb such as kick can appear
with at least eight distinct argum ent structures:
1. Pal kicked the wall.
2. Pat kicked Bob black and blue.
3. Pat kicked the football into the stadium.
4. Pat kicked at the football.
5. Pat kicked his foot against the chair.
6. Pat kicked Bob the football.
7. The horse kicks.
8. Pat kicked his way out o f the operating room.
Theories which assum e that the verb directly determ ines particular com ple
ment configurations are forced to claim that kick is a binary relation with agent
and patient argum ents and therefore occurs with transitive syntax, except in
Pat kicked Bob the football, in w hich it is a ternary relation with agent, recipi
ent, and patient argum ents and therefore occurs in the ditransitive construction,
and in Pat kicked the fo o tb a ll into the stadium, where kick is again ternary, but
now with agent, theme, and goal argum ents, and must “ therefore” occur with
the direct object and prepositional com plem ents; and so on. Thus both the evi
dence for the claim that kick has a particular «-argum ent sense and the expla
nation for kick having the corresponding com plem ent configuration com e from
the fact that kick can occur overtly with a particular n-com plem ent construc
tion. That is, it is claim ed that kick has an n-argum ent sense on the basis of the
fact that kick occurs with n com plem ents; it is sim ultaneously argued that kick
occurs with n com plem ents because it has an /(-argument sense. This is where
the circularity arises.
A constructional approach to argum ent structure allow s us to avoid the cir
cularity o f arguing that a verb is an n-ary predicate and “ therefore” has n
com plem ents when and only when it has n com plem ents. Instead, the ternary
relation, for exam ple, is directly associated with the skeletal ditransitive con
struction. The verb, on the other hand, is associated with one or a few basic
senses w hich must be integrated into the m eaning o f the construction. Under
12 C hapter O n e
what conditions this is possible is the subject o f the following chapte:. Instead
o f positing a new sense every time a new syntactic configuration is encountered
and then using that sense to explain the existence o f the syntactic configuration,
a constructional approach requires that the issue o f the interaction between verb
m eaning and constructional m eaning be addressed.
Thus two distinct senses of slide would be posited to account for the contrast
in (17). O ne sense o f slide, ‘slid e,’, would constrain its goal to be animate,
while the other, ‘slide2\ would have no such constraint. The two different
syntactic realizations are claim ed to follow from universal or near-universal
linking patterns m apping sem antic argum ent structures to overt com plem ent
configurations. The linking rules would be sensitive to the fact that ‘slid e,’
requires its goal to be anim ate, as follows:
However, general linking rules do not insure that ‘slid e,’ will only occur with
the ditransitive construction, as is desired. Verbs which uncontroversially lexi
cally constrain their goals to be anim ate— such as give or hand— can be used
with both syntactic patterns:
T hat is, we would need to stipulate that ‘slid e ,’ may only occur with the ditran
sitive construction. Instead o f positing both an additional sense of slide and
a stipulation that this sense can only occur in the ditransitive construction.
Introduction 13
we can attribute the constraint that the goal m ust be animate directly to the
Still, it might be argued that ' s l i d e i s not actually constrained to appear
ditransitively, and that it is this sense which (just like give and hand) appears
in expressions such as (13):
The meaning o f the expression is therefore taken to result from applying to the
meanings o f the imm ediate constituents a sem antic operation w hich directly
corresponds to the relevant syntactic operation.
14 Chapter O n e
D owty (1979) observes that the claim is intended to imply that the relation
between syntactic expression and sem antic representation is straightforward
and direct. That is, ‘ or syntactic com position, must be straightfor
wardly related to ‘ + ^.comp’. or sem antic com position. The same principle, that
the sem antic rules o f com bination must directly reflect the syntactic rules of
com bination, is expressed by G azdar et al. (1985), also w orking within the
M ontague G ram m ar tradition: “ We assum e that there exists a universal m ap
ping from syntactic rules to sem antic translations . . . . We claim that the se
m antic type assigned to any lexical item introduced in a rule . . . and the
syntactic form o f the rule itself are sufficient to fully determ ine . . . the form of
the sem antic translation rule” (1 9 8 5 :8 -9 ) .
Because the rules o f com bination are so widely regarded as transparent, it is
easy to overlook the fact that there are any substantive rules at all. For example,
one researcher states: “ In a strictly com positional language, all analytic content
com es from the lexicon, and no sem antic rules . . . are needed to a c c o u n t. . .
[for the m echanism o f| adding m eaning to the sentence which is not directly
contributed by some lexeme o f the sentence.” 9
Even Jackendoff, w ho in fact does recognize nonlexical m eaning (cf. sec
tion 10.1.1), states in the introduction to his 1990 monograph Sem antic Struc
tures: “i t is widely assum ed, and 1 will take for granted, that the basic units out
o f which a sentential concept is constructed are the concepts expressed by the
w ords in the sentence, that is, lexical concepts” (Jackendoff 1990a:9). The
transparent rule o f com position for verbs that is typically assumed goes back
to Frege (1879): the m eaning o f a verb is a predicate with a fixed arity n that
takes n argum ents and yields a proposition. In this way, the verb is taken to be
the sem antic head o f the sentence, the element w hich determ ines the basic
sem antic structure of the clause.
This sam e idea is im plem ented in recent unification-based gram m ars (cf.
Shieber et al. 1984; Shieber 1986), for exam ple, LFG, GPSG, and HPSG,
w hich m ake explicit the critical assum ption that sem antic features o f the head
percolate upward to the phrasal level; in particular, sem antic features of the
verb are assum ed to percolate upward to determ ine the sem antic features o f the
sentence (this is made explicit in the Head Feature Convention of GPSG and
HPSG, and in the [T = I ] feature o f heads in L FG ).10
This view o f the principle o f com positionality can be shown to be inade
quate. M ore substantive principles o f com position— viewed here as construc
tions - a r e needed. This can be dem onstrated by the existence o f cases in
w hich the requirem ents o f the construction are in conflict with the requirem ents
o f the main verb. Tw o cases are discussed below: the Dutch impersonal passive
construction and the English wwy construction.
Introduction 15
She notes that the acceptability o f the sentence can be altered by the addition
o f particular adverbs:
verbs, but such a move would only be motivated by the desire to avoid recog
nizing the effect o f contextual factors independent o f the verb. A more satis
factory solution is to posit a single verb sense and allow the impersonal passive
to be sensitive to factors outside the main verb.
Levin & Rappaport Hovav (1992), following M arantz(1992), have argued that
the way construction is associated only with unergative verbs. At the same
time, they have argued that verbs o f directed motion are unaccusative (Levin
& Rappaport Hovav 1992). On a lexical account, in which syntactic frames are
projected from the verbs’ lexical sem antics, there is an inconsistency here. All
verbs appearing in this construction would have to be considered directed mo
tion verbs, since way expressions specifically assert motion along the desig
nated path. This would lead one to the conclusion that such verbs are both
unergative (since they occur in the way construction) and unaccusative (since
they are directed motion verbs)."
A lternatively, one might postulate a constraint that the verbs involved must
be unergative before they undergo a lexical rule which turns them into unac
cusative verbs as expressed in this construction. But this would be an odd kind
o f constraint: one must worry about not only w hether the verb is of the relevant
kind as the output o f the rule, but also w hether the verb was derived in a par
ticular way, in order to determ ine w hether it will occur in this syntactic pattern.
Typically, if a verb m atches the output o f a particular lexical rule, then it be
haves like other verbs that have undergone the rule, whether or not it underwent
the rule itself (see, e.g., Pinker 1 989:65ff.). By contrast, given the more com
plicated constraint needed here, one would need to know the derivational his
tory o f a particular item before one could determ ine whether it could take part
in the argum ent structure o f the way construction.
Load, on the other hand, although it can readily appear in the alternate co n
structions in (29), according to Carlson and Tanenhaus’s hypothesis (as well as
the cuiTent account) retains the same core lexical m eaning in both uses:
T ype o f verb
W hen sentences are divided into preferred and non-prefcrred sense or con
struction for a given pair o f sentences, the difference in reaction times between
different senses and different constructions is even more striking:
T ype o f verb
A m biguous C ontrol
S ense am biguity
P referred sense 2277 2317
L ess-p referred sense 2613 2264
V ariable co n stru ctio n s ( “ T hem atic am b ig u ity ” )
Preferred assignm ent 2198 2177
L ess-p referred assignm ent 2268 2158
This finding is difficult to account for if one holds the view that different
uses o f a verb actually reflect lexical am biguities. That is, on such a view it is
difficult to distinguish different uses from different senses, since each different
use would entail a different sense (and conversely, each different sense would
entail a different use). On the other hand, the distinction found between verbs
like set and those like load is not unexpected on the constructional approach
proposed here, since it is claim ed that different uses o f the same verb in various
constructions do not entail different senses o f the verb. Thus w e would not
expect the sam e verb in different constructions to have the same effect as cases
o f real lexical ambiguity.
example, they note that their congenitally blind subject learned the m eanings
o f look and see w ithout undue difficulty, despite the fact that these meanings
are nonphysical and, for this child, not directly experientially based. They pro
pose that children rely on syntactic cuing, or syntactic bootstrapping, as they
acquire verbal meaning. In particular, they argue that children make use o f the
set o f syntactic frames that a verb is heard used with in order to infer the m ean
ing of the verb. They argue that this is possible because syntactic fram es are
surface reflexes of verbal meanings: “ The allow able subcategorization frames,
taken together, often tell a sem antically quite transparent story, for they mark
some of the logical properties o f the verb in question” (p. 140). Further, they
assert that the use of a verb in a particular syntactic fram e indicates that the
verb has a particular com ponent o f m eaning, one associated with that syntactic
frame. Certain experim ental work by other researchers substantiates the idea
that syntactic frames aid in the acquisition o f word m eaning (see Brown 1957;
Katz, Baker & M cN am ara 1974; N aigles 1990; Fisher et al. 1991; G leitm an
1992; Naigles e ta l, 1993).'“
However, Pinker (1989) rightly criticizes Landau and G leitm an’s form ula
tion of the claim. He notes that if different syntactic fram es are assum ed to
reflect different com ponents of the m eaning o f verbs, as Landau and G leitm an
assume, then taking the union of these different com ponents o f m eaning across
different syntactic frames will result in incorrect learning. For exam ple, if the
appearance o f an m w -phrase in The ball flo a ted into the cave is taken to imply
that float has a motion com ponent to its m eaning, then the child will incorrectly
infer that it will not be possible to float w ithout moving anywhere.
This is indeed a general problem for Landau and G lcitm an's form ulation.
The occurrence of kick in the ditransitive construction (e.g., Joe kicked M ary
a ball) cannot be taken as evidence that kick's m eaning has a transfer com po
nent, as their account would seem to imply. As we saw above in section 1.4.2,
kick can occur in eight different syntactic patterns, m ost o f w hich do not in
volve transfer.
Pinker’s criticism rules out the possibility that even adult speakers could use
the set of syntactic frames a verb is heard used with to determ ine the verb’s
meaning. It does so because each distinct syntactic frame is taken to reflect a
different sense o f the verb. This apparent paradox can be resolved by recogniz
ing that syntactic frames are directly associated with sem antics, independently
o f the verbs which may occur in them. Thus it is possible to recognize that to a
large extent, verb m eaning rem ains constant across constructions; differences
in the meaning of full expressions are in large part attributable directly to the
different constructions involved. On this view, kick has the sam e sense in each
o f the eight argum ent structures listed in section 1.4.2. The interpretations—
20 Chapter O n e
constructions involved. In this way, Landau and G leitm an’s insight can be
slightly reinterpreted. W hat the child hypothesizes, upon hearing a verb in a
particular previously acquired construction, is not that the verb itself has the
com ponent o f m eaning associated with the construction, but rather that the verb
falls into one o f the verb clusters conventionally associated with the construc
tion (cf. chapter 5).
H earing a verb used in different constructions may then indeed aid in the
acquisition o f verb meaning. One way this might be accom plished is by trian
gulating the verb class that the verb must belong to. For example, if a child
hears an unfam iliar verb occur in a particular construction that is known to be
associated with, say. eight verb clusters, and the child also hears the verb used
in a different construction that is known to be associated with, say. ten verb
clusters, only som e o f w hich are shared with the former, the child can narrow
down the possible class o f verbs by exam ining only the intersecting clusters.
C ontextual inform ation is undoubtedly added into the equation, allowing the
child to further narrow down the possible verb classes. That is, language learn
ing does not take place in a vacuum. It is generally accepted that children’s first
understanding o f lexical m eaning is tied to the situations in which a word is
heard used.15
O nce constructions are recognized, the idea that the syntactic frames a verb
is heard in can aid in determ ining verb m eaning is made coherent. However, as
it stands, this account presupposes that the child already knows certain verb
classes to be conventionally associated with certain constructions; that is, this
account presupposes that a fair num ber o f verbs have already been learned, and
so would not provide an account o f bootstrapping from ground zero. Construc
tions would be allowed to aid in the acquisition o f the meanings o f novel verbs
once a fair num ber o f verbs had already been learned, but they would not be
useful in acquiring the m eanings o f the first verbs as Landau and Gleitman have
C onstructions could be claim ed to play a more central role in the acquisition
of verbal sem antics if it were possible to delim it a priori the potential range o f
verb classes that might be associated with a construction. And in fact it seems
there arc only a handful o f ways that verb m eaning and constructional meaning
can be related (cf. section 2.5). T he necessity o f triangulating the relevant verb
cluster could be avoided then, since the m eaning o f the verb would be assumed
to be related to the m eaning o f the construction in one o f a small num ber of
possible ways. W hat is crucial is that the verb’s m eaning need not directly re
flect the m eaning associated with the construction. The ch ild ’s task would be
Introduction 21
to determ ine whether the verb’s m eaning in fact did elaborate the m eaning of
the construction, or w hether the verb coded, say, the means, manner, or result
associated with the m eaning o f the construction.16
To sum m arize, by recognizing skeletal syntactic constructions as m eaning
ful in their own right, it is possible to allow for m ultiple syntactic frames to be
used as an aid in the acquisition o f verb meaning. This is because it is not
necessary to assume that every use o f a particular lexical item in a different
syntactic frame entails a different sense o f the verb involved.
In the follow ing section, traditional motivations for positing lexical rules to
account for variability in syntactic expression are discussed, and it is argued
that they are ultimately not persuasive reasons for rejecting a constructional
1.5 T r a d it io n a l M o t iv a t io n s f o r L e x ic a l R u l e s
T here are a num ber o f different types o f lexical rule accounts w hich deal
with the issue o f variability o f overt expression. Lexicalists argue that much of
the work that had been done by syntactic transform ations is better done in the
lexicon. For example, they claim that transform ations such as passive, causa-
tivization, and dative shift are better captured by lexical rules (Freidin 1974:
Bresnan 1978; M chom bo 1978; Foley & Van Valin 1984; M arantz 1984; Pol
lard & Sag 1987, 1994).'7
One proposed m otivation for adopting a lexical approach to alternations is
that many alternations seem to be sensitive to lexical items, particularly verbs.
The notion of lexically governed rules goes back to L akoff (1965), w ho recog
nized that no alternation seems to be exceptionless, and that the verb involved
largely determ ines w hether a given alternation applies o r not. H e states: “ In
some sense the verb 'governs' the passive transform ation: it is central to the
operation o f the rule . . . . There are a num ber o f other clear cases where it is
obvious which item it is that governs the rules. M ost o f these involve verbs”
(p. 28). However, in a passage im m ediately follow ing this suggestion o f a no
tion o f governm ent, Lakoff candidly recognizes: “ G o v ern m en t. . . is not yet a
com pletely well-defined notion, and we can offer no proposal for an adequate
definition o f it.” In point o f fact, the verb alone often cannot be used to de
term ine w hether a given construction is acceptable. C onsider the follow ing ex
H olding the verb constant, the (a)-sentences are better than the corresponding
(b)-sentences. There is no natural way to capture these types o f constraints in
the lexical sem antics o f the main verb. On a constructional account, however,
it is possible to associate constraints on the com plem ents or on the overall
interpretation o f the expression directly with the construction. For example.
Rice (1987b) argues that prepositional passives such as those in (31) are more
felicitous when the surface subject argum ent is construed as affected. Similarly,
the problem with exam ple (32b) can be seen to be that the ditransitive construc
tion im plies that the argum ent designated by the first object com es to receive
the argum ent designated by the second object. In this case Joe doesn’t “ re
ceive” the floor, w hereas in (32a) he does “ receive" a place on the floor.18
A second m otivation often cited for a lexical account stems from the fact
that the lexicon is viewed as the reccptacle of all idiosyncratic information.
T herefore the existence o f idiosyncratic properties is taken as evidence for a
lexical phenom enon (Jackendoff 1975; W asow 1977; Dowty 1979). However,
if the lexicon is defined as the w arehouse o f idiosyncratic inform ation, it must
contain inform ation about particular gram m atical constructions that are phrasal
and even clausal. For exam ple, each of the following is idiomatic in the sense
that som e aspect o f its form and/or m eaning is not strictly predictable given
know ledge o f the rest o f grammar.
struction; the verb stem plays the role o f the main verb. The sem antic integra
tion of m orphem e and verb stem is analogous to the integration o f construction
and verb in English. Since m orphem es are constructions, and since no strict
division is drawn between the lexicon and the rest o f gram m ar, the analogy is
quite strong. In fact, Em anatian (1990) has proposed an account along these
lines for the Chagga applicative m orphem e, as has M aldonado Soto ( 1992) for
the Spanish reflexive m orphem e se.
A final motivation is that "'output” verbs undergo word form ation processes,
which are generally supposed (since Chom sky 1970, A ronoff 1976) to be a
result of lexical rules. Bccause lexical rules and syntactic rules are taken to be
independent, and because lexical rules are assum ed to be ordered before syn
tactic rules, evidence that a rule R feeds a lexical rule is taken as evidence that
R is a lexical rule. For exam ple, Bresnan (1982) argues that passive m ust be a
lexical rule since the output o f passive is the input to a lexical “conversion"
rule of adjective formation. The conversion rule takes passive participles and
changes them into adjectives, w hich are then available as adjectival passives;
this accounts for the identity o f form between verbal and adjectival passives.
Given the lexical nature o f the conversion rule, Bresnan concludes: “ Since it
is assumed that the rule systems o f natural language are decom posed into com
ponents o f lexical rules [and] syntactic r u le s ,. . . which are subject to autono
mous sets o f constraints, this constitutes the strongest possible kind of evidence
that Passivization is a lexical rule” (p. 16). However, there is reason to think
that the partition between lexical rules and syntactic rules is not so clearcut (cf.
Stowell 1981: Sproat 1985: le Roux 1988; Ward, Sproat & M cKoon 1991).
Even if we do assum e that it is possible to neatly divide gram m ar into separate
com ponents, the lexical and the syntactic— an assum ption that Construction
Gram m ar explicitly rejects— it is further necessary to assum e that these m od
ules must interact serially, and that syntactic phrases can never feed word for
mation rules, in order for the type o f argum ent given above to be persuasive.
But there are in fact cases o f phrasal form s that appear to serve as input to word
formation processes. Lieber (1988), for exam ple, argues that the following
exam ples involve phrasal form s which act as the input to lexical com pound
formation: a punch-in-the-stom ach effect, a G od-is-dead theology, a thinking-
about-it wink, a connect-the-dots puzzle, a win-a-M azda com petition, and a
stick-it-in-your-ear attitude (pp. 2 0 4 -2 0 5 ).
Thus traditional motivations for accounting for variable syntactic expression
in terms o f lexical rules are ultimately not persuasive reasons to reject a co n
structional approach. In the following chapters, such an approach is outlined in
more detail.
2 The Interaction between Verbs
and Constructions
The constructional approach to argum ent structure brings several tricky ques
tions to the fore. If basic sentence types are viewed as argum ent structure con
structions, and we wish to claim that essentially the same verb is involved in
m ore than one argum ent structure construction, we need to deal with the fol
lowing questions:
1. W hat is the nature of verb m eaning?
2. W hat is the nature o f constructional meaning?
3. W hen can a given verb occur in a given construction?
A lthough 1 have argued that constructions have m eaning independently of
verbs, it is clearly not the case that the gram m ar works entirely top-down, with
constructions sim ply im posing their m eaning on unsuspecting verbs. In point
o f fact, there are reasons to think that the analysis must be both top-down and
bottom -up. As will be discussed m ore fully below, the m eanings o f construc
tions and verbs interact in nontrivial ways, and therefore some cross-reference
between verbs and argum ent structures will be necessary.
It might be w orthw hile to note that the general idea o f invoking two sim ul
taneous m echanism s has been recently challenged by Baker (1987), who ar
gues sim ply that involving two separate m echanism s as opposed to a single
m echanism should make learning more difficult— bccausc some mediation be
tween the two m echanism s would be necessary— and should therefore be dis-
preferred as a psychologically plausible account.
This view, although having some degree o f intuitive appeal, has been shown
to be false in other dom ains o f cognitive processing. The clearest evidence
com es from the domain o f vision. For exam ple, it is well known that the per
ception o f depth docs not follow from a single principle but from the integra
tion o f inform ation o f many kinds. Perhaps the most im portant mechanism is
stereopsis, the fusing o f the two disparate images from the two retinas into a
single image. However, stereopsis alone is not the only mechanism by which
we determ ine depth (as can be dem onstrated clearly by closing one eye: the
perception of depth rem ains for the most part intact). O ther cues include occlu
sion and differences in gradients o f texture (Gibson 1950).
A nother exam ple that dem onstrates the need for sim ultaneous mechanisms,
and in particular, both top-down and bottom -up processing, com es from letter
recognition tasks. W heeler (1970) and others have shown that letters are more
Tne Interaction betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 25
2 .t Frame Semantics
Meanings are relativized to scenes.
C h a r le s F illm o r e 119 7 7 a )
Many researchers have argued that w ords are not exhaustively decom
posable into atomic prim itives (e.g., Fodor, Fodor & G arrett 1975; Fodor et al.
1980). However, it is not necessary to conclude that m eanings have no internal
structure. Instead, it has been argued that m eanings are typically defined rela
tive to some particular background fra m e or scene, which itself may be highly
structured. I use these term s in the sense o f Fillmore (1975, 1977b) to designate
an idealization o f a “ coherent individuatable perception, memory, experience,
action, or o bject” (1977b: 84).
The point is made in the following passage by Austin:
Take the sense in which I talk of a crickct bat and a crickct ball and a
cricket umpire. The reason that all are called by the same name is
perhaps that each has its part— its own special part— to play in the
activity called cricketing: it is no good to say that cricket simply means
“ used in cricket” : for we cannot explain what wc mean by “crickct”
except by explaining the special parts played in cricketing by the bat,
ball, etc. (Austin 1940:73)
Consider the difference between ceiling and roof. The top o f a single-story
building is a ceiling if construed with respect to the interior o f a building, but
a ro o f if construed with respect to the exterior. Thus a central difference be
tween the two terms is that their background fram es are different.1 Fillm ore
(1977b) com pares land and ground. Land is used to denote solid ground as
opposed to the sea, whereas ground also denotes solid ground but as opposed
to air. These term s are distinguished, therefore, prim arily on the basis of the
frames in which they are defined.
26 Chapter Tw o
A nother Fillm orian exam ple is bachelor, often defined sim ply as ‘unmarried
m an’. Fillm ore points out that bachelor is in fact defined relative to a back
ground frame o f cultural knowledge. For that reason, it is odd in many cases to
ascribc the term bachelor to particular unm arried men. For example, is the
Pope a bachelor? Is a gay man a bachelor? Is Tarzan? Is a herm it? O r a recently
bar m itzvahed young man? In these cases, whether the term applies or not is
unclear, because certain aspects o f the background frame in which bachelor
hood is defined arc not present.
Som etim es the background frame is fairly sim ple, and yet the same crucial
point can be made. Langacker (1987a) gives the exam ple o f hypotenuse, which
can only be defined with reference to a right triangle, which in turn can only
be understood by assum ing a notion o f hypotenuse. Such an exam ple provides
a sim ple case for w hich to explain the notion o f profiling (Langacker 1987a,
1991). D ifferences in profiling correspond to differences in the prominence of
substructures within a sem antic frame, reflecting changes in our distribution of
W hile both hypotenuse and right triangle are defined relative to the same
background fram e (or “ base,” according to Langacker’s term inology), the
m eanings o f the term s differ in that different aspects o f the frame are profiled.
The different term s can be characterized by the following Langacker-style
F ig u re 2 . 1
Fram es in the sense being used here date back to the “ schem as” of Bartlett
(1932) and have been reintroduced more recently by researchers in Artificial
Intelligence including M insky (1975) and Schank and Abelson (1977). Frames
are intended to capture useful chunks o f encyclopedic knowledge. Such frame-
sem antic know ledge has been im plem ented in FRL (Roberts & Goldstein
1977) and K RL (Bobrow & W inograd 1977) in term s o f a hierarchy of data
structures (or “ fram es” ), each with a num ber o f labeled slots (see W ilensky
1986 for discussion and critique o f various actual im plem entations; see Gaw-
ron 1983 for an application o f Al frames to lexical semantics).
Lakoff (1987) argues that certain concepts are defined in terms o f a cluster
The Interaction be tw e en Verbs a n d Constructions 27
2.2 The N a t u r e o f V e r b M e a n in g
So far the discussion o f frame sem antics has centered around nominal
examples, but the sem antics of nouns and verbs cannot be argued to involve
qualitatively different types o f know ledge, since nouns are often extended for
use as verbs (cf. Clark & Clark 1979). Verbs, as well as nouns, involve frame-
semantic meanings; that is, their designation must include reference to a back
ground frame rich with world and cultural knowledge.
It is typically difficult to capture fram e-sem antic know ledge in concise para
phrase, let alone in formal representation or in a static picture. Still, it is indis
putable that speakers do have such knowledge, as a m om ent o f introspection
should make clear. Consider the following (oversim plified) definitions:
ren eg e; to change one’s mind after previously having made a prom ise or
com m itm ent to do som ething
m a rry : to engage in a ritualized cerem ony with a partner, resulting in a
change in legal status, with the assum ed intention o f engaging in co n
jugal relations and rem aining with said partner until one of the two dies
28 Chapter Tw o
b o y co tt: to avoid buying goods and/or services from a company with the aim
o f expressing disapproval or causing the com pany to change one or
more o f its policies o r to go out o f business
rio t: for three or m ore people, acting as a group, to engage in activities
outside o f cultural norm s in an unruly and aggressive manner, often
with the intention o f effecting political consequences
O ther exam ples of verbs requiring aspects o f com plex world know ledge are
not difficult to com e by. C onsider the rich fram e-sem antic knowledge neces
sary to characterize the m eanings of: languish, laminate, saunter, divorce,
avenge, prom ote, subpoena. In order to capture the richness o f these meanings,
verbs must be able to refer to conceptual structure, broadly construed (cf. Fill-
m ore 1975, 1977b; LakolT 1977, 1987; Langacker 1987a; Jackendoff 1983,
1987, 1990a).2
T he idea that lexical entries should make reference to world and cultural
know ledge is not w ithout challengers. W hile many current theorists using se
m antic decom positional structures, such as ‘X c a u s e s Y to r e c e i v e Z ', ‘X
a c t s ,' or ‘X causes Y to m ove Z ’, readily recognize that such paraphrases do
not capture all o f w hat is intuitively the verb’s m eaning (e.g., LakolT 1965;
Foley & Van Valin 1984; Levin 1985; Pinker 1989), they argue that such para
phrases are adequate for capturing the “ syntactically relevant aspects o f verb
m eaning.” The syntactically relevant aspects o f verb m eaning are defined to be
those aspects which are relevant for determ ining the syntactic expression of
argum ents via linking rules. Sim ilar proposals have been made by researchers
w ho claim that the theta role arrays associated with lexical entries constitute
the only syntactically relevant aspects o f verb m eaning (e.g., Kiparsky 1987;
Bresnan & Kanerva 1989).3
O n the account proposed here, the sem antic decom positional structures cor
respond to constructional meanings. Only in the lim iting case do verbs have
such skeletal m eanings (e.g., give, do, make). Since the mapping between se
m antics and syntax is done via constructions, not via lexical entries, that there
should be a class o f “ syntactically relevant aspects o f verb m eaning” follows
from the existence o f constructions, w hich are independently motivated (cf.
chapter 1).
M oreover, by distinguishing verbal sem antics from constructional sem an
tics, we can predict an observation noted by Pinker as to the nature o f “syntac
tically relevant aspects o f verb m eaning,” or what is here claim ed to be
constructional meaning. Pinker (1989) observes that such syntactically relevant
aspects o f verb m eaning resem ble the m eanings o f closed-class elements. That
is, Pinker notes that the sem antic features that are used to predict overt syntactic
structure (via linking rules) are the same types o f semantic features that have
The Interaction Detw een Verbs a n d Constructions 29
been shown to be associated with closed-class items, for instance m otion, cau
sation, contact, and change o f state (Talmy 1978, 1983, 1985a; Bybee 1985).
On a constructional account Pinker’s observation is predicted. W hat needs
to be recognized is that what Pinker takes to be the “ syntactically relevant”
aspects o f verbal m eaning are aspects o f constructional m eaning. C onstructions
are closed-class elem ents, so they are predicted to have the sem antics o f
closed-class elements.
A further reason to distinguish the sem antics o f argum ent structure construc
tions from the verbs w hich instantiate them, and to allow the verbs to be as
sociated with rich fram e-sem antic meanings, is the need to account for novel
uses of verbs in particular constructions. For exam ple, consider the following
In order to interpret (or generate) this expression, one needs to know that sneez
ing involves the forceful expulsion o f air. This would not be captured by a
skeletal decom positional lexical entry for sneeze such as, for exam ple, ‘X
It is also clear that richer aspects o f verb m eaning are required for aspects of
linguistic theory other than predicting the syntactic expression o f arguments.
For example, frame sem antics is needed in order to account for the distribution
o f adverbs and adjuncts, to account for the process of preem ption (defined
below), to allow for the possibility of meaningful interpretation and translation,
and to predict correct inferences. Each of these motivations is discussed in turn.
The particulars of the m anner designated by verbs are typically taken to be
opaque to syntax (whereas w hether the verb encodes a m anner or not is taken
to be part of the syntactically relevant aspects o f verb meaning). For exam ple,
with respect to the verb roll, Pinker notes: “ The idiosyncratic inform ation
about the topography of rolling is a black box as far as gram m ar is concerned,
and we need not be concerned about decom posing it, whereas the inform ation
that there is a m anner specified, or a m anner and a path, is som ething that
gram m ar cares about” (1989:182).
While it may be true that the syntactic expression o f argum ents is not con
cerned with specific manners, such specifics are clearly relevant to other as
pects of language. In order to account for the distribution o f adverbs and
adjuncts, reference to the nature of the m anner designated by the verb is essen
tial. For example, to predict the distribution o f the adverb slowly, reference to
particulars of manner is required:
T hat is, one m ust know that careening im plies quick, uncontrolled motion;
therefore (2b) is contradictory. Similarly, in order to predict the distinctions
between the follow ing exam ples, reference to the particulars of m anner is
(3) a. Joe walked into the room with the help o f a cane.
b. ?Joe m arched into the room with the help o f a cane.
c.??Joe rolled into the room with the help o f a cane.
d. *Joe careened into the room with the help of cane.
T hus the question that is often asked is, w hat aspects o f meaning are relevant
for a particular highly circum scribed dom ain? It is pointed out here that if we
wish to ultim ately account for a w ider domain o f language than the syntactic
expression o f argum ents, we will need to appeal to a much richer notion of
sem antic structure.
A nother reason to include fram e-sem antic know ledge in lexical entries is in
order to account for the phenom enon o f preem ption, or “ blocking.” It is
w idely recognized that children readily stop using overgeneralized forms upon
learning an irregular form with the same meaning. For exam ple, children tend
to overregularize go to goed; but once they realize that went is synonymous,
they cease to produce goed. Thus, went is said to preem pt goed. Similarly,
speakers do not generalize the pattern exemplified by teacher, fighter, listener,
doer to form * cooker, because cooker is preem pted by cook.
In order for preem ption to occur, the hypothesized regular form and the
irregular form must have identical semantics. We would not expect fle w to
preem pt soared, because their m eanings are not identical. But in order to de
term ine that soared is in fact not synonym ous with flew, the child must know
w hat soared and fle w mean. It is not enough to know that they are motion verbs
with a m anner com ponent; the entirety o f the fram e-sem antic knowledge as
sociated with them must be recognized (their phonological dissim ilarity is not
enough to distinguish them conclusively, since went preem pts g oed despite
phonetic dissim ilarity).
It should also be im m ediately clear that in order to even have a hope of
accounting for interpretation or translation, we need to make reference to
fram e-sem antic know ledge associated with lexical entries. Interpretations that
only involve the “ syntactically relevant” aspects o f verb meaning would leave
us with severely underspecified interpretations. For exam ple, consider the fol
lowing (very) short story:
(4) Hershel kissed Bolinda. Bolinda slapped Hershel. Hcrshel slunk away.
(6) a. Sally skipped over the crack in the ground. (-> she didn’t touch the
b. Sally crawled over the crack in the ground. (-* she did touch the
(7) a. Sally, playing a child's gam e, avoided touching the crack by skipping
over it.
b.??Sally, playing a child’s gam e, avoided touching the crack by craw ling
over it.
In order to know whether or not to infer that Sally made contact with the crack,
one needs to know exactly what m anner o f motion is involved in skipping and
crawling; the know ledge of the specific manners involved is part of our fram e-
semantic understanding of what these term s mean. It is not enough to know
simply that these verbs encode som e manner.
To sum m arize, rich fram e-sem antic know ledge associated with verbs is nec
essary for (1) felicitous use o f adverbs and adjuncts, (2) interpretation and
translation, (3) the process of preem ption, or “ blocking," and (4) making cor
rect inferences. Unless we decree that the distribution o f adverbs and adjuncts,
preemption, interpretation, and inferences are not within the dom ain o f gram
mar, lexical entries m ust have access to such knowledge.
2.3 Th e N ature of C o n s t r u c t io n a l M e a n in g
2 .3.1 Polysemy
Constructions are typically associated with a family o f closely related
senses rather than a single, fixed abstract sense. G iven the fact that no strict
division between syntax and the lexicon is assum ed, this polysem y is expected.
32 Chapter Tw o
since m orphological polysemy has been shown to be the norm in study after
study (W ittgenstein 1953, A ustin 1940; B olinger 1968; Rosch 1973; Rosch et
al. 1976; Fillmore 1976, 1982; Lakoff 1977, 1987; Haiman 1978; Brugman
1981, 1988; Lindner 1981: Sweetser 1990; Emanatian 1990). That is, since
constructions are treated as the same basic data type as morphem es, that they
should have polysem ous senses like m orphem es is expected. It is worth d is
cussing a particular exam ple o f such constructional polysemy.
