Life and Works of DR Muhammad Hamidullah An Overvi
Life and Works of DR Muhammad Hamidullah An Overvi
Life and Works of DR Muhammad Hamidullah An Overvi
Samee-Ullah Bhat
Shah-i-Hamadan Institute of Islamic Studies University of Kashmir
[email protected]
A. Introduction
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was one of those towering
scholars of the Indo-Pak subcontinent who left great impact on
the Muslim world through his significant contributions to the
fundamental sciences of Islam and sincere services to the society
at large. Although, he belonged to Hyderabad (A P, India) but he
passed major parts of his life in Paris occupying himself with
delivering lectures and writing books on the important aspects
of the Islamic sciences (Qur’an, Hadith, and Fiqh). It goes to his
credit that he had command on different well-known languages
of the world including Arabic, Persian, Urdu, English, and French
and was also familiar with Turkish, Russian, Latin and German
languages. In the field of Islamic history and Sirah, his works
are mainly related to the Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
in French, English and Urdu. The significant contribution of Dr.
Hamidullah to Sirah literature is that he has written on such
aspects of Sirah which were not touched by other scholars. With
regard to the Sirah literature another significant contribution
was collection and compilation of the documents of the times of
Prophet (SAW) which included the text of his letters and that of
his agreements with the people of Makkah and different tribes of
Madinah and adjoining areas. In this research paper, an attempt
has been made to describe an overview of his life and major works
on Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in an analytical way.
B. Discussion
1. Life of Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah: A Brief Overview
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was born in an illustrious
family of scholars, jurists, writers and Sufis. His father, Mufti
Abu Muhammad Khalilullah, was a scholar of considerable
accomplishments. He migrated from Madras to Hyderabad where
he was appointed director of the revenue Department and set
the last part of the work, dealing with the neutrality, to print
and get the degree. The topic of his thesis was Die Neutralitat im
Islamischen Volkerrecht (Neutrality in Islamic International Law).
After spending some time in Germany, he came to Paris in
1934 where he registered at the Sorbonne University for another
doctoral degree on an allied subject “Early Muslim Diplomacy”. In
a short period of eleven months, Sorbonne University conferred
on him the degree of D. Litt. The full title of his dissertation is
La diplomatie musulmane a I’epoque du Prophete et des Khalifes
Orthodoxe (Muslim diplomacy in the time of the Prophet of Islam
and his orthodox successors).
In recognition of his outstanding ability and proficiency in
several oriental languages, he was appointed a lecturer in Arabic
and Urdu at Bonn University (
Febobti2y4.html). Before his stay in Europe, Hamidullah had
an opportunity to visit Istanbul. He visited the famous libraries
and museums of Istanbul and saw thousands of rare Islamic
manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages.
In 1985 CE, he was awarded Hilal-e-Imtiaz, the highest civilian
award of Pakistan as a token of appreciation for his outstanding services
to the cause of Islam. The award included a substantial monetary
amount. But he donated the whole award money to Islamic Research
Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad, in recognition of
which the Institute named its library after Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah.
He was nominated for the prestigious King Faisal Award, but he
declined it saying that “he feared that if he were to accept any worldly
reward for his modest work, he may not get his due in the hereafter
and be left with only his sins in his book of deeds and, therefore, ‘I
keep telling everyone I don’t want these awards” (Ahmad, 2003: 20).
Dr. Hamidullah’s selflessness and complete detachment from worldly
allurement was reminiscent of the example set by the Muslim scholars
and sages of earlier times.
C. Conclusion
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Dr.
Muhammad Hamidullah was one of those eminent scholars of the
Indo-Pak subcontinent of the modern times who is well known
for his prominent contributions all over the world. It goes to
the credit of Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah that he has left more
than 150 published books and thousands of research papers
and articles in different languages. Dr. Hamidullah, a leading and
distinguished figure of contemporary times devoted his works
to Sirah and Islamic history. His edited manuscript of Sirah Ibn
Ishaq is an outstanding contribution to make the classical Sirah