Course EDST5803 Assessment 1
Course EDST5803 Assessment 1
Course EDST5803 Assessment 1
Consider a past or present school in which you work/ed or attended and write
a program evaluation report that could be hypothetically (or actually if
appropriate) presented to the school executive/leaders. Use the course
readings provided for the first four weeks on Moodle to evaluate your school
program. A case study school policy is provided in the Assessment section of
Moodle for those who may not have access to a school (have never taught
before or have had a long break - alternatively you could draw on a school you
have attended, or your prac schools).
1. Utilise research from Moodle AND your own research. Provide
comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the research and its implications
for your context.
Lecturer Date
Recommended: /20 (FL PS CR DN HD) Weighting: 40%
NB: The ticks in the various boxes are designed to provide feedback to students; they are not given equal weight
in determining the recommended grade. Depending on the nature of the assessment task, lecturers may also
contextualize and/or amend these specific criteria. The recommended grade is tentative only, subject to
standardisation processes and approval by the School of Education Learning and Teaching Committee.