D itransitive expressions in English typically imply that the agent argument
acts to cause transfer o f an object to a recipient. It is argued below that this case
o f actual successful transfer is the basic sense o f the construction.
At the same tim e, it is widely recognized that many ditransitive expressions
do not strictly imply that the patient argum ent is successfully transferred to the
potential recipient. For exam ple, a so-called “/o r-d a tiv e” expression such as
Chris baked Jan a cake does not strictly imply that Jan actually received the
cake. It may happen that C hris was mugged by cake thieves on the way over to
Jan’s. In general, expressions involving verbs of creation (e.g., bake, make,
build, cook) and verbs o f obtaining (e.g., get, grab, win. earn) do not strictly
imply that the agent causes the potential recipient to actually receive the patient
argum ent. Transfer is rather a ceteris paribus implication. W hat is implied by
Chris baked Jan a cake is that Chris baked a cake with the intention of giving
the cake to Jan. In fact, many of the verb classes associated with the construc
tion can be seen to give rise to slightly different interpretations.
Expressions involving verbs which imply that the agent undertakes an obli
gation (e.g., prom ise, guarantee, owe) also do not strictly imply transfer. For
exam ple. Bill prom ised his son a car does not imply that Bill actually gave his
son a car, or even that Bill intended to give his son a car. Rather, transfer is
implied by the “ conditions o f satisfaction" associated with the act denoted by
the predicate (Searle 1983). A satisfied prom ise, for example, does imply that
the “ prom ise" receives whatever is promised.
Expressions involving verbs o f future having (e.g., bequeath, leave, refer,
forw ard, allocate, allot, assign) imply that the agent acts to cause the referent
of the first object to receive the referent of the second object at som e future
point in time. This class differs from the last two classes in that no intention or
obligation o f future action on the part o f the referent o f the subject is implied;
the agent’s role in the transfer is accom plished by the action referred to by the
Expressions involving verbs o f perm ission (e.g., permit, allow) imply
merely that the agent enables the transfer to occur, by not preventing it— not
that the agent actually causes the transfer to occur. For example, Joe allow ed
Billy a popsicle im plies only that Joe enabled Billy to have a popsicle or did
The In fr a c t io n betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 33
not prevent him from having one— not that Joe necessarily caused Billy to have
a popsicle.
Expressions involving verbs o f refusal (e.g., refuse, deny) express the nega
tion o f transfer, for exam ple in Joe refused Bob a raise in salary and His
mother denied Billy a birthday cake. Here transfer is relevant in that the pos
sibility for successful transfer has arisen, but the agent is understood to refuse
to act as the causer of it.
Because of these differences, the sem antics involved can best be represented
as a category of related meanings. T hat is, the ditransitive form is associated
with a set o f system atically related senses. Thus the ditransitive can be viewed
as a case of constructional polysem y: the sam e form is paired with different
but related senses. By accounting for these differences in term s o f construc
tional polysemy, as opposed to positing a collection o f lexical rules, for ex
ample. we can capture the relations between the different senses in a natural
way. In particular, a polysem ous analysis allow s us to recognize the special
status of the central sense of the construction.
The central sense o f the ditransitive construction can be argued to be the
sense involving successful transfer o f an object to a recipient, with the referent
o f the subject agentively causing this transfer. There are several reasons to
adopt this view. The central sense proposed here involves concrete rather than
metaphorical or abstract (here: potential) transfer, and concrete m eanings have
been shown to be more basic both diachronically (Traugott 1988; Sw eetser
1990) and synchronically (Lakoff & Johnson 1980). Further, this is the sense
most metaphorical extensions (as described in chapter 6) are based on. For
example, consider (8) and (9):
(8) implies that Bill actually learned som e French, that the m etaphorical trans
fer was successful. This is in contrast to (9), in w hich no such im plication is
necessary. Similarly, com pare (10) and (11):
(10) implies that her m other actually saw the photograph, w hereas for many
speakers, no such implication is given in (11).
These facts can be accounted for once we recognize actual successful trans
fer as the central sense o f the construction; we need only stale that m etaphorical
extensions have as their source domain this central sense.4 Finally, successful
34 Chapter T w o
transfer is argued to be the central sense because the other classes o f meanings
can be represented m ost econom ically as extensions from this sense.
At the sam e tim e, the various senses are not predictable and must be conven
tionally associated with the construction. For example, it is not predictable
from know ing the rest o f English that verbs o f creation will be allowed in the
ditransitive construction in the first place; moreover, it is not predictable that
ditransitive expressions involving verbs o f creation will imply intended trans
fer instead o f actual transfer or general benefaction. Because o f this, the various
different possible senses need to be listed.
The suggestion here o f allow ing for a fairly specific central sense o f the
construction and postulating separate related senses w hich make reference to
specific verb classes can be contrasted with the possibility o f postulating a
single abstract sense for the construction and allowing the verbs’ sem antics to
fill out the meaning. Since the latter approach is attractive in being more
sim ple, let me take tim e to dem onstrate why such an abstractionist account fails
to adequately account for the data.
Several researchers (e.g., W ierbicka, 1986; Paul Kay, personal com m unica
tion; Frederike Van der Leek, personal com m unication) have suggested that
there is a sim ple uniform m eaning associated with the ditransitive, namely, that
there is some kind of special effect on the first object. It is claimed that the
nature of this effect is inferred pragmatically. This proposal is attractive in its
clegance, but there are several facts w eighing against it. For one, the ditransi-
tivc construction does not system atically imply any particular special effect on
the first object referent that the corresponding prepositional passive does not
imply. M any ditransitive expressions do not entail that the first object referent
is affected at all. M oreover, there are pragm atically possible interpretations of
“ affected” which are not possible interpretations of ditransitive expressions.
To illustrate the first point: there is no noncircular reason to think that the
first object is any m ore affected in the following (a)-cases than in the corre
sponding (b)-cases:
In fact, there is no obvious definition for “ affected” which im plies that Pat is
necessarily affected in (15):
The interaction be tw e en Verbs a n d Constructions 35
Pat may never receive Ihe cake, and in fact may never even know about it.
In addition, it is not possible to construe the first object as affected in just
any pragmatically inferable way. For exam ple, even if we know that there are
an agent, a patient, and a goal involved (using the definitions o f the thematic
roles on, e.g.. K ay’s account), it is possible to pragm atically infer that the way
the goal is affected is by the agent throwing the patient at the goal. However,
the following cannot be interpreted this way:
That is, these exam ples cannot be interpreted to mean that Pat threw or hit the
ball at Chris. They can only mean that Pat threw or hit the ball so that Chris
would receive it— in this case, so that Chris would catch the ball. C onse
quently, we cannot felicitously say:
A full six out of ten subjects responded that topam ased m eant “ give.” This
fact cannot be attributed sim ply to effects o f general word frequency because
36 Chapter T w o
there are several other w ords allowed in this construction that are more frequent
than give. Thus, according to Carroll, Davies, and Richm an's (1971) Word Fre
quency Book, w hich used a 5,000,000-word corpus, give occurred 3,366 times
in that corpus, while tell occurred 3,715 tim es, take 4,089 times, get 5,700
tim es, and m ake 8,333 times. O f these other words, only tell was given as a
response in my survey, and it was only given by one speaker. None o f the other
w ords were given. O ne might raise the objection that while give is not the most
frequently occurring word overall, it is nonetheless the most frequently occur
ring word in this construction. However, the point o f the experim ent was ex
actly to test w hether speakers were aware o f the close relation between give
and the ditransitive construction; the results seem to indicate that they are.
A related problem stem s from the fact that not all ditransitive expressions
are equally acceptablc. There are certain benefactive ditransitives, to be de
scribed in section 6.3.4 in terms o f a system atic metaphor, which arc acceptable
to varying degrees for different speakers. Exam ples o f this type include (Green
And, they are more acceptable when the recipient is referred to by a pronoun.
C ontrast (23a) with (24):
On the present account, we can understand these cases to be a lim ited extension
o f the basic sense; we do not need to put them on a par with other ditransitive
exam ples, yet we can still treat them as related to the rest o f the ditransitives.
However, on an abstractionist account, we have to choose w hether to include
them as ditransitives o r exclude them from the analysis. If we include them, we
have no way to account for their marginal status and the special constraints
they are subject to. If we exclude them, we fail to capture the obvious similarity
they bear to other ditransitives, both in their syntax and in their semantics.
A nother problem is that it is not predictable that verbs of creation will com
The inrerjcnon berw een Verbs and Constructions 37
bine with the ditransitive to imply intended, instead o f actual or future transfer.
For example, consider (25):
This sentence can only mean that Chris baked the cake with the intention of
giving it to Mary. It cannot mean that Chris necessarily gave, o r will give, the
cake to Mary.
Finally, an abstractionist analysis does not readily allow us to account for
the fact, m entioned previously, that m etaphorical extensions are based on ac
tual transfer, not potential or intended transfer (but cf. note 4 again). T hat is, if
we only postulate an abstract constraint on the first object position, we have no
natural way o f accounting for the fact that the m etaphorical extensions imply
this first object to be an actual recipient, not a prospective recipient o r goal.
However, on our constructional polysem y account we can say that the m eta
phorical extensions have as their source dom ain the central sense o f actual
These problem s arise for any abstractionist account; therefore, any such
account can be seen to be unsatisfactory. Instead, a polysem ous sem antics is
warranted. The related senses o f the ditransitive construction can then be
diagrammed as in figure 2.2. Each of the links extruding from the central sense
in this diagram can be motivated by show ing that the sam e relation holds in
other areas o f the grammar. In fact, rem arkably sim ilar patterns o f polysem y
arc shown to exist for the caused-m otion construction discussed in chapters 3
and 7. The related senses involve a category o f force-dynam ical Iy related types
of causation as has been described by Talmy (1976, 1985b) and Jackendoff
It might be tem pting to think that by positing constructional polysemy, we
are simply adding com plexity to the construction which would otherw ise be
attributed to the verb. T hat is. it m ight be thought that w hile we avoid polysemy
of lexical items by not postulating separate input and output senses of verbs
that undergo lexical rules, we create polysem y o f the construction instead.
However, that is em phatically not the case. The polysem y attributed to con
structions is polysemy that exists independent o f our decision as to how verb
meanings should be represented, since it corresponds to polysem y across out
puts o f what is generally taken to be a single lexical rule on traditional ac
counts. For exam ple, the ditransitive construction is typically captured by a
single lexical rule which creates a new verb sense, ‘X causes Y to r e c e iv e Z ’.
However, we have seen that ditransitive expressions do not necessarily imply
‘X causes Y to r e c e iv e Z ', but may m erely imply ‘X in t e n d s to cause Y to
38 ChapterTwo
A. Central Sense:
Agent successfully causes recipient to receive patient
Verbs that inherently signify acts of giving:
give, pass, hand, serve, feed,...
Verbs of instantaneous causation of ballistic motion:
throw, toss, slap. kick, poke, fling, shoot,...
Verbs of continuous causation in a deictically specified direction:
bring, take,...
Figure 2.2
The Interaction Detw een Verbs a n d Constructions 39
Z ’ (leave, grant)', alternatively, it may be the case that only the con
r e c e iv e
ditions of satisfaction associated with the act designated by the verb imply ‘X
causes Y to r e c e i v e Z ' ( prom ise, owe) or ‘X c a u s e s Y not to r e c e i v e Z ’
(deny, refuse). Thus on a lexical rule account, a family o f lexical rules, each
with a slightly different output, would need to be postulated. We may conclude
that irrespective o f whether we posit distinct verb senses or w hether we attrib
ute the resulting sem antics to an interaction of verb and construction, it is nec
essary to account somehow for the observed differences in the resulting
Languages are expected to draw on a finite set o f possible event types, such as
that of someone causing som ething, som eone experiencing som ething, som e
thing moving, som ething being in a state, som eone possessing som ething,
som ething causing a change o f state or location, som ething undergoing a
change o f state or location, someone experiencing som ething, and som ething
having an effect on someone. These event types are quite abstract. We do not
expect to find distinct basic sentence types which have as their basic senses
semantics such as som ething turning a color, som eone becom ing upset, so m e
one oversleeping.
The idea that constructions designate scenes essential to human experience
is reminiscent o f Fillm ore’s original motivation for the existence o f a particular,
fixed set o f case roles: “The case notions com prise a set o f universal, presum
ably innate, concepts w hich identify certain types o f judgm ents hum an beings
are capable o f making about the events that are going on around them, ju d g
ments about such matters as who did it, who it happened to, and w hat got
changed” (1968:24),
40 Chciprer Tw c
code the sem antics o f yet another construction, that instantiated by verbs such
as receive, have. lake.
Clark cites other studies which have shown that w ords corresponding to
these concepts are am ong the first to be used crosslinguistically as well (e.g.,
Bowerman 1973 for Finnish; G regoire 1937 for French; Sanches 1978 for
Japanese; and Park 1977 for Korean). Children appear to be using these verbs
with a general m eaning close to that o f adults. Clark provides the follow ing
interpretations for children’s early uses in her data:
do: “ perform an action,” generally occurring with an agent noun phrase and
sometim es with an additional patient argum ent
go: "m ove,” often accom panied by a locative phrase or particle
make: “ construct,” “ produce." or “cause som e state to com e into being or be
put: "cause to be or go in some place”
Table 2 .1
U ses o f first verbs in fixed data bases (C lark 1978)
g et 252 8° 417
do 169 put 287
m ake 132 sit 129
read 86 fi‘ 65
play 85 lake 48
fin d 69 fa ll 30
eat 60 go bye-bye 28
fix 59 aw ay 26
draw 52 com e 25
hold 50 get 25
42 C hapter Tw o
It has also been observed that children with Specific Language Impairment
rely heavily on the same set of light verbs, including go. gel, do, put. and make,
in their production o f sentences. For exam ple, sentences such as I'm doing
two balloons com m only replace the more appropriate I ’m using/playing w ith/
bouncing two balloons (Rice & Bode 1993; cf. also Watkins, Rice & Moltz
Slobin (1985) observes that children’s first uses o f certain gramm atical mark
ings are applied to “ prototypical scenes” : “ In Basic Child Grammar, the first
Scenes to receive gram m atical m arking are “ prototypical,” in that they regu
larly occur as part o f frequent and salient activities and perceptions, and
thereby becom e organizing points for later elaboration . . (p. 1175). He illus
trates this claim by arguing that the gram m atical marking o f transitivity is first
used to describe what he term s the “ m anipulative activity scene.” This scene
corresponds to the experiential gestalt o f a basic causal event, in which an agent
carries out a physical and perceptible change of state in a patient by means of
direct manipulation. That is, m arkers o f transitivity, both object markers in
accusative languages and subject m arkers in ergative languages, are first ap
plied to the argum ents o f verbs involving direct physical action, e.g., give,
grab, take, hit, and not to those o f verbs such as say. see. call out. In Kaluli
(Schieffelin 1985) children do not overextend ergative inflection to the subjects
o f intransitive verbs, not even when these verbs have an active meaning, like
run, ju m p; Slobin thus concludes that children are not gram m aticizing the no
tion o f actor in general, but are gram m atically marking manipulative activity
W hile Slobin considers the acquisition o f gram m aticalized morphem es, his
observations directly carry over to the lexically unfilled constructions in E n
glish which are studied here: the m orphem es that mark transitivity in other
languages correspond to the English skeletal transitive construction, although
the latter has no overt m orphological marking.
Bow erm an (1989) observes m ore generally that the content o f children's first
utterances revolves around the general concepts claim ed to be associated with
constructions: “ Regardless of the language being learned, children’s first sen
tences revolve around a restricted set of m eanings to do with agency, action,
location, possession and the existence, recurrence, nonexistence, and disap
pearance o f objects (Bloom 1970, Bow erm an 1973, Brown 1973, Schlesinger
1971, Slobin 1970)’’ (p. 137). Thus we may conclude that data from language
acquisition gives us some independent evidence for the claim that the events
encoded by constructions are in some sense basic to human experience.
If it is correct that syntactic ( “ subcategorization") frames are associated d i
rectly with m eanings, then what children learn when they learn the syntax of
The Interaction be tw e en Verbs a n d Constructions 43
simple sentences is the particular way certain basic scenarios o f human expe
rience are paired with forms in their language. That is, we assum e that children
have already mastered the concepts o f transfer between an agent and a w illing
recipient, causation of motion or change of state, and so forth, and that they
come to the task o f learning language trying to learn how to encode these b a
sic concepts. Constructions are then extended in various ways allow ing the
speaker to apply the fam iliar pattern to new contexts in principled ways, as we
saw in the previous section. These patterns of extension are further discussed
in the following chapters as well.
At the same time, it is not being claim ed that all clause-level constructions
encode scenes basic to human experience. N onbasic clause-level constructions
such as cleft constructions, question constructions, and topicalization construc
tions (and possibly passives) are prim arily designed to provide an alternative
inform ation structure o f the clause by allow ing various argum ents to be topi-
calized or focused. Thus children must also be sensitive to the pragm atic infor
mation structure of the clause (Halliday 1967) and m ust learn additional
constructions which can encode the pragm atic inform ation structure in accord
with the message to be conveyed. T hese cases are not discussed further here
(cf. Lam brecht 1987, 1994).
2.4 T h e I n t e g r a t io n of V erb a n d C o n s t r u c t io n
2 .4 .i Participant Roles of Verbs
Part of a verb's frame sem antics includes the delim itation o f participant
roles. Participant roles are to be distinguished from the roles associated with the
construction, which will be called argum ent roles. T he distinction is intended
to capture the fact that verbs are associated with fram e-specific roles, w hereas
constructions are associated with more general roles such as agent, patient,
goal, which correspond roughly to Fillm ore’s early case roles or G ruber’s the
matic roles.6 Participant roles are instances o f the more general argum ent roles
and capture specific selectional restrictions as well.
A useful heuristic for determ ining the basic m eaning o f a verb is to interpret
the verb in gerundial form in the following frame:
The num ber and type o f participant roles im plicitly understood to be involved
in the interpretation o f this expression correspond to the num ber and type of
participant roles in the frame sem antics associated with the verb. For exam ple:
In som e cases, the verb cannot be used in this fram e unless accom panied by
certain com plem ents:
In these cases, the necessarily expressed com plem ents are taken to correspond
to participants associated with the verb.7
N otice that several o f the above exam ples have more than one interpretation,
indicating more than one verb sense. We know from extensive studies of po
lysemy that lexical items are typically associated with a set o f related meanings
rather than a single abstract sense (Austin 1940; W ittgenstein 1953: Bolinger
1968; Rosch 1973; Rosch et al. 1976: Fillm ore 1976, 1982; Lakoff 1977, 1987;
Haiman 1978;B rugm an 1981, 1988: Lindner 1981; Sweetser 1990). Therefore
the existence of two, three, or more distinct but related verb senses is expected.
These polysem ous senses can be explicitly related by appealing to the frame
sem antics associated with each o f them. W hat is avoided, though, is a system
w here a new sense is posited in an unrestrained way for each new syntactic
configuration that is encountered.
ing to distinguish take and give. They note: "iVlovie directors m ake an art o f
distinguishing such notions visually. They can zoom in on the receiver’s grate
ful mien, the giver out o f focus, or off the frame com pletely. Using the word
take rather than give is a linguistic way o f m aking the same distinction” ( 1991:
8). Similar exam ples o f verbs which seem to invoke the sam e sem antic frame
but differ in the participant roles profiled include loan/borrow, buy/sell (see
Fillmore 1977b for discussion), and substitute/replace (see Landau & G leit
man 1985 for discussion).
The test for profiled status that will be used here is that profiled participant
roles are those roles w hich are norm ally obligatorily expressed in finite clauses.
The “ norm ally” -caveat is intended to allow for two types of exceptions: cases
where the verb occurs in a construction w hich serves the purpose o f avoiding
the overt expression of a particular argum ent, for exam ple, a passive or middle
construction, and (2) cases in which the profiled argum ent may be unexpressed
under certain identifiable contextual circum stances. T hese two possibilities are
discussed in section 2.4.5.
However, the differences in the expressions of their argum ents can be ac
counted for by a sem antic difference in profiling. In the case o f rob. the target
and the thief are profiled, while in the case o f steal the valuables and the thief
are profiled. Representing profiled participant roles in boldface, we might ex
press the difference between rob and steal thus:
goods role of steal and the target role o f rob must each be linked to OBJ.
Indeed, if we needed to stipulate profiling differences as entirely idiosyncratic
aspects o f lexical entries in order to predict the syntactic expression o f argu
ments, lexical profiling could not be considered a great advance over stipulat
ing the syntactic expression o f argum ents directly. Either way we would have
a stipulation, the only difference being that one stipulation would be semantic
and the other syntactic. The differences between the two accounts could then
be represented thus:
Syntactic Stipulation:
rob < th ie f target g o o d s> steal < ta rg e t g o o d s>
Profiling Difference:
rob < th ief target g o o d s> steal < th ief target goods>
However, it can be dem onstrated that rob and steal do in fact differ seman
tically, and that this difference allows us to predict a difference in profiling.
Rob necessarily entails that the robbed person is seriously negatively affected:
this is not true o f steal. N otice the contrast between (30a) and (30b):
If the victim is indeed negatively affected by the theft, however, use of rob
becom es acceptable, as can be seen in the follow ing sentence:
Similarly, (32a), in which a rather serious negative effcct on the victim is im
plied, is acceptable, while (32b), in which the effect on the victim is not nec
essarily serious, is unacceptable:
Steal, on the other hand, does not require any effect on the victim.
Steal focuses on the fact that the stolen goods are not legitim ately the thief’s
property, rather than the fact that they are actually som eone else's. The victim
is often left vague or unknown:
T his line plays on the fact that rob profiles the v ictim w hile steal p ro files the
stolen goods. A person c a p ab le o f stealin g , b u t not rob b in g , is d eem ed re la
tively less crim in al sin ce stealin g fo cu ses on the sto len g o o d s and not the
victim .
A n analo g o u s differen ce e x ists betw een the nom inal c o u n te rp a rts o f th ese
verbs, robbery and theft ( “ the a ct o f ste a lin g " ). R ob b ery is a m o re serio u s
o ffense than theft becau se it en tails th at the c rim e is c o m m itte d against so m e
one: the victim has to be p resen t.’ T h is is not true o f theft. T h e d ifferen ce is
exem plified in the follow ing:
Figure 23 sum s up grap h ically the d ifferen ces in se m a n tic s b etw een steal
and rob.
F ig u re 2.3
A D e e p e r E x p la n a tio n
1 have claim ed that the se m a n tic d ifferen ces betw een rob and steal are
eq u ivalent to a differen ce in profiling. A stro n g er sta tem en t w ould be to say
that the p rim ary distin ctio n is in the v erb s’ sem an tic fram es, and that this d is
tinction underlies o r m o tiv ates the d ifferen ce in profiling. T h u s it m ig h t be
argued that the scen es asso ciate d w ith rob and steal are d istin g u ish e d by m o re
than a difference in profiling. O ne piece o f e v id en c e fo r this is the fact that the
target role o f steal is not req u ired to be a p erson at a ll— only a so u rc e — as we
m ight ex p ect given its sy n tactic en co d in g .
46 Chapter T w o
We might distinguish rob and steal by distinguishing their sem antic frames,
and thus their participant roles, as follows:
Participant roles such as “ victim ,” w hich imply direct affectedness by the ac
tion denoted by the verb, are instances o f the more general role “ patient,”
which is a prim e candidate for profiled status across lexical items and across
languages. “ Source,” on the other hand, is rarely lexically profiled, although
occasional exam ples with apparent lexical profiling do exist, as is the case o f
depart. 10
There are certain generalizations about what types o f participants are gen
erally profiled. In particular, participants which are instances of the more gen
eral categories “ agent” or “ patient” tend to be the best candidates for profiled
status. C iting Greenfield and Smith (1976), C lark (1978) suggests that agent-
or patient-like entities are the m ost salient to children and are learned earliest:
“ M ost o f the object categories nam ed in children’s early vocabularies are sa
lient or attractive to them for various reasons: they move on their own, can
move other objects, or can be m anipulated by children. Notice that they name
agents or m overs— people and a n im a ls.. . . They also name a variety o f sm all
ish objects that are m ovable or can be m anipulated. . . . In contrast, children
hardly ever nam e places, instrum ents or goals” (1978:35). Fillm ore (1977b)
also discusses various attributes which tend to cause a participant to be
“ brought into perspective.” U nfortunately a full exploration o f the question o f
which participants tend to be profiled would take us too far afield o f the present
work, and I do not attem pt it here.
The definition o f constructional profiling em bodies the claim that direct gram
matical relations serve to distinguish certain argum ents sem antically and/or
pragmatically; that is, direct gram m atical functions profile particular roles as
being either sem antically salient or as having som e kind of discourse prom i
nence, for instance, being particularly topical or focused (see Keenan 1976,
1984; Com rie 1984; Fillm ore 1977b; Langacker 1987a, 1991 for argum ents to
this effect). These gram m atical relations are distinguished in most theories as
the set of functions which are “ term s,” or w hich correspond to “ core,” “ nu
clear," or “ direct" argum ents. Like profiled participant roles, profiled argu
ment roles will be indicated by boldface.
It is important to note that the profiling o f participant roles discussed above
and the profiling o f argum ent roles are not o f the exact sam e kind. The criterion
for determ ining w hich o f a verb’s participant roles are profiled is that all and
only obligatorily expressed participant roles are profiled. The test for which of
a construction’s argum ent roles are profiled is different. In the case o f argum ent
roles, all and only roles w hich are expressed as direct gram m atical relations are
considered profiled.
Thus the ditransitive construction is associated with the sem antics ‘X cause
Ditransitive Construction
Figure 2.4
The Interaction betw een Ve rbs a n d Constructions 51
The semantics associated directly with the construction is ‘CA U SE-REC EIV E
< a g t pat r e c > ’. PRED is a variable that is filled by the verb when a particular
verb is integrated into the construction. The construction specifies which roles
o f the construction are obligatorily fused with roles o f the verb; these are indi
cated by a solid line between the argum ent roles and the verb’s participant role
array. Roles which are not obligatorily fused with roles o f the verb— that is,
roles which can be contributed by the construction— are indicated by a dashed
line. The construction also specifies the way in w hich the verb is integrated into
the construction— w hat type o f relation R can be (see section 2.5 for discus
sion). Sometimes a specific relation, e.g., means or instances, replaces R in the
diagram s below.
Figure 2.4 shows a pairing between a semantic level and a syntactic level o f
grammatical functions. There is more to say about this linking pattern (cf.
chapter 4), but for the moment it is sim ply stated as a brute force stipulation.
The typical case is one in which the participant roles associated with the verb
can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with the argum ent roles associated
with the construction. In this case, the constructional m eaning is entirely re
dundant with the verb’s m eaning and the verb m erely adds inform ation to the
event designated by the construction. For exam ple, the verb hand is associated
with three profiled participants: hander, handee, handed. The particular la
bels of these roles are of no theoretical significance; they are only intended to
identify particular participants in the verb’s frame sem antics.
The three profiled participants o f hand can be put in a one-to-one correspon
dence with the profiled argum ent roles o f the ditransitive construction:
R: instance, HAND < hander handee handed >
Figure 2.5
cussed in som e detail in chapters 6 - 9 ) , new com posite structures can be freely
Caused-Motion Construction
Figure 2.6
Explicit argum ents that a construction is required for this case are given in
chapter 7.
The participant roles o f put are fused with the argum ent roles o f the caused-
motion construction as follows:
I i I
< p u tte r puttee >
Figure 2.7
In this case, the caused-m otion construction’s cause argum ent fuses with the
“ putter” role of put, since a putter is a type of cause. The theme argument
fuses with the “ puttee,” or put-thing, role o f pul, since the roles o f theme and
The If ii i-raction betw een Verbs a n d C onstructions 53
put-thing are com patible. The goal (or perhaps more generally, location) argu
ment fuses with the “” role because the "" role is a type
of goal.
The goal argument role of the caused-m otion construction is not profiled (we
can tell because it is linked to an oblique function), although the “” role
is (we can tell because it’s obligatory). The C orrespondence Principle allows
for one participant role to be linked to a nonprofiled argum ent role in cases in
which the verb lexically profiles three participant roles. This allow s the pro
filed participant role “” to be fused with the nonprofiled argum ent role
The integration o f m ail and the ditransitive construction is an opposite case.
M ail has three participant roles, two of which are lexically profiled:
Thus m ail differs from hand in that only two o f its participant roles are
lR I I I
R: instance MAIL < m ailer mailee m ailed >
Figure 2.8
In general, if a verb’s participant role is fused with a profiled argum ent role,
the participant role inherits the profiled status.
necessary that each argum ent role of the construction correspond to a partici
pant o f the verb. As is argued in more detail in chapters 7 - 9 , the construction
can add roles not contributed by the verb.
For exam ple, the participants o f kick are kicker and kicked, and the argu
ments o f the ditransitive construction arc agent, patient, recipient. The ditran
sitive construction therefore contributes a recipient role not associated with a
participant role o f the verb. The roles are fused as follows:
Figure 2.9
The participant roles cannot fuse with the argum ent roles in any other way
because o f the Sem antic Coherence Principle. The kicker role can only fuse
with the agent role, because the agent role is the only role it is semantically
com patible with. A kicker is neither a type o f recipient nor a patient. The
kicked role is an instance o f the patient role but not an instance o f the recipient
ro le.'4 Crucially, the recipient role is contributed by the construction. This
structure yields sentences like (42):
(42) Joe kicked Bill the ball.
O ther cases we have seen work similarly. Sneeze, for example, has a single
profiled participant role, a sneezer. It integrates with the caused-motion con
struction as follows:
1 R: means
< sneezer
S I >
Figure 2.10
The Interaction betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 55
(44) "M y father fro w n ed away the com plim ent and the insult.” (Stephen
McCauley, Easy Way Out, 1993)
(45) "Sharon was exactly the sort o f person w ho’d intim idate him into a
panic.” (Stephen McCauley, Easy Way Out, 1993)
(46) "1 cannot inhabit his mind nor even im agine my way through the dark
labyrinth o f its distortion." (Oxford University Press corpus)
(47) Pauline sm iled her thanks. (Levin & R apoport 1988)
(48) The truck rum bled down the street. (Levin & Rappaport 1990b)
The difference in sem antics, namely that in (49) Chicago is necessarily con
strued as standing m etonym ically for certain people in Chicago, is attributed
to an effect of the ditransitive construction, since the construction im poses the
constraint that the “ send.goal” role must be a recipient, and therefore animate.
The integration of send into the ditransitive construction is represented
lR I i I
R: instance SEND < sender send.goal sent >
Figure 2.11
56 C hap ter Tw o
Recall that the Sem antic Coherence Principle was stated as follows: two roles
are sem antically com patible iff one role can be construed as an instance o f the
other. The send goal role can be construed as a type o f recipient even though it
is not necessarily a recipient in and o f itself.
(51) a. C ecile leased the apartm ent from Ernest, (tenant, property)
b. Ernest leased the apartm ent to Cecile. (landlord, property)
(52) a. C ecile rented the apartm ent from Ernest, (tenant, property)
b. Ernest rented the apartm ent to Cecile. (landlord, property)
It might be tem pting to think that we could analyze these cases along the lines
o f the other cases discussed above: we could try to underspecify the meaning
o f the verb and allow the particular constructions to impose a profiled status on
particular roles. In particular, we might try to postulate a single sense of lease
with the property role as the only lexically profiled participant role. However,
our test for profiled participant roles is that all and only roles which are obliga
torily expressed in finite sentences arc profiled. Given this test, it is not possible
to sim ply say that lease only has one profiled role, the property, because the
verb cannot occur wilh only the property role:
Therefore, to account for these eases, we posit two distinct senses o f the verb:
shades, cuts, or m erges the role, or (2) the verb lexically specifies that the role
may be unexpressed with a definite interpretation. These topics in them selves
could be the subject of a monograph; I do not claim to do them justice here,
but I will discuss them briefly in this section.
Null com plem ents. Fillm ore (1986) distinguishes two distinct ways in
which verbs may lexically specify that a certain participant role can fail to be
expressed. In the first type o f case, the unexpressed role receives an indefinite
interpretation; the referent’s identity is either unknown or irrelevant. These are
indefinite null com plem ents. For exam ple, the objects o f eat and drink are not
expressed in (53), and their referents’ identities— that is, w hat was eaten or
dru n k — are irrelevant.16
(55) After the operation to clear her esophagus, Pat ate and drank all evening.
W hile it is entailed that Chris drove from som ew here, the identity of the source
need not be recoverable by either speaker or hearer; it is left indefinite. A
sim ilar case involving an unexpressed path argum ent is given in (57):
Since the unexpressed role in each o f these exam ples has no special prom i
nence and is nonsalient, these are clear cases o f nonprofiled roles. That is, the
food and drink participants o f eat and drink, respectively, are participant roles
but are not lexically profiled. T he same is true o f the source (and goal and path)
roles o f drive and run.
The second type o f unexpressed com plem ent discussed by Fillmore is differ
ent: the referent’s identity in this case m ust be recoverable from context. This
is the definite null com plem ent. Exam ples o f this type include the following
(the square brackets are used to indicate where the absent role would normally
be expressed):
The Interaction betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 59
Only in contexts in which both speaker and hearer can be expected to be able
to recover the unexpressed argum ents are these cases Felicitous; it is in this
sense that they are definite null com plem ents. Since the contextual constraint
ensures that the participant role in question is accessed and salient (in order to
be identified), the definite null com plem ent is considered profiled.
Fillmore provides a test to distinguish the two types o f unexpressed roles.
He notes that while it is perfectly acceptable for a speaker to adm it ignorance
of the identity of a m issing indefinite argum ent, it sounds odd for a speaker to
admit ignorance of a m issing definite com plem ent:
Fillmore observes that in English, w hether a verb allows an argum ent to be un
expressed with a definite interpretation is a lexical specification. T his assum p
tion is necessary in order to account for distinctions o f the follow ing k in d :17
Only insist allows a definite null com plem ent; the closely related require and
dem and do not. Ai the same time, many other languages, including Japanese,
Korean, and Hungarian, allow definite null argum ents freely. In these lan
guages, often only the verb is overtly expressed: all o f the verb’s participants
may receive a definite interpretation in context. Below, profiled definite om is
sible participant roles will be represented by the role nam e in boldface su r
rounded by square brackets: [role].
