Bstudy17 PDF
Bstudy17 PDF
Bstudy17 PDF
Course, Copyright © 1997, reproduce this lesson, as the life of man as well as of animals. For example, in Genesis 1:24
i sh
1999, 2000 is, for the furtherance of nephesh is translated “creature” to refer to animals. And nephesh
9. For whom did God prepare the everlasting fire? The death James is talking about is the eternal death that is the
The idea that sin does not deprive us of life came from Satan, the Matthew 25:41 wages of sin. Again, the only hope of eternal life for anyone to
enemy of souls. That was his first lie, which he has perpetuated  experience is through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Apart from
since the Fall. Him we must all face eternal death.
4. What is (1) the wages of sin, and (2) God’s gift to mankind 14. When will the believers experience immortality?
in Christ? Romans 6:23 According to the clear teachings of the Bible, the word 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
“everlasting fire” does not mean that the fire itself is everlasting
 but rather its effect is eternal. This fire is prepared only for the Â
devil and his angels. By rejecting the gift of life in Christ, the lost
 have chosen to be eternally destroyed with Satan and his angels.
It is only at the Second Coming of Christ that believers will
10. What example does Scripture give of this eternal or experience immortality as a tangible reality. This is the blessed
Please notice that “the wages of sin” is the opposite of “the gift of everlasting fire? Jude 7 hope of all believers.
God.” The former is good-bye to life forever while the latter is
eternal life. Â 15. How did Christ describe the death of Lazarus to His
disciples? John 11:11-14
5. Who only has natural immortality? 1 Timothy 6:12-16
 Today Sodom and Gomorrah lie in ashes. The destruction of these
two wicked cites by eternal fire has been recorded as a warning to
mankind that all who turn their backs on God’s gift of life in Christ
will experience the same fate. Jesus described the death of Lazarus as a sleep. The Bible
The “Who” is referring to Christ, the Son of God. Only God has
describes this as the first death since everyone experiences this
natural immortality. But because God “so loved the world,” He 11. What happens to the soul that sins? Ezekiel 18:20 death. It is only at the Second Advent of Christ that believers will
offers mankind the gift of immortality through His Son Jesus
 experience the joy of eternal life.
6. What two things did Christ accomplish in His death and 16. What claim did Jesus make to Martha, the sister
resurrection? 2 Timothy 1:10 of Lazarus? John 11:25
Here is a clear statement of Scripture, that if a soul sins, it will die. Â
 By the word “soul,” the Bible means the total person. Then, the
 wages of sin is death or good-bye to life of the total person.