Course EDST5803 Assessment 1

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Assessment 1

Gifted Program Evaluation (Problem finding)   DUE: 11 March 2020, 5pm   

Word Length: 2500 words    Weight: 40%

Consider a past or present school in which you work/ed or attended and write
a program evaluation report that could be hypothetically (or actually if
appropriate) presented to the school executive/leaders. Use the course
readings provided for the first four weeks on Moodle to evaluate your school
program. A case study school policy is provided in the Assessment section of
Moodle for those who may not have access to a school (have never taught
before or have had a long break - alternatively you could draw on a school you
have attended, or your prac schools).

Structure and content:

1. Executive Summary (brief overview of the findings of the report)

2. Introduction - establish the purpose of the report and the context of the
school including the type of gifted students present (if known).
3. Literature Review - explore the research on the key programming
strategies of ability/achievement grouping, acceleration, mentoring and
counselling, evaluate the weight of evidence, and examine controversies
in the research, along with possible explanations for discrepancies in
the research.
4. Discussion - evaluate the school’s strengths and weaknesses in regard
to its gifted program (how your school conforms to or breaches the best
practice found in your research)
5. Conclusion - summarise the main problem areas for the school gifted
program that need addressing

* Keep your school identity private

1. Utilise research from Moodle AND your own research.  Provide
comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the research and its implications
for your context.

2. Use APA to acknowledge research and literature, including a reference list.

3. Structure your response like an essay style response, with an introduction,

body and conclusion.

4. The literature review section is NOT an annotated bibliography!  A

literature review involves broad research of current primary research papers
and a synthesis of the research findings and literature guidance.

5. Adhere to word limits +/- 10%.

6. No need for an abstract - the executive summary is sufficient.

7. Avoid over quoting or heavy reliance on one text.

8. High marks are given to those who demonstrate deep understanding of
research trends and weight of evidence, provide detailed evaluation of the
school, and relevant application to the school context and students.

9. Explore conflicting research to be balanced in your response - consider the

data and discuss how you reconcile conflict.

Student Name: Student No.:

Assessment Task: Program Evaluation


Understanding of the question or issue and the key concepts involved
 Exhibits accurate and elaborated breadth and depth of understanding of the key
concepts in the course.
 Applies theory to school context and acknowledges complexities around practical
applications of research.
Depth of analysis and/or critique in response to the task
 Presents insightful and accurate interpretation of the research evidence; establishes
strengths and weaknesses of research; and presents an in-depth analysis and
evaluation of major points of view.
 Effectively reflects on and evaluates teaching practices and school-wide
programming for gifted students.
Familiarity with and relevance of professional and/or research literature used to
support response
 Uses sources that are relevant to educational needs of gifted students and effective
programming strategies.
 Demonstrates thorough understanding of the key issues and findings of the research
and literature. research pertaining to the educational needs of gifted students and
appropriate programming for gifted students.
Structure and organisation of response
 All expectations and conventions followed for a formal report, with all expected
attributes present and creatively interpreted to suit personal style and specific
execution of the task. A unique but appropriate presentation of work.
 Highly organised and easy to follow. All information is clear, highly appropriate, and
consistently correct.
Presentation of response according to appropriate academic and linguistic
 Clear, consistent and appropriate use of conventions for quoting, paraphrasing,
attributing sources, and listing references.
 Clear and appropriate use of sentence structure, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation
and word length.

Lecturer Date
Recommended: /20 (FL PS CR DN HD) Weighting: 40%

NB: The ticks in the various boxes are designed to provide feedback to students; they are not given equal weight
in determining the recommended grade. Depending on the nature of the assessment task, lecturers may also
contextualize and/or amend these specific criteria. The recommended grade is tentative only, subject to
standardisation processes and approval by the School of Education Learning and Teaching Committee.

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