To sum m arize, there are several ways in which profiled participant roles can
be accounted for w ithout being overtly expressed. The verb may occur in a
construction which specifically shades, cuts, or merges a certain role or. in
languages like English, the verb may lexically designate that a particular role
may be unexpressed if it receives a definite interpretation.
yield the sem antics o f particular expressions, the question arises as to what
range o f verb classes can be associated with a given construction.
C ould any verb class in principle be conventionally associated with a par
ticular construction?18 For exam ple, if we accept that the ditransitive construc
tion is directly associated with a particular semantics, roughly, ‘X causes Y to
r e c e iv ) Z ', then why would it not be possible in principle for, say verbs of
mood like sadden, anger, regret to be used with the ditransitive construction
as in (61) to imply the resulting em otional state?
H and lexically designates a type o f transfer event; at the same time, transfer is
the sem antics associated with the ditransitive construction. A nother example
of this kind is put, used as in (63):
Put lexically designates a type of caused-m otion event, and caused motion is
of course the sem antics associated with the caused-m otion construction.
O ther system atic relations between verbs and constructional meanings have
been discussed under the heading o f “ conflation patterns” (Talmy 1985a). In
our term s, conflation patterns correspond to m ism atches between the semantics
o f the verb and the sem antics designated by the construction. The mismatches
can be o f several types.
As had been implicit in much o f the generative sem antics literature (e.g.,
Lakoff 1965; M cCawlcy 1973) and has more recently been recognized by
Talmy (1985), Levin and Rapoport (1988), and Jackendoff (1990a), verbs
w hich do not directly denote the m eaning associated with the construction of
ten denote the m eans by w hich the action is perform ed. T his is the relation that
verbs of ballistic motion bear to the m eaning o f the ditransitive construction.
For exam ple, in (64) kicking is the means by which transfer is effected.
The Interaction betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 61
In the case of causative constructions, the verb designates the result associ
ated with the construction. The construction supplies an agent argum ent which
does not fuse with any of the participant roles associated with the verb. For
example, consider the Chichewa causative m orphem e its in (65) (from A lsina
& M chom bo 1990):
Alsina (1993) analyzes this morphem e as having the following sem antic
The causative morpheme is thus a construction, into which the verb’s sem antics
(represented by PRED) integrates. This m oiphological construction is quite
analogous semantically to the lexically unfilled English constructions that
have been discussed so far. T he verb stem and the causative m orphem e must
integrate, just as the English verb must integrate into the various English
He argues that the sailing m anner and the implication o f motion can only be
conflated if the activity o f sailing causes the motion. That is, the follow ing is
Example (68) cannot mean that the boat entered the cave while b urning.1'’
C roft’s claim can be restated in term s of the present account in the follow-
ng way:
62 Chapter T w o
For instance, the clum ping noise of (69a) is a result o f the man’s moving. For
m ost speakers verbs o f sound em ission cannot be used for coincidentally co
occurring (or characteristic) sounds, where no causal relationship is involved:
However, Croft's claim is not sufficient to account for all cases. This brings us
to the following section.
For exam ple, the follow ing exam ples from the O xford University Press corpus
involve only the m anner o f m otion, not the m eans o f motion (cf. Levin &
R apoport 1988; Jackendoff 1990a):10
Interestingly, the way construction tends to be used with pure m anner verbs
only when the manner is particularly salient and em phasized. This is reflected
in the fact that, not uncom monly, m anner cases involve two or three conjoined
verbs, as in exam ple (72b).
Returning to verbs o f sound em ission again, it seem s that they can m argin
ally be used in the motion construction when the verbs do not designate a sound
resulting from the motion. In particular, if the sound is the m eans of identifying
the path o f motion, the expressions seem at least m arginally acceptable:
The conative construction exemplified by (74) also perm its exceptions to the
Causal Relations Hypothesis:
In this case the verb designates the intended result o f the act denoted by the
construction. The sem antics of the construction can be represented roughly as
‘X d ir e c t s a c t io n at Y ’. T hat is, Ethel does not necessarily strike Fred, but
striking him is the intended result o f the directed action. The construction can
be represented as follows:
Conative Construction
R: intended
I I >
result + motion
+ contact
Syn V
Figure 2.13
The fact that a verb that is related to the construction by the intended-result
relation m ust be (+ motion, + contact] serves to allow verbs such as shoot, hit,
kick, and cut, w hile correctly ruling out verbs such as *m ove (no contact) and
*touch (no motion) (Guerssel et al. 1985; Laughren 1988). This constraint is
captured by restricting the class o f verbs which can instantiate PRED when the
R-rclation is one of intended result.
64 Chapter T w o
Look and aim are not [ + motion, + contact] verbs,21 and yet they bear an obvi
ous sim ilarity to the cases above. They differ from these earlier cases in that
now the verb’s sem antics is an instance o f the semantics o f the construction.
T hat is, ‘look' and ‘aim ’ are instances of ‘D IR ECT-A C TIO N -A T’. For ex
am ple, aim fuses with the conative construction as follows:
lR 1 1
R: instance AIM < a im e r target >
1 1 1
Syn V SUBJ OBL..J,-.
Figure 2.14
Conative Construction
Figure 2.15
The Inter.icnon betw een Verbs a n d Constructions 65
Verbs may also code particular preconditions associated with the sem antics
of the construction. For exam ple, creation verbs designate an act of creation,
which is a precondition for transfer. C onsider (76):
This sentence does not entail that the baking itself was causally related to the
transfer. The baking does not cause the transfer, and the transfer does not cause
the baking. However, the creation o f the cake is a necessary precondition of the
An im portant question is, why should these relations be privileged? W hy
should means, preconditions, and to a lesser extent, the m anner involved in an
event be more likely candidates for use in a construction w hich im plies the
entire event than, say, the mood o f one o f the participants?
This deeper question is difficult to answer, but if we consider certain verbs’
inherent sem antics to bear a m etonym ic relationship to the sem antics of the
construction, we may find a partial explanation. The sem antics associated with
the construction defines a sem antic frame, and the verb m ust inherently desig
nate a particular salient aspect o f that frame.
M atsumoto (1991) notes that when two verbs are com bined to form a
com plex motion predicate in Japanese, they must share at least one role. He
labels this constraint the Shared Participant Condition. In our term s, this con
straint can be translated into the claim that at least one participant role and
argument role m ust be fused; thus not all o f the argum ent roles can be contrib
uted by the construction.
Let e c be the event type designated by the construction, and e , the event
type designated by the verb.
I. e , must be related to e c in one o f the following ways:
A. e y may be a subtype o f ec
B. e v may designate the means o f e c
C. e , may designate the result of et
D. e v may designate a precondition o f e c
F.. To a very limited extent, e v may designate the m anner of e c, the
means o f identifying ec, or the intended result of ec
II. e c a n d e , must share at least one participant (M atsum oto 199I).22
66 C hapter T w o
D o all o f the possible relations in (I) have equal status? Clearly not. That e v
may be a subtype o f e c is prototypical and universal. The possibility that c. may
code the means o f cc seems to be a language-specific parameter: English,
D utch, and C hinese allow this relation; Rom ance. Semitic, and Polynesian
languages apparently do not (Talmy 1985a). O ther relations, for exam ple that
e w may designate the precondition, manner, or result o f e t , are construction
The result o f integrating the verb with the construction must be an event type
(E) that is itself construable as a single event. That is, only a single event can
be expressed by a single clausc. Some of the constraints on exactly what this
entails are discussed in chapters 7 and 8.
2.6 C o n c l u s io n
In this chapter, I have attem pted to argue for som e o f the basic claims
underlying this m onograph, and have laid out some o f the m achinery needed
to make these claim s precise. Follow ing the discussion in chaplcr 1, where it
was argued that constructional m eaning exists independently o f verb meaning,
the type o f sem antics associated with verbs and constructions has been dis-
cusscd in more detail.
Verbs and other lexical item s have been argued to be associated with rich
fram e-sem antic knowledge. Basic sentence-level constructions, or argument
structure constructions, have been argued to designate scencs which are in
som e sense basic to human experience (cf. also Fillm ore 1968, Langacker
1991). That is, it is claim ed that the set o f basic clause types o f a language are
used to encode general event types such as those denoting that someone did
som ething to som eone, som ething moved, som eone caused som ething to
change stale, som eone experienced som ething, som eone possessed something,
and so forth. Evidence for the idea that these event types have a privileged
status com es from certain language acquisition facts noticed by Clark (1978),
Slobin (1985), and Bow erm an (1989).
in addition it has been argued that these basic senses are extended in various
ways so that particular syntactic frames are associated with a family of related
m eanings. This idea has been explicitly contrasted with the idea that the se
m antics associated with a construction is ultimately generalized, or that it is
abstracted to a single m ore general sense.
Finally, constraints on the types o f potential relations between verbs and
constructions have been suggested, extending observations by Talmy (1985a),
C roft (1991), and M atsum oto (1991).
3 Relations among Constructions
3.1 R e l e v a n t P s y c h o l o g ic a l P r in c ip l e s of La n g u a g e O r g a n iz a t io n
68 C hapter Three
3.2 M o t iv a t io n
7,013, he would say M axim o Perez; in place o f 7,014, he would say. The rail
road; . . . in place o f five hundred, he would say nine."
By rejecting principles of organization, Funes's language is not motivated.
Every difference is a com plete difference; there is no motivation to code gen
eralizations and sim ilarities. It is adm ittedly often not predictable which gen
eralizations or sim ilarities a language will encode; however, unless the ne
cessity o f motivation in a gram m ar is recognized, we cannot account for the
fact that F unes’s language is an inconceivable human language.
L angacker (1987a) has also stressed the im portance o f a notion between
predictability and arbitrariness. He notes that our inability to predict what pat
tern a language uses does not entail that the choice has no semantic basis. For
exam ple, he observes that w hile the fact that scissors, pants, glasses, and bin
oculars have the form o f plurals is not predictable from their designations, it is
nonetheless motivated by the bipartite character o f the type o f object the words
designate (1987a: 47).
L akoff (1987) suggests a precise definition for the term “ motivation” in
gramm ar. A given construction is m otivated to the degree that its structure is
inherited from other constructions in the language. On Lakoff's (1987) account
o f f/iere-constructions, the “ based-on” relation is o f central importance. It is
said to be an asym m etric inheritance relation, so that if construction A is based
on construction B, then A inherits all o f B's properties that do not specifically
conflict with its own specifications. Lakoff suggests that the more the proper
ties o f a given category are redundant, the more it is motivated and the better it
fits into the system as a whole. An optim al system is a system that maximizes
m otivation. There may be many optim al gram m ars since motivation can be
m axim ized in many ways.
R esearchers in child language acquisition are also arguing against the idea
of a strict dichotom y between predictability and arbitrariness. M ore and more
they are advocating learning m echanism s in which there is no sharp division
between obligatory rules and probabilistic tendencies (e.g.. Bates & Muc-
W hinney 1987; M acW hinney 1989. 1991; Pinker 1987).
Evidence that a relation in form aids in the acquisition of concepts which are
related in m eaning com es from studies o f children’s learning o f taxonomic re
lations. G elm an, W ilcox, and C lark (1989) have shown that children learn the
nam es o f subordinate term s more easily when those term s are com pounded
with basic level term s that the child already knows. For exam ple, children were
m ore likely to learn the nam e for a new type o f car when it was called a fep -
ca r than when it was sim ply called a fep. This finding is not obvious, since it
would seem on the face of it that a child would have to learn more in learning
the com pound term than in learning the uncom pounded novel term. However,
Relancns amona Consrnjaions 7I
when motivation is taken into account as an aide in learning, the findings can
be seen to be natural. Children learn new term s for concepts which are related
to other, already familiar concepts more easily w hen the new term s are syste
matically related to the term s for the fam iliar concepts.1
A recognition o f the importance o f m otivation-like reasoning is grow ing in
the field of Artificial Intelligence. Abduction, or reasoning to the best ex p la
nation. has been argued to be useful in attem pts to model human inferences
(W ilensky 1982). Typically one must know the outcom e in order to perform
abduction, which distinguishes it from deduction. In critical respects, the seek
ing out o f linguistic motivation can be understood to be abductive inferencing
applied to language learning, whereas predictability corresponds to the result
o f applying deductive reasoning. That is, abductive reasoning involves after-
the-fact inferencing to determ ine why a given sequence o f events should have
occurred as it did. The given sequence o f events is not, however, a priori pre
dictable. Similarly, while speakers cannot predict w hether or to what extent two
related concepts will be related formally, it is claim ed that they nonetheless
search for such relations in order to “ m ake sense o f” the input forms, fitting
the new forms into the network of interrelated constructions that constitutes
their knowledge ol language. This idea has been suggested by, for exam ple,
Bates and M acW hinney (1987), who propose that relations between forms,
meanings, and fo rm -m e an in g pairs are (unconsciously) observed and pon
dered in their own right. If W ilensky is right in arguing that people seek out
abductive explanations—that is, m otivation— in trying to account for se
quences o f events, then this would give us reason to suspect that speakers m ight
unconsciously apply the same principles in trying to acquire language.
Connectionist representations also make no sharp division between what is
predictable and what is arbitrary, instead allow ing there to be correlations o f
varying strength (cf. Rum elhart & M cClelland 1986). Individual correlations
can be interpreted as m otivating factors: they may influence the system in a
certain direction but they are not in isolation predictive. Such m odels have
begun to be applied to linguistic phenom ena. In these system s violable con
straints— constraints which add to the naturalness (or unnaturalness, if framed
negatively) o f a given expression— are o f central im portance. This ideas has
given rise to constraint optim alization theories in phonology (Smolensky 1986;
Legendre, M iyata & Smolensky 1990; Prince & Sm olensky 1991; G oldsm ith
More generally, in connectionist networks, item s o f new inform ation are
more easily incorporated when analyzed as variations on known inform ation;
new patterns are autom atically assim ilated to old patterns as much as possible.
Optimization in such systems therefore produces m otivated structures.
72 Chapter Three
3.3 R e p r e s e n t in g M o t iv a t io n b y I n h e r it a n c e
Following Lakoff 1984, W ilensky 1986, and Jurafsky 1992, the data struc
tures in our system are constructions. Constructions are specified as to which
other, more abstract constructions they inherit from, or equivalently— to use
the term inology o f W ilensky 1986— w hich other constructions they are d o m i
nated by.
C 2 inherits from C,
C | dominates Ci
C | motivates C j
I = inheritance link
Figure 3 .1
inherited inform ation will be represented in italics; that is, all inform ation
which is shared between the dom inating and dom inated node is italicized in
the dominated construction. As before, profiled inform ation is written in
tance with overrides" (cf. also Zadrozny & M anaster-R am er 1993). Normal
inheritance is simply a way o f stating partial generalizations.
The com plete mode o f inheritance, which is not exploited here, is designed
to capture purely taxonom ic relations and constraints. In the com plete mode,
all inform ation specific to every node which directly or indirectly dominates a
given node is inherited Inform ation from one node may not conflict with that
of a dom inant node w ithout resulting in ill-form edness. This is the type o f
inheritance norm ally assum ed in unification-based gram m ars (e.g., Kay 1984;
Fillm ore & Kay 1993).
heritance links capture the fact that all nonconflicting inform ation between two
related constructions is shared. However, we have not said anything about how
to distinguish am ong various different types o f inheritance relations.
In order to make explicit the specific ways that constructions may be related,
we will adopt another idea from com puter science, that o f object-oriented d e
sign.1 In particular, the inheritance links themselves will be treated as objects
in our system (cf. also W ilensky 1991). Like constructions, they are assumed
to have internal structure and 10 be related hierarchically. Links can be of sev
eral types, with various subtypes each. This idea is useful because various
kinds of relations am ong constructions recur in the gram m ar; in order to ca p
ture these generalizations, it is useful to be able to explicitly notate inheritance
links as being of specific types. Moreover, as discussed below, by treating links
as objects we are able to represent the fact that extensions may be created
Four m ajor types of inheritance links are distinguished: polysem y links,
metaphorical extension links, subpart links, and instance links.3
The caused-m otion construction has a strikingly sim ilar pattern o f polysemy:
1. ‘X c a u s e s Y to m o v e Z ’ (central sense)
Exam ple: Pat pushed the piano into the room.
2. Conditions of satisfaction imply ‘X c a u s e s Y to move Z'
Exam ple: Pat ordered him into the room.
3. ‘X enables Y to move Z’
Exam ple: Pat allowed Chris into the room.
4. ‘X causes Y not to m o v e from Z’
Exam ple: Pal locked C hris into the room.
5. ‘X h e l p s Y to m o v e 7.'
Exam ple: Pat assisted Chris into the room.
In both cases, several o f the extensions involve the type o f family of related
causal relations discussed by Talmy (1976, 1985a, 1985b) under the rubric of
“ force dynam ics.” In particular, enablem ent, resistance, and aiding are con
cepts force-dynam ically related to causation, which is a central com ponent of
the central senses o f the two constructions. Each o f these concepts involves
two entities w hich are construed as interacting via transm ission o f energy ei
ther in the sam e or in opposing directions (cf. also Jackendoff 1990a for
Extensions 2, 3, and 4 o f the two constructions are quite analogous. The
particular verbs involved are different, but the relations between the central
sense o f transfer or caused motion and the entailm ents of these extensions is
the same. Jackendoff’s (1990a) analysis o f the infinitive (or “eq u i") pattern
indicates that it, too, has a rem arkably sim ilar pattern o f interpretations.
At the same tim e, the full patterns o f polysem y in the two constructions
analyzed above are not identical. For exam ple, while the caused-m otion con
struction can be used to entail ‘X h e l p s Y to m o v e Z ’, no such interpretation
is possible for the ditransitivc construction:
Therefore the patterns o f polysem y m ust in general be learned for each indi
vidual construction.
Each o f the extensions constitutes a m inim ally different construction, moti
vated by the central sense; that is, each sense can be represented by a construc
tion that is m inim ally different from that o f the central sense. The semantic
relations are captured by particular U-links, and all inform ation about syntactic
specifications is inherited from the central sense.
For exam ple, the fifth extension o f the ditransitive, sometim es called the
Relations a m o n g C onstructions 77
Diransitive Consluclion
Syn V SU BJ O BJ o b j2
Figure 3.2
The Ip-link between the central sense and the benefactive extension is one that
relates causation to intended causation. It licenses expressions such as Bob
baked M ary a cake.
Since links are objects in the present system, a type o f link that recurs often
throughout the gram m ar can be said to have a high type frequency (i.e., there
are many instances o f the same general type o f link) and is therefore predicted
to be productively applied to new cases which share the relevant factors asso
ciated with the existing cases (cf. chapter 5). Thus, if a polysem y link or any
other type o f link occurs frequently between distinct constructions with a
shared set o f characteristics, then that link will be applied to newly learned
constructions as a productive form o f extension. In this sense, a highly recur
rent motivation link is quite analogous to a rule: the existence o f one construc
tion will predict the existence o f an extension related by the productive link.
78 Chapter Three
Caused-Motion Construction
I I i i
PRED < >
'' "
Is : cause
Relations a m o n g Constructions 79
Resultative Construction
I I i I
PRED < >
Is : cause
Intransitive Resultative
PR E D <
I >
I Syn V SU B J O BLp p / a p
Figure 3.3
The relationship between this sense o f drive and the resultative construction is
represented as follows:
80 Chapter Three
Resultative Construction
PRED < >
drive- ‘crazy’
drive < dri rer ‘era z y ' >
1 1
Syn V SU B J O BLf P/Adj 0 BJ
Figure 3.4
Figure 3.5
Re'arions a m o n g Constructions 81
This entails that instances o f a particular construction and the construction it
self mutually motivate each other.-' This makes sense insofar as a productive
construction is easier to learn given the existence o f several instances, while at
the same time, conventionalized instances are more likely to exist given the
existence of a productive construction.
Because an instance link always entails an inverse subpart link, only instance
links will be represented in the diagram s that follow.
3.4 R e la t in g P a r t ic u la r C o n s t r u c t io n s
3.4.1 The Caused-Motion and Resultative Constructions
A Metaphorical Analysis
In Goldberg (1991b), it is argued that the resultative construction cru
cially involves a metaphorical interpretation o f the result phrase as m etaphori
cal type of goal. Therefore the resultative construction itself, exem plified in
(3), can be seen to be a m etaphorical extension of the caused-m otion construc
tion, exemplified in (4), which involves literal caused motion (see chapter 7 for
The idea that these two constructions are related is not new; they are often
assumed to be instances of a single more abstract construction.6 T he argum ents
from Goldberg (1991b) for a m etaphorical analysis are sum m arized below.
The metaphorical analysis allows a wide variety o f co-occurrence restric
tions to be accounted for. For exam ple, resultatives cannot occur with direc
tional phrases regardless o f sequence;
(5) a. *Sam kicked Bill black and blue out o f the room.
*Sam kicked Bill out o f the room black and blue.
82 Chapter Three
At the sam e time, resultatives can occur with prepositional com plem ents that
arc not directionals:
(6) a. Lou talked him self blue in the face about his latest adventure.
b. Joe loaded the wagon full with hay.
c. He pried the door open with a screwdriver.
Finally, as Sim pson (1983) and Rappaport and Levin (1991) have pointed out,
resultatives cannot occur with directed-m otion verbs when used literally. For
All o f the above restrictions can be explained in the sam e way as the follow
ing, more straightforw ard example:
E xam ple (13a) doesn’t mean that Bob literally fell anywhere, but that he meta
phorically fell into sleep. Similarly, (13b) doesn’t mean that he literally went
anyw here, but that he m etaphorically moved to a state o f insanity.
To sum m arize, we can account for the fact that resultatives cannot occur with
directionals, that two resultatives cannot co-occur, that resultatives cannot oc
cur with ditransitives, and that resultatives cannot occur with verbs of motion
w hen used literally, but can occur with motion verbs when those verbs are used
to imply a change o f state, by postulating that the resultative is a metaphorically
interpreted goal phrase.
A m etaphorical account o f resultatives allows us to explain the lack of po
lysemy o f this construction— the fact that resultatives do not allow the range
o f extensions exhibited by the caused-m otion construction (or the ditransitive
construction). For instance, resultatives cannot be used to imply an intended,
or potential, change o f state:
Alternative Analyses
It may be suggested that we can avoid appealing to any metaphorical
interpretation o f resultatives by reform ulating the UP Constraint as a target
Relations a m o n g C onstructions 85
domain constraint. That is, it may be suggested that the constraint be stated as
This constraint is relevantly sim ilar to that proposed by Levin and Rappaport
Hovav (1990a), w ho follow Tenny (1987) in arguing that resultatives act as
delimiters or bounders of events, and that a clause can only be delim ited once.
In order for this form ulation to account for the co-occurrence restrictions
between resultatives and directionals, it is necessary that we consider changes
of location to be instances of changing state. W hat had up to now been ana
lyzed as involving two distinct paths would be reanalyzed as involving two
distinct changes of state. In this way, we could try to account for the data cited
above w ithout recourse to metaphors.
However, there is reason to prefer the Unique Path form ulation to the Unique
Change o f State form ulation. In order for the latter to be viable, we would need
to consider all changes o f location as instances of changing state, not only
those which specify a final destination. For exam ple, in (16) the direct object.
Bob, would necessarily be understood to undergo a change of slate:
Moreover, it has not been argued that all o f even the clear instances o f changes
of state involve the change-of-state metaphor. There is no evidence I know of
that simple causative verbs involve this metaphor. For exam ple, although break
is a causative verb, we have no reason to think that it is necessarily understood
06 Chapter Three
in term s o f ‘X causes y to move to a broken state’. And if we let the LTP C on
straint be our guide, then there is good reason to think that in fact it does not
involve the metaphor. In particular, we find that break can occur with a literal
Further militating against Levin and Rappaport H ovav’s (1990a) and Tenny's
(1987) form ulation o f the constraint as one against multiple delim iters is the
fact that directionals do not always serve to delim it the event. Directionals can
be used to specify a direction w ithout im plying any endpoint or delim iting
point, as in (20):
However, these nondelim iting directionals are also restricted from occurring
with resultatives:
Presumably we would like to have the same constraint account for both (5a),
*Sam kicked B ill black and blue out o f the room, and (21).
For these reasons, I have chosen to adopt the Unique Path Constraint rather
than the Unique Change o f State Constraint.
The account presented here o f the co-occurrence restrictions described
above can also be contrasted with an account proposed by Simpson (1983).
She suggests that the co-occurrence restrictions against resultatives occurring
with directionals are accounted for by the principle that only one X com p— one
predicative com plem ent— can appear in a given clause. H er account takes both
resultatives and prepositional directionals to be Xcomps. In the case o f prepo
sitional directionals, this is a move away from their more traditional categori
zation as O BL, but it is a reasonable move since directionals can be understood
to predicate the theme argum ent. By distinguishing directionals from other
prepositional com plem ents, Sim pson’s account can satisfactorily explain why
resultatives can occur with other prepositional com plem ents but specifically
not with directionals. At the same tim e, depictive predicates are analyzed as
Xadjuncts, so they are not subject to the same constraint.
However, Sim pson’s account fails to predict the fact that resultatives cannot
occur with ditransitive expressions. T hat is, ditransitive expressions are ana
lyzed as involving a Subj, an Obj, and an O bjfl; the fact that the resultative
Xcom p cannot be added is not explained. Moreover, this analysis does not
Relations a m o n g Constructions 87
account for why directed-m otion verbs, when used literally, cannot occur with
resultatives, but can when used m etaphorically to code a change o f state. Fi
nally, this account leaves unexplained why it is that two directionals can co
occur as long as a single path is designated. For exam ple, consider (22):
Notice, we cannot readily claim in this exam ple that a single constituent is
involved. W hat argues against that claim is that only can have as its focus
anything in its sister constituent (M cCaw ley 1986), yet we find that only cannot
have as its focus Pittsburgh in the following variant:
Move, on the other hand, cannot occur with the resultative construction:
That these argum ents are not patients can be dem onstrated by their failure to
pass Lakoff’s (1976) test for patienthood:
88 Chapter Three
Caused-Motion Constuction
I M: Change of State
as Change o f Location
Syn S U B J O B L pp /a p O BJ
Figure 3.6
Change of Location— accounts for the relation between the sem antics o f the
two constructions. The syntactic specifications o f the m etaphorical extension
are inherited from the caused-m otion construction.
The question that arises, on the account presented here, is not w hether verbs
are allowed to undergo a lexical or syntactic rule that alters their sem antic
structure or subcategorization frame, as it is typically taken to be. Rather, the
question becomes: How are the sem antics o f the independent constructions
related such that the classes o f verbs associated with one overlap with the
classes o f verbs associated with another? The answ er to this question is the
subject o f this section.
There is a m etaphor that involves understanding possession as the " p o s
sessed" being located next to the “ possessor,” transferring an entity to a re
cipient as causing the entity to move to that recipient, and transferring
ownership away from a possessor as taking that entity away from the possessor.
Evidence for the existence of this m etaphor includes expressions such as the
This m etaphor is itself motivated by the fact that giving prototypically co rre
lates with m ovement from a possessor to a recipient; however, it is clear that
such motion is not literally implied by the transfer-of-ow nership exam ples
( 31 -3 2 ). Custody does not literally move from the judg e to Bill; neither does
the house literally move to the Moonies.
The relation between the caused-m otion construction and this m etaphorical
extension can be represented as follows:
90 Chapter Three
Caused-Motion Consiuction
PRED < > (e.g., “Joe kicked the bottle
into the yard ")
I M: Transfer of Ownership
as Physical Transfer
T ransfer-Caused-Molion
1 1 !
PRED < > (e.g., "Joe gave his house
to the Moonies.’’)
Figure 3.7
Caused-Motion Constucuon
Oiiransitive Construction
PRED < >
Figure 3.8
On the other hand, the m etaphorical extension o f the caused-m otion construc
tion is used when the focus is on the goal or recipient instead. For instance,
exam ple (35) is odd because the transferred object (the house) is the focused
inform ation and the recipient is nonfocused.
N ote that exam ples such as the follow ing are acceptable even though the
transferred object is focused and the recipient is nonfocused:
Caused-Motion Constuciion
I ; i
PRED < >
I M: Transfer o f Ownership
as Physical Transfer
Ditransitive Construction
I 1 : 1
PRED < >
Prag focus
I I I !
PRED < >
Prag focus
Figure 3.9
sions w hich instantiate the construction. T hat is, general m etaphors may apply
to constructions w hich have the relevant sem antics.13
However, there are potential m etaphorical extensions which do not occur.
For exam ple, we have a m etaphor that involves understanding an action d i
rected at a person as an object given to the person. This m etaphor is evidenced
by the following sort o f examples:
(39) Bob gave Joe a nudge/a ja b /a karate kick to the jaw /a high five/a peck on
the cheek.
It is not neccssary for a speaker to have heard each o f these expressions in order
for him to spontaneously generate them or recognize them as acceptable sen
tences o f English. However, we will need to constrain the use o f the metaphor
to prevent the follow ing (a)-expressions, which involve the caused-motion
Som ething sim ilar holds for another com m on m etaphor— causation as physi
cal transfer— that is observed in the exam ples in (43):
T he fact that these m etaphorical extensions cannot readily occur with the
prepositional construction can be attributed to a difference in their pragmatic
specifications. M etaphorical expressions such as give a kick focus attention on
the action denoted by the nominal, here a kick. This is, in fact, w hat distin
guishes give a kick from the verbal form kick, w hich can readily be used when
the focus is not on the action perform ed. Similarly, in the m etaphorical expres
sions involving the effecting o f some result, the result is typically new or
focused information. Therefore the pragm atic properties of the ditransitive ar
gument structure are particularly well suited to expressions such as give a kick
or give a headache, while the pragm atics associated with the caused-m otion
construction are less well suited.13 In other words, the m etaphorical extension
is better motivated as an extension o f the ditransitive construction, since as
such it can inherit more inform ation; in particular, it can inherit the specifica
tion that the action (the m etaphorical “ transferred thing” ) and not the recipient
is the focused element:
Caused-Moiion Constuciion
Figure 3.10
Relations a m o n g Constructions 97
Notice that the metaphors can be expressed in the caused-m otion construction
when the inform ation structure is made more com patible:
(46) When your father com es home, he's really going to give it to you.
(47) Bill gave Mary a kiss and she was so happy that she gave one to everyone
she ran into lhat day.
Thus we find lhat w hether the inform ation structure o f a particular m etaphori
cal expression is com patible with the inform ation structure o f a particular con
struction or not plays a role in w hether the m etaphorical instance is felicitously
expressed in that construction. Specifically, the fact lhat certain m etaphorical
expressions are not readily expressed in the m etaphorical extension o f the
caused-m otion construction, despite the fact that they readily occur in the d i
transitive construction, is attributable to the difference in pragm atics between
the two constructions.
3.5 M u l t ip l e I n h e r it a n c e
One might be tempted to sim ply collapse the distinction between resultatives
and v erb -p artic le constructions to account for this overlap. However, this
move would sim ply replace one question with another: Why is it that the m a
jority of resultative expressions cannot occur with the resultative phrase placed
before the postverbal NP? C onsider (50):
Figure 3.11
A llow ing m ultiple normal m ode inheritance links raises the issue of the need
for conflict resolution rules. That is, a particular construction may inherit from
two other constructions w hich have conflicting specifications; normal mode in
heritance allows for partial inheritance o f inform ation when the dom inated con
struction itself has conflicting specifications, but conflict resolution rules would
seem to be required for cases in w hich two or more dom inating constructions
have conflicting specifications, in order to determ ine w hich— if any— o f the
specifications are inherited.
However, this issue is only relevant if we conceive o f inheritance as an on
line process that is used to predict the specifications o f a dom inated construc
tion given those o f the dom inating construction. If instead, as discussed above,
each construction is fully specified, any conflict is resolved by an overt speci
fication in the dom inated construction.
3.6 I n h e r it a n c e w it h in C o n s t r u c t io n s
The special sense of drive that occurs in the resultative construction inherits
from the basic sense of drive, since the two senses are related via the m etaphor
Change o f State as C hange o f Location described above. T hus an l M-link is
posited between them:
Resultative Construction
3.7 C o n c lu s io n
lexical rule arc sim ilarly related by inheritance links. For example, the caused-
motion construction is related to the resultative via an IM-link. In this case, the
m etaphor C hange o f State as C hange o f Location, discusscd above, constitutes
the system atic relation between form and meaning. In other words, the resul
tative construction is motivated by the caused-m otion construction.
C onstructions with unrelated forms, whether or not they encode the same or
closely related m eanings, arc not related by motivation links. For example, kill
and die, although sem antically related, are not related directly by an inheri
tance link. Similarly, the ditransitive construction and its prepositional para
phrase are not related by an inheritance link: neither construction motivates the
By allow ing inheritance to hold of constituents internal to particular con
structions we can capture generalizations about the internal structure of con
structions. By allow ing multiple inheritance we account for instances which
appear to be sim ultaneously motivated by two distinct constructions.
M oreover, the links them selves are objects in the system, and so they too can
inherit from other objects. For exam ple, m etaphors which constitute links be
tw een constructions can them selves be captured via an inheritance hierarchy
(cf. Lakoff 1993). Also, when we treat links as objects, different links can be
said to have different type frequencies, depending on how many distinct con
structions they relate. A particular link which recurs often throughout the gram
m ar is said to have a high type frequency and, as discusscd in chapter 5, is
predicted to be productively applied to new cases which share the particular
sem antic and/or syntactic factors associated with the existing cases. That is, if
a link relating pairs o f constructions occurs frequently, then that link will be
applied to newly learned pairs o f constructions which share semantic and/or
syntactic characteristics with the existing cases as a productive form of exten
sion. In this sense, a highly recurrent motivation link is analogous to a rule: the
existence o f one construction will predict the existence o f an extension related
by the productive link.
G eneralizations about the way argum ents are mapped onto syntactic struc
ture are discussed in the following chapter.
4 On Linking
In this chapter, the nature of the relation between sem antic structure and
overt syntactic structure is discussed, and it is argued lhat m any generalizations
m ust be slated at the level o f the construction.
In section 4.1, approaches which involve syntactic transform ations or d eri
vations are presented— in too broad strokes, no doubt— and the idea of stating
linking generalizations in a nontransform ational way is defended. In section
4.2, ways to capture generalizations across constructions are discussed.
Partee suggested deriving sentences such as (2b) from structures such as (2a)
by an optional transformation:
102 Chapter Four
She also proposed a transform ational relationship between (3a) and (3b):
Fillm ore (1971) proposed deriving caused-m otion expressions such as I hit
the ball over the fe n c e from an underlying structure consisting o f two proposi
tions, roughly captured in this case by “ My hitting the ball caused it to go over
the fence.”
Early versions o f what was later published as Lakoff (1976) and Lakoff &
Ross (1976), giving rise to the tradition o f G enerative Semantics, proposed that
sem antic structures actually underlie syntactic structures, and lhat the base
com ponent o f gram m ar generates the set o f well-form ed semantic structures.
