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Saggeypo – bamboo panpipes

The Cordillera
Inhabitants of the Cordillera used to settle along the
coast until they decided to live up in the mountain to elude
Spanish rule. For a living, they engaged in agriculture,
woodcarving, basket and cloth weaving. The people had faith 4. Kullitong – a polychordal bamboo tube zither.
in the anitos and when asking favors they offered animals
during rituals. They also practiced offering rituals to give
thanks and adoration. 5. Gangsa – flat gong of the cordillera people. This
instrument is played with bare hands. They perform
MUSIC OF THE CORDILLERA with a group to form an ensemble. Topayya ensemble
Life of the Cordillera people is always related to of the Kalingas is formed of six gongs in different
music. They boast of rich, varied songs, and music from their sizes.
indigenous authentic instruments. They welcome everyone on
the community to participate in their dancing, singing, and
playing musical instruments.

Cordillera music is commonly sung in unison of

pentatonic melodies since it is communal and participatory.
Along with their culture, these are handed down to the
succeeding generations through oral traditions. ** You can easily identify Cordillera music because of its
typical two sound characteristics produced by the
FUNCTIONS OF MUSIC materials used for the instruments.
Music serves as a means of communicating and
expressing their message and feelings: Instruments made of bamboos such as:
 Birth, coming of age, work, marriage and death  Flutes,
 Healing rituals  Percussion instruments, and
 Invocation of the Gods  Instruments made of metals like the gongs
 Peace pacts
 Rites of passage *** On of the famous musical instruments made of bamboo in
 Wedding and festivities the Philippines in the Las Piňas Bamboo Organ.

The Ifugao tribal people chanted the “Hudhud” as
one of their earliest traditions. They chant this when a known MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CLASSIFICATION
member of the village dies. Another instance is during harvest
season. “Hudhud” is one of the earliest written epics in the Hornbostel and Sachs Classification is a system of classifying
Philippines. musical instruments devised by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel
and Curl Sachs
1. AEROPHONES – This musical instrument itself
1. Tongatong – a bamboo tube made to sound by does not vibrate. There are no vibrating strings or
stamping. membranes. Vibrating air is responsible for
production of sound.
2. CHODRDOPHONES – “String instruments”,
including the keyboard instruments, such as pianos
and harpsichords.
3. IDIOPHONES – This group includes all percussion
2. Bungkaka or Bilbil – a bamboo instrument with a instruments except drums and some other
forked end opening. It instruments.
creates a buzzer like 4. MEMBRANOPHONES – Sound is produced by the
sound when you strike it vibration of a tightly stretched membrane, including
in your palm that is why all drums.
it is also called buzzer.

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