The Ifugao tribal people chanted the “Hudhud” as
one of their earliest traditions. They chant this when a known MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CLASSIFICATION
member of the village dies. Another instance is during harvest
season. “Hudhud” is one of the earliest written epics in the Hornbostel and Sachs Classification is a system of classifying
Philippines. musical instruments devised by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel
and Curl Sachs
1. AEROPHONES – This musical instrument itself
1. Tongatong – a bamboo tube made to sound by does not vibrate. There are no vibrating strings or
stamping. membranes. Vibrating air is responsible for
production of sound.
2. CHODRDOPHONES – “String instruments”,
including the keyboard instruments, such as pianos
and harpsichords.
3. IDIOPHONES – This group includes all percussion
2. Bungkaka or Bilbil – a bamboo instrument with a instruments except drums and some other
forked end opening. It instruments.
creates a buzzer like 4. MEMBRANOPHONES – Sound is produced by the
sound when you strike it vibration of a tightly stretched membrane, including
in your palm that is why all drums.
it is also called buzzer.