A large body o f analyses developed this proposal further, essentially arguing
that sem antic structure needed to be taken into account in order to predict sur
face structure (e.g. Lakoff 1965, 1968, 1970b; Fillmore 1968; R. Lakoff 1968;
M cCaw ley 1968a,b, 1973; Ross 1969. 1970; Postal 1971).
T he idea that two forms with the same sem antics should be identical at some
level o f representation has more recently been made explicit in the theory o f
Relational Gram m ar, (RG), within which Perlm utter and Postal (1983a) pro
posed the Universal A lignm ent H ypothesis (UAH):
A lthough the UAH is not uncontroversial (cf. Rosen 1984), a more specific
version o f it has been echoed within G overnm ent and B inding Theory (GB) in
B aker’s (1988) Universal T heta A ssignm ent H ypothesis (UTAH):
These and other more recent proposals are som ew hat more constrained than
the G enerative Sem antics analyses were, because transform ations or deriva
tions are generally taken to be relevant only in cases o f (reasonably) productive
m orphology (e.g.. B aker 1988).'
A lthough these theories differ in many substantive ways, they share the as
sum ption that m orphologically related, (truth-functionally) synonymous sen
tences must share a level o f representation. This assum ption has guided much
o f the work in transform ational or derivational accounts o f argum ent structure
expression. Thus argum ents for transform ations often run as follows: because
O n U n k in g 103
the initial level of representation m ust be the sam e for all synonym ous sen
tences, if two synonymous expressions are distinct on the surface, one or both
must be derived from this shared level o f representation.
Generative Semantics and these RG and GB theorists share the important
insight that semantics plays a crucial role in determ ining (underlying) struc
ture. Lakoff states this insight thus: “ Syntax and sem antics cannot be sepa
rated, and the role o f transform ations and of derivational constraints in general
is to relate semantic representations and surface structures” (1971, note 1.65).
Only in (4a) is it entailed that the wall is som ehow “ holistically” affected by
the paint spraying (Anderson 1971); the most natural interpretation o f (4a) is
that the wall is covered with paint. By contrast, (4b) would be true if used to
refer to a situation in which only a drop o f clear paint is sprayed on the wall
and the wall is not affected in any way by the paint.
Similarly, the following Chichew a exam ples adapted from Baker (1988) in
volve a difference in m eaning although they are claim ed to be related trans
As Van Valin (1992) notes, the two sentences are not synonymous: only (6)
entails that the causation is “ direct.” That is, (5) does not entail (6). For in
stance, M chom bo (personal com m unication) observes that (5) could be felici
tously uttered in a context where a woman was chasing her daughter, and the
daughter stum bled over the waterpot as she tried to run away. (6) cannot be
felicitously uttered in the same context; the sentence requires that the woman
actually makes physical contact with the w aterpot.5
Sem antic differences, when acknow ledged, have been accounted for by pos
iting sem antic constraints on the application o f transform ations. However,
w hile adding sem antic constraints to syntactic transform ations can capture se
mantic differences, the m otivation for postulating syntactic transform ations in
the first place is often underm ined by the existence o f these semantic differ
ences. That is, w ithout the assum ption o f semantic synonymy, many arguments
for a derivational relationship lose their force.
T his fact was recognized as a w eakness o f G enerative Sem antics analyses.
Ultimately, the G enerative Sem antics fram ew ork died out in part because of
the recognition that rough synonym y was not enough to justify a trans
formational relationship. In addition, aspects o f surface form were shown to be
necessary for sem antic interpretation (Bresnan 1969; Jackendoff 1969, 1972;
Chom sky 1970).
However, the underlying assum ption that two forms that are related seman
tically are necessarily derived from the same underlying form is still implicitly
adopted by many theorists (for discussion, see Jackendoff 1990b; Van Valin
1992). To take a fairly recent exam ple, consider D ryer’s (1986) in-depth argu
ment for an A ntidative analysis. D ryer proposes lhat ditransitives that can be
paraphrased with to are in fact m ore basic than their prepositional paraphrases,
and that the latter are derived from the former. For exam ple, (7b) is taken to be
derived from (7a):
A m ajor aim o f D ryer’s argum entation is to defend the existence o f two gram
m atical relations, Prim ary O bject (PO) and Secondary O bject (SO). The PO
corresponds to the direct object o f transitive clauses and the first object of di
transitive clauses; the SO corresponds specifically to the second object of di
O n Linking I OS
transitive clauses. The central argum ent for the existence o f these categories is
based on an appeal to what D ryer calls the “ Natural Class P rinciple,” which
states that if many languages have rules that apply specifically to a certain
form, then this form should be treated as a natural class.1 Since passive and
object marking are sensitive to the PO in many languages, the Natural Class
Principle implies that the PO exists as a natural class. Further evidence for the
existence of distinct categories PO and SO com es from word order and case
marking facts. Let us assum e the following (partial) ordering, which takes the
distinction between PO and SO into account:
The principles governing English word order and case marking facts can now
be stated quite simply: All and only term s (i.e., Subj, DO, 10, PO, SO) are not
marked with prepositions; the word order must be: Subj-V -PO /D O -SO /lO -
Dryer goes on to argue that this fact— the sim plification o f word order and
case marking descriptions given the existence o f the categories PO and S O — is
evidence for his A ntidative analysis. But in order for this fact to substantiate
his claim that prepositional paraphrases with to are derived from ditransitive
expressions. Dryer must assum e ( I ) that the two form s necessarily share a level
o f representation, and (2) that derivations cannot create gram m atical relations
(therefore, if PO and SO exist, they must be base generated). If we do not
assume ( I), with its im plication that either the ditransitive or the prepositional
paraphrase is derived, there is no reason why the two form s cannot both be
base generated. T hat is, the argument as to w hether the categories PO and SO
exist in English has no bearing on the question w hether an alternation account
is warranted or not; D ryer provides no independent evidence for the deriva
tional analysis.6
Not all transform ational or derivational accounts rely crucially on an under
lying shared representation between pairs of expressions that share a rough
semantic equivalence (e.g., Perlm utter 1978; Perlm utter & Postal 1983b; Ais-
sen 1983; Farrell 1991). However, there are other reasons to avoid a transfor
mational relationship between related constructions if possible.
Bowerman (1982) and Gropen et al. (1989) show that in child language ac
quisition, semantic restrictions are operative as soon as certain constructions
are produced, there being no period o f unconstrained overgeneralization on the
10 6 C hap ter l-our
basis o f a purely syntactic relation.7 For exam ple, Gropcn et al. (1989) show
that the sem antic restriction that the recipient o f a ditransitive must be animate
is operative as soon as the ditransitive syntax is produced. Thus none of the
following possible types o f overextensions were ever uttered by any of the
children they observed:
(9) *Amy took Chicago Interstate 94. (Amy took Interstate 94 to Chicago.)
(10) * Betty threw the tree the box. (Betty threw the box to the tree.)
(11) * Alex put his head a gun. (Alex put a gun to his head.)
(12) *Babs took fun a trip. (Babs took a trip for fun.) (Gropen et al. 1989:218)
As G ropen et al. note, this calls into question the idea that the dative rule is
fundam entally a syntactic operation; there is no clear reason why a syntactic
operation would be instantaneously constrained by an arbitrary semantic con
dition. Moreover, since an unconstrained rule would be easier to leam and rep
resent and would provide more expressive power (Pinker 1989), it is not clear
why the sem antic constraint on this putative syntactic rule is not ignored by
new generations o f speakers.
A nother problem with approaches that rely on transform ations is that they
posit an often unw arranted asym m etry between two constructions that are
thought to be related. In the case o f the ditransitive. H e gave the book to her is
usually supposed to be more basic than He gave her the book (contra Dryer
1986). A typical reason given is that the verbs w hich allow ditransitives are a
proper subset o f those that allow prepositional paraphrases. However, this is
not actually so: refuse and deny do not have paraphrases with to or for, and
neither do many m etaphorical expressions. For example:
M oreover, O ehrle (1976) has argued that there is no principled way to distin
guish those cases which have prepositional paraphrases from those that do not.
D evelopm ental data (Gropen et al. 1989) show s that the ditransitive and
prepositional paraphrases occur at roughly the same time in children s speech,
with neither construction reliably preceding the other, so that evidence for an
asym m etry cannot be grounded in evidence from children’s acquisition o f the
C onsider also the English locative alternation. In general, the pattern asso
ciated with (14) is supposed lo b e more basic than that associated with (15) (cf.
Channon 1980; Perlm utter & Postal 1983a).
O n U n k in g 107
However, when different verbs are exam ined, this claim o f asym m etry is not
clearly warranted. So, although stack and plaster allow both argum ent struc
tures, there is no intuition that the onto variant is more basic than the with
variant. That is, the follow ing appear to have equal status in term s o f being
basic or unmarked:
M oreover, adorn, blanket, block, cover, dam, enrich, fill, dirty, titter,
smother, soil, trim, endow, garnish, imbue, pave, riddle, saturate— to name a
few— only occur with the with variant. In fact, in a detailed study o f locative
verbs, Rappaport and Levin (1985) found that out o f 142 verbs studied, only
34 alternated, with exceptions existing in both directions (Pinker 1989).
On a constructional approach, we need not assum e an asym m etrical relation
ship between two constructions that are found to be related. We can describe
instances o f partial overlap o f syntax, sem antics, or pragm atics as such, without
necessarily assuming that one of the constructions involved is basic, the other
derived. For example, we can state that the sem antics associated with the di-
transitive construction is related to the sem antics o f the paraphrase with to; we
do not need to assum e the prim acy o f one over the other. And we can describe
similarly the relations between paraphrases with to and other instances o f the
caused-motion construction, for instance between the following (a) and (b)
(a) W hich aspects o f sem antics are relevant to determ ining semantic
equivalence, and thus a shared level o f representation, has never
been adequately detailed.
(b) In many cases the only m otivation (often implicit) for proposing a
derivational relationship in the first place is semantic synonymy.
2. The sem antic distinctions are learned as early as the forms themselves,
w hich casts doubt on the idea that the transform ations are basically or
prim arily syntactic.
3. Such accounts postulate an asym m etry between the two forms in ques
tion. However:
(a) T here are typically lexical item s that only have the output form o f a
putatively optional transform ation.
(b) The two forms are often learned at roughly the same age (with nei
ther one reliably preceding the other).
W hile transform ational accounts explicitly represent semantic relations
am ong constructions, the constructional approach, as we saw in the previous
chapter, takes a different view. On the constructional approach, semantic sim i
larities that do not coincide with formal sim ilarities are captured implicitly,
because o f a relation between the specified sem antics, but are not explicitly
notated in the gramm ar. The intuition is that the existence o f a given form with
a particular m eaning in no way m otivates the existence o f a different form with
a closely related meaning. Therefore, inheritance links are not posited between
constructions that are not related formally. Only relations involving both form
and m eaning (or som etim es ju st form; cf. Fillm ore & Kay 1993) are explicitly
represented by positing inheritance links.
An apparent benefit to transform ational approaches is that they allow the
relationship between underlying form and m eaning to be stated in a straight
forward. and often transparent, way." The question arises, how arc cross-
linguistic generalizations about the relationship o f sem antic representation to
over/ syntactic expression to be captured within a constructional approach'7
T his is the subject o f the following section.
4.2 G e n e r a liz a t io n s a c r o s s C o n s t r u c t io n s
Leaving the polysemy and m etaphorical extensions out o f the diagram , we can
represent som e o f the more general relations am ong constructions as follows:
Subj.-Pred. Construction
F igure 4 .2
110 C hap ter Four
The fact that English is an SVO language can be captured by specifying a word
order constraint on the top node o f the diagram, at the level of the su b ject-
predicate construction. Certain constructions further down the inheritance
hierarchy, such as the topical ization construction or the locative there construc
tion (not shown), can override the word order constraint with construction-
specific constraints. Thus generalizations about word order can be captured
while at the same tim e other constructions with exceptional word orders are
perm itted. Subregularities arc expressed sim ilarly by stating a generalization at
a node that is interm ediate on the hierarchy.
It should be stressed that if a generalization is construction-specific this does
not entail that it is not part o f a recurring pattern crosslinguistically. We know
that many languages have constructions closely analogous to, for instance, the
English transitive, ditransitive, loeative, and topicalization constructions. It is
quite possible that there is a universal inventory o f possible argument structure
constructions relating form and meaning, and that particular languages make
use o f a particular subset o f this inventory.
A long with many other theories o f thematic roles, ours makes no assumption
that them atic roles are prim itives (cf, Jackendoff 1972, 1983, 1987; Foley &
Van Valin 1984; Rappaport and Levin 1988; Gropen et al. 1989; Pinker 1989;
Van Valin 1990b). Instead, roles are taken to be slots in relational semantic
structures. A rgum ent roles are defined to be slots in the semantic representation
of particular constructions and participant rotes are defined to be slots in the
rich sem antic representation o f predicates (cf. chapter 2). The linking o f se
m antics to syntactic expression is claim ed to be generally determined within
constructions, that is, at the level o f argum ent roles. At the same time, excep
tional linking patterns may be stated as part o f particular lexical entries (cf.
Fillm ore & Kay 1993).
port & Levin 1988. Such linking theories are motivated by the fact that there
are intra- and inter-language generalizations about the kinds o f com plem ents
particular predicates have. The attem pt, then, is based on the fact that clearly,
syntactic form is not related in an arbitrary way to the sem antics o f predicates.
In this section, 1 first review evidence that in a m onostratal account, con-
slruction-specific linking rules are required— that it is not possible to state all
linking generalizations in a construction-independent way: certain m appings o f
semantic arguments to gram m atical forms are only relevant to particular co n
structions (cf. also Koenig 1993). The two argum ent roles discussed are those
of recipient and theme.
In English, recipient argum ents (or the first argum ent o f an abstract
predicate HAVE or RECEIV E) can be linked to three different gram m atical
relations. W hich gram m atical relation is actually expressed depends on the
construction at hand. For exam ple, in the ditransitive construction recipient
arguments are expressed as objects:
(20) Sam gave M ary a cake.
Subj V Obj O bj2
They also appear in oblique phrases in the transfer-caused motion con
(21) Sam gave the piece o f land to his son.
Subj V Obj Obi
Recipient argum ents are also som etim es expressed as subjects:
(22) Sam received/got/acquired a package.
Subj V O bj,
What we have then is the situation diagram m ed below. The sam e generally
defined argument occurs overtly in different syntactic positions (bearing differ
ent gramm atical relations). W hich syntactic position is actualized is determ ined
by the construction, not by the them atic role in isolation.
Obj | Subj Obi
Figure 4 .3
Thus the mapping from sem antics to gram m atical relations is not determ ined
by a function that is based solely on the them atic role to be expressed. Instead,
we find cases wherein the syntactic expression is construction specific.
1 12 C h a p re r F o u r
C onsider what the “ them e" argum ent would be mapped onto in a con
struction-independent account if the “ them e” is defined to be an argument
which undergoes a change of slate or location. A specific attem pt at such an
argum ent has been form ulated within the monostratal linking theory o f LFG
by L. Levin (1987), A lsina and M chom bo (1990), Bresnan and Kanerva
(1989), Bresnan and Moshi (1989), Bresnan and Zacncn (1990), and Ackerman
(1990). This theory is chosen here for discussion because to my knowledge it
is the m ost detailed attem pt at a linking theory within a monostratal framework.
In this theory, gram m atical relations are predicted from the argument structure
o f particular predicates. A rgum ent structures are represented by argument
(theta) role arrays, although there is no strong assumption that the argument
roles are prim itives instead o f being derived from a richer decompositional
sem antics. In fact, most proponents o f this theory suppose that the roles are
shorthand for different argum ent places in some logical decomposition in the
style made fam iliar by G enerative Sem antics (see Jackendoff 1972, 1983.
1987; Foley & Van Valin 1984; Rappaport and Levin 1988; Gropen et al. 1989;
and Pinker 1989 for argum ents that thematic roles are not primitive).
Tw o abstract features are postulated, [r] and [o], which categorize four types
o f gram m atical relations:
(O BJ0 denotes the second object o f dilransitives.) The feature [r] stands for
(sem antically) restricted; [o] stands for objective or objeci-like. Thematic roles
are assigned features in two ways. On the one hand, they have an intrinsic
classification (IC), w hich is said to be based on their inherent sem antic prop
erties. A first approxim ation o f this basic classification is given below.
On the other hand, roles receive a default assignment: the highest theta role on
the proposed hierarchy receives a [ —r] feature as a default, the rest receive
[ + r] (Bresnan & M oshi 1989; Alsina & M chom bo 1990). The hierarchy that
is adopted is:
agent > beneficiary > goal > instrum ent > theme > location
A lsina and M chom bo (1990) propose that applicatives in Chichewa are formed
O n I in k in g I 13
by a lexical rule which adds a “ dependent” argum ent to the argum ent structure
o f the matrix verb; (23) illustrates this for co o k:w
The “ dependent” -subscript on the theta role ‘0 ' is intended to capture a se
mantic property that is claim ed to be loosely correlated with affectedness.
O ther LFG accounts have described this sem antic property as “ applied” (B res
nan & Moshi 1989), “ patient-like” (Bresnan 1990)yjr “ affected” (Ackerm an
1990). Unfortunately, this attribute is not fully explicated in any o f these analy
ses. For the sake of consistency, 1 will refer to it as “ dependent” throughout.
The rule in (23) is analogous to the sem antics-changing lexical rules pro
posed in Levin & Rapoport 1988 and Pinker 1989. Several difficulties stem
ming from the semantic claims inherent in this type of approach have been
discussed in chapter I. The prim ary focus within LFG , however, is on the link
ing between lexical sem antics and surface syntax; it is this aspect o f the ap
proach which is considered here.
Alsina and M chom bo (1990) state the intrinsic classification assignm ent for
the applicative construction in general term s:11
(24) W hen there is a theme and a(nother) dependent argum ent, then one will
receive ( —r] and the other will receive [+ o ] (in languages that allow
only one direct object, like Chichew a and English).
Dependent recipient roles have a special status, since when present, they must
occur directly after the verb, can be expressed as an object-m arkeron the verb,
and can be passivized, whereas the co-occurring theme argum ent cannot (M o-
rolong & Hyman 1977; Alsina & M chom bo 1990). In these ways the recipient
dependent argum ent is direct-object-like, and like other direct objects may ap
pear as subject in passives. These facts are accounted for if a dependent recipi
ent is necessarily either a surface SUBJ or OBJ. A lsina and M chom bo therefore
propose that dependent recipient roles must receive a [ —r] classification,
which distinguishes SUBJ and OBJ relations from other relations.
We thus have the following revised list o f intrinsic classifications now:
(2 7 ) “ load0” < a g t loc them e> “ lo ad ,” < a g t lo c ^ ,,^ ,., them e>
T he with variant given in (2 6 ) seems to fit squarely within the domain o f gen
eralization in (24), which would predict that the them e argum ent should receive
a [+ o ] intrinsic classification, ultim ately resulting in its being linked to an
OBJ« relation like the theme argum ent in applicative constructions. However,
as (2 6 ) shows, the theme argum ent in the presence o f another dependent argu
ment is not linked to OBJ„ but rather mapped to OBL. In order to avoid the
conclusion that locatives should be expressed in a way directly parallel to ap-
plicatives, A ckcrm an stipulates that the them e argum ent does not get the intrin
sic classification [+ o ], but instead receives [+ r] as intrinsic classification and
then [ - o] as a default.12
For languages that have ditransitive (or applicative) expressions and both
form s o f the locative alternation, for exam ple, English and Chichew a,l, we now
need to postulate the following intrinsic classifications:
T hese rules are in part language specific, since not all languages have all of the
relevant constructions. More crucially for our purposes, observe the three fea-
ture-assigning rules ( 1 - 3 ) involving the theme role. Each of these rules is sen
sitive to other roles present in the argum ent structure. This context sensitivity
is expected on a constructional approach to linking, bur may have been
precisely w hat the LFG linking theory had specifically wanted to avoid
(M chom bo, personal com m unication).
O n L in k in g I 15
Taking the A lsina & M chombo and A ckerm an analyses together, we find
that the theme can receive the intrinsic classification [ - r ] , [ + o], or l + r] (de
pending on what other roles are assigned), that is, all but one possible assign
ment ( [ - o ] ) . It becom es difficult to see w hat is supposed to be m eant by
“ intrinsic classification.” T hat is, w hat is called “ intrinsic classification" is
assigned not on the basis o f intrinsic properties o f the argum ent, but rather on
the basis o f properties o f other, co-occurring arguments. Moreover, as A cker
man ( 1992, note 21) observes, this assignm ent o f features still does not account
for the expression of themes as subjects in the intransitive m otion construction.
Adding to this difficulty o f too w ide a range of possible intrinsic classifica
tions for a given role is the fact that these classifications are not assigned on
the basis o f independent evidence. W hat determ ines which o f the possible clas
sifications is actually assigned is w hat construction is supposed to be predicted.
In this way, the classifications becom e circular: the recipient is dependent, and
thus [ - r] as opposed to [ - o], just in case it is supposed to be the OBJ in the
ditransitive construction. Since the notion “ dependent” is never adequately
defined, no independent criterion for the assignm ent o f dependent status is o f
fered. In short, since the linking theory can by its nature capture the necessary
facts— because the abstract features [r] and [o] are all that is needed to code
the gramm atical relations— unless independent criteria for assigning gram
matical relation features are found, the formalism only serves to code the syn
tactic structure that is supposed to be predicted.
The general point is that the linking o f the theme role to an overt gram m ati
cal relation crucially depends on w hat other argum ents are present. The same
point can be made equally well with English data. The theme argum ent, that is,
the entity whose motion or location is at issue, can occur as subject in the
intransitive motion construction:
Proto-Patient properties:
1. undergoes change o f state
2. increm ental theme
3. causally affected by another participant
4. stationary relative to m ovem ent o f another participant
5. does not exist independently o f the event, or not at all.
In syntactically ergative languages, for exam ple Dyirbal (Dixon 1972), cer
tain Mayan languages including Mann (England 1983) and Q uiche (Treschsel
1982), the subject in transitive clauses is the argum ent with more Proto-Patient
properties. For these languages Dowty reverses the syntactic association. He
notes, however, that “what we do not find, even in split ergat/vity, is ‘random ’
alignment from one verb to another, e.g. ‘build’ with A gent absolutive but ‘kill’
with Patient absolutive” (p. 582).
It Lurns out that D ow ty’s linking generalizations are naturally accounted for
in the present framework. Notice the dom ain of application o f D ow ty’s prin
ciple: “ In predicates with gram m atical subject and object. . . .” Clearly the
principle is only relevant if the transitive construction is involved. Therefore,
the generalization that if there is a SUBJ and an OBJ, then the role that is more
agent-like, the “ pioto-agent,” is linked with SUBJ and the “ proto-patient” role
is linked with OBJ, can be captured by specifying these linking rules within a
skeletal transitive construction, and allow ing other constructions to inherit
from this construction.
Transitive Construction
Figure 4 .4
siruction, the fact that these extensions have the sam e syntactic expression
would follow.
4.3 C o n c l u s io n
To summ arize, this chapter has presented general argum ents for a m on
ostratal approach to the relation between overt syntactic expressions and se
mantic representations. It has been suggested that the degree o f regularity in
the relation between sem antic role types and overt syntactic expression is
sometimes exaggerated, and that many linking generalizations are construction
specific. The cross-constructional generalizations that do exist are naturally
captured in the present fram ework by slating the relevant regularities at a high
node in the hierarchy o f constructions; subregularities or m inor patterns are
captured by stating the respective generalizations at interm ediate nodes. Ex
ceptions are allowed to exist, but only at a cost to the overall system.
5 Partial Productivity
5. i In t r o d u c t io n
Also, hypothetical lexical item s are readily adapted to the ditransitive syntax.
As M arantz (1984) notes, if we define a new verb, shin, to mean “ to kick with
the shin,” it is quite natural for us to allow this new verb to be used ditransi
tivcly, as in (2):
(2) Joe shinned his team m ate the ball. (p. 177)
Experim ental evidence confirm s the fact that speakers extend constructional
patterns for use with novel verbs (Pinker, Lebeaux & Frost 1987; Pinker 1989;
M aratsoset al. 1987; Gropen et al. 1989, 1991; Braine ct al. 1990).
At the same time, the ditransitive pattern is not com pletely productive within
any generally defined class of verbs. Seem ingly closely related words show
Partial Productivity 12 1
Brown and Hanlon (1970) have argued that children are neither corrected nor
miscomprehended more often when they speak ungram m atically, so that they
have no recourse to "negative evidence” that could allow them to either un
learn or avoid learning the above type o f ungram m atical sentences (cf. Braine
1971; Baker 1979).
The standard solution to the no-negative-evidence problem in the case of
vocabulary learning is to assum e that there is indirect negative evidence in the
form of attested input, assum ing a principle that synonym y is avoided (cf. d is
cussion in chapter 3). That is, a child may overgeneralize the past tense co n
struction to produce coined as the past tense of come, but upon learning that
came is synonymous, the child will expunge corned from her vocabulary, since
she will assume that the language does not have two term s corned and cam e
which are synonymous. Such indirect evidence is not forthcom ing in an o bvi
ous way in the case of alternative syntactic patterns. It is not likely that the
child simply expunges (6) upon hearing (7) because many verbs (e.g., give) do
occur in both forms.
Moreover, as noted above, experim ental evidence shows that children do not
learn how to use syntactic patterns entirely conservatively, that is to say, solely
on the basis o f the input. If properly prim ed, they are w illing to extend their
use of verbs to previously unheard but related patterns.
An apparent paradox arises then, since if speakers have a productive m echa
nism that allows them to extend the use of the ditransitive syntax to new and
novel verbs, it is not clear w hat prevents them from overgeneralizing to pro
duce the above ill-formed exam ples (3 b -5 b ).
This paradox is often sidestepped in linguistic theories. Thus, w hether
relation-changing lexical rules are intended to be purely redundant generaliza
122 C h a p r e r F iv e
tions over stored item s in a fixed lexicon, or rather generative rules which
produce new forms productively, is often not made entirely clear.
Jackendoff (1975), for example, states that his lexical rules are intended only
to account for existing regularities (both m orphological and sem antic) within
the lexicon. These rules are represented by two-way arrows which encode the
sym m etric relation “ is lexically related to.” This aspect o f Jackendoff’s ac
count is crucial, since he argues explicitly against L akoff’s (1965) proposal that
productive rules generate “ hypothetical lexical entries.” However, Jackendoff
also suggests that “ after a redundancy rule is learned, it can be used genera-
tively, producing a class o f partially specified possible lexical entries” (p. 668).
Bresnan (1982) also attem pts to find a middle ground between nonproduc
tive and fully productive rules. W hile the lexical rules o f LFG are explicitly
conceived o f as “ redundancy rules,” the m etaphor o f a lexically changing pro
cess is pervasive. The following is Bresnan's early description o f the passive
lexical rule:
Passivization in English
Functional change: (SUBJ) —» 0 / (BY OBJ)
(OBJ -> (SUBJ)
M orphological change: V —» V|Par1|
The use o f single-headed arrows and the word “change” indicate that the rule
is a generative relation-c/iangm g rule. In fact, the notion o f a "redundancy
rule" itself is slightly oxym oronic, since a redundant statem ent o f regularity is
not in any normal sense rule-like.
In the rem a in d ero f this chapter, a resolution o f the paradox o f partial produc
tivity is suggested, involving two types o f learning mechanisms. The first is a
certain type o f indirect negative evidence; the second m echanism , presumably
working in tandem with the first, draws largely on work by Pinker (1989) and
Levin (1993) and the related experim ental evidence o f Gropen et al. (1989).
5.2 In d ir e c t N e g a t iv e E v id e n c e
1 do not attem pt to survey the full range o f efforts to suggest that some
type o f indirect negative evidence is available here (see Bowcrman 1988 and
Pinker 1989 for detailed discussion o f the problem and critiques o f many pos
sible solutions), but there is one possibility (raised in Pinker 1981, 1984, and
then rejected in Pinker 1989) that deserves further study.
Since we have assum ed that no two constructions are entirely synonymous
both sem antically and pragm atically (cf. chapter 3), it should be possible to
find contexts in which a given construction is the most preferred. If the pre
Partial P ro d u c tivity 12 3
ferred form is not used, then the child is able to tentatively infer that that form
is disallowed. The inference would have to be tentative, since it is unrealistic
to expect speakers to system atically use the most felicitous form in all contexts.
However, if the situation repeats itself several tim es, the ch ild ’s tentative hy
pothesis may becom e a fairly strong conviction. In this way, children would
have the opportunity to unlearn certain ovcrgeneralizations.
A simple case that may illustrate this is lexical and periphrastic causatives.
It is well known that lexical causatives are used for cases o f direct causation,
whereas periphrastic causatives may be used for indirect causation (cf. 7.4.2).
Therefore, for exam ple, after seeing a m agician m ake a bird disappear, the
child may expect to hear a lexical causative as in (8), given that the causation
is direct:
The child may now tentatively hypothesize that the lexical causative is un
available. That is, since the causation is direct, the lexical causative would be
preferable if it were an option.
As another example, consider a child's strategy in determ ining w hether a
given verb can occur in the ditransitive construction. As noted by Erteschik-
Shir (1979), and discussed in section 3.4.2 above, the ditransitive and its prepo
sitional paraphrase with to differ in the inform ation structure o f the clause. In
particular, the ditransitive construction requires that the recipient argum ent
be nonfocused (or “ non-dom inant” in E rteschik-Shir’s term inology) and the
transferred entity be focused ( “dom inant” ). Prepositional paraphrases prefer
the opposite information structure: the recipient tends to be focused, the trans
ferred entity nonfocused. Both o f these generalizations are motivated by the
fact that focused information tends to com e at the end o f the nuclear clause.
If the recipient is nonfocused and the transferred entity is focused, we find
the ditransitive more acceptable than the prepositional paraphrase:
If the recipient argum ent is focused and the transferred entity nonfocused, we
find the reverse situation:
W hen using verbs which can occur in both constructions, speakers are free to
exploit the difference in pragm atic structure. There is, in fact, evidence that
children are sensitive to these pragm atic factors (Gropen et al. 1989).
Indirect evidence would arise, then, from situations in which the discourse
context m atches a certain form but the speaker nevertheless uses a less felici
tous form. For exam ple, speakers use the prepositional form for w hisper even
when the inform ation to be conveyed more closely matches the information
structure o f the ditransitive construction. Thus, if a child hears (12) instead o f
(13), when the latter might be expected given the fact that the news is the
focused inform ation, the child will infer that the ditransitive form is not a pos
sibility for whisper.
Similarly, focus has been argued to only pick out argum ents that are in focus-
able positions as defined for a given construction. For exam ple, as m entioned
above. Erteschik-Shir (1979) has argued that the recipient argum ent of the d i
transitive construction is not available as focus because the construction re
quires that argument to be nonfocused (or “ non-dom inant” ):
Finally, stress is also more felicitous on argum ents that are in focus position,
thereby generally em phasizing the inform ation structure rather than overriding
it. Thus exam ple (17a) is more felicitous than (17b):
Therefore, focusing devices might well be lim ited to giving the child addi
tional evidence for the inform ation structure o f the clause, rather than serving
to dilute other evidence by providing ways for the adult speaker to circum vent
the inform ation structure associated with a particular argum ent structure. Since
two constructions generally differ either sem antically or pragm atically, the hy
pothesis that indirect negative evidence is inferred from hearing a verb in a
less-than-optim al construction deserves further study.
1. Verbs that inherently signify acts o f giving: e.g., give, pass, hand,
sell, trade, lend, s e n r , fe e d
2. Verbs o f instantaneous causation of ballistic motion: e.g., throw,
toss, flip, slap, poke, fling, shoot, blast
3. Verbs o f sending: e.g., send, mail, ship
4. Verbs o f continuous causation o f accom panied motion in a deicti-
cally specified direction: bring, take
5. Verbs o f future having (involving a com m itm ent that a person will
have som ething at som e later point): e.g., offer, prom ise, bequeath, leave,
refer, forw ard, allocate, guarantee, allot, assign, advance, award, reserve,
6. Verbs o f com m unicated message: e.g., tell, show, ask, teach, pose,
write, spin, read, quote, cite
7. Verbs o f instrum ent o f com m unication: e.g., radio, e-mail, tele
graph, wire, telephone, netmail, fa x
8. Verbs o f creation: e.g., bake, make, build, cook, sew, knit, toss (when
a salad results),/!* (when a meal results), p o u r (when a drink results)
9. Verbs o f obtaining: e.g., get, buy, find, steal, order, win, earn, grab
Both this class and the seventh class, “ verbs o f instrum ent o f com m unication,”
should be classified as m etaphorical classes since they are based on a system
atic m etaphor that involves understanding com m unicated inform ation as being
linguistically packaged and exchanged between interlocutors (Reddy 1979).
Finally, at least one additional subclass should be added to the list, namely,
verbs o f refusal such as refuse, deny. Expressions involving these verbs, like
(20a, b), imply that the subject argum ent refuses to causc the first object argu
ment to receive the second object argument.
In any case, we need only accept the spirit of Pinker’s analysis— that there
is a need to identify narrowly defined sem antic subclasses— in order to accept
his conclusion that this type o f narrow circum scription allow s us to capture the
fact that subclasses o f verbs w hich refer to the same kinds o f general events as
the ones listed, but do not fall into any o f the above particular classes, fail to
dativize. His exam ples o f such nondativizing classes are as follows:
Gropen el al. (1989) provide experim ental evidence to show that speakers
are sensitive to certain m orphophonological constraints. In particular, verbs
with particular m orphem es such as per-, con-, -mil, -sume and polysyllabic
verbs with non-initial stress are disallow ed from participation in the ditransitive
construction. These constraints largely coincide with distinctions between Lat-
inate and native vocabulary, and between specialized and more basic vocabu
lary; however, we clearly would not w ant to ascribe recourse to etymological
Partial P ro d u c tivity 12 9
However, the constraints do not apply to every narrowly defined class o f verbs.
Verbs of future having, in particular, are not subject to them:
The class o f instrum ent-of-com m unication verbs and the class o f creation
verbs also include verbs which are exceptions to the m orphophonological
5.4 E x c e p t io n s
The above generalizations are com pelling, and in fact every researcher
who has studied the sem antics o f the ditransitive construction in any detail has
found it necessary to classify verbs which occur in the construction as belong
ing to narrowly defined subclasses as a descriptive device (cf. G reen 1974;
13 0 C h a p te r Five
Oehrle 1976; W ierzbicka 1986). Still, there are various kinds of exceptions to
the generalizations ju st described. First, there are a couple o f members in some
subclasses which do occur, yet the subclasses are not fully productive. Second,
there is at tim es a certain degree of variability in judgm ents for verbs which are
supposedly within the same narrowly defined class. Finally, there are excep
tional verbs such as envy and forgive w hich do occur in the ditransitive con
struction although they do not entail the relevant semantics.
