Magnet Retained Overdenture A Case Report PDF
Magnet Retained Overdenture A Case Report PDF
Magnet Retained Overdenture A Case Report PDF
Case Report
Magnet retained Overdenture: A case report
Dr. Ronak N. Patel1*, Dr. Sarvesh S. Patel2, Dr. Rajesh Sethuraman3, Dr. Tamanna Chhabra4, Dr. Ninad Bhatt5,
Dr. Jatan Patel6
Post Graduate part III, K. M. Shah Dental College, Sumandeep Vidhyapeth,Vadodara, Gujarat, India
MDS, K. M. Shah Dental College, Sumandeep Vidhyapeth,Vadodara, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding author
Dr. Ronak N. Patel
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Recent advances in dentistry have enabled different treatment options in prosthetic dentistry, one of them is in
relation to magnets which are available in small size and with strong attractive force. This magnets can be used for
overdenture attachments which increases the stability of denture and reduces the lateral forces on abutment tooth.
Rationale for tooth supported overdenture are to preserve the alveolar bone and proprioception feedback. Proprioception
of periodontal ligament helps to sense position and movements of mandible, it prevents excessive occlusal load and also
improves masticatory performance. Magnet retained overdenture may also be an alternative option for abutments with
reduced periodontal support. There are different types of magnetic attachments available commercially. Here in this case
report magnetic attachment of megfit is used for overdenture.
Keywords: magnet, overdenture, pattern resin.
Magnets have been used previously to stabilize On the basis of the clinical findings, the different
the prosthesis in patient with advanced alveolar bone treatment options possible for this patient were.
resorption[3]. During initial period Al-Ni-Co magnets 1. Extraction of remaining teeth followed by
were used which were replaced later by samarium- conventional complete denture.
cobalt (Sm-Co) magnets. As Sm-Co magnets were 2. Cast partial denture with or without
fragile they were substituted by neodymium-iron-boron attachments
magnet which are the commonly used in today’s
Ronak N. Patel et al., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-1 (Dec-Feb, 2015), pp-1-5
Fig-1a & 1b: Intra oral view of maxillary and mandibular ach.
The case was planned to receive tooth was made using medium fusing impression compound
supported overdenture using magnets. Root canal and mandibular arch was made using irreversible
treatment done in all remaining teeth. The location of hydrocolloid (Fig.2a). Than cast was obtained 1mm
the remaining teeth was favourable for an overdenture. spacer was applied on mandibular cast and 0.5 mm
A diagnostic jaw relation was taken to analyzethe spacer was applied on maxillary cast and special tray
amount of space available for any attachment. The was fabricated.
space was found to be sufficient for using magnetic
attachments. Primary impression of the maxillary arch
After confirming from the patient about the teeth as abutments and fabricate an overdenture with
treatment options, it was decided to use the remaining metal copings and magnetic attachments owing to the
Ronak N. Patel et al., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-1 (Dec-Feb, 2015), pp-1-5
obvious advantages of the retention of the roots. and shiny surface was towards the occlusion plane.
Attachment selected was MAGFIT DX 600 (Fig. 3) This procedure was done in tooth number 34 and 44. In
closed field type of size 4mm × 1.2mm depending on tooth number 35 only coping was planned. Resin
the available space. There are different sizes available pattern for metal copings was fabricated for tooth
for these attachments. Attachments were planned in 44 number 35(Fig.5) (pattern resin from GC, America).The
and 34 and metal copings on tooth number 35. patterns were invested and casted as per manufactures
. recommendations for magnetic attachments. The
The aburtment tooth height was about same as castings were removed and carefully inspected for any
the gingival margin. A bevel around the circumference casting defects the castings were carefully trimmed and
was made. Surface shape of the root tooth was concave. polished before cementation of the cast posts with
Post space preparation (Fig.4) was 5 degree tapper and keepers(Fig.6), the tooth canal was carefully
5 mm in length 0.7mm anti-rotational groove with conditioned and irrigated using sodium hypochlorite.
straight was made to prevent the rotation of the root The metal coping and cast posts containing keepers
cap. Post space impression was made with pattern resin were carefully cemented using Resin modified Glass
and keeper was incorporated in the pattern. Dimpled Ionomer cement .Excess cement was carefully removed
surface of the magnet was facing toward the post space without disturbing the cemented prosthesis.