Each of these cases is discussed in turn. In section 5.3, an interpretation of
the nature o f the verb classes is suggested which can naturally account for all
o f these seem ingly problem atic phenom ena.
These classes actually have a slightly different status in the theory proposed by
Pinker (1989), because the verbs in these classes do not alternate with prepo
sitional paraphrases. Thus on Pinker’s account, these sem antically related verbs
are not eligible to undergo the lexical rule. However, since we are not postulat
ing a lexical rule, we cannot appeal to the sam e solution. We need another way
to account for their lack o f productivity.
An expected source o f idiosyncrasy stems from the fact that the deter
mination o f the narrowly defined class w hich a given verb belongs in is not
always entirely clear-cut. For exam ple, I have suggested that bequeath falls
into the dativizing class o f verbs o f future having, along with leave, forw ard,
allocate, etc. However, it seem s that on sem antic grounds it might be equally
plausible to instead classify bequeath in the nondativizing class of verbs of
fulfilling (X gives som ething to Y that Y deserves, needs, or is worthy of),
along with present, credit, entrust, donate, etc. Because o f these two classifi
cation possibilities, we would expect bequeath in fact to dativize in some dia
lects and not to dativize in others. In general, in the case of verbs that on the
basis o f their m eaning may fall into one o f two classes, one which can appear
dilransilively and one which cannot, we would expect to find some dialectal
variation as to w hether these verbs can be used ditransitively.
A nother source of lexical idiosyncrasy is evidenced by the fact that speak
Partial P ro d u c tivity 13 1
ers occasionally report different degrees o f gram m atically even am ong verbs
which are uncontroversially within the sam e narrow -range class. For exam ple,
throw and blast both fall within the class o f “ verbs o f instantaneous causation
of ballistic motion” (Pinker 1989; cf. above), yet (28) is decidedly better for
many speakers than (29):
Similarly, (30) is judged to be more gram m atical than (31), although both d e
sign and create should fail to dativize because o f the verbs’ non-initial stress.
These facts are not obviously accounted for on Pinker’s proposal, since accord
ing to his theory the productive rule should operate blindly within narrowly
defined classes; there is no reason to expect som e instances to be judged more
acceptable than others.4
(33) Amy asked Sam his nam e/his birthday/his m arital status.
This type o f exam ple clearly does not imply that Sam potentially receives his
name, his birthday, or his marital status. G rim shaw (1979) discusses these
“concealed questions" at some length. She argues that noun phrases such as
those above, which are questions semantically, can appear as argum ents o f
any verb which subcategorizes for an NP in that position and which selects
for a question com plem ent. Thus exam ple (33) is motivated by factors that
are independent of the ditransitive construction, resulting in a case o f “ target-
stm cture conspiracy” in the sense o f G reen (1973).5
Forgive and especially envy, as used in (34) and (35), respectively, are also
13 2 C h a p t e r F ive
The subjects in these cases arc not causal, and no reception is involved. How
ever, these predicates have illum inating semantic histories. Forgive and envy
historically had senses that were closely related to give. Forgive used to mean
“ to give or g ran t” (OED). Envy used to mean “ to give grudgingly” or “ to
refuse to give a thing to” (OED). This of coursc is not evidence that fo rg ive or
envy are part o f the synchronic sem antic pattern outlined above. But the his
torical facts do suggest that these predicates were at least at one time associated
with this sort of pattern. Correspondingly, these facts also suggest that a con
struction can occasionally be frozen without continuing reference to the origi
nal semantics.
However, it seem s reasonable that syntactic change should tend toward pat
terns that are more transparent to the speaker. If the construction with the se
m antics outlined here is psychologically real, then it would be natural for odd
cases o f ditransitives involving fo rg ive and envy to drop out of use. I myself
find archaic-sounding scntcnces involving fo rg ive and envy much more ac
ceptable than m odern-sounding sentences; for example:
And in fact, other speakers are even less accepting o f these constructions. In
attem pting to explain the idea o f positive exceptions to a class o f undergraduate
cognitive science students, I wrote sentence (36a) and (37a) on the board. In
response an audible groan arose from the class. W hen asked what was wrong,
the students said they didn’t find those sentences acceptable (this judgm ent was
held by more than half o f them). Thus it seems indeed that envy and forgive
are dropping out o f the language (at least am ong speakers under twenty-one),
ju st as we would expect if the sem antics associated with the ditransitive pattern
were synchronically real.
N onetheless, envy and fo rg ive have been exceptions for som e time, and have
been learned as such by generations o f speakers. Thus an adequate account of
gram m ar must allow for some degree o f lexical idiosyncrasy, despite the pow
erful effect o f sem antic m otivations (cf. also Lakoff 1965; Fillmore 1977b;
Rosen 1984; M ithun 1991; Dowty 1991). N ote that these cases are unproble
matic from the point o f view o f learning, since the child has positive evidence
that the verbs in question are used in the ditransitive construction, and can
therefore learn them on an instance-by-instance basis as idioms.
Partial P rod uctivity 133
defend the idea that the use o f new and novel senses is determ ined by similarity
to existing cases, one must be able to define the sim ilarity metric which is to
be used as the basis o f com parison. On the present account, the characteriza
tions o f the verb classes them selves can be viewed as providing a sim ilarity
m etric. For exam ple, if one o f the verb classes associated with the ditransitive
is “ verbs o f ballistic m otion,” then we can consider shin to be relevantly like
kick in that it is a verb o f ballistic motion.
The determ ination o f w hich verb classes arc relevant, or alternatively, what
features o f sim ilarity are important, requires em pirical crosslinguistic study,
and I do not claim to provide an account here (but cf. Pinker 1989 and Levin
1993 for discussion and suggestions, and M ufw ene 1978 for an early discus
sion on this subject). Only by looking at which distinctions are made crosslin-
guistically can we determ ine w hat the scm antically (or m orphophonologically)
relevant aspects o f verb m eaning arc that determ ine the basis of the clustering
into subclasses.
On this view, frequency is expccted to affect the classification o f new verbs.
Tw o kinds o f frequency inform ation need to be distinguished. On the one hand
there is token frequency, which refers to the num ber o f times a given instance
(e.g., a particular word) is used in a particular construction; on the other hand
there is type frequency, which refers to the num ber o f distinct words that occur
in a particular construction. M acW hinney (1978) and Bybee (1985) have ar
gued that it is the type frequency o f a particular process (or a particular con
struction) that plays a crucial role in determ ining how likely it is that the
process may be extended to new forms: the higher the type frequency, the
higher the productivity.
To see the relevance o f the type/token frequency distinction for productivity,
consider the following exam ple cited by Bybee (1 9 8 5 :1 3 2 -1 3 3 ). She notes
that G uillaum e (1927) docum ented the fact that French-speaking children most
frequently overgeneralize the use o f first-conjugation suffixes with verbs of
other conjugations. He also observed the num ber o f verbs o f each conjugation
used spontaneously in children’s speech. Bybee cites the following table, which
shows the num ber o f occurrences o f each conjugation class and the num ber of
verbs used from each class:
Although more than half o f the num ber o f tokens ( “ uses” ) o f verbs were
of the third conjugation, the num ber of different verbs that occurred in this
class was much sm aller than the num ber that occurred in the first conjugation.
Correspondingly, the first conjugation was seen to be much more productively
The proposal to implicitly represent verb classes as sim ilarity clusters can
perhaps be made more clear by the follow ing rough-and-ready representation
(which does not take morphophonological sim ilarity into account):
Figure 5.1
Each circle represents a lexical entry; the entries are projected onto two
dimensions, with sem antically closer verbs being represented by physically
closer circles. By way of dem onstration, one or more instances within a given
cluster have been labeled. T he circles representing bake and cook, for exam ple,
are close together to indicate their being in the same narrowly defined class.7
Type frequency can be discerned by considering the num ber o f circles in a
given cluster. Clusters containing m ore circles are m ore likely to be productive.
Subclasses with only two m em bers such as the verbs o f refusal (deny, refuse)
are expected not to be productive, bccause of their low type frequency.
The idea that verbs are represented this way in an associative m em ory is of
course inspired by recent connectionist representations. However, the diagram
need not be construed us necessarily presupposing a connectionist model o f
memory; all that is needed is an associative memory (e.g., as proposed in work
in the dom ain of morphology o f Pinker and Prince (1991)).
This view o f the way new verbs are attracted to learned instances makes
136 C h a p t e r f iv e
several predictions. First, it predicts that subclasses with few members will not
contain enough instances to create a sim ilarity class, and so will not be produc
tive. Secondly, it predicts the possibility of differences in judgm ents within
sim ilarity classes. Such differences will result from (1) the degree o f similarity
between the case being judged and other cases within the subclass, and (2) the
relative type frequency that the relevant cluster displays. It is not necessary (or
possible) to exhaustively list all the verbs that can potentially occur in a given
construction. Novel cases are analogized to previously learned cases on the
basis o f their sim ilarity to these fam iliar cases and the type frequency o f these
fam iliar cases.
O ccasional positive exceptions (such as envy and forg ive for the ditransitive
construction) are tolerated because speakers simply associate the words with
the constructions idiosyncratically. There is no danger o f productive extensions
from these outliers because they, like subclasses o f fewer than two members,
do not constitute a cluster, and therefore do not attract novel cases.
T he representation in figure 5 .1 entails that the knowledge that certain verbs
are used in a particular construction is part o f a speaker’s com petence. How
ever, it is not necessary that each new entry be stored as an additional member
o f a cluster, throughout the speaker's life. It is possible that once a critical
num ber o f instances in a particular cluster is learned— insuring that novel in
stances that fall into the class will be included— new cases are no longer stored
in memory since they would provide only entirely redundant information. It is
also possible that learned instances are not necessarily stored as discrete,
clearly individuated cases; rather, the edges o f learned instances that form a
cluster may blend into each other, delim iting an area in semantic space without
specifically retaining each individual instance within.
At the same time, it is clear that resultatives are not entirely idiom atic and do
occasionally occur productively. For example:
The particular factors which underlie the limited productivity o f this construc
tion must include semantic factors of the type outlined in chapter 8. In addition,
morphophonological factors, such as the ones Gropen et al. (1989) found to be
relevant in the case o f the ditransitive, and the token frequency of the analogi
cal source may need to be taken into account. T he role o f each of these factors
remains an issue for further research.
An exam ple at the opposite end of the continuum is the way construction
discussed in chapter 9. This construction appears to be alm ost entirely produc
tive. The following exam ples com e from the O xford U niversity Press corpus:
(42) a. “ But he consum m ately ad-libbed his way through a largely secret
press m eeting.”
b. “ . . . nasty gossip about me now sludging its way through the intes
tines of the society I know . . . ”
c. ". . . their custom ers snorted and injected their way to oblivion and
som etim es died on the stairs.”
d. “ . . . [they] hoped they too could massage their way to keeping
e. “ Lord King craftily joked and blustered his way out o f trouble al the
m eeting."
constructions occurs between so many different active and passive pairs, it has
an extremely high type frequency. Therefore the passive link is, in effect, rule-
like in its application.
5.6 C o n c lu s io n
6. i In t r o d u c t io n
6.2 T h e E x is t e n c e o f the C o n s t r u c t io n
This expression can only mean that Sally baked a cake with the intention o f
giving it to her sister. It cannot mean that Sally baked the cake so that her sister
w ouldn't have to bake it; nor can it mean that Sally baked the cake as a d em
onstration o f cake-baking, or that she baked a cake for herself because her sister
wanted her to have one. Unless we associate the “ intended transfer” aspect of
m eaning to the construction, we are forced to say that bake itself m eans som e
thing like ‘X intends to cause Y to receive Z by baking.’ This “ transfer sen se”
o f bake would be posited only to avoid attributing aspects o f the sem antics to
the construction. The positing o f such ad hoc verb senses w hich only occur in
a particular construction was argued against extensively in previous chapters.
14 2 C h a p t e r Six
(2) a. She brought the b o ard er/* th e border a package, (cited by Gropen
et al. (1989), attributed to J. Bresnan)
As has been argued in chapters 1 and 4, this sem antic constraint is most parsi
m oniously attributed to the construction.
D itransitive expressions arc syntactically unique in allow ing two nonpredi-
cativc noun phrases to occur directly after the verb; the fact that English will
allow such a configuration is not predictable from other constructions in the
language. In addition, this is the only construction which links the recipient
role with the OBJ gram m atical function.
The construction was represented in figure 2.4, repeated here as figure 6.1.
Dilransiu've Construction
Figure 6.1
The construction’s agent and patient roles must be fused with independently
existing participant roles o f the verb (represented by the PRED variable), as is
indicated by the solid lines between the agent and patient argument roles and
the predicate’s participant role array, w hich is unfilled in the above diagram.
The recipient role may be contributed by the construction; this is indicated by
the dashed line between the recipient argum ent role and the array of predicate
participant roles.
6.3 T h e S e m a n t ic s
The sem antics o f the ditransitive construction has not been understudied,
and this work owes a large debt to previous analyses, in particular to Cattell
(1984), G reen (1974), and O ehrle (1976) for their detailed discussion o f hun
dreds o f ditransitive expressions.
T h e L n g lis h D itran sitive C o n st r u c tio n 14 3
Similarly, in (4) it cannot be the case that Bob told the story to som eone else
and Joe just happened to overhear.'
This constraint also accounts for the ill-form edness of the follow ing exam ples:
(5) *Joe threw the right fielder the ball he had intended the first basem an
to catch.
(6) * Hal brought his m other a cake since he didn’t eat it on the way home.
(7) *Joe took Sam a package by leaving it in his trunk where Sam later
found it
This is not to say that the first or second object argum ents o f the ditransitive
cannot be given a transparent interpretation. The description used to pick out
the argument referents may be understood to be the speaker’s description, not
the subject argum ent’s. For exam ple, consider (8):
This sentence is felicitous despite the fact that O edipus did not realize he was
kissing his mother. Likewise for (9):
This statem ent is acceptable even if Joe did not intend to give M ary a defective
sweater. A lso, it is not necessarily contradictory to use “ accidcm ally" in di-
transitive expressions; for exam ple:
(10) Joe accidentally loaned Boh a lot o f money [by m istaking Bob for Bill,
his twin; w ithout realizing that Bob would skip bail with it; instead o f
giving the money as a gift as he had intended].
W hile I do not attem pt to untangle the relevant issues here, I appeal to the fact
that the same possibilities o f interpretation occur with other expressions that
are generally agreed to require volitional subject arguments. For example, m ur
d er is a verb w hich is universally recognized as selecting for a volitional sub
ject argum ent. Still, it is possible to say the following without contradiction:
(11) M ary accidentally murdered Jane [although she had m eant to m urder
Sue; although she had only m eant to knock her unconscious].
In these exam ples the subject argum ent is not volitional. Even when the subject
argum ent is an anim ate being, as in (12c, d), no volitionality is required How
ever. these exam ples form a delim itable class o f expressions, as they are all
instances o f a particular conventional system atic metaphor, namely, "causal
events as tran sfe rs."2 This m etaphor involves understanding causing an effect
in an entity as transferring the effect, construed as an object, to that entity.
Evidence for the existence o f this m etaphor independent of the ditransitive con
struction com es from the follow ing expressions:
Further evidence, both for the existence o f the m etaphor and for it motivating
the ditransitive exam ples in (12), com es from the polysem y o f each o f the
predicates involved in those exam ples. The predicates bring, buy, get, give,
lend, and hand arc used to imply causation, but on their basic sense they each
involve transfer from an agent to a recipient. The link between these senses is
provided by the metaphor. Bring, buy, get, give, lend, and hand here involve
the metaphorical transfer o f effect; each o f the exam ples in (12) im plies that
the subject argum ent is the cause o f the first object argum ent being affected in
some way by “ receiving” the second object argum ent.
This class can be represented as an extension o f the central sense as follows:
Ditransitive Construction
R. instance,
1 1 >
1* 1 1
R: instance, P K ED < >
m eans
Figure 6 .2
Recognizing the m etaphor allow s us to divorce ourselves from the often-m ade
but erroneous claim that exam ples such as those in (12) are idiosyncratic.
Returning to the statem ent o f the constraint that the subject argum ent m ust
intend the transfer, w e can see the necessity o f acknow ledging the role o f this
metaphor. It is this m etaphor w hich licenses the exceptional cases: we can rec
ognize that the volitionality constraint is satisfied in the source dom ain of the
metaphor. At the same time, this m etaphor differs from other m etaphors to be
14 6 C h a p t e r Six
described below in not m apping volitionality to the target domain. This follows
from the fact that the target dom ain is concerned with abstract causes. Abstract
causes cannot be necessarily volitional because they are not necessarily human.
Each o f the metaphors described below, on the other hand, involves human
actors in the target dom ain as well as in the source dom ain, and in each o f the
target dom ains the volitionality constraint is respected.
In none o f these exam ples is the first object an anim ate being; however, in the
source dom ain o f the m etaphor the affected party is understood to be a recipi
ent, and thus indeed an anim ate being. Again we find that a constraint can be
satisfied in the source but not the target dom ain o f the metaphor.
An additional sem antic constraint is that the first object be understood to be
a beneficiary, or a willing recipient.3 This constraint is needed to account for
the follow ing exam ple from Green (1974):
In these exam ples, the first object is not understood to be a w illing recipient;
accordingly, they are unacceptable.
This constraint may also be responsible for the slight difference in meaning
between the follow ing two exam ples provided by Robert W ilensky (personal
com m unication):
Most speakers find the first exam ple to be som ew hat less polite than the second.
Since fe e d is normally used with reference to the food intake o f babies or ani
mals, the impoliteness o f the first exam ple is not surprising; what requires ex
planation is the fact that the second exam ple is interpreted to be relatively more
polite. The constraint that the first object must be construed as a w illing recipi
ent can account for this, since the ditransitive version has the effect o f im posing
the interpretation that the guests are w illing agents, thereby according them
more respect.
T hat the recipient is expected to be w illing should not be confused with the
idea that the recipient is expectcd to benefit from the transfer. Thus, w hile (21)
below does not imply that Jane will benefit from im bibing the m artini, it does
presuppose that she is expectcd to willingly drink the martini.
In some cases, however, the issue of the recipient’s w illingness or unw illing
ness is irrelevant to w hether transfer is successful. These involve expressions
in which actual successful transfer is im plied:4
Nonetheless, all cases in which the first object is required to accept the trans
ferred object in order for transfer to be successful imply that the first object is
assumed to be a willing recipient.
This sentence does not imply that M ary “ possesses” an insult, only that M ary
“received” an insult. Sim ilarly with (26):
This exam ple does not imply that Chris "possesses” a punch but only that he
“ received” one. If we describe the role in question as that of “ recipient" in
stead o f “ possessor,” these facts pose no problem . The fact that a possessive
relationship i > usually im plied follows autom atically from the fact that w hat is
received is norm ally subsequently possessed.
N oticing that a recipient is involved in ditransitive expressions may be a first
step toward m otivating the double object syntax of the construction. Beginning
with Jakobson, those interested in the sem antics o f the direct object have noted
that recipients o f force and effect make for good direct objects (Jakobson 1938;
for recent discussion see, e.g., Langacker 1987;® Rice 1987a). (O f course this
is not to say that all direct objects are recipients; clearly the objects of cogni
tion verbs such as believe, see, and know would present difficulties for such a
claim .)
Finally, the construction has been show n to be associated with a scene of
transfer. D escribing the first object as a "recipient" rather than "possessor”
more adequately captures the dynam ic character o f this semantics.
move toward the perceiver. The perception is understood to occur upon “ recep
tion." Evidence for the m etaphor includes the following:
A nother m etaphor extends the use o f the ditransitive to the speech act
domain. This m etaphor is used in reference to a situation w here a person insists
on certain facts and assum ptions. T he m etaphor involves understanding these
facts and assumptions as objects which are given to som eone who is making
an argument, to be used in the construction o f the argum ent. (The idea o f con
structing an argument assum es yet another metaphor, that o f argum ents as
constructed objects). We can title this m etaphor “ Facts and A ssum ptions as
150 Chapter Six
O bjects which are G iven." Evidence for the metaphor includes the following
These expressions can be seen to involve m etaphorical transfer once the fol
lowing m etaphor is recognized: actions which are perform ed for the benefit of
a person are understood as objects which are transferred to that person. The
m etaphor is exemplified in the following expressions:
The m apping o f this m etaphor is different from that of the others in that the
source dom ain o f this m etaphor is not 'X c a u s e s Y to r e c e i v e Z ’ as it was for
each o f the others. In particular, it is the action perform ed rather than the sec
ond object argum ent that is the received object in the mapping. This m eta
phor, then, represents an extended use of the ditransitive. And, as we might
expect, there is w ide dialectal variation in the degree o f acceptability o f these
expressions. In fact, these cases are subject to their own special constraints. As
noted by O ehrle (1976), they are more acceptablc as com mands:
The English Ditransitive Construction 15 1
They are also more acceptable with pronouns in first object position. C ontrast
(49a) with (50):
To summ arize, these cases can be seen to be a lim ited extension from the cen
tral sense of the construction. The source dom ain o f this m etaphor is not ‘X
causes Y to r e c e iv e Z ’ as it was in each of the other m etaphors; rather, it is
‘X c a u s e s Y to r e c e i v e an o b j e c t (not necessarily designated Z ).’ The target
domain is ‘X Performs an Action for the Benefit o f Y.’ Z is mapped to the
object acted on by X.
6.4 C o n c l u s io n
In this chapter the central sense of the ditransitive construction has been
argued to be associated with a highly specific sem antic structure, that o f suc
cessful transfer between a volitional agent and a w illing recipient. In addition,
several systematic m etaphors that license extensions from the basic sense have
been identified.
7 The English Caused-Motion
7 .1 In t r o d u c t i o n
The English Caused Motion Construction 153
7.2 T h e E x is t e n c e o f t h e C o n s t r u c t i o n
Yet, when these verbs are used in the caused-m otion construction, a causal
interpretation is implied:
As has been noticed by Aske (1989), it is also the case that many verbs do not
necessarily code motion independently o f this construction. A ske provides the
following contrast, and notes that it is im plausible to posit a distinct m otion
sense for the predicate squeeze:
Also, as has been noted by G reen (1973), Randall (1983), and H oekstra (1988),
many transitive verbs which can occur in this construction do not bear the same
154 Chapter Seven
Verbs can som etim es appear in this construction that do not independently li
cense direct object com plem ents at all:
(15) The audience laughed the poor guy off o f the stage.
(16) Frank sneezed the napkin off the table.
(17) In the last Star Trek episode, there was a woman who could think people
into a different galaxy.
The m ove to postulate novel causative motion senses for each of these verbs,
thereby positing the m eaning o f the w hole in the m eaning o f the parts by stipu
lation, has been argued against in chapter 1. Several other proposals to account
for the caused-m otion interpretation by com positionally deriving the meaning
from the com bination o f verb and preposition are critically discussed below.
Several authors have proposed accounts that avoid positing rampant lexi
cal polysem y to account for the caused-m otion construction and the related
resultative construction (see chapter 8). Gawron (1985, 1986), Pustejovsky
(1991a), Rappaport Hovav and Levin (1991), and H oekstra (1992), for ex
am ple, have argued that the m eanings o f resultatives and/or caused-motion ex
pressions such as those in exam ples ( 1 - 6 ) above do not require positing
additional verb senses. T hese authors argue that the m eaning of the entire sen
tence can be com positionally derived from com posing the m eanings o f the con
stituent parts.
A general problem with com positional accounts such as these stems from
the far-reaching conclusion drawn from the fact that we may be able to prag
m atically infer the m eaning of the construction. If one knows that a construc
tion has a particular form, then it is som etim es the case that one may reasonably
infer that it has the particular interpretation that it has. However, it is fallacious
to argue that because we may be able to pragm atically infer the m eaning of a
The English Caused-Monon Construction 155
attachm ent o f the PP or adjectivc is not that o f an adjunct. This is true regard
less of w hether the PP is sister to the verb as claim ed here or is part o f a small
clause that is sister to the verb. M oreover, it is not possible to attribute adjunct
status to the result phrase and claim that the causative interpretation is inferred,
because there exist cases w hich do not receive a causative interpretation. These
are the w ell-know n depictive predicates as well as standard PP adjuncts.’
(18) D epictives
a. T he w itch-hunters burned her alive.
b. Sam passed Bob the towel wet.
(19) Adjunct PPs
a. Lisa slept under the bridge.
b. Joe played in the house.
N otice that in exam ples (21a, b) the verb does not bear its normal relation to
the direct object com plem ent. H oekstra analyzes such resultatives as involving
an intransitive process verb com bined with a small clause stative predicate.4
This is sim ilar to a proposal m ade by Rappaport Hovav and Levin (1991) to
account for this type o f resultative. They also propose that the verb is lexically
intransitive— in particular, that it is unergative— and that it is com bined with
an independent small clause com plem ent.5
Both H oekstra's and Rappaport Hovav and Levin’s analyses require some
way to join the main verb and the small clausc. They cannot simply say that
the verb selects for (or theta-m arks) the small clause com plem ent, since this
The English Caused-Motion Construction IS 7
would imply an additional sense for each verb, som ething they wish to avoid.
For exam ple, they wish to avoid positing a new sense o f drink that has an agent
and a state argum ent to account Tor (22):
Rappaport Hovav and Levin suggest that the verb case-m arks the NP of the
small clause. But case m arking norm ally applies to NPs inside small clause
arguments o f the verb. Since Rappaport Hovav and Levin do not wish to claim
that the sm all clause is an argum ent, they do not, as far as I can tell, explain
what licenses the occurrence o f the sm all clause itself. To account for the re-
suluitive interpretation, Rappaport Hovav and Levin suggest that because the
small clausc XP is attached at the lowest bar level w ithin the VP, it has to be
semantically integrated into the “ core eventuality" nam ed by the verb. H ow
ever. norm ally only lexically-subcategorized-for com plem ents are attached at
the lowest bar level within the VP; therefore the sem antic generalization hinges
on a syntactic constraint that is left unexplained.
Hockstra proposes a new way to syntactically com pose the verb and small
clause. To do this, he needs to rely on rather nonstandard and often seem ingly
unmotivated assum ptions. A critical assum ption o f his is that points o f time
associated with verbs are theta-m arked. In the case o f an activity predicate
like drink, a final tim e point /„ may be theta-m arked through binding the
“e-position" o f the small clause w hich denotes a state.® The resultative inter
pretation is claim ed to be determ ined by the way in which the sm all clause is
licensed, namely, through the final point in the event structure o f the m atrix
verb (p. 162). However, H oekstra claim s that the resultative can only occur
with atelic activity verbs;7 a priori it would seem that there is no “ final point”
o f time associated with atelic predicates. H oekstra docs not make d e a r how or
why it is that such a final point is available.
To sum m arize, there is a general problem with attem pts to account for
caused-m otion and resultative expressions by means o f a sim ple concatenation
of two independently existing predicates, the sem antic interpretation being ar
rived at by general pragm atic principles. Such analyses do not account for the
fact that such concatenation is allowed in the language in the first place. Unless
we treat the secondary predicate as an argum ent or an adjunct, there are no
preexisting means by which to concatenate the two predicates. T reating the
secondary predicate as an argum ent o f the m atrix verb is tantam ount to creating
an extended sense o f the verb, a m ove that all o f these accounts wish to avoid
and which has been argued against in chapter 1. Treating the secondary pred i
cate as an adjunct K not a viable solution either, because its syntactic position
I 58 Chapter Seven
(w hether sister to the verb or part o f a small clause) is not that o f an adjunct;
moreover, the sem antic interpretation is different than that of other adjunct sec
ondary predicates such as depictive predicates and PP adjuncts. H oeksira’s
suggestion o f a new way to join verb and secondary predicate is not well m o
tivated, and Gawron's proposal requires additional verb senses for some cases
and non-argum ent PP phrases for others. In the latter case, the burden of the
change in m eaning falls onto the preposition. This raises the question whether
the preposition in itself could be held responsible for the caused-motion se
m antics (cf. also Aske 1989).
A m ajor problem with attributing the burden o f the sem antic interpretation
o f caused motion to the preposition is that many prepositions which appear in
this construction favor a locative interpretation:
In these eases, neither the verbs squeeze or urge nor the prepositions inside or
outside independently code motion.
1he English Caused-Motion Construction 159
1 <
1 >
Figure 7.!
Caused-Moiion Construction
ls : cause
Figure 7.2
The English C.n isen -Mot, on Construction 16 1
7.3 T h e V a r i o u s In t e r p r e t a t i o n s
7 .3.1 Overview
As discussed in chapter 3. the caused-m otion construction is associ
ated with a category o f related senses. The various senses that occur are the
These exam ples differ from the previous cases in that motion is not strictly
entailed. For exam ple, Sam ordering som eone out o f the house does not nec
essarily entail that the person moves out o f the house. However, motion is
entailed by the “conditions o f satisfaction" (Scarle 1983) associated with the
actions denoted by the particular predicates. If in exam ple (34) the order is
satisfied, the person will leave the house. Similarly, if the request in (35) or
invitation in (36) is satisfied, the person will move along the designated path.
(42) a. *Sara let Bill into the room by leaving the door open.
b. (Sara let Bill com e into the room by leaving the door open.)
by contrast to the one above, can be described in term s o f the force-dynamic
schem a o f im position o f a barrier, causing the patient to stay in a location d e
spite its inherent tendency to move. The class includes verbs such as lock, keep,
barricade. For example:
The path argum ent o f this class, argum ent Com p(Z), codes the complement of
the potential motion. Thus (43) implies that Harry prevented Joe from moving
out o f the bathroom .
The close parallel between the links required for this construction and the links
previously suggested for the ditransitive construction indicates that these pat
terns o f extension are quite systematic. It seems that patterns o f constructional
extension, like patterns o f polysem y generally, em body subregularities (Wil-
ensky 1991); that is. patterns of polysem y recur, although not strictly predict
ably so. At the very least it should be clear that the links are not being posited
on an ad hoc basis.
Here accompany, although sim ilar to uses o f escort, walk, and show, does not
necessarily entail any assistance on the part o f the agent. Also, follow, trail,
and tail, w hile sim ilar to the unexceptional use o f chase in (52), differ in that
they do not entail that the them e’s motion is caused or aided by the agent.
7.4 S e m a n t ic C o n s t r a in t s
In section 7.2 we argued for the existence o f the caused-m otion construc
tion independently o f the verbs w hich instantiate it. One o f our primary moti
vations for doing so was to avoid arbitrary lexical stipulations on each verb that
could potentially occur in the construction. Still, if we were to find that there iv
ram pant lexical idiosyncrasy associated with the construction, our motivation
for postulating it would be partially underm ined, since the arbitrary lexical
stipulation we were trying to avoid would then be necessary anyway. Therefore
it is w orthw hile to see how much can be accounted for in a principled way by
paying close attention to sem antic constraints.
At first glance, there does appear to be a large degree o f idiosyncrasy. Con
sider the following minimal pairs:
However, in w hat follows it will be argued that each o f these pairs can be
accounted for in a principled way, once careful attention is paid to the sem an
tics of the construction.
But it cannot be an instrum ent (cf. Gawron 1986 for a sim ilar constraint):
The fact (hat the choice o f argum ent encoded as subject plays a role in the
acceptability o f caused-m otion expressions dem onstrates that the sem antics of
the construction must m ake reference to that argum ent, and that it cannot be
stated as a VP construction.
The first thing we might try to explain is the difference in judgm ents
between the follow ing two examples:
N otice that convince, persuade, instruct pattern like encourage in not appear
ing in the caused-m otion construction:
W hat all o f these verbs have in com m on is that they entail that the entity de
noted by the direct object m akes a cognitive decision. This is in distinction to
verbs such as the ones used in (6 5 -6 7 ):
Frighten, coax, and lure, although referring to psychological states, do not en
tail the existence o f a cognitive decision. That is, they can apply equally well
to rodents w ithout any anthropom orphizing:
O ne might argue that this is a coincidence— that verbs which occur with this
construction ju st happen not to entail any cognitive decision on the part of the
theme argum ent and that the “constraint” is an epiphenom enon of particular
idiosyncratic lexical facts. However, a piece of evidence weighing against such
The English Causect-Motion Construction 167
an account and suggesting instead that it is indeed the construction that prohib
its a mediating cognitive decision com es from an exam ination o f verbs which
occur in more than one construction, together with the distribution of the ad
verb willingly. Lakoff (1970a) noticed that willingly can be applied to both
logical (i.e., underlying) and surface subjects:
According to many theories, the direct object argum ent is the logical subject o f
the predicative PP. Yet we find that willingly cannot apply to the direct object
argument o f caused-m otion expressions:
This is generally true of the passive form s of the caused-m otion construction
as w ell:10
The second class involves a specific case o f enablem enr an agent actively re
moves a barrier to moiion. Expressions in this class includc:
T hese classes do seem to allow a cognitive decision on the pari o f the them e lo
be implied if the theme argum ent actually moves, but they can be distinguished
from the cases discussed in the previous section in lhat actual motion is not
entailed by the expression.
N otice that alongside the acceptable (79) we find the unacceptable (80)
and (81):
W hat needs to be noticed in this case is lhat the them e's ultim ate direction must
be presum ed to be the one determ ined by the subject; no contrary tendency can
be implied. To see this, com pare (82a, b):
If the them e's motion is not strictly entailed, it m ust be presum ed as a ceteris
paribus im plication that the theme argum ent will actually move on the path
specified. In the case o f beg or plead — or in (82a), in w hich there are prag
m atically given reasons why H arry may not w ant to go into the jail cell—
m otion cannot be presum ed.
N otice that it is not necessary for the Iheme argum ent to actually want to
m ove along the specified path, only lhat it be presum ed to do so:
Conventionalized Scenarios
Certain cases seem to flout the general constraint that there can be no
interm ediate causation. As Shibatani (1973) noticed, activities w hich are con
ventionally accom plished in a particular way may be expressed as simple cau
The fcnglisM CauserJ-Moiion Construction 169
(84) The invalid ow ner ran his favorite horse (in the race).
(85) Chris cut her hair at the salon on University Avenue.
(86) She painted her house, (when in fact the painters did the painting)
(87) Farm er Joe grew those grape vines.
However, we would not w ant to say that these are ruled out because conven
tional causation is not acceptable in the caused-m otion construction, but rather
that Ihcsc scenes as wholes are not conventional. T hat is, planting and w atering
is not a conventional way lo grow plants onto the roof, and arranging for your
horse to run in a race is not a conventional way to have your horse run onto the
field. Expressions which do express indirect but conventional caused motion
arc allowable in the caused-m otion construction as well:
This is acceptablc since paying for and arranging a ticket for som eone else are
conventional ways to have som eone travel for interviews.
To sum up this constraint:
In the next sections, it will be argued that the action denoted by the verb,
perform ed by the causer on the causee. m ust be understood to com pletely d e
termine both the effect o f m otion and the particular path o f motion.
W hen a w ider class o f verbs is considered, a pattern em erges. Notice lhai the
verbs slap, smack, whack, knock pattern like hit, whereas the verbs assault,
sock, spank, clobber, slash, bludgeon, impact pattern like strike. W hat distin
guishes these two classes o f verbs o f forceful im pact is whether the impacted
entity is necessarily affected in a way that does not involve motion (cf. Fillmore
1970). All o f the verbs o f the strike-c\ass require that the impacted entity be
affected :"
To m ake this point m ore clear, consider also the verb shoot, which allows either
the im pacted entity or the trajectory as direct object:
N otice that w hen a path argum ent is present, the direct object can only be in
terpreted as trajectory; it cannot be viewed sim ultaneously as trajectory and
im pacted entity:
This exam ple is explained on our account, because if the bullet is understood
to penetrate Sam , then Sam is necessarily affected in a way that does not in
volve m otion, and so a path o f motion cannot be specified.
The constraint, then, can be tentatively stated as follows:
If the action denoted by the verb implies an effect other than motion,
then a path of motion cannot be specified.
The English Caused-Motion Construction 17 I
(99) The butcher sliced the salami onto the wax paper.
(100) Joey clumped his potatoes into the middle o f his plate.
(1 0 1) Joey grated the cheese onto a serving plate.
(102) Sam shredded the papers into the garbage pail.
Each of these exam ples implies a definite effect on the them e argum ent quite
apart from the motion that is implied. However, these change-of-state verbs
can be distinguished from the strilce-class o f verbs ju st discussed, which also
entail a definite effect on the direct object argum ent, in the follow ing way. The
action denoted by each o f the verbs in (9 9 -1 0 2 ) as perform ed by the agent
argument on the theme argum ent typically implies som e predictable incidental
motion. For example, in slicing salam i, the salam i norm ally falls away from
the slicer; in clum ping potatoes into a pile, the potatoes are moved; the act of
grating cheese normally implies that the cheese falls away from the instru
ment used. It is the path of this incidental motion that can be specified by the
It might be observed that it is not a necessary part of the m eaning o f slice
that the sliced object necessarily moves. One can im agine a m echanical bread-
slicer lhat slices bread w hile the bread is contained in a supporting container,
not allowing the bread to fall away after being sliced. Similarly, one can im ag
ine a paper shredder which shreds paper that is fixed in place. However, it is
clear that in the neutral context, in which the action is done in the conventional
way, the action does entail incidental motion. Thus, in order to account for
these cases, we have to appeal not to necessary truth conditions holding o f the
action denoted by the verb, but rather to the conventional scenario associated
with the particular act denoted by the verb.
This class of cases is further constrained. C onsider the follow ing contrasts:
In the (b)-cases, (he ensuing motion is intended and the exam ples are accept
able. In the (a)-cases, however, the motion is interpreted as unintentional and
they are unacceptable.
The relevant generalization seems to be as follows.
Generalization IV: If the activity causing the change o f state (or ef
fect), when performed in the conventional way. cfTects some incidental
motion and, moreover, is performed with the intention of causing the
motion, then the path o f motion may be specified.
In these cases, m otion is im plied in the sccncs associated with fill and cover,
insofar as w ater m ust move into the tub and the blanket must move over Mary.
However, the motion in these cases occurs as the means o f accom plishing the
change o f state; it is not an incidental cffect o f the changc o f state.
(107) a. *H e nudged the ball down the incline, (unless there are repetitive
b. He nudged the golf ball into ihe hole.
Exam ple (107a) is unacceptable despite the faci that the nudging o f a ball at
the top o f an incline can cause the ball to roll down the incline.
The crucial fact is that the causal force initialed by the agent argum ent in
this case does not in itself determ ine the path o f motion; gravity is necessary
as an interm ediary cause. If the causal force initiated by the agent argument
does determ ine the path o f m otion, the sentence is acceptable:
U nder many circum stances, a specific path is not determ ined by the activity
described; the direction o f force only im plies that the theme argum ent moves
out of, or away from, its present location. Accordingly, more specific paths
cannot be predicaled. This observation can account for the following:
The English Caused-Motion Construction 173
Therefore, while traditionally there has only been a two-way distinction made
between "o n set” and “ continuous" causation (Talmy 1976),12 what we see
here suggests that “ onset” may cover two distinguishable types o f causation.
The first type is that in which the causing event determ ines the entire path of
motion, even though actual physical contact is not m aintained over the entire
path. This is the only type of onset causation which is acceptable in caused-
motion expressions. T he second type o f onset causation is that in w hich the
causing event initiates motion but does not itself determ ine the full subsequent
path. This type o f onset causation is evident in the following:
(111) Joe’s nudging the ball at the top o f the incline caused the ball to roll all
the way down to the bottom.
W hich paths count as being “com pletely determ ined" is in part a m atter of
pragmatics. For exam ple, imagine a group o f teenagers crow ded around a man
who is standing by the door o f his car wailing for a friend. The teenagers are
intimidating the man by making jokes about him and laughing. In this context,
it is felicitous to say the following:
Similarly, imagine that Sam is playing a gam e with a child who is lying on the
floor next to the bed. The gam e involves putting on a scary mask and taking it
off again. Each time Sam puts on the mask the child predictably shrieks and
rolls under the bed in mock fear. In this context, one can felicitously say the
In general, if the action is interpreted to be the driving force determ ining the
174 Chapter Seven
particular path of motion, the motion can be said to be “ com pletely deter
m ined” by the action.
To sum m arize the constraints lhat have been argued for in this section:
I. No cognitive decision can m ediate between the causing event and the
entailed motion.
II. If the caused motion is not strictly entailed, it must be presumed as a
ceteris paribus im plication.
III. Conventionalized scenarios can be cognitively packaged as a single
event even if an intervening cause exists (Shibatani 1973).
IV. If the verb is a change-of-state verb (or a verb o f effect), such that
the activity causing the change o f state (or effect), when perform ed in a con
ventional way, effects some incidental motion and, moreover, is performed
with the intention o f causing the motion, the path o f motion may be specified.
V. The path o f motion must be com pletely determ ined by the action d e
noted by the verb.
Also, they do not presuppose that the them e will actually move along the speci
fied path:
7.5 The L o a d / S pr a y A l t e r n a t io n
A num ber o f verbs, including the well-known exam ples load and spray,
can occur in two alternate syntactic patterns:
(cf., e.g., Partee 1965; Fillm ore 1968; A nderson 1971; Rappaport & Levin
1988; Gropen et al. 1991). Exam ple (116a) is actually an instance of the
caused-m otion construction, and in fact can occur with a w ide variety o f path
phrases besides onto:
( 1 17) Pat sprayed the paint toward the w indow /over the fence/through the
None o f the follow ing exam ples, with one role unexpressed, are allowed:
Slather is com patible with both the caused-m otion construction and the
causative-plus-vw7/i-adjunctconstructions in the follow ing way. Both construc
tions allow all three roles to be expressed, so there is no problem satisfying the
constraint that profiled roles are obligatory. Since there are three profiled par-
The English Caused Motion Construction 177
licipants, one may be fused wilh a nonprofiled argum ent role, in accord with
the Principle o f Correspondence discussed in section 2.4.2.
The verb’s participant roles are fused with each of the construction’s argu
ment roles in accord with the Principle of Sem antic C oherence, also discussed
in section 2.4.2, as follows. T he verb’s participant roles fuse with the caused-
motion construction’s argum ent roles in that the slatherer can be construed as
a cause, thick-mass as a type o f theme since it undergoes a change of location,
and the target as a type o f goal-path. Slather is com patible with the causative-
plus- wj'f/i-adjunct since the target can be construed as a type o f patient, in that
the entity which is slathered on can be construed as totally affected. The with-
phrase is obligatory even though it is an adjunct, because the profiled status of
the verb’s thick-mass role requires that the role be expressed.
Verbs o f the heap- and cram-classes are similar. Thus both full variants of
the alternation are acceptable with heap:
Thus, like the slather- class above, verbs of these classes must have three pro
filed participant roles:
It is not as clear in this case lhat all roles need be overtly expressed. W hile the
178 Chapter Seven
agent and container roles are obligatory, as (125) shows, load can occur w ith
out an overtly expressed theme role, as in (126):
Can we still claim for this case that all roles are profiled? Notice that if the
theme role is unexpressed, its filler m ust be presum ed to be known to both
speaker and hearer. T hat is, unless the context tells us what was loaded onto
the truck, exam ple (126) is infelicitous. Thus the theme role is allowed to be a
definite null complement as discussed in scction 2.4.5; this type o f argument
was argued to be lexically profiled despite the fact that it is not obligatorily
expressed; it is indicated below by square brackets. T he load-class therefore
has three profiled roles as well:
Verbs o f the load-c lass mark their theme roles as profiled, but optionally
om issible if licensed by context to receive a definite interpretation.
Verbs o f the spray-class, including spray, splash, splatter, sprinkle, work
slightly differently. In the case o f splash, both liquid and target roles must be
In this exam ple, the unexpressed liquid role is available to speaker and hearer
through contextual given-ness; it is therefore still considered lo be profiled.
Both these verbs can occur w ithout an overtly expressed agent, as in (130):
The fact that the target can be construed as a type o f patient, in that the entity
which is sprayed can be construed as totally affected, allow s spray's roles to
fuse with the argum ent roles o f the causative construction. In particular, spray
is licensed to occur in the caused-m otion construction since the sprayer can
be construed as a cause, the liquid as a type o f theme, and the target as a type
of goal-path. Similarly, the fact that the agent is not obligatory (i.e., non
profiled) allows spray to occur in the intransitive m otion construction instan
tiated by ( 130).17
7.6 C o n c l u s io n
It has been argued that the argum ent structure associated with the inter
pretation of directly caused motion needs to be recognized as an English con
struction, independently o f the lexical items w hich instantiate it. The evidence
came from the fact that several aspects of the m eaning o f caused-m otion ex
pressions (causation, motion) and o f their form (e.g., the direct object com ple
ment) are not generally predictable from lexical requirem ents or from other
The construction discussed in this chapter has as its basic sense a causer or
agent directly causing a theme to move to a new location. The basic sense is
extended in various ways, allow ing the construction to appear with a variety of
systematically related interpretations. As noted in section 3.3.2, this polysem y
is strikingly sim ilar to the polysem y argued to exist for the ditransitive con
struction in chapter 2.
In addition, specific sem antic constraints have been proposed in an attem pt
to show principled patterns where there is apparent idiosyncrasy. These specific
constraints can be interpreted as beginning to provide necessary conditions on
the notion of “direct causation” (or o f a “ single event"). These constraints
have been argued to involve a com bination o f lexical sem antics and general
world knowledge.
Finally, the load/spray alternation was discussed, and it was shown that both
variants could be accounted for by understanding a single verb m eaning to be
able to fuse with two distinct constructions, the caused-m otion construction
and a causative construction plus with- adjunct.
8 The English Resultative Construction
8.1 In t r o d u c t io n
T his idea would seem to be intuitive, given the fact that resultatives code a
change of state caused by the verb. And in fact, this proposal has been approxi
mated recently by Bresnan and Zaenen (1990), Jackendoff (1990a), and Van
Valin (1990a). However, the existence o f so-called “ fake object” cases has
been taken as an exception to the sem antic constraint. Cases involving "fake
o bjects,” so named by Sim pson (1983), include exam ples such as the following
(the attested exam ples here and below com e from V isser 1963):
(2) a. “ Paulo, w ho had roared him self hoarse, was very w illing to be si
lent.” (OED: Mrs. Radcliff. Italian vii (1797))
b. *H e roared himself.
(3) a. “The G erm ans c ri’d their throats dry with calling for a general
Council.” (OED: Leighton (1674) in L auderdale Papers (1885))
b. *The G erm ans cried their throats.
The postverbal N P in these cases is said to bear no sem antic relation to the
main verb, and therefore is viewed as being exceptional to the semantic con
straint o f patienthood. The existence o f these cases has led several researchers
The English Resuliative Construction 18 1
to conclude lhai the phenom enon m ust be stated in syntactic term s (Sim pson
1983; C arrier & Randall 1992; Rappaport Hovav & Levin 1991).
In what follows, I will continue to refer to these as “ fake object” cases d e
spite the fact that I will argue that the “ fake object” should be treated as a
semantic argument. In w hat follows, I restrict my attention to adjectival resul
tatives, although I intend the term “ resultatives” to cover expressions which
encode a resultant state with a PP as well.
The facts which must be accounted for are the following:
1. Resultatives apply to direct objects o f som e transitive verbs:
(4) “This nice man probably just wanted M other to . . . kiss him uncon
scious.” (D. Shields, Dead Tongues (1989))
(5) “ I had brushed my hair very sm ooth.” (Ch. Bronte, Jane Eyre (1847))
(6) “ You killed it stone-dead.” (W. Som erset M augham , “ A ltogether"
(9) "I charged with them, and got knocked silly for my pains.” (R ider H ag
gard, “ King Solom on’s M ines” (1889))
( 10) The tools w ere wiped clean.
meni relation to the m atrix verbs. Some additional exam ples are the following
(see also section 8.6):
(16) “ W hose whole life is to eat, and drink . . . and laugh them selves fa t "
(OED: Trapp, Com m , and Epist. and Rev. (1647))
(17) “The dog would bite us all mad." (Dougl. Jerrold, Mrs. C audle’s Curt.
L ect 4 (1846)) (This does not necessarily imply that the dog would bite
us all)
(18) “ She laughed herself crooked.” (Benson. “ Mr. Teddy" (1910))
Notice, though, that none o f these constructions occurs across the board with
all transitive resultatives either. For exam ple, the following middles are based
on transitive verbs, yet they pattern exactly like fake object cases in being
ungram m atical:
And, as Jackendoff (1990a) has pointed out, m ost if not all adjectival passives
and nominalizations based on transitive resultatives are also ungram m atical;
this is exemplified in (22) and (23), respectively:
Notice we cannot claim that these facts provide evidence that even transitive
resultatives do not have an internal argum ent since as (19) show ed, som e tran
sitive resultatives do occur in these constructions. Exam ples with uncontro-
versial direct internal argum ents differ on w hether they can occur in these
constructions. For example:
8.3 M id d l e F o r m a t io n
M iddles require that the unexpressed agent argum ent be indefinite, inter
preted as “ people [or w hatever the agent is] in general.” M iddles also require
184 Chapter Eight
that the patient subject argum ent have a particular inherent quality which makes
it prim arily responsible for the property expressed in the predicate phrase (van
O osten 1977, 1984). Moreover, the unexpressed agent argum ent is typically
interpreted as volitional, intending the result (if a result is entailed) as well as
intending to perform the action denoted by the verb. To illustrate the fact that
m iddles are norm ally interpreted as involving an (indefinite) volitional agent,
notice the contrast between (27a, b) and between (28a, b):
The same sem antic features which are characteristic of middles can be captured
by an appropriate paraphrase. For exam ple, consider (29):
(30) People can ham m er the metal flat easily because o f an inherent quaiity
o f the metal.
Several factors conspire to m ake fake object cases (as well as many transitive
resultatives, and in fact, many sim ple transitives) incom patible with the middle
construction. For one, fake object cases occur most readily with objects that
are coreferential with the subject (Jackendoff 1990a); for example.
A nother source o f incom patibility stems from the constraint that the patient
argum ent m ust be interpreted to have a particular inherent quality that makes
the predicate true. Fake object cases, however, are often used as hyperbole tn
express the idea that the action perform ed was done to excess; in this use, it
would be anom alous to attribute the predicate's holding to some particular
property o f the fake object referent. For exam ple, consider (35):
(35) The joggers ran the pavem ent thin. (C arrier & Randall 1992)
The Tnglish Resultative Construction 185
This statem ent would not be used to describe an actual change in the thickness
of the pavement, let alone to convey the idea that the pavement bore som e kind
o f particular property which caused it to becom e thin from people running on
it. Notice that the sem antically analogous paraphrase (36c) is as unacceptable
as the middle form (36b) itself:
(36) a. #People can run that pavement thin easily because of an inherent qual
ity of the pavement,
b. #T hat pavem ent runs thin easily.
M oreover, the fact that m iddles are typically used when the unexpressed indefi
nite agent is understood to be volitional serves to render other possible fake
object cases infelicitous. This is intuitively expected since fake object cases are
often used to express a negative outcom e; therefore assigning volitionality to
the unexpressed agent results in anomaly.
Given the right context, we find that m iddles with fake objects can be greatly
improved. For example, imagine lhat people in charge o f props on a movie set
are asked to drive fifty tires bald for a stunt. Insofar as speakers find (37) ac
ceptable. the corresponding m iddle form (38) is also acceptable:
Similarly, imagine lhat a farm er has had such trouble with stray dogs attacking
his chickens that he breeds the chickens such that they wake up easily upon
hearing any barking. In this context, insofar as speakers I have checked with
accept (39), they also report (40) to be acceptable:
Thus, once closer attention is paid to the particular sem antics associated with
the middle construction, we can account for why fake object resultatives are
not normally acceptable as middles, and we find that it is possible to concoct a
context in which the sem antics o f a particular expression in fact is com patible
with the middle construction.
(41) The baby was barked awake every m orning by the neighbor’s noisy dog.
T herefore the claim that the postverbal NP of fake object cases is an adjunct
and not an argum ent is unwarranted. In postulating an “ adjunct rule” which
can add the postverbal NP to the basic sem antics of the verb, Jackendoff does,
however, capture the basic insight that particular lexical items can be viewed
as “ fitting into” a construction with its own inherent semantics. A detailed
com parison o f Jackendoff’s general approach and the one suggested here is
presented in section 10.1.1.
subcategorized for by the verb; therefore they are claim ed to bear no thematic
role, and are assigned the critical ‘unrestricted’ feature.
The problem with this account is that not only is the fake object not assigned
a thematic role by the verb, it is not norm ally an argum ent of the verb, whether
semantically empty or not; that is, it does not norm ally correspond to a com
plement o f the verb. Bresnan and Zaenen fail to account for how it is that the
internal object makes its way into the argum ent structure of the verb in order
to receive its critical [ - r] marking.
Both the approach and the problem with it can be stated more generally.
Bresnan and Zaenen propose treating the verb with its fake object as a raising
verb and, consequently, treating the postverbal NP as a com plem ent but not as
an argument. The question is how to account for the existence of this postverbal
In order to deal with this issue, one could postulate a lexical rule which
would add the internal argum ent to the argum ent structure o f the verb (as has
been done for applicatives in A lsina & M chom bo 1990) and for the resultative
adjective itself within Bresnan and Zaenen’s theory. And, if this were done, the
additional argum ent could be assigned the thematic role o f patient, since it is in
all cases an affected argum ent. Providing thematic roles to argum ents yielded
by lexical rule is uncontroversial. This would allow Bresnan and Zaenen’s ac
count to reduce to the straightforw ard sem antic constraint proposed here: re
sultatives can only be predicated of patient arguments.
cates" (p. 255). The problem stem s from the fact that when Van Valin tries
to exem plify the claim that resultatives only occur with accom plishm ents or
achievem ents, he cites the resulting construction, not the construction before
the resultative is added. For exam ple, he notes that (44) is an accom plishm ent
and that (55) is an achievement:
(44) Terry w iped the table clean in/* for five minutes.
(45) The river froze solid.
He then argues that unergative verbs do not allow resultatives. citing the fol
low ing example:
However, this exam ple is not parallel to the earlier exam ples since those al
ready contained resultative phrases. There is no disagreem ent about the fact
that expressions with a resultative are accom plishm ents or achievements, since
the resultative phrase itself serves to bound the event. However, it is not the
case that only such independently classifiable accom plishm ents or achieve
m ents occur with resultative predicates. For exam ple, push in the following is
an activity verb:
Also, talk is an activity verb, and yet the following is sim ply ungrammatical:
In short. Van Valin’s account begs the question o f accounting for which predi
cates can occur with resultatives, and o f how the fake object is related to the
main verb.
8.5 T h e E x is t e n c e of a R e s u l t a t iv e C o n s t r u c t i o n
Notice there is no requirem ent that the predicate independently codes a change
o f state, only that it potentially causes a change o f state.
By now, the reader who has been following along might guess how we can
account for the occurrence o f resultatives w ithin a constructional approach.4
A resultative construction is posited which exists independently o f particular
verbs that instantiate it. In order to account for fake object cases, we need to
recognize that the construction itself can add a patient argum ent, besides add
ing the result argum ent to nonstative verbs which only have an “ instigator" as
profiled argum ent. C onstructions as delined have sem antics and are capable of
bearing arguments. Thus the postverbal NP o f the fake object cases is an ar
gument o f the construction although not necessarily of the main verb. U nder
this analysis, the verb retains its intrinsic sem antic representation, w hile being
integrated with the m eaning directly associated with the construction. The re-
sullative construction can be represented thus:
Figure 8.1
To see how the construction is able to add argum ents, consider the following
cases. Verbs such as wipe and talk can integrate into the resultative construc
tion because they have com patible roles:
roles o f the verbs talk and wipe fuse with the argument roles o f the construction
as follows:
Figure 8.2
Thus the construction adds only the result-goal argum ent if the verb has a
participant role which fuses with the patient argum ent o f the construction, as
is the case with wipe.'1 Alternatively, the construction can contribute both pa
tient and result-goal roles, as is done in the case of talk.
Tw o other types o f cases are ruled out. The construction itself does not pro
hibit a hypothetical verb with participant roles which are instances (types) of
agent and result-goal from integrating into the construction, since the construc
tion could presum ably add the patient argum ent. However, the existence of
such a verb is disallow ed by the general constraint that instances o f the result-
goal role can only be predicated o f patient-like roles.
A verb such as becom e with the participant roles ‘(p a tie n t resu lt-g o al)’
cannot integrate with the construction, because the construction specifies that
the agent role m ust be fused with an independently existing participant role of
the verb (this is indicated by the solid line from the construction’s agent role to
the PRED role array).
Intransitive resultatives (i.e., resultatives with unaccusative verbs) require a
slightly different construction; however, the more general constraint on patient-
The English Resultative Construction 19 1
ls : cause
Figure 8.3
In figure 8.3 a subpart inheritance link relates the tw o-place resultative con
struction to the intransitive resultative construction. T hat two constructions are
required is not necessarily a draw back o f the present proposal. It seem s that
Italian allows only tw o-argum ent resultatives and does not allow resultatives
with unaccusatives (cf. Napoli 1992).
The constructional approach captures the insight w hich led other researchers
to explore the possibility that the postverbal NP is not an argum ent o f the main
verb, namely, that the postverbal NP does not intuitively correspond to any
participant norm ally associated with the activity denoted by the main verb. The
resultative construction is itself associated with a particular argum ent structure
configuration, independently o f verbs w hich instantiate it. Particular verbs re
tain their inherent semantics.
19? Chapter Eight
T he analysis can m otivate the existence o f fake objects cases. Since the fake
reflexive ca se s— the cases in which the resultative adjective is predicated of an
argum ent which is coreferenlial with the subjcct— are the most common (ac
cording to V isser’s survey), the most prototypical exam ples, and for some the
only gram m atical cases, we can understand fake object eases as having arisen
from an expressive desire to predicate a change o f state o f an agent or instigator
argum ent. A construction which adds a patient argum ent to the inherent argu
m ent structure o f the verb allow s the resultative to apply to a patient argument
w hile allow ing the patient argum ent to be corefenlial with the agent argument.
In addition, the syntactic expression o f the postverbal NP would follow from
general principles. A ssum ing a ternary branching structure (see Green 1973;
W illiam s 1983; and C arrier & Randall 1992 for argum ents against a small
clausc analysis) the patient argum ent is linked with OBJ by the canonical link
ing conventions o f English (as suggested recently by, e.g., Gropen et al. 1991;
Pinker 1989; Dowty 1991).
Further, an account which situates the possibility o f resultative expressions
in the sem antics can naturally account for various sem antic constraints on the
construction. T hese are discusscd in the following section.
Finally, this approach also allows us to capture the fact that there is a great
deal of idiosyncrasy involved (Green 1972; Dowty 1979). Resultatives are of
ten part of collocations w ith particular verbs. For exam ple, eat is most collo
quial with the resultative sick:
W hat needs to be noted is that there arc gram m aticalized instances o f the con
struction w hich are partially lexically filled.
A dopting a usage-based model o f gram m ar as discussed in chapter 5 (which
draw s on the work o f Bybee (1985) and L angacker (1987a)), novel extensions
are acceptable to the degree that they conform to the semantic (and morpho-
phonological) constraints on existing clusters o f cases.
The English Resultative Construction 193
e .6 C o n s t r a in t s o n th e R e su lta tiv e C o n s t r u c t io n
In some dialects, inanim ate instigator argum ents are also acceptable. For
This constraint does not hold o f lexical causatives, that is, verbs whose basic
sense entails a change o f state independently o f the resultative:
only occur with telic predicates. Dowty (1979) and Jackendoff (1990a), on
the other hand, suggest that resultatives can only occur with activity, or “ un
bounded," predicates. It is at least generally agreed that resultatives cannot
occur with stative verbs (H ockstra 1988).
In this section I will argue that there is an aspectual constraint, but that it
does not coincide with a distinction between telic and atelic predicates, both of
w hich can be seen to appear in the resultative construction:
Allowed: Disallowed.
This constraint rules out cases in w hich there is any time delay between the
action denoted by the verb and the subsequent change of state.
N otice that in a neutral context, eat with an unexpressed argum ent normally
im plies that the agent finished eating a meal:
However, when eat occurs in the resultative construction, the eating is neces
sarily interpreted as extending over the period of time leading up to the change
into a state o f being sick. That is, (67) necessarily im plies that the agent’s con
tinuous eating m ade him sick; it cannot imply that the meal he ate made him
sick. O r consider (68):
This sentence cannot be used to mean that Sam cut himself, causing his captors
to release him in order to clean him up. It must mean that he cut w hateverbonds
w ere preventing him from being free, thereby imm ediately gaining his free
dom. Sim ilarly with (69):
The English Resultative Construction 195
This cannot be used to mean that Chris shot Pat and Pat later died in the hos
pital; instead it must mean that Pat died im m ediately from the shot.
T his constraint can be interpreted as a consequence of a more general
constraint that the causation must be direct: no intervening period is possible
in a causal sequence (cf. discussion in 7.4.2. for other constraints on direct
Most o f the adjectives which can occur in the construction can be indepen
dently classified as having a clearly delim ited lower bound and are therefore
typically nongradabte (Sapir 1944). N ongradable adjectives are said to be un
able to appear (ceteris paribus) with quantifying phrases:
Intuitively, one cannot be a little sober, because one is either entirely sober or
not sober: there is, all things being equal, no grey area.
Sick and hoarse, on the other hand, do not obviously code states with a
clearly delim ited lower bound:
However, when used in the fake object construction, they are interpreted as
196 Chapter Fight
delim iting ihe clear boundary beyond w hich the activity cannot continue. Con
sider (83, 84):
These expressions imply that the agent ate to the point where he could eat no
m ore, or talked to the point w here he could talk no more. N otice how in this
context the adjectives receive a nongradable interpretation:
The adjectives crazy and silly are sim ilar in this respect:
They imply that the patient argum ent has “ gone over the edge,” beyond the
point where normal functioning is possible (o f course they are typically used
as hyperbole, not literally).6 R ender is interesting in that it lexicalizes this con
straint, requiring a resultative adjective which codes a state o f loss o f function
(that is, the property m ust be the negative end o f a scale):
Therefore it is fair to say that the resultative o f the fake object construction
codes a clearly delim ited endpoint.7 The endpoint may be on some absolute
scale (in the case o f inherently nongradable adjectives) or on a scale of func
tionality, in w hich case continued functioning is im possible beyond it:
O ther exceptions to the above generalization have been attested, but aside from
their apparent rarity, each can be seen to have a distinctly novel character. In
general, exceptional cases tend to be from the sam e sem antic dom ain as more
conventionalized cases, and can be seen as one-shot novel extensions from a
gram m aticalized pattern:
(92) “ Bees will suck them selves tipsy upon varieties like the sops-of-w ine.”
(OED: J. Burroughs, “ Locusts and Wild H oney" (1879))
(93) Till he had drunk him self sleepy. (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island
There is one attested case, though cited by Rappaport Hovav and Levin (1991),
which truly seem s to fly in the face of this generalization:
(94) “ Look, isn't it lovely? It’s the stale loaf I put out for the birds and th ey ’ve
pecked it really pretty.” (cited by Rappaport Hovav and Levin 1991;
from Z. W icomb, You C an't G et Lost in Cape Town (1987))
However, this exam ple is judged ungram m atical by A m erican English speakers
I have asked. It is possible that South A frican English does not have the end-
of-scale restriction.
This restriction has been attributed to a sem antic clash o f aspect (C arrier &
Randall 1992); however, the exact nature o f the cause clash— clash has proved
198 Chapter Eight
8.7 C o n c lu s io n
This chapter has argued that the sem antic restriction that resultatives can
only apply to patient argum ents is viable, even in the case of fake object resul
tative expressions, despite recent argum ents to the contrary. This analysis has
the advantages o f (1) assim ilating fake object cases to other transitive resulta
tive cases, (2) motivating the existence o f fake object cases, (3) allowing for
the existing idiosyncrasy in a natural way, (4) predicting the syntax o f the con
struction from canonical linking patterns and without ad hoc stipulations, and
(5) accounting for semantic constraints in a natural way.
The following specific sem antic constraints were proposed in order to re
strict the applicability o f the lexical rule (or the instantiation o f the construc
tion): (1) tw o-argum ent resultatives must have an instigator argument; (2) the
causation involved must be direct, with no intervening tim e periods allowed;
(3) the resultative adjective m ust have a clearly delim ited lower bound; and
(4) the resultative adjective m ust be considered a type o f path phrase, which
accounts for several co-occurrence restrictions.
9 The Way Construction
9. i In t r o d u c t io n
Several large corpora were searched for exam ples. The m ajority o f the ex
amples (1,050 out o f 1,177) are from the O xford University Press corpus (oup),
which has been cited in earlier chapters already.1 A dditional exam ples have
been culled from exhaustive searches o f the Wall Street Journal 1989 corpus
(wsj), the Lund corpus consisting o f various spoken dialogs (lund), and the
United States D epartm ent o f Agriculture corpus (usda).
9.2 T h e E x is t e n c e o f the C o n s t r u c t io n
Instances o f this construction imply that the subject referent moves along
the path designated by the prepositional phrase. The construction’s sem antics
cannot be fully predicted on the basis o f the constituent parts o f the construc
tion. For exam ple, (1) entails that Frank moved through the created path out o f
the prison.
However, none of the lexical item s involved entails motion. To see this, com
pare (1) and (2) with (3) and (4) below:
The only interpretation for these exam ples is one in which the prepositional
phrase modifies the direct object. N either (3) nor (4) entails motion:
(4 ') Frank dug his escape route out of prison, but he hasn’t gone yet.
(5 1) Frank found a way to New York, but he hasn't gone yet.
200 Chaoter Nine
This is in contrast with exam ples (I) and (2), which do entail motion:
(2 ') * Frank dug his way out o f prison, but he hasn’t gone yet.
(3 ') * Frank found his way to New York, but he hasn't gone yet.
T he only difference between (1) and (3) is that way is replaced by escape route.
Exam ple (4) prevents us from postulating that way codes motion, because way
is present in this exam ple and yet the sentence does not entail motion. Without
belaboring the point, it should be pointed out that motion is not dictated by the
com bination o f bound pronoun and way either, since the expression in (5) does
not entail motion:
Here entailm ent o f motion is not present because the verb know is stative, and
the construction requires a nonstative verb.
Salkoff (1988) and Jackendoff (1990a) also point out that this construction
provides evidence for the claim that verbs do not exclusively determ ine com
plem ent configuration. O ne solution Jackendoff proposes is (hat examples such
as those in (1 - 2 ) instantiate a particular clause-level construction: a pairing of
form and m eaning that exists independently o f the particular verbs which in
stantiate it. As he suggests, “ in a sense, the w av-construction can be thought
o f as a kind o f ‘constructional idiom ,’ a specialized syntactic form with an
idiom atic m eaning, marked by the noun w ay" (1990a: 221).
Levin and Rapoport (1988) suggest instead that each verb in the construction
has a special motion sense, perhaps generated by a lexical rule, which predicts
its occurrence in this pattern. However, this pattern occurs with an enormous
variety o f verbs. For exam ple, we would need to posit such a motion sense for
each o f the verbs in the following:
(6) a. “ . . . he’d bludgeoned his way through, right on the stroke o f half-
tim e.” (oup)
b. “ [the players will] m aul their way up the middle o f the field.” (oup)
c. “ . . . glaciers which had repeatedly nudged their way between En
gland and W ales.” (oup)
T hat is, we would need a special sense o f bludgeon, ‘to move by bludgeoning,’
a special sense o f maul, ‘to move by m auling,’ and so forth. These senses are
intuitively im plausible. The follow ing exam ples (presented in section 5.5.2 and
repeated below) involving m etaphorical motion would be even more difficult
to im agine as projections from a lexical subcategorization:
The Way Consrrucfion 201
(7) a. . . their custom ers snorted and injected their way to oblivion and
sometim es died on the stairs.” (oup)
b. "B ut he consum m ately ad-libbed his way through a largely secret
press m eeting." (oup)
c. “ 1 cannot inhabit his mind nor even imagine my way through the
dark labyrinth o f its distortion.” (oup)
d. “ Lord King craftily jo k e d a nd blustered his way out o f trouble at the
m eeting.” (oup)
If new senses were involved, then it would follow that each of the verbs above
would be am biguous between its basic sense and its sense in this syntactic
pattern. Therefore we would expect that there would be som e language that
would differentiate the two senses by having two independent verb stems.
However, to my know ledge there is no language that has distinct verb stems
for any o f the meanings that would be required for the exam ples in ( 6 - 7 ) .
In addition to being im plausible, positing additional verb senses can be seen
to be less parsim onious than associating the sem antic interpretation directly
to the construction. The reason for this stem s from the fact that the proposed
senses occur only in this construction; they are not available when these verbs
are used with other valences:
The same is not true of verbs w hich clearly do lexically code literal or m eta
phorical motion, for exam ple, inch and worm:
That is, both inch and worm can be used as (m etaphorical) motion verbs even
when they are not used specifically in the way construction.