Fig-3: Magfit DX 600 magnets. Fig-4: Tooth reduction and post space preparation.
Fig-5a & 5b: Resin pattern of post space canal with magnet keeper attachment.
Ronak N. Patel et al., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-1 (Dec-Feb, 2015), pp-1-5
Fig-6a & 6b: Casted metal coping with magnetic keeper attachment.
Fig-7: Positioning of the magnet on keeper in mouth for pick-up. Fig-8: Magnet incorporated in denture.
Fig-9: Frontal view of denture intraorally. Fig-10: Post operative view of patient.
Border molding using low fusing compound necessary adjacent were made. Border extensions and
was done for mandibular arch and maxillary arch. occlusion were checked. To incorporate magnets in the
Maxillary final wash impression was taken with zinc denture, the area on the impression surface of the
oxide eugenol paste. And for mandibular arch wash mandibular denture corresponding to 34 and 44 region
impression was taken with the polyvinyl Siloxane light where magnets were need to be placed was scraped to
body(Fig 2b). Both impressions were carefully poured make space for magnets. The magnets were positioned
in dental stone and final casts were obtained. Occlusal on the keepers in the mouth(Fig.7). Resin was added to
rims were fabricated on final cast and Jaw relation was the scraped area and the mandibular denture was placed
done. After taking a face bow record and mounting the over the magnets in mouth underproper occlusion. After
rims on the articulator, teeth were arranged and try in the resin was set, denture was removed with the
was done after the approval of try in by the patient, the magnets picked up in the mandibular denture(Fig.8).
denture was processed using Heat cure acrylic resin. Excess resin was trimmed and denture polished. After
Further steps of jaw relation, facebow record, polishing the denture was again placed
articulation, arrangement of teeth, try in and fabrication intraorally(Fig.9) and checked for comfort, occlusion
of denture done by conventional method of fabrication and retention. Patient was instructed how to wear and
of conventional denture. The dentures were carefully remove the denture, on denture maintenance and oral
trimmed and polished after retrieving from the flasks. hygiene as well. Patient was recalled after 24hrs, after 7
Dentures were inserted in patient’s mouth and days and after 15 days. On recall it was observed that
Ronak N. Patel et al., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-1 (Dec-Feb, 2015), pp-1-5
patient was satisfied with his new dentures and was able
to masticate properly. Compare to conventional partial dentures,
magnetic overdentures are more stable, retentive and
DISCUSSION easily removed and seated [9-10]. Magnetic
Overdenture is a kind of treatment option attachments facilitate oral hygiene because retentive
which anchors the denture to the abutment to provide areas of the dental biofilm are smaller [11].
better retention, support and stability and also increases Overdentures supported by magnet attachment achieve
the oral health related quality of life of the patients. greater satisfaction.
Previously repelling force of magnets also have been
used to prevent dislodgement by embedding magnet in CONCLUSION
posterior teeth of maxillary complete denture and with Overdentures supported by magnet attachment
repelling magnet in mandibular denture. So as they achieve greater satisfaction. Magnet retain over denture
come in close approximation magnet in upper denture gives better retention, stability, comfort and fit of the
repels the magnet of lower denture to prevent denture. The technical simplicity, the usefulness for
dislodgement[4]. geriatric and handicapped patients, the increased control
of jaw function trough the maintained periodontal
Early attempts for using attractive force of ligament and the physiological action of magnetic
magnet between 2 magnets for denture retention was forces in the tooth axis are arguments for the use of
reported in the early 1960s for denture retention were magnets. Magnet-retained overdenture preserving
unsuccessful due to mainly because of the large size of natural abutment teeth has better proprioception and
magnets at that time and the inadequate forces [5-6]. satisfaction, and also is psychologically beneficial as
Now a days use of rare earth magnets such as Sm-Co the patient had not undergone extraction.
and Nd-Fe-B which come in small enough dimensions
to be used in dental applications and still provide the REFERENCES
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