Therefore, not only would we need to stipulate the existence o f additional
senses for each o f the verbs in exam ples ( 6 - 7 ) , but we would have to further
stipulate the fact that the new verb senses can only occur in this particular
syntactic configuration. Clearly it is more parsim onious to attribute the motion
interpretation directly to the construction itself.
Given that the interpretation o f way expressions is not fully predictable from
the sem antics o f the particular lexical items, a constructional analysis will be
adopted here. An explicit statem ent o f the construction will be preceded by a
more specific analysis o f the construction’s sem antics, since it will be argued
that the syntax o f the construction is motivated by its semantics.
202 Chapter Nine
9.3 T he S e m a n tic s o f th e W a y C o n s t r u c t io n
9.3.1 Tw o Different Senses
Both Levin and Rapoporl (1988) and Jackendoff (1990a) suggest two
distinct paraphrases o f this construction, one in which the verb designates the
m eans o f motion, the other in w hich the verb designates some other coexten
sive action or m anner.1 For exam ple, Jackendoff notes that (10) is interpretable
in either o f the two ways given in (11):
W hen asked for judgm ents o f this sentence, which was intended to have a man
ner interpretation (the subject w ent out o f the restaurant w hile belching), sev
eral speakers I checked with concocted situations in w hich the belching instead
w as the m eans by w hich motion was achieved. For exam ple, one speaker sug
gested that the sentence would be acceptable in the context that the other diners
found the belching so objectionable that they cleared a path through which the
offending party could exit. A nother speaker suggested that the sentence would
be acceptable if the belching were understood to be a means o f propulsion.
O thers, including myself, find the m anner interpretation only marginal.
The Way Construction 203
account for the fact that, with the exception of the pure m anner interpretation,
the construction is used to convey that the subject moves despite some external
difficulty, or in some indirect way: the path is not already established, but must
in some sense be created by the mover. C onsider the following:
This sentence is understood to imply that SaJly moved through a crowd or other
obstacles. It cannot be used to mean that Sally sim ply walked into an empty
ballroom . In the ease o f m etaphorical motion, the necessity o f creating a path
im plies that there is some difficulty o r m etaphorical barrier involved. For ex
am ple, notice also the difference in acceptability between the following:
Exam ple ( 14b) is much more acceptable because it is much easier to construe
drinking a case o f vodka as requiring that some barrier be overcome than drink
ing a glass o f lemonade.
In fact, the m ost com m on interpretation o f this construction involves motion
through a crowd, mass, obstacle, or other difficulty that is, there is some rea
son why a path needs to be created. The verb either lexically
for the construction (e.g., m ake) or designates the means by which the motion
is achieved. For example:
(15) "F o r the record, Mr. Klein, as lead clim ber for the Journal team, pushed
his way past the others, tram pling the lunch o f two hikers in his black
arm y boots, and won the race to the sum m it.” (wsj)
(16) “ In some cases, passengers tried to fight their way through smoke-
choked hallways to get back to their cabins to get their safety ja c k e ts"
(17) "F or hours, troops have been shooting their way through angry, unarmed
m obs.” (wsj)
Contain verbs, such as thread, wend, weave, encode a slightly different in
terpretation. They involve deliberate, careful, m ethodical, or winding motion.
In these cases as well as in the cases which involve some external difficulty,
the subject is not m oving along a preestablished path. For example:
( 18) “ This tim e, with no need to thread his way out, he simply left by the side
door for a three-day outing." (wsj)
(19) "A couple in fashionable spandex warm -up suits jogs by. headphones
jauntily in place, w eaving their way along a street o f fractured and fallen
houses." (wsj)
The UZsy Construction 20b
The fact that the construction enlail.s that a path is created to effect m o
tion— that the motion takes place despite som e kind o f external difficulty or is
winding and indirect— accounts for why high-frequency, m onom orphem ic
(basic or superordinate level) motion verbs are typically unacceptable in this
(20 )* S hc w ent/w alked/ran her way to New York (Napoli cited by Jackendoff
(21) *She stepped/m oved her way to New York.
These vanilla motion verbs do not norm ally imply that there is any difficulty
or indirect motion involved, an implication which is required by the means
interpretation o f the construction. (Note that the m anner interpretation is also
unavailable, since these verbs do not code any salient manner.) If a context is
provided in which a basic-level motion verb is understood to imply motion
despite difficulty, these cases are decidedly better:
(22) a. The novice skier walked her way down the ski slope.
b. The old man walked his way across the country to earn money for
(23) a. #W elcome our new daughter-in-law , who ju st m arried her way into
our family.
b. Welcome our new daughter-in-law , who ju st m arried into our family.
Example (23a) is pragm atically odd because it implies that the daughter-in-law
in question managed to get herself into the family by m arriage, and such an
implication is incongraent with a sincere welcome. The follow ing exam ple is
relevantly similar:
(24) Joe bought his way into the exclusive country club.
This example entails that Joe managed to get him self into the country club
despite social obstacles. The necessity of the m etaphorical creation o f one's
own path despite social obstacles can account for the implication that the sub
ject referent used some unsanctioned m eans to attain his goal. T hat is, if there
are social obstacles preventing one from attaining a goal, the only way to attain
the goal is to violate the social constraints. Attested exam ples o f this class
include bribe, bluff, crapshoot, wheedle, talk, trick, con, nose, sneak, weasel,
cajole, inveigle. Several lexical items seem to lexicalize this sense, for ex
ample, worm, weasel, and wrangle.
206 Chapter Nine
(25) a. . . the goats w ending their fam iliar way across the graveyard . . .”
b. ‘‘[He] decided from then onw ards that he could make his own way
to s c h o o l. . . ” (oup)
In exam ple (25a), fa m ilia r is a m odifier o f w ay— that is, the path is familiar.
Similarly, in (25b), way is internally modified by own. These facts argue that
the phrase POSS way is not an arbitrary syntactic tag o f the construction, but
rather plays a role in the sem antics o f the construction.
Further support for the claim that the construction at least historically was
associated with the creation o f a path com es from the fact noted above that the
verb make, a verb which norm ally means “ create,” has had a privileged status
with respect to this construction: this verb was used in the construction for
alm ost three centuries before the construction was extended to be used with
other verbs, according to citations in the OED.
M ake continues to be closely associated with the construction insofar as it
is used with greater frequency than any other single verb, accounting for 20%
o f the tokens. This suggests that m ake may well have a privileged status syn-
chronically as well.
Finally, the recognition that the way is an effected entity motivates the syn
tactic form o f the construction. As stated at the onset o f this chapter, Jackendoff
notes that there are reasons to assign the construction the structure:
He argues that the noun phrase ‘POSS w ay’ is a direct object, rather than some
kind o f syntactic adjunct or m easure phrase, because nothing can intervene
between the V and this phrase:
(26) *Bill belched noisily his way out of the restaurant. (1990a 212)
The O BL phrase coding the path is argued to be a sister o f the verb, rather than
a m odifier o f way, on the grounds that an adverb may intervene between the
two com plem ents, indicating a constituency break:
The Way Construction 207
(27) a. Bill belched his way noisily out o f the restaurant. ( 1990a: 2 12)
b. “ He made his way cautiously along the path beside the lake." (oup)
Given the sem antics o f the means interpretation described above, the construc
tion can be viewed as a kind of conventionalized am algam that com bines the
syntax and semantics o f creation expressions such as (28), w hich have two
argum ents— a creator and a “createe-w ay” — with the intransitive motion co n
struction exemplified by (29), which has two argum ents— a mover (them e) and
a path.
The way construction syntactically and sem antically am algam ates these two
constructions into a structure with three com plem ents: the creator-them e, the
createe-way, and the path. Thus the way construction can be viewed as inher
iting aspects o f both the creation and the motion constructions, while never
theless existing as an independent construction in its own right.
The sem antics involves both the creation o f a path and m ovement along that
path. As was true for the constructions discussed in previous chapters, the verb
may, but need not necessarily, code the sem antics associated with the construc
tion directly. Cases in which the verb does directly code the sem antics o f the
construction include worm, inch, and work. In other cases, the verb may des
ignate the means o f effecting the action designated by the construction; that is
to say, the verb may code the means o f effecting motion through a self-created
path. This is represented below by the means link between PRED, representing
the verb sense, and the CREATE-M OVE predicate.
Sem CREATE-M OVE < c reato r-th em e createe-w ay, path >
| means | : i
PRED < ' >
Figure 9.1
Any argum ent that the verb obligatorily expresses m ust be fused with one of
the arguments associated with the construction. For exam ple, the verb push has
208 Chapter Nine
one obligatory argum ent, the pusher. This argum ent is fused with the creator-
them e argum ent o f the construction (a pusher can be construed as a type of
creator-them e). Both the creatce-way and the path phrase are contributed by
the construction. The fused com posite structure is represented below.
Figure 9.2
The verb lurch has two obligatory argum ents, a lurcher and a path. These
two argum ents are fused with the creator-them e and path argum ents o f the
construction, respectively. In this case the direct object argum ent, the createe-
way, is contributed by the construction:
Sem CREATE-M OVE < c reato r-th em e creatce-w ay, path >
| means | j j E.g.: The drunk
LURCH < lu rch e r path
> I lurched his way oui
'o f the betting shop.
Figure 9.3
The syntactic form o f the construction, given above, does not actually re
quire much stipulation. The fact that the construction takes the syntactic form
it does is strongly m otivated by general principles. That is, the POSS-way
phrase is linked to the direct object, because effected entities are generally di
rect objects. T he fact that the path argum ent is linked to an adverbial directional
follows from the fact that it is coding a path. The fact that the creator-theme is
linked to the subject follows from the fact that creators and self-propelling
them es are generally linked to the subject. It is only necessary to state that the
created-w ay argum ent must be realized in a particular fixed way: by the bound
The Way Construction 209
pronoun plus way. Thus, little needs to be said about the syntax o f the construc
tion once its special sem antic properties are captured.
To summ arize, the recognition that the path o f motion is not preestablished
and must be created by the mover accounts for the fact that the means interpre
tation of the construction always entails that the subject referent moves despite
external difficulty or in some indirect way. This observation allows us to ana
lyze way as a meaningful element, designating the path of motion. It also al
lows us to account for the fact that make, a verb which in its basic sense means
“create," has a privileged status both diachronically (in being the first verb to
be used in the construction) and synchronically (in being the most frequently
used verb in this construction). Finally, recognition that way designates an ef
fected entity allows us to motivate the syntactic form o f the construction.
(30) “ [They were] clanging their way up and down the narrow streets . . .”
(31) “ . . . the com m uters clacking their way back in the tw ilight towards . . ."
(32) “ She clim bed the stairs to get it. crunched her way across the glass-
strewn room . . . ” (oup)
(33) “ He seemed to be whistling his way along." (oup)
(34) . . he was scowling his way along the fiction shelves in pursuit o f a
book.” (oup)
For example. (30) does not entail that the clanging was the m eans o f the m o
tion, only ihat it was the co-occurring manner. A gain, not all speakers accept
this type o f example, but m.iny do, at least marginally.
W hile many o f the attested m anner cases involve motion in the face o f some
external difficulty or obstacles, just like the means cases, this does not seem to
be a general constraint on the interpretation of the m anner cases. Exam ples (31)
and (33), for instance, do not imply any external difficulties. It is because of
this that the syntax is claim ed to be less analyzable in the case of the manner
interpretation: there is no necessary implication that a path must be created.
The m anner interpretation only entails that the subject referent moves along a
(possibly pre-established) path. Thus the wav-phrase in direct object position
is not motivated. It is predicted that internal modification of way in the m anner
interpretation should be less acceptable than in the means interpretation. And
in fact, this prediction seems to be borne out:
2 10 Chapter Nine
c3 —
| manner I
PRED < >
Figure 9.4
In this example the verb specifies not only the means o f m otion (Joe caused the
ball to move by rolling) but also the m anner of motion (Joe caused the ball to
move while rolling). The same is true of many motion verbs, e.g ., float, wiggle,
jum p, skip. It is likely that the polysem y was created when speakers began to
decouple these two often co-occurrent features. This type o f decoupling is in
fact a known source o f lexical polysem y (cf. T raugott 1989).
In order to further motivate the link between means and manner, note that
this construction does not provide the only instance o f this particular polysem y
in the language. English with is used both as an instrum ental or m eans m arker
and as a m arker o f manner: *
Interestingly, the noun way itself is polysem ous between means and manner
senses. An exam ple in which way is used to mean “ m eans” is (40):
It is possible that this latter fact has encouraged the use o f this particular co n
struction with a strict m anner interpretation, although it is som ew hat unclear
how to state this parallelism between the polysemy o f way and the polysem y
o f the construction.
To summ arize, attested exam ples involving a m anner interpretation— that
is, a purely co-extensive activity not causally related to the m otion— while
rare, do exist. These cases do not necessarily involve motion in the face of
2 12 Chapter Nine
9.4 Se m a n tic C o n s t r a in t s
9.4.1 U nbounded Activity
There is a constraint that the verb necessarily designate a repeated action
or unbounded activity (Jackendoff 1990a):
(42) a. Firing wildly, Jones shot his way through the crowd.
b. *W ith a single bullet, Jones shot his way through the crowd.
(43) a. Bill punched his way through the crowd by pum m eling everyone in
his path.
b. * Bill punched his way (hrough the crowd by leveling the largest man
and having everyone else step aside.
T his constraint also seems to hold o f the m anner interpretation. For example,
consider (46):
T his sentence entails that there were a series o f hiccups occurring over time,
rather than a single hiccup.
This constraint serves to rule out the use in the construction o f verbs which are
com m only classified as unaccusative (Perlm utter 1978; Burzio 1986), since
unaccusativity has been argued to be correlated with lack o f agentivity or lack
o f self-initiation (Van Valin 1990a; Levin & Rappaport Hovav 1990a; Zaenen,
The Way Construction 2 13
1993). However, it seems that the relevant constraint is sem antic, insofar as the
normally unaccusative verbs grow and shrink are attested in the data, with an
agentive interpretation:
(49) “ The planned purchase furthers Bull's strategy o f trying to grow its way
out o f its extensive com puter-m arketing problem s.” (wsj)
(50) “The bank-debt restructuring is the centerpiece o f Lomas F inancial’s
m onths-long effort to shrink its way back to profitability after two
straight years o f heavy losses.” (wsj)
The subject referent need not be volitional, or even human, as long as the
motion is construed as self-propelled:7
(51) “ . . . som etim es it [the cyst] forces its way out of the ((plum pton)) at the
top.” (usda)
(52) "T he large seeds sprout quickly and dependably and the strong seedlings
can push their way through crusted soil.” (usda)
There are two lexical exceptions to the constraint that the motion must be
self-propelled, work and find:
(53) “The spending bills w orking their way through Congress don’t present
much of a problem in term s o f the G ram m -Rudm an law." (wsj)
(54) "B olivia estim ated that about half its sacred textiles had been sm uggled
out o f Bolivia and had found their way into A m erican collections.” (wsj)
Find in this use is further distinguished from the general case in that only the
goal or endpoinL of the path can be made explicit— the route itself may not be
expressed." This is evident from the fact that exam ples with an explicit path are
The constraint that the motion must be self-propelled does not seem to hold
o f the manner interpretation; the follow ing m anner exam ple, which does not
involve self-propelled motion, is attested:
However, even in this case, the action designated by the verb— the knitting— is
performed agcntively. Speakers only accept m anner exam ples in w hich the ac
tion designated by the verb is self-initiated (otherw ise such speakers would be
able to give exam ples (47) and (48) a m anner interpretation, and they do not).
2 14 Chapter Nine
This constraint also does not strictly hold of the m anner interpretation, al
though there may be a tendency to prefer directed motion. Dialects which allow
the pure m anner interpretation differ as to the acceptability of (58 -60), with
some accepting them fully and others marginally.
(61) a. Bill joked his insidious way into the meeting. (Jackendoff 1990a)
(M eaning: Insidiously, Bill joked his way into the meeting.)
b. “ [They] m ake their noisy way along the Rue Saint A ntoine.” (oup)
(M eaning: They noisily m ade their way along the Rue Saint
A ntoine.)
The Way Construction 2 15
However, there is reason to think that the phrase P O SS way is analyzed syn
tactically and semantically as a noun phrase. First, it has the normal internal
structure o f a noun phrase, and is not idiosyncratic syntactically in any way.
Also, the possessive phrase is controlled by the subject, and thus its realization
is not predetermined.
The fact that internal modification o f way is possible, as in exam ples
(25a, b), repeated here as (62a, b), further supports the claim that the noun way
is meaningful, since being meaningful is a prerequisite to being available for
(62) a. “ . . . the goats wending their fam iliar way across the graveyard . . ."
b. “ [He] decided from then onw ards that he could make his own way
to s c h o o l. . . ” (oup)
That is, if way were simply a sem antically em pty syntactic marker of the con
struction, modifiers such as fa m ilia r or own would be im possible to interpret.
To summ arize, the fact that the postverbal NP is analyzed as a maximal noun
phrase argues against the move to treat the verb-plus-POSS-M'ay phrase as a
complex predicate formed by a lexical rule. One could adm ittedly take the tack
of looking such cases in the eye and calling them lexical items, or perhaps
“ functional w ords’” (in the sense o f Ackerm an & W ebelhuth. to appear, or
Mohanan 1990; cf. also Zw icky 1990), but this move would in effect equate
“ lexical item " with what we are here calling “construction.” That is, a “ lexical
item " would be any item that must be listed, that is, any listem e in the sense of
D iSciullo & W illiam s 1987 (cf. section 1.1). If this is done, it becom es im pos
sible to distinguish the com plex predicate analysis from the alternative pro
posal made by Jackendoff and defended here, that the way exam ples are
instantiations o f a particular extralexical construction.
M arantz (1992) points out that the way construction bears a certain sim i
larity to the so-called fake object resultatives discussed in chapter 8 and ex
emplified by (63):
In both the way construction and this construction, the direct object com ple
ment is not normally an argum ent o f the verb. In addition, both constructions
2 16 Chapter Nine
disfavor unaccusative verbs (cf. section 9.4.2). M arantz does not propose a
specific account o f fake object cases, but we have seen that they also admit of
a constructional analysis (cf. scction 8.5).
Specifically, M arantz claim s that “ the path named by way . . . is the person
named by the possessor o f way extended in space (and tim e)’’ (p. 185). This
proposal allow s M aram z to predict the existence o f w hat I am calling external
modification, illustrated by exam ples (6 1 a -c ) above, since on M ar:intz’s ac
count, these cases would actually involve normal internal modification. For
exam ple (61c), They m ade their weary w ay home, involves w eaiy modifying
M/ay, and Hay on M arantz's account is claim ed to designate the “ movers."
Therefore "the way” = "the m overs” are weary.
It is possible to reinterpret M arantz’s claim som ew hat to make it stronger.
Fake object cases have been argued to preferentially involve reflexives or in
alienably possessed term s, specifically body part terms (Jackendolf 1990a). Il
m ight be claim ed that way, w hile in fact coding the path (and not the mover),
designates an inalienably possessed entity. Thus, w herever a person’s way is,
the person must travel. Support for this idea might be drawn from a certain
finding in G uaranf (Veldsquez-Castillo 1993). Guarani has a special noun in
corporation construction that, with few exceptions, only allows the incorpora
tion o f inalienably possessed term s, prim arily body part terms. Interestingly,
one o f the few n o n -b o d y part term s that is allowed is the term hape, translated
as “ way.” (O ther n o n -b o d y part term s include the term s for “ talk,” “ house.”
and “clothes.” ) This fact supports the idea that way is interpretable as an in
alienably possessed path.
W hat exactly does it mean to say that a path is inalienably possessed? The
interpretation that the path (the way) is created by the mover as the mover
travels provides an answer: the path exists only where the mover travels be
cause it is created by the traveler. The path is therefore inalienable.
On this reinterpretation o f M aran tzs proposal, we can no longer directly
account for the fact that external modification is allowed in this construction,
a fact that was predicted by Marantz. W hile a full explanation will have to be
postponed, it is possible to reduce this problem to a previously unsolved prob
lem. It seems that way can occur with external modification even when appear
ing in another construction— a construction in which way clearly does not
designate the mover:
(64) “ Rearm am ent proceeded on its gentle way." (oup)
It is likely that the use o f external modification is motivated by the use of way
m eaning “ m anner,” as in the following:
9.7 C o n c l u s io n
This chapter has argued that it is necessary to posit an extralexical gram m atical
construction in the gram m ar to account for way expressions, since the senten
tial sem antics is not naturally attributed to any o f the lexical item s' inherent
semantics. In particular, no single lexical item can be plausibly assigned re
sponsibility for the motion interpretation or the other sem antic constraints d e
tailed in sections 9.3 and 9.4. It is claim ed, therefore, that the wav construction
is directly associated with a certain sem antics independently o f the lexical
items which instantiate it. This goes against the current trend o f placing an
increased em phasis on lexical— particularly verbal— sem antics and trying to
predict overt com plem ent configuration exclusively from the lexical sem antics
of the main verb (cf., e.g., Levin & Rapoport 1988: Bresnan & Kanerva 1989;
Pinker 1989; G rim shaw 1990).
The analysis o f the way construction given here extends Jackendoff’s sim ilar
proposal insofar as (he extralexical constructional analysis was argued to be
more appropriate than a com plex predicate analysis. In addition, the noun wav
2 18 Chaprer Nine
has been argued to contribute to the sem antics of the means interpretation,
instead o f being sim ply a syntactic flag o f the construction. On the basis of this,
it was suggested that the wav construction is a conventionalized amalgam of
two constructions: the creation construction and the intransitive motion con
struction. The way construction dem onstrates the need to recognize construc
tional polysem y, parallel to the polysem y often posited for lexical items and
gram m atical morphem es.
It has been argued that we need to allow for certain senses o f constructions
to be more basic (or prototypical) than others. In particular, the means interpre
tation o f the construction was argued to be more basic than the manner inter
pretation, in that (1) it is accepted by all speakers, whereas judgm ents about
the m anner interpretation vary widely, (2) it accounted for 96% o f the cases
in the data base analyzed, and (3) it was argued to m otivate the syntactic form
o f the construction. M otivation for the m anner interpretation was given by not
ing a sim ilar pattern o f polysemy in certain lexical items.
10 Conclusion
This work has been concerned with explicating the nature of argum ent
structure constructions, the relation between verb m eaning and constructional
meaning, the phenom enon o f partial productivity o f constructions, and the re
lation am ong constructions. Before sum m arizing the main findings, it is worth
discussing som e related proposals.
i o .i O ther C o n s t r u c t io n a l A pproaches
Elements o f the constructional approach that has been suggested here are
not w ithout precedent, and there are a few voices in the field who have gone
against current trends and have noted the need for constructional m eaning (cf.,
e.g., Bolinger 1968; Zwicky 1987, 1989; Zadrozny & M anastcr-R am er 1993).
There is also of course previous w ork within C onstruction G ram m ar (Fillm ore
1985b, 1987; Lakoff 1987; Fillm ore, Kay & O ’Connor 1988; Lam brecht 1987,
1990; Brugman 1988; Kay 1990; M ichaelis 1993, 1994; Koenig 1993) and the
closely related framework of Cognitive G ram m ar (Langacker 1987a,b, 1988,
1991; Rice 1987b; Kemm er 1988; Tuggy 1988; M aldonado Soto 1992). C om
ing from a different perspective, Einonds (1991) argues for a “ syntactically
based sem antics" in w hich syntactic deep-stm ctures are paired with semantic
O ther work has explored various means o f accounting for the mutual influ
ence of various lexical items in a sentence. For example, M acW hinney (1989)
attem pts to capture the effects o f co-occurring com plem ents on lexical m ean
ing in what he term s “ pushy polysem y” ; Pustejovsky (1991b) attem pts to
avoid rampant verbal polysemy by having nouns play a more central role
(cf. also Keenan 1984).
I do not attem pt to survey the full array of relevant literature here; instead I
will briefly discuss how the current proposal is related to the fram ework sug
gested by Jackendoff 1990a, the general framework of M ontague G ram m ar
(M ontague 1973), and that o f W ierzbicka 1988.
i o. i .i Jackendoff 1990a
Jackendoff has touched on several o f the ideas presented here in Sem a n
tic Structures. For different reasons, based primarily on the econom y o f repre
sentation as well as the idea that in many cases, an argum ent is not intuitively
220 Chapter Ten
a sem antic argum ent o f the main verb. Jackendoff suggests extralexical "co r
respondence rules” to account for exam ples in which the verb does not lexi
cally code the sem antics expressed at the clausal level. At several points he
likens these correspondence rules to “ constructional idiom s,” which are— on
the present view— constructions: pairings o f syntax and sem antics that can im
pose particular interpretations on expressions containing verbs which do not
them selves lexically entail the given interpretations.
Jackendoff’s discussion o f the resultative and way constructions, as de
scribed in chapters 8 - 9 above, is particularly close in many respects to the
proposals made here. However, there are several differences in perspective and
in focus between the two accounts. M any o f Jackendoff's correspondence rules
are stated as extralexical “ adjunct rules." For exam ple. Jackendoff proposes
that the postverbal N Ps in the following expressions are actually not arguments
but adjuncts:
However, they fail traditional tests for adjuncthood. For example, they may be
They occur directly after the verb, without any intervening material:
(5) *Joe pushed forcefully the piano into the orchestra pit.
(6) *Joe pushed the piano into the room and Bill did so the harp.
M ore generally, Jackendoff (1990a) considers all such com plem ents that are
not intuitively licensed by corresponding argum ents o f the main verb to be
adjuncts. In appealing to an argum ent/adjunct distinction lor these cases, the
more traditional distinction is rendered obsolete. But then Jackendoff’s claim
that som e direct objects are adjuncts reduces to the claim that some direct ob
jects are not directly associated with an argum ent of the verb. This is the claim
that has been explicitly made here.
We have argued that som e direct objects w hich by traditional tests do cor
respond to argum ents are not licensed directly by the verb: these arguments are
directly associated with clause-level constructions.1 Sometimes the arguments
associated with a construction are isom orphic with the participants directly as
Conclusion 221
sociated with the sem antics of particular verbs, but som etim es the argum ents
associated with the construction are imposed on the sem antics directly associ
ated with the predicates. This approach allows us to retain the traditional ar
gum ent/adjunct distinction between subjects, objccts, and som e PPs on the one
hand, and other PPs such as temporal or spatial modifiers on the other hand.
A nother difference between Jackcndoff's account and the one presented here
is that Jackendoff proposes that his adjunct rules apply to sentences “ on the
fly” to provide them with an interpretation (1 9 9 0 a:235). In the introduction
(1990a: 9), he draw s an analogy between rules that operate “on the fly” and
m etonym ic expressions as analyzed by N unberg (1979). Nunberg explicitly
makes the point that m etonym ic processes are general and pragm atic— not
conventional and not part o f gramm ar. Constructions, on the other hand, as
presented here, are by definition conventionalized pieces o f gram m atical
k n ow ledge’
On the present account, constructions play a more central theoretical role
than on Jackendoffs account. For Jackendoff. correspondence rules are only
required in exceptional cases, when the correspondence rule itself contributes
an argument. For the majority o f cases, he supposes that argum ent structure is
determ ined on the basis of verbal sem antics in isolation. It has been argued
here that verbs arc generally associated with fram e-sem antic know ledge that is
integrated with independently existing argum ent structure constructions.
M oreover, in the theory o f Construction Gram m ar, no strict division is
drawn between the lexicon and the more general inventory of constructions.
Therefore, w hile Jackendoff claim s that his adjunct rules should be considered
to operate outside o f the lexicon (p. 235), the constructions suggested here can
be viewed as free-standing entities, stored within the lexicon alongside lexical
items, idioms, and other constructions that may or may not be partially lexi
cally filled.
O ther differences between Jackendoffs approach and the present one stem
from differences in focus rather than in theoretical perspective. Jackendoff does
not attempt to constrain the application o f many of his adjunct rules either by
adding specific sem antic constraints or by delim iting verb classes as has been
done here. In fact, he seem s to suggest that w hether his adjunct rules may apply
m ust be stipulated lexically. This is implied by his analysis o f hit vs. strike, in
which he argues that w hether a verb can occur with a directional m ust be stipu
lated in its individual lexical entry He makes this point on the basis o f the
i o. i .2 M o n ta gu e Gramm ar
M ontague and many linguists w orking within the M ontague Gram m ar
tradition have adopted the “ rule-to-rule” hypothesis (Bach 1976). This ap
proach involves associating each syntactic rule with a sem antic rule which de
term ines the m eaning o f the syntactic constituent formed. M ontague Gram m ar
is essentially a system for pairing surface structures with a representation of
the m eanings o f those surface structures, with no significant level o f “ deep” or
“ underlying” structure between the two (cf. M ontague 1973; Dowty, Wall &
Peters 1981). In this way. Construction G ram m ar and M ontague Gram m ar are
quite sim ilar in approach.
O ne difference between Construction G ram m ar and M ontague G ram m ar is
that the sem antic rules in M ontague G ram m ar are supposed to be determined
exclusively by the syntactic mode o f com bination. O ne cannot refer to sem an
tic features o f item s being com bined in order to determ ine which semantic rules
apply. It is necessary to posit corresponding syntactic features (such as differ
ences in type) in order to constrain the application o f the semantic rule. A lter
natively, a sem antic filter may serve to rule out expressions generated by the
erroneous application o f a semantic rule. W hether these mechanisms can lake
the place o f explicitly referring to sem antics as part o f the “ m ode of com bina
tion” is an em pirical issue.
A lthough M ontague G ram m ar has always allowed for the possibility o f rich
constructional meaning, the actual practice has been to have rules of com posi
tion be defined in term s o f sim ple function application. The quotation from
G azdar et al. (1985) cited in chapter I reflects that w idespread assumption. To
Conclusion 223
repeat their position: “ We assum e that there exists a universal m apping from
syntactic rules to sem antic translations. . . . We claim that the sem antic type
assigned to any lexical item introduced in a rule. . . . and the syntactic form of
the rule itself are sufficient to fully determ ine . . . the form o f the sem antic
translation rule" ( 1 9 8 5 :8 -9 ).
There may be a recent trend toward assigning richer m eanings and sem antic
constraints to the rules of com bination. Such a direction is suggested, for ex
ample, by Dowty (1991). Dowty suggests that an alternative to the idea that the
unaccusative/unergative distinction is purely gram m atical and lexically deter
mined is an analysis in which this distinction is actually an epiphenom enon
arising from the semantic constraints on particular constructions. He states:
“Certain gramm atical constructions have certain m eanings associated with
them involving P-A gent or P-Patient properties, hence a given intransitive verb
is appropriate in such a construction only if it has the right kind o f m eaning.
The set of gram m atical rules/constructions appropriate to one sem antic class,
versus the set appropriate to the other class, thus isolates two classes o f verbs,
but via semantic constraints originating in the rules them selves” (1 9 9 1 :608).
This analysis presupposes that gram m atical constructions can be analyzed as
having meanings (1 9 9 1 :609).-'
ship between syntax and sem antics is exceptionless. “ In every case . . . the
syntactic possibilities are determ ined by the underlying sem antic structures
(that is, by the intended meaning). G enerally speaking, w hat is semantically
incoherent, is syntactically incongruous. Syntax, so to speak, follows from
sem antics” (1988:4).
A nother difference between W ierzbicka’s account and the account proposed
here is the kind o f sem antics assumed. She adopts, follow ing Leibnitz, a reduc
tionist approach to sem antics, attem pting to account for the full range of se
m antic know ledge associated with open class (and closed class) lexical items
in term s o f a small set o f atomic sem antic elem ents including /, you, this, som e
one, som ething, time, place, want, don't want, say, think, know, imagine, be
come. and part. She provisionally includes also like, two, other, world, good,
kind o f and feel. She then proposes that the entire sem antics o f any lexical item
can be captured by paraphrases involving these atom ic semantic primitives
com bined in determ inate ways. We have taken rather the opposite approach to
sem antics, arguing that lexical items are associated with rich frame-semantic
or encyclopedic know ledge, and that decom position into atomic elements is
Finally, the scope o f the two projects only overlaps to a limited extent.
W ierzbicka concentrates on exem plifying the existence o f constructional
m eaning in a w ide variety o f constructions and in a w ide variety o f languages,
w hereas the present account has focused alm ost exclusively on causal con
structions in English. On the other hand, I have attem pted to detail the way
verbs and constructions are related, and to provide some overall picture o f the
way constructions may be related to one another in a hierarchical system.
10.2 S u m m a r y
This work has argued, counter to the current trend, that an entirely lexi
cally based approach to gram m ar is inadequate, and that lexically unfilled con
structions m ust be recognized to exist independently o f the particular lexical
item s which instantiate them. By recognizing the existence o f meaningful con
structions, we can avoid the claim that the syntax and sem antics o f the clause
is projected exclusively from the specifications o f the main verb. In this way,
we avoid the problem o f positing im plausible verb senses to account for ex
am ples such as the following:
In none of these cases does the verb intuitively require the direct object com
plement. To account for (8), for exam ple, we would have to say that sneeze, a
parade exam ple of an intransitive verb, actually has a three-argum ent sense, ‘X
c a u s e s Y to m o v e Z by sneezing’. To account for (9), we would need to claim
that there exists a special sense of bake that has three argum ents— an agent, a
theme, and an intended recipient. This in effect argues that bake has a sense
which involves som ething like X i n t e n d s to c a u s e Y to h a v e Z by baking’.
To account for (10), we would need to postulate a special sense of talk, ‘X
causls Y to become Z by talking’.
On a constructional approach, aspects o f the interpretation involving caused
motion, intended transfer, or caused result are understood to be contributed by
the respective constructions. That is, skeletal argum ent structure constructions
are capablc of contributing argum ents. For exam ple, the ditransitive construc
tion is directly associated with agent, patient, and recipient roles. We do not
need to stipulate a specific sense o f bake unique to this construction. Thus the
direct objects found in exam ples ( 8 - 10) are licensed not directly as argum ents
o f the verb but by the particular constructions. Several other reasons to prefer
a constructional account to a lexical approach have been detailed in chapter 1.
In chapter 2, it was argued that verbs must be associated with rich frame-
semantic meanings; at the same time, lexical m eaning is acknow ledged to be
highly conventionalized. In particular, which participants associated with a
given verb’s frame sem antics are inherently profited is determ ined by the lexi
cal specifications of the verb itself. C onstructions are also associated with dy
namic scenes, but their sem antics are m ore abstract: constructional m eanings
can be generally captured by skeletal decom positional stm ctures, e.g., 'X
C A USi s Y to k i x f i v i Z \ X a c t s ' . ‘X c a u s e s Y to m o v e Z ’, and so on.
It has been argued that constructions as well as lexical item s (which are also,
strictly speaking, constructions) are typically associated with a family o f
closely related senses. For exam ple, the ditransitive construction illustrates
constructional polysem y: the same form is paired with different but related
senses. A remarkably sim ilar pattern o f extensions was shown to exist for the
caused-m otion construction (cf. chapters 2 ,7 ). Since polysemy has been shown
in m any studies to be a natural and recurring phenom enon o f lexical items, the
existence o f constructional polysem y suggests that research w hich treats con
structions and lexical items as the sam e basic type o f data structure, as is done
in Construction Gram m ar, may well be on the right track.
The central senses o f argum ent structure constructions have been argued to
be associated with humanly relevant scenes: som eone transferring som ething
to som eone, something causing som ething to move or to change state, someone
226 Chaptei Ten
W hile current theories focus alm ost exclusively on the existence o f related
constructions, or “alternations,” in describing the sem antics o f particular ar
gument structure expressions, it has been argued that by considering various
constructions first on their own term s, instead o f im m ediately focusing on their
relations to other constructions, interesting generalizations and subtle sem antic
constraints emerge. These constraints were detailed in chapters 6 - 9 for four
particular cases: the ditransitive, the caused-m otion construction, the resulta
tive, and the way construction. Each of these constructions is argued to have
independent status, with its own particular sem antic constraints, radial cate
gory structure, and lexical exceptions, and yet each is shown to be interrelated
to other constructions.
Chapter One
1. Early questions about whether transformations preserve meaning were raised by Ku-
roda (1965). Pariee (1965, 1971). and Bolinger (1968).
2. Wierzbicka suggests that the ;o-plus-infinitive construction is itself associated with the
semantic elements “ thinking," “ wanting," “ future time.”
3. It is important to bear in mind that both semantic and pragmatic aspects of gram m ati
cal form are relevani for determining synonymy. Only if two forms have both the same
semantics and the same pragmatics, they will be disallowed by the Principle of No Syn
onymy of Grammatical Forms. This principle is impossible to prove conclusively, since one
would have to examine all forms in all languages to do so. Further motivation for ii is pro
vided in chapter 3.
4. It is not neccsbury that every syntactic form be uniquely associated with a particular
semantics; there are cases of constructional ambiguity, where the same form is paired with
distinct meanings. Word order is not part of argument structure constructions, but rather is
inherited from other, more general constructions in the language. Thus the statement of the
construction, like traditional subcategorization frames, is abstract enough to be instantiated
by questions, cleft constructions, and so forth.
5. This definition of course leaves us with a degree of indeterminacy, since there may be
several distinct sets of basis constructions for a given language. For example, given three
patterns, ii may turn out that two would be predictable given the third, or that the one would
equally well be predictable given the other two. Determining which of the three patterns to
consider grammatical constructions is subjeciive, but the choice will take into account the
relative motivations of the various proposed constructions, economy of representation,
speaker intuitions about basicness, and so on. It may be possible that speakers actually differ
in some eases in the set of grammaticalized constructions they leam. even if their grammar
in an extensional sense is the same.
6. "M eaning" is to be construed broadly enough to include contexts of use, as well as
traditional notions of semantics. That is. a construction is posited when some aspect of the
way it is conventionally used is not strictly predictable. It would alternatively be possible to
define constructions as ordered triples of form, meaning, and context as is done by Zadrozny
Sl Manaster-Ramer 1993.
7. With Saussure and Aronoff (1976) among others, I take constructions to be relevantly
nonpredictable even if they are partially motivated (cf. seciion 3.1). as long as they are not
strictly or completely predictable.
8. I am using “ scene” in the sense of Fillmore (1975, 1977b) to mean an idealization of
a '‘coherent individuatable perception, memory, experience, action, or object" (1977b: 84).
9. Carier 1988:171. It should be noted that Carter goes on to argue that natural languages
are not strictly compositional.
10. This is not a general criticism of unification grammars, since such grammars are ca
pable in principle of capturing extralexical effects and indirect rules of composition, for
230 Notes to Pages 16 -2 2
example, by making a distinction between external and internal semantics. That is. unifica
tion grammars can capture these effects by allowing meaning to be contributed by nonlexical
nodes. In fact, a current version of Construction Grammar in Fillmore & Kay 1993 adopts a
unification system.
11. Although the constraint is not stated in terms of unaccusativiiy vs. unergativity in
chapter 9, the same issue arises: verbs which lexically designate directed motion nevertheless
cannot generally occur in the construction:
Chapter Two
1. Ali Ya/dam (personal communication) points out that it would make more sense, there
fore, to call the upper inside of the mouth the ceiling of the mouth, as opposed to the ro o f of
the mouih. as one does in Persian.
2. This view of verb meaning is parallel to Higginbotham's (1989) notion of the eluci
dation of verb meuning. Higginbotham cites Hale and Keyser’s (1985) definition of cut:
" ‘cut’ is a V that applies truly to situations e involving a patient v and an agent x who. by
means of some instrument z, effects in e a linear separation in the material integrity of v"
(Higginbotham, p. 467). (A revised version appeared as Hale & Keyser 1987.) Elucidations
are like frame-semantic meanings insofar as they are an attempt to capture the entirety of Ihe
meaning associated with a verb. That is, like frame-semantic representations,elucidations do
not assume a strict division between dictionary and encyclopedic knowledge. Higginbotham
stales, “ I doubt that a criterial demarcation of lexical and wordly knowledge is necessary, or
even desirable, to pose the problems of knowledge and its acquisition that linguistic theory
hopes to answer” (p. 470).
3. Recent research within the GB framework has claimed that only the structure and not
the content of the iheta role array is relevant for syntax (Burzio 1986; Zubizarreta 1987;
Rappaport & Levin 1988, Belletti & Rizzi 1988). See Zaenen & Goldberg 1993 for a review
of one such approach, that of Grimshaw 1990.
4. The claim thut metaphorical extensions are based on the central sense is only intended
to entail that verbs which must be metaphorically understood represent extensions from the
basic sense. As pointed out by Maarten Lemmens (personal communication), not all meta
phorical instances of the construction are based on the central sense. For example, (i) in
volves the metaphorical transfer of a kiss, yet is based on a noncentral sense:
5. Eve Clark (personal communication) states that give is also learned early and used
relatively frequently.
6. The distinction corresponds roughly to Dowty's (1986) distinction between "indi
vidual thematic role" (participant role) and “ thematic role type" (argument role). However,
for Dowty, thematic role types are determined by intersecting the semantic emailments of all
corresponding arguments of a set of predicates; that is, a thematic role type, such as agent or
patient, is defined as follows:
Given a set S of pairs (P, i,}, where P is an n-place predicate and i, is the index of
one of its arguments, a thematic role type is determined by the intersection of all
individual thematic roles determined by S.
ways. The total number of role types would only be upperbounded by multiplying K by n,
where n is the arity of the predicate with the highest arity. That is to say, there are more than
a handful of thematic role types on this view Dowty suggests that only certain role types
such as agent and patient are iiucresting for linguistics in that they have systematic gram
matical consequences; he leaves the determination of which role types are linguistically
232 Notes to Pages 4 4 -6 2
relevant as an empirical issue. (Cf. Dowty 1991 fo ra rnther different suggestion— the Proto-
Agent and Proto-Patient roles he there suggests are not determined by intersecting the set or
a particular subset of all entailments of transitive predicates, which might well yield the null
set. Cf. discussion in chapter 4.) On the present account, the linguistically relevant "role
types” are the roles associated with constructions.
7. Staiive verbs must be dealt with differently. I do not attempt to adequately discern their
basic meaning here.
8. In some dialects this sentence is in fact acceptable. Such dialects would involve a
different lexical entry for rob.
9. The verb rob normally also implies that the victim is present:
(i) ?Joe robbed her in Hawaii while she was in Chicago on business.
But contexts do occur in which rob can be used upon realization of the crimc, even if the
victim had not been present:
(ii) She walked in the doov and realized she'd been robbed!
10. This fact was observed by Jean-Pierre Koenig and Laura Michaelis (personal
11. O BJ; is the grammatical relation filled by the second NP in ditransitive expressions
12. The circumstances under which a profiled participant need not be overtly expressed
arc discussed in section 2.4.5.
13. This parameter may be vaned in languages which make extensive use of the applica
tive construction.
14. Metaphorical extensions such as She gave him a kick art discussed in chapter 3.
15. This sketchy analysis of reflexives is inspired by work by Perlmulter (1989) and Al-
sina (1993). For discussion of broader uses o f the reflexive morpheme, see Maldonado Soto
( 1992) and Kemmer ( 1988).
16. There are often certain general default inferences about what was eaten (a meal) or
drunk (alcohol), but the more specific identity of the referent is unknown or immaterial.
17. It is clear that context does play some role. See Rice 1988 for an interesting
18. An analogous question is raised by le- ical rule accounts. It can be stated: Can a verb
from any class be transformed into a verb of any other class?
19. Pinker (1989) similarly notes that Talmy's original example (i) cannot refer lo an
event in which someone carries a tub of water containing a bottle into a cave (cf. also Carter
20. Talmy's (1985a) distinction between “ means” and “ manner” conflation patterns is
often misinterpreted. Talmy uses these terms to distinguish: verbs which primarily designate
an action performed by an agent, e.g., push (the “ m eans" conflation pattern), from those thai
primarily designate an action o f the theme, e.g., roll (the “ manner" conflation pattern). How
ever, most conflation patterns involving “ m anner" verbs imply that the particular manner is
the means of motion. For example, consider (i):
This entails not only that "the bottle moved down the hill while rolling" but also that “ the
Notes to Pages 6 4 -7 9 233
bottle moved down the hill by rolling." Therefore I am treating both of these cases as
"m eans” c a w and reserving ‘‘manner" for verbs which do not encode means.
21 Gruber f j 967) and more recently Landau and Gletiman (1985) suggest that in fact
look is a verb of motion. This analysis relies on a metaphorical interpretation of look.
whereby the glance of the person looking “ travels toward" the thing looked at; there are
several diffic-ulii^s with this analysis (Goldberg 1988); but regardless of the claim made for
look, it is clear that aim is not [+contact], so we need to extend the analysis beyond [+ m o-
tion, +contact] verbs in any case.
22. Many aspects of these conditions are similar to M atsum oto’s (1991) claims as to
which types of verbal predicates can be combined to create a complex motion predicate in
Japanese. He argues that the complex verbal form is treated as a single word (with respect to
argument structure) and discusses the constraints on combinations of verbs as constraints on
possible lexicalization patterns (cf. Talmy 1985a). He proposes the following generalization:
An event is semantically conflated with another event in one verb only when
1. the tw o events share at least one particip an t and
2. either
(a) it is the activity o r (resulting) slate w hose d u ratio n is co ex ten siv e w ith the d u ra
tion o f the o th e r event, o r
(b) it is the cau se o f the other event, or the m eans w ith w hich the other event is
However, the constraints on the Japanese complex predicate construction are actually some
what less stringent than the constraints on English. For example, Matsumoto cites (i) below,
noting that this example can be uttered felicitously when arriving at a coffee house after
opening a window back at the office.
The relation between the opening and the arriving is only one of temporal proximity; this
type of relation between e v and e c is not possible in fcnglish. The fact that Japanese is freer
in its “conflation patterns” is likely attributable at least in this type of case to the fact that
there are two verbs in the Japanese construction
Chapter Three
1. It should be pointed out that the relation in form must be interpreted as representing
in some way the relation in meaning. We would not expect a relation in meaning to be moti
vated by just any relation in form. As Clark, Gelman and Lane (1985) point out, compound
formation is a familiar way (in English and many other languages) to encode subordinate-
level categoric:.
2. Some authors have conflated the notions of inheritance and object-oriented design
since the two often co-occur in particular implementations. However, the ideas are concep
tually distinct.
3. '-'olysemy links and instance links are relevantly like Langacker's “extension” and
"elaboration” links, respectively (see Langacker 1987a, 1988).
4. An anonymous reviewer points out that drive appears with other resultative phrases as
well, if the resultative is encoded as a PP:
These cases indicate that “crazy” is perhaps too narrow, and that the moaning of the result-
goal argument is better described as “ to a state where normal mental processing is not
5. At the same time, a subpart link does not necessarily entail the existence of an instance
link; there exist subpart links between certain constructions which do not involve one con
struction being an instance o f another construction. For example, the caused-motion con
struction and the intransitive motion construction arc related by a subpart relation since the
intransitive motion construction is a proper subpart of the caused-motion construction, yet
the caused-motion construction is not an instance of the intransitive motion construction.
6. L. Levin, Mitamura, and Mahmoud (1988), as discussed by Rappaport Hovav and
Levin (1991), assume a metaphorical relation between the two constructions, although they
apparently do not provide explicit arguments for such an analysis.
7. At least one verb, render, seems to further require that the resultative phrase be an
This at first led me to consider that a further division should be drawn between adjectival and
prepositional resultative phrases; however, render appears to be an isolated case and is better
accounted for by a lexical stipulation linking the result-goal argument to an AP. In particular,
the lexica) entry for render will link the result-goal argument to an AP
S. Gruber and Jackendoff do not actually refer to a metaphor. Instead they propose that
the domains of ownership and physical transfer share an abstract shema (see also Langacker
1987a for a similar view). An approach involving metaphors is preferred here because of the
asymmetric nature of the relation between change of ownership and physical transfer. While
we find many words that are “ basically" associated with physical motion being used in the
domain of change of ownership, we do not find instances of the reverse. Moreover, physical
transfer is more directly understood than the more abstract domain of transfer of ownership
in that the former is directly perceivable. See Lakoff and Johnson 1980 for further arguments
against an abstractionist account o f similar phenomena.
9. They do differ in whether the recipient argument role of the construction is profiled or
not— whether it is expressed by a direct grammatical function; however they are semanti
cally the same in designating 'X c a u s e s Y to k f c t i v e Z ’.
10. A definition of focus that is adequate for our purposes is found in Halliday (1967):
“ Information focus is one kind of emphasis, that whereby the speaker marks out a p a r t. .
of a message block as that which he wishes to be interpreted as informative. What is focal is
‘new’ information; not in the sense that it cannot have been previously mentioned, although
it is often the case that it has not been, but in the sense that the speaker presents it as not
being recoverable from the preceding discourse" (p. 204). Cf. Lambrecht ( 1994) for a recent
thorough discussion o f this notion.
11. Although (37) and (38) are acceptable, they seem to be slightly less preferred than
their ditransitive counterparts, indicating that the caused-motion construction generally tends
to prefer the goal argument to be focused and the transferred object nonfocused.
12. This is of course not lo say that every potential instance of a systematic metaphor can
appear in a particular construction, but only that the particular instances which are otherwise
conventional will occur in the construction, as long as the semantic and pragmatic conditions
are satisfied.
Notes to Pages 9 5 -1 1 3 235
13. It is true that (40a-42a) and (4 4 a-4 5 a) are more marked than (35). This might be
because- (35). repeated here as (i). is sufficiently like the non-metaphorical case in (ii) to be
less noticeably an instance o f metaphorical extension.
Chapter Four
1. However, as Van Valin (1992) points out, what counts as "reasonably productive mor
phology" is not adequately defined, since Baker suggests that the output of an incorporation
transformation can be regular, irregular, or even suppletive morphologically.
2. Since the world is necessarily filtered through our cognitive and perceptual apparatus,
what we really have access to are constructs of situations. This idea is by no means new, and
extends at least as far back as Hobbes.
3. Baker does not seem to recognize the difference in interpretation between these two
sentences since, citing Fodor 1970, he explicitly rejects analyzing kill from an underlying
cause to die because the two predicates are not synonymous. It seems clear that the same
semantic difference is involved in the Chichewa examples (Van Valin 1992).
4. This is a weaker claim than Dryer made in 1983, when he argued that a single rule
showing a difference between two kinds of arguments is sufficient evidence that the two are
distinct grammatical relations (Dryer 1983:139).
5. DO and 10 are not replaced by PO and SO; rather. Dryer leaves it an empirical issue
which of these grammatical relations exist in a particular language.
6. Dryer (1986) also Cues the following example:
He again assumes that the two forms must share a level of representation because of their
close semantic relationship; in particular, he assumes that one must be derived from the other.
The question thus arises which form is derived from which. In order to decide, Dryer relies
implicitly on the UAH. “The beneficiary nominal in [b] . . . behaves like a final term in its
case-marking and position. Since its semantic properties would suggest that it is an initial
non-term, It must have advanced to become a term ” [italics added|. If, because of semantic
distinctions, we no longer accept as given the idea that there necessarily is an earlier stage of
derivation. Dryer's account is immediately undermined.
7. There are of course overgeneralizations, but these conform to the general semantic
constraints of the construction.
8. This is done, of course, at the cost of complicating the relationship between underlying
and surface forms.
9. Some traditional grammars identify the first object of ditransitive expressions (20) with
the OBL complement of expression1: ;uch as (21), classifying both as syntactically Indirect
Objects. This move, which is motivated primarily by considerations of semantic similarity,
is cogently argued against by Faltz (1978) and Hudson (1992).
10. If we assume that this lexical rule is a nongcnerative redundancy rule, then both en
tries must be stored in the lexicon, and the arrow is better represented as pointing in both
11. In order to account for the English ditransitive in a similar way. they would need to
suppose that the ditransitive did not necessarily add an argument, but could also alter an
existing argument to be a “ dependent" argument and thus able to receive the intrinsic clas
sification of f —r].
12. In a subsequent paper. Ackerman (1992) assigns the theme argument the intrinsic
classification o f [ - o). This account moves away from previous ones in that it treats intrinsic
classifications as being assigned according to entailments of the predicates (a la Dowty 1991)
and adds the notion markedness to the mapping theory, but it still leaves us with a range of
“ intrinsic classifications" consisting o f [ - r], [+ o ], and [ - o ] for the theme argument, de
pending on which construction is to be expressed.
13. Chichewa seems to allow a very sim ilar locative alternation as English at least for
some verbs (examples from Sam Mchombo, personal communication):
14. In the case of undergo, sustain, and tolerate, the panicipant realized as subject is
causally affected (a Proto-Patient property), while the participant realized as the object
causes the affect (a Proto-Agent property). In the case o f receive, inherit, the panicipant
expressed as subject is stationary relative to the movement of another panicipant (a Proto-
Patient property), while the participant realized as the object moves (a Proto-Agent property).
15. See Hopper & Thompson 1980 for some debate about whether the prototypical pa
tient is inanimate.
16. O f course one must be careful to avoid classifying certain sentences as syntactically
transitive solely bccause they encode a semantically prototypical transitive event. Otherwise
this crosslinguistic generalization could turn out to be vacuous.
Chapter Five
1. The epigraph was taken from a squib by Arnold Zwicky in which he lists twenty prop
erties that are systematically associated with manner of speaking verbs. Unfortunately the
explanation alluded to in the quote is not forthcoming, as the quote is the last paragraph in
the squib.
2. 1 thank Jess Gropen for bringing this possibility to my attention.
3. Examples of the latter situation would seem to include the English middle construction
(e.g.. This book reads easily) and the way construction (cf. chapter 9). However, these par
ticular cases are perhaps not convincing as cases which require recourse to Pinker’s sub
classes, since they seem to be fully productive once general semantic constraints on the
constructions are identified.
4. Steven Pinker (personal communication) has suggested that differences in judgment
are only unexpected if they do not also hold for the input forms. For example, we should not
expect (i.a) to be better than (i.b):
However, the question still remains, .is to why the input form is not fully acceptable, since
other verbs o f ballistic motion are acceptable in that form. How is it that the child learns that
blast is not completely felicitous in the input argument structure? Moreover, this line of
reasoning will not account for the difference in judgm ents between (30) and (31), since in
both eases the input forms are completely acceptable:
5. More needs to be said about how exactly Mese cases would be worked out on a con
structional account. ■do not attempt a full explanation here.
6. It is not clear whether this information is stored indefinitely, since Gropen et al.'s find
ing of a tendency toward conservatism was only demonstrated in a single experimental en
counter. It would he interesting to see if this tendency toward const.rvativism were lessened
by allowing an interval of a number of days to intervene between the acquisition of a novel
word and the subsequent production o f that word.
7. I have not attempted to apply a formal similarity metric so the relative closeness o f the
circles is not claimed to be accurate in detail.
8. The frequency of way examples is increased dramatically— to one example in every
2,500 words— in one particular subtext of the Lund corpus (not included in the above statis
tic) taken from various sports commentaries. The difference in frequency can be attributed
to th.. '■omantic constructs on the construction: forceful or deliberate motion despite obsta
cles is particularly likely to be described in competitive sport contexts.
Chapter Six
1. Subjects which metonymically stand for volitional beings are also acceptable:
2. I would like to thank Dirk Geeraerts (personal communication) and Alan Schwartz
(personal communication) for indicating that this metaphor could be stated in terms of
3. Many theories capture this constraint by postulating a beneficiary role for the first
object position of expressions that are paraphrasable with a benefactive for-phrase.
4. Examples (23) and (24) happen to be based on metaphors. What is relevant here is that
successful (metaphorical) transfer is implied: (23) implies that Chris has a headache, and
(24) implies that Chris got a kick.
Chapter Seven
1. See Napoli 1992 for some discussion of the possible existence of a resultative con
struction in Italian.
2. Gawron is less clear about how the PP and verb are to be syntactically joined. At one
point he specifies that co-predicators are subcategorized for by the main verb (1986:328)
Thus, the PP phrase would be syntactically subcategorized for although not an argument of
the verb. Later (1986:368) Gawron suggests that instead the PP might be added by lexical
rule or as an adjunct.
3. See also Gawron 1986. Carrier & Randall 1992, and Hoekstra & Mulder 1990 for
arguments against treating the PP or adjective of the resultative as an adjunct.
238 Notes to Pages 15 6 - I 76
4. Hoekstra (1992) does noi address cases of resultatives which are applied to the direct
objects of transitive verbs put to their normal transitive use. In an earlier paper (Hoekstra
1988) he discusses the possibility of a "stripping" rule that removes all arguments normally
associated with a predicate before ihe resultative attaches. If this rule is assumed, his account
could extend to cover cases of transitive resultatives.
5. Rappaport Hovav and Levin are often cited as positing a Direct Object Requirement
(DOR) constraint on resultatives. However, recognizing that the NP o f a small clause is not
a direct object, they revise this constraint in the second half of their 1991 paper, to allow for
resultatives based on (unergative) intransitive verbs. Their final formulation is that resulla-
lives are restricted to apply to an argument which is governed by Ihe verb.
6. By choosing the term “ e-posiiion," Hoekstra seems to be alluding lo a Davidsonian
event variable.
7. This claim is factually incorrect. Although the majority of resultatives clearly involve
atelic verbs, tclic predicates also allow resultatives:
8. This view of coercion is somewhat different than that proposed by Sag and Pollard.
Sag and Pollard propose a rule of coercion that operates on particular lexical items but does
not make reference to any licensing construction. The view presented here is preferred since
it constrains ihe potentially all-powerful process by requiring that constructions coerce lexi
cal items into having systematically related meanings.
9. In fact. Carter (1988) has proposed such a construction.
10. An anonymous reviewer of an earlier draft of this chapter pointed out that lure does
seem lo allow willingly to be predicated of the theme argument:
This can be interpreted as “ He allowed himself to be lured into Ihe room." I have no account
of why this case is different lhan ihe others.
11. It mighi be objected thai strike can be used when the impacting entity, and noi the
impacted entity is affected:
(i) The mosquito struck ihe window (example from Paul Kay)
(ii) The car struck a brick wall.
However, in these cases the argument whose locanon is in question— i.e., ihe theme— is the
subject, not the direct object, The following example is ruled out by the Unique Path Con-
siraini (cf. seciion 3.4.1), since ihe car and the wall would have to be interpreted as moving
along two distinct paths.
12. The distinction has also been casi, equivalently for our purposes, as one beiwcecn
“ ballistic" and “ controlled" causation (Shibatani 1973).
13. Their analysis differs somewhat from the one presented here in that they assume that
the difference in interpretation stems from a different sense of ihe verb, noi from a difference
in construction.
14. Pinker includes wad in this class, but I would not define wad a "lo force a mass inlo
Notes to Pages 1 7 6-196 239
a container." I also do not find wad acceptable in either construction: “He wadded the hole
with tissues/*He wadded tissues into the hole.
15. Pinker includes a sixth class: "M ass is caused to move in a widespread or nondirected
distribution: bestrew, scatter, sow, strew." (1989: 126). However, I don’t find any of these
examples acceptable in the causative variant: *Joe scattered the field with seeds.
16. Many of the verbs in this class have a different sense in which the theme role is
necessarily volitional. This sense can occur in the intransitive motion construction:
17. There is a potential problem with this characterization of the spray class since it
seems to violate the Principle of Correspondence posited in section 2.4.2. According to that
principle, profiled participant roles must fuse with profiled argument roles (except in the case
of a third profiled participant role, which is allowed to fuse with a nonprofiled argument
role). Recall that profiled argument roles are those roles expressed by direct grammatical
functions. Now. in the examples in (127), we find one of the two profiled roles, liquid or
target, fusing with a nonprofiled argument role (expressed as an oblique). This problem can
be solved in one of two ways. On the one hand, one might restrain the Principle of Corre
spondence so that it can be overridden by the Principle of Semantic Coherence, which states
that any two roles that are fused must be semantically compatible. That is. as the participant
roles of spray are fused with the argument roles of the caused-motion construction, for ex
ample, the Principle of Semantic Coherence will prevent both the liquid and the target role
from fusing with the profiled causer role of the construction: neither role can be construed as
an instance of the causer role. Therefore, in order to fuse successfully, the Principle of Cor
respondence must be overridden to allow one of the liquid or target roles to fuse with the
oblique role.
Alternatively, one could resort to positing two distinct senses for each verb of the spray-
class: one sense would have all participant roles profiled, the other would profile only the
liquid and target roles. The two senses would be related since they share the same back
ground frame, differing only in the number of profiled roles.
Chapter Eight
1. The interpretation of volitionality is not a hard-and-fast constraint, however; speakers
find Those rolls overbake easily to be acceptable. (I thank Annie Zaenen for bringing this
example to my attention.)
2. I thank Jane Espenson for suggesting this example.
3. This follows from the fact that in Role and Reference Grammar, the framework devel
oped by Van Valin, English passive is stated as an operation on the undergoer.
4. To see how the account could be translated into a semantics-changing lexical rule type
of account, see Goldberg 1991a.
5. Note that if the verb's patient-type participant role is profiled, then it must be fused
with the patient argument role of the construction; if it is not profiled, then the construction
docs not rule out the possibility that it is left unexpressed, and that the patient role is contrib
uted by the construction.
6. It is possible that example (16) in the text, repeated below, is also a novel extension
based on the idea that “ they" became fat to the point of being nonfunctional.
(i) W hose w hole life is to eat, and d rin k . . . and laugh th em selves fat. (O E D : T rapp.
C om m , and Epist. and Rev. (1947))
240 Notes to Pages 19 6 - 2 13
7. Napoli (1992) has independently suggested a sim ilar constraint that is argued to hold
even more strongly in Italian. Because 1 received her manuscript in the final stages of writing
this chapter, I have not attempted to compare and contrast our accounts.
Chapter Nine
1. I am grateful to Patrick Hanks for compiling these examples, and to Annie Zaenen for
forwarding them to me.
2. The distinction between means and manner that is used here is slightly different than
Talmy’s (J98Sa) distinction between ‘'m eans'' and “ manner” conflation patterns. Talmy
used these terms only to distinguish verbs which primarily designate an action performed by
an agent (e.g., push) from those that primarily designate an action of the theme (e.g., roll) in
sentences such as the following:
However, both o f the verbs in the above examples would be classified as designating the means
of motion for our purposes. In particular, roll as well as push must designate the means of
motion, and cannot designate a contingent coextensive manner. Notice that (ii) could not be
used felicitously in the circumstance in which the barrel is being rolled between Joe’s hands
as Joe walked down the hill (cf. Pinker 1989 and Croft 1991 for further examples of this
point). That is, the rolling must crucially be the means of motion (as well as designating a
particular manner).
3. There existed in the OED other uses of way as a direct object previous to this date; for
example, A fter the enierment ihe kyng lok his way (1338). childe fiei ne dar guo his way vor
fie guos fiei blaufi ( 1340). However, these cases are instances of a different construction: the
path phrase is not obligatory as it is today, and the interpretation is quite different: the predi
cates in these examples meant, roughly, either "to go away" or “ to lake one’s leave.” Notice
that the verbs lake and go are no longer acceptable in the way construction at all: *He went/
look his way to the beach.
4. I lhank Michael Israel for this observation.
5. Notice (45) is not excluded simply because it involves use of ihe verb jump, since the
following variant is acceptable:
This is because, as Jackendoff notes, jum p is acceptable in this construction just in case it is
interpreted iteratively ( 1990a: 224).
6. It seems that for some speakers, myself included, this constraint is strengthened in the
case of human movers to a constraint that the motion must be volitional (although the motion
may terminate at an unintended location). For example. She tripped her way down the stairs
is not acceptable for some speakers.
7. Jackendoff provides the following example, however:
(i) The barrel rolled its way up ihe alley. (1990a; 212)
I m yself find this example unacceptable, and I suspect (hat Jackendoff may have had a per
sonification interpretation in mind because he further includes the following:
(iii) T he barrel, ponderous (as an elep h an t), w ent up the alley rolling. (1 9 9 0 a . 217)
Chapter Ten
1. An anonymous reviewer points out that showing that a phrase is not an adjunct is not
sufficient to show that it is an argument, since there exist cases of nonsernamic complements,
for instance, in raising constructions. However, it is clear that ihe complements in the present
cases are semantically constrained (cf. chapters 7 -8 ) . Therefore these cases are unlike rais
ing ca^es, and are in fact arguments.
2. Jackendoff (personal communication) has said that his intention was not to imply that
the adjunct rule was not a conventional part of grammar by saying that the adjunct rules were
interpreted "on the fly." In a more recent paper (Jackendoff 1992), he argues in fact that
Nunberg's examples are also not purely pragmatic, in the sense o f being outside of the gram
mar (cf. alsoN a 1986, and in fact Nunberg himself in Nunberg & Zaenen 1992 for arguments
that certain metonymies are language specific). Therefore, allhough it was noi made clear in
the original text, Jackendoff’s actual view is that the correspondence rules are conventional
ized pieces o f grammar.
3. A concrete proposal along these lines, albeit in a different framework, has been made
by Legendre, Miyata, and Smolensky (1991). They propose that each lest frame for unaccu-
sativity may be associated directly wiih its own semantic requirements; they further propose
that in addition each verb lexically encodes a binary syntactic feature which designates
whether the verb is unaccusative. They suggest that gram m atically is determined by allow
ing for the interaction of semantic constraints of the various constructions with the syntactic
marker of unaccusativity.
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262 Index
Hudson. R , 72, 74. 235 Langacker, R W „ 3, 6, 7, 21. 26. 28. 40. 44,
humanly relevant scene, 39-43,225 49,66,70, 101, 103, 133. 148. 175. 192.
Humboldt, W von. 68 219, 226, 230, 233,234
Hyman, L,, 113 Laughren, M „ 63
Lebeaux, D. S., 120
indirect negative evidence, 121-27, 139, 226 Legendre, G., 71, 241
inheritance, 5,67, 72,73, 81,98-100, Leibnitz. G. W „ 224
108-10, 117,226,229; complete mode, Lemmens. M., 231
73; link, 5.71-81,99-100, 108. 138.226; Le Roux, C., 23
multiple, 73,97-98,100; normal mode, Levin, B., 1.6,8, 10. 12-13, 16, 28,49,55,
73-73,98-99 60,62,63.82,85-86, 107, 111, 112-13,
inslancc link. 79-81, 138,233 122, 126-27, 134. 137, 154, 156-57, 175.
intransitive motion construction. 3. 207,218 176, 180-82, 185, 197, 200.202, 212, 217,
Israel, 240 231.234,238
Levin, L.. 112. 234
JackendolT. R.. 2,6. 14, 21, 28. .17.49, 50,57, lexical causative, 165, 174
60.62,74,76, 89, 103, 104, 110, 112. 122, lexical rule approach, 7-9, 21 - 23,39,
143, 148, 165. 169, 175, 180, 182-84, 186. 224-25.230,232
194.200, 202, 205,206. 212.214-17. Lieber, R.. 23
219-22, 234.240.241 Lindner. S.,32,44
Jakobson, R , 148 lisleme, 4, 215
Jespersen, O., 203 locative alternation, 106-7, 175-79
Johnson. D.. 32,44 Locke. J., 230
Johnson, M „ 33, 143,234
Jurafsky. t).. 5, 72-74 McCawley. J D.,6.60,87, 101. 102. 165
McClelland, J. L.,25,71
Kanerva, J., 28. 112. 217 McKoon, G., 23, 72
Kapur, S., 124 McNamara, J., 19
Karttunen, L., 14 MacWhinney, B., 67, 70. 71. 134,219
Kat/, E „ 19 Mahmoud, A. T., 234
Katz, J. J., 101 Mokkai, A., 155
Kay. M.. 74 Maldonado Soto. R., 23,219, 232
Kay. P., 4.6, 21,34, 35.49.74. 108. 110. 165. Monaster-Ramer, A „ 74, 219, 229
171,219,222, m 238 Marant/., A. P., 16. 20, 120, 138,216
Keenan. E. L.,6,49. 101. 116,219 Muratsos, M., 120
Kemmer, S., 219, 232 Matsumoto, Y., 61.65, 66,233
Keyser, S., 231 Mchombo, S. 20, 58,61, 104, 112-15, 187,
Kiparsky, P.. 28, 57 236
Kirsner, R. S., 3 merging. 58
Klein, E,. 6. 7, 14,222 Mervis. C,, 32,44, 116
Koenig, J.-P.. 4, 111,219,232 metaphorical extension, 33. 75. 81,88-89,
Kuroda, S .Y ., 229 231
Meyer, D. E., 72
Lahey, M., 41 Michaelis, L.,4,219. 232
LakofT, G.. 4, 5.6, 7. 20,21. 26-28,32. 33, middle construction, 58, 183-85
44, 60. 67, 70, 72-74, 81. 87, 97, Miller. P., 41
100-103. 118. 122, 132, 143, 165, 167. Minsky, M . 26. 31
180.219,222,230.234 Mitamura.T., 234
Lakoff. R., 102 Mithun, M., 132
Lambrecht, K „ 4, 6.43, 219, 234 Miyata, Y.. 71
Landau, B.. 18-20.45,233 Mohanan, T., 215
Lane, N., 233 Moltz. C . C . 4 2
